Issue 111 – Tuesday 24 October 2023
It was both insightful and enjoyable to participate in the Siapo-making workshop led by Doron Semu which ran over the last two Wednesdays. Who thought we’d be applying glue with our fingers and using an iron in the Ontology Lab? I found satisfaction and pleasure in picking up an inkbrush and letting design flow without any of the usual mental effort at applying logic or linearity of thought. And, along the way, there were out-of-the-ordinary conversations with other participants. All this suggests that process is as important as product and there’s an potentially under-developed place for creativity in the School.
I am grateful to Sonia and team for proposing this idea that engaged us in the Pacific way without leaving the workplace. In what other ways could be draw on the right side of our brains and be creative, bringing art into our science?
Good news
I am pleased to announce that Dr Hysesop Shin will be joining us in early 2024 to fill the Lectureship in Geographical Science we were granted following Michael Martin’s departure in late 2022. Hyseop did his PhD in Geography at Cambridge UK and will be coming to us from the School of Health and Wellbeing in Glasgow.
More good news
Adding to our School’s growing mana for teaching quality, Sonia Fonua has been granted a 2023 Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence, in the category ‘Sustained Excellence in Teaching’. Her letter of congratulation highlighted Sonia’s “…commitment to improving student success and outcomes for all students through values-based teaching practice. The committee felt that [she] demonstrated leadership in teaching through long-standing advocacy for teaching delivery that meets the needs of Maori and Pacific students”. A superb and well-deserved recognition, Sonia!
Programme Leadership
In Environment, we have tended to give most attention in our School’s internal organisation to the role of Discipline Leader (or Head). This dates to our origins and a multi-disciplinary entity arising from something of an ‘arranged marriage’. To extend the metaphor, we are now well bedded in as a School and the cross-disciplinary platforms that JR introduced while HoS (Ako, Rangahau, Whakawhanaunagtanga) have contributed to us working together as a singular entity.
We now need to play ‘catch up’ with the rest of the Faculty and University in more prominently assigning staff to so-called ‘Programme Leader’ positions. The term Programme Leader encompasses two types of roles: Programme Director roles (in cases where we have responsibility for an entire degree programme, like MENS, MEG, and MEnvMgt) and Major/Specialisation Leader roles (in cases where we have responsibility for Majors or Specialisations within a degree programme overseen by a Faculty, like the BSc/BA and MSc/MA).
The following link spells out the university expectation of these roles .
George, Tom and I are currently re-examining these roles and will soon provide an update on who in Environment fill each with respect to the Programmes, and Majors/Specialisations we host.
End of year hui
We have a few must-attend-if-at-all-possible events coming up:
- the last staff meeting of the year on Monday 30th October,
- the Environment Moana Pacific Students Colloquium on Thursday 2nd November,
- the Schools’ Research Showcase and Awards on Thursday 16th November; and
- our end of year party on Thursday 23rd..
Busy times! Get that leave booked for summer 😊
Robin Kearns
General Announcements
Smells from the Recreation Centre Redevelopment Site
Unpleasant smells have been reported as emanating from the Rec Centre building site over the last few months. Martin Ballard (Project Manager from Property Services) says
“· The schedule for these works is driven by process rather than time.
- Each layer of the hyrotech waterproofing needs to be applied, then checked, passed or failed.
- It is also very weather dependent.
- The only time schedule that could be given is that hydrotech works will continue into the early part of 2024.”
This is unfortunate news for those who have been affected by the paint smell which we get occasionally, or the diesel smell which emanates from the water-proofing. We have been advised to try and work elsewhere if the smells become a problem. Sadly it seems the smells might be with us for a few months yet.
Requests for software purchase or renewal in 2024
We are now seeking requests for software purchase or renewal in 2024. If there are software titles that you require for teaching or research purposes, please let us know using this form.
Please submit all titles that will require a contribution from the School’s software budget next year – regardless of whether they are new, existing or upgrades. If we do not receive a request for a particular title, we will assume that it is no longer required and reallocate the budget accordingly. Any questions please contact Blair Sowman (or Thomas Mules in his absence for the next two weeks).
Masters examiner nominations
When you complete the AS512R form and/or the new portal in the future, please note the following:
(a) The HoD nominee is Nick Lewis
(b) The chair of the committee is Phil Shane
(c) The examiners you nominate must include one experienced person, and you have to give an actual explanation for why you selected the two examiners (not just one sentence).
In the current system the form is sent to Nick Lewis, but we are progressing towards a fully online system
Phil Shane (DGA)
Whakawhanaungatanga – Communities
Open Access Week 24-27 October
Open Access Week is a global programme that occurs annually at the end of October. This year’s event, running from 24-27 October, is themed around Community Over Commercialisation.
We warmly invite you to join our series of concise talks organised by the dedicated Open Access team at Waipapa Taumata Rau. These sessions promise to offer valuable insights, broaden your horizons, and perhaps challenge some common misconceptions about Open Access.
ResearchHub Postgraduate Space
Discover research-specific resources relevant to you as a masters or doctoral researcher and your research project, in addition to external resources to help support your candidature. Visit the ResearchHub Postgraduate space here:
Doctoral Kōrero: Sign up to this session Libraries and Learning Services, November 1, covering the following topics:
- Research Services team can help you with your research information needs such as developing an effective search strategy, using advanced search techniques in multidisciplinary databases and staying up to date with the literature.
- English Language Enrichment (ELE) provides opportunities for doctoral candidates to develop their academic writing and academic English skills through Let’s Talk speaking groups, Writing in English workshops, Language Advice, and online resources.
- Inclusive Learning supports neurodivergent students at university. We can help with workload management, reading and writing strategies as well as support for self-advocacy with learning support needs.
R J Mowat Memorial Award in Earth Sciences
A $2,000 Award to support a Part IV BAdvSci(Hons), or BSc(Hons) or MSc student enrolled full-time in the School of Environment.
Application status: Apply now see R J Mowat Memorial Award in Earth Sciences – The University of Auckland
Applicable study: MSc or BSc (Hons) research in Earth Sciences or Part IV of BAdvSci(Hons) in Geology
Closing date: 30 November 2023
Tenure: One year
Value: $2,000
Honours and Taught Masters Oral Presentations
Wednesday 25 October, 302-G20
Please come along to hear the Honours and Taught Masters students presenting their research.
- 9.00 – 11.00 am: Earth Science, Environmental Change and Physical Geography
- 1.00 – 4.30 pm: Environmental Science, Human Geography and Environmental Management
School of Environment has a small budget for enabling engagement with Maori, particularly through koha or contributions that may be needed to initiate research relationships. In disbursing that putea, priority is given to academic staff working on behalf of groups of staff or students, pre/consultation activities for ethics approval and collaborations that are not readily funded through other mechanisms. As it is desirable to utilise the budget before the end of the academic year, however, all well-reasoned proposals will be considered. If interested, email a brief, one paragraph description of a proposed activity and a budget for how funds will be utilised to Brad ( Although there are no prescribed maxima or minima for these grants, the limited scope of the overall budget will likely preclude grants in excess of $1000. Applicants should also be mindful of UoA guidelines or policies for gifting and koha.
HORIZON EUROPE Information Session
Date: Thursday 26 October, 10-11 am, followed by morning tea (11-11:30)
Location: 302-140
Rangahau have invited Mark Hurdley (Research Manager – International, ORSI) to give a presentation on Horizon Europe Funding. This will explore the opportunities that are available, what the funder is looking for, and the support available from UoA with time for general Q&A.
We have a limited number of 1:1 sessions with Mark following the morning tea to discuss specific calls and funding opportunities. If you would like to meet with Mark, please email Kelly Kilpin asap as slots are limited and will be on a first come first served basis.
For more information on HORIZON EUROPE, including a list of the open/upcoming funding opportunities please see the Research Hub.
Please RSVP to Kelly ( catering purposes by Wednesday 18 October
Wondering what happens once you’ve finished your doctorate? Join a tailored programme of six 50-minute workshops to support all doctoral candidates in career management, hosted by CDES. The focus of the series is understanding and developing your unique career identity, and then honing and practising employability skills so you can confidently articulate your value. Workshops 1-5 will be offered twice each week, over the lunch break (either 12.00-1.00pm or 1.00-2.00pm). Attend the whole series or ‘pick and mix’ depending on what you need. Please register using the links below.
Post Graduate Wellbeing ….. where to go
If you are currently coordinating a PG course, could you please post the inforgraphic slide to your Canvas course page so students will know the resources that are available throughout the University.
3k writing grant available for students
Funds are available to support students writing up their thesis as publication(s). Each grant is worth $3000 (120 hours at 25$ all included). There is no deadline to apply. Applications are evaluated as they come by members of Rangahau (2 weeks turn over max.), until we use all the funds available.
Do you have a good candidate in mind? Please complete this form and submit to .
Rangahau – Research
New Research Group
Kia ora e te whānau
Are you interested in research in the natural resources space with a big focus on helping transform society to a low pollution and sustainable future? I’d like to help build a proactive group of students and staff in this space who come together to discuss research and contribute as critic and conscience of society. I’m imagining a group in which we may differ in our approach to the problem but where we are committed to doing our bit as geoscientists and social scientists for a liveable future.
If you’d like to participate in this group and help make it meaningful, please get in touch with JR ( or Eduardo ( – all students and staff from any field in the geosciences and social sciences welcome.
If you’ve already got something happening in this space and we aren’t involved, let us know so we can be 😉
Thanks JR
Funding for Research Retreats
The Rangahau Committee has a small amount of funding set aside to sponsor Research retreats (e.g grant writing workshops, paper writing). This can be up to 2k per team, with a minimum 2 SoE participants.
If you have an idea that you would like considered, please submit a short paragraph explaining the intention and benefits of the retreat to
Proposal development support
The Rangahau Committee has a small fund set aside to help with proposal development (e.g. writing support, support to scope proposals etc). If you have an idea that fits within this scope please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin to discuss further.
Funding Calls
Spencer Foundation: Small Research Grants on Education | |
This fund is intended to support education research projects that will contribute to the improvement of education. The research concept is “field-initiated” with the grant designed to support rigorous, intellectually ambitious and technically sound research that is relevant to the most pressing questions and compelling opportunities in education. | |
Value/Duration: | Internal Deadline |
· Value: up to USD50,000 (circa NZD82,000
· Duration: up to a maximum duration of 60 months |
· Full Proposal: 5pm, Monday, 27 November 2023. |
Further Information (funding call, guidelines website):
· Website If you are interested, please notify your FIRST (research support) of your intent to apply for this scheme to receive important information and updates in relation to this fund. |
MBIE Catalyst 2023 : Strategic – New Zealand-NASA Research Partnerships | |
This funds aims to build a strategic relationship with NASA by partnering in global research initiatives that unlock information about the environment, Earth systems, and climate through observation of the Earth from high-altitude and space. Areas of mutual interest are Natural hazards, Water and climate modelling, Environmental monitoring, and Biodiversity. | |
Value/Duration: | Internal Deadline: |
Up to $75,000 (excluding GST) over a maximum of 6 months is available for each successful feasibility study. | *The Internal deadline for proposals is now 12 noon, Tuesday 21 November 2023. |
Further Information:
· Website *Please note that MBIE have issued a notice that Proposals will now be submitted using their current Investment Management System (IMS) online portal. If you are interested, please notify your FIRST (Kelly, Alex or Sophie) of your intent to apply for this scheme to receive important information and updates in relation to this fund. |
Aotearoa New Zealand Tāwhia te Mana Research Fellowships
The first details of the new Aotearoa New Zealand Tāwhia te Mana Research Fellowships, developed as part of the Te Ara Paerangi – Future Pathways reform have been released. These new schemes replace the Rutherford Discovery, Rutherford Foundation and James Cook Fellowships, which will no longer be offered from 2024.
These fellowships will support early, mid, and senior researchers. For further details, please see MBIE’s web page which details eligibility, duration and value.
Funding calls will be publicised via P-cubed once they become available so please keep an eye on this space.
MBIE 2024 Endeavour Fund (Smart Ideas) | |
This fund aims to catalyse and rapidly tests promising, innovative research ideas with high potential for benefit to New Zealand, to refresh and enable diversity in the science portfolio.
For the 2024 investment round, the Science Board will aim to fund at least 49 Smart Ideas proposals. |
Value/Duration: | Internal Deadline: |
· Total funding pool: $18 million
· Value: $0.4 – $1 million over the term of the contract · Duration: 2 or 3 years |
· Registration: 12noon, Monday, 6 November 2023
· Concept Proposal: 12noon, Monday, 13 November 2023 · Full Proposal: TBD (selected applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal) |
Pītau (MBIE’s New Portal) Launch
The 2024 Endeavour Fund round will be run through Pītau, which is replacing IMS. Invite codes for Pītau will be sent out to current users in IMS, during the week starting 6 November, using the email address attached to their IMS account. If you do not currently have an IMS account but, will be applying for the 2024 Endeavour Fund round, please contact the UniServices Funds Advisor Team at ( or the research support team to get an account created in advance. |
Further Information:
· Website If you are interested, please notify your FIRST (Kelly, Alex or Sophie) of your intent to apply for this scheme to receive important information and updates in relation to this fund. |
MBIE 2024 Endeavour Fund (Research Programmes) | |
This fund aims to support ambitious, excellent and well-defined research ideas which have credible and high potential to positively transform New Zealand’s future in areas of future value, growth, or critical need.
For the 2024 investment round, the Science Board will aim to fund at least 19 Research Programmes proposals. |
Value/Duration: | Internal Deadline |
· Total funding pool: $39 million
· Value: $0.5 million or more per year · Duration: 3, 4 or 5 years |
· Registration: 12noon, Monday, 27 November 2023
· Full Proposal: 12 noon, Monday, 26 February 2024 |
Pītau (MBIE’s New Portal) Launch
The 2024 Endeavour Fund round will be run through Pītau, which is replacing IMS. Invite codes for Pītau will be sent out to current users in IMS, during the week starting 6 November, using the email address attached to their IMS account. If you do not currently have an IMS account but, will be applying for the 2024 Endeavour Fund round, please contact the UniServices Funds Advisor Team at ( or the research support team to get an account created in advance. |
Further Information:
· Website If you are interested, please notify your FIRST (Kelly, Alex or Sophie) of your intent to apply for this scheme to receive important information and updates in relation to this fund. |
MBIE Catalyst 2023 : Strategic – New Zealand-NASA Research Partnerships | |
This funds aims to build a strategic relationship with NASA by partnering in global research initiatives that unlock information about the environment, Earth systems, and climate through observation of the Earth from high-altitude and space. Areas of mutual interest are Natural hazards, Water and climate modelling, Environmental monitoring, and Biodiversity. | |
Value/Duration: | Internal Deadline: |
Up to $75,000 (excluding GST) over a maximum of 6 months is available for each successful feasibility study. | 12 noon, Monday 6 November 2023. |
Further Information:
· Website *Please note that MBIE have issued a notice that Proposals will now be submitted using their current Investment Management System (IMS) online portal. If you are interested, please notify your FIRST (Kelly, Alex or Sophie) of your intent to apply for this scheme to receive important information and updates in relation to this fund. |
Seelye Fellowships 2024 | |
This fund aims to attract eminent scholars to Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland to share their knowledge with a wide academic audience and the public. It provides for visiting fellowships in any Faculty or Large-Scale Research Institute of the University of Auckland. Visiting Seelye Fellowships may be awarded to outstanding academics and other leading authorities who:
· are eminent scholars in their chosen field · will use the grant to share their knowledge |
Value/Duration: | Deadline: |
· Value: Up to $10,000 to $20,000 for each award.
· Duration: Within the 12 months grant period (1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024 |
· Applications open: 1 November 2023
· Deadline for applications: 30 November 2023 |
Further Information:
· Form, Guidelines and FAQs can be accessed via the Research Hub · For enquires, please email:, Donor Relations & Stewardship Senior Adviser. If you are interested, please also get in touch with your FIRST (Kelly, Alex or Sophie) |
The Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund (TIF) | |
The Waipapa Taumata Rau (TIF) is a fund that encourages research staff from across the University to develop cross-faculty research partnerships, aspiring toward high-quality Transdisciplinary research outputs, research learning initiatives, and successful applications to external research funders. | |
Value/Duration: | Internal Deadline |
Grants up to $60,000
· Small Grants ($10,000–$20,000) · Large Grants ($20,000–$60,000) |
5pm, Monday 30 October 2023 |
Further Information:
· Form, Guidelines and FAQs can be accessed via the Research Hub · Enquiries should be directed to ORSI via If you are interested, please also get in touch with your FIRST (Kelly, Alex or Sophie) |
Spencer Foundation: Research-Practice Partnerships – Collaborative research for educational change | |
This fund is intended to support education research projects that engage in collaborative and participatory partnerships. It aims to facilitate the long-term accumulation of knowledge in new ways as researchers and practitioners work together to ask practitioner- and policy-relevant questions on key topics in specific settings over time. | |
Value/Duration: | Internal Deadline |
· Value: up to USD400,000 (circa NZD660,000).
· Duration: up to a maximum duration of 36 months (three years) |
Two – Stage Submission Process:
· Intent to apply: 17th October 2023 (this is the funder deadline date) · Full Proposal: 5:00pm, Monday, 6th November 2023 |
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):
If you are interested, please notify your FIRST (research support) of your intent to apply for this scheme to receive important information and updates in relation to this fund |
Open Access Support Fund | |
This fund aims to support the payment of Open Access fees for researchers publishing high-impact research. This fund is intended to support the following priority cohorts to be published openly and immediately in high-impact journals:
· Postgraduates · PhD candidates · Early career researchers (ECRs) · Indigenous researchers · Transdisciplinary researchers |
Value/Duration: | Deadlines: |
The Faculty of Science Research Committee has $125K to distribute in 2023 as part of this fund | This funding is available Q3-Q4 2023 |
· Details on eligibility criteria can be found on the Research Hub and the Faculty of Science. Research intranet.
· To apply please complete the following open access fund Application Form. Please contact the FIRST team (Kelly or Alex or Sophie) for more information on how to apply for this funding. |
MBIE Endeavour Support Sessions 2024 | ||||
Support for the 2024 MBIE Endeavour round is currently underway.
· FoS Vision Mātauranga WORK den: provides an opportunity for researchers to seek guidance, understanding and advice from the Faculty Māori advisors on Vision Mātauranga/Responsiveness to Māori.
· MBIE Expert Panel Sessions (Second Round): are an opportunity for applicants applying to MBIE Endeavour Research Programmes to informally test their project ideas against the key requirements of the grant, with a panel of experts to guide their thinking.
Responsiveness to Māori Real Stories – Building Māori Relationships in Community and Research | ||
This Real Stories Session aims to delve into a researcher’s personal account of the development of their relationship with a Māori community throughout their research. Saeid’s work has not only captured the taste of hāngi in a bottle but has provided commercial opportunities for Māori communities to develop their underutilised resources.
Please reach out to if you have any questions and/or concerns. |
Horizon Europe Bid Registration – University of Auckland as a Partner/Collaborator |
New Zealand researchers can now apply to Pillar 2 of the Horizon Europe funding programme. Following an increased level of interest and bidding activity, and to ensure a smooth funding application process when the University of Auckland is invited to join a project as a collaborator.
Please refer to the below attachments for further details and register bid via registration link provided. · Horizon Europe Bid Registration Process · Horizon Europe – Cluster Information Days *Please notify FIRST at the earliest possible opportunity if they intend to partner on a Horizon Europe bid (Pillar 2) |
Health, Safety and Wellbeing
Changes to after hours access in the school are on their way.
Approvals are activity based but there is some input from the lab in the decision. There are spaces that will require supervision for approval.
Changes to fieldwork check-in will be happening soon. Please be aware of this.
Publications | Articles
Warnke, Fynn; Pecher, Ingo; Hillman, Jess; Davy, Bryan; Woelz, Susi; Gorman, Andrew; Strachan, Lorna (2023) Pseudo-3D cubes from densely spaced subbottom profiles via projection onto convex sets interpolation: an open-source workflow applied to a pockmark field. Geophysics, VOL. 88, NO. 6; P. F51–F69,
Kerensa J. Jennings, James D. Muirhead, K. Bernhard Spörli & Lorna J. Strachan (2023): Towards a tectonic framework for normal faults in Waitematā Group rocks, North Island, Aotearoa-New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, DOI: 10.1080/00288306.2023.2268010