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Issue 14- Monday 5th August 2019

August 5, 2019 • fshe556


Kia orana kōtou,

Great to see so many excellent activities going on in the School. We are trying to get a better system happening in p-cubed so you can click on a calendar entry for an event and get it into your e-calendar. Please bear with us this week while we are in transition – you will need to capture the things you want to do from the posts below.

Two events driven by our PG students are coming up – the Annual Ball, and a newbie, the Film Competition, which hopefully will become a regular event. There are some great prizes so take time to show your creative side and help us show the world what we do. Big ups to our PG geniuses for thinking of this one!

Also on the horizon – the Cumberland Lecture. Kennedy Warne, founding editor of NZ Geographic, will be speaking on a brilliant topic: Place as person, Landscape as identity. This one will be a highlight so don’t miss it.

The 3-year strategic plan is now in rough draft form – you can read it here. We still need to wordsmith it and catch a few omissions/updates. Thanks everyone who has contributed at short notice so far.

If you would like to comment on the draft strategic plan or make suggestions for changes, please send comments to me by email OR feel free to drop-in to the Level 6 common space for a conversation 12-1pm this Tuesday or 12.30-1.30 this Thursday. All feedback on this draft must be in by the end of this week.

Have a great couple of weeks.

Ngā mihi – JR

Whakawhanaungatanga – communities

Cook Islands Language Week

Click on this link to find out more about Cook Islands Language Week Sunday 4 August – Saturday 10 August 2019

Helpful Resources

We encourage you to speak, use, teach and learn Te Reo Māori Kuki Airani (Cook Islands Language), below are some helpful resources and links:

Some more links:

The School of Environment Film Competition

For further information please see here.

Engagement Expo

The science student engagement expo on Thursday 18 July was attended by AUGA, where new students starting this semester were invited to join various clubs. We [AUGA] took this opportunity to show off some of the highlights from the past year, and to tease a few of the exciting events we have planned over the coming semester!

Here is a picture of AUGA member Thomas who spent the time talking to the new students

The School of Environment Ball

Save the date – the School of Environment Ball will be held on Saturday 12th October. We have a team of students and staff working on planning this year’s ball. If you want to be involved please contact Joe on

Cumberland Lecture

Place as person, landscape as identity: Traditional connection and modern legislation: 22 August, 5 pm, PLT2/303-G02

Kennedy Warne, founding editor of New Zealand Geographic, discusses the Whanganui River and Te Urewera legislation granting those geographical entities legal personhood, and reflects on his own evolving conversation with landscape. This will be a great seminar for everyone in the School – all welcome, bring a friend.


Safe Travel

We have been made aware of a recent legislative change which appears to raise the potential risk of working in Indonesia. The two links below highlight the issue. If you are aware of any researchers in your faculty who work in Indonesia, could you pass this information on to them. The provisions appear quite onerous and if we get this wrong quite punitive. It may be necessary to seek advice from our legal people before undertaking work there.

Space survey

This is to advise that Property Services’ Semester 2, 2019 room usage survey will be undertaken on 12-16 Aug for the City Campus. The following room types will be included in the survey:

  • Flat-floored and tiered general teaching rooms,
  • Meeting rooms of greater than 15 sq mtrs and other selected meeting rooms,
  • Specialist teaching rooms with reasonable access,
  • Student computer rooms,
  • Drawing laboratories, music rooms and other studio spaces,
  • Postgraduate offices and similar postgraduate facilities.

 The method of surveying will remain the same as for previous years with surveyors visiting each room on their list each hour between 8.00 am and 6.00 pm, Monday to Friday.

 As usual the surveyors will be provided with a name tag that they must wear at all times and will carry a letter confirming that they are undertaking the survey

New Hire – Senior Technician, Geochemistry

We are happy to announce that we have appointed a new Senior Technician to run our Electron Microprobe Facility.

David Adams will be migrating from Denver where he has been working with USGS; prior to that Macquarie University and the University of Western Australia.  David has extensive experience with running an Electron Microprobe (EPMA) laboratory, LA-ICP-MS, XRF and XRD.  His main role will be to oversee the installation of the new EPMA and to run the facility once established.  He will also be the Schools contact point for iLab, and a backup operator for the ICP-MS.

He tells me that he is looking forward to working with researchers and students again.

David will be joining the Technical team in September.

If you have any questions send Blair an email.

The 2019 Faculty of Science Postgraduate Research Showcase

The 2019 Faculty of Science Postgraduate Research Showcase is coming up on 2-18 September 2019.

Students who are currently enrolled in postgraduate study are eligible to enter their academic posters into this competition. As in previous years, there are significant prizes up for grabs, and the 20 best posters from Science will be entered into the 2019 PGSA Exposure poster competition (7-11 October) where they will be eligible to win further prizes. The Faculty of Science Postgraduate Research Showcase will use the same judging criteria for posters as Exposure.

The deadline for students to have registered online and submitted their posters to the Science Student Centre will be Thursday 29 August 4.00pm

In the coming week, we will send more information about how students can register and submit their posters, as well as providing details for workshops run by The Exposure Committee on creating engaging academic posters.

August Talatalanoa

We would like to invite you to attend the next Talatalanoa, held in the City Campus.

This session will present some of the amazing work that is going on in our facilities and an opportunity to Talanoa about key issues and concerns.

It is a great way to share and learn from each other – everyone is welcome!

Date: Thursday 8 August, 10am-11.30am

Room: Clock Tower 32 (105-032), Auckland Campus

For further information please see here.

Light refreshment will be provided . Please RSVP to Sonia at


Travel Improvements Update – What you need to know?

As part of STC’s ongoing efforts to streamline the travel bookings and ensure efficiency,  we are pleased to advise that the travel booking and approval process has been under review, with a view to improve the user experience.  The aim is to reduce administrative re-work, delays and incurred costs when ticketing deadlines are missed, caused by late approvals. This review was triggered, following the ongoing negative feedback received from our customers.

SLT has agreed to rely on, and capture employee declarations that pre-approval has been confirmed before a purchase order is raised, thus allowing us to remove the secondary approval on Travel purchase orders and still be able to identify approvers of each travel requisition.

We have collaboratively worked with the Business Transformation Office on this improvement initiative and have engaged stakeholders across the organisation, creating awareness of the impending Travel improvements for the user’s experience of booking travel.

What you need to know and how will this impact you once we go live:

As part of the process improvements we have increased the PeopleSoft workflow approval limit to $15K.  Proof of pre-approved travel will be captured when submitting a request for travel to STC on the new AEM form by capturing the traveller’s line manager or DFA.  With no secondary approval required, we expect to see an immediate decrease in missed ticketing deadlines and administrative rework.  However, any travel above $15K will still require PeopleSoft secondary approval by the Delegated Financial Authority (DFA).

Through our stakeholder engagement across Group Services teams within Faculties and the DFF/DFO Cop Groups, we have instructed staff to ensure they have their localised approval processes ready, emphasing the need to enter the correct cost centre/project code on the PO form.   This will minimise the need for journal corrections.

All travellers/travel arrangers will notice the following process improvements for when they request a Travel PO to submit to STC:

  • New digital PO Travel request form
  • New Orbit email with improved messaging and a link straight to the new digital form located on the intranet portal page
  • New Orbit Confirmation document replacing the preliminary itinerary which will be used to attach to the new Travel PO request form
  • Increasing the PeopleSoft workflow secondary approval limit to $15K.  Any travel above $15K will still require PeopleSoft secondary approval
  • Orbit will change the way they work moving forward, streamlining the amount of manual data input required at their end

What we would like you to do:

  • We would like you and your Finance teams to continue to review your financial reporting for spikes in ‘travel associated costs’. Transaction reports can be made available to support the investigation, including reports from our vendor – Orbit
  • The compliance team will increase background checks and the reporting will be enhanced to provide improved detective controls
  • Travellers booking travel will need to obtain approval from their line manager or DFA upfront and capture this within your localised processes as this will be required on the PO form. There will be no need for approval attachments
  • Emphasise the need to enter correct cost centres within your local process to minimise the need for journal corrections
  • The only attachment required to submit a travel request to STC will be the new order confirmation that will replace the preliminary itinerary.

What next?

We have an indicative date (end of August 19) of when the changes will be implemented there will be communications going out prior to going live through a number of different channels.For any questions, do not hesitate to call STC and please note this communication is only intended for the Finance and Accounting Community.

Rangahau – Research

New Research Programme Coordinator

Dr Kelly Kilpin will be starting as the new Research Programme Coordinator in the School of Environment on 5 August.  Kelly has a PhD in chemistry and has held postdoc positions at Otago University and at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne in Switzerland.  She moved into research project management in 2014 managing large research grants at the University of Southampton.  Since Kelly returned to New Zealand this year, she has been working as a technical assistant at Massey University’s Albany campus.  Kelly is looking forward to joining the University of Auckland and assisting the School with its research support needs.

Researchers with queries in relation to National Science Challenge projects can continue to contact Amy Weir

Geology and Geophysics researchers, please contact Ivana Mlinac


MBIE annual reports due in the MBIE Portal by 30 August

RSNZ Marsden rebuttals expected 14 – 28 August

Meetings, seminars and events

Are you having trouble finding the time or motivation to write?

Come and join us for some “Shut up and write” sessions at Te Tumu Herenga – Libraries and Learning services.

Our new “Shut up and write” workshops are scheduled fortnightly on a Tuesday morning in Kate Edger Information Commons, and provide a great opportunity to focus on those writing goals you need to get done, in the company of other folk doing the same thing.
Bring your keep cup for the tea/coffee breaks during the sessions.

The sessions are aimed at PhD students, but staff and other post-grad students are welcome as well.
You can book online at the workshops page.
(if the sessions look full, please do join the waitlist, as there tend to be spaces that open up closer to the dates)

A few days on Great Mercury Island- a recent research trip by Paul Augustinus

For further reading please see here.

Volcanology, Geochemistry, & Petrology Research Group

The volcanology, geochemistry, & petrology research group (VGP) meets every other week during the semester. Our next meeting will be on 8 August from 12 to 1 in 302-130. (Note the time and location change from last semester!) Phil will be giving a talk entitled “Mantle influence on magmatism at arc volcanoes: can we see it,” and Ian will be presenting after. For more information, please see our website: See you soon!

Disaster Prevention and Management Seminar Series

The Disaster Prevention and Management Seminar Series would like to welcome your attendance on the 19th of August, 1 to 4 pm, in the Ontology Lab (302-551) of the University of Auckland city campus (map attached here).

Ksenia Chmutina (Loughborough University), Loïc Le Dé (Auckland University of Technology), Jake Rom Cadag (University of the Philippines Diliman), and Anthony Gampell (The University of Auckland) will be presenting alternative approaches to participatory mapping for disaster risk reduction. This seminar will include hands-on and playful activities for everyone to experience these creative ways of mapping disaster risk.

Details of the seminar can be found here

Green Building Certification and the Sustainable City

Arnaud Besse-Ciller (PhD Proposal)

Date/time: Tuesday 6 August,  12:00pm

Location: B302-130

For further information please see here.

Do we under-estimate the social complexity of pest eradications on habited offshore islands?  Learning from national and international eradication cases.

Speaker: Marie McEntee

Date/time: Tuesday 20th August, from 4.00pm to 5.30pm.

Location: Ontology (302-551)

For further reading please see the NZGS Auck_newsletter August 2019.

A quantitative analysis of the characteristics of the urban boundary layer in an area of complex coastal terrain: Implications for air pollution

Hannah Marley (PhD Proposal)

Date/time: Tuesday 6 August, 1:00pm

Location: Room 302-130

For further information please see here.

Funding Opportunities

RSNZ Catalyst Leaders and Catalyst Seeding

This Catalyst Leaders round is to support excellent PhD students and/or young researchers to attend the HOPE meetings with Nobel Laureates in Japan in 2020.

The Catalyst Seeding round funds new small and medium pre-research strategic partnerships that cannot be supported through other means under three programmes:

  • Seeding General ($80,000 in total for up to two years);
  • Dumont d’Urville NZ-France Science & Technology Support Programme ($80,000 in total for up to two years);
  • NZ – Japan Joint Research Project ($ 30,000 per year for up to two years)

Application due to Research Programme Coordinator and Funds & Submissions by 5pm Tuesday 8 October 2019.

Information on Catalyst Funds and Leaders guidelines and  Seeding guidelines here.

Whaitaketia o Rangahau ki te Ao Māori – Assessing research relevant to Māori

He whakatauki: “Mā te rongo, ka mōhio; mā te mōhio, ka mārama; mā te mārama, ka mātau; mā te mātau, ka ora”

“Through resonance comes cognisance, through cognisance comes understanding, through understanding comes knowledge, through knowledge comes life and well-being”

The purpose of the WORK dens are to provide a ‘think tank’ opportunity for researchers. Please view this as a time to express where your research will be a feature. An opportunity to discuss your idea(s) with Vision Mātauranga advisors and work together to identify ways in how Vision Mātauranga can benefit from your idea(s).

The WORK dens will be held on Thursday 8th August 10am-12pm and Friday 9th August 1pm-3pm. Each session will last 30 minutes and will be an informal discussion. You are welcome to bring other members of your team to your session.

To ensure the time is useful for all involved, you will need to prepare a brief outline of your idea. Your outline should show (or say) how your idea will benefit or contribute to Māori. The outline should be at a minimum a paragraph long, with a maximum of half a page.

This is an opportunity for you to safely ‘test the waters’ with your understanding/knowledge of Vision Mātauranga. If you are interested click here to pick a day and time.

Any questions feel free to email us on

MBIE Unlocking Curious Minds

Unlocking Curious Minds is a contestable fund that supports innovative, quality projects which provide more New Zealanders with opportunities to learn about and engage with science and technology.

Registration due in the MBIE Portal by 12 noon Thursday 15 August 2019.  If you do not register your project by this date, you cannot start or submit a proposal.

Application due to Research Programme Coordinator and Funds & Submissions by 5pm Tuesday 3 September 2019.

Information and guidelines: Unlocking Curious Minds

New publications

  1. Robin Kearns has recently published, with R Foley (Ireland), B Wheeler (England) and T Kistemann (Germany) Blue Space, Health and  Wellbeing: Hydrophilia Unbounded  (Routledge: London & New York)
  2. Itrax μ‐XRF core scanning for rapid tephrostratigraphic analysis: a case study from the Auckland Volcanic Field maar lakes
    Leonie Peti, Patricia S. Gadd, Jenni L. Hopkins, Paul C. Augustinus
    Journal of Quaternary Science.
  3. Coote, A., Shane, P., Fu, B. 2019. Olivine phenocryst origins and mantle magma sources for monogenetic basalt volcanoes in northern New Zealand from textural, geochemical and d18O isotope data. Lithos 344-345, 232-246,
  4. Boswijk, G., Fowler, A. 2019. Dendroprovenancing: A preliminary assessment of potential to geo-locate kauri timbers in northern New Zealand. Dendrochronologia 57, 125611,
  5. Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Becerril, L., Cronin, S.J. & Bertin, L.J. MatHaz: a Matlab code to assist with probabilistic spatio-temporal volcanic hazard assessment in distributed volcanic fields. Journal of Applied Volcanology 8:4.

Ako – Teaching and Learning

Māori and Pacific – Future of Tech Event

Discover where your degree and your cultural perspective can take you in the STEM industry!

Date/time: Thursday 15 August, 5-8pm

Location: Unleash Space, Faculty of Engineering Building, Room 402-433

Book your place on the event page on MyCDES

Talofa lava, Bula Vinaka, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Fakatalofa atu, Kia orana, Mālō e lelei, Mālō nī, Kia orana and warm Pacific greetings to you all.

The CDES team would like to invite you all to our very first Māori and Pacific STEM event! This is a fantastic opportunity to hear about the range of career pathways across different organisations and understand the realities of work-life in the STEM industry! You will hear from a diverse panel of Māori and Pacific speakers who will share their career journey and the challenges they face in the STEM industry, followed by networking.

Come and hear from Air New Zealand, Microsoft, Xero, Fisher & Paykel Healthcare, Suncorp NZ, rhipe and Watercare!

If you have any questions about this event, please email Pepe Afeaki:

Ako Innovation Teaching & Learning Seminar:
Using LEGO to encourage collaboration in an educational environment

Date/time: Friday 23rd August · 11-12pm

Location: Building 302, Room 551 (Ontology Lab)

In this interactive talk, Dr Ksenia Chmutina will reflect on her experience of using LEGO for teaching disaster risk reduction to a group of UG architecture and civil engineering students. The ‘Disaster Risk Reduction is Child’s Play’ project aimed at enhancing collaboration among students who would not traditionally work together in an educational environment – but are highly likely to collaborate in industry. Using LEGO and other modular toys has helped to encourage the dialogue among the students and between the students and staff in a problem-based context, and provided solutions to the challenges that multi-disciplinary group work usually faces.

From the learning perspective, the use of LEGO helped the students to define design as the process of investigating a problem and proposing creative responses through the application of modular models and to apply engineering and architectural knowledge as well as creativity and intuition. We have however discovered that architecture students, who are used to hands-on work, are much more willing to engage with using LEGO; civil engineering students did not feel as comfortable and required more encouragement. This reflected the challenge of the multi-stakeholder collaboration and highlighted that LEGO can help building the bridges between discipline

Dr Ksenia Chmutina

Senior Lecturer in Sustainable and Resilient Urbanism, School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering, Loughborough University, UK

Enquiries: Mel Wall

Secondary School Unit Standards for Earth and Space Science

Martin has kindly placed a load of resources for high school Earth and space sciences here:

S:\env\Share\Secondary School Unit Standards Earth and Space Science

Included are exemplars of student work, unit standards, scholarship exam etc. This is a good place to look if you want to understand the educational context of this discipline.


Job vacancy: Research Assistant for natural hazard research projects (Jan Lindsay)

I am seeking a full-time Research Assistant to work with me on a number of major research projects. The position is for 1 year, starting ASAP, with the possibility of renewal. The successful candidate will become part of the project management teams of both the Determining Volcanic Risk in Auckland (DEVORA) project and the Urban Theme of the Resilience to Natures Challenges National Science Challenge. They will also assist me with tasks related to the International Working Group on Volcanic Hazard Maps. I would also be open to two people sharing this role at 0.5 FTE each.

Main tasks would fall in the areas of communication and outreach (including website maintenance), database management, organisation of meetings and workshops, research and field assistance, and project management support. The candidate(s) should ideally have a bachelors or a postgraduate degree in a relevant field (e.g. Earth Sciences, Geography, Environmental Science, Communication) and some research experience. Candidates should have excellent organisational and oral and written communication skills, and ideally a good understanding of the natural hazard risk research environment in New Zealand. Project management, science communication and stakeholder engagement experience would be desirable, as would experience with Vision Mātauranga and engaging with Māori.

For more information please visit

Or email Jan Lindsay

Please apply by emailing a Cover letter and CV to Jan Lindsay by Monday 19th August.

Copy deadline for next edition of P-cubed: Friday 12:00 16th August, to Samantha:

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 14- Monday 5th August 2019

Issue 13- Monday 22 July 2019

July 21, 2019 • fshe556


Kia ora koutou

Welcome to Semester 2, the big run to the end of the year! It’s great to see all the activity around campus. Please give a warm welcome to all our new and returning students, and especially keep an eye out for the lost ones. Starting out at Uni can be a daunting experience; your friendly greeting can make a big difference.

It’s consultation time. The faculty has kicked off its annual strategic planning exercise and we have 4 weeks to submit our school 3-year Strategic Plan. This plan sets out our objectives and resourcing requirements. Over the next two weeks the Chairs of the various committees and Academic Programme Heads will be drawing together material for the draft plan that will be circulated for comment to staff and PG students in the next edition of P-cubed. There then will be a one week opportunity for consideration and feedback after which the plan will be finalised for submission on 16 August. If you would like to contribute to the 2020 plan, please engage via committees and/or disciplinary groups, or send individual comments directly to me. For reference, our 2019 plan is here.

In developing the strategic plan, we would like to include a short mission/values statement, one that we can develop further over the next 12 months. If you are interested in contributing to this, please see below for further information.

Now is the time to think about short projects or qualifying purchases that need some $$ and which can be receipted before 31 December. If the budget is looking flush as we get late into the 3rd quarter we will start funding these items. ‘Underspend proposals‘ are open to all committees, disciplinary groups (incl. student experience committee) and individual staff. Please see here for details.

Have a great week!

Ngā mihi – JR

For Your Diary

Deadlines Date & Location
ENV morning tea – farewell for Vanessa Wednesday 24th July, 10.30am, Level 6 common space
FRDF grants -contact RPC Ivana Mlinac for more information. Wednesday 24th July
NZ Association of Scientist Medals Wednesday 31 July, 2019
Draft content for ENV strategic plan to JR please, Values content/ideas to Larry please Friday 2 August
Promotion applications (excluding Professorial applications) – send to JR- Discussion with JR before the deadline is required Thursday 15  August
Proposals for short-term funding (Underspend proposals) due to JR 16th August
UOA Teaching Excellence Awards Due Friday 6th September


Whakawhanaungatanga – communities

Shaping our vision and values

The School of Environment sits within a broader organisation with defined missions and values; our mission and values must map onto these broader frameworks, though they can reflect our unique identity.

  • What is our mission
  • What are our values?

Larry is building a short mission/values statement for the 3-year strategic plan, one that we can develop further over the next 12 months. If you would like to contribute ideas or opinions, please get in touch with him before Friday August 2.

The University’s core values are:

  • Excellence in teaching, learning, research, creative work and administration
  • Respect for each other and for our shared commitment to excellence, collegiality, academic freedom, equity, and the principles of the Te Tiriti ō Waitangi (Treaty of Waitangi).
  • Service by our staff, students and alumni to high quality learning, the advancement of knowledge and to our local, national and international communities


Our Mission: Excellent science – local impact – global leadership

We undertake excellent scientific research and education that are valued for their contribution to evidence-based global discourse and for the way they underpin and support New Zealand and New Zealanders to:

  • Understand the processes that shape our physical, natural and social environments and their implications;
  • Be responsive and responsible in addressing challenges that might affect them or their environments;
  • Live lives that are healthy in mind and body in habitats that are rich and diverse;
  • Transform our economy to one that is environmentally and socially sustainable and which is founded on evidence-based research
  • Grow a population that irrespective of background is well educated in science, including mātauranga Māori, and its ethical application;
  • …and which, through our local actions, provide global leadership.

Our Values

Within this framework we are committed to:

  • Quality – valuing quality over quantity in our teaching, research, relationships and cultures.
  • Te Tiriti ō Waitangi – respecting its principles, and meaningfully engaging with Māori and Pacific approaches and values in all that we do.
  • Equity – supporting all students and staff to reach their potential, irrespective of background.
  • Inclusivity – providing an inclusive work and study environment that promotes wellbeing and celebrates diversity.
  • Pedagogy – ensuring our teaching programmes respond to international best practice and to the diverse and changing needs of our students.
  • Research – promoting thriving research communities, including those based on interdisciplinary collaboration.
  • Stakeholders – strengthening our engagement with, and our relevance to, our stakeholders and their communities.
  • Sustainability – investing in sustainability in its broadest sense: ethical, emotional, environmental and financial.
  • Professionalism – encouraging core values: Integrity, Efficiency, Credibility, Compassion, Passion, Helpfulness.

Promotion Applications 2019 (excluding Professorial applications)

If you are considering applying for promotion, please make sure you are familiar with the content of the Academic Promotions webpage (it contains links to all promotions forms, policies and the standards) and email Samantha ( ) to schedule a meeting to discuss with JR before submitting your complete applications to her. The deadline of submitting applications is Thursday 15 August. Click here for more details.


Multi-use Laboratory Room 302-586

The ‘document’ lab has been reconfigured to provide a multi-use facility that is suitable for microscope work or small meetings/seminars. Several specialist microscopes are positioned on the back/side walls. Window screens, fold-up chairs and a large smart TV are available.

If you want to book this room please see Farnaz or Lynnette in the main office, Level 6. They will record your booking and have a key that you can collect when you need it. All staff and PG students can book this space.

The space is available for use without a booking but obviously bookings take precedence.


The new release of the University Health, Safety and Wellbeing (HSW) Policy:

The H&S policy is now the Health, Safety and Wellbeing (HSW) policy, and replaces all previous versions. The HSW policy includes Governance and Leadership statements, breaks down responsibilities by role, and describes how we manage HSW at The University.

All staff should make themselves familiar with section 6 “All Staff” responsibilities, and those other responsibilities that apply to their particular role.  All students need to make themselves familiar with their responsibilities as per section 7 “students”.

Accident and near miss reporting:

You should be reporting injuries, near misses, potential incidents, vehicle incidents and anything else of concern.  If in doubt, ask one of the HSW committee members.  Reporting from the School has been a bit slow over the last few months, but we have had a couple of interesting potential incidents reported.

  • A cheeky seagull has been stacking pebbles on the 302 L6 building ledge.  This has the potential to cause some harm if one fell off and hit someone below.  This was reported, investigated and is now sitting with property services to rectify (bird netting? Scarecrow?)
  • A couple of live shotgun shells were accidentally sent back to the School with some field equipment.  Reported, and shells dropped off to the police.

Reporting procedure can be found below.  Pretty easy, fill in the form and send to a member of the School HSW committee.



Morning Tea for Vanessa Castro’s farewell – 10:30am, 24 July, L6 Breakout Space

Cumberland Lecture

Save the date! The Cumberland lecture will be on 22 August, 5 pm, PLT2. Kennedy Warne – Writer, Photographer, and co-founder of New Zealand Geographic – is our Cumberland lecturer. Further details coming soon.

The Earth Sciences Bickie briefing

The Earth Sciences Bickie briefing runs every Thursday morning at 10.30am in the Level 6 Breakout space- B302. All post grads and staff welcome.

Volcanology, Geochemistry, & Petrology Research Group

The volcanology, geochemistry, & petrology research group (VGP) meets every other week during the semester. Our next meeting will be on 25 July from 12 to 1 in 302-130. (Note the time and location change from last semester!) Geoff and Jan will be giving talks about his recent experimental work in Munich and the Resilience to Nature’s Challenges- Urban Phase 2 research programme, respectively. For more information, please see our website: See you soon!

FoS Postdoc Society

The Faculty of Science Post-Doctoral Society is a society for Postdocs and Early Career Researchers within the Faculty of Science that has the following objectives:

  1. a)            To promote excellent science by providing a community for FoS postdoctoral staff and early career researchers that facilitates networking and collaboration both in and out of the lab.
  2. b)            To facilitate training and career development amongst FoS postdoctoral staff and early career researchers; and
  3. c)            To promote the interests of and provide a voice for FoS postdoctoral staff and early career researchers within both the School and the University of Auckland.

We are always open to new committee members so if you know any postdocs or early career researcher who are passionate about helping other postdocs/early career researchers and interested in becoming committee members or if you are that person, please contact us at  Alternatively, if you would like to find out what it is like being a committee member, please come along to any of our committee meetings held on the first Tuesday of each month at 3pm in the Building 302, 6th floor breakout space (next one is Tuesday 6th August).

Unfortunately, we don’t currently have an automatic notification when a new postdoc joins the Faculty. We manually add a new person to our emailing list when we can identify one, but it is tricky to track everyone.  So please let us know by emailing at if you would like to be on our mailing list. We run a range of events throughout the year ranging from panel discussions to skills workshops and use this list to advertise events and let you know what’s going on within the society as it happens.

Best regards,

Lena Weissert

Student Levy Consultation

The Student Levy, or Compulsory Student Services Fee, is open for consultation from Monday 1 July – Friday 2 August. There is five $50 Westfield Shopping vouchers to be won.
Complete the Student Levy Survey and tell us how you think the compulsory fee should be spent at the University in 2020. The survey can be found here
Please find the Flyer here

Open Day 2019 – ambassadors

UOA is looking for 200-odd student ambassadors (including UniGuides) to help for a full day on Open Day, doing tasks such as transport coordination, help desks, lecture support, SkyBus help and other misc. tasks. As a thank you for volunteering your time and support, you will be provided with lunch on the day and a Westfield voucher.
More information and sign up form for students:

Datamine graduate recruitment information evening:

Wondering where your degree in science, statistics, computer science or technology can take you? Datamine is on the search for Auckland University students and near-graduates to join their growing team.
Date: Tuesday 6 August
Time: 5pm
Place: 23 Symonds Street, MedChem Lecture Theatre, Science Building.
Spaces are limited. Please book your spot through our website or by contacting Datamine at

Please find the Flyer here

Thank you!


We would like to thank all of our outreach volunteers from AUGA, DEVORA, QuakeCore, Rū, and UOA geography who helped with several tables at The University of Auckland’s Incredible Science day on July 2nd. There were over 500 students, teachers and parents from around the Auckland region. It was a successful day enjoyed by all. Anna and Shannen.

Rangahau – Research

PhD student Kate Cocker working with Phil Shane using the electron microprobe at Victoria University in Wellington last week. She is analysing crystals in andesites from Ruapehu volcano. The aim to understand how magma ascends to the surface.

Financial Reports

 The Budget Availability Report (BAR) sent to researchers each month will be retired at the end of July. An enhanced report is available through Strategic Management Report (SMR) research dashboards.

The dashboard provides detailed reports of the HOD and RDA accounts and all research projects that you are a PI on. It has updated data from the previous working day.

An eLearning module entitled ‘Research Funding Dashboards for Researchers’ has been created – with a PI specific view.

The school’s RPCs can help if you have any questions, how to access and interpret the dashboard.

Meetings, seminars and events

Registrations for Exposure 2019 open 29 July

Get ready for Exposure 2019! The University’s biggest postgraduate research expo is back this October. Whether you want to compete in the Poster Session or Oral Presentation Session, prepare your abstract and be ready to submit when registrations open on 29 July.

 In 2018, Science students won first and second place in the poster competition and won second place in the oral presentation.

With a total prize fund of $7,500, can you afford to miss it?

 Find dates, details and resources at

‘Ken Cumberland and Historical Geography – (or why I’m an ambivalent social scientist)’

Tuesday 6th August at 4.00pm in the Ontology Lab on Level 5 of Building 302

Speaker: Professor Michael Roche, Massey University, Palmerston North

Please find the flyer here.

Research Ideas Seminar – Our World and Universe

You’re cordially invited to the second in the series of Our World and Universe seminars on Wednesday 14 August at 2-4pm.

The focus of the seminar will be for YOU to present YOUR current research project ideas – whether it be for MBIE, Marsden, industry or for internal funding. Any project idea is welcome, no matter how new or developed it may be! The main aim is for all of us to share our interests and connect to others outside of our immediate disciplines.

$$$$! – Anyone who gets involved in the session and presents will be eligible to receive SEED MONEY for their project idea: There are two prizes worth $4K (for research staff) and two prizes worth $2K (for postgraduate research students).

And if the money isn’t enough of an incentive, we will have free food and drinks too!

Any topic that relates to the theme in any aspect is welcome. As a reminder, the theme has three main focus areas:

  • Earth. The study of our oceans, climate and geological systems; Life and it’s development, from mitochondria to megafauna.
  • Space. Remote sensing and space technology; Exploration of the stars, galaxies and supernovae; All things ‘Astro’.
  • Fundamental Questions. The origins and evolution of life; The philosophy of biology and enaction; Complex networks and machine learning.

The format of the session will be for you and other members come by, create a quick write up of your idea on a whiteboard on the day, and present these to the room. We ran this format in April in a similar session, and had a great response – if you’d like to take a look, click here to find out more about the talks.

Please RSVP to this email to sign up, with a few words that describe your idea/talk.

Journal Editors Workshop – Auckland Monday 26 August

The Journal Editors Workshop will be held across 2 locations: (View online)

Monday 26 August
9.00am – 11.30am
Auckland University of Technology

Tuesday 27 August
9.00am – 11.30am
Victoria University of Wellington

Featured speaker: Dr Anthony Dona

What you will discover at the workshop:

  • Journal Selection Criteria and Improving your Publication – Understand how journals are selected and analysed in Web of Science.
  • Enhancing your Impact Factor and the State of Open Access – Understand how to use the Impact Factor Metric, and its limitations. Learn about other valuable bibliometric indicators and the trends of these in open access journals.
  • Find Peer Reviewers and Publons Profiles – Discover where academics are editing and reviewing journals like your own.

Please register here.

Marine Geosciences Talk

 Wed 24/7, 1-2 pm

CAG01/114-G01 (Commerce A)

 Fish predators maintain estuarine biodiversity and benefit a critical ecosystem engineer

 Joseph Reustle
Smee Marine Ecology Lab
Texas A&M University

A Prognosis on Privacy: Are We Equipped for Emerging Challenges?

 David Swanlund is a visiting PhD Candidate from Simon Fraser University in Canada. He will be giving a talk on modern Geo Privacy issues and solutions next week. David’s excellent work has been published in Progress in Human Geography and the Annals of the AAG, and his has most recently won an award for his talk at the Spatial Knowledge and Information conference in Canada.

 The abstract for his talk is as follows:

Whether it’s Cambridge Analytica, revelations about government surveillance, or the seemingly endless breaches of corporate databases, privacy is often marked by scandal. As a result of this constant exposure, surveys show that members of the public are increasingly worried about their privacy and are feeling less confident that they understand how corporations and governments are collecting, analyzing, and sharing their data. But what exactly is privacy anyways, where are its edges, and why do privacy scholars so often disagree over these seemingly basic questions? Moreover, why might we look at privacy through an explicitly spatial lens (i.e. geoprivacy), and what does spatial data reveal about us that other forms of data do not? Finally, what can we as researchers do to better protect the spatial privacy of the individuals in our datasets? This presentation will explore each of these questions, and in doing so will outline emerging problems in the study, protection, and even conceptualization of privacy.

 Hope you will be able to join us in the Ontology Lab for a talk that is sure to be of interest for all of the school of environment as we all have data that requires security and has privacy considerations. If you think others outside of the school would be interested, please feel free to invite them as well. There will be cookies! 


Thursday, July 25. 

Talk 2-2:30, discussion thereafter.

Ontology Lab,B302, Level 5. Rm. 551

Funding Opportunities

RSNZ Rutherford Foundation 2019

The objectives of the Rutherford Foundation Fellowships and Scholarships are to support the education and development of promising excellent early career researchers with the potential to excel in a research environment.

Due to Funds & Submissions by 5pm Tuesday 23 July 2019.

Information and guidelines : Rutherford Foundation


 The updated documents for the 2019 Round are now available on the Faculty of Science intranet

Applications are due by 5pm on Wednesday 24th July and should be submitted via the RFM – contact your RPC Ivana Mlinac if you have any queries.

Vice-Chancellor’s Strategic Development Fund (VCSDF).

Applications must support the University’s Strategic Plan and have sufficient impact to justify immediate funding. Applications can be made by any individual staff member or group of staff, academic unit or service division.

VCSDF applications close at 5pm on Friday 16th August.

More information and an application form are available on the staff intranet at Vice-Chancellor’s Strategic Development Fund 2019

New publications

  1. Simon-Kumar, R., Collins, F.L. & Friesen, W. (eds) (2019) Intersections of inequality, migration and diversification: the politics of mobility in Aotearoa/NewZealand. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
  2. Friesen, W. (2019) ‘Quantifying and qualifying inequality among migrants’ in R. Simon-Kumar, F.L. Collins, & W. Friesen (eds), Intersections of inequality, migration and diversification: the politics of mobility in Aotearoa/NewZealand. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 17-42.
  3. Shirley, G., Wylie, E., & Friesen, W. (2019) ‘The branding of post-conflict tourism destinations: theoretical reflections and case studies’, in A. Neef and J.H. Grayman (eds), The tourism-disaster-conflict nexus. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Ltd, pp 119-139.
  4. Underhill-Sem, Y, Marsters, E., Bedford, R., Naidu, V. & Friesen, W., (2019) Are there only winners? Labour mobility for sustainable development in the Pacific. New Zealand Institute for Pacific Research, Auckland. 48 pp.
  5. PhD student Megan Tuck has just published a paper in Geology. The paper has been covered by various media organisations. Link to one piece below.Tuck, M. E., Kench, P. S., Ford, M. R., & Masselink, G. (2019). Physical modelling of the response of reef islands to sea-level rise. Geology.

Ako – Teaching and Learning

Teaching Excellence Awards

Applications are being called for The University of Auckland Teaching Excellence Awards. There are five Teaching Excellence Awards available, in the following categories:

  • Sustained Excellence in Teaching (two awards)
  • Early Career Excellence in Teaching (two awards)
  • Leadership in Teaching and Learning (one award)
  • In the 2019 round, applications are invited for formal leadership in teaching and learning*

In a particular year, if an award is not made in one or more of the categories, an award may be re-assigned to another category if the next best ranked application in that category is of sufficient merit. The Awards are contestable across the University and carry with them a medal and a monetary prize of $6,000.

Selected recipients of University of Auckland Teaching Excellence Awards will usually be considered for nomination by the University for the national awards. The University, however, reserves the right to approach other staff to nominate for the national awards.

The ‘Information to applicants’ and application forms are available on the University’s Teaching and Learning website at:

For guidance and advice on preparing a teaching portfolio, potential applicants can:

–       view the portfolios of the University’s national Tertiary Teaching Excellence Award winners as an example of best practice

–       consult the online resources available on the Centre for Learning and Research in Higher Education (CLeaR) website

–       submit a request for a consultation with CLeaR

The closing date for applications is Friday 6 September 2019 with the Teaching Excellence Awards Secretary, Susan McDowell-Watts,

For any enquiries – contact Claire Walters, Academic Reviews Manager, Office of the Vice-Chancellor,


Free 3-seater sofa

In great condition, except for the cat damage to the arms and the base :-(. Don’t take it if you’re allergic to cats. But, if you  need a couch for the flat this could be a goodie. Email JR.

Are you good at graphics? Want some work?

If you make great visual posters and want some paid work, I’m keen to have a chat to you. Email JR.

Copy deadline for next edition of P-cubed: Friday 12:00 2nd August, to Farnaz:

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 13- Monday 22 July 2019

Issue 12- Monday 8th July 2019

July 7, 2019 • fshe556


Kia ora koutou

It’s that time of year when there are lots of comings and goings. All the best to Robin, Murray, Tom, Jan, Kathy, Kevin and Melissa who are on research and study leave this coming semester – may you have a rewarding and regenerative time. Sadly, we will be saying farewell to Vanessa Castro, who has a new role as the Resource Consents Specialist (Stormwater, Wastewater and ITA) at Auckland Council. Vanessa studied Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering and Environmental Chemistry and  worked for 4 years in this field for the Brazilian government before moving to NZ. She is  really passionate about environmental preservation and management so this job is a great personal move. Vanessa’s last day is 26th July – please join us on Wednesday 24th for a morning tea farewell.

As many of you know, we were unsuccessful in appointing a Professor in Environmental Management. We are committed to this position and will be readvertising and initiating a recruitment search in the next few weeks.

We are at the mid-year point in our budgets – it would be great to see more expenditure against the professional development fund. We need to spend a third of the allocation this year or we run the risk of cutting the spend to fit the budget in subsequent years. Also, we are not doing so well in taking our annual leave with many of us looking like we will have more than a week (some much more than a week) owing by the end of the year. Please make an effort to take your leave – it helps with your health and wellbeing and it reduces the financial risk to the school. If you are a research assistant on a short term contract please ensure you take your leave before the end of your contract. I am coming under pressure about this and would appreciate your compliance with the FoS policy that expects leave to be taken in the year it accrues.

Last week I was lucky to join the AUGA club trip to Waitomo, which took advantage of the superb research underway by Joel Baker and his fantastic group of students. The Moa Eggshell cave was astonishing for the insight it offers to the development of moa and NZ’s supereruption-impacted climate over the last 2 million years. Great to be out and about with such a motivated and enthusiastic bunch of Earth Scientists.

Ngā mihi – JR

For Your Diary

Deadlines Date & Location
Feedback due on draft Code of Conduct – see here 14th July 2019to
Approved staff unavailability form (AS-87) for 2020- to 15th July 2019
Māori & Pacific Welcome, Semester 2 Wednesday, 17th July, 9-10am Waipapa Marae
Doctoral morning tea mid-year social 18th July
ENV morning tea – farewell for Vanessa Wednesday 24th July, 10.30am, Level 6 common space
FRDF grants -contact RPC Ivana Mlinac for more information. 24th July
NZ Association of Scientist Medals 31 July, 2019
UOA Teaching Excellence Awards Due Friday 6th September


Whakawhanaungatanga – communities

The AUGA club recently got back from a 3 day trip down at Waitomo. Here students spent their days going through various caves in the waitomo area (and getting nice and muddy!) looking at Speleothems, Moa bones/egg shells, pyroclastic flows deposited in the caves! See the photos HERE.

Health & Safety field work reminder

1- Please  submit field activity plans to Blair for all fieldwork, in advance of the trip being taken. Field activity is any work carried out for the purpose of teaching, research or representing the University off-site, where facility for health and safety is not managed by another host institution.

2- The School has a satellite phone (user-pays) available for staff and students to use for fieldwork; contact Blair if you want to use it. Thank you!

Graduate stories

We would like to gather stories about recent graduates for promotional purposes – if you have contacts with folk you think would be willing to share their stories please get in touch with Cate Hennessy (

Whakamana Tāngata | Student Services Strategy 2019 – 2022 Consultation

The University of Auckland is seeking your feedback on the draft Student Services Strategy.

The Student Services Strategy has been developed to give more clarity on priority areas of development and investment in our student services. While each area of the University strives to provide excellent services to our students there is often fragmentation and duplication of effort. The strategy is built around six outcomes to frame future development of services, with the ultimate goal to deliver an inspirational and transformative student experience that encourages a lifelong connection with the University of Auckland.
Key themes from a series of workshops, surveys and market research were incorporated into the strategy in consultation with key stakeholders.
University staff and students are invited to provide feedback on the draft strategy.
The closing date for feedback is Friday 2 August 2019.
Staff feedback should be emailed to:
The draft strategy and supporting material can be found on the intranet page.

The University of Auckland Partnership Appeal Awards

The university of Auckland Partnership Appeal Award is open to anyone in their final year of study who would greatly benefit from financial funding to help them finish up their studies. This applies to all faculties and all degree programmes (UG, PG, PhD).

Number on offer varies and the value can be from $500 to $5000.

 Applicants will require a referee who can comment on their financial circumstances.

 To be eligible for consideration applicants will need to be either a permanent resident or citizen of New Zealand.

 Students interested can apply by clicking the blue ‘Apply here’ button on the Partnership Appeal Awards webpage.

 Applications close on 2 August.

Operation Tidy Fox

On 26th March approximately 10,000m3 of legacy landfill washed out in the Fox River, on the West Coast of the South Island. To date over 300 volunteers have been involved with the clean-up, in addition to over 60 DOC staff and agencies such as Maritime New Zealand’s National Response Team, Civil Defence and others. But this is a massive job, requiring an estimated 20,000 person hours, and more volunteers are needed to come and assist.

Organisers are providing accommodation in Fox from the day before volunteering to the last day of volunteering. They are also providing lunch and dinner on the days that people volunteer, as well as the PPE needed (protective gloves and hi-viz vests), and transport to and from the clean-up site. All they need is people to come and help!

Here is a link to the volunteer clean up Facebook page.

Fox Glacier and the Fox and Cook Rivers are part of a UNESCO World Heritage Area, Tai Poutini National Park and are high value natural resources, so it is crucial that this clean-up gets done. The rubbish needs to be removed as soon as possible, both to restore the natural habitats along the river, but also before future rain events wash it out into the ocean, where it will become significantly harder to recover (and threaten coastal and marine ecosystems, and marine life which includes Hectors Dolphins, and Little Blue Penguins).
The West Coast has no shortage of things to do if people want to combine a holiday with a few days cleaning! The area here is of great interest to geology/geography students as the Alpine Fault runs through Fox Glacier township. Fox Glacier is also home to New Zealand’s largest active landslide at 50-70 million m3 which is moving at 200mm per day and in periods of heavy rain releases debris flows in the order of millions of cubic meters of mud and rock. The hydrology of the Fox and neighbouring Waiho Rivers is interesting and perplexing as well! The Copland track to Welcome Hut is nearby, complete with forest, river and mountain scenery, and of course, natural hot pools!
It would be great to see some School of Environment students take up this challenge. If you are interested please get in touch with Joe as we are trying to pull together a team of people to head down.

Doctoral Morning Tea Mid-Year Social

We’re mid-way through the year, which means it’s time for the Doctoral Morning Tea Mid-Year Social. Take a well-deserved break from your computer screen to join in some friendly conversation with your doctoral colleagues. There will be plenty of tasty treats to enjoy while you say hello to old friends and introduce yourself to some new ones.

All doctoral candidates are invited to this fun, friendly and informal social event, whether it’s your first Doctoral Morning Tea or your fiftieth. We look forward to seeing you there!

Open to current doctoral candidates from all faculties. 10.00-11.30am, 18th July, Pat Hanan Room, Building 207, Room 501. Register using this link:

Rangahau – Research


Follow-up: Demystifying Research Support in the Faculty of Science

See presentation of the ADR Jan Lindsay and SoE RPCs about the research support provided to School of Environment here.

If you would like to have the presentation, please contact Farnaz via

New publications

Ryan, E.J., Hanmer, K., Kench, P.S. Massive corals maintain a positive carbonate budget of a Maldivian upper reef platform despite major bleaching event (2019) Scientific Reports, 9 (1), art. no. 6515, .

Li, X., Gao, J., Zhang, J., Wang, R., Jin, L., Zhou, H. Adaptive strategies to overcome challenges in vegetation restoration to coalmine wasteland in a frigid alpine setting (2019) Catena, 182, art. no. 104142.

Ma, X., Longley, I., Gao, J., Kachhara, A., Salmond, J. A site-optimised multi-scale GIS based land use regression model for simulating local scale patterns in air pollution (2019) Science of the Total Environment, 685, pp. 134-149.

Hamilton, A.R., Campbell, K.A., Rowland, J.V., Barker, S., Guido, D.M. Fossilised geothermal surface features of the Whitianga Volcanic Centre (Miocene), Coromandel Volcanic Zone, New Zealand: Controls and characteristics (2019) Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 381, pp. 209-226.

Jin, C., Coco, G., Tinoco, R.O., Goldstein, E.B., Gong, Z. Laboratory experiments on the role of hysteresis, defect dynamics and initial perturbation on wave-generated ripple development (2019) Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 224, pp. 142-153.

Le Heron, E., Logie, J., Allen, W., Le Heron, R., Blackett, P., Davies, K., Greenaway, A., Glavovic, B., Hikuroa, D. Diversity, contestation, participation in Aotearoa New Zealand‘s multi-use/user marine spaces (2019) Marine Policy, 106, art. no. 103536.

Sutton, P.J.H., Bowen, M. Ocean temperature change around New Zealand over the last 36 years (2019) New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 53 (3), pp. 305-326.

Bates, L., Wiles, J., Kearns, R., Coleman, T. Precariously placed: Home, housing and wellbeing for older renters (2019) Health and Place, 58, art. no. 102152.

Ram, A.R., Brook, M.S., Cronin, S.J. Engineering geomorphological investigation of the Kasavu landslide, Viti Levu, Fiji (2019) Landslides, 16 (7), pp. 1341-1351.

Li, W., Wilson, D. J., Larkin, T. J., & Black, P. M. (2019). Laboratory evaluation of cement- and lime-treated marginal greywacke aggregate. Journal of Transportation Engineering Part B: Pavements, 145(3) doi:10.1061/JPEODX.0000127

Xu, T., Gao, J., & Li, Y. (2019). Machine learning-assisted evaluation of land use policies and plans in a rapidly urbanizing district in Chongqing, China. Land use Policy, 87 doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104030

Peti, L., & Augustinus, P. C. (2019). Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Orakei maar lake sediment sequence (Auckland volcanic field, New Zealand). Scientific Drilling, 25, 47-56. doi:10.5194/sd-25-47-2019

Colombier, M., Mueller, S.B., Kueppers, U., Scheu, B., Delmelle, P., Cimarelli, C., Cronin, S.J., Brown, R.J., Tost, M. & Dingwell, D.B. 2019, Diversity of soluble salt concentrations on volcanic ash aggregates from a variety of eruption types and deposits. Bulletin of Volcanology,  81(7) doi:10.1007/s00445-019-1302-0

Funding Opportunities

University of Auckland U21 Doctoral Mobility Scholarship

Up to $5,000 to assist doctoral candidates with costs of undertaking short term visits and placements at Universitas 21 institutions. Applications close on 1st of every month:

Cambridge-Rutherford Memorial PhD Scholarships

 There is a high change of success. Of UoA’s four applicants in 2018, three were shortlisted to interview, and two were awarded (out of three awarded nationally). Again, up to three scholarships will be funded in 2019.

Guidelines can be found here.

Funding Call can be found here.

Internal deadline is 23 July

 RSNZ Rutherford Foundation 2019

The objectives of the Rutherford Foundation Fellowships and Scholarships are to support the education and development of promising excellent early career researchers with the potential to excel in a research environment.

Due to Funds & Submissions by 5pm Tuesday 23 July 2019.

Information and guidelines : Rutherford Foundation


 The updated documents for the 2019 Round are now available on the Faculty of Science intranet

Applications are due by 5.00 pm on Wednesday 24th July and should be submitted via the RFM – contact your RPC Ivana Mlinac if you have any queries.

 Vice-Chancellor’s Strategic Development Fund (VCSDF).

Applications must support the University’s Strategic Plan and have sufficient impact to justify immediate funding. Applications can be made by any individual staff member or group of staff, academic unit or service division.

VCSDF applications close at 5pm on Friday 16th August.

More information and an application form are available on the staff intranet at Vice-Chancellor’s Strategic Development Fund 2019

 Kate Edger Post Doctoral Awards 2019

To assist women who have qualified to graduate with a doctoral degree within the last two years to carry out research on a specified, independent project at an approved Institute in the Auckland area.

Due to Funds & Submissions by 5pm Tuesday 11 July 2019.

Information and guidelines: Kate Edger

Callaghan Roadshow

The Callaghan Innovation Student Grants Roadshow – 17th July
It is an opportunity for you to hear directly from local businesses about the impact student internships can have on your business. The evening will give you the opportunity to:
• hear stories from local business leaders on how students have helped advance their R&D programs
• understand what support is available via Callaghan Innovation
• network with other innovative local businesses
• meet with those who can connect you to quality students with the right skills from Universities throughout Auckland
17th July – Agenda | Timing:

5:30pm Arrival and networking
6:00pm Introduction
6:10pm Company speakers followed by Q&A panel session
6:50pm Overview of available Callaghan Innovation funding support schemes
7:00pm Networking with refreshments provided
8:00pm Event concludes
Click here to register

Kupe Leadership Scholarship

Applications are now open for the prestigious Kupe Leadership Scholarships for 2020.
As you have applied to study full-time in an eligible programme of study in 2020 at the University of Auckland, you may be interested and meet the other criteria to apply for this scholarship. Please see details below.

Kupe Leadership Scholarships

The Kupe Leadership Scholarships offer a wonderful opportunity for postgraduate students at the University of Auckland who care deeply about Aotearoa New Zealand and who have a strong desire to serve.
This prestigious postgraduate scholarship is for aspiring leaders looking to make their own unique contribution to Aotearoa New Zealand. It offers up to 20 Scholars an exciting experience of personal growth and challenge alongside their honours, postgraduate diploma or masters study at the University of Auckland.

What does it include?

The Kupe Leadership Scholarship offers a bespoke leadership programme, a personal mentor connected to your area of interest and a fortnightly stipend of up to $22,000 (or a $10,000 stipend and on-campus studio accommodation valued at $14,100).
Enrich a year of your postgraduate study at the University of Auckland and become part of a diverse network of emerging leaders focused on making their own, significant contribution to Aotearoa New Zealand and beyond.
Apply now. Applications close 23 August 2019.
For more information about this scholarship visit:
Read about the inaugural Kupe Leadership Scholars:

Manaaki Whenua Scholarship 2019

The primary focus for the award of this scholarship is in the fields of forest ecology, indigenous forest management and environmental sciences and practices, however, other more general fields of study or development, such as mātauranga, leadership and management, may be considered eligible for the award.
This scholarship is open to all people of the Tuawhenua. It is left to the applicant to demonstrate their link to the people, hapu and marae of the Tuawhenua.
What can the scholarship be used for?
In general, the monies associated with the award may be used for the payment of study course fees and/or other expenses associated with study courses or on-the-job training. The Trust will consider the needs of each candidate according to the nature of the development being undertaken.

Please find more details here

Ako – Teaching and Learning

English Language Enrichment services at Te Tumu Herenga – Libraries and Learning Services

There are many students in Science for whom English is an additional language, and this can be another layer of challenge when studying at the University of Auckland. The team at English Language Enrichment (ELE) provide workshops, drop-in sessions and online resources for undergraduate and postgraduate students.
You can provide links to the following sets of English language development resources for postgrads or undergrads if you think they would be useful for your students.

For PhD students: Working effectively with your supervisor

Getting supervision off to a good start is an important part of your PhD experience. In this workshop, we explore strategies for understanding and clarifying expectations around supervision and communicating effectively with your supervisor.

10.00-12.00 noon, 15th July. Register here:

UOA Teaching Excellence Awards

Applications are being called for The University of Auckland Teaching Excellence Awards. There are five Teaching Excellence Awards available, in the following categories:

  • Sustained Excellence in Teaching (two awards)
  • Early Career Excellence in Teaching (two awards)
  • Leadership in Teaching and Learning (one award)
  • In the 2019 round, applications are invited for formal leadership in teaching and learning*

In a particular year, if an award is not made in one or more of the categories, an award may be re-assigned to another category if the next best ranked application in that category is of sufficient merit. The Awards are contestable across the University and carry with them a medal and a monetary prize of $6,000.

Selected recipients of University of Auckland Teaching Excellence Awards will usually be considered for nomination by the University for the national awards. The University, however, reserves the right to approach other staff to nominate for the national awards.

The ‘Information to applicants’ and application forms are available on the University’s Teaching and Learning website at:

For guidance and advice on preparing a teaching portfolio, potential applicants can:

The closing date for applications is Friday 6 September 2019 with the Teaching Excellence Awards Secretary, Susan McDowell-Watts,

For any enquiries – contact Claire Walters, Academic Reviews Manager, Office of the Vice-Chancellor,

* this will alternate with applications for ‘informal’ leadership in teaching and learning. Please refer to the ‘Information to applicants’ for further details, including definitions and eligibility.

Ako Innovation Committee: Teaching & Learning Fund

The purpose of this fund is to promote the development of innovative teaching and learning practices within the School of Environment which promote a culture of teaching excellence. These funds will be distributed in one contestable round, with grants of up to $6000. The total pool of funds available in 2019 is $12000. Grants to individuals or groups of teaching active staff will be used to fund small-scale teaching initiatives that have an impact on teaching practice for the benefit of learners.
All applications should be received by 15/07/2019.
See Ako Innovation Committee Teaching & Learning Fund: Grant Guidelines and 2019 Application Form for AKO Teaching and Learning Innovation Grant.
Any questions please contact Mel Wall.

Blended Learning Workshop

Ako Innovation Committee and CLeaR ran a workshop on blended learning* Tuesday 18th June 2019.
*Blended learning is an approach to education that combines online educational materials and opportunities for interaction online with traditional place-based classroom methods.
Resources from the workshop can be found here.


Job vacancy: Marae Moana Office (GIS Coordination)

The Cook Islands Marine Park (Marae Moana) is looking for a Pacific Islander (ideally) for  a GIS contract to develop the first marine spatial plan for the park. It’s a fab opportunity for a recent post grad and there is potential that the position will be funded beyond the initial term. Will be based in the Office of the Prime Minister with Jacqui Evans, Marae Moana Director.

See here and here for details. Deadline Wednesday 10 July!

Copy deadline for next edition of P-cubed: Friday 12:00 19th July, to Farnaz:

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 12- Monday 8th July 2019

Issue 11- Monday 24th June 2019

June 23, 2019 • fshe556


Kia ora koutou

It’s Matariki –  Māori New Year – a time for remembering those who have gone before us, celebrating new life and planting new crops. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for the care that has been shown since the Christchurch massacre, and the efforts that have been made to reassert the values that we would like to underpin our society. Teaching semesters are a demanding time for staff and students alike, with no end of work from start to finish. This one has been harder than most but we are almost done, with just a few exams left. As we move beyond Matariki, I hope everyone finds time to recharge ready for a productive and rewarding Semester 2.

In amongst the hard work it is always great to find joyful moments. The Pecha Kucha presentations (and MC) at the recent ENV staff retreat were a highlight – who knew dogs could be so versatile? Special thanks to our brave presenters – you were brilliant and most assuredly have alternate careers in stand-up comedy. For those interested, I have collated the ‘framing’ responses from JC’s activity here. If you have comments or corrections please send them through to me – there will be misinterpretations of intent so do set me straight where I have strayed. We will follow up on some of the priorities over the next few months.

If you are in the office on Wednesday 3 July please join me at 10.30 am for a morning tea to celebrate the end of Semester 1 and to welcome Sonia Fonua, our new PTF in Pacific pedagogy and Environmental Science, into the school.

Ngā mihi – JR

For Your Diary

Deadlines Date & Location
Nomination of Examiners for Masters students- to  28th June 2019
Application to be on the Rhodes selection panel  end June – to
 Distinguished Visitor Awards- contact RPC Ivana Mlinac for more information.  1st July 2019
Professorial promotion applications – send to John Hosking, see here for info
 1st July 2019
Feedback due on draft Code of Conduct – see here  14th July 2019to
Approved staff unavailability form (AS-87) for 2020- to  15th July 2019
Māori & Pacific Welcome, Semester 2 Wednesday, 17th July, 9-10am Waipapa Marae
 FRDF grants -contact RPC Ivana Mlinac for more information.  24th July
NZ Association of Scientist Medals   31 July, 2019
 Other Events  
 “Demystifying research support in the Faculty of Science”. –  room 423-340  2nd July  (Tuesday) 11– 12pm

Whakawhanaungatanga – communities

Spaces and systems

IMPORTANT: Environment Vehicle Hire booking 

The vehicle booking site has been moved to the new URL. Please start using the new URL.

New multi-use room

The new multi-use room, 302.586 (formerly Document Analysis Lab) is available for use. While microscopes are set up in this space permanently, the School has an ad-hoc booking system for other users. There is a whiteboard on the door where anyone can book the room. The room has blockout curtains, chairs (10) and a mobile smart TV. If you have any questions about using this space please direct them to Blair ( Please leave the room tidy and clean.


The Earth Sciences Bickie briefing

The Earth Sciences Bickie briefing runs every Thursday morning at 10.30am in the Level 6 Breakout space- B302. All post grads and staff welcome.

University of Auckland Senior Common Room (aka the Staff Club)

School of Environment staff that participated in the recent School retreat at Old Government House (OGH) will be familiar with the facilities available. However, few are probably aware that the facilities are maintained by the Senior Common Room (SCR). Membership of the SCR is open to all staff (professional and academic) and PhD students for the price of $4.43/fortnight for the former and $25/year for the latter. Given the cost of the subsidized (to members) beverages on offer your membership dues will be recouped in a few visits. Note that membership also entitles you to 10% discount on food and drinks purchased from the Montana Café (sorry, not the Buttery Bar).

To ease the process of joining the SCR please find the Staff and PhD membership forms.

Staff: simply type in your details and decide whether to pay automatic fortnightly deductions of $4.43 from your salary by emailing the completed membership form to: Alternatively you are welcome to pay the annual subscription in full at the SCR bar.

PhD students: pay the annual subscription at the SCR bar. The completed form can be handed over to the bar staff with the receipt signifying payment, or, email copies of both to:

The SCR looks forward to welcoming more ENV staff and PhD students as members.


PhD success

On Friday 14th Linda Madden successfully passed her PhD oral examination. Her thesis is Pet Names: A critical Geography of Non-human Identity Construction in Auckland City – Linda Madden (supervised by Robin Kearns and Ward Friesen)


Linking with secondary schools

The PORO lab hosted Danielle Meek, a year-12 student from Carmel College. Danielle contacted Mila to have a 2 day work experience opportunity in an area she is passionate about pursuing. We measured physical properties a few of rocks from Bothers Volcano and she met with PhD students: Jonathan, Shreya and Steve. She hopes to become an undergraduate student in geophysics/earthscience in a year and a half!

Volunteer position

The DEVORA (Determining Volcanic Risk in Auckland) and AUGA (Auckland University Geoscience Association) are participating in the Incredible Science Day held at The University of Auckland on July 2nd and we are looking for volunteers. We will be showing groups of intermediate-aged school kids the wonders of volcanoes, earthquakes, rocks and fossils, and even some geography! No experience is required, and we will teach you what you need to know.
The event runs from 10-2, so please get in touch (contact if you have a spare couple of hours!

Our website content

Over the last few weeks, the Comms and Marketing team have been working with JR to migrate the School of Environment website content to the new University format. The first section of this work is now complete and Emily Gordon has added the Environment homepage to the Faculty of Science main menu.

You can find the new homepage by navigating to Science on the University website ( ) and clicking the Environment link from the About the Faculty drop-down menu.

Our next step is to set up redirects to link the classic pages to the new content. This change will affect several pages on the old site including, our department, our people, future undergraduates, future postgraduates, and current students. It will not affect the research section or course pages at this stage.

Once the redirects are in place, you may find that some of your bookmarks automatically redirect to the new content.

Please be aware that, due to the nature of the new site many pages will look different and some content may be located in a different place from where it was historically. We have done our best to ensure that all pages are redirected to the most appropriate alternative.

If you have any problems finding something try using the website’s search function in the first instance. If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, or you notice any inaccuracies, please contact Emily Gordon ( or Cate Hennessy (, who looks after the School of Environment web pages.

Rangahau – Research

Funding Opportunities

Faculty Research Development Fund (FRDF)

The updated documents for the 2019 Round are now available on the Faculty of Science intranet 

Applications are due by 5.00 pm on Wednesday 24th July and should be submitted via the RFM – contact your RPC Ivana Mlinac if you have any queries.
Note the application form is not the same as last year so please use the 2019 version.

Vice-Chancellor’s Strategic Development Fund (VCSDF)

Applications must support the University’s Strategic Plan and have sufficient impact to justify immediate funding. Applications can be made by any individual staff member or group of staff, academic unit or service division.
VCSDF applications close at 5pm on Friday 16th August.
More information and an application form are available on the staff intranet at Vice-Chancellor’s Strategic Development Fund 2019

RSNZ Rutherford Foundation 2019

The objectives of the Rutherford Foundation Fellowships and Scholarships are to support the education and development of promising excellent early career researchers with the potential to excel in a research environment.
Due to Funds & Submissions by 5pm Tuesday 23 July 2019.
Information and guidelines : Rutherford Foundation

Kate Edger Post Doctoral Awards 2019

To assist women who have qualified to graduate with a doctoral degree within the last two years to carry out research on a specified, independent project at an approved Institute in the Auckland area.
Due to Funds & Submissions by 5pm Tuesday 11 July 2019.
Information and guidelines: Kate Edger

Undergrad students Scholarships

The closing date is on 30th June 2019

Dulcie Bowman Memorial Scholarship

A Scholarship of $4,500 to support women students with a hearing disability who are enrolled in undergraduate or postgraduate study.

For more details please click HERE.

Professor Michael Walker Scholarship for Māori and Pacific Students
A $3,000 Scholarship for Māori and Pacific students currently enrolled in their final year of undergraduate study and who are enrolling full-time or part-time in postgraduate study in the following year.

Fore more details please click HERE

Meetings, seminars and events

“Demystifying research support in the Faculty of Science”.   Jan Lindsay, Associate Dean Research

Learn more about funding and support available for researchers. Get to know the ‘RPC’s – SoE research support team (Vanessa Castro, Ivana Mlinac and Amy Weir) and how they can assist you.

2nd July  (Tuesday), 11– 12pm, Room 423-340 (across the road from 23 Symonds street)

 #SummerOfSolutions United Nations initiative

This global call-to-action invites young technologists, designers, entrepreneurs, and other creative minds to imagine and build open-source technology solutions for tackling global challenges. The 2019 focus is on climate change, and solutions are expected to enable circular economies, develop ethical fashion, and improve climate information.

This initiative is organized by the United Nations Secretary-General ‘s Envoy on Youth, the United Nations Technology Innovation Labs, the United Nations Development Programme, and the Unite Ideas platform of the United Nations Office of Information and Communications Technology.

The best #SummerOfSolutions will be featured at the United Nations Climate Action Summit 2019 (New York, USA), 23 September 2019, and may have the potential to receive support to become real enterprises.

Participation can range from simply submitting an idea to developing full fledge solutions, but in every case, getting involved should prove rewarding for both students and faculty.

Details, registration information and challenge deadlines are available through the Unite Ideas platform:

The three challenges have already kicked off and the competition is ongoing! The first deadline is this July 3rd

PhD submission seminar

The PhD Student Committee invites everyone to the Research Seminar by Paul Oluwunmi presenting the work of his PhD after thesis submission. Come along and learn about “Numerical modelling of the response of marine gas hydrate bearing sediment to dissociation after depressurization; case studies for tectonic uplift, sealevel lowering, and gas hydrate production.” and celebrate Paul for this great achievement.
Please see details HERE.
Tuesday, July 9th at 4-5pm in 302-G20

Also, one of his publications has now been published online. It is open-access available at:


Towards characterising rhyolitic tephra layers from New Zealand with rapid, non-destructive μ-XRF core scanning

LeoniePeti, Paul C.Augustinus, Patricia S.Gadd, Sarah J.Davies

You can read the full paper HERE

Ako – Teaching and Learning

Ako Innovation Committee: Teaching & Learning Fund

The purpose of this fund is to promote the development of innovative teaching and learning practices within the School of Environment which promote a culture of teaching excellence. These funds will be distributed in one contestable round, with grants of up to $6000. The total pool of funds available in 2019 is $12000. Grants to individuals or groups of teaching active staff will be used to fund small-scale teaching initiatives that have an impact on teaching practice for the benefit of learners.
All applications should be received by 15/07/2019.
See Ako Innovation Committee Teaching & Learning Fund: Grant Guidelines and 2019 Application Form for AKO Teaching and Learning Innovation Grant.
Any questions please contact Mel Wall.

IODP Expedition 386: Japan Trench Paleoseismology

Applications are invited from scientists in countries participating in IODP to join the Science Party for IODP Expedition 386: Japan Trench Paleoseismology.

Scientists with expertise relevant to the objectives of the proposal may apply. DEADLINE 5 July 2019

For more information and to apply HERE

Computer lab. images for semester two:

If there are any requests for software titles to be added to the Science Computer lab image for semester 2 2019 could we please have these forwarded to Sean Davidson directly , , by 4pm, Friday the 28th June
with me (Ingo Pecher) on cc (

We will then make a test image available for acceptance testing between the 8th and the 12th July.

Information Required:
* Software name and version
* Environment in which the software should be installed (i.e. Windows/Linux/)
* Exact location that the installer and any support files can be accessed from
* Any customization’s required in installing the software (We will run the installer and select all default values unless advised otherwise)
* Licensing details of the application (is it a site license or are there a certain number of licenses? If the latter, who/where can it be used?)
* Contact details of the staff member who will test the application once it is installed and be notified of changes and updates. Additionally please provide the name of any person who can assist  with the install/configuration
* Instructions on where to download/obtain any additional custom made/home-made files needed – for example URLs
* (optional) Courses these applications will be used in
* (optional) Rooms that these applications will be used in


For specific details on each award and nomination templates, visit:

Send nominations and applications to: by 19th September 2019.


Copy deadline for next edition of P-cubed: Friday 12:00 5th July, to Farnaz:

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 11- Monday 24th June 2019

Issue 10 – Monday 10th June 2019

June 9, 2019 • fshe556


Kia ora koutou

Well done everyone getting to the end of the teaching semester. Once the marking and exams are done I hope everyone gets the chance to have a good break before Semester 2 kicks-off. If you are an academic, a research fellow or a research assistant on contract, you will be accruing annual leave. If you are not saving it up for later in the year, this is a great time to take a few days off to recharge the batteries. If you a PG student with exams coming up fast, good luck and study hard.

I’m pleased to announce that Dr James Muirhead has accepted the Earth Sciences post and will be starting in mid-January 2020. We had a high number of applicants (103) for this position and a good share of excellent ones. In making the selection, the committee prioritised early career and expertise in structural geology and tectonic geomorphology. These attributes were in addition to collegiality, potential or demonstrated ability in teaching, and good values around diversity and inclusivity. James’ track record is outstanding for an early career academic and I’m delighted that he has accepted our offer. Unfortunately we have been unsuccesful in securing a new Professor for the Environmental Management position. Annie will call a meeting for those with an interest in this position to discuss options for moving forward.

Can you save our bacon? Today is the deadline for confirming the School’s contribution to ‘Incredible Science’, the annual Faculty of Science showcase for 10-12 year olds to be held on Tuesday 2 July. Usually Kate Kenedi and Neville Husdon run the day, but both are on leave this year. Mila has put her hand up to participate but we need a volunteer to coordinate the day. If you are a motivated and well-organised PG student or staff member and can devote a bit of time to this worthy cause I would love to hear from you today.

Two opportunities to ‘tautoko’ your colleagues are in this edition of p-cubed: please think about encouraging applications for the NZ Association of Scientists awards, and for the positions on the Rhodes scholar selection panel. Sometimes a little encouraging nudge can help someone have the confidence to step forward.

Lastly, the deadline for feedback on the draft ‘code of conduct’ is coming up fast. The purpose for of this code is to clarify and maintain a standard of behaviour of all members of the University of Auckland. I encourage everyone to read this document and provide feedback as appropriate.

Ngā mihi – JR

For Your Diary

Deadlines Date & Location
Feedback due on draft Code of Conduct – see here 14 July 2019 – to
Application to be on the Rhodes selection panel end June – to
Professorial promotion applications – send to John Hosking, see here for info
01 July 2019
NZ Association of Scientist Medals – applications due 31 July, 2019
Other Events
Workshop: The Writing Habits of Successful Academics, click here to register 18 Jun, 1pm in 302-140
Ako Innovation: Blended Learning Workshop 18 Jun, 10-12pm in 302-140
ENV Staff Retreat – see agenda and background info here 12 June, 8.30-5pm, Old Government House


Whakawhanaungatanga – communities 


Congratulations to Tom Baker who has been elected to the Council of the Royal Society Te Apā​​rangi for a three-year term as Councillor representing early career researchers.

PhD Student Megan Tuck won one of the top student paper awards at the 2019 Coastal Sediments Conference at St Pete Beach, Florida. There were over 60 student papers from around the world presented at the conference.

Mighty congratulations to Mary-Anne and Sam, and welcome Rhett Robert Clive, who arrived on 5 June, healthy and happy at 2.85kg.

Mary-Anne and Rhett


School of Environment Dodgeball Tournament

Team Geography managed to dodge, dip, duck, and dive its way to winning the recent School of Environment Dodgeball Tournament. While geography took the honours, defeating a combined GISCI-ENVSCI team in the final, the highlight of the tournament was the performance of JR. Representing AUGA there was a moment when she found herself as the only person left on her side of the court. Completely outnumbered, JR used her knowledge of fluid flow and her ability to identify vectors, to dodge a barrage of red missiles. After lasting a remarkably long time she eventually took a hit, but not before she had gained the respect of everyone present. It would be wonderful if more staff would follow JR’s example and join in on these sports events. It really does help to foster healthy relationships between staff and students within the school.

Competition results after two events: Geography 5 points, Geospatial Club 5 points, AUGA 2 points, ENVSCI 2 points.

Geography Association Quiz

On Wednesday 5th June, 13 teams battled it out for glory in the Geography Association Quiz. In a close fought contest, the very serious  “Finalfinalteamnamev2.tif” (66 points) held on to win, finishing just ahead of “GA QUIZ: a comprehensive analysis of Joe Fagan’s ability to teach” (65 points). Taken for Granite (60 points) came in third. Hampered by their lack of youth, the two staff teams finished well off the pace. A big thank you to the GA crew for organising an excellent event and to everyone who came along.

On telly: Beneath New Zealand

Beneath NZ II started screening on prime last night – about volcanoes. Episode 3 is about Auckland and features Jan Lindsay.

National awards and service opportunities

2019 Science Medals – nominations open

Applications are invited for the following 2019 Science Medals from the New Zealand Association of Scientists (NZAS)

Marsden Medal – awarded for a lifetime of outstanding service to the cause or profession of science, in the widest connotation of the phrase.

Shorland Medal – awarded to an individual or to a team in recognition of major and continued contribution to basic or applied research that has added significantly to scientific understanding or resulted in significant benefits to society.

Hill Tinsley Medal (formerly known as the Research Medal) – awarded for outstanding fundamental or applied research in the physical, natural or social sciences published during the year of the award or the preceding three calendar years. Applicants will normally be within their first 15 years after graduating PhD as at 1 January 2019, unless career breaks extend this period.

Cranwell Medal (formerly known as the Science Communicator Medal) – made annually to a practising scientist (or group of scientists) for excellence in communicating science to the general public, in any area of science or technology. Nominations are sought from scientific organizations, scientific associations and individuals.

How to apply:

  • Interested applicants should apply directly, rather than seek a nomination.
    • Please submit electronic applications. See the guidelines from the links below and email applications to: and by 31 July, 2019.
  • Individuals or Scientific Teams (of up to five people) may apply for the Shorland and Cranwell Medals
    • Applications submitted in previous years will remain valid for five years from the original submission date (except for Hill Tinsley Medal applicants if the 15 year post-PhD limit is exceeded), but a previously submitted application should be updated annually using the current format.

For instructions and guidelines, please see: or the guidelines attached to this email.

NZ Rhodes Scholars – nominations open for selection panel

See here and here for detail. Please send nominations directly to Jane Harding as NZ Secretary for the Rhodes Trust –

Meetings, seminars and events

How the other half lives: A round-table discussion on collaborating across the social/natural science divide

Geography Auckland (NZGS Auckland Branch) newsletter

Please note the June Dialogues:

Date:     Tuesday 18 June

Time:     4.00pm to 5.30pm

Place:    Building 302, Room 551 (Ontology Lab)

Who:     Tom Baker and panel (Jan Lindsay, Richard Le Heron, Mark Dickson, Nick Lewis)

HR Services- Open Day (for staff)

The HR Services Team will be hosting an Open Day on Thursday, 18th of July 2019 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM in Building 302, Room 140.

This drop-in session is for employees who may have any questions in regard to things like staff benefits (superannuation), leave, retirement or anything else relating to their employment with the University.

The HRS team may also be able to assist staff and shed light on some other HR processes and workflows.

They will also have a Recruitment Consultant on hand to answer any Advertised Recruitment related queries.
For future details please click here

EAP Services e-flyer

Topics in this edition include:

  • Learn encouraging tips for self-motivation
  • How to improve the quality of your sleep
  • Sharing happiness and the value of a smile

See here.

Rangahau – Research

Funding Opportunities

RSNZ Rutherford Foundation 2019

The objectives of the Rutherford Foundation Fellowships and Scholarships are to support the education and development of promising excellent early career researchers with the potential to excel in a research environment.

Information and guidelines : Rutherford Foundation

 Kate Edger Post Doctoral Awards 2019

To assist women who have qualified to graduate with a doctoral degree within the last two years to carry out research on a specified, independent project at an approved Institute in the Auckland area.

Information and guidelines: Kate Edger

Pacific research, Consultancies, Teaching, Supervision

Request for information (Urgent, rather than gentle, reminder!)

I am working on a report which includes a section on the involvement of School of Environment in the Pacific islands in relation to research, consultancy, teaching and any other linkages. This includes the pre-ENV departments of Geology, Geography etc. By “Pacific” I am meaning Pacific islands i.e. NOT including NZ, Australia, Philippines etc.
Specifically it would be good to have information on you and/or colleagues in relation to:
1) Research: location, topic, how funded, dates, resulting publication(s) .
2) Consultancy: with what agency in the Pacific? location, dates, resulting reports
3) Teaching: Is there any “Pacific islands” content in the courses you teach? or in earlier versions of courses you or your predecessors taught? What is the nature of content? Were there many Pacific students in these courses?
4) Supervision: Masters and PhD theses supervised on a Pacific topic; student name and topic
5) Other linkages: with institutions not covered in the above categories? Nature of linkages etc.
As well as research etc. in the Pacific itself, please include any involvement with Pacific issues in Aotearoa NZ, and with Pacific communities in Auckland/ NZ. Also, if you are old enough to remember the 1990s, 1980s, or even the 1970s, are you aware of the Pacific work in these eras (not necessarily involving yourself)?
I appreciate your help in this; please forward this information directly to me

Dr. Wardlow Friesen
Associate Professor of Geography
School of Environment
The University of Auckland

Meetings, seminars and events

Marine Geosciences Group meeting

Tue. 11 June, 12-1 pm (note, new time), 303-G14

Francesco Turco, who is visiting us from the University of Otago, will give a presentation on “Geostatistical methods applied to seismic data: trace interpolation and seismic inversion”

Doctoral Morning Tea | International Student Life by School of Graduate Studies

If you’re an international doctoral candidate, the next Doctoral Morning Tea is for you! Our panel of candidates from across the globe (and University) will discuss what it’s like to study for a doctorate as an international candidate. Come along on 20 June for networking, snacks and to hear and share stories, struggles, tips and tricks. Book now!
Date and Time
Thu., 20 June 2019
9:30 am – 11:00 am
iSpace (Kate Edgar Bldg Level 4)
UoA City Campus
9 Symonds Street

Towards the unbiased processing of temporal location data using machine learning

Kamil Smolak is visiting us from Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Poland. His talk is titled ‘Towards the unbiased processing of temporal location data using machine learning’.

Thursday 13 June, 11:00am in Building 302, Room 551 (Ontology Lab)

He will discuss the ways of predicting human mobility using geo-located data (data from mobile phones and GPS) as well as the limits of existing human mobility models.

If you are interested in meeting him for a more detailed discussion, he would be happy to do so at any time before his talk. He is based in the room 302:430.

Learning from our lakes
Biological community shifts resulting from natural and anthropogenic disturbances

Katie Brasell (PhD Proposal) Tuesday, 11th June · 12 pm · Room 302-130


Introductory R Workshop

The second Introductory R Workshop for 2019 is being run on July 8th and 9th. This will be led by Kevin Chang and supported by other Statistical Consultancy Centre staff.

The workshop is limited to a maximum of 40 participants. Therefore if you would like to attend please register ASAP.

As per our previous Introductory R workshops, the cost is $300 for UoA students and staff; you can pay using your PRESS account, research grant, or other UoA account. You can also opt to use a debit/credit card (however we would have to also add GST, sorry). You can find the payment authorisation form here.

The cost for non-UoA attendees is $500 + GST.

Location: Building 302 room 190.

Time and schedule:  9am till 5pm. For more details please click here

Computers: We will be using a Faculty of Science computer lab. You are also welcome to use your own laptop, however please make sure that you have downloaded R and RStudio onto your machine before the workshop (they are free to download).

Colombian National Geothermal Meeting

Research and Development to Action- November 25-28

Please click here for more details.


Nano-enabled strategies to enhance crop nutrition and protection

Melanie Kah , Nathalie Tufenkji & Jason C. White
Nature Nanotechnology 14, 532–540 (2019)

This link should bring a pdf of the paper ( please try as it may be associated with some personal rights.
The two following links should redirects to the issue page where the cover appears: or

Hartley Travers Ferrar (1879-1932) and his geological legacy in Antarctica, Egypt and New Zealand

Martin Brook and Susanna Ferrar

Earth Sciences History 38, 43-58 (2019)

See here for a copy of the paper

Ako – Teaching and Learning

Academic matters

Masters Thesis Examiner Nominations

All staff supervising Masters Students submitting in July are requested to nominate the examiners. An AS-512R, examiner nomination form needs to be completed for each submitting student by Friday the 28th of June 2019 and submitted to Mick Johannisson-Wallman at
If you or potential examiners are going to be away in the preceding weeks, please ensure that you submit your nominations early.

You can access via the following link: AS-512R Masters Thesis or Research Portfolio worth 90 points or above (PDF)

Meetings, seminars and events

Examiners’ Meetings

For details on Semester 2 Examiners’ Meetings, and advice on preparing for these and submitting final grades, please see the ENV Academic Guide.

Blended Learning Workshop

The Ako teaching and learning innovation committee will be hosting a workshop on “Blended Learning” on the 18th of June from 10-12 in the 302-140 (MDL lab). This session is dedicated to sharing ideas on how to effectively integrate various teaching and learning tools and strategies within your courses. Topics covered include: blended learning resources available at UoA, enhancing motivation, using analytics, Canvas hacks, managing group work online, among others.

Copy deadline for next edition of P-cubed: Friday 12:00 21st June, to Farnaz:

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 10 – Monday 10th June 2019

Issue 9 – Monday 27th May 2019

May 26, 2019 • fshe556


Kia ora koutou

Thanks to all who completed the pesky staff survey – we got across the 70% response rate and earned ourselves a free morning tea courtesy of the Dean. Sausage rolls again! More on that once we get given the cost code. We didn’t knock Marine Science off their perch – they hit 100% but really, how many of them are there?

We are progressing our new appointments – the Earth Sciences position is under negotiation and I should be able to announce the result soon. Meanwhile, we are about to interview for the Professor of Environmental Management. Although we short-listed 3 people for this position, 2 have withdrawn so we are down to one. Professorial appointments are a big deal and we want to get this one right. Please be sure to attend Shankar Aswani’s seminar if you are available and contact Samantha if you wish to meet him. Please direct any feedback to George, Annie, Jenny, Robin or myself.

The exams are sorted – big thanks to Alex who navigated this process for the first time, to the Ako committee, and to all the co-opted reviewers. Thanks particularly to the Semester 1 course-coordinators and directors for getting the exams in on time and in good shape – your professionalism is much appreciated.

Ngā mihi – JR

For Your Diary

Deadlines Date & Location
CLeaR Fellowship applications 31 May
Learning enhancement grants 2019 7 June
2020 University Calendar Staff List 7 June 2019
Professorial promotion applications 15 July 2019
AusIMM seminar – Michael Petterson “Continents colliding in the NW Greater Himalayas, Karakoram, and Tibet, and aspects of mineralisation” 28 May, 17:30-19:00, Boardroom Anderson lloyd, Level 3 Autralis Nathan Bldg, 37 Galway St, Britomart.
Environmental Management Professor  candidate Shankar Aswani: “Coastal Human Ecology for Environmental Management” (all staff and PG students welcome). 5 June, 14:00 – 15:00, in 303-G16
Other Events
Workshop: The Writing Habits of Successful Academics 18 Jun, 1pm in 302-140
Resilience to Nature’s Challenges / Natural Hazards Research Platform forum 30-31 May, Te Papa, Wellington
ENV Staff Retreat. Please RSVP here by Tuesday 4 June. 12 June, 8.30-5pm, Old Government House

Whakawhanaungatanga – communities

ENV Staff Retreat

The focus of the retreat will be two-fold: 1) to initiate conversation relevant to development of the next ENV 3-year strategic plan, and 2) to get cracking with developing the capstone framework and content.

The capstones pose significant challenges and it will be important to seek and take opportunities to minimise the work load impact. Some solutions may involve sharing components across programmes. The UG programme pecha kucha will kick off this part of the retreat.

All academic staff are expected to participate in the retreat, unless on leave. Professional staff are warmly invited to attend – all of the day may be of interest with the exception of the capstone session from 1.15-3.15pm.

  • 8:30-9:00: Tea/Coffee Middle room, ground floor OGH
  • 9:00-9:05: Welcome and kaupapa of the day, Upstairs OGH
  • 9:05-9:30: State of the school: report, Q&A Upstairs OGH
  • 9:30-10:30: Framing the 3-year strategic plan, OGH Dining rooms
  • 10:30-11:00: Morning Tea Middle room, ground floor OGH
  • 11:00-12:00: Pecha Kucha: whose major is it anyway? Upstairs OGH
  • 12:00-12:30: Capstone Q&A, Upstairs OGH
  • 12.30-1:15: Lunch Middle room, ground floor OGH
  • 1:15-3:15: Capstone programme break-outs Members’ lounge, Vice-Chancellor’s Suite, Upstairs
  • 3:15-4:00: Understanding Whanaungatanga, Upstairs OGH
  • 4:00-5:30: Social – drinks & nibbles, Members’ Lounge OGH

Please RSVP here or send apologies to Samantha by Tuesday 4 June so that we can finalise the catering.

Professional Development – correction to project code

Please note that there has been a change in the project code for the professional development fund from 15890 to 15408. For all future expenditure against the professional development fund, please use project code 15408.

Great to see some expenditure against this fund. Please chip away at it – we need to hit $70k this year or we will put pressure on next year’s budget.

Dodge ball

The second event in the School of Environment sports championship is coming up – the sports hall has been booked for 12-2 pm on Wednesday 29th May for “Dodgeball”. Everyone is welcome, including academics (the students would love to see you), and it is free to play. You don’t need to come for the full two hours as there will be multiple games going on over the two hours. It is free to participate and all you need are sports shoes and appropriate clothing. Or just come along and cheer.

The current standings after the soccer tournament are:

  • GIScience 3 points
  • Geography 2 points
  • Earth Science 1 point
  • Environmental Science 0 points

Joe emailed out a PowerPoint slide last week (23 May) – if you have a class today or tomorrow please show it and encourage students to participate.

Deliveries to reception

Please be aware that all parcels containing hazardous materials, chemicals, biological samples, frozen products of any kind must be addressed to the Chemistry Stores, and not 302-L6 Reception.

Level 6 admin staff are not trained to deal with these sorts of things, nor do they have the ability to immediately identify the product from the details on the package.

This applies to both incoming and outgoing packages.

Please ensure that any packages sent to you that contain hazardous materials are addressed as follows:
Chemistry Stores
Bldg 302 Room B10
Science Centre, University of Auckland
40 Wellesley St East
Auckland 1010

Rangahau – Research

Meetings, seminars and events

Seminar: Innovation Needs for 2 Degrees

Auckland UniServices in conjunction with IP Group presents a thought-provoking webinar focused on identifying innovation gaps and emerging opportunities in the Cleantech sector.
As the Head of Cleantech at IP Group plc and a Commissioner of the Energy Transitions Commission, Robert Trezona asks us to consider the Paris Agreement’s central aim of limiting global temperature increase to well below 2 degrees Celsius and discusses how directed research can create scalable solutions.
What are his insights on new technologies that could be scaled via entrepreneurial companies?

Details: Innovation Needs for 2 Degrees
Date: 20 of June
Time: 5-6.30 pm. Please aim to arrive 10 min before the start.
Location: Rimu Room. Level 10, 49 Symonds St.
Agenda: 40 min presentation, followed by Q&A.

If you are interested, please confirm your attendance to Maria Jose Alvarez

Volcanology, Geochemistry, & Petrology Research Group

The volcanology, geochemistry, & petrology research group (VGP) meets every other week during the semester. Our next meeting will be on 6 June from 11 to 12 in 302-140. Emily will be giving a talk. For more information, please see our website: Also, if you would like to give a talk next semester, please contact Sophia ( to schedule it! Thanks. See you soon!

Funding and Research Opportunities

All funding calls can be found here

Post-parental-leave research grants

If you are going on parental leave or have returned from 6 months+ parental leave you may be eligible for research funding. The grant information can be found on the gender equity platform page.

Distinguished Visitor Awards – Nominations Now open

The Distinguished Visitor Awards allow scholars who have made significant contributions to their discipline to visit and participate in the intellectual life of the University. Any member of our academic staff may make an application nominating a Distinguished Visitor with the support of your academic head and dean of the host faculty. Up to $10,000 is available for each award.
Full guidelines and the application form can be found at the DVA webpage on the staff intranet. Applications close 5pm Friday 5 July 2019. Please email your application to Ivana Mlinac <> , including the Statement of Support from the Head of Department, by Friday 28 June 2019. She arrange for the Dean’s Statement of Support to be written and attached to your application and uploaded into the Research Funding Module (RFM) by the deadline.


The updated documents for the 2019 Round are now available on the Faculty of Science intranet
Note the application form is not the same as last year so please use the 2019 version
Applications are due by 5.00 pm on Wednesday 24th July and should be submitted via the RFM – contact your RPC or Wendy Rhodes if you have any queries.

Research in action

PRESS RELEASE – Foulden Maar, Otago


The Geoscience Society of New Zealand calls on the Government and Dunedin City Council to stop the proposal to mine away New Zealand’s most important terrestrial fossil site at Foulden Hills, near Middlemarch, Otago.

“New Zealand’s national identity is strongly bound to its unique plants and animals. We cannot stand by and see this fountain of paleontological knowledge about where we have come from destroyed; particularly not for so little transient local and national gain”, said Geoscience Society of New Zealand President Dr Jennifer Eccles.

The diatomite sediment that infilled this crater lake, 23 million years ago, contains the most extraordinary array of exquisitely preserved plant, fish, spider and insect fossils in New Zealand. These fossils are unique and record the previously unknown history and origins of a large portion of New Zealand’s present-day biota. They are all extinct species. Many are the ancestors of NZ’s current biota but others record groups of plants and animals that are no longer living here. To date, over 100 different species of plant fossils have been identified (mostly leaves, but also fruits, seeds and wood). The plants include extremely rare fossil orchids, mistletoes, fuchsias and a host of other taxa that link NZ’s biota to Australia, New Caledonia and South America. Forty fossil flowers have been found, many still containing pollen, representing 15 plant families. Fossil flowers with associated pollen are extraordinarily rare globally.

Amazingly preserved freshwater fish fossils include the oldest freshwater eel fossil in the Southern Hemisphere and the oldest galaxiid whitebait in the world. Insects are NZ’s largest group of terrestrial animals. More than 50% of NZ’s discovered fossil insects have been found in this one deposit and include over 200 different kinds from 21 families. Four fossil spiders have also been found. All these fossils come from just a small area near the top of the deposit. This unique site will hold hundreds more different kinds of fossils that will help paleontologists in future decades and centuries document and decipher the rich history of NZ’s biota. The rich fossil collections already found could form the basis of an important museum and information centre in Middlemarch.

“The diatomite at Foulden is an irreplaceable treasure box from which only a small proportion of its jewels have been found so far”, said Geoscience Society Geoheritage Convenor Dr Bruce Hayward.
“Foulden crater lake fossils are as important to our understanding of the origins of New Zealand’s biota as the UNESCO Messel World Heritage Site in Germany is to understanding the history of Europe’s biota”, said paleontologist Prof Daphne Lee. Government-funded scientific drilling has revealed the full 120 m thickness of the diatomite sediment fill of the crater. It is composed of thousands of 1 mm-thick layers, each deposited by annual algal (diatom) blooms. This core provides a unique and truly world-class record of annual climatic fluctuations spanning a 120,000-year period around 23 million years ago. Detailed international studies now and in the future will provide unprecedented detail of annual climatic factors such as rainfall and greenhouse gas variability that will lead to better understanding of the ancient El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and other climate cycles. To do this requires preservation of a complete sequence through the deposit in perpetuity so that future generations of scientists can use the inevitable new technologies to interrogate the sequence and obtain increasingly more detailed information about the fossils and the history of climate at that time. A deposit with this level of annual resolution is unknown in the Southern Hemisphere.

Recently released company documents say that the whole deposit will need to be mined to be economic and afterwards the hole will fill with water and prevent access to any scraps that may have been left behind . Dr Eccles says “we recognise that mining of this deposit would clearly provide access to much deeper levels and undoubtedly uncover many more fossil treasures, but it would be unconscionable for us to support the proposed quarrying away of virtually the entire deposit. This site is of international importance and it is beholden on us to protect it for future generations of scientists and the public.”

Jennifer Eccles, GSNZ President

For further information or comment please contact;
Dr Jennifer Eccles, President GSNZ
Dr Bruce Hayward, Convenor, GSNZ Geoheritage Subcommittee.

Fossil adult whitebait from Foulden – world’s oldest fossil galaxiid whitebait.

Amazingly preserved 23 million-year-old fossil leaf from Foulden.

Amazingly preserved 23 million-year-old fossil leaf from Foulden.

One of 40 fossil flowers from Foulden.

One of 40 fossil flowers from Foulden.

One of over 200 species of fossil insect from Foulden

One of over 200 species of fossil insect from Foulden

Ako – Teaching and Learning

Geography book location in the library

As part of the Libraries and Learning Services – Te Tumu Herenga strategy to ensure the General Library collections are current and relevant, and to create more space for the books and individual study, during Semester Two there will be some changes to where things are located. Over the next few months books and journals in the 900-999 Dewey range (which includes some of the Geography collection) on Level 5 and 6 of the General Library will be moved. Some low use items will eventually be moved out to our On-Demand Collection (ODC). Before that happens they will be moved to the Mezzanine Floor and will show on the Library catalogue as “GL – Level M 900s”. The Geography books located in the 300s on level 1 are not being moved.

By the beginning of Semester One next year all the high-use 900s will be housed on Level 6 but until then you may need to go to the Mezzanine or Level 5. If you can’t find the item you are looking for please ask one of our friendly staff on Level G (Ground Floor). Items in the ODC can be requested online and delivered to the General Library (monographs) or emailed to you (journal articles, book chapter). More information about this service can be found here

Semester 2 Courses

This is a good time for Course Coordinators to check their timetables and to start planning their courses.
Please check the timetable using the Room and Event Viewer – select the Modules menu. Note also the weeks that your classes are scheduled: the numbers refer to the S+ numbering from the beginning of the year, and the easiest way to check these is by referring to the 2019 Teaching Days.
If you identify any problems please contact our Academic Services Coordinator, Mikael Johannisson-Wallman.

Copy deadline for next edition of P-cubed: Friday 12:00 7 June, to Farnaz:

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 9 – Monday 27th May 2019

Issue 8 – Monday 13th May 2019

May 13, 2019 • fshe556

Copy deadline for next edition of P-cubed: Friday 12:00 24 May, to Farnaz:


Autumn Graduation 2019: Caitlin and her very proud mum and dad

Kia ora koutou

Great to see so many students, family and friends at the Autumn graduation. It was a proud moment for us and an especially proud moment for parents! Thanks to everyone who came along to our ENV celebration and made it such a happy event. Tautoko in practice!

I’ve been thinking about that word a lot. It is all about support and encouragement, backing our team. Lately we’ve been manifesting it at the scale of the nation to emphasise the values that we stand for in terms of diversity and inclusion. At the small scale, to tautoko – or not – is where we can have the greatest impact on the wellbeing and effectiveness of each other. I notice tautoko in action in the way some of the PG students have set up research support groups, and also in the way academic staff cover for others who are going on research and study leave. It is also apparent when experienced research academics open up opportunities for others. And it is perhaps most obvious in those small and unplanned conversations that are positive and encouraging. I’m just past my first 100 days in my new job as Head of School and I’d like to give a big vote of thanks to everyone who has taken the time to tautoko me through positive conversations and actions – it is much appreciated.

This week’s P-cubed is packed with events and notices. Thanks for sending them through. It really will help our shared understanding of what is happening in the school and provide an easy point of information for diary planning. If you have research updates, new papers out, acknowledgements or other good news, it would  be excellent to have a few more of those in the mix.

Ngā mihi – JR

For Your Diary

Deadlines Date & Location
Staff Survey 24 May
CLeaR Fellowship applications 31 May
Learning enhancement grants 2019 7 June
Professorial promotion applications 15 July 2019
PhD Research Proposal: Shreya Kanakiya “Geophysical signatures of hydrothermal alteration for evaluating flank instability” 15 May, 12:00-1:00pm, 302-G20
Jan Lindsay, Associate Dean Research:  “Demystifying research support at UOA” 18 July, 11:00, 302-G20
Marine Geosciences Meeting – Lorna Strachan: “The marine record of the Kaikōura Nov 2016 Earthquake – what does a preserved co-Seismic turbidite look like?” 14 May, 1-2 pm in 303-G13
PhD completion seminar – Ayrton Hamilton: “Silicieous sinters as dipsticks to epithermal mineralisation” 22 May, 16:00 in 302-G20
AusIMM seminar – Michael Petterson “Continents colliding in the NW Greater Himalayas, Karakoram, and Tibet, and aspects of mineralisation” 28 May, 17:30-19:00, Boardroom Anderson lloyd, Level 3 Autralis Nathan Bldg, 37 Galway St, Britomart.
Other Events
Dr George Slim MBIE Endeavour 1:1 discussions, requires RSVP 14 May OR 20 May, 10:00-4:00pm in 302-603
NZ Geographical Society: Monthly Geography Dialogues with Wine – Joe Fagan “Five lessons I learnt while sitting down for a year” 21 May, 4:15-5:30pm, Ontology Lab, 302-551.
ENV Research Forum, RSVP here 21 May, 12-2pm, lunch included,Old Government House
Workshop: The Writing Habits of Successful Academics 18 Jun, 1pm in 302-140
Resilience to Nature’s Challenges / Natural Hazards Research Platform forum 30-31 May, Te Papa, Wellington
ENV Staff Retreat 12 June, 8.30-5pm, Old Government House

Whakawhanaungatanga – communities

Who do I ask about…?

Here is a quick guide to who you need to contact should you require any help. Please, note that we now have a web site for vehicle bookings. You can find the link here.

Operational matters

Blair on leave

Blair is away from May 17th until June 11th. Field trip plan reviews and approvals will be done by Andres (
For any other issues contact the relevant technician.

Neville on leave

Neville is away on leave from May 28th to July 28th. During this time there will be no access to the Geological Collection Store.

• Please get requests for samples from the collection to Neville by Wednesday May 22th as his last day out at the store is likely to be the 23rd
• Need to visit the collection store? Arrange with Neville a.s.a.p. No access after May 23rd
• Students submitting theses/dissertations during this time and who have samples to archive, please see Neville a.s.a.p. and definitely before May 25th
• After May 27th see Andres if you want samples tubes, need to return samples of equipment, need space in the PG Rock Room.

Booking 12-seater minibuses through Orbit?

Unfortunately, we have had a few glitches with vehicle bookings recently. Please check your itineraries very carefully if you have booked 12-seater minibuses. The itinerary should state that the minibus is a 12-seater. If it just says ‘van’ or ‘people-mover’ there’s a good chance you will end up with an 8-seater. Talk to Orbit directly and if still in doubt check with the rental car company to make sure you have what you think you ordered. As annoying as this is, it is far more annoying and just a tad stressful to arrive at Hertz expecting two 12-seaters only to find two 8-seaters.

For Staff

Staff Survey

All permanent and fixed-term staff members (including Graduate Teaching Assistants) employed before 1 April 2019 are invited to complete the Staff Survey.

UOA’s biennial Staff Survey is now open. Please see this link for clarification on staff survey categories. Your feedback is anonymous, confidential and important because it influences the Vice-Chancellor’s strategic plan. It will take ~25 mins to complete.

  • GTA’s: please select the GTA button, not the ENV option.
  • Technical staff: please select the ‘Technical Staff’ option, not the ENV option.

The Vice-Chancellor will share the results in July.

Distinguished Visitor Awards – Nominations Now open

The Distinguished Visitor Awards allow scholars who have made significant contributions to their discipline to visit and participate in the intellectual life of the University. Any member of our academic staff may make an application nominating a Distinguished Visitor with the support of your academic head and dean of the host faculty. Up to $10,000 is available for each award.
Full guidelines and the application form can be found at the DVA webpage on the staff intranet. Applications close Friday 5 July 2019 and must be submitted to your faculty contact by 5pm.
If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Research Strategy and Integrity on

The 2019 Professorial Promotions Round

The closing date for applications for the 2019 Professorial Promotions Round is Monday 15 July 2019

As a reminder, please note the small change in the ‘Professorial Promotion Procedures’ from last year. Applicants are now requested to send applications to the Dean by 1 July in order that the Dean is able to send both the application and their Dean’s report to the office of the DVC(A) by 15 July. The revised timing will facilitate the meeting of the UASC Sub-committee and the identification of referees so that we can maintain our practice of making a final decision on promotions before the end of the year.

As stipulated in the Guidelines in Form HR94 : Electronic copies of your five nominated publications must be sent in a separate file along with this application. Where a publication is large, as in a book or an extensive report, applicants are requested to supply a ‘link’ to the electronic version of the specific publication where that is available, but in the absence of a ‘link’ an electronic version must be provided in a zipped file.

For your guidance, the 2019 application forms as provided on the HR intranet, are as below and can be found via:

HR09 – Application for Academic Promotion
HR94 – Academic Career Portfolio for use with Academic Standards. (Note : A separate CV is no longer required) Together with the candidates 5 nominated publications – electronic version or web link.
HR28 – Referees – Applicant Nominations
HR80 – Dean’s Report – Academic Promotion to Professor


Rangahau – Research

Operational matters

Climate, Geophysics and Cartography

Blair will be looking after the Climate, Geophysics and Cartography labs and equipment for the near future.
Please direct all enquiries to him.

Meetings, seminars and events

Staff ENV Research Forum

May 21st, 12.00-2.00 pm (lunch provided at 1pm)
OGH, Federation of Graduate Women’s Suite

Please come and join the first Research Forum of the School of Environment.

The Rauhanga committee will host a 2-hour Strategic Research Forum on May 21st. We have invited two speakers to discuss the present national research context and how policies and politics are likely to shape research funding in the short and long-term. The talks would be followed by a debate to more directly involve staff from the School of Environment.

  • Alison Collins, Science Advisor for the Ministry for the Environment Originally from Britain, Alison’s science interests include climate, land, water, ecosystems and data science. She is passionate about the role science has in government. Over the past 12 years while working for Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research, Alison has helped regional councils and central government agencies understand and prioritise their science needs, and improve their uptake and use of science.
  • Rebecca Adams, Uniservices Rebecca is the Government Relations (strategic growth) Director at Auckland UniServices based in Wellington. Rebecca plays a bridging role in profiling the University of Auckland to Government and ensuring that researchers are aware of Government priorities and research opportunities. Rebecca plans to focus the presentation on the importance of socialising ideas with officials and other decision makers as part of taking ideas forward in Wellington. Alison will focus on strategic priorities at MFE and opportunities.

Please RSVP here by Thursday 16 May. Please send your apologies to Samantha (

The Postgrad Student Committee invites you to Ayrton Hamilton’s PhD Seminar

When/Where: May 22nd 4-5pm in 320-G20
Title: Siliceous sinters as dipsticks to epithermal mineralization
For further details please see the flyer and get ready for a great talk!

AusIMM talk: Michael Petterson “Continents colliding in the NW Himalayas, Karakoram and Tibet, and aspects of mineralisation”

Tuesday May 28 5:30PM for socialising with the talk starting at 6PM, Boardroom Anderson Lloyd, Level 3 Australis Nathan Bldg, 37 Galway St, Britomart, Auckland

This talk will look at tectonic models that attempt to explain the geo-mechanics of continental collision; examine mineralisation across this fascinating terrane, and include illustrated geo-traverses undertaken by the presenter in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Ladakh, and Tibet. The Himalayas, Karakoram, Hindu Kush, and Tibet provide windows to continental collision and mountain building.  Here India and Eurasia have collided, as well as ancient island arcs, such as Kohistan-Ladakh. Michael Petterson is the first  Professor of Geology at Auckland University of Technology. For his PhD a at Leicester University  he studied the Kohistan island arc, N.Pakistan which led to a lifelong fascination, and opportunities to study aspects of the geology of the NW Himalayas. With the British Geological Survey (BGS), Michael was Head of Economic Minerals, Assistant Director, and Director of a  highly successful BGS- Afghanistan project.  On leaving BGS Michael became Professor of Applied Geology at Leicester University, then Director of the Geoscience Division of the Pacific Community (formerly SOPAC) based in Fiji.

Resilience to Nature’s Challenges & Natural Hazards Research Platform Forum

If you are interested in attending this forum, please register here.
Registration is free, and spaces are limited.
Link to the forum

Volcanology, Geochemistry, & Petrology Research Group

The volcanology, geochemistry, & petrology research group (VGP) meets every other week during the semester. Our next meeting will be on 23 May from 11 to 12 in 302-140. Mary-Anne and Jeff will be giving talks. For more information, please see our website:  Hope to see you there!

The Rangahau Committee invites you all to a meeting with Jan Lindsay, Associate Dean of Science (Research)

Jan wants to present some of the new initiatives from the Faculty and will give a 20 minutes presentation entitled:
“Demystifying research support in the Faculty of Science”. A discussion (10 minutes) will follow.

Come and join us:
where: 302-130
when: 11am, 18th June

Funding and Research Opportunities

All funding calls can be found here

Student conference on Conservation Science (SCCS-Aus), Brisbane Australia, 2-10 July.

Four student scholarships are available for Māori or Pacific Islander students to attend this conference. SCCS conferences are a series designed especially for students that originated at Cambridge University (UK) and which have now taken off all around the world. The conference is for post-graduate students and early career researchers, from the Asia/Pacific region specifically, who are pursuing studies within the field of conservation science, including (but not limited to) ecology, environmental science, resource management, geography, economics, and social sciences.

These conferences are immensely beneficial for the participants future research work, providing opportunities to present work, to participate in workshops/training courses and to network with fellow students in the region. Full details of what is on offer can be seen at this website. Each scholarship will cover return airfares from New Zealand to Brisbane, airport transfers, accommodation, all meals during the conference, conference registration, all social events and workshops. Scholarship recipients would be responsible for their spending money and any costs in getting a passport. No visa is required to come to Australia.

We are only accepting 20 applications to enable quick processing and then an immediate offer of the 4 scholarships to successful applicants.  The offer will close once we receive the 20 applications.

Students should go to this online form to submit their application. No email applications will be accepted.

RSNZ Catalyst: Seeding – R2 April Call.

Due to Funds & Submissions by 5pm Tuesday 9 July 2019.
Funding call for Catalyst Seeding – Supports new small and medium pre-research strategic partnerships that cannot be supported through other means.

Funding call for Catalyst Leaders – Open to all fields of research, science and technology (including social sciences and the humanities).

Sustainable Future Research Theme – seeding fund

$10,000 of seed funding is available to nurture and encourage interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers within the Sustainable Future Research Theme. Interdisciplinary teams are invited to apply for funds via lightning presentations, which follow the format of one slide and a three minute talk. The lightning presentation event will be held on Thursday 6 June from 2pm. Teams can apply for between $2,000 and $5,000.
Please register for the lighting presentations event, noting whether you just have an idea you want to present or if you are going to present a seed funding proposal here by 30 May 2019.
(If you have problems using this link, please try logging in using your University google account – or email indicating your interest in this opportunity)
For guidelines for what the funding can cover and how it must be spent, please contact Kathryn Howard (

CRI and Ministry for the Environment (MfE) data analysis

ESR or the Institute of Environmental Science and Research Limited (the Crown Research Institute responsible for research involving people and communities) have indicated that they are keen to collaborate on data frameworks and systems usage to better utilise their data. The MfE is similarly interested in better utilising the data it obtains through reporting and monitoring of the environment. Please contact Hansol Cha if you’re interested in discussing this area of work further.

Auckland Council’s Auckland Climate Innovation System

Auckland Council is facilitating the establishment of an Auckland Climate Innovation System. This was identified as a flagship action from the recent Climate Symposium held in March. The discussion around the objectives, scope, key activities is in development and there is an opportunity for researchers to actively contribute to this initiative. For more information, please contact Analeise Murahidy.

Research in action

Drilling core of the oldest life on land

Drilling core of the oldest life on land funded by the RSNZ Marsden Fund. Michaela Dobson is doing her PhD on this project.The exciting finds so far are hot spring geyserite, asteroid impact spherules, and stromatolites (layers of microbes and minerals) made out of pyrite (‘fool’s gold’).

Drill rig in Pilbara, Western Australia

Fly nets: (R to L) Michaela, Kathy & UNSW student on drill site

3.5 billion year old hot spring geyserite – a one-in-a-million find, proof of earliest life on land

Prize core: 3.5 billion year old pyrite stromatolites (dark, right), hot spring geyserite (swirly, middle), pillow basalt (green, left)

Ako – Teaching and Learning

Postgraduates Matter

Who do I send forms to? This is a reminder that any postgraduate forms needing sign-off from the HOD or postgraduate committee need to go through the Academic Services Coordinator Mikael Johannisson-Wallman ( These forms are stored centrally and then distributed appropriately for signing. Please do not directly send forms to the academic staff for signing- this makes it much more difficult to keep student records complete and increases the likelihood of forms going missing.

May 23rd is the Faculty of Science Postgraduate Information Evening. This is a recruiting event for postgraduate programs that runs from 5:30 to 7pm in the foyer of 302. While academic advisors will be on site it is always appreciated when other staff/students turn up.

3-minute thesis competition. This will be going on at the same time as the FoS Postgrad evening. This event is open to PhD AND MSc students. If you haven’t entered already, you should do so – it’s only 3 minutes and it is a good experience. Everyone else – let’s try to have a good showing to support the PhD students who are competing. To apply:

Classified Ads

Job in ENV: Senior Technician – Geochemistry

The School is seeking a Senior Technician in Geochemistry to provide technical support in our Microprobe lab and to provide support for academic research programmes primarily within the School of Environment.

Applications close 26th May.
Please pass this to anyone who might be interested.

For further details please see here.

Research Geology Position at CVO-USGS

U.S. Geological Survey’s Cascades Volcano Observatory seeks to hire a research geologist as a permanent appointment at the GS-13 grade level ($94,425-122,750 per year). Minimum experience required is the equivalent of a PhD in geology or a related field as well as one year of postdoctoral research. The incumbent will serve as the principal investigator of volcanic eruption processes and history, especially in (but not limited to) the Cascade Range, with the purpose of interpreting and, as appropriate, forecasting volcanic eruptions. The successful candidate will need to have experience studying volcanic phenomena and their derivative processes by means of field investigations in volcanic terrain, analogue experiments and modeling, and in addition show an ability to integrate that work with insights gained from work in related interdisciplinary fields (e.g., physical chemistry, Quaternary geology, geochronology, atmospheric physics, fluid mechanics, grain-flow mechanics, seismology, geodesy, and/or remote sensing). It will also be necessary to demonstrate an ability to publish research in high impact scientific journals and show evidence of stature amongst professional colleagues. Applicants must be U.S. citizens. The U.S. Geological Survey is an equal-opportunity employer. Applicants must apply for the position via USA Jobs More detailed information may be found at the USA Jobs vacancy number SAC-2019-0202. Closing date for applications is May 21, 2019. Further inquiries about the scientific nature of the position may be directed to James Vallance of the U.S. Geological Survey ( Inquiries about how to apply should be directed to
Use this link for more details about the position:

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 8 – Monday 13th May 2019