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Issue 26- Monday 17th February 2020

February 17, 2020 • fshe556



Kia ora koutou

There are some great seminars and activities coming up, as listed below. In addition,  Professor Ian Bailey and Associate Professor Wolfram Dressler are visiting from Plymouth and Melbourne, respectively, next week and will present a seminar on a topic of their choice in the broad area of Environmental Management. You are all welcome to attend these lectures and engage with each presenter.

  • Professor Ian Bailey: 2.30-3.30pm Wednesday 26th February, 302-G20 (case room). Bio and abstract to be distributed presently.
  • Associate Professor Wolfram Dressler: 9-10am Thursday 27th February 302-G053. See here for bio and abstract.

Note that the venues may change – I will send an email out closer to the scheduled times if this occurs.

We have a good morning in store for us at ENV Kaupapa 2020 (10.30-1.30 Wednesday 26 February), including short presentations on RSL experiences from those who have just arrived back from their time away. Please arrive at the Decima Glenn Room, 260-310 OGGB ahead of time so that we can make a good start.

Have a great couple of weeks in the lead up to teaching!

Ngā mihi


Whakawhanaungatanga – communities

Please check the latest EAP flyer here:

  • Tips on starting the day and feeling motivated
  • Reflecting on 2019 with positive acknowledgment and thoughts
  • Saying “Yes” when you want to say “No” and vice versa
  • Learn about GRIT with the new EAP App

The Geography Auckland (NZGS Auckland) newsletter

The Auckland branch of NZGS promotes the activities of geographers and the development of the discipline in the Auckland region. It has proven an effective platform for hosting and sponsoring public seminars and workshops, and talks by prominent local and international geographers; running competitions for schools; providing opportunities for young geographers to attend conferences; and for bringing geographers together to discuss issues of public and disciplinary concern. Click here to read more.

The School of Environment Māori Masters Thesis Scholarship

Current application round extended until 20 February

As no applications for this scholarship were received by the original January closing date, this round has been extended until 20 February 2020.

Recent eligible Hons and PGDip graduates have already been contacted, but if you know a student from previous years, or from elsewhere, who is eligible and may be interested to undertake Masters thesis study in the School, please contact them urgently and encourage them to apply.

This Scholarship provides up to $5,000 plus compulsory fees, and may be awarded to Māori students enrolling in full-time or part-time study in a Master of Arts or Master of Science thesis in Geography, or a Master of Science thesis in Earth Sciences, Environmental Management, Environmental Science or Geophysics. The basis of selection will be academic merit, with a minimum GPA/GPE of 4.00 or above in the applicant’s most recent qualifying programme required for consideration for the Scholarship.

The Scholarship may not be held in conjunction with a University of Auckland Research Masters Scholarship or a University of Auckland Māori Postgraduate Scholarship, automatically granted to students with a GPA of 7.5 or above, and particularly targets students who do not quite reach that threshold.

For further details see:

Staff training to work with Māori and Pacific peoples

Enabling cultural capability: building confidence, awareness and understanding for those working with Māori and Pacific peoples

This project will build the cultural capacity of the School of Environment staff to understand and work with Māori and Pacific knowledges and peoples.  Policies within the University and external organisations require staff to acknowledge the unique cultural attributes of Māori and Pacific peoples in Aotearoa New Zealand; however, staff often feel they lack the ability to do so. This project will provide staff with opportunities to redress this. In a series of meetings and workshops (facilitated by external cultural experts) throughout 2020, staff will be supported to transform their teaching and/or research practices.

This project will be relevant to those staff who are working with Māori and Pacific students, applying for external grants within Aotearoa New Zealand, engaged in fieldwork that is of relevance to Māori and Pacific communities, and those considering promotion/continuation, among others.

This project is funded by a University of Auckland Learning Enhancement Grant.

School of Environment Shared morning tea

Monday 16th March, 10.30- 11.30am, 302-6th floor

Please bring a plate of food to share which reminds you of home.

Kua takoto te mānuka – The challenge has been set!

The Aotearoa Bike Challenge is in full swing and the University of Auckland is currently leading the pack in Auckland!

 Sign up now

Register with the University of Auckland team and see if your department is already involved. If not, you can create a new profile for your department. By signing up you’ll be part of the University’s team competing with other workplaces in Auckland, but also in a “just for fun” challenge between departments. If you like, you can use the website all year round to log your cycling.

 Help us rack up the points

Users get points for kilometers ridden, the number of days ridden, and the number of people encouraged. Here’s how you get encourager points: when someone signs up and logs their first ride for the Challenge a prompt pops up and asks them to identify whether someone in particular encouraged them. If they identify you as their encourager, then you get points!
1km = 1 point
1 day = 10 points
1 existing rider = 50 points
1 new rider = 100 points


Simply logging one ride in February puts you in the draw to win a range of goodies! Check out the prizes page to see what is on offer, along with the details of exclusive discounts for bike challenge participants. As always, we also have some special prizes for University of Auckland participants. Log one ride and you will automatically go into the draw to win one of three 3-month memberships to the new gym facility at 70 Stanley Street. Encourage a colleague to ride and you will go into the draw to win an eco-hamper. To be eligible for this, you and the person you encourage must both log a ride during February and the person must nominate you as their official encourager on the website.

Prizes will be drawn on Monday 2 March.

 E-bike testing

Last year we had strong interest in e-bike rides and we hosted several trips on Te Ara I Whiti, the Lightpath. This year, we are working with Auckland Transport and e-bike suppliers to offer some similar events. One is scheduled to be held at Auckland Domain on Wednesday 19 February, and will be ideal for staff based at Grafton and Newmarket. We are about to confirm dates for tests on Grafton Gully cycleway and a potential event for Epsom Campus. Regardless, there will be limited places for these events, so get in quick! Register your interest by filling out this form and we will be in touch in due course.

 Yammer group

The UoA Bike User Group is one of the most active groups on Yammer. Administrated by Property Services, it is a discussion forum for all things cycling. If you would like to stay in the loop, join the group here.

 For queries, contact Charlotte Blythe from the Sustainability Office.

Meetings, seminars and events

Save the date:  ENV Seminar: 25th of February 1pm-2pm, 302-140.

Join us on Tuesday the 25th of February from 1pm to 2pm to learn about the fantastic research your colleagues do. All staff members and students from the School of Environment are warmly invited to attend this second School of Environment Seminar. We will run the seminars every three months and every time we will have three presenters from different disciplines from the School of Environment.

In the upcoming ENV Seminar, we will have three presenters who are new or relatively new additions to the School.

Volcanology, Geochemistry, & Petrology Research Group

The volcanology, geochemistry, & petrology research group (VGP) meets during the semester. Our meetings for the first semester of 2020 will begin on 10 March 2020 at 9 am in 303-G16. In the meantime, we would like to introduce our new webmaster David Farsky who is taking over now that Mai Sas has submitted. If you have any updates (including new students or projects) you would like to see on the website or would like to contribute a blog post, please email him ( Sophia is in the midst of finalising speakers for the semester; please check the next P-cube edition for an announcement. (She is also delighted to receive offers of talks from potential speakers!) As always, everyone is welcome to attend our meetings. For more information, please see our website: See you soon!

Earth Sciences Bickie briefing

Earth Sciences Bickie briefing is every Thursday morning at 10.30am in the Level 6 break out space. It’s a chance to share announcements, get updates on academic and research events and deadlines, and share highlights from the past week. All postgrads and staff welcome.

Ako – Teaching and Learning

Examiners’ Meetings

Please note that dates for Examiners’ Meetings may be found here:

·         Semester 1 Examiners’ Meetings

·         Semester 2 Examiners’ Meetings note the changes since last posting, please remove the old dates and kindly add the new ones to your calendar

Ako Innovation Committee: Teaching & Learning Fund 2020

The purpose of this fund is to promote the development of innovative teaching and learning practices within the School of Environment which promote a culture of teaching excellence. These funds will be distributed in one contestable round, with grants of up to $6000. The total pool of funds available in 2020 is $12000. Grants to individuals or groups of teaching active staff will be used to fund small-scale teaching initiatives that have an impact on teaching practice for the benefit of learners.

 All applications should be received by 21/02/2020 by noon.

 See Ako Innovation Committee Teaching & Learning Fund: Grant Guidelines and 2020 Application Form for AKO Teaching and Learning Innovation Grant.

 Any questions please contact Mel Wall.

Rangahau – Research

Respecting River Diversity

Working at the interface between river science and management, Professor Brierley recently co-authored a short 

research communication on “Respecting River Diversity” for The Australian River Restoration Centre Magazine. Details can be found at:

Meetings, seminars and events

Title: Regional to reservoir stress-induced seismic azimuthal anisotropy

Presented by Lisa Gavin, Woodside Energy, Perth, Australia

Date: Friday, 6 March
Time: 2 – 3 PM
Venue: 303 – G14

You can find the flyer here.

Title: Automating seismic data analysis and interpretation

Presented by Sergey Fomel, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA

Date: Monday, 30 March
Time: 12 PM
Venue: 303 – G16

You can find the flyer here 

Research and Funding Opportunities

Catalyst:  Seeding

Catalyst: Seeding facilitates new small and medium pre-research strategic partnerships with international collaborators that cannot be supported through other means.  Funding is for research exchanges, research activities, and expenses related to hosting workshops for new strategic research partnerships with international collaborators.

Value:  A maximum of $80,000 over 2 years

Deadline: Wednesday 15 April, 5 pm

Terms and conditions, and more information can be found here.  If you are interested in applying, please let your RPC know as you will need to register on the portal.

Catalyst: Leaders

Catalyst: Leaders supports incoming and outgoing targeted international fellowships for exceptional individuals that cannot be supported through other means:

·         International Leader Fellowships: Supports exceptional individuals from any country outside New Zealand to catalyse science and innovation capability development in New Zealand for a minimum of 4 weeks per year for up to 3 years. 

Value:  Up to $50,000 per annum for 3 years

·         New Zealand – China Scientist Exchange Programme:  Supports the development of research linkages with China by enabling early or mid-career New Zealand researchers to visit Chinese research organisations for 4 weeks to collaborate in jointly agreed research fields

Value:  $3000 travel grant + daily allowance and accommodation/domestic travel in China

·         JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships:  Supports excellent post-doctoral researchers to do research in Japan for 12-24 months.

Deadline:  Wednesday 15 April, 5pm

Terms and conditions, and more information can be found here.  If you are interested in applying, please let your RPC know as you will need to register on the portal.

Pacific Development and Conservation Trust

The purpose of the Trust is to promote sustainable development in the Pacific and New Zealand, while conserving the natural environment and cultural heritage of its people.  Projects must benefit people or communities of the Pacific countries or territories.

Value: Grants range from $2000 to $50,000 (there is no minimum or maximum, the trust has about $250,000 to give as grants each year)

Deadline: Monday 2 March 2020

Terms and conditions, and more information can be found here.

Te Tahua Taiao Ngā Taonga – Lottery Environment and Heritage grants

Lottery Environment and Heritage grants are available for projects that will help protect, conserve or care for our natural, cultural and physical heritage, or allow us to better understand and access these resources.

Value:  Small projects, where the grant requested is for less than $250,000 and large projects where the grant requested is for $250,000 or more

Deadline:  Monday 24 February, 5pm

Terms and conditions, and more information can be found here

New publications

  1. Cardona, S., Wood, L.J., Dugan, B., Jobe, Z. and Strachan, L.J. (2020) Characterization of the Rapanui Mass-Transport Deposit and the Basal Shear Zone: Mount Messenger Formation, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand. Sedimentology, DOI: 10.1111/sed.12697.
  2. Bull, S., Arnot, M.J., Browne G.H., Crundwell M.P., Nicol, A., Strachan, L.J. (2020) Neogene and Quaternary mass transport deposits from northern Taranaki, New Zealand: morphologies, transportation processes, and depositional controls. In: Submarine landslides: subaqueous mass transport deposits from outcrops to seismic profiles, Geophysical Monograph, 246, AGU, 171-180.
  3. Cowan R. Nokes, Helen C. Bostock, Lorna J. Strachan, Mark Hadfield, Phil Barnes (2019) Sediment Dynamics of the North Canterbury Shelf, New Zealand. NZ Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. DOI: 10.1080/00288330.2019.1699584.
  4. Melissa J. Craig, Jaco H. Baas, Kathryn J. Amos, Lorna J. Strachan, Andrew J. Manning, David M. Paterson, Julie A. Hope, Scott D. Nodder, Megan L. Baker (2019) Biomediation of sediment gravity flow dynamics. Geology. DOI: 10.1130/G46837.1.


Job opening – REGIONAL COORDINATOR for Our Seas Our Future – AUCKLAND

Role type: Volunteer

Role scope: Regional Leadership

Role time requirement: 2 hours per

Regional Coordinator Role Description:

A challenging leadership role
designed to provide experience in building and coordinating teams, and project

Purpose Statement: To lead and
coordinate environmental conservation events, projects, and volunteers on
behalf of OSOF within respective regional areas.

For a detailed role description
click here:

About Our Seas Our Future:

Our Seas
Our Future is a 100% volunteer-run and non-profit marine conservation
organisation based in Aotearoa.

Mission Statement: Our Seas Our Future aims to protect New Zealand’s coastal and
marine ecosystems through advocacy, education, and environmental stewardship,
ensuring that they are managed sustainably and protected for future generations.


If you are looking for a
challenging and rewarding leadership role, please contact Noel Jhinku at
or with a CV and a cover letter outlining your interest.

Please also circulate this email to
others who may be interested in this opportunity. 




Copy deadline for next edition of P-cubed: Friday 28th February, 1pm to Farnaz:

Categories: Uncategorised

One opinion on “Issue 26- Monday 17th February 2020

  1. Geophysics is a branch of Planet sciences that utilizes physical sensations to remotely photo as well as qualify the subsurface, with applications in gas, geophysics perth

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