Issue 18 – Monday 30th September 2019
Kia ora koutou
There’s new artwork getting hung across our levels thanks to UOA curators Sam and Lara and their willingness to engage with ENV. Take a walk around the Level 4, 5, and 7 foyers and corridors and check out the works. There’s an exceptional Jae Hoon Lee photo and a wonderful Ruth Watson world, in addition to other new pieces. We expect to have more on the way – hope you enjoy the changes.
It’s that challenging time of year: people are tired, sickness is prevalent and moods are a bit fractious. This is exactly the time we need to take care of ourselves and each other. If you are unwell please wrap up warm, drink lots of fluids, and rest, preferably at home (get in touch with David H if you need cover). If there’s any chance you have been in contact with measles – please see the info below, send me/David H an email and do not come to University. We need a high degree of integrity around this because we have immune-compromised people in our community who are unable to be vaccinated. Please remember the hygiene basics: wash hands thoroughly before eating food and give people the 1+ meter space if they appear to be unwell. If you have to cough, sneeze or splutter, please do it into your elbow not your hand or open space – and it would be great if you could BYO hand-gel to disinfect yourself before touching public stuff like door handles.
The big job of the week that must be done is timetabling. Course co-ordinators, please check your 2020 timetable urgently to ensure we do not put students off enrolling in courses because of timetabling stuff-ups (see notice in AKO), and please recommend TAs/GTAs (see classifieds below).
It was fantastic to hear from some of you supporting the school position on the Climate Strike. The Dean also made a strong statement in support and put out a challenge to us to develop more sustainable practice. I’d be please to hear initiatives in this space. There’s another opportunity for engagement with national priorities where ENV could make a contribution – the Action for Healthy Waterways proposal is up for submissions. If you are interested in adding your name to the submission, please see Brendon’s notice below.
I’m in the field in Chile for the next couple of weeks and David H is at the helm. Stay well, enjoy the artworks, and have fun in a cool School.
Ngā mihi – JR
Whakawhanaungatanga – communities
The Marine Geoscience Group would like to extend a very warm welcome to Postdoctoral Research Fellow Dr Marta Ribó-Gene and new PhD student Francisco Enrique Saldaña-Monroy who recently joined the school. Marta is working with Dr Lorna Strachan and NIWA on a faculty funded project investigating the effect of suspended sediment on benthic ecosystems in Tōtaranui-Queen Charlotte Sound. Francisco is working with Prof Kathy Campbell and Dr Lorna Strachan. He will focus his research on understanding ancient and recent deep-sea ichnostructures (bioturbation structures) from Mexico and NZ.
Health, safety and wellbeing- Important Notice:
Measles outbreak- Please continue to be vigilant
There was another confirmed case of measles reported in the faculty of Science last week. As you will be aware, measles is a highly infectious viral illness that can be very serious. Please continue to be vigilant.
Below are some useful links to information on what symptoms to look out for, how to best protect yourself and others, as well as what actions to take if you’ve been in contact with someone with measles.
Guide – Managing measles in the workplaces
Quick Guide
For details on Vaccination recommendations, please see here
The Personals
Looking for two Postgrad students to go on a date…
The date opportunity: The Health and Well-Being (aka Health and Safety) committee is currently looking for student reps, to act as channels and bring the concerns and suggestions of the student body forward to the committee, and to share with the student body the happenings around Well-Being and thereby help implement different initiatives.
Looking for several committed relationships
The Health and Well-Being committee is looking for people with first aid certificates willing to be the designated person to offer first care in case of mishaps in your neck of the woods.
Looking for long term relationship
Whether you have one already and want to renew it, or your last one lapsed and want to get back on the wagon, or it is your very first time ever… we want you! First aid certificates make life sooooo much easier.
From the Committee
Following the University and the faculty, the School wants to start incorporating Well-Being to the daily life of the School. You will find the framework in this link from the faculty webpage:
However, we want to use well-being as an extra channel to enhance our sense of belonging.
In the compliance part we can inform you that the office audits are underway, the labs and workshops were completed previously. Test and tag for workshops and labs will be done shortly, some need to be done every 6 months.
