Issue 38 – Monday 3rd August 2020
COVID-19: no time for complacency, stay well, keep UOA open
If you are sick, stay home, get tested
Kia ora koutou
We have had some staff movements over the past couple of weeks. First, welcome Martin Talie who has taken on Farnaz’ role on the ENV/CHEM front desk in Level 6. Bizza has kindly taken on the co-ordination and operation of p-cubed, for which I am immensely grateful. It’s lovely to have Martin and Ingo back from RSL – welcome back! Mila, Michael R., JC, Jay, Lorna, Anthony and Paul are heading on RSL in a modified sort of way – we wish you a productive and regenerative time. Annie is remaining in the United States for Semester 2. Brendon Blue, Linda Madden and Selene Schoffel-Armstrong are stepping in to cover teaching gaps – thank you very much. Ingrid Ukstins remains stuck in the US awaiting her VISA and we hope that this situation is resolved as fast as possible.
I’m excited already about the Spring Graduation and am keeping all my digits crossed in the hope that we stay open and can celebrate the event in appropriate style. To that end, I am wondering whether there would be interest in starting up a group of ENV Singers, to pull together a waiata for the occasion. I do a very good 5-part disharmony so I need friends to pull this off. I know you’re out there, bathroom diva, divo and divex! If this is something you would like to contribute to, or dare I hope…lead…please get in touch. I need at least one champion to take this bold step, one brave and generous soul. I’ll provide the mallowpuffs.
JC’s Inaugural Professorial Lecture is coming up. This is a big to-do in the career of an academic. Check out the poster below. It would be great to see as many of ENV as possible turn up to acknowledge this terrific step in JC’s career.
I’d like to make special mention of Angus Dowell, who has made it through to the finals of the University 3-minute Thesis competition. Well done Angus and good luck for the final (details below – come along and support Angus!).
Lastly – don’t forget the VC is visiting the FOS, Wednesday 5 August, 3-4 pm in the Plaza area of our building. All staff are invited to attend.
Whakawhanaungatanga – communities
ENV 2021-2023 Strategic Plan Update
It’s time to think about staffing priorities for the future – think 3-5 years out. This may sound strange given we have been told the shape, size and composition of the university will change, with a reduction in FTE as a result of COVID-19. However, it is critical that we take a pro-active and strategic view of our staffing needs into the future – where should we appoint, where will we need to appoint, and why? Please discuss in your disciplinary groups and prioritise staffing needs over the next 7-10 days. You can also make individual submissions on this question to JR.
Environment Taiao Association
The SoE has a new student association called the ETA (Environment Taiao Association) which integrates all previously individual SoE student clubs (AUGA, GA, GSC, and ESA).
The objective of this governing body is to affiliate the clubs with AUSA and to provide social/academic outreach to all UoA students incorporated within the SoE.
For more information please visit the facebook page: or email Gina:
To become a member fill out the google form: . Please note this is for students only.
NZGS Auckland (Geography Auckland) August Newsletter
The Auckland branch of NZGS promotes the activities of geographers and the development of the discipline in the Auckland region. It has proven an effective platform for hosting and sponsoring public seminars and workshops, and talks by prominent local and international geographers; running competitions for schools; providing opportunities for young geographers to attend conferences; and for bringing geographers together to discuss issues of public and disciplinary concern. One initiative is to seek better links with professional geographers beyond the university and schools.
To see the newsletter please click on this link NZGS Auck_newsletter August 2020
Meeting, Seminars and Events
5th ENV seminar
Date & Time: Tuesday 25th of August, 15:00 – 16:00
Venue: OGH, Federation Room
Join us to learn about research your colleagues do. All staff members and students from the School of Environment are warmly invited to attend this brilliant seminar.
As you may be already aware we are running the seminars every three months and so far they have been incredibly fascinating.
In the upcoming ENV Seminar, we will have three presenters: Kevin Simon, Marie McEntee and Marta Ribo and their talks will be followed by drinks at OGH.
‘The First Meeting’ of the School of Environment International Students
Date & Time: Friday 7 August, 10am (the second week of Semester II)
Venue: Ontology room (B 302 – 551, 5th floor)
Guest speaker: Mr. John Dorado (Career development and employability office)
Topic: How to prepare for employment in New Zealand or other countries.
Followed by Morning tea & Informal socialising session
How Tectonic and Surface Processes Interact to Shape the Landscape
Date & Time: 18th August, 7 pm
Venue: Auckland Museum Auditorium
For more information, please click here
Ako – Teaching and Learning
What’s a Professor
If you wish to attend an inaugural lecture by Prof. JC Gaillard from the School of Environment please see the poster below
IT Committee:
Thankfully, we are back to teaching almost as before the lockdown. Nevertheless, please still let us know of any soft- (or hard-) ware we should consider for online delivery based on your experience of the past few months.
Thank you, Ingo (
Meeting, Seminars and Events
Have your say! University of Auckland Education Strategy
As part of the development of a new Strategic Plan for the University (2021-2030), a Working Group convened by the DVC (Academic) has drafted one of five initial position papers.
Robin Kearns, Chair of AKO, has been part of this group and invites you to join he and members of the wider AKO network to an open forum to discuss this draft.
Comments and suggestions arising at this School of Environment forum will be taken back to the Education Working Group later that week.
Where: 302-551 (Ontology Lab)
When: Monday 10th August, 11am – 12 noon
To be discussed:
All welcome!
Rangahau – Research
Evolution of Queen Charlotte Sound-Tōtaranui and Tory Channel-Kura Te Au
To read a short article written by Drs Lorna Strachan, Marta Ribó, and BSc Hons student Alysha Jones from the University of Auckland, and Dr Sally Watson of the National Institute of Water focused on understating the deeper time environmental and geological evolution of the region and more please click here
Wanderings in the muddy Waimatā at Gisborne, East Cape
Reflections by Danielle Cairns, Khendra Harvey, Gary Brierley, Gretel Boswijk and Jon Tunnicliffe. To read this short article please click here
Postgraduate Research Showcase: Save the Date – Tuesday 22 September
The annual Postgraduate Research Showcase will take place on Tuesday 22 September in the Fale Pasifika. Tea and Lunch are provided. The 2020 Research Showcase will be a fantastic opportunity for postgraduate students to share their latest research findings as many other conferences have been postponed this year. Currently, we are in the planning stage. So far, the event will include different types of presentation formats by postgraduate students and a panel discussion. If you would like to be part of the organizing committee, please send an email to Also, any suggestions and comments on the format of the event are very welcomed.
Please make the time to attend this event and support our postgraduate research students.
This post is also a call for SoE faculty to participate and be part of the efforts to make the 2020 Research Showcase a great event.
For further information please contact,
Luitgard Schwendenmann (Chair Postgraduate Research Committee), Carlos Carvajal (Co-chair PhD student committee)
Other Updates
Kathy Campbell has just received an honorary “corresponding member” appointment to the Geological Association of Argentina for her work there on Jurassic hot spring deposits in Patagonia and associations with geoscientists in the country.
Miembro Correspondiente de la Asociación Geológica Argentina
Angus Dowell, a Master of Environmental Management student working with human geographers in the School’s Cities, Politics and Economy Research Group, has made it through to the university finals for the 3 minute thesis competition. Angus, supervised by Nick Lewis and Ryan Jones, is studying the construction of regenerative economies in New Zealand. Regenerative economies are assemblages of green investment, social enterprise, socio-scientific knowledge, environmentally responsible production, and socio-cultural ethics that are committed to performing economy differently from a new moral economy standpoint. Angus seeks to understand how they are being constructed in Aotearoa New Zealand, what it will take to make these initiatives successful, and what their construction can tell us about things like environmental, social and economic justice. At the point where climate change meets uncertain Covid futures, it is pivotal to rethink economic futures. Angus’ work gives us some tools for doing this. The University final will be held on the 6th of August at the Conference Centre, Building 423 – 342, from 5-8pm, where he will go up against students from other faculties.
The event can be found here:
Research and Funding Opportunities
2020 FRDF Main Round
In the main round applications can be made to the Staff Research Fund and the Post-doctoral and Large Research Project Fund. New staff Fund applications can be made throughout the year but not as part of the main round.
Please find all the required information and documents at this link:
Deadline: 5pm on Monday 24 August
Kate Edger Educational Charitable Trust Post-Doctoral Research Awards – Dame Joan Metge and Emeritus Professor Dame Charmian J O’Connor Awards
To assist women who have qualified to graduate with a doctoral degree within the last two years to carry out research on a specified, independent project at an approved Institute in the Auckland area
- Must be women who have qualified to graduate with a doctoral degree within the last two years;
- Must be New Zealand citizens or permanent residents;
- Must be affiliated with an Auckland research Institute and have access to the infrastructural support needed to complete the proposed project;
- Must not undertake more than 20 hours per week employment during tenure of the award.
The Award is worth $16,000. No overheads will be paid (normally the project should be completed within six months).
Internal Deadline: 5pm, Thursday 13 August 2020
The application guide, form and checklist and be found on the Kate Edger Website.
Social Science Research Council – Just Tech Covid-19 Rapid Response Grants
The Social Science Research Council (SSRC), as part of its Just Tech program, seeks proposals from across the social sciences and related fields that address the risks, opportunities, and challenges posed by public health surveillance stemming from the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Just Tech Rapid-Response Grants will thus support innovative research projects that deploy remote research methods to shed light on both the short and potential long term implications of public health interventions for a range of rights, liberties, and public goods. Subjects may include, but are not limited to:
• Contact tracing and public health surveillance.
• Voting access and rights amid “lockdowns” and widespread social distancing.
• Disparities in the collection, representation, and use of health data.
• The digital divide in remote work and learning, education, and public health.
• Precarity of labour and work in the tech industry or gig economy.
• Remote organising, campaigning, and social movements.
• The impact of predictive algorithms on the provision of social welfare and policing.
Awards will range from USD $5,000 to $10,000. The typical research project duration is 6 months.
The first internal UoA deadline is August 24, 2020 (The funder has currently planned a rolling deadline)
For more info please see the funding guidelines and resources page
SfTI has now released a request for Expressions of Capability (EoC).
We are seeking interest from physical sciences and engineering researchers based within New Zealand organisations who are willing to be part of a team to bring their relevant capability to the mission. Please note, we are not accepting investigator-led research ideas and proposals.
The EoC provides a summary of the process and what to expect, and the Application form asks for a summary of where your research interest lies, your expertise and experience.
Selected researchers will be invited to attend a research development workshop. Due to the impacts of Covid-19, we explored both physical and virtual options for the workshop. We are now pleased to confirm a physical workshop will be held in Wellington, Wednesday 9 September 2020.
The application form and EoC can also be downloaded from our website
Send your completed application form and CV, to
Applications close Monday 10 August 2020.
Meeting, Seminars and Events
School of Environment Research Forum: River Futures in Aotearoa
Please put aside late afternoon/early evening of Thursday September 24th for a combined Bartrum/Cumberland/Hay Research Event.
Mike Joy and Anne Salmond have already indicated their willingness to participate … three other panelists have already been approached.
More details will follow soon … for now, please make a note in your diaries as we’d like as many people as possible to attend. For more details please contact Gary Brierley
New Publications
- Han, M. and Brierley, G. (2020) Channel geomorphology and riparian vegetation interactions along four anabranching reaches of the Upper Yellow River, Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment. doi: 10.1177/0309133320938768.
- Brook M.S., Black P.M., Salmond J., Dirks K., Berry T-A., Steinhorn G. (2020). Erionite in Auckland bedrock and malignant mesothelioma: an emerging public and occupational health hazard? New Zealand Medical Journal 133(1518): 73-78.
- Charlton, D., Kilburn, C. & Edwards, S. Volcanic unrest scenarios and impact assessment at Campi Flegrei caldera, Southern Italy. J Appl. Volcanol. 9, 7 (2020).
- Tsang, S.W.R., Lindsay, J.M., Coco, G. et al. The influence of surficial features in lava flow modelling. J Appl. Volcanol. 9, 6 (2020).
- Kah, M., & Kookana, R. (2020). Emerging investigator series: nanotechnology to develop novel agrochemicals: critical issues to consider in the global agricultural context. Environmental Science: Nano.
- Khan, A. U., Xu, Z., Qian, X., Hong, A., Tang, Q., Zeng, T., & Li, L. (2020). Transformations of Ag2S nanoparticles in simulated human gastrointestinal tract: Impacts of the degree and origin of sulfidation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 123406.
Copy deadline for next edition of P-cubed: Friday 14th August to Bizza: