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Issue 29-Monday 30th March 2020

March 30, 2020 • fshe556



Kia ora koutou

We have a lighter edition of p-cubed this fortnight, reflecting the reprioritisation of effort as everyone gets on top of the switch to working from home. It’s been and will continue to be a huge effort – thank you everyone.

Currently we are offsite for 4 weeks but this could easily extend on, or swing, according to Alert Level. Clearly we should expect a very disrupted 2020. Staying connected is important. Once our urgency response has settled down, I hope to see some of our usual activities  recast in new formats (I’m delighted to see the VGP group finding ways to carry on). But, for the moment, we need to take stock, focus on teaching and learning, and, most importantly, our health and wellbeing.

For all researchers: please consider what a rolling alert level over the next few months would mean for your research activities. What activity could be picked up at each level? If you are planning your research response for funded projects and /or thesis research, please consider what could be done at each level (Level 2, 3, 4) and develop a flexible plan.

You will have received an email from me alerting you to the fact that a member of ENV tested positive for COVID-19. I have fielded a number of enquiries related to this and I would like to emphasise that Auckland Regional Public Health Services have advised me that the risk posed through casual contact is very low. I would also ask that you respect the privacy of the person concerned and not enter into social media discussion of their identity. Note that any positive results for staff or students should be sent to: (not ‘probables’, ‘think sos’ or ‘might haves’). Confidentiality will be respected.

All the best for the fortnight ahead. Be kind.

Ngā mihi

Whakawhanaungatanga – communities

List of Mindfulness activities during lockdown:

Teach someone else a new skill Contact a friend you haven’t seen a while Do a favour without needing anything in return Donate to a charity
Check in on an older family member Facetime a friend for lunch Prepare a meal for someone you are in isolation with Recommend a friend a book or movie
Organise your home office area Have a vegetarian or vegan meal Text a compliment to three friends Write a positive review online
Make a homemade gift to give to someone after lockdown Share a fun isolation hobby with a friend Switch off unnecessary lights and electricity Make someone laugh

For more reading please click here

Thank you!

The ENV Equity Committee would like to thank all those who attended and donated to the School of Environment Shared Fundraising Morning Tea on March 16th.
We raised $556 for the Our People, Our City Fund which supports the families and Muslim communities impacted by the white supremacist terrorist attack of March 15 2019, now and into the future.

Meetings, seminars and events

Cancellation of the School of Environment Careers Expo 2020

The School of Environment Careers Expo 2020 has been cancelled. Details for the Careers Expo 2021 will be provided in due course.

Volcanology, Geochemistry & Petrology Research Group

The volcanology, geochemistry, & petrology research group (VGP) meets during the semester. Our next meeting will be on 7 April 2020 at 9 am on Zoom. We will have some guest talks about fluid dynamics modelling of volcanoes from the Faculty of Engineering! As always, everyone is welcome to attend our meetings. Please contact me (Sophia Tsang: for the link if you don’t have a calendar invite.  If you would like to be added to this list, please email me ( Additionally, if you have any updates (including new students or projects) you would like to see on the website or would like to contribute a blog post, please email David ( For more information, please see our website: See you soon!

Ako – Teaching and Learning

Teaching Remotely (online)

The University has a Remote Learning site with many useful links and resources for teaching staff.

In addition, ENV AKO has resources. All ENV academic staff have been invited to join this Canvas-based platform. Please contact Alex if you have been missed or wish to join.

Ako Committee _ Open meetings

These are being held on Mondays from 11-12 via Zoom. The meetings are an informal forum for ENV staff to share advice on remote teaching and dealing with the rapidly changing situation. Please check ENV AKO for meeting details or contact Ako Chair, Robin Kearns.

Ako key contacts_ a reminder

  • Ako Committee chair: Robin Kearns
  • Head of Academic Operations and ENV delegate to Faculty of Science: David Hayward
  • Chair, Ako Innovation: Mel Wall
  • ENV ‘Teaching Champion’ – Science group for remote learning: Murray Ford

Rangahau – Research

Farewell Ivana!

Ivana Mlinac, one of the Faculty’s Research Programme Coordinators supporting researchers in the School of Environment, is leaving the University after 10 years here – first as a student, then in the Research Office and latterly in the Faculty of Science.  Her last day will be Tuesday 31 march.  Researchers Ivana was supporting in the School, will now be supported by Kelly Kilpin or Kathryn Howard.  If you’d like to clarify who your primary research support (FIRST) contact is, please email Kathryn at or Kelly at  We are ready to assist you.

Research continuity for staff and students

The University has uploaded a research continuity support page, covering off some FAQs, for the research community, please follow the link below:

  • Research contracts: Uniservices and ORSI are leading conversations with funders. If you are a PI, please do not contact funders or contractors individually. Our research programme coordinators will be in touch as operations continue.
  • Support for Research students: The School of Graduate Studies and other research-facing parts of the University are currently focused on putting in place a range of support measures for affected research students, including options for financial hardship support. The School of Graduate Studies will manage a Doctoral Hardship Fund with applications opening this week. Information will be posted on the University website. Sub-doctoral research students who find themselves in financial need can apply for support through the Student Emergency Fund.

A reminder that if anyone is working on an externally funded research project which needs to be invoiced by the end of the government financial year (30 June 2020) and doesn’t have a contract in place, to please contact Kathryn or Kelly so we can get the necessary paperwork underway.

Internally-funded research

The Associate Dean Research, Jan Lindsay, has advised:

  • Extensions for currently-funded research projects are likely.
  • FRDF will go ahead as planned.
  • There will be no SRIF for 2020.
  • There will not be extensions for PBRF – more on this soon
  • Distinguished visitors will be given 12 month extensions

Postponement of the Research Forum

In light of the lockdown, the School of Environment Research Forum scheduled on 31 March will be postponed till further notice.

Research and Funding Opportunities

James Cook Research Fellowships:

The James Cook Research Fellowships are awarded to researchers who have achieved national and international recognition in their area of scientific research. The fellowships allow them to concentrate on their chosen research for two years without the additional burden of administrative and teaching duties.

Grant value:  Up to $110,000 per year, up to 2 years

Internal Deadline:  Tuesday 28 April 2020

Guidelines can be found on the founders website

If you intend to apply for this fellowship, please contact either Kathryn Howard or Kelly Kilpin to discuss the registration and submission process.

New Horizons for Women Trust:

  1. Hine Kahukura Research Award:

For women who are conducting research that benefits women and/or girls in New Zealand. The awards are a one-off grant to help with your research and/or living expenses.  Preference will be given to applicants who have started their research project and whose work is at Masters, PhD or postdoctoral level.

Grant value: $5,000

Guidelines and further eligibility rules can be found here

  1. Wāhine Ora Award

To support research that benefits Māori women, girls and/or whānau in Aotearoa New Zealand. This award is made annually and is a one-off grant to assist this research and/or living expenses while conducting the research.

Grant value: $10,000

Guidelines and further eligibility rules can be found here

  1. Margaret L Bailey Science Award

Assists a successful mid-career woman (at post-doctoral level) with her scientific research expenses.  Applicants must be currently engaged in scientific research, have a doctorate and an outstanding academic track record in her discipline.

Grant value: $5,000

Guidelines and further eligibility rules can be found here

Submission Deadlines:  The deadline for University of Auckland QA check is Monday 6 April.  The funder submission deadline is Wednesday 15 April.  Although this is a self-submission process, please get in touch with either Kathryn Howard or Kelly Kilpin if you intend to apply.

Copy deadline for next edition of P-cubed: Friday 10th April to Farnaz:

Categories: Uncategorised
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