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Issue 58 – Monday 21st June 2021

June 21, 2021 • mtal504



At our recent School retreat day, I took a risk. Would it seem ridiculous? Would it not? A while back when I pondered aloud what to include in the day, Joe Fagan had said to me “ I’d love to know more about my colleagues and what they love to do outside of work….”. I gave it a go. It became a half hour exercise. In twos are threes we told each other something of what we enjoy getting up to when we’re not working. Then told the group at large. Gardening, pets, outdoor pursuits, and trying not to work seemed to feature prominently.

Just as scheduling this activity involved trust on my part (that it wouldn’t fall flat) so too each person needed to trust (that speaking about themselves out-of-role would be appreciated). I think it worked. We now know just a little more of what makes each other tick and what recharges our batteries so to speak.

In a recent opinion piece in the New York Times (June 10th), David Brooks writes of the importance of trust in the workplace.  He suggests some practices that build trust including:

  • Assume excellence. The more you monitor your employees’ behaviour, the more distrusted they will feel;
  • Discourage cliques. A team that has split into different subcultures is bound to become a team in which distrust thrives;
  • Maximum feasible vulnerability. Screw-ups are, paradoxically, opportunities to build trust, so long as you admit error and are clear about what you’ve learned and what you’re doing to change;
  • Give away power. Hierarchies of power are usually suspect. Leaders earn trust by spreading authority through the ranks”.

This all makes good sense. As I read on, I saw ways in which our School already enacts versions of most of these practices. However, the exhortation that spoke to me most in Brooks’ commentary comprised just three words: “Be more human”.

We clearly don’t need to know everything about each other (and horrors if we did!). Nonetheless I feel Brooks is onto something here. He says the conventional ‘old-school’ separation of personal life from professional life is outdated. Maintaining such a distinction risks us operating as cardboard cut-outs of ourselves in the workplace.

I experienced an example of trust in the last week. The prompt was exploring possible guidelines for research that might unintentionally cause offense, especially to Māori. For generations of western scientists, a rock or a river have each been simply what they appear to be: material, inanimate and potential ‘resources’. What’s been overlooked is that some see the world very differently: even rocks and rivers can be alive, embodying connection with ancestors. That day, four of us from different professional worlds within the School talked and listened to each other carefully and agreed on a way forward. A trusting of vantage points. Kanohi ki te kanohi: unremarkable but significant moments in the building of trust.

Of course, I shouldn’t be surprised. Historically the university as a concept is built on collegiality, defined as “companionship and cooperation between colleagues who share responsibility”. Certainly, trust can and has been corroded at times. Maybe that’s in the flawed nature of human institutions. But as I daily click ‘approved’ on travel and grant applications, I do so often in the absence of full insight into context or rationale. I trust. And, to an extent, we must trust if a functional community in the School is to continue to grow and thrive.

More specifically, on the horizon this week,

  • This Friday is ‘last call’ for comments to JR on the School Review narrative draft.
  • Exam-marking continues, so thanks for your forbearance with adapting to the new platform.
  • The annual promotions round is approaching, so if you are planning to apply, please take advantage of advertised workshops and let me know of your plans.
  • Nick Lewis assumes oversight of the Postgraduate portfolio as of 1st July and Jenny Salmond passed the baton to Karen Fisher as Head of Geography at the same time.

I’ve doubtless forgotten something, but I trust you will understand. We are all but human. And, as those at the Retreat day will now know, at this mid-winter time, I’ve probably been distracted thinking of next season’s tomatoes. 

Robin Kearns

Whakawhanugatanga – Communities

RTEA Notice

RTEA just received university clubs funding for 22 A1 posters that display cool maps/images/anything interesting of student work. We will be displaying these around the SoE postgrad offices and wheeling them out for academic-focused events and for student outreach. If you have anything interesting you would like printed on an A1 poster and displayed (e.g. geologic map) of student work, please email us at

Rehoming greyhounds no sure bet for animal welfare issues

Emily Stevens (Geography PhD student), Tom Baker and Nick Lewis published an opinion piece questioning the greyhound racing industry’s reliance on ‘rehoming’ greyhounds. Rehoming is a key part of the industry’s social licence, but its shortcomings are not well understood. With a review of the greyhound racing industry set to conclude soon, the piece attracted significant attention, including an invitation to feed into the review.

Social media

Don´t forget to share your research stories with ENV Communications for diffusion on our social media! A new paper, workshop, seminar, appearance in the media, excursion, student success, new project, impact story etc… Just send a couple of lines and we will take care of the rest!
For those on Twitter: @envUoA

Events & Seminars

MBIE Endeavour – UniServices/ORSI Seminar series.

  • Research Impact sessions – Tuesday 29th June (12pm-1pm):

Research Impact Manager, Dr Faith Welch, will be hosting a webinar to give you practical advice on how to plan your MBIE Endeavour funding application to achieve maximum impact. She will cover how to describe the benefits of your research, and how to develop an implementation plan to ensure those benefits can occur.

Registration link:

  • Government Engagement – 5 July (11am – 12pm):

Rebecca Adams, Director Government Relations, Auckland UniServices, will be hosting a webinar to give you a general overview and practical advice on how to plan for successful Government engagement in an MBIE Endeavour funding context and focussing on other funding opportunities in Government that might also be relevant. She will cover how to engage with Government, with tips on framing of opportunities, how to stand out in a crowded landscape and latest information on what MBIE people really want.  

Registration link:

  • Responsiveness 2 Māori: Vision Matauranga and your MBIE proposal 1st July (1pm-2pm)

This webinar will provide you with advice on ways to demonstrate how your MBIE Endeavour funding application is responding to the Vision Mātauranga policy.  

Registration link:

There are also a limited number of 1:1 sessions with Faith, Rebecca and Jaylene available.  If you wish to meet with them, please get in touch with your RPC.

2021 Smartphone video workshop

After the great success of last year workshop, we are planning another workshop to learn how to make and edit short videos with a smartphone. Please send me an email by 25th June ( to register your interest and your level (e.g. did you take the workshop last year or have previous experience?). The workshop will probably take place in July, it is free and open to all (staff, research fellows, PG students), but limited to 10 participants. Priority will be given to people who would like to produce a short video related to their research.
After the workshop, there is the option to be supported and mentored by a pro to finalize the short video. Ideally, all participants end up with a research-related video that is of sufficient quality so that it can be used for outreach activities (e.g. on your personal website page, our Facebook account etc.).


Soil Safe Exhibition 


Erionite Webinar Series – A Review of Commercial Erionite Testing – 13 Jul 2021

We are delighted to invite you to a lecture in the Erionite Webinar Series hosted by the research team from the MBIE Endeavour Funded “Assessing and mitigating the risk of erionite in New Zealand” research programme. In this series, we invite distinguished international speakers from a range of different fields to share their expertise and latest research on erionite, and aim to promote opportunities for further discussion about erionite within New Zealand communities.

For this webinar, which will be held on zoom on Tuesday 13th July at 1300 NZST, we are pleased to present Will Riffe who will speak about “A Review of Commercial Erionite Testing, with supposed Parnell Volcaniclastic Conglomerate as Subject”. Will Riffe is from the International Asbestos Testing Laboratories in the USA, and is an expert in analytical methods for detecting erionite and understanding the challenges of identifying it in rock material.


Please register for this webinar by clicking on the link below or pasting it into your browser. More details are also included in the attached poster. We look forward to seeing you!

If you would like further information about this webinar or others in the series, or would like to be added to our erionite mailing list, please contact Cody Lim (

School of Environment Ball

The annual School of Environment Ball is happening again on Saturday 7th August 7.30pm onwards at Phoenix Cabaret. Online ticket sales ( have just started and the event is open to all undergraduates (r18+), postgraduates, staff and partners from SoE.

School of Environment Students Ticket = $45pp
School of Environment Staff = $55 pp
Non SoE Ticket for friends and/or partners @ $55pp. (Limited availability)

Please see the event page on Facebook for further information or contact us via Email 


Ako Innovation Committee

Using Videos for assessment with student teams/groups

ENV Ako Innovation Committee Teaching and Learning Innovation Fund Poster 2021 

Rangahau – Research

Research Funding Call

Our World and Universe Seed Funding – “Small Money for Big Ideas”

We invite applications from members of the Faculty of Science for seed funding to support research projects. A total funding pool of up to $10,000 is available, with a particular focus on supporting collaborations across disciplines, Schools and Departments. Further details are available in the attached application form.
Applications are due by 5pm, Friday 9 July 2021

Rutherford Foundation Postdoctoral – Fellowships

Grant Value:

For 2 Years, the Fellow will receive salary support of NZ$75,000 and NZ$10,000 (GST exclusive) to support direct and indirect research costs.


  • Applicants are required to have had their PhD conferred no more than four years before the application closing date. For 2021, applicants PhD must have been conferred on or after 01 January 2017.
  • Be either New Zealand citizens or applicants who have continuously resided in New Zealand for at least three months prior to their application and hold, or are deemed to hold, a New Zealand resident visa.

Internal Deadline: 5 pm Tuesday 27 July 2021

Further information can be found at the funders website, or from your RPC

If you are interested in applying for this fellowship, please get in touch with Robin Kearns initially as HOD support is required

 Kate Edgar Post-Doctoral Research Award

To assist women who have qualified to graduate with a doctoral degree within the last two years to carry out research on a specified, independent project at an approved Institute in the Auckland area

Grant Value: $16,000


  • Must be a woman who has qualified to graduate with a doctoral degree within the last two years (date from when you qualified to graduate);
  • Must be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident;
  • Must be affiliated with an Auckland research Institute and have access to the infrastructural support needed to complete the proposed project;
  • Must not undertake more than 20 hours per week employment during tenure of the award;
  • Must not currently hold a Kate Edger award of equal or higher value

Internal Deadline: 5 pm, Thursday, 8 July 2021

For further information, please visit the Kate Edgar Website

Cambridge-Rutherford Memorial PhD Scholarship

The Cambridge-Rutherford Memorial PhD Scholarships are intended to provide full support to enable completion of a PhD at the University of Cambridge in pure or applied science and the social sciences.

Grant Value: Successful applicants will receive a living allowance (maintenance) of approximately £14,777 per annum, and will have their course and college fees paid. In addition, they will be eligible for one, non-transferable, return airfare between the United Kingdom and New Zealand per annum. The funding is for a maximum of three years

Eligibility: Applicants must be either New Zealand citizens or have continuously resided in New Zealand for at least two years immediately prior to their application and hold, or are deemed to hold, a New Zealand resident visa. Applicants who hold, or are deemed to hold, a New Zealand resident visa are also required to have completed their undergraduate study in New Zealand to be considered eligible to apply.

Internal Deadline: 5 pm Tuesday 27 July 2021.

Further information can be found at the funders website, or from your RPC

Te Tahua Taiao Ngā Taonga – Lottery Environment and Heritage grants

Lottery Environment and Heritage grants are available for projects that will help protect, conserve or care for our natural, cultural and physical heritage, or allow us to better understand and access these resources. 

Grant Value:

  • Small projects, where the grant requested is for less than $250,000.
  • Large projects, where the grant requested is for $250,000 or more

Internal Deadline: 5pm Monday 26 July 2021.

For further information, visit the funders website here


The purpose of the New Zealand Wine Futures Fund (NZWFF) is to benefit industry by encouraging new ideas, approaches and capabilities in winegrowing research.

Grant Value: Up to $150k per annum for up to three years.

Guidelines, assessment criteria and more information can be found on the funders website
Internal Deadline: 5pm Monday 5 July 2021.


Zhao, K., Lanzoni, S., Gong, Z., & Coco, G. A numerical model of bank collapse and river meandering. Geophysical Research Letters, e2021GL093516. DOI :

Sriaporn C., Campbell, K.A. Van Kranendonk, M.J., Handley, K.M. (2021). Genomic adaptations enabling Acidithiobacillus distribution across wide-ranging hot spring temperatures and pHs. Microbiome 9:135,

Kearns, R. (2021). Narrative and metaphors in New Zealand’s efforts to eliminate COVID-19. Geographical Research,1–7. (published online May, 2021)

Lindsay N and Yoon H-K. (2021) Toponyms on the ice: The symbolic and iconographical role of Antarctic research base names. Polar Record 57(e22): 1–13.

Serjeant, E. Kearns, R. and Coleman, T. (2021) Home Tours: An approach for understanding dampness and wellbeing in the domestic environment. Wellbeing, Space & Society. (Published online 17 May)

IT Committee

Please make sure to check that the software you need in S2 is working in the labs. or on FlexIT. There is not much time left for fixing any issues. Thank you, Ingo

More Information

Need to store and share research data? Request Research storage or UoA Dropbox for research

Queries about virtual machines? Virtual machine consult or Nectar Research Cloud?

ResearchHub: connects people, resources, and services

Remote working issues: Please refer to the remote working page. If you do not find the answers to your questions, please log a call on the IT Portal for any IT-related issues or contact the Staff Service Centre for other queries.

Two-factor Authentication : Authy

YubiKeys work but of course require a USB port.

VPN: Instructions on how to install

VPN, Linux: FortiClient is running fine on Linux.  Check the VPN link listed above.

VPN, Mac desktops: (information from April, may be outdated).  Students may need IT to make their machines mobile and install FortiClient directly from the website.  They will also need to set-up two-factor authentication by downloading an app like “Authy” on their phones and then setting up their University of Auckland account.  I suggest people do this part before IT gets to them to make the process faster.  To do that, they can use the instructions on this page:

To get a mobile account set up, log a service request or go to one of the service kiosks. It is unclear how this is being done remotely but I am sure this can be done. Please let me Ingo ( know if you have managed to install FortiClient on their macs remotely.

FlexIT and Remote Access

FlexIT is straight-forward for remote access to computing power and programs. Alternatively, check if your project/group or so has a virtual machine. Remote desktop access to specific machines can be set up by IT but may note be reliable. Check the Staff Service Center

Remote access is possible to some workstations in the geocomputational lab for research, and on a needs basis.  This may be a viable solution for specialized data analysis.  Please look into alternatives: It is unclear however, if/how on-site desktops can be maintained, if needed..

FlexIT access and requests: Use the FlexIT form in the IT Portal to request access as a staff member, to ask for an application be added, or to report any issues or faults.

FlexIT, Linux: Please check FlexIT link:  It does not have any information on Linux but should be useful for “translation”.

Depending on your browser (in particular, Firefox), you also need to do the following, from

“…tested with the Horizon 4.8.x and 4.10.x clients and Firefox v64.0. Both are 64bit versions, running on Ubuntu 18.04.1

Download the client from the VMWare Horizon Client for 64-bit Linux
In Firefox, open about:config and click through the warning.
Add a new boolean entry called network.protocol-handler.expose.vmware-view and set the value to false
Create a file called `test.html` somewhere on your computer and put the following in it: test
Open the file in Firefox and click on the link, which should prompt you for a path to open the link.
Select /usr/bin/vmware-view and it should work for future uses! “

(1) was provided by UoA but I think it works with generic software from VMWare as well.

Check with Ingo ( if you run into problems.

Software licenses: Software vendors have relaxed their licensing to allow students to install software at home, rather than relying on Flex IT. There is a running list here

Please email content to P-cubed-content for next edition of P-cubed by Friday

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