Committee Members:
Andres, JR, Michael G, Jon, Blair and Sila.
Free Blood Pressure checks available
Please note the free service available for blood pressure checks on the city campus next week 2 October, 10am- 3pm Wynyard St, outside Fale Pasifika
The Academic Service Team has decided to implement a new policy around forms and documents. In order to help reduce printing and the amount of paper being scattered around we have decided that physical copies of forms will no longer be accepted. From Monday the 30th of September please ensure that any forms that need to go to Mick Johannisson-Wallman are emailed to
Please hand back all keys to the Facilities team when you have finished your studies or no longer use the lab or office.
It is important that we remove your name from the key or keys that are assigned to you. This is a security and safety measure that we take to ensure that only people with permission can enter into a lab room. Returning the keys for reuse also keeps us in line with the University’s sustainability commitments.
The Facilities team is located in building 302 level 6 reception.
We thank you for your cooperation.
Spark cell signal boosting, Basement 301-302-303 – Build update
The project to improve cell reception in the basement areas has now been completed.
There is now markedly improved coverage (favouring Spark customers) in the basement areas of 301, 302 and 303.
2020 Women in Leadership Programme
Applications are currently being called for the 2020 Women in Leadership Programme. Further information about the programme and enrolling for the Information session on 3 October can be found by clicking on the link.
Please note that this leadership programme is an application by interested women and not a nomination process. It is open to professional staff women at Level 4-6 and mid-career academic women below the senior lecturer bar or equivalent. This includes those in the lecturer/senior lecturer, research fellow/senior research fellow, senior tutor and professional teaching fellows grades.
The closing date for applications is 31 October 2019.
Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill
In May 2019 the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill proposes the establishment of the Climate Change Commission which will begin recruiting candidates for the Commission’s Chief Executive. To find out more information about the role, please follow this link The recruitment of this role is being managed by a third party provider. If you know anyone who would be suitable for this role please encourage them to apply via the above link as we will not be accepting nominations for this role. Applications close at midnight on 7 October 2019.
Freshwater submission: help ENV have a say
On behalf of the School, Brendon has begun working on a submission on the Government’s recently announced Action for Healthy Waterways proposal. The submission will broadly support the proposal while outlining some additional areas that we would like to see included or strengthened.
Our draft submission is here.
Brendon would be very happy to hear from anyone with comments or who would like to contribute to this ( by the end of this week.
GPE Information Session
Applications and Admissions August 2019
Please find the presentation (from the last Faculty PG committee meeting) about GPE calculations for international students here.
Theses calculations are used to assess eligibility for admission to the PG programmes and eligibility for some scholarships.
Postgraduate Research Showcase 2019
Thursday 3 October | Fale Pasifika
On Thursday 3 October 2019, the School of Environment will hold its annual Postgraduate Research Showcase to celebrate research currently ongoing within the School. This event gives a selection of our current students an opportunity to display their research to the wider school community, its staff & students. The one-day event will feature selected PhD presentations, and poster displays by MSc and Honours students. The event concludes with a reception back on the 6th floor of building 302.
You can find the flyer here.
Imagine giving someone else’s lecture with ZERO preparation!
Thursday 10 October, 4-5pm, MLT1
The School of Environment Ball: GARDEN PARTY
Date: Saturday 12thOctober
Time: Doors open at 8 pm
Theme: Garden Party
Location: The Bluestone Room, 9-11 Durham lane
School of Environment presents
Tickets are for School of Environment students/staff and their partners (limited numbers).
Ticket sales ONE DAY ONLY: Wednesday 2ndOctober
Price: $40
For further information please see here
Cumberland Lecture 2019
Following on from the successful lecture given by Kennedy Warne, he kindly made the transcript available for download. It can be accessed as a pdf file from the Science website by searching ‘Kennedy Warne’ from the Science home page. (The page is not visible otherwise.) The link is below, so you can download and read it at your leisure.
Earth Sciences Bickie Briefing
Earth Sciences Bickie briefing is every Thursday morning at 10.30am in the Level 6 break out space. All post grads and staff welcome.
Rangahau – Research
PhD candidate Michaela recently went to Yellowstone with School of Biology PhD student Kitty Sriaporn and Argentinian National University of La Plata colleagues Amanda (PhD candidate) and Professor Diego Guido. Here they visited the various Hot Springs including Old Faithful, Grand Prismatic and Mammoth Travertines, and also saw a grizzly bear! Michaela and Kitty then went on to present their research at The First Billion Years: Habitability Conference, hosted by Lunar Planetary Institute and NASA Ames.
Meetings, seminars and events
Climate change: what it means for New Zealand and the Pacific
2019 Hay Lecture
Hosted by the School of Environment
Professor James Renwick, Victoria University Wellington
Global climate change is changing the weather and redrawing the coastlines of the world. Sea level rise, extreme storms, droughts and floods are affecting every corner of the globe already and the effects will get a lot worse if we don’t take urgent action to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. Pacific Islands are in the firing line on many of these issues and New Zealand does not get off scot-free. This presentation will cover the state of climate change today and will review how future climates could affect New Zealand and the Pacific. It will also talk about what’s needed to rein in the changes and secure a more manageable, less risky future.
5pm Thursday 24 October,
Lecture theatre PLT2
Ground Floor, Building 303
38 Princes Street
Register at
Human Ethics: For Research Involving Māori and Indigenous Cultures
Wednesday 20th November 2019 (8:45 am – 12:00 noon), City Campus
This event is planned for research staff and advisors engaged in research involving Māori and indigenous cultures to enable understanding of the principles and requirements when preparing their human ethics application. Also to provide an opportunity for discussion as to what resources are available or need to be developed to enable this to be done in a meaningful way.
Main focus includes:
A) Responsiveness to Māori
B) Te Tiriti o Waitangi understanding
C) Māori methodologies and human ethics
D) Indigenous Data Sovereignty
For more information, and to register please contact Fiona Cheal (Ethics Advisor, Office of Research Strategy & Integrity)
2019 HOCHSTETTER LECTURE: Earthquakes, geometry, the mantle wedge and tsunami
Bill Fry, GNS Science
7.00 pm Monday 7 October
Auckland Museum, Auditorium – Entry via the Grand Foyer
Click here for more information.
2019 COMPLEMENTARY HOCHSTETTER LECTURE: Rapid characterisation of the earthquake source
Bill Fry, GNS Science
11 am Tuesday 8 October
University of Auckland Science Centre, 23 Symonds St
Medium Chemistry Lecture Theatre/301-G053
Click here for more information.
He Vaka Moana Symposium
Tuesday 22 October 2019, 9:30am-3:30pm
Waipapa Marae, 16 Wynyard St, Auckland
Please RSVP to Ash Gillon:
Pacific scholar and international guest speaker
Dr Dave Fa’avae is a fellow in research and leadership at the Institute of Education (IOE), University of the South Pacific. His research interests are in Indigenous research methodologies, intergenerational cultural capital, intergenerational cultural knowledge transmission, critical autoethnography, indigenous masculinities, comparative education, and sport and health education.
For further information please read here.
Virtual Poster Showcase (VPS)
Virtual Poster Showcase (VPS) is a guided peer review process and online presentation competition for Earth and space science students.
VPS Allows Students To:
- Practice presenting the relevancy and value of their research data
- Dedicate time to focus on enhancing (if not creating) their abstract and poster
- Experience the peer-review process in a low-pressure environment
- Connect with other like-minded students and experts from around the globe
How to Submit:
- Register/create your VPS profile ($35 fee)
- Upload your abstract. (due 1 October 11:59 p.m. ET)
- Create video presentation about your research using your phone or camera; upload video and poster to the dashboard. (due 22 October 11:59 p.m. ET)
- Review posters of other participants through the VPS dashboard, and vote for the top posters. (23 October to 5 November)
- Respond to reviews and questions by science experts assigned to your poster. (6 November to 19 November)
- Once the experts’ scores have been received, the best-ranked posters for Undergraduate and Graduate level competitions will be announced on 4 December 2019.
Please Register here
Volcanology, Geochemistry, & Petrology Research Group
The volcanology, geochemistry, & petrology research group (VGP) meets during the semester.
We will not be meeting this week because of the School of Environment Research Showcase. Although we will not be meeting, we encourage you to come support our VGP students who will be presenting! PhD candidate Sophia Tsang will be speaking at 9:45. PhD candidate Emily Limage will be speaking at 11:15 followed by PhD candidate Seethal Sivarajan at 11:30. During lunch (12-2), there will be posters including by MSc student Nathan Collins.
The following Thursday 10 October will be another meeting in 421W-301 (not our normal location! This room is across the road in Architecture. A map will be sent to the VGP listserv; please contact Sophia Tsang if you would like the map). Dr. Anke Zernack (Massey) will be presenting a talk about Laacher See. We’d love to have you join us.
As always, everyone is welcome to attend our meetings. For more information, please see our website: See you soon!
Marine Geosciences:
1. Marine Geosciences group meeting: Tuesday, 8/10/2019, 1-2 pm, 114-G18 (Commerce A).
Michael Macnaughtan: “Seismic analysis of BSR controls in the Pegasus Basin, New Zealand”
2. ANZIC Masterclass: Academics, please advertise among Year 2 and 3 students. Deadline 7 October.
ANZIC MASTERCLASS 2019, SYDNEY 2- 10 December, 2019.
ANZIC is pleased to announce its 2019 Masterclass in Sydney, hosted by University of Sydney (USYD) and Macquarie University (MQ), 2-10 December 2019.
DESIGN: This course will introduce students to the exciting world of marine geosciences through a combination of
practical workshops, geological fieldwork and marine activities. Based around the Sydney Institute of Marine Science (SIMS) the course will cover the background of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) and marine geoscience – delivered by marine geoscientists from Macquarie University, the University of Sydney, and CSIRO.
OPEN TO: The Masterclass is open to one excellent student from each Australian and New Zealand IODP member university who is completing 2nd or 3rd year. Students must provide a short written statement to their University leadership (up to 250 words) stating why they would like to participate in the Masterclass. Selection will be based on academic achievement and perceived benefit to a student’s course of study.
More information can be found at our Marine Geosciences web-page:
Please contact Ingo Pecher ( or Lorna Strachan ( if interested.
3. Call to Sail! Special call for scientists with expertise in radiolarian micropaleontology, preferably with experience in the northwest Pacific region, to apply for Expedition 386. The deadline to apply for this special call is October 11, 2019 at 11:59 PM EDT.
More information can be found at our Marine Geosciences web-page:
The Potential for Green Infrastructure to Reduce Exposure to Air Pollution in Cities
Dr Jennifer Salmond delivered a talk entitled ‘The Potential for Green Infrastructure to Reduce Exposure to Air Pollution in Cities’ as a webinar which was presented as part of the ‘Passive Air Pollution Mitigation‘ global webinar series a collaborative EU-US webinar series, a partnership between Trinity College Dublin, Cornell University and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency broadcast to 1750 registrants representing over 60 countries. Hosted by the Centre for Air pollution, energy and health Research (CAR) and the Clean Air Society for Australia and New Zealand (CASANZ) on Monday 16th September 2019
She also delivered an invited talk on Friday entitled ‘AIR: the invisible and the visible’ as part of the 3rd Auckland LASER TALK at AUT. LASER (Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous) Talks are part of Leonardo’s international program of evening gatherings that bring artists and scientists together for informal presentations and conversations. LASER Talks were founded in 2008 by Bay Area LASER Chair Piero Scaruffi and are in more than 30 cities around the world, including Tāmaki Makarau.
Research and Funding Opportunities
Invitation to collaborate in research with Project Forever Waiheke
Project Forever Waiheke (PFW) was established in 2017 to develop sustainable tourism strategy on Waiheke Island and then undertake tourism impacts monitoring over 2-3 years. The Project is lead by a community organisation, in collaboration with the Waiheke Local Board, Auckland Tourism (ATEED) and Ngāti Paoa. More information about the Project is available at PFW’s research and monitoring programme will be conducted under the auspices of the World Tourism Organisation’s (WTO) INSTO programme Further details are provided in the Appendix.
PFW is inviting University of Auckland academics and students to propose discrete research projects across a broad range of disciplines that will contribute to the evidence base on tourism impacts on Waiheke Island. A short proposal form is provided in Appendix 1, or you are welcome to contact Peter Wills, Physics, ext 88889, or PFW Research Manager Pam Oliver 09 3727749
Approaches are welcomed from diverse perspectives, specific or interdisciplinary. Projects may investigate tourism impacts parameters in any of the following areas:
- Social and cultural environments (e.g. social/psychological/cultural impacts on residents, community well-being, recreation, mana whenua and tangata whenua, wahi tapu, homelessness, etc);
- Business and commerce (tourist and other businesses and development; economic impacts);
- Natural and built environments (e.g. native flora and fauna; beaches and coastlines; planning and architecture; noise, light and air pollution);
- Infrastructure management and development (roads, land and marine transport, water supply, waste management)
Research projects may be any size, and involve individual students or groups.
PFW support available to participating students and their supervisors includes the following:
- Support to access relevant data sources, in particular people and organisations on Waiheke
- Some free accommodation and transportation on Waiheke, where needed for data collection
- Free ferry trandport
- Research expertise to support with framing the project, to ensure relevance and utility to the needs of Project Forever Waiheke.
As an example, the report of a recent research project undertaken by a small team of Manukau Institute of Technology graduate diploma students in collaboration with PFW can be viewed at
For further information please read here
2020 Te Pūnaha Hihiko: Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund
The Fund invests in the development of skilled people and organisations that plan to undertake, or are undertaking, research that supports the themes and outcomes of MBIE’s Vision Mātauranga policy.
The aim is to:
- strengthen capability, capacity, skills and networks between Māori and the science and innovation system; and
- increase understanding of how research can contribute to the aspirations of Māori organisations and deliver benefit for New Zealand
* Medium – to large-scale project funding ($100,000 – Connect Scheme or $180,000 – Placement Scheme, both up to 24 months)
* Must partner with a Māori organisation
* Must include co-funding
* Must address one or more Vision Mātauranga themes.
For more information, please see the following page or contact the local support (FIRST) team: Kelly Kilpin or Ivana Mlinac
Deadline: 5pm, Tuesday 5 November 2019
MBIE Endeavour Fund 2020
The funding call for the 2020 MBIE Endeavour Fund (Smart Ideas and Research Programmes) is expected to be released next week. If you are thinking of applying this year, please register your interest with Kathryn Howard so we can keep you updated on the support offered by the FiRST teams.
The 2020 Endeavour Roadshows are being held in Auckland on Tuesday 15 and Wednesday 16 October – there are still places available. If you would like to attend, please register at the following link
R J Mowat Memorial Scholarship in Geology – due 31st October
For all Full-time MSc or BSc (Hons) research students in Earth Science
Value $1,500
Requirements The Scholarship will be awarded to an MSc or BSc(Hons) student who is enrolled full-time and has paid the fees, or arranged to pay the fees, for study in the School of Environment and who is embarking on thesis work in sedimentology, stratigraphy, palaeontology or marine geology. Selection will be based on academic merit and the field of thesis research.
More information can be found here
Earth Institute, Columbia University: Earth Institute Postdoctoral Research Program in Sustainable Development
The Earth Institute at Columbia University in New York, NY, seeks applications from innovative, doctoral candidates or recent Ph.D., M.D., J.D., or Sc.D. recipients (within 5 years of degree receipt) interested in a broad range of issues in sustainable development. The Institute is especially interested in qualified candidates from historically underrepresented groups for its Diversity Fellowship.
The Earth Institute Postdoctoral Research program provides scholars with the opportunity to acquire and apply the cross-disciplinary expertise needed to address critical issues of sustainable development such as food security, energy systems, climate change impacts, poverty reduction, disease, and environmental degradation. Candidates who have developed cross-disciplinary approaches during their graduate studies will find numerous, unique opportunities to engage in programs at the leading edge of sustainable development research.
Candidates must complete the online application and submit a proposal for research that would contribute to global, sustainable development. Candidates may suggest contributing to or expanding on existing Earth Institute programs or developing new projects that integrate the breadth of expertise of the Earth Institute. Candidates are strongly encouraged to identify and contact a mentor prior to submitting an application.
The deadline to submit an application is October 30, 2019 for 24-month appointments starting in the fall of 2020. The salary is $67,530.
For more information about the program, the diversity fellowship, and to apply, visit or email Videos of past research symposia are available here.
The program is open to U.S. and non-U.S. citizens. All doctoral requirements must be fulfilled and the degree awarded within 5 years before the start of the appointment. Gaps in employment or studies will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Columbia University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply.
Student Research Grants
Applications for the NZMSS Student Research Grant are now open!
The grant is intended to help graduate researchers take their work further than academic funding allows and to provide exposure for their research. Applications from a broad range of marine disciplines are encouraged.
- To advance the study of marine science, and to encourage research of high scientific merit in New Zealand
- To stimulate novel research involving graduate students in New Zealand
- Assist graduate students to take their work further than academic funding allows
- To provide exposure for graduate research within New Zealand and abroad
Applicants must be enrolled for a postgraduate degree at a New Zealand institution.
- During the tenure of the research grant the applicant must be an enrolled student and a member of NZMSS.
- Funds may be used for any purpose that supports the applicant’s research.
Applications close 31 October 2019
For this financial year we are offering one Student Research Grant of $3000.
NIWA and Fisheries New Zealand Scholarships
In collaboration with NIWA, Fisheries New Zealand is offering scholarships to both Masters and undergraduate students.
Student grants available
Predator Free 2050 Limited is seeking applications from students wishing to conduct possum, rat or mustelid fieldwork projects, particularly in urban and rural landscapes.
Up to five honours and post-graduate students will be funded up to $30,000 each, for operational and associated laboratory expenses.
Applicants should download and complete ‘this form’ and return to by 11 October 2019.
New publications
- Bates, L., Kearns, R., Witten, K., Carroll, P. (2019) ‘‘A level playing field’: Young people’s experiences of wheelchair basketball as an enabling place’, Health and Place, 60, art. no. 102192.
Experts reveal ways pregnant women can minimise their inhalation of black carbon particles
Air pollution reaches the placenta – Expert Reaction
Air pollution may enter the placenta
Sleuths use footprints to help at-risk birds
Identify New Zealand animal sign- available at
Ako – Teaching and Learning
Ako Innovation Teaching & Learning Workshop
Wednesday 2nd October· 10-12pm · Building 302, Room 140
2020 DRAFT Timetable
The draft timetable is now available for checking. We would be grateful if you could check the details for your courses using the Room and Event Viewer 2020
Please note:
· The number and size of Lectures, Laboratories and/or Tutorials.
· The locations and sizes (note the city campus map online, if needed)
· The scheduled weeks – note that these are numbered according to the S+ sequence, as used in the 2020 Teaching Days chart
Advise Mick of any errors and/or adjustments – preferably by email.
We have a very tight window of opportunity to make corrections and so please check your courses by Wednesday 2 October.
To all potential supervisors for masters students
The supervisor selection form has been revised and converted to a digital form. This form make the process easier for applicants as the applicant can upload a confirmation email from their chosen supervisor. rather than getting a signature. The form can be found by following this link
Geography and Earth Sciences Honours presentation
Our BSc/BA Geography and Earth Sciences Honours students will present their research on October 4th from 9:30 to 3pm in the Ontology lab (302-551). It is important for the collegiality of our School that Geography and Earth Sciences staff attend the talks and support our Honours students!
Below is the presentation schedule.
GTA/TA positions 2020
Expressions of Interest for GTA/TA positions 2020 in the School of Environment are now open. If you know any student (PhDs, Masters, PGT, Hons, PGDip and 3rd year students) who would be a perfect candidate, please forward the below link for them to apply. Expressing interest by the end of November will be appreciated as we will start allocating in November. But they are welcome to keep applying.
Copy deadline for next edition of P-cubed: Friday 12:00 11 October, to Farnaz: