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Issue 92 – Monday 19th December 2022

December 19, 2022 • igom365


As I write the last Heads-up for this year, I have just cancelled two routine meetings whose participants are already on annual leave. Last week seemed a sequence of saying “if I don’t see you before Christmas, have a good one”.  With business all but done for the year, I am turning attention to rather a lot of long-languishing emails in the inbox as well as finding reviewers for submissions to the journal I edit. And some planning for 2023. For the latter, signing a book contract brings a strong resolve to quarantine a day a week next year for writing. This Head of School job is 0.60FTE on paper but I seem to fail to bring it down below 0.90. There are clearly New Year’s resolutions ahead…

For now, I feel gratitude for so much in the year that’s all but over. First and foremost, there is gratitude for the ecology of support that has surrounded me, especially: Michael, Patricia, Iliane and Anna in Group Services; Tom and George in their DHoS roles; Steering Group members and especially discipline heads and platform leads; Kelly and team in Research Services; and Blair, Dave, Andres and team in Technical Services; Louise, Ganga and colleagues in Finance. There will be others I’ve missed mentioning. This job would not be doable without people who daily step up, take initiative and undertake tasks without reminders or receiving regular expressions of gratitude.

We’ve come a long way this year, emerging from the cave of covid restrictions. Gathering in person again for the first time in months, back on May 1st , feels like a good long while ago. There’s been a fair bit of water under the bridge as we have moved from exclusively online to more in-person engagement again. Here’s to looking ahead to a less disrupted 2023. But, also, let’s look ahead to a livelier more engaged School ‘culture’, something I am sure will be easier to contemplate on the far side of a good solid break. 

Whatever you get up to for the holiday period, I hope it is restorative and you keep safe. If you do happen to come to Waiheke, be in touch. I’d love to meet up for a wine on the beach and a non-work yarn. Kassie my Labrador is always up for that, though summer hours mean it now needs to be within certain hours for her.  Restricted Lab access 😊

All best for the festive season.

Robin Kearns


Whakawhanaungatanga – Communities 

Fame and cash for sharing your best School of Environment mini vlog (videos) 

The ENV Outreach Committee is looking for exciting, funny and engaging mini vlogs (i.e. video collage) to upload to the soon to launch School of Environment Instagram account.  

With Summer soon to arrive, we would love to receive mini vlogs from studies of our environment and people, field work, lab experiments, data analysis or a mix of it all! 

Videos from students, academic and technical staff are all welcome!

Think of the mini vlog as “A day in the life of …” related to school of environment research or careers. Of course you could record material over several days. Here is an example -of many- on how to make a mini vlog (you can also make them directly in the Instagram or TikTok apps).

Prizes (prezzy cards):

1st place: $200

2nd place: $100

3rd place: $75

4th -10th place: $ 30


– The mini vlog has to be under 15 seconds.

– If filming others, make sure you don’t see their faces or you have their consent (model consent form attached). Avoid having under 18-year olds in the video. 

– You don’t have to be in the mini vlog if you don’t want to, neither do you have to talk. 

– Keep all mini vlogs G-rated as they may be made public. This includes no swearing or alcohol consumption, and also conforming with all University regulations.

– Some guidelines are found here, including the use of music. 

Submissions may be uploaded (with credit) to the School of Environment Instagram account. 

Please email that you have submitted and the model consent form (if needed). Submit the mini vlog by Feb 15th to this google drive link.

Enjoy vlogging, happy holidays and have a great Summer break!

Shanice, Thomas and Mila 


For those unfamiliar with the social media slang: 



DRDF Call for proposals

We are opening the call for DRDF proposals (former PBRF) early this year to allow as many people to apply as possible.

The guidelines are available here and the application form, here.

In addition to the usual activities, we are keen to see applications from groups with shared research interests and who would like to support engagement activities within our school, throughout the year and  involving PG research students (seminar series, reading/writing groups, retreat, workshops etc.)

Please email the form (or your questions) to by 15th February 2023.


Vision Mātauranga WORK den:

One-one WORK den to discuss any upcoming grant applications (such as the 2023 Marsden round) with the Vision Mātauranga advisors. The purpose of the WORK den is to provide a ‘think tank’ opportunity for researchers to seek guidance, understanding and advice from the Faculty Māori advisors on Vision Mātauranga/Responsiveness to Māori. Please view this as a time to express where your research will be a feature. An opportunity to discuss your idea(s) with Vision Mātauranga advisors and work together to identify ways in how Vision Mātauranga can be embedded.

  • Date: Thursday 2nd February 2023. The session will be via zoom, you are welcome to bring other members of your team to your session (including your local research support team) and a recording of the session will be made available for you.
  • To ensure the time is useful for all involved, please complete the registration form You will be asked to provide a short video explaining where you see opportunities to embed Vision Mātauranga into your research.  Please complete the registration form by Friday 27th January 2023.

Any questions, email to


Ngā Ara Whetū 2023 Doctoral Scholarships

Ngā Ara Whetū is delighted to announce that we have three UoA doctoral stipends to award in 2023. The purpose is to support the mission of our centre, particularly fostering transdisciplinary research. Therefore, the supervisors must be affiliated to Ngā Ara Whetū and come from at least two different Faculties/large scale research institutes. It’s easy to become an affiliate, UoA academics just need to email and you will be added to our list. We invite students to apply for the scholarships by 1 March 2023.

More information, including the application form, can be found on the University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarships page in the Faculty/LSRI/USC Doctoral Scholarship Strategies and Opportunities section:

If you have any questions, please email


Royal Society New Zealand – Marsden Fund
The Marsden Fund invests in excellent, investigator-led research aimed at generating new knowledge, with long-term benefit to New Zealand.

Three types of awards are offered:

• Fast-Start: for emerging researchers – to give an impetus to their careers by promoting them as sole Principal Investigators (PI) in their own research programme

• Standard: for established and emerging researchers

• Council Award: for projects that are interdisciplinary in nature, with larger teams

Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
All grants are for a maximum of three years and are GST exclusive.

  • Fast-Start: up to $120K p.a.
  • Standard: up to $220-$320K p.a. (varies by panel)
  • Council Award: up to $1M p.a.
Due to Funds Advisor Team by 12 noon, Tuesday 7 February 2023.

  • Fast-Start and Standard Expressions of Interest (EOIs)
  • Marsden Fund Council Award FULL proposals
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

If you are interested in applying, please follow instructions in the UoA funding call to register your interest and  inform FIRST (Kelly, Dianne, or Franca).


Ministry for the Environment – Plastics Innovation Fund Round 2 – Te Tahua Pūtea mō te Kirihou Auaha
The Plastics Innovation Fund supports projects that will minimise plastic waste and its harm on the environment. They are seeking to fund projects that find ways to use less plastic and make what we do use reusable or recyclable. It should be noted that applicants are required  to secure at least 50% co-funding.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
  • The minimum grant available for feasibility or scoping studies will be $20,000.
  • The minimum grant for other project types will be $50,000
  • Duration: Up to 4 years
·         EOI deadline from 1 November 2022 to 30 June 2023

·         The Funds Advisor team will accept EOIs at any time during this period for a QA check provided that you allow at least 7 working days before final submission to the funder.

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

Please register or make contact with FIRST (Kelly, Dianne, Franca) if you wish to make a submission.


2023 MBIE Endeavour Fund – Research Programmes  
The Endeavour Fund supports excellent research with the potential to positively transform New Zealand’s economy, environment and society

Research Programmes are intended to support ambitious, excellent and well-defined research ideas which have credible and high potential to positively transform New Zealand’s future in areas of future value, growth, or critical need

Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
·         Value: $0.5 million or more per year

·         Duration: 3, 4 or 5 years

·         Registration: 12 noon, Friday 25 November 2022

·         Full proposal: 12 noon, Monday 20 February 2023

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

Please register with FIRST (Kelly, Dianne, Franca) if you wish to make a submission.


Toka Tū Ake EQC University Research Programme (URP 2024-26)  
Since the 1990s, Toka Tū Ake EQC has provided funding to tertiary institutions across New Zealand. This funding has helped to support research capability in natural disaster risk reduction. From 2020, Toka Tū Ake EQC funding introduced a three-year University Research Programme for tertiary institutions focused on:

  • Research that is targeted to Toka Tū Ake EQC’s goals and priorities 
  • Contribution to better outcomes for New Zealanders 
  • Developing research capability that is aligned with programme delivery 
  • End user and/or stakeholder collaboration and partnerships 
  • A greater partnership approach with Toka Tū Ake EQC
Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
·         Projects can be up to a maximum duration of 36 months   

·         The award is up to NZD150,000/annum

·         EOI Deadline: 5pm Wednesday 2 November 2022.

·         Full Proposal Deadline: Wednesday 22 March 2023

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

Please register with FIRST (Kelly, Dianne, Franca) if you wish to make a submission.


Rangahau – Research

FoS Vision Mātauranga Hui

As part of the Vision Mātauranga support for researchers within Te Whare Pūtaiao Faculty of Science, the Māori advisors’ team will be running a two hour Vision Mātauranga Hui on Tuesday 24 January 2023 from 2:00 – 4:00pm (Building 119-130).

So we have an idea of the numbers attending, could you please complete the registration form.

In advance of the session, please see the Rresponsiveness to Māori  tool to map out your proposal ideas and how they connect with Māori aspirations, build Māori capability and capacity, and look at how you can ensure your research is reaching Māori communities. Although we will not be focused on this document, it may help you as you look to see how your research can be responsive to Māori, and you are welcome to bring it with you to the session


Health, Safety and Wellbeing 

Health & Safety Tip











Ribó M, Watson SJ, Macdonald H and Strachan LJ (2022), Evolution of marine gravel dunes on the open shelf under multi-directional currents conditions. Front. Earth Sci. 10:1045716.doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.1045716.

Ana Markic, James H. Bridson, Peta Morton, Lucy Hersey, Andrea Budiša, Thomas Maes, Melissa Bowen, Microplastic pollution in the intertidal and subtidal sediments of Vava’u, Tonga, 2023, Marine Pollution Bulletin,

Schloffel-Armstrong, S. (2022) Find an island: Can British journalist Owen Hatherley’s ‘adventure’ in this dominion teach us anything about Auckland’s built environment? Metro Magazine. Summer Edition.

R Kearns (2022) Reflections on Human Geography’s Methodological ‘Turns’

In The Routledge Handbook of Methodologies in Human Geography (Eds Coen, S, Lovell, S & Rosenberg, M. ) pp 61-69. Taylor & Francis

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 92 – Monday 19th December 2022

Issue 91 – Monday 5th December 2022

December 5, 2022 • igom365


‘When it rains, it pours’ is a saying with metaphorical as much as meteorological resonance around the School over the last couple of weeks. Unlike the gloomy weather, the metaphorical downpour of staff and student accolades and achievements is entirely welcome toward the end of a long year.

Lorna Strachan won the prestigious Geoscience Society of NZ Hochstetter Lecturer Award for 2023, which involves a national public speaking tour of the NZ branches of the society. The talk will be entitled: ‘Kaikōura Earthquake – Tales from the seafloor”. A wonderful platform for showcasing Lorna’s recent work.

Andres Arcila-Rivera received a 2022 Professional Staff Excellence award for Sustained Contribution to the Faculty. Well deserved indeed.

Emma Sharp was recently awarded the Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence. If there was an award for academic service, Emma could have gotten the Academic Standards Trifecta, having just received the UoA Early Career Research Excellence Award.

Joe Fagan and Monica welcomed their second early-career geographer into the world, with the birth of Luca Forest Fagan on 23 November. The name was met with hearty support from arboreal experts and enthusiasts across the School.

As one arrives, another leaves: we wished Georgia Piggot farewell last Thursday, as she returns to the US. She’ll be missed.

November and December is NZ conference season it seems. I hear the ecologists and geologists have been conferring, and there was a great turn-out of Auckland geographers at the recent NZGS conference in Ōtautahi (see photo). The postgrads stole the show, as usual.

That’s all from me, as I channel my inner Robin during a stint as Acting HoS.

– Tom


General Announcements

Congrats to Andres for receiving a 2022 Professional Staff Excellence award for Sustained Contribution to the Faculty. 


The School of Environment has been well represented at the recent New Zealand Coastal Society Conference on Waiheke Island with PhD students Lovleen Acharya-Chowdhury and Charline Dalinghaus the winner and runner-up respectively for ‘Best Student Presentation’, Ben Jones winning the NZCS Student Research Scholarship, and former PhD student Dr. Laura Robichaux winning ‘Best Overall Presentation’. Mark Dickson and Paul Kench gave keynote addresses at the start and end of the conference respectively and several of us managed to pick up covid to round off an otherwise excellent conference.


X-Ray Technologist – Hiring now!

We are seeking an experienced and organised Technologist to operate and maintain the School of Environment X-ray analytical Research Laboratories in our Microcharacterisation Facility. 
In this role, you will providing expert input to research project planning, working with academic stakeholders to codevelop experimental designs to best apply the facility’s capability to the research question; Identify opportunities to develop entirely new approaches or bespoke methods to address academic stakeholders research questions, and work independently to develop and test these; provide operational and analytical support for primarily X-ray based equipment and facilities managed by the School of Environment.

Chemistry Technician – new role, hiring now.

This role is responsible for providing technical support for the activities, equipment and infrastructure of chemistry research laboratories housed within the School of Environment. Ensuring the efficient operation and day to day functionality of these spaces, as well as equitable technical support to a wide range of academic staff and postgraduate students primarily from the School of Environment, but also the wider University.

The appointed candidate will be primarily responsible for Provide technical support for activities conducted in this lab which would typically utilise the following equipment: Elemental CNS analyser, MP-AES, TOC/N, UV/VIS Spectrophotometer, Flow Injection Analyser, Ion Chromatograph.

Any questions can also be directed to me.


Blair Sowman
Technical Manager | School of Environment


Whakawhanaungatanga – Communities 


Final School of Environment Morning Tea and Awarding of the 2022 Equity Awards 

We are hosting one final School of Environment morning tea for the year, and there we’ll be celebrating the inaugural School of Environment Equity Awards (thank you everyone for your generous nominations!). 

Please join us Wednesday 7th Dec, at 10:30am, in the 6th floor common space to thank our awardees for their energy and time in prioritising equity for people in our School, and wider University community.  

Ngā mihi,

Emma (on behalf of the Equity Committee)


Marsden Insights Q&A panel

This will be an informal ‘question and answer’ session. It is open to anyone interested in submitting a Marsden application in 2023 and is a chance to get advice, answers, and clarification on proposal development and submission, and to hear some recent awardees’ and experts’ experience of the application process.

The panellists are:

  • Mohi Rua
  • Alex Mowday
  • Justin Fernandez
  • Chris Larsen
  • Steve Matthewman

Date: Tuesday 13th December. 11am – 12noon.

Location: The session will be entirely remote. -Passcode: 209428


Marsden-specific Vision Mātauranga advice

This session is to clarify some of the instructions, expectations, and best-practice for approaching Vision Mātauranga specifically for Marsden Fund applications. This is open to applicants and FIRST.

Time: Dec 12, 2022 03:00 PM Auckland, Wellington

Join Zoom Meeting


Marsden 2023 Writing Support

In advance of the funding call for Marsden EOI’s being released, UniServices are asking for requests for writing support.

The following info will be required:

  • Standard/Fast Start/Council
  • Project Title or Description (this is to provide the writer with an understanding of what the proposal will be about)
  • Level of support required
    • Tier A – Bid development, proposal ideation
    • Tier B – Editorial review, including restructuring and reworking for clarity and alignment to funder guidelines
    • Tier C – General proof reading for typographical, formatting and grammatical errors

Deadline for writing support requests: Thursday, 8th December 2022.

Contact FIRST support to make your request (Dianne, Kelly, Franca)


Ngā Ara Whetū 2023 Doctoral Scholarships

Ngā Ara Whetū is delighted to announce that we have three UoA doctoral stipends to award in 2023. The purpose is to support the mission of our centre, particularly fostering transdisciplinary research. Therefore, the supervisors must be affiliated to Ngā Ara Whetū and come from at least two different Faculties/large scale research institutes. It’s easy to become an affiliate, UoA academics just need to email and you will be added to our list. We invite students to apply for the scholarships by 1 March 2023.

More information, including the application form, can be found on the University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarships page in the Faculty/LSRI/USC Doctoral Scholarship Strategies and Opportunities section:

If you have any questions, please email

Royal Society New Zealand – Marsden Fund
The Marsden Fund invests in excellent, investigator-led research aimed at generating new knowledge, with long-term benefit to New Zealand.

Three types of awards are offered:

• Fast-Start: for emerging researchers – to give an impetus to their careers by promoting them as sole Principal Investigators (PI) in their own research programme

• Standard: for established and emerging researchers

• Council Award: for projects that are interdisciplinary in nature, with larger teams

Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
All grants are for a maximum of three years and are GST exclusive.

  • Fast-Start: up to $120K p.a.
  • Standard: up to $220-$320K p.a. (varies by panel)
  • Council Award: up to $1M p.a.
Due to Funds Advisor Team by 12 noon, Tuesday 7 February 2023.

  • Fast-Start and Standard Expressions of Interest (EOIs)
  • Marsden Fund Council Award FULL proposals
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

If you are interested in applying, please follow instructions in the UoA funding call to register your interest and  inform FIRST (Kelly, Dianne, or Franca).


Ministry for the Environment – Plastics Innovation Fund Round 2 – Te Tahua Pūtea mō te Kirihou Auaha
The Plastics Innovation Fund supports projects that will minimise plastic waste and its harm on the environment. They are seeking to fund projects that find ways to use less plastic and make what we do use reusable or recyclable. It should be noted that applicants are required  to secure at least 50% co-funding.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
  • The minimum grant available for feasibility or scoping studies will be $20,000.
  • The minimum grant for other project types will be $50,000
  • Duration: Up to 4 years
·         EOI deadline from 1 November 2022 to 30 June 2023

·         The Funds Advisor team will accept EOIs at any time during this period for a QA check provided that you allow at least 7 working days before final submission to the funder.

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

Please register or make contact with FIRST (Kelly, Dianne, Franca) if you wish to make a submission.


Lloyds Register Foundation – World Risk Poll 2021: A Resilient World? Understanding vulnerability in a changing climate
Lloyd’s Register Foundation (LRF) is inviting proposals for impactful research and interventions that will increase the utility and influence of data generated by the 2021 World Risk Poll, focusing on global perceptions and experiences of disaster preparedness. Possible outcomes for projects may practically apply the Poll findings through the development of new interventions or by strengthening existing ones.

Two-stage submission process:

1.                   Compulsory registration EOI

2.                   Full Application

Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
·         up to a maximum of GBP250,000 (circa NZD 490,000) are available

·         Duration: 12- 18 months

·         Registration:  EOI – no internal deadline is set, but we recommend applicants complete the brief content requested as early as possible to gain access to the full proposal online, as it can take up to 2 weeks for the funder to grant access.

•     Full Application – 5PM, Friday 16   December 2022

Further Important Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info ):

Please register or make contact with FIRST (Kelly, Dianne, Franca) if you wish to make a submission.


2023 MBIE Endeavour Fund – Research Programmes  
The Endeavour Fund supports excellent research with the potential to positively transform New Zealand’s economy, environment and society

Research Programmes are intended to support ambitious, excellent and well-defined research ideas which have credible and high potential to positively transform New Zealand’s future in areas of future value, growth, or critical need

Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
·         Value: $0.5 million or more per year

·         Duration: 3, 4 or 5 years

·         Registration: 12 noon, Friday 25 November 2022

·         Full proposal: 12 noon, Monday 20 February 2023

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

Please register with FIRST (Kelly, Dianne, Franca) if you wish to make a submission.


Toka Tū Ake EQC University Research Programme (URP 2024-26)  
Since the 1990s, Toka Tū Ake EQC has provided funding to tertiary institutions across New Zealand. This funding has helped to support research capability in natural disaster risk reduction. From 2020, Toka Tū Ake EQC funding introduced a three-year University Research Programme for tertiary institutions focused on:

  • Research that is targeted to Toka Tū Ake EQC’s goals and priorities 
  • Contribution to better outcomes for New Zealanders 
  • Developing research capability that is aligned with programme delivery 
  • End user and/or stakeholder collaboration and partnerships 
  • A greater partnership approach with Toka Tū Ake EQC
Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
·         Projects can be up to a maximum duration of 36 months   

·         The award is up to NZD150,000/annum

·         EOI Deadline: 5pm Wednesday 2 November 2022.

·         Full Proposal Deadline: Wednesday 22 March 2023

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

Please register with FIRST (Kelly, Dianne, Franca) if you wish to make a submission.


Rangahau – Research

FoS Vision Mātauranga Hui

As part of the Vision Mātauranga support for researchers within Te Whare Pūtaiao Faculty of Science, the Māori advisors’ team will be running a two hour Vision Mātauranga Hui on Tuesday 24 January 2023 from 2:00 – 4:00pm (Building 119-130).

So we have an idea of the numbers attending, could you please complete the registration form.

In advance of the session, please see the Rresponsiveness to Māori  tool to map out your proposal ideas and how they connect with Māori aspirations, build Māori capability and capacity, and look at how you can ensure your research is reaching Māori communities. Although we will not be focused on this document, it may help you as you look to see how your research can be responsive to Māori, and you are welcome to bring it with you to the session


DRDF Call for proposals

We are opening the call for DRDF proposals (former PBRF) early this year to allow as many people to apply as possible.

The guidelines are available here and the application form, here.

In addition to the usual activities, we are keen to see applications from groups with shared research interests and who would like to support engagement activities within our school, throughout the year and  involving PG research students (seminar series, reading/writing groups, retreat, workshops etc.)

Please email the form (or your questions) to by 15th February 2023.


Health, Safety and Wellbeing 

Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee

You can find the agenda for the 7th of December meeting here. Also find the latest E-Update here


Health & Safety Tip











Janki Patel, Martin Brook, Melanie Kah and Ayrton Hamilton. Global geological occurrence and character of the carcinogenic zeolite mineral, erionite: A review.

McGuirk, P., Sisson, A., Baker, T., Dowling, R. and Maalsen, S. (2022) Beyond roads, rates and rubbish: innovating city governance around the world. The Policymaker.

Fernandez, D., Bowen, M., & Sutton, P. (2022). South Pacific Ocean dynamics redistribute ocean heat content and modulate heat exchange with the atmosphere. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL100965.

Bruce Hayward’s latest book “Mountains, volcanoes, caves and karst – origins of Aotearoa New Zealand’s natural wonders has just been released by Auckland University Press, just in time for Christmas. 

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 91 – Monday 5th December 2022

Issue 90 – Monday 21st November 2022

November 21, 2022 • igom365


The time of heads-down marking exams is coming to an end. As your heads come up and you look ahead to the summer, please take the time to go into PeopleSoft HR, break into your nest-egg of annual leave and book some weeks off over summer. As I said at the School’s retreat day, there are three reasons this is important:

  • You need time off. Time for yourself, kids, spouse, dog, garden, activities that feed the soul more that exercise the mind…Book in those days and weeks
  • To not book leave is contrary to the expectations of employment and a liability to us a School. Anyone unexpectedly resigning (as people do) with significant leave owing is a risk to us looking ahead to when a budget may well be more constrained.
  • If you are a chronic non-leave taker, you can be required to take leave. I have undertaken to HR that I will vigorously insist on leave balances declining. If some balances remain high you may well be formally approached to take leave at a time that neither suits you or the School.

As the old Gershwin/Heyward song goes, summer time’s when ‘the livin’s easy’. It’s also easier to be on annual leave in January than other times of the year given the few competing commitments.  So, just book that leave and take it.  And, at least for a while over the summer, in the words Jackson Browne, ‘take it easy’. We’ll all be better for it.

Another reason to keep out heads up is both pride in what we do and alertness as to how we can promote all we do well to prospective students and supporters. I hope my brief overview of the budget situation at the school retreat emphasised strongly enough our critical need to increase enrolments. Please do all you can to encourage students to return into our courses in 2023 or consider PG supervision. Also, in terms of research, consider also to whom, or how, your project work might be appealing to financial sponsors. This is a form of support I’d not given much thought to but a korero with Kate Thompson our new (ish) Faculty Development Manager recently was a good alert to possibilities. Please make contact with Kate ( if your project potentially ‘speaks’ to a wider non-academic audience. Kate may well be able to assist in fine -tuning the message and getting it in the hands of those who seek to financially support science that, in turn, supports society.

Have a great week and …keep your heads up (and only down when needs be). Shoegaze music is OK but not shoegaze academics 😊

Robin Kearns

General Announcements

Academic visitor looking for a furnished 2-3 bedroom

Dr Beth Lawrence (University of Connecticut) will be at the School as a visiting scientist (6 January to 30 June 2023) and is looking for a furnished 2-3 bedroom within commuting distance to UoA.  Anyone who is going on sabbatical, etc. and whose home would be available during that time, please contact Beth (


Whakawhanaungatanga – Communities 

Virtual farewell morning tea of Michael Martin – Tuesday, 22 November

Dear colleagues you are invited to a virtual farewell morning tea of Michael Martin. Please join us at 8:30 am on Tuesday, 22nd November to bid him farewell and to wish him all the best for all his future endeavours.

Zoom link:


What else is on in Oct and Nov?

25 Nov | Publishing your research


Shut up and write! online

Struggling with procrastination? Having trouble getting started with writing your thesis or publication? Join us every Wednesday from 1-3 pm for Shut up and write!


Coastal and Marine Geoscience Seminar

Kia ora tātou,
The next (and last for 2022!) ENV Coastal and Marine Geosciences Seminar is on 28 November. Hope to see as many of you there as possible. We will be hearing from Eduardo Gomez de la Pena and Charline Dalinghaus about their Ph.D. research. Topics are shown in the attached advert.

28 November | 12 –1pm | 302-551



Marsden 2023 Writing Support

In advance of the funding call for Marsden EOI’s being released, UniServices are asking for requests for writing support.

The following info will be required:

  • Standard/Fast Start/Council
  • Project Title or Description (this is to provide the writer with an understanding of what the proposal will be about)
  • Level of support required
    • Tier A – Bid development, proposal ideation
    • Tier B – Editorial review, including restructuring and reworking for clarity and alignment to funder guidelines
    • Tier C – General proof reading for typographical, formatting and grammatical errors

Deadline for writing support requests: Thursday, 8th December 2022.

Contact FIRST support to make your request (Dianne, Kelly, Franca)


Ngā Ara Whetū 2023 Doctoral Scholarships

Ngā Ara Whetū is delighted to announce that we have three UoA doctoral stipends to award in 2023. The purpose is to support the mission of our centre, particularly fostering transdisciplinary research. Therefore, the supervisors must be affiliated to Ngā Ara Whetū and come from at least two different Faculties/large scale research institutes. It’s easy to become an affiliate, UoA academics just need to email and you will be added to our list. We invite students to apply for the scholarships by 1 March 2023.

More information, including the application form, can be found on the University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarships page in the Faculty/LSRI/USC Doctoral Scholarship Strategies and Opportunities section:

If you have any questions, please email


Ministry for the Environment – Plastics Innovation Fund Round 2 – Te Tahua Pūtea mō te Kirihou Auaha
The Plastics Innovation Fund supports projects that will minimise plastic waste and its harm on the environment. They are seeking to fund projects that find ways to use less plastic and make what we do use reusable or recyclable. It should be noted that applicants are required  to secure at least 50% co-funding.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
  • The minimum grant available for feasibility or scoping studies will be $20,000.
  • The minimum grant for other project types will be $50,000
  • Duration: Up to 4 years
·         EOI deadline from 1 November 2022 to 30 June 2023

·         The Funds Advisor team will accept EOIs at any time during this period for a QA check provided that you allow at least 7 working days before final submission to the funder.

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

Please register or make contact with FIRST (Kelly, Dianne, Franca) if you wish to make a submission.


Lloyds Register Foundation – World Risk Poll 2021: A Resilient World? Understanding vulnerability in a changing climate
Lloyd’s Register Foundation (LRF) is inviting proposals for impactful research and interventions that will increase the utility and influence of data generated by the 2021 World Risk Poll, focusing on global perceptions and experiences of disaster preparedness. Possible outcomes for projects may practically apply the Poll findings through the development of new interventions or by strengthening existing ones.

Two-stage submission process:

1.                   Compulsory registration EOI

2.                   Full Application

Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
·         up to a maximum of GBP250,000 (circa NZD 490,000) are available

·         Duration: 12- 18 months

·         Registration:  EOI – no internal deadline is set, but we recommend applicants complete the brief content requested as early as possible to gain access to the full proposal online, as it can take up to 2 weeks for the funder to grant access.

•     Full Application – 5PM, Friday 16   December 2022

Further Important Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info ):

Please register or make contact with FIRST (Kelly, Dianne, Franca) if you wish to make a submission.


2023 MBIE Endeavour Fund – Research Programmes  
The Endeavour Fund supports excellent research with the potential to positively transform New Zealand’s economy, environment and society

Research Programmes are intended to support ambitious, excellent and well-defined research ideas which have credible and high potential to positively transform New Zealand’s future in areas of future value, growth, or critical need

Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
·         Value: $0.5 million or more per year

·         Duration: 3, 4 or 5 years

·         Registration: 12 noon, Friday 25 November 2022

·         Full proposal: 12 noon, Monday 20 February 2023

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

Please register with FIRST (Kelly, Dianne, Franca) if you wish to make a submission.


Toka Tū Ake EQC University Research Programme (URP 2024-26)  
Since the 1990s, Toka Tū Ake EQC has provided funding to tertiary institutions across New Zealand. This funding has helped to support research capability in natural disaster risk reduction. From 2020, Toka Tū Ake EQC funding introduced a three-year University Research Programme for tertiary institutions focused on:

  • Research that is targeted to Toka Tū Ake EQC’s goals and priorities 
  • Contribution to better outcomes for New Zealanders 
  • Developing research capability that is aligned with programme delivery 
  • End user and/or stakeholder collaboration and partnerships 
  • A greater partnership approach with Toka Tū Ake EQC
Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
·         Projects can be up to a maximum duration of 36 months   

·         The award is up to NZD150,000/annum

·         EOI Deadline: 5pm Wednesday 2 November 2022.

·         Full Proposal Deadline: Wednesday 22 March 2023

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

Please register with FIRST (Kelly, Dianne, Franca) if you wish to make a submission.


ANSTO FutureNow and FutureNow [Plus] scholarships – applications are open (applications close 27 November 2022)

With the support of NSW Government, ANSTO offers FutureNow and FutureNow Plus scholarships to graduates or early career researchers working on industry-focused research projects that support developments in health, defence, aerospace engineering and nuclear technologies.

The FutureNow Scholarships are made possible through the generous support of the NSW government funding scheme as part of our ANSTO Innovation Precinct development. These scholarships are for graduate students or early career researchers working on industry-focused research projects aligned with ANSTO’s strategic objectives. The scholarships are open to Australian and New Zealand students.

Scholarship recipients will have access to the expertise and technology needed to facilitate cutting edge discoveries in advanced manufacturing, health, environment and the nuclear fuel cycle.

FutureNow [Plus] scholarships offer a stipend of up to $35,000 and more. FutureNow scholarships offer a $10,000 top-up stipend and more.

For further information, please visit:

FutureNow Scholarships | ANSTO


Funding for class meet and greets 

The Student Experience Committee has limited funding available for class related activities. If you want to run a class event, online or otherwise (challenging given the current restrictions), and would benefit from some funds, please contact Joe ( The Committee would prefer to fund several small events rather than one big one (but we are open to suggestions).


3k writing grant available for students

Funds are available to support students writing up their thesis as publication(s). Each grant is worth $3000 (120 hours at 25$ all included). There is no deadline to apply. Applications are evaluated as they come by members of Rangahau (2 weeks turn over max.), until we use all the funds available.

Do you have a good candidate in mind? Please complete this form and submit to


Rangahau – Research

Rangahau Committee Funding

The Rangahau Committee has a small amount of funds set aside ($5,000 total) to help with proposal development  (e.g. writing support, support to scope proposals etc).  If you have an idea that fits within this scope please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin to discuss further.


Health, Safety and Wellbeing 

Health & Safety Tip











Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 90 – Monday 21st November 2022

Issue 89 – Monday 7th November 2022

November 7, 2022 • igom365


It was great to attend the School Research awards on Thursday. As usual, it was amazing to see the diversity of research activities across the School (from analogues for life on other plants to meditation and back again). T is important to recognise achievements by students and staff in research and the perhaps less tangible but equally important contributions that make the School what it is. Congratulations to all awardees, and many thanks to the Rangahau Committee and others who hosted and organised the event!

It is the time of the year when Te Apārangi / the Royal Society announces the prestigious Marsden Awards. Colleagues in SENV were involved in three successful applications, and we look forward to learning more about these research activities and how they unfold over time.

  • Gretel Boswijk is PI on “Shining a light on the past: improved chronology for Aotearoa-New Zealand using tree-ring based radiocarbon and stable isotope science”.  Luitgard Schwendenmann is also an AI on this project.
  • Jennifer Eccles and Michael Rowe are AI’s on “Probing the depths of Auckland’s Volcanic Field: An integrated geophysical investigation into the intraplate volcanism of Tāmaki Makaurau” (PI = Kasper van Wijk, Physics).
  • Shane Cronin is an AI on “Pinpointing the volatile driver for sudden large-scale volcanic eruption” (PI = Marco Brenna, University of Otago)

Of course, these successes don’t (usually) happen in a single Eureka moment. Instead, they often represent the outcome of much hard work and a series of successes, failures, and careful reflection. Given the pressures on time that we all face and that were so well articulated in the Ako Innovation Committee lunch last week, the opportunities for the slow thought and reflection that research requires seems more and more limited. However, as the year begins to ‘wind down’ hopefully this will bring us a chance for reflection in whatever form it may take.     


General Announcements

The Digital Services team is conducting student testing for our new Doctoral Application form.

We are reaching out to a couple of PhD students to see if you would like to participate in our student testing session.

How it works:
This will be a 1-1 zoom session.
It will take no longer than 1 hr.
We’ll be showing you the new form, observe your experience with it and ask you some questions about it.

Time slots:
Wednesday: 1-2 or 2:30-3:30pm
Thursday: 1-2 or 2:30-3:30pm

But happy to accommodate times if these aren’t suitable.
If you want to participate in student testing, reach out to me via email at:
The valuable feedback you give will be used to improve the design of the form for future doctoral applicants.

Kind regards,
Jiajing Lu
Digital Designer
Digital Services

Whakawhanaungatanga – Communities 

School of Environment Equity Awards 2022

The Equity Committee are calling for nominations for the inaugural School of Environment Equity Awards, which will be announced on Friday November 11th at the School Retreat.

We have four School Equity Awards categories. Please nominate your colleagues using this Google Form  (which will only take a couple of minutes to complete!)

  1. Equity in Service Award
  2. Equity in Teaching Award
  3. Equity in Research Award
  4. Equity in the School of Environment Award 

Deadline to nominate your candidates: Wed 9th November 2022.

We are excited to hear from you. These are long overdue awards, to recognise the equity efforts in our School.


NZGS November Newsletter

You can read here the newsletter of this month. The poster advertising the last Dialogues of the year is on Page 2 (‘Traversing the Western Academia in a Black Habitus: Reflections from my doctoral journey’ – Valentine Ibeka).


Hay Lecture in Environmental Science
15 November 2022 5 :00 PM Building 302 Room G20  

Jamie Kerr will talk about the role of geography in shaping his career and approach to policy issues, with a focus on his role in providing advice on climate change.

Jamie Kerr is the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment’s first Director of Climate Change. He is a graduate of the University of Canterbury with an MA in Geography. His government and policy
experience includes Private Secretary in the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, policy advice and leadership in the areas of consumer and competition policy, industry and enterprise policy, land administration, energy policy and economic strategy. Jamie has also worked in financial services markets regulation in the United Kingdom.


What else is on in Oct and Nov?

17 Nov | Literature review: Organising and writing
25 Nov | Publishing your research


Shut up and write! online

Struggling with procrastination? Having trouble getting started with writing your thesis or publication? Join us every Wednesday from 1-3 pm for Shut up and write!


An introductory R Workshop is being run on Thursday 17 and Friday 18 of November 2022. The course will be run by the Statistical Consulting Centre (SCC), in the Department of Statistics.

What’s covered in the workshop?


Getting familiar with R

  • Using R Studio and loading projects/scripts
  • Basic functions using R
  • Reading in Data Files (.csv, .xls/.xlsx)
  • Introduction to R Objects. How R thinks (vectors, matrices, basic data formats)

Working with data(sets)

  • Cleaning and subsetting
  • Merging datasets and reformatting
  • Grouping variables and summarising

R graphics

  • Starting with plots in R (boxplots, histograms, bar graphs)
  • Graphics in R with ggplot2 (customising plots)

Data analysis

  • Introduction to performing t-tests, chi-square tests, ANOVA, and general linear models

As per our previous introductory R workshops, the cost is $300 for UoA students and staff.

You can pay using your PRESS account, research grant, or other UoA account.

You can also opt to use a debit/credit card (however we will have to also add GST for this type of payment and payment can only be made at the Student Resource Centre on main campus).

The payment authorisation form for UoA participants paying from a UoA account is attached.

The cost for non-UoA attendees is $500 + GST. Please contact Joei Mudaliar ( for payment instructions.

We will be sending out a pre-workshop information email the week prior to the course, however here are some of the details:


We will be in room 302.190. Building 302 is on the corner of Symonds St and Wellesley St. The room we will be using is on level 1, room 190.

Time and schedule

The approximate schedule for both days is attached (since this is the schedule from our previous course, it may yet be altered very slightly).

We will start at 9am and finish at 5pm.

Morning and afternoon tea will be provided and there are cafes handy nearby for lunch. 


We will be using a Faculty of Science computer lab.

You are also welcome to use your own laptop, however please make sure that you have downloaded R and RStudio onto your machine before the workshop (they are free to download).

We will also include some instructions re how to do this in our pre-workshop information email.

Access to computers and internet

We will arrange access to the lab computers for all non-UoA participants. 

We will also have a guest wireless password for non-UoA participants who are bringing their own laptops. 

UoA staff and students will be able to access the FoS computers using their normal UoA upi and password.


The School of Environment is pleased to welcome Professor Rebecca Lave to give the 2022 CUMBERLAND LECTURE which will be held on Monday 21st November at 12pm (Clock Tower T039/105S-039). 

Title: Critical Physical Geography in practice: Our depth perception improves when we combine biophysical and social lenses 

Speaker: Rebecca Lave. Professor of Geography at Indiana University and President-elect of the American Association of Geographers.

Abstract: The widening gap between critical human and physical geography raises concerns about the long-term viability of our field and spurs regular calls for reintegration. Even a brief review of these calls makes two points glaringly clear: this discussion has been going on for a long, long time and, given its regular reoccurrence, it would seem we have little to show for it.  I argue here that there is already a strong and growing body of work that draws together critical human and physical geography: critical physical geography (CPG).  Individually or in teams, critical physical geographers are bridging the gap, combining insights from climatology, geomorphology, biogeography and remote sensing with approaches from political economy, feminist geography, STS, and environmental justice.  The key characteristics that unify this work are 1) its emphasis on treating biophysical processes and unequal social power relations with equal seriousness, 2) its acknowledgement of the politics of knowledge production, and 3) its normative agenda of using research to promote eco-social transformation. Using examples from CPG research, I argue that combining critical human and physical geography lenses allows us to see eco-social issues differently and more deeply than current environmental narratives. 

Rebecca Lave is a Professor of Geography at Indiana University and President-elect of the American Association of Geographers.  Her research takes a Critical Physical Geography approach, combining political economy, STS, and fluvial geomorphology to analyze stream restoration, the politics of environmental expertise, and community-based responses to flooding.  She has published in journals ranging from Science to Social Studies of Science and is the author of two monographs: Fields and Streams: Stream Restoration, Neoliberalism, and the Future of Environmental Science (2012, University of Georgia Press) and Streams of Revenues: The Restoration Economy and the Ecosystems it Creates (2021 MIT Press; co-written with Martin Doyle).  

Register for free tickets at:


Coastal and Marine Geoscience Seminar

28 November | 12 –1pm | 302-551



Lloyds Register Foundation – World Risk Poll 2021: A Resilient World? Understanding vulnerability in a changing climate
Lloyd’s Register Foundation (LRF) is inviting proposals for impactful research and interventions that will increase the utility and influence of data generated by the 2021 World Risk Poll, focusing on global perceptions and experiences of disaster preparedness. Possible outcomes for projects may practically apply the Poll findings through the development of new interventions or by strengthening existing ones.

Two-stage submission process:

1.                   Compulsory registration EOI

2.                   Full Application

Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
·         up to a maximum of GBP250,000 (circa NZD 490,000) are available

·         Duration: 12- 18 months

·         Registration:  EOI – no internal deadline is set, but we recommend applicants complete the brief content requested as early as possible to gain access to the full proposal online, as it can take up to 2 weeks for the funder to grant access.

•     Full Application – 5PM, Friday 16   December 2022

Further Important Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info ):

Please register or make contact with FIRST (Kelly, Dianne, Franca) if you wish to make a submission.


2023 MBIE Endeavour Fund – Research Programmes  
The Endeavour Fund supports excellent research with the potential to positively transform New Zealand’s economy, environment and society

Research Programmes are intended to support ambitious, excellent and well-defined research ideas which have credible and high potential to positively transform New Zealand’s future in areas of future value, growth, or critical need

Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
·         Value: $0.5 million or more per year

·         Duration: 3, 4 or 5 years

·         Registration: 12 noon, Friday 25 November 2022

·         Full proposal: 12 noon, Monday 20 February 2023

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

Please register with FIRST (Kelly, Dianne, Franca) if you wish to make a submission.


Toka Tū Ake EQC University Research Programme (URP 2024-26)  
Since the 1990s, Toka Tū Ake EQC has provided funding to tertiary institutions across New Zealand. This funding has helped to support research capability in natural disaster risk reduction. From 2020, Toka Tū Ake EQC funding introduced a three-year University Research Programme for tertiary institutions focused on:

  • Research that is targeted to Toka Tū Ake EQC’s goals and priorities 
  • Contribution to better outcomes for New Zealanders 
  • Developing research capability that is aligned with programme delivery 
  • End user and/or stakeholder collaboration and partnerships 
  • A greater partnership approach with Toka Tū Ake EQC
Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
·         Projects can be up to a maximum duration of 36 months   

·         The award is up to NZD150,000/annum

·         EOI Deadline: 5pm Wednesday 2 November 2022.

·         Full Proposal Deadline: Wednesday 22 March 2023

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

Please register with FIRST (Kelly, Dianne, Franca) if you wish to make a submission.


Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund 2022 – Call for Proposals Internal Funding Call
The purpose of the TIF is to cultivate cross-faculty and transdisciplinary collaborations and generate new projects that respond to the four priority areas identified within Taumata Teitei : sustainability, health and well-being, social justice, and innovating secure knowledge systems.  The fund encourages research staff from across the University to develop cross-faculty research partnerships, aspiring toward high-quality Transdisciplinary Research outputs, research learning initiatives, and successful applications to external research funders
Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
·         Applicants may apply for small grants ($10,000–$20,000) or large grants ($20,000–$60,000) ·         5pm, 14 November 2022

Please register with FIRST (Kelly, Dianne, Franca) if you wish to make a submission.


ANSTO FutureNow and FutureNow [Plus] scholarships – applications are open (applications close 27 November 2022)

With the support of NSW Government, ANSTO offers FutureNow and FutureNow Plus scholarships to graduates or early career researchers working on industry-focused research projects that support developments in health, defence, aerospace engineering and nuclear technologies.

The FutureNow Scholarships are made possible through the generous support of the NSW government funding scheme as part of our ANSTO Innovation Precinct development. These scholarships are for graduate students or early career researchers working on industry-focused research projects aligned with ANSTO’s strategic objectives. The scholarships are open to Australian and New Zealand students.

Scholarship recipients will have access to the expertise and technology needed to facilitate cutting edge discoveries in advanced manufacturing, health, environment and the nuclear fuel cycle.

FutureNow [Plus] scholarships offer a stipend of up to $35,000 and more. FutureNow scholarships offer a $10,000 top-up stipend and more.

For further information, please visit:

FutureNow Scholarships | ANSTO


Funding for class meet and greets 

The Student Experience Committee has limited funding available for class related activities. If you want to run a class event, online or otherwise (challenging given the current restrictions), and would benefit from some funds, please contact Joe ( The Committee would prefer to fund several small events rather than one big one (but we are open to suggestions).


3k writing grant available for students

Funds are available to support students writing up their thesis as publication(s). Each grant is worth $3000 (120 hours at 25$ all included). There is no deadline to apply. Applications are evaluated as they come by members of Rangahau (2 weeks turn over max.), until we use all the funds available.

Do you have a good candidate in mind? Please complete this form and submit to


Rangahau – Research

Marsden Club 2023

The School of Environment Marsden Club will be running again this year.  This is open to all potential applicants to the Marsden 2023 round, and will be an opportunity to hear advice and tips from previous applicants, share useful resources and outline support arrangements to develop a successful application.   The kick-off event will be Monday 14th November, 11-12pm, in person and via ZOOM.

Please get in touch with either Kelly or Sila if you have any questions or queries.


Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund 2022 – Call for Proposals and Workshops (Internal Funds)

The purpose of the TIF is to cultivate cross-faculty and transdisciplinary collaborations and generate new projects that respond to the four priority areas identified within Taumata Teitei : sustainability, health and well-being, social justice, and innovating secure knowledge systems.  The fund encourages research staff from across the University to develop cross-faculty research partnerships, aspiring toward high-quality Transdisciplinary Research outputs, research learning initiatives, and successful applications to external research funders.

  • Applications must include researchers from at least two Faculties / LSRIs, and evidence the transdisciplinary aspects of the research.
  • Application Teams must be a diverse mix of early career researchers, as well as established researchers where possible.
  • Applicants must be members of the academic staff, employed by the University of Auckland, and have an employment contract that specifies that they must undertake research.
  • Staff members employed on fixed-term or part-time contracts are eligible to apply as a PI provided that:

– the duration remaining of their contract is sufficient to complete the project or initiative;

– their appointment is 0.5 FTE or greater.

Grant Value: Applicants may apply for small grants ($10,000–$20,000) or large grants ($20,000–$60,000)

Internal Deadline: 5pm, 14 November 2022

Enquiries should be directed to ORSI via

Application Form, Guidelines and FAQs can be accessed via the Research Hub at the link:  Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund.  Please get in touch with your RPC if you intend to apply as we can help with the submission process.

Applications for the Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund are due by November 14. Funding decisions will be announced in December 2022 for a 1st March 2023 start with an 18 month funding window. The Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund and Transdisciplinary Ideation Workshops have emerged from a collaboration between the Associate Deans Research, the Office of Research Strategy & Integrity and UniServices.


Rangahau Committee Funding

The Rangahau Committee has a small amount of funds set aside ($5,000 total) to help with proposal development  (e.g. writing support, support to scope proposals etc).  If you have an idea that fits within this scope please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin to discuss further.


Health, Safety and Wellbeing 

Health and Safety Update

Addressing bullying, harassment and discrimination:  The University of Auckland is committed to a safe, inclusive, and equitable environment and to supporting this with processes, policy, guidelines and learning programmes. The Addressing Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination workshop and the prerequisite online module have been created in collaboration with an industry expert and are available to all University staff.

For Leaders: 4-hr workshop, next session Nov 3rd 9:00 – 1:00

For General Staff : 2-hr workshop, next session 18th Nov 10:00 – 12:00


Radiation Safety

The university is currently reviewing Radiation Safety standards and protocols and was visited by ESR to audit these recently.


First Aid training

Summer is almost here and with teaching over it is a good time to get first aid certified. Who knows, it might turn you in a superhero at any BBQ or family event.  There a options available to you:

  • Attend a course offered by OD full course for new first aiders or a  refresher
  • Attend an external course (Group Services can organise a PO in advance, or you can put in a claim the expense)


Keeping Alert in Laboratories

A reminder to staff and students to drink, eat and get enough sleep before walking into labs and other hazardous workplaces. It is basic, right?  However, neglecting the basics can lead to loss of concentration or focus and mistakes – potentially leading to accidents.  Let’s make sure students and staff are fully present, alert and nourished


If you want to read the HSW e-Newsletter in full click here


Health & Safety Tip











Ana Markic, James H. Bridson, Peta Morton, Lucy Hersey, Thomas Maes, Melissa Bowen, 2022, Microplastic pollution in the surface waters of Vava’u, Tonga, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 185,

Cook Felix, Smith Robert O., Roughan Moninya, Cullen Nicolas J., Shears Nick, Bowen Melissa, 2022, Marine heatwaves in shallow coastal ecosystems are coupled with the atmosphere: Insights from half a century of daily in situ temperature records, Frontiers in Climate,  

Brook MS, Orense RP, Richards NR (2022). Geo-engineering teaching and learning during COVID-19 lockdown: The University of Auckland Experience. In: Gratchev I & Espinosa H (eds.). Adopting Post-COVID teaching practices in engineering education, Taylor & Francis, New York, Ch 8, p 133-144.

Cook ME, Brook MS, Hamling IJ, Cave M, Tunnicliffe JF, Holley R. (2022). Investigating slow-moving shallow soil landslides in a vulnerable city using Sentinel-1 InSAR data. Landslides DOI 10.1007/s10346-022-01982-9

Cook ME, Brook MS, Hamling IJ, Cave M, Tunnicliffe JF, Holley R, Alama D. (2022). Engineering geomorphological and InSAR investigation of an urban landslide, Gisborne, New Zealand. Landslides DOI 10.1007/s10346-022-01938-z

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 89 – Monday 7th November 2022

Issue 88 – Tuesday 25th October 2022

October 25, 2022 • igom365


By the time you read this, I hope you’ve all had a good and refreshing long weekend. I hope, too, that you’ve spared a thought for the struggle Labour Day commemorates.  The eight hour day may seem like an illusion to many of us academics (yes, I was caught taking a five minute power-nap last week after a particularly late night on the laptop… 😊 ). However in a more balanced world and work-style, we shouldn’t need to burn the midnight oil. That’s what our forebears lobbied for and won.

Labour Day recognises the struggle for a reasonable working week. NZers were among the first in the world to gain this right when, in 1840 (the same year as another and more momentous agreement!) Samuel Parnell, a Wellington carpenter, won the prerogative to work no more than an eight-hour day. It took another 50 years until NZ’s Labour Day was first celebrated (28th October 1890).

We lose sight of the future when we forget the past.  Next time I am weary from working till midnight, I’ll try and remember Samuel Parnell.

In the School, we can celebrate more than Labour Day at this time.  There’s the end of the teaching semester and the slow but steady seasonal shift towards summer. Morale boosters!

More specifically….

I am delighted to announce, now it’s finally official with contract signed and visas issues, that we have a new Lecturer who will be joining us in February.

Dr Tom Dowling will be an exciting addition to the School and our GISci team. He will bring cross-over contributions into physical geography. I look forward to introducing Tom to you in person, but until then he has sent the following precis:


Tom studied Physical Geography at Durham University (BSc) before moving on to Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing (GIS & RS) (MPhil) at Cambridge University. He completed a PhD in Glaciology (with GIS & RS) at Lund University, Sweden, which was focused on national-scale high resolution LiDAR and geomorphology of the ice-bed interface. After leaving formal education he worked in the commercial geospatial intelligence sector before moving back into academia with a research-associate post at King’s College London (KCL). While at KCL and subsequently the National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO-UK) he specialised in thermal remote sensing with machine learning (AI), validating land surface temperature (LST) products in both the laboratory and field. During this time, he also set up an independent consultancy (Artio Earth Observation) with former colleagues to assist conservation charities in the use of remote sensing and cloud-based processing. After KCL/NCEO Tom moved into regular service with the Royal Navy (RN) where he tackled the impact of the Space domain on maritime operations. Having now left the RN to take up a Lecturership in GISci at the University of Auckland, he is excited to be back in academia once more- with the intention of focusing on maritime remote sensing. Tom is a keen, if not particularly good, climber and swimmer who has occasionally been sighted doing a triathlon.


I think you’ll agree Tom’s resume is exciting – especially for these times in which we try and make connections across the School and beyond. And as the second Tom in our team, to save “Tom? which Tom?” confusion maybe we’ll need to have a Tom B and Tom D? 😊 

Another cause for celebration is the momentous news that Mel Wall has been awarded the University of Auckland Teaching Excellence Award for Sustained Excellence in Teaching 2022. This is a huge accolade for Mel’s resolute commitment to creative pedagogy, robust teaching processes and student-centred career. It also brings reflective glory to the School and the fact the School of Environment values teaching to the extent we do. Very big congratulations Mel. We look forward to toasting your success in person in the near future.

Lastly, I’d like to congratulate Sonia Fonua and team for a wonderfully positive and insightful inaugural Moana Pacific postgraduate colloquium at the Fale two Fridays ago. This occasion offered a window into the experiences of students with roots across the wider Pacific archipelago complete with kava and very good kai.  Another example of commitment to student experience and an honouring of the stories students bring with them.   

Much to celebrate and more with the upcoming School Research Awards.

Just let’s try and keep to eight hour days. If we can….


Robin Kearns

General Announcements

The new XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence) Tiger S8 from Bruker is ready for use!

The 4 kW Buker S8 Tiger can detect up to 80 elements with precision, expanding the capabilities of the existing 1 kW XRF instrument, which was only capable of 12 – 16 high-abundance elements. The XRF is available for all geological and archaeological purposes and can detect, major, minor, and trace elements depending on preparation and sample amount provided.

The instrument can be book through iLab and prices for analysis depend on sample condition and sample preparation. Please note that all users who wish to enter the XRF laboratory are required to complete a canvas induction and quiz, as well as an in-person tutorial.

For more information, please contact the technician in charge: Gina Swanney (


Whakawhanaungatanga – Communities 

Inclusion in Disaster Risk Reduction Seminar

You are kindly invited to attend a seminar on Inclusion in Disaster Risk Reduction today.

This seminar is organized by Disaster Prevention and Management, the Inclusive Urban Communities Stream of the Resilience to Nature’s Challenges and the FAST! Network (France Aotearoa Science, Technology and Innovation).

Speakers will be Dr. Loïc Le Dé (Auckland University of Technology), Dr. Khanh Ton (Allen+Clarke), Crystal Fa’asolo (Waipapa Taumata Rau) and Louise Baumann (Waipapa Taumata Rau).

The event will take place in the Ontology Lab (302-551) of The Science Building of Waipapa Taumata Rau University of Auckland and will be followed by a French aperitif.

Looking forward to seeing you there,

Ngā mihi,

The Organizing Team


NZGS October Newsletter

You can read here the newsletter of this month where you will note that next Tuesday’s Dialogues is presented by Professor Jennifer Salmond – a poster is on Page 2.


The next ENV Research Seminar Series is coming up!

What: Please join us for the ENV Research Seminar Series where you will hear interesting research updates from three ENV staff members – Giovanni Coco, Mila Adam and Sam Trowsdale.

When: 27 October 2-3 pm, drinks and nibbles from 3-4pm

Where: Federation Room, Level 1, Old Government House, followed by drinks in the Members Lounge (ground floor)

Queries: Emma Ryan, 


Learning to the rhythm: on the use of music in the classroom


Controls, triggers, and evolution of sedimentary transport processes in the northern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
Anthony Shorrock (PhD Proposal)


ENV Research Awards Ceremony

What: Please join us to celebrate student and staff research excellence at the annual School of Environment Research Awards Function. Research successes will be shared, short presentations given, and awards will be presented.

When: 3 November 11 am to 1pm. Lunch will be provided. 

Where: 302-140

Queries: Emma Ryan, or Joa Paredes-Mariño,


Raising your research profile: Using researcher profiles and social media to build your profile and promote your research.

Trying to work that academic hustle, but don’t know how to get your name out there?

Wondering about the best way to promote your research or track your publications?

In this workshop, we’ll discuss the reasons why research profiles are important, look at the different types of profiles and their purposes, and brainstorm some strategies to help you manage your online identities. This will help doctoral candidates and early career researchers (ECRs) set the stage for their future research career.

Date: Thurs, 5 Nov

Time: 10-11 am

Location: Zoom

Book your place today:


Coastal and Marine Geoscience Group Meeting/Seminar

The next Coastal and Marine Geoscience Group seminar will be held on Monday 7th November at 12:00 to 1:00 pm in the Ontology Lab (302-551).
News will be shared and talks given from:

Lovleen Acharya Chowdhury (PhD Candidate): “Do short-term cliff-erosion measurements reliably represent long-term erosion rates?”
Lovleen presents 13 years of Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) dataset, which is the longest dataset from this technique from around the globe. Additionally, she discusses the coastal landscape evolution at Rothesay Bay, Auckland at time scales dating back to 6000 years or beyond using the TLS derived results coupled with the deductions made from the Rocky Profile Model simulations.

Aidan McLean (PhD Candidate): “Coastal Upheaval: using cosmogenic nuclides to determine the history of earthquake uplift at the coast”
Aidan presents his results from cosmogenic Beryllium-10 dating of marine terrace and shore platform surfaces at Kaikōura Peninsula and Needles point, Marlborough, which were both uplifted in the 2016  MW 7.8 Kaikōura earthquake. These results demonstrate evidence for missing terraces from the Needles point sequence. While measurements from Kaikōura reveal a process mechanism through which intermediate terraces may have been removed from the landscape.

All welcome to attend – please email Emma Ryan
if you wish to attend and don’t have the calendar invite already.


What else is on in Oct and Nov?

31 Oct | Presenting your research
03 Nov | Literature review: Finding information
17 Nov | Literature review: Organising and writing
25 Nov | Publishing your research


Shut up and write! online

Struggling with procrastination? Having trouble getting started with writing your thesis or publication? Join us every Wednesday from 1-3 pm for Shut up and write!


Toka Tū Ake EQC University Research Programme (URP 2024-26) Round Open

Toka Tū Ake EQC has officially opened the next round of 3-year funding for our University Research Programme (called URP 2024-26). Up to 10 Programmes will be funded, and each successful programme will receive up to $150,000/annum for 3 years, starting 1 January 2024. Deadline for EoI: 11 November 2022

Key information and Documents are now available via the website.

Please feel free to Contact for more information.


ENV Masters students research seminars, 27 October 2022

Master research students will present 10-minute seminars summarizing their work on 27 October 2022, in room 302-140.  This is an opportunity for them to present in person and get feedback from other students and staff. Thus, all are encouraged to attend. ENV coordinator: Phil Shane


27 October 2022 – 302-140
Time Chair: Luitgard Schwendenmann
9.00 Kyle Hamilton
9.15 Patrick Hollands
9.30 Ngaio Balfour
9.45 Declan Fisher
10.00 James Lear
10.15 Ann McElvein
10.30 Jazmine Burgess
10.45 Michael Snowdon
Chair: Nick Lewis
1.00 Isla Christensen
1.15 Miro Hall-Jones
1.45 Mary Hurley
2.00 Paul Jang
2.15 Ruth Soukoutou
2.30 Maya Duckworth
2.45 Chao Han
3.00 Rosalind Holland
3.15 Grace Joyce
3.30 Connor Sharp
3.45 Daria Solovynea
4.00 Bethany Waller


Honours Research Projects and sub-90 points Masters dissertations 

Dear colleagues,

Thank you to everyone who supervised and/or examined Honours Research projects and sub-90-point Masters projects/dissertations in 2021. Your time and effort in supervising students and/or examining projects in what was a disrupted year, protracted by deadline extensions, is greatly appreciated. The 2021 cohort should now be all finished and moving onto new things.

In 2022, we have students completing Honours and MENVSCI 30-point research projects, and Bachelor of Advanced Science 60-point dissertations, with submissions in Semester 1 (Monday 27 June) and Semester 2 (Monday 14 November).

For your diary: 

S2 Honours, MENVSCI and BAdvSci Oral Presentations – Wednesday 26 October. Time and venue to be confirmed.

These are on the same day as Masters presentations and every effort will be made to avoid clashes.

Finally, if you are supervising Honours/MENVSCI/BAdvSci students this year, please ensure their project is achievable within the one- or two-semester timeframe and that it can be completed under pandemic conditions. Please encourage your student(s) to meet the end-of-semester submission date too, even if Covid-19 extensions are again offered by the Faculty; it is helpful to the students, for getting grades back in time to go on to further study or work, and to those involved in the examination process if we can all stick to the schedule.

Kind regards

Gretel Boswijk, (Honours coordinator)


The next ENV Research Seminar Series is coming up! Please SAVE THE DATE in your calendars:

What: Please join us for the ENV Research Seminar Series where you will hear interesting research updates from three ENV staff members – Giovanni Coco, Mila Adam and Sam Trowsdale. More details will be provided closer to the time.

When: 27 October 2-3 pm, drinks and nibbles from 3-4pm

Where: Federation Room, Level 1, Old Government House, followed by drinks in the Members Lounge (ground floor)

Queries: Emma Ryan, 


An introductory R Workshop is being run on Thursday 17 and Friday 18 of November 2022. The course will be run by the Statistical Consulting Centre (SCC), in the Department of Statistics.

What’s covered in the workshop?


Getting familiar with R

  • Using R Studio and loading projects/scripts
  • Basic functions using R
  • Reading in Data Files (.csv, .xls/.xlsx)
  • Introduction to R Objects. How R thinks (vectors, matrices, basic data formats)

Working with data(sets)

  • Cleaning and subsetting
  • Merging datasets and reformatting
  • Grouping variables and summarising

R graphics

  • Starting with plots in R (boxplots, histograms, bar graphs)
  • Graphics in R with ggplot2 (customising plots)

Data analysis

  • Introduction to performing t-tests, chi-square tests, ANOVA, and general linear models

As per our previous introductory R workshops, the cost is $300 for UoA students and staff.

You can pay using your PRESS account, research grant, or other UoA account.

You can also opt to use a debit/credit card (however we will have to also add GST for this type of payment and payment can only be made at the Student Resource Centre on main campus).

The payment authorisation form for UoA participants paying from a UoA account is attached.

The cost for non-UoA attendees is $500 + GST. Please contact Joei Mudaliar ( for payment instructions.

We will be sending out a pre-workshop information email the week prior to the course, however here are some of the details:


We will be in room 302.190. Building 302 is on the corner of Symonds St and Wellesley St. The room we will be using is on level 1, room 190.

Time and schedule

The approximate schedule for both days is attached (since this is the schedule from our previous course, it may yet be altered very slightly).

We will start at 9am and finish at 5pm.

Morning and afternoon tea will be provided and there are cafes handy nearby for lunch. 


We will be using a Faculty of Science computer lab.

You are also welcome to use your own laptop, however please make sure that you have downloaded R and RStudio onto your machine before the workshop (they are free to download).

We will also include some instructions re how to do this in our pre-workshop information email.

Access to computers and internet

We will arrange access to the lab computers for all non-UoA participants. 

We will also have a guest wireless password for non-UoA participants who are bringing their own laptops. 

UoA staff and students will be able to access the FoS computers using their normal UoA upi and password.



2023 MBIE Endeavour Fund – Smart Ideas
The Endeavour Fund supports excellent research with the potential to positively transform New Zealand’s economy, environment and society

Smart Ideas are intended to catalyse and rapidly test promising, innovative research ideas with high potential for benefit to New Zealand, to refresh and enable diversity in the science portfolio.


Note: the internal deadline for registration has passed.  The external deadline is 02 November.  If you wish to submit an application contact Kelly, Franca or Dianne asap!

Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
·         Value: $0.4 – $1 million over the term of the contract

·         Duration: 2 or 3 years

·         Registration: 12 noon, Friday 21 October 2022

·         Concept: 12 noon, Monday 14 November 2022

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

Please register with FIRST (Kelly, Dianne, Franca) if you wish to make a submission. 


2023 MBIE Endeavour Fund – Research Programmes  
The Endeavour Fund supports excellent research with the potential to positively transform New Zealand’s economy, environment and society

Research Programmes are intended to support ambitious, excellent and well-defined research ideas which have credible and high potential to positively transform New Zealand’s future in areas of future value, growth, or critical need

Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
·         Value: $0.5 million or more per year

·         Duration: 3, 4 or 5 years

·         Registration: 12 noon, Friday 25 November 2022

·         Full proposal: 12 noon, Monday 20 February 2023

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

Please register with FIRST (Kelly, Dianne, Franca) if you wish to make a submission.


Toka Tū Ake EQC University Research Programme (URP 2024-26)  
Since the 1990s, Toka Tū Ake EQC has provided funding to tertiary institutions across New Zealand. This funding has helped to support research capability in natural disaster risk reduction. From 2020, Toka Tū Ake EQC funding introduced a three-year University Research Programme for tertiary institutions focused on:

  • Research that is targeted to Toka Tū Ake EQC’s goals and priorities 
  • Contribution to better outcomes for New Zealanders 
  • Developing research capability that is aligned with programme delivery 
  • End user and/or stakeholder collaboration and partnerships 
  • A greater partnership approach with Toka Tū Ake EQC
Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
·         Projects can be up to a maximum duration of 36 months   

·         The award is up to NZD150,000/annum

·         EOI Deadline: 5pm Wednesday 2 November 2022.

·         Full Proposal Deadline: Wednesday 22 March 2023

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

Please register with FIRST (Kelly, Dianne, Franca) if you wish to make a submission.


Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund 2022 – Call for Proposals Internal Funding Call
The purpose of the TIF is to cultivate cross-faculty and transdisciplinary collaborations and generate new projects that respond to the four priority areas identified within Taumata Teitei : sustainability, health and well-being, social justice, and innovating secure knowledge systems.  The fund encourages research staff from across the University to develop cross-faculty research partnerships, aspiring toward high-quality Transdisciplinary Research outputs, research learning initiatives, and successful applications to external research funders
Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
·         Applicants may apply for small grants ($10,000–$20,000) or large grants ($20,000–$60,000) ·         5pm, 14 November 2022

Please register with FIRST (Kelly, Dianne, Franca) if you wish to make a submission.


R J Mowat Memorial Award in Earth Sciences

A $2,000 Award to support a Part IV BAdvSci(Hons), or BSc(Hons) or MSc student enrolled full-time in the School of Environment. Open for applications 19 September -31 October 2022. Please encourage any eligible students to apply.


ANSTO FutureNow and FutureNow [Plus] scholarships – applications are open (applications close 27 November 2022)

With the support of NSW Government, ANSTO offers FutureNow and FutureNow Plus scholarships to graduates or early career researchers working on industry-focused research projects that support developments in health, defence, aerospace engineering and nuclear technologies.

The FutureNow Scholarships are made possible through the generous support of the NSW government funding scheme as part of our ANSTO Innovation Precinct development. These scholarships are for graduate students or early career researchers working on industry-focused research projects aligned with ANSTO’s strategic objectives. The scholarships are open to Australian and New Zealand students.

Scholarship recipients will have access to the expertise and technology needed to facilitate cutting edge discoveries in advanced manufacturing, health, environment and the nuclear fuel cycle.

FutureNow [Plus] scholarships offer a stipend of up to $35,000 and more. FutureNow scholarships offer a $10,000 top-up stipend and more.

For further information, please visit:

FutureNow Scholarships | ANSTO


Funding for class meet and greets 

The Student Experience Committee has limited funding available for class related activities. If you want to run a class event, online or otherwise (challenging given the current restrictions), and would benefit from some funds, please contact Joe ( The Committee would prefer to fund several small events rather than one big one (but we are open to suggestions).


3k writing grant available for students

Funds are available to support students writing up their thesis as publication(s). Each grant is worth $3000 (120 hours at 25$ all included). There is no deadline to apply. Applications are evaluated as they come by members of Rangahau (2 weeks turn over max.), until we use all the funds available.

Do you have a good candidate in mind? Please complete this form and submit to


Rangahau – Research

Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund 2022 – Call for Proposals and Workshops (Internal Funds)

The purpose of the TIF is to cultivate cross-faculty and transdisciplinary collaborations and generate new projects that respond to the four priority areas identified within Taumata Teitei : sustainability, health and well-being, social justice, and innovating secure knowledge systems.  The fund encourages research staff from across the University to develop cross-faculty research partnerships, aspiring toward high-quality Transdisciplinary Research outputs, research learning initiatives, and successful applications to external research funders.

  • Applications must include researchers from at least two Faculties / LSRIs, and evidence the transdisciplinary aspects of the research.
  • Application Teams must be a diverse mix of early career researchers, as well as established researchers where possible.
  • Applicants must be members of the academic staff, employed by the University of Auckland, and have an employment contract that specifies that they must undertake research.
  • Staff members employed on fixed-term or part-time contracts are eligible to apply as a PI provided that:

– the duration remaining of their contract is sufficient to complete the project or initiative;

– their appointment is 0.5 FTE or greater.

Grant Value: Applicants may apply for small grants ($10,000–$20,000) or large grants ($20,000–$60,000)

Internal Deadline: 5pm, 14 November 2022

Enquiries should be directed to ORSI via

Application Form, Guidelines and FAQs can be accessed via the Research Hub at the link:  Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund.  Please get in touch with your RPC if you intend to apply as we can help with the submission process.

Applications for the Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund are due by November 14. Funding decisions will be announced in December 2022 for a 1st March 2023 start with an 18 month funding window. The Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund and Transdisciplinary Ideation Workshops have emerged from a collaboration between the Associate Deans Research, the Office of Research Strategy & Integrity and UniServices.


Rangahau Committee Funding

The Rangahau Committee has a small amount of funds set aside ($5,000 total) to help with proposal development  (e.g. writing support, support to scope proposals etc).  If you have an idea that fits within this scope please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin to discuss further.


Health, Safety and Wellbeing 

Health & Safety Tip












Siimes N, Sharp EL, Lewis N & Kah M (2022) Determining acceptance and rejection of nanotechnology in agriculture: a case study of the New Zealand wine industryNanoImpact 

Bickler, S. H., & Jones, B. D. (2022). Machine Assisted Identification to Find Pā Sites from Hartley Ferrar’s Geological Maps. Archaeology, 41.’s_Geological_Maps_AINZ

Watson, S.L; Stephenson, F.; Pilditch, C.A.; Lundquist, C. (2022). Improving predictions of coastal benthic invertebrate occurrence and density using a multi-scalar approach. Ocean and Coastal Management. 230:1063555.

Tablada, J., Geange, S., & Lundquist, C. J. (2022). Evaluation of biodiversity benefits of proposed marine protected areas from the Sea Change—Tai Timu Tai Pari Hauraki Gulf Marine Spatial Plan. Conservation Science and Practice 4(10): e12803.

Hewitt, J.E. Lundquist, C.J. Pilditch, C.A., Thrush, S.F., Urlich, S.C. (2022). Barriers to coastal planning and policy use of environmental research in Aotearoa-New Zealand. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9:898109. Special issue on Contemporary Marine Science, its Utility and Influence on Regulation and Government Policy.

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 88 – Tuesday 25th October 2022

Issue 87 – Monday 10th October 2022

October 10, 2022 • igom365


I’m standing in for Robin while he’s away on a few days leave, and I must admit to writing this at the last minute (thanks for the reminder, Iliane).  While grasping for inspiration, I thought about what I’d done over the previous week.  I was lucky enough to be on Aotea (Great Barrier Island) last week, giving a talk to the community about the outcomes of the 2021 edition of the Aotea Bird Count project.  The ABC is a great example of a citizen science project.  The community set it up to provide an island-wide census of what birds are in Aotea’s environment and what sort of changes are happening.  It’s now been running for three years.  NZ has many citizen science projects from the global to the local (e.g. the Pieris project, the Great Kererū Count, the Science of Sourdough project), and the ABC is undoubtedly at the smaller end of the scale.  It is, however, an opportunity for the community to join in a shared endeavour and to consider some of the successes over the year (e.g. the growing kākāriki population at Okiwi). 

Aldo Leopold noted, “One of the penalties of an ecological education is that one lives alone in a world of wounds”.  I suspect many of us feel a little like this when we look at the world around us.  It’s easy to be depressed by the flood of stories about the environmental apocalypse we face.  And, in an age of AI, big data, and proliferating online portals, it is perhaps easy to dismiss small, local initiatives such as the ABC.  However, community-centred activities such as the ABC remind me that we haven’t all abandoned hope and that the small ‘wins’ we have in whatever we’re doing bring joy and are worth celebrating.  So, as the semester gets to the grindy end of business, take time to recognise the ‘wins’ you’ve had along the way, no matter what size or shape they were!

Have a good week.


General Announcements

Supervisor responsibilities for the examination of Masters theses 

The faculty has provided guidelines for the examination of 90 and 120 pt theses that are part of a masters degree. See attached documents:

Masters supervisor responsibilities.

Examination Process Overview

Here are some points to note: 


Confirm your supervision of student with Department Graduate Advisor (currently Phil Shane). Do this when the student starts. 

Nomination of examiners  

The supervisor will complete Part A of the AS-512R form and seek the signature of the HoD nominee (currently Nick Lewis). The examination committee is solely Phil Shane. The supervisor will then submit the form to

Current timeline: 

09 January 2023: Supervisors and DGA’s will receive an email informing them to start submitting part A of the 512R forms (i.e. examiner nominations) for the February submitters.  

Generic Submission Dates (90/120 pt) 

For a full-time Masters students submit one calendar year after starting: 

Start 1 December –  the thesis must be submitted on 30 November 

Start 1 March –  the thesis must be submitted on 28 February 

Start 15 July –  the thesis must be submitted on 14 July 


Phil Shane (DGA)

Whakawhanaungatanga – Communities 

Managing Your Mental Health During Your PhD : A Survival Guide

Zoë J. Ayres


GSNZ President’s Lecture Kat Holt (Massey University). Tiny but Mighty – the role of pollen and palynology in the Geosciences

For the majority of people, experiences with pollen are localised to a particular time of the year, and for those who suffer from hayfever, this is seldom a pleasant time!

In the scientific world, pollen, spores and their study, palynology, might typically be regarded as belonging in the realm of the biologist.  Yet, palynology provides an extremely valuable tool in many areas of the geosciences, including but not limited to biostratigraphy, petroleum exploration, and climate and environmental reconstructions. 

The goal of this Presidential Lecture is to demonstrate the versatility and value of palynology in the geosciences, particularly here in Aotearoa NZ.  I will draw on examples from my own research, as well as that of other NZ palynologists to illustrate the key contributions palynology has made to our understanding of environmental change in Aotearoa-NZ, as well as exploring some exciting new avenues in pollen-based research.

Tuesday 18th Oct 7.30 pm, Epsom Community Centre, 200 Gillies Ave


Wednesday 19th Oct 11 am, University of Auckland Rm 303-148


The next ENV Research Seminar Series is coming up!

What: Please join us for the ENV Research Seminar Series where you will hear interesting research updates from three ENV staff members – Giovanni Coco, Mila Adam and Sam Trowsdale.

When: 27 October 2-3 pm, drinks and nibbles from 3-4pm

Where: Federation Room, Level 1, Old Government House, followed by drinks in the Members Lounge (ground floor)

Queries: Emma Ryan, 


Learning to the rhythm: on the use of music in the classroom


Raising your research profile: Using researcher profiles and social media to build your profile and promote your research.

Trying to work that academic hustle, but don’t know how to get your name out there?

Wondering about the best way to promote your research or track your publications?

In this workshop, we’ll discuss the reasons why research profiles are important, look at the different types of profiles and their purposes, and brainstorm some strategies to help you manage your online identities. This will help doctoral candidates and early career researchers (ECRs) set the stage for their future research career.

Date: Thurs, 5 Nov
Time: 10-11 am
Location: Zoom

Book your place today:


What else is on in Oct and Nov?

06 Oct | Literature review: Organising and writing
10 Oct | Literature review: Finding information
31 Oct | Presenting your research
03 Nov | Literature review: Finding information
17 Nov | Literature review: Organising and writing
25 Nov | Publishing your research


Shut up and write! online

Struggling with procrastination? Having trouble getting started with writing your thesis or publication? Join us every Wednesday from 1-3 pm for Shut up and write!


Toka Tū Ake EQC University Research Programme (URP 2024-26) Round Open

Toka Tū Ake EQC has officially opened the next round of 3-year funding for our University Research Programme (called URP 2024-26). Up to 10 Programmes will be funded, and each successful programme will receive up to $150,000/annum for 3 years, starting 1 January 2024. Deadline for EoI: 11 November 2022

Key information and Documents are now available via the website.

Please feel free to Contact for more information.


My thesis in 5 minutes video competition 

A 5-minute video thesis competition that emphasises relationships between France and NZ. To enter the competition, you need to create a short video (between 3 and 5 minutes) explaining your research project and how it connects France and Aotearoa New Zealand. Closing date 14th of October 2022.

For more information:


Talofa lava, Mālō e lelei, Kia orana, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Talofa ni, Ni sa bula, Fakafeiloaki, Fakatalofa atu, Halo, Gude, Greetings

We would like to invite you to join us to celebrate the journeys of some of our wonderful ENV Moana Pacific postgraduate students, current and recent graduates on October 14th, 10am to 12:30pm

They will be sharing stories about their experiences of postgraduate study, their research, and why they choose postgraduate studies.

This is an amazing opportunity to celebrate them, to learn from them, and to engage in Moana Pacific ways of being, knowing, and doing.

Like any Moana Pacific event, there will be food provided. We will also begin with a kava ceremony.

We hope you are able to join us (even for part of the time), please RSVP and address any question to Sonia








ENV Masters students research seminars, 27 October 2022

Master research students will present 10-minute seminars summarizing their work on 27 October 2022, in room 302-140.  This is an opportunity for them to present in person and get feedback from other students and staff. Thus, all are encouraged to attend. ENV coordinator: Phil Shane


17 October 2022 – 302-140
Time Chair: Luitgard Schwendenmann
9.00 Kyle Hamilton
9.15 Patrick Hollands
9.30 Ngaio Balfour
9.45 Declan Fisher
10.00 James Lear
10.15 Ann McElvein
10.30 Jazmine Burgess
10.45 Michael Snowdon
Chair: Nick Lewis
1.00 Isla Christensen
1.15 Miro Hall-Jones
1.45 Mary Hurley
2.00 Paul Jang
2.15 Ruth Soukoutou
2.30 Maya Duckworth
2.45 Chao Han
3.00 Rosalind Holland
3.15 Grace Joyce
3.30 Connor Sharp
3.45 Daria Solovynea
4.00 Bethany Waller


Honours Research Projects and sub-90 points Masters dissertations 

Dear colleagues,

Thank you to everyone who supervised and/or examined Honours Research projects and sub-90-point Masters projects/dissertations in 2021. Your time and effort in supervising students and/or examining projects in what was a disrupted year, protracted by deadline extensions, is greatly appreciated. The 2021 cohort should now be all finished and moving onto new things.

In 2022, we have students completing Honours and MENVSCI 30-point research projects, and Bachelor of Advanced Science 60-point dissertations, with submissions in Semester 1 (Monday 27 June) and Semester 2 (Monday 14 November).

For your diary: 

S2 Honours, MENVSCI and BAdvSci Oral Presentations – Wednesday 26 October. Time and venue to be confirmed.

These are on the same day as Masters presentations and every effort will be made to avoid clashes.

Finally, if you are supervising Honours/MENVSCI/BAdvSci students this year, please ensure their project is achievable within the one- or two-semester timeframe and that it can be completed under pandemic conditions. Please encourage your student(s) to meet the end-of-semester submission date too, even if Covid-19 extensions are again offered by the Faculty; it is helpful to the students, for getting grades back in time to go on to further study or work, and to those involved in the examination process if we can all stick to the schedule.

Kind regards

Gretel Boswijk, (Honours coordinator)


The next ENV Research Seminar Series is coming up! Please SAVE THE DATE in your calendars:

What: Please join us for the ENV Research Seminar Series where you will hear interesting research updates from three ENV staff members – Giovanni Coco, Mila Adam and Sam Trowsdale. More details will be provided closer to the time.

When: 27 October 2-3 pm, drinks and nibbles from 3-4pm

Where: Federation Room, Level 1, Old Government House, followed by drinks in the Members Lounge (ground floor)

Queries: Emma Ryan, 



Ako Innovation Committee – Staff requests for teaching software

As teaching is increasingly technology-enhanced, the committee has a small budget for software to support blended learning. If you have a relatively inexpensive software you would like to purchase for your teaching, please e-mail Mel Wall by COB 24th October.


Below is a summer internship that would suit someone getting towards the end of their PhD in a biodiversity or conservation related topic.


R J Mowat Memorial Award in Earth Sciences

A $2,000 Award to support a Part IV BAdvSci(Hons), or BSc(Hons) or MSc student enrolled full-time in the School of Environment. Open for applications 19 September -31 October 2022. Please encourage any eligible students to apply.


ANSTO FutureNow and FutureNow [Plus] scholarships – applications are open (applications close 27 November 2022)

With the support of NSW Government, ANSTO offers FutureNow and FutureNow Plus scholarships to graduates or early career researchers working on industry-focused research projects that support developments in health, defence, aerospace engineering and nuclear technologies.

The FutureNow Scholarships are made possible through the generous support of the NSW government funding scheme as part of our ANSTO Innovation Precinct development. These scholarships are for graduate students or early career researchers working on industry-focused research projects aligned with ANSTO’s strategic objectives. The scholarships are open to Australian and New Zealand students.

Scholarship recipients will have access to the expertise and technology needed to facilitate cutting edge discoveries in advanced manufacturing, health, environment and the nuclear fuel cycle.

FutureNow [Plus] scholarships offer a stipend of up to $35,000 and more. FutureNow scholarships offer a $10,000 top-up stipend and more.

For further information, please visit:

FutureNow Scholarships | ANSTO


Funding for class meet and greets 

The Student Experience Committee has limited funding available for class related activities. If you want to run a class event, online or otherwise (challenging given the current restrictions), and would benefit from some funds, please contact Joe ( The Committee would prefer to fund several small events rather than one big one (but we are open to suggestions).


3k writing grant available for students

Funds are available to support students writing up their thesis as publication(s). Each grant is worth $3000 (120 hours at 25$ all included). There is no deadline to apply. Applications are evaluated as they come by members of Rangahau (2 weeks turn over max.), until we use all the funds available.

Do you have a good candidate in mind? Please complete this form and submit to


Rangahau – Research

Toka Tū Ake EQC University Research Programme (URP 2024-26)

This funding has helped to support research capability in natural disaster risk reduction. From 2020, Toka Tū Ake EQC funding introduced a three-year University Research Programme for tertiary institutions focused on:

  • Research that is targeted to Toka Tū Ake EQC’s goals and priorities
  • Contribution to better outcomes for New Zealanders
  • Developing research capability that is aligned with programme delivery
  • End user and/or stakeholder collaboration and partnerships
  • A greater partnership approach with Toka Tū Ake EQC.

Key Things to Note

Grant Value:

  • Projects can be up to a maximum duration of 36 months  
  • The award is up to NZD150,000/annum


  • The research programme is to be hosted by and led from a New Zealand tertiary institution.
  • The majority of research must be undertaken in New Zealand by New Zealand-based researchers.
  • The benefits of the research are for New Zealand and accrued outside of the University/legal entity representing the University.
  • Assessors are not eligible to submit a proposal as the primary investigator

Application procedure and forms:

The application is a two-stage process:

  • Stage 1: Expression of Interest
  • Stage 2: Full Proposal (by invitation only, based on assessment of Stage 1)

All applicants must be registered on SmartyGrants to access the Expression of Interest and Full Proposal forms. If you need help using SmartyGrants, please visit the “Help Guide for Applicants” page here. Registration and Login instructions are also provided on that page.

PLEASE DO NOT submit your application directly in the portal.

EOI Deadline: 5pm Wednesday 2 November 2022.

Full Proposal Deadline: Wednesday 22 March 2023.

For help developing your application please contact your local support (FIRST) team. If you have any funder specific queries or require funder portal help please contact the UniServices Funds Advisor Team on

Submission Process

To access the SmartyGrants registration portal:
Returning applicants: Log in using your existing log in details
New applicants: Follow the SmartyGrants registration instructions

  1. Notify your FIRST teamand cc of your intent to register for this grant.
  2. Save your application as a PDF (do not submit in the portal directly) and email your completed proposal for a Quality Assurance check to by 5pm Wednesday 2 November 2022. 
  3. Create a record in the Research Funding Module (RFM) and submit for sign off by 5pm Wednesday 2 November 2022. (Contact your local FIRST team for assistance)

Please note: Applications are required to be received on or before the above-mentioned deadline to allow sufficient time for our Quality Assurance process and any associated rework/revision of the application by the Principal Investigator. Only Faculty approved applications can be submitted, please wait to submit in the portal until you have email confirmation from the Funds Advisor Team. 


MBIE Endeavour Fund 2023 Information

Application and assessment information for the Endeavour Fund 2023 can be found here but note the following below:

  1. MBIE Endeavour Fund Roadshow with registration links:

Roadshow 1 registration – Monday, 3rd October 2022, 10am to 12pm

Roadshow 2 registration – Monday, 10th October 2022, 10am to 12pm

Roadshow 3 registration – Tuesday, 11 October 2022, 1pm to 3pm

The webinar presentation will be recorded and uploaded to our website for those who cannot participate at any roadshow times. If you have any questions on the Endeavour Fund Roadshows, please contact​.

  • Important Dates


NZ – Japan Joint Research Projects: Funding for research exchanges, research activities, and expenses related to hosting meetings in collaboration with Japanese researchers

              Value: Up to $30,000 (excl. GST) per annum for up to two years.

Guidelines and further info can be found here.

Internal Deadline for both funding schemes is: 5pm Tuesday 11 October 2022.

If you are interested, please get in touch with your RPC and we will pass on the details on how to register in the portal.


Catalyst Leaders (Round 3, July 2022)

HOPE Meetings are held for excellent graduate students and young researchers selected from countries/areas around the Asia-Pacific and Africa region. These meetings give an opportunity for the participants to engage in interdisciplinary discussions with Nobel Laureates and other distinguished scientists pioneering the frontiers of knowledge.

Grant Value: Supports excellent PhD students and/or young researchers to attend the HOPE meetings with Nobel Laureates for 5 days including flights, accommodation, and meeting registration.

Guidelines and eligibility criteria can be found here.  If you are interested, please get in touch with your RPC and we will pass on the details on how to register in the portal.

Internal Deadline: 5pm Tuesday 11 October 2022


Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund 2022 – Call for Proposals and Workshops (Internal Funds)

The purpose of the TIF is to cultivate cross-faculty and transdisciplinary collaborations and generate new projects that respond to the four priority areas identified within Taumata Teitei : sustainability, health and well-being, social justice, and innovating secure knowledge systems.  The fund encourages research staff from across the University to develop cross-faculty research partnerships, aspiring toward high-quality Transdisciplinary Research outputs, research learning initiatives, and successful applications to external research funders.

  • Applications must include researchers from at least two Faculties / LSRIs, and evidence the transdisciplinary aspects of the research.
  • Application Teams must be a diverse mix of early career researchers, as well as established researchers where possible.
  • Applicants must be members of the academic staff, employed by the University of Auckland, and have an employment contract that specifies that they must undertake research.
  • Staff members employed on fixed-term or part-time contracts are eligible to apply as a PI provided that:

– the duration remaining of their contract is sufficient to complete the project or initiative;

– their appointment is 0.5 FTE or greater.

Grant Value: Applicants may apply for small grants ($10,000–$20,000) or large grants ($20,000–$60,000)

Internal Deadline: 5pm, 14 November 2022

Enquiries should be directed to ORSI via

Application Form, Guidelines and FAQs can be accessed via the Research Hub at the link:  Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund.  Please get in touch with your RPC if you intend to apply as we can help with the submission process.

Transdisciplinary Ideation Workshops – The University will deliver five 2-hour thematic Transdisciplinary Ideation Workshops on the 8th and 9th September, focused on Taumata Teitei’s four impact priorities: sustainability, health and well-being, social justice, and innovating secure knowledge systems.  These will support staff to apply for a Small Grant ($10,000–$20,000) or Large Grant ($20,000–$60,000) from the Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund

The Transdisciplinary Ideation Workshops will gather academic staff from across all Faculties and Large-Scale Research Institutes, attracting a diverse mix of attendees spanning early, mid to senior career researchers.  The workshops are designed to cultivate cross-faculty, transdisciplinary collaborations and generate new project teams that respond to government priorities and major policy issues facing Aotearoa New Zealand. You will be encouraged to delve into problems, uncover innovative solutions, identify research projects and initiate new collaborative working partnerships. Each workshop will be hosted by facilitators who will be multidisciplinary and will include the Associate Deans Research. 

To participate in these workshops and extend your collaborative networks, please register here: Transdisciplinary Ideation Workshops.  It is not a requirement to attend the workshops to submit an application for funding, however, attendance is encouraged as an opportunity to connect with colleagues from across the University.

Applications for the Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund are due by November 14. Funding decisions will be announced in December 2022 for a 1st March 2023 start with an 18 month funding window. The Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund and Transdisciplinary Ideation Workshops have emerged from a collaboration between the Associate Deans Research, the Office of Research Strategy & Integrity and UniServices.



UniServices and ORSI are planning a support programme for the upcoming MBIE 2023 Te Pūnaha Hihiko: Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund (VMCF). Applications will open mid- September and close mid-November (exact dates TBC by MBIE).

This fund invests in activities that strengthen capability, capacity, skills and networks between Māori organisations and the science and innovation system, to deliver benefit to Aotearoa.

 For researchers who have previously been unsuccessful, or have well-formed relationships with Māori organisations, there is a more targeted package that takes a researcher-centric approach focused on providing support that researchers identify. This more targeted package is in addition to the webinars and application templates, and provides panel reviews of proposal, writing support, business development support, and funding for a facilitator or catering for Hui with established partners.

 UniServices would like to identify potential interest – if this applies to you please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin asap.


Rangahau Committee Funding

The Rangahau Committee has a small amount of funds set aside ($5,000 total) to help with proposal development  (e.g. writing support, support to scope proposals etc).  If you have an idea that fits within this scope please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin to discuss further.


MBIE 2023 Endeavour Fund: transforming New Zealand’s future

Funding is available through two investment mechanisms, each in support of the Fund’s aims: Smart Ideas and Research Programmes

Register to your interest by emailing

For help developing your application, please contact your local support (FIRST) team. If you have any funder specific queries or require funder portal help, please contact the UniServices Funds Advisor Team on

Submission Process


  • RFM approval is not required at registration phase, however we recommend you discuss your intent to apply for this scheme, and general concept, with your relevant faculty representative as early as possible (eg HoD/ADR). 
  • Your Endeavour registration contains core information on your proposal that cannot be changed after registration

Submission portal

  • Endeavour applications are submitted via the MBIE IMS Portal
  • Returning applicants log in using your existing log in details
  • New applicants contact the Funds Advisor Team create your User Profile. 

Submission steps for Smart Ideas

The process includes phase one registration, phase two concept and lastly full proposal 


  1. Notify your FIRST (research support) of your intent to apply for this scheme in order to receive important information and updates in relation to this fund. 
  2. Submit registration in IMS for Quality Assurance (QA) by 12 noon, Friday 21 October 2022
  3. Once your registration has been submitted to MBIE on your behalf you can create and begin working on your Concept Proposal 


  1. Submit your completed (final and compliant) Concept Proposal for QA in IMS by 12 noon, Monday 14 November 2022
  2. Create a record in the Research Funding Module (RFM/InfoEd) and submit for sign off 12 noon, Monday 14 November 2022
  3. Once checked, and any final revisions made, the Funds Advisor Team will submit to MBIE on your behalf by the funder deadline. 

Applicants invited by MBIE to submit a full proposal will be advised of further steps. 

Submission steps for Research Programmes

The process includes phase one registration, phase two full proposal 


  1. Notify your FIRST (research support) of your intent to apply for this scheme in order to receive important information and updates in relation to this fund. 
  2. Submit registration in IMS for Quality Assurance (QA) by 12 noon, Friday 25 November 2022
  3. Once your registration has been submitted to MBIE on your behalf you can create and begin working on your Full Proposal 

Full proposals: 

  1. Submit your completed (final and compliant) Full Proposal for QA in IMS by 12 noon, Monday 20 February 2023
  2. Create a record in the Research Funding Module (RFM/InfoEd) and submit for sign off by 12 noon, Monday 20 February 2023
  3. Once checked, and any final revisions made, the Funds Advisor Team will submit your Full Proposal to MBIE on your behalf by the funder deadline. 

Please note: Applications are required to be received on or before the above mentioned Funds Advisor Team deadline to allow time for our Quality Assurance process and any associated rework/revision of the application by the Principal Investigator. Only Faculty approved applications can be submitted by the Funds Advisor Team to MBIE.

Submission to the funder is conditional on fully approved RFM record in InfoEd. 

GUIDELINES (essential reading)


Health, Safety and Wellbeing 

Health & Safety Tip











Bruce W. Hayward, Ashwaq T. Sabaa, Jamie D. Howarth, Alan R. Orpin, Lorna J. Strachan, Stephanie E. Tickle (2022) Foraminiferal insights into the complexities of the turbidity currents triggered by the 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake, New Zealand Marine Micropaleontology 176, 102171.

Cocker, K., Shane, P., Cronin, S., Stirling, C., Reid, M. (2022). A history of andesite production via magma mixing and mingling revealed microscopically at Ngauruhoe volcano. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23, e2022GC010589.

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 87 – Monday 10th October 2022

Issue 86 – Tuesday 27th September 2022

September 27, 2022 • igom365


Suddenly its spring. Kowhai in bloom and the evenings stretched out by daylight saving. Such welcome signs of hope and promise. Even an unexpected long weekend. I suspect I wouldn’t be alone in the bonus Monday being more about spring that the monarchy. To me the most astounding sight of this past weekend was the return of the kuaka (bar-tailed godwits). Each year around this time a small flock of about forty arrive back on the beach at Te Hururi here on Waiheke, having flown all the way from their northern summer in Alaska. Just as the media celebrates the launch of carbon-excessive non-stop flights form Auckland to New York, these small birds once again achieve a comparable distance fuelled only by a season grazing on intertidal invertebrates. No headlines; just part of the comings and goings of the avian world. Astounding. 

Given the size of our School comings and goings are inevitable within the world of Te Kura Mātai Taiao too. With some wistfulness, I must mention that Georgia Piggott has decided to return to the US in December. As with Evan Weller and Michael Martin before her, Georgia’s decision is for family reasons. So there is some comfort in knowing it isn’t a case of finding a better offer than we could provide! We will miss the Georgia’s dedication and enthusiasm and will have a suitable occasion to thank and farewell her closer to her departure.  

And to add to the ranks of talented ENV staff invited to take up Faculty roles, I was delighted to learn of the appointment of Sonia Fonua to the position of Associate Dean (Equity and Diversity). Sonia has been a staunch advocate of equity issue for many years both in our School and in her former role in Te Kupenga Hauora Māori in FMHS.

And the week ahead? I look forward to seeing many of you at graduation Wednesday evening!

Have a good shorter-than-usual week.


General Announcements

School of Environment Research Awards 2022

Rangahau Committee are calling for nominations for the annual School of Environment Research Awards, which will be held on Thursday, November 3rd 11 – 1 pm (302-140). Please save the date in your calendar. 

This year we have five ENV Research Award categories. Please nominate your colleagues using this Google Form (the google form will only take a couple of minutes to complete!)

  1. Hiroki Ogawa School Citizenship Award
  2. Research Communication Award
  3. Early Carer Research Award
  4. Engagement with Indigenous Values and Knowledge Award 
  5. Transdisciplinary Award 

Deadline to nominate your candidates: 30 Sept 2022

We will be very pleased to receive your nominations and will be waiting for you to celebrate our Researchers.


IT budget requests for 2023

Thanks to everyone who has submitted IT budget suggestions for 2023. The form remains open so if you have any further ideas for new or major software that may potentially be covered by this budget, please let us know using this form.

Remember that these expressions of interest are for planning only and does not mean the purchase will be funded. Any questions please contact Blair Sowman.


Changes to doctoral admissions and scholarships processes

Some notes for supervisors – chat to PhD Advisor Jennifer Eccles as needed

The processes for applying to the UoA doctoral programmes and for the award of UoA doctoral scholarships (UoADS) are changing this year. In the Faculty of Science, the requirements of potential supervisors of applicants are also changing.

If you have a student who wants to do a PhD and is currently eligible for the guaranteed scholarship encourage them to apply asap. If you have a student finishing in S2 who may qualify we may be able to get them through if examinations/assessment are timely and grades as hoped – they could start applying now and if they miss the timeline for the guaranteed scholarships would be considered in the first round of the new scheme.

Main changes

  1. Applications for admission will be accepted at any time, but admission decisions for applicants who wish to be considered for a UoADS will be made four times a year only, and those applicants will be able to start their enrolment on just four dates each year.


For applicants wishing to start in 2023, the following dates apply.

  Applications close Admission and scholarship decisions announced Possible enrolment start dates
Round 1 November 1 2022 February 1 2023 March 1 2023, June 1 2023 (or Sept 1 2023 for internationally qualified applicants only)
Round 2 March 1 2023 May 1 2023 June 1 2023, Sept 1 2023 (or Dec 1 2023 for internationally qualified applicants only)
Round 3 June 1 2023 August 1 2023 Sept 1 2023, Dec 1 2023 (or March 1 2024 for internationally qualified applicants only)
Round 4 September 1 2023 November 1 2023 Dec 1 2023, March 1 2024 (or June 1 2024 for internationally qualified applicants only)

Applicants are encouraged to apply well in advance of the closing dates to ensure sufficient time to consult with supervisors (see below). Applicants that miss the closing date or submit incomplete applications will be considered in the next round.

  1. Requirements of applicants to the Faculty of Science will be largely unchanged except:
  • Applicants must complete their Statement of Research Intent (SoRI) on the Faculty of Science template (which specifies what information should be supplied and has some word limits)
  • Applicants are expected to have discussed/developed the SoRI with their potential supervisor prior to submission of their application (this is normally the case at present) and must have supervisor endorsement of the SoRI if they wish to be considered for a UoA doctoral scholarship.
  1. Requirements of potential supervisors are changing.
  • Supervisors are expected to discuss/develop the SoRI with applicants before the application is submitted. Supervisor endorsement of the SoRI is required if the applicant wishes to be considered for a UoA doctoral scholarship.
  • Supervisors and co-supervisors are required to complete a supervisor statement on the Faculty of Science template at the time the application is submitted.


Transition arrangements

  1. Applicants that apply in 2022 and that receive and accept a full offer of place before the Christmas shutdown in 2022 will be considered under the current UoADS regulations. In particular, the guaranteed scholarship scheme for domestically-qualified applicants (based on GPA of 8 or greater) will apply to these applicants. They will have 3 months from the date of acceptance of their offer to take up their place, even if that gives a start date in 2023. Applications would need to be received in early November for there to be reasonable likelihood that a full offer could be received in 2022.
  2. Applicants can apply before their grades for 2022 are finalized. They may receive a conditional offer of place before their grades are final but will not receive a full offer until their qualifying degree is formally complete.
  3. Applicants that receive a conditional offer but not a full offer in 2022 will be considered for UoADS under the new regulations when the conditions of their offer are met.


Other notes

  1. Applicants on external scholarships who wish to be considered for top-up scholarships will have the same application and start dates as in the table above.
  2. It has not yet been decided whether applicants who do not wish to be considered for any type of UoADS must start on the dates given in the table above or will have more flexibility.


Related documents and links


Whakawhanaungatanga – Communities 

Research Grant success

  • Chris Moy (PI), Lorna Strachan (AI), Catherine Beltran (AI) ANZIC IODP Legacy Analytical Funding (AILAF) 2022 – $23.5K “Reconstructing millennial-scale coupled atmosphere-ice sheet dynamics in the south Pacific during the Pleistocene



This year’s theme for Vaiaso o te Gana Tuvalu – Tuvalu Language Week is Fakamautu ke mautakitaki te Gagana Tuvalu mo te atafai, fakaaloalo mo te amanaiagina, which means ‘nurture with sustainability the Tuvalu language with care, respect, and dignity. 

Please join us for our ENV Equity morning tea this wednesday 28/09 to celebrate Tuvalu language week! 

Contact Sonia with any questions.









PhD Proposal Seminar | 29 Sep 2022 @ 10am (Ontology Lab)

Fynn Warnke will present his PhD proposal titled “Investigation of the Origin of Seafloor Pockmarks on the Chatham Rise using Acoustic and Seismic Data” on

Thursday, 29th September at 10:00am in the Ontology Lab (302 – 5F).

This talk is also available via zoom:


Do you have a social media and/or outreach presence?

The Outreach Committee is compiling data on your outreach efforts and social media presence! Please take one minute to fill two questions in this form

  • Do you have a webpage where the target audience is the community, iwi and/or schools/kura? [please provide the http link]
  • Are you active on social media? [please provide you twitter or facebook handle]
  • Do you have a research webpage? [please provide the http link]


Coastal and Marine Geoscience Group Meeting/Seminar

The next Coastal-Marine Geoscience Group seminar will be held on Monday October 10th at 12:00 to 1:00 pm in the Ontology Lab (302-551) with talks from:

Dr Yaxiong Shen: “Physical modelling of tsunamis generated by subaqueous volcanic eruptions”
Yaxiong will present laboratory experiments, in which pressurised air or steam was injected into a tank with an initially still water surface, to study the fundamental wave generation mechanisms related to underwater volcanic eruptions.

Dr Colin Whittaker: “Destructive waves: Generation, impacts and sea level rise”
Colin will present an overview of his research tsunamis and extreme storm waves. This will include a discussion of some of the mechanisms by which volcanic eruptions can generate tsunamis, with applications to Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai and the possibility of an eruption in Lake Taupō, and a more general discussion of extreme storm waves and some implications of rising sea levels.

All welcome to attend – please email Emma Ryan at if you wish to attend and don’t have the calendar invite already.

Coastal-Marine Geoscience Group seminar


Development programmes for doctoral candidates

Applications for the 2022 Academic Career Advancement Programme and the Doctoral Entrepreneurial Leadership Programme are now open. If you know a doctoral candidate who would benefit from either of these programmes, please encourage them to apply. 


My thesis in 5 minutes video competition 

A 5-minute video thesis competition that emphasises relationships between France and NZ. To enter the competition, you need to create a short video (between 3 and 5 minutes) explaining your research project and how it connects France and Aotearoa New Zealand. Closing date 14th of October 2022.

For more information:


Talofa lava, Mālō e lelei, Kia orana, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Talofa ni, Ni sa bula, Fakafeiloaki, Fakatalofa atu, Halo, Gude, Greetings

We would like to invite you to join us to celebrate the journeys of some of our wonderful ENV Moana Pacific postgraduate students, current and recent graduates on October 14th, 10am to 12:30pm

They will be sharing stories about their experiences of postgraduate study, their research, and why they choose postgraduate studies.

This is an amazing opportunity to celebrate them, to learn from them, and to engage in Moana Pacific ways of being, knowing, and doing.

Like any Moana Pacific event, there will be food provided. We will also begin with a kava ceremony.

We hope you are able to join us (even for part of the time), please RSVP and address any question to Sonia








ENV Masters students research seminars, 27 October 2022

Master research students will present 10-minute seminars summarizing their work on 27 October 2022, in room 302-140.  This is an opportunity for them to present in person and get feedback from other students and staff. Thus, all are encouraged to attend. ENV coordinator: Phil Shane


17 October 2022 – 302-140
Time Chair: Luitgard Schwendenmann
9.00 Kyle Hamilton
9.15 Patrick Hollands
9.30 Ngaio Balfour
9.45 Declan Fisher
10.00 James Lear
10.15 Ann McElvein
10.30 Jazmine Burgess
10.45 Michael Snowdon
Chair: Nick Lewis
1.00 Isla Christensen
1.15 Miro Hall-Jones
1.45 Mary Hurley
2.00 Paul Jang
2.15 Ruth Soukoutou
2.30 Maya Duckworth
2.45 Chao Han
3.00 Rosalind Holland
3.15 Grace Joyce
3.30 Connor Sharp
3.45 Daria Solovynea
4.00 Bethany Waller


Honours Research Projects and sub-90 points Masters dissertations 

Dear colleagues,

Thank you to everyone who supervised and/or examined Honours Research projects and sub-90-point Masters projects/dissertations in 2021. Your time and effort in supervising students and/or examining projects in what was a disrupted year, protracted by deadline extensions, is greatly appreciated. The 2021 cohort should now be all finished and moving onto new things.

In 2022, we have students completing Honours and MENVSCI 30-point research projects, and Bachelor of Advanced Science 60-point dissertations, with submissions in Semester 1 (Monday 27 June) and Semester 2 (Monday 14 November).

For your diary: 

S2 Honours, MENVSCI and BAdvSci Oral Presentations – Wednesday 26 October. Time and venue to be confirmed.

These are on the same day as Masters presentations and every effort will be made to avoid clashes.

Finally, if you are supervising Honours/MENVSCI/BAdvSci students this year, please ensure their project is achievable within the one- or two-semester timeframe and that it can be completed under pandemic conditions. Please encourage your student(s) to meet the end-of-semester submission date too, even if Covid-19 extensions are again offered by the Faculty; it is helpful to the students, for getting grades back in time to go on to further study or work, and to those involved in the examination process if we can all stick to the schedule.

Kind regards

Gretel Boswijk, (Honours coordinator)


The next ENV Research Seminar Series is coming up! Please SAVE THE DATE in your calendars:

What: Please join us for the ENV Research Seminar Series where you will hear interesting research updates from three ENV staff members – Giovanni Coco, Mila Adam and Sam Trowsdale. More details will be provided closer to the time.

When: 27 October 2-3 pm, drinks and nibbles from 3-4pm

Where: Federation Room, Level 1, Old Government House, followed by drinks in the Members Lounge (ground floor)

Queries: Emma Ryan, 



R J Mowat Memorial Award in Earth Sciences

A $2,000 Award to support a Part IV BAdvSci(Hons), or BSc(Hons) or MSc student enrolled full-time in the School of Environment. Open for applications 19 September -31 October 2022. Please encourage any eligible students to apply.


2022 Scholarship AINSE ANSTO French Embassies (SAAFE): applications now open (applications close 30 September 2022)

AINSE, in partnership with ANSTO, the Embassy of France in Australia and the Embassy of France in New Zealand, are delighted to announce that applications for the next round of the 2022 SAAFE Program are now open, for international travel in the period 1st January 2023 – 31st December 2023.

The Scholarship AINSE ANSTO French Embassies (SAAFE) Program is an exciting international exchange opportunity open to Early Career Researchers at the PhD and postdoctoral level. Up to $7,500 AUD is provided to each successful applicant towards supporting travel and/or accommodation expenses associated with a visit from:

  • Australia/New Zealand to France, or
  • France to Australia.

The SAAFE Program supports Early Career Researchers to expand research and innovation activities with Human Health, Environment and the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, and to initiate sustainable research networks and linkages to support Australia, New Zealand and France in research and innovation.

Eligible applicants must be a PhD student in, or hold a postdoctoral appointment at, a French university or AINSE-member university.

The research internship is required to take place between 1st January 2023 and 31st December 2023.

Applications close 30th September 2022.

For more information, including the application form and terms & conditions, please visit the SAAFE website or contact AINSE on +61 2 9717 3376 /


AINSE Postgraduate Orientation Week – Expressions of Interest now received from future scholarship applicants
(applications close 30 September 2022)

Coinciding with the international celebrations of Nuclear Science Week in the third week of October, the annual AINSE Postgraduate Orientation Week welcomes new postgraduate scholars in the AINSE PGRA, AINSE RSS, and ANSTO Future Now programs, and provides all postgraduate students with the opportunity to establish enduring networks with like-minded colleagues across Australia and New Zealand. This year’s O’Week event will run from 17th – 19th October 2022 as an online event via Zoom.

Alongside our new scholarship recipients, AINSE are now accepting Expressions of Interest directly from interested Honours and postgraduate students from AINSE-member institutions who are looking to apply for an AINSE postgraduate award in 2023.

These interested students can learn about the broad range of research supported by ANSTO’s landmark facilities, engage in a virtual tour of ANSTO, and participate in social activities as part of the worldwide Nuclear Science Week celebrations. On the morning of Wednesday 19th, the program will be differentiated and these interested students will attend a specialised workshop focused on the application process for 2023 AINSE scholarships.

Expressions of Interest close Friday 30th September.

Interested students should submit a short Expression of Interest Form directly to, outlining their intent to apply for a 2023 AINSE scholarship.

For more information, please see our Postgraduate O’Week website.


6th AINSE Women in STEM and Entrepreneurship (WISE) School – Expressions of Interest now received
(applications close 30 September 2022).

(flyer attached and available online)

AINSE is now accepting Expressions of Interest directly from students for the 6th AINSE Women in STEM and Entrepreneurship (WISE) School, to be held Monday 28th November to Friday 2nd December 2022.

Expressions of Interest close Friday 30th September 2022.

This school is targeted at female students in STEM degrees who are about to complete their first year of full-time undergraduate study (or part-time equivalent).

A key component of the WISE School is an ongoing mentorship program in which students are allocated mentors from across site at ANSTO. AINSE will be coordinating mentor and student meetings in 2023 to provide additional networking and educational opportunities for the students.

The 2022 WISE School will run as a 5 day online event, with the possibility of a small number of students being invited to ANSTO’s Lucas Heights campus for the final 2 days of the program (Thursday 1st – Friday 2nd December) if circumstances permit.

Interested students should submit a short Expression of Interest Form directly to, and a brief letter to their AINSE Member Representative per the details in the form.

For more information, please see our WISE website.


The New Zealand Space Agency is excited to announce applications for the 2023 in-person internships at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in California and the New Zealand Space Scholarship are open until 2 October.

Ever wondered what it would be like to collaborate with scientists and engineers responsible for exploring Mars or sending space craft to the far reaches of our solar system and beyond? Well – here’s your chance to find out!

For the first time in three years NASA JPL are offering students the opportunity to carry out in-person internships in 2023 and the New Zealand Space Agency is supporting students to undertake internships through the New Zealand Space Scholarship under the JPL Visiting Student Research Programme.

There are three positions available for students to undertake a 10 – 16 week internship at NASA JPL in California from February 2023. Each internship is supported by a scholarship which provides a stipend to cover air-fares, accommodation and other related internship costs. Interns partner with world-renowned scientists and engineers on NASA JPL research or a NASA JPL space mission exploring Earth, Mars, the outer solar system and worlds beyond.

To be eligible students must be studying a relevant topic (Engineering, Science, Technology or Maths) at a post-graduate level. Supporting information regarding the programme, eligibility criteria and application details is available on our website here – NASA internships and New Zealand Space Agency scholarships | Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (

Applications for the Scholarship and related internship positions are open now and will be closing on October 2nd 2022.


ANSTO FutureNow and FutureNow [Plus] scholarships – applications are open (applications close 27 November 2022)

With the support of NSW Government, ANSTO offers FutureNow and FutureNow Plus scholarships to graduates or early career researchers working on industry-focused research projects that support developments in health, defence, aerospace engineering and nuclear technologies.

The FutureNow Scholarships are made possible through the generous support of the NSW government funding scheme as part of our ANSTO Innovation Precinct development. These scholarships are for graduate students or early career researchers working on industry-focused research projects aligned with ANSTO’s strategic objectives. The scholarships are open to Australian and New Zealand students.

Scholarship recipients will have access to the expertise and technology needed to facilitate cutting edge discoveries in advanced manufacturing, health, environment and the nuclear fuel cycle.

FutureNow [Plus] scholarships offer a stipend of up to $35,000 and more. FutureNow scholarships offer a $10,000 top-up stipend and more.

For further information, please visit:

FutureNow Scholarships | ANSTO


Funding for class meet and greets 

The Student Experience Committee has limited funding available for class related activities. If you want to run a class event, online or otherwise (challenging given the current restrictions), and would benefit from some funds, please contact Joe ( The Committee would prefer to fund several small events rather than one big one (but we are open to suggestions).


3k writing grant available for students

Funds are available to support students writing up their thesis as publication(s). Each grant is worth $3000 (120 hours at 25$ all included). There is no deadline to apply. Applications are evaluated as they come by members of Rangahau (2 weeks turn over max.), until we use all the funds available.

Do you have a good candidate in mind? Please complete this form and submit to


Rangahau – Research

The ENV Olympus Vanta M series Portable XRF (pXRF) is now available for hire!

Handheld XRF units will not get information at the same level as a lab-grade instrument, but they allow you to quickly analyse significantly more samples in the field. Handheld and field portable XRF (X-ray fluorescence) analyser including rhodium (Rh) anode 50kV X-ray tube and large area Silicon Drift Detector (SSD) to provide real-time (10 seconds to 2 minutes), in-situ, non-destructive trace element analysis from Mg to Ba from parts per million (ppm) levels to 100%, and to analyse major elements.

Hire of the machine is set at $50 per day.

All users must have been inducted within relevant canvas courses and attended an in-person handling session. Principle users (at least one principle user must be present when operating the pXRF during field work) must have completed the Olympus ANI training course.

Reservations for machine use are made through iLab, under the University of Auckland – Micro characterisation (X-Ray) core group.

For more information, please contact Gina Swanney (


The ENV Bruker XRF will be available for hire very shortly, final calibrations taking place in the new 2 weeks.

More information regarding the XRF will be posted to the next pcubed and available for hire in iLab within this timeframe.

For enquiries, please contact Gina Swanney  (


MBIE 2023 Te Pūnaha Hihiko: Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund

  • Strengthen capability, capacity, skills and networks between Māori and the science and innovation system, and
  • Increase understanding of how research can contribute to the aspirations of Māori organisations and deliver benefit for Aotearoa.

Funding is available through two schemes, each in support of the Fund’s aims: 

  • Connect Scheme:Build new connections between Māori organisations and the science and innovation system 
  • Placement scheme:Enhance the development of an individual(s) through placement in a Partner organisation

Work programme term for both Connect and Placement schemes is up to 2 years.

  • $150,000 (ex GST) – max funding per proposal for projects up to 1 year in length
  • $250,000 (ex GST) – max funding per proposal between 1-2 years in length

Key Changes from last year:

  • Co- funding is not a requirement for your project. However, if co-funding is provided (by either organisation), please tell us: Co-funding can be in the form of both cash and in-kind contributions. The organisation name, Whether the co-funding is cash or in-kind, The value per year (excluding GST).


  • Be made by a New Zealand based single legal entity that is a Māori organisation, Research organisation or individual researcher.
  • Include both a Research organisation or individual researcher and a Māori organisation
  • Be for activities that fit one of the two schemes, 
  • Not be for activities for the same purpose already funded by any government agency.
  • Not include any full-time tertiary or school students.
  • Address one or more Vision Mātauranga themes, and not solely address hauora/health.
  • Be for activities the majority of which are to be undertaken in New Zealand, unless MBIE considers there are compelling reasons to consider the proposal.
  • Not benefit a Russian state institution 
  • Be submitted via MBIE’s Investment Management System (IMS) 

Internal Deadline: This year’s investment round opens 17 August 2022 and internal deadline is on Monday 12 noon, 3 October 2022.

For help developing your application, please contact your local support (FIRST) team. If you have any funder specific queries or require funder portal help, please contact the UniServices Funds Advisor Team.

Proposal support:

This scheme has been designated as a ‘High Value Bid‘ based on the close strategic alignment with University priorities. Additional proposal development support will be available, in the form of a webinar/Q&A session, assessment panel, and potential bid-writing support. Please register your interest (button above) in this funding scheme for further information. 

MBIE IMS submission portal:

VMCF applications must be submitted via the MBIE IMS Portal

To access the Portal:
Returning applicants – log in using your existing log in details
New applicants – contact the Funds Advisor Team as soon as possible to create your User Profile, and leave plenty of time to familiarise with the requirements of the portal. 

Submission steps: 

  1. Register your intent to apply (button above) to receive templates and updates for this fund  
  2. Submit your completed VMCF Proposal for Quality Assurance in the MBIE
    Portal by Monday 12 noon, 3 October 2022.
  3. Create a record in the Research Funding Module (RFM) uploading all application documents and submit for faculty sign off by Monday 12 noon, 3 October 2022.

Please note: Applications are required to be received on or before the abovementioned Funds Advisor Team deadline to allow time for our Quality Assurance process and any associated rework/revision of the application by the Principal Investigator. Only Faculty approved applications can be submitted by the Funds Advisor Team to MBIE.

  1. Once your application is deemed fit for submission, the Funds Advisor Team
    will submit the application on your behalf in time to meet the Funder’s

Submission to the funder is conditional on approved RFM record in InfoEd

Guidelines and Links


MBIE Endeavour Fund 2023 Information

Application and assessment information for the Endeavour Fund 2023 can be found here but note the following below:

  1. MBIE Endeavour Fund Roadshow with registration links:

Roadshow 1 registration – Monday, 3rd October 2022, 10am to 12pm

Roadshow 2 registration – Monday, 10th October 2022, 10am to 12pm

Roadshow 3 registration – Tuesday, 11 October 2022, 1pm to 3pm

The webinar presentation will be recorded and uploaded to our website for those who cannot participate at any roadshow times. If you have any questions on the Endeavour Fund Roadshows, please contact​.

  • Important Dates


NZ – Japan Joint Research Projects: Funding for research exchanges, research activities, and expenses related to hosting meetings in collaboration with Japanese researchers

              Value: Up to $30,000 (excl. GST) per annum for up to two years.

Guidelines and further info can be found here.

Internal Deadline for both funding schemes is: 5pm Tuesday 11 October 2022.

If you are interested, please get in touch with your RPC and we will pass on the details on how to register in the portal.


Catalyst Leaders (Round 3, July 2022)

HOPE Meetings are held for excellent graduate students and young researchers selected from countries/areas around the Asia-Pacific and Africa region. These meetings give an opportunity for the participants to engage in interdisciplinary discussions with Nobel Laureates and other distinguished scientists pioneering the frontiers of knowledge.

Grant Value: Supports excellent PhD students and/or young researchers to attend the HOPE meetings with Nobel Laureates for 5 days including flights, accommodation, and meeting registration.

Guidelines and eligibility criteria can be found here.  If you are interested, please get in touch with your RPC and we will pass on the details on how to register in the portal.

Internal Deadline: 5pm Tuesday 11 October 2022


Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund 2022 – Call for Proposals and Workshops (Internal Funds)

The purpose of the TIF is to cultivate cross-faculty and transdisciplinary collaborations and generate new projects that respond to the four priority areas identified within Taumata Teitei : sustainability, health and well-being, social justice, and innovating secure knowledge systems.  The fund encourages research staff from across the University to develop cross-faculty research partnerships, aspiring toward high-quality Transdisciplinary Research outputs, research learning initiatives, and successful applications to external research funders.

  • Applications must include researchers from at least two Faculties / LSRIs, and evidence the transdisciplinary aspects of the research.
  • Application Teams must be a diverse mix of early career researchers, as well as established researchers where possible.
  • Applicants must be members of the academic staff, employed by the University of Auckland, and have an employment contract that specifies that they must undertake research.
  • Staff members employed on fixed-term or part-time contracts are eligible to apply as a PI provided that:

– the duration remaining of their contract is sufficient to complete the project or initiative;

– their appointment is 0.5 FTE or greater.

Grant Value: Applicants may apply for small grants ($10,000–$20,000) or large grants ($20,000–$60,000)

Internal Deadline: 5pm, 14 November 2022

Enquiries should be directed to ORSI via

Application Form, Guidelines and FAQs can be accessed via the Research Hub at the link:  Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund.  Please get in touch with your RPC if you intend to apply as we can help with the submission process.

Transdisciplinary Ideation Workshops – The University will deliver five 2-hour thematic Transdisciplinary Ideation Workshops on the 8th and 9th September, focused on Taumata Teitei’s four impact priorities: sustainability, health and well-being, social justice, and innovating secure knowledge systems.  These will support staff to apply for a Small Grant ($10,000–$20,000) or Large Grant ($20,000–$60,000) from the Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund

The Transdisciplinary Ideation Workshops will gather academic staff from across all Faculties and Large-Scale Research Institutes, attracting a diverse mix of attendees spanning early, mid to senior career researchers.  The workshops are designed to cultivate cross-faculty, transdisciplinary collaborations and generate new project teams that respond to government priorities and major policy issues facing Aotearoa New Zealand. You will be encouraged to delve into problems, uncover innovative solutions, identify research projects and initiate new collaborative working partnerships. Each workshop will be hosted by facilitators who will be multidisciplinary and will include the Associate Deans Research. 

To participate in these workshops and extend your collaborative networks, please register here: Transdisciplinary Ideation Workshops.  It is not a requirement to attend the workshops to submit an application for funding, however, attendance is encouraged as an opportunity to connect with colleagues from across the University.

Applications for the Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund are due by November 14. Funding decisions will be announced in December 2022 for a 1st March 2023 start with an 18 month funding window. The Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund and Transdisciplinary Ideation Workshops have emerged from a collaboration between the Associate Deans Research, the Office of Research Strategy & Integrity and UniServices.



UniServices and ORSI are planning a support programme for the upcoming MBIE 2023 Te Pūnaha Hihiko: Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund (VMCF). Applications will open mid- September and close mid-November (exact dates TBC by MBIE).

This fund invests in activities that strengthen capability, capacity, skills and networks between Māori organisations and the science and innovation system, to deliver benefit to Aotearoa.

 For researchers who have previously been unsuccessful, or have well-formed relationships with Māori organisations, there is a more targeted package that takes a researcher-centric approach focused on providing support that researchers identify. This more targeted package is in addition to the webinars and application templates, and provides panel reviews of proposal, writing support, business development support, and funding for a facilitator or catering for Hui with established partners.

 UniServices would like to identify potential interest – if this applies to you please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin asap.


Rangahau Committee Funding

The Rangahau Committee has a small amount of funds set aside ($5,000 total) to help with proposal development  (e.g. writing support, support to scope proposals etc).  If you have an idea that fits within this scope please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin to discuss further.


MBIE 2023 Endeavour Fund: transforming New Zealand’s future

Funding is available through two investment mechanisms, each in support of the Fund’s aims: Smart Ideas and Research Programmes

Register to your interest by emailing

For help developing your application, please contact your local support (FIRST) team. If you have any funder specific queries or require funder portal help, please contact the UniServices Funds Advisor Team on

Submission Process


  • RFM approval is not required at registration phase, however we recommend you discuss your intent to apply for this scheme, and general concept, with your relevant faculty representative as early as possible (eg HoD/ADR). 
  • Your Endeavour registration contains core information on your proposal that cannot be changed after registration

Submission portal

  • Endeavour applications are submitted via the MBIE IMS Portal
  • Returning applicants log in using your existing log in details
  • New applicants contact the Funds Advisor Team create your User Profile. 

Submission steps for Smart Ideas

The process includes phase one registration, phase two concept and lastly full proposal 


  1. Notify your FIRST (research support) of your intent to apply for this scheme in order to receive important information and updates in relation to this fund. 
  2. Submit registration in IMS for Quality Assurance (QA) by 12 noon, Friday 21 October 2022
  3. Once your registration has been submitted to MBIE on your behalf you can create and begin working on your Concept Proposal 


  1. Submit your completed (final and compliant) Concept Proposal for QA in IMS by 12 noon, Monday 14 November 2022
  2. Create a record in the Research Funding Module (RFM/InfoEd) and submit for sign off 12 noon, Monday 14 November 2022
  3. Once checked, and any final revisions made, the Funds Advisor Team will submit to MBIE on your behalf by the funder deadline. 

Applicants invited by MBIE to submit a full proposal will be advised of further steps. 

Submission steps for Research Programmes

The process includes phase one registration, phase two full proposal 


  1. Notify your FIRST (research support) of your intent to apply for this scheme in order to receive important information and updates in relation to this fund. 
  2. Submit registration in IMS for Quality Assurance (QA) by 12 noon, Friday 25 November 2022
  3. Once your registration has been submitted to MBIE on your behalf you can create and begin working on your Full Proposal 

Full proposals: 

  1. Submit your completed (final and compliant) Full Proposal for QA in IMS by 12 noon, Monday 20 February 2023
  2. Create a record in the Research Funding Module (RFM/InfoEd) and submit for sign off by 12 noon, Monday 20 February 2023
  3. Once checked, and any final revisions made, the Funds Advisor Team will submit your Full Proposal to MBIE on your behalf by the funder deadline. 

Please note: Applications are required to be received on or before the above mentioned Funds Advisor Team deadline to allow time for our Quality Assurance process and any associated rework/revision of the application by the Principal Investigator. Only Faculty approved applications can be submitted by the Funds Advisor Team to MBIE.

Submission to the funder is conditional on fully approved RFM record in InfoEd. 

GUIDELINES (essential reading)


Health, Safety and Wellbeing 

The following links include health, safety, and wellbeing introductions for staff and students outlining important information that directly relates to the wellbeing of everyone on campus.

It is recommended that all involved within the university watch these short videos and seek more information regarding Equity at the University (Equity at the University | Te Ara Tautika – The University of Auckland) if needed.

Health, Safety and Wellbeing Orientation Video for Students (Health, Safety and Wellbeing Orientation Video for Students – YouTube)

Health, Safety and Wellbeing Orientation Video for Staff (Health, Safety and Wellbeing Orientation Video for Staff – YouTube)


Health & Safety Tip










  1. TEECE, B., GUIDO, D.M., CAMPBELL, K.A., VAN KRANENDONK, M.J., GALAR, A., GEORGE, S.C. ‘Exceptional molecular preservation in the Late Jurassic Claudia palaeo-geothermal field (Deseado Massif, Patagonia, Argentina).’ Organic Geochemistry 173, 104504.
Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 86 – Tuesday 27th September 2022

Issue 85 – Monday 12th September 2022

September 12, 2022 • igom365


Spring is unfolding and the days are lengthening. After such a wet winter, that’s surely cause for celebration! Other reasons come to mind too….Here are a few:

  1. We have good reason to celebrate and heartily toast colleagues who have been successful in their MBIE bids:

Shane Cronin for his MBIE Research Program “Adapting to climate change through stronger geothermal enterprises” bid this year (ca. 6.5M over 5 years).

Mila Adam (and Mike Rowe) for her bid which is led by University of Canterbury colleagues: “Pūhiko Nukutū: a green hydrogen geostorage battery in Taranaki” (ca 2M over 5 years)

Giovanni Coco (and Mark Dickson)  in a bid led through Victoria University of Wellington – “Our changing coast – Sea-level rise on Aotearoa’s dynamic margin.”

  1. Recently I attended a small graduation ceremony for Ramari Stewart, recipient of an Honorary DSc. Ramari received unusual this honour for dedication to mātauranga Māori research and, in particular, her work on aihe (dolphins) and tohorā (whales).  The ceremony at the Fale Pasifika and powhiri/hakari at Piritahi marae on Waiheke were wonderful celebrations.



With Ramari Stewart, recent recipient of an Honorary DSc for her dedication to mātauranga Māori research and, in particular, her work on dolphins and whales.  Ramari is the first indigenous woman to have a species named after her (Ramairi’s Beaked Whale).





  1. This week is Te Wiki o te Reo Māori and 50 years since Parliament was petitioned to make te Reo Māori an official language. Great progress can be celebrated, but we have a long way to go. Especially me, a very slow learner of languages! But I will be saying Kei te pēhea koe?

when I can this week. If you hear such a question from me or anyone else, do reply in kind with, for example, ‘kei te pai’ (fine/good) or ‘tino pai’ (really good). It is spring after all!

  1. On Wed 28 September from 7pm in the evening, many of our students will graduate. If you are staff member and haven’t already done so, please complete the registration form in the email you received from Tanisha Khan. Attending is the least we can do to celebrate the successes of our students and affirm the efforts of families.
  1. And, towards the end of the year, we need to have a long-overdue-person celebration. Please reserve the afternoon of Thursday 8 December in your diaries. More details soon!


So… lots to celebrate. I am sure there are many more reasons too. Please tell me if I’ve missed anything.

Have a great week


Robin Kearns, Head of School

General Announcements

Room 301-506 is now named Pūwhenua and dedicated to our Kura’s Māori and Moana postgraduate students.

The whakapapa of the name is:

  1. – centre, origin, foundation, source,
  2. Whenua (Māori), Enua (Cook Is), Fonua (Tonga/ Niue), Fanua (Samoa), Fenua (Tahiti/ Tokelau), Honua (Hawaii) Vanua (Fiji) – Land

As a kaupapa, Pūwhenua acknowledges student connection to this whenua and to the island homelands throughout the Pacific, woven together by Te Moana nui a Kiwa (the Pacific Ocean). Pūwhenua is meant to provide a conducive wāhi for our students’ kaupapa. It is being designed to become a welcoming and heartful room for desk work as well as kōrero, hui, wānanga, talanoa and tālanga. It is also hoped that such safe wāhi will encourage more Māori and Moana students to join and lead our postgraduate cohorts.


Whakawhanaungatanga – Communities 

Mānawa Mai Open Day

After two years of open day online it was truly refreshing to engage with prospective students in person during Mānawa Mai Open Day on campus. Thanks to all those who helped in the lead up to the event and on the day for your enthusiasm, energy, and the excellent advice provided.









Do you have a social media and/or outreach presence?

The Outreach Committee is compiling data on your outreach efforts and social media presence! Please take one minute to fill two questions in this form

  • Do you have a webpage where the target audience is the community, iwi and/or schools/kura? [please provide the http link]
  • Are you active on social media? [please provide you twitter or facebook handle]
  • Do you have a research webpage? [please provide the http link]


Development and application of novel methodologies for determining the spatial and temporal patterns of airborne erionite fibres in New Zealand – PhD Seminar by Wenxia (Wendy) Fan Tue 13 Sept 12pm

Erionite is a zeolite mineral that has been classed as a Group 1 carcinogen. Exposure to airborne erionite fibres has been associated with severe pleural diseases. Erionite has been found in the rocks in a number of locations throughout New Zealand. There is concern that erionite fibres from the rock and soil maybe disturbed by natural processes or anthropogenic activities and become airborne. Due to the low concentrations of fibres in the air and methodological challenges associated with distinguishing erionite fibres from other airborne contaminants very little is known about the rate at which fibres enter the air, or how long they remain in the atmosphere. This research aims to investigate the spatial and temporal variance of airborne erionite fibres using a set of novel and low-cost methodologies. The first step utilises the natural air elutriation process by sampling particles deposited on local plant surfaces to detect the spatial patterns of the deposition of erionite fibres around known sources of erionite. TEM and Raman spectroscopy will be employed for identification of erionite fibres. Once the likely presence of airborne erionite in an area has been confirmed, horizontal dust deposition samplers will be used to quantify temporal deposition rates. Studying the spatial distribution pattern and temporal aerosolization levels of erionite fibres is vital for assessing the risk to local populations and preventing inadvertent human exposure.


Mou me’a mai ke tau puke mo tauhi ke tu’uloa ‘etau mata’ikoloa ma’a e kaha’u ‘a e lea fakatonga. Pea ke tau kau hono Ma’alaali  o e Lea Faka-Tonga.

We would like to invite you to join us to celebrate Tongan Language Week this Wednesday with morning tea in the 6th floor shared space from 10.30 to 11.30am.

There will be food of course, and a quiz with prizes.

We would love for you to pop in when you can and say, Mālō e lelei! (not Malo, because that means thanks in Tongan 🙂)

morning tea


PhD Proposal Seminar, 15 Sep 2022, 9am  

Jon Habito will present his PhD proposal titled “Evaluating the risks and benefits of selected nanoformulations to control fungal grapevine pathogens in New Zealand” on

Thursday 15th September 9:00am at Ontology Lab (302 – 5F)

This talk is also available via zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting

Passcode: 128493


ENV Outreach Committee pizza lunch! 

You are invited to a pizza lunch for an update on the ENV Outreach Committee efforts and if you are passionate about outreach, we would like to ask for your small participation. 

Location: L6 breakout space in building 

Time/date: Thursday 15th 12-1pm


Development programmes for doctoral candidates

Applications for the 2022 Academic Career Advancement Programme and the Doctoral Entrepreneurial Leadership Programme are now open. If you know a doctoral candidate who would benefit from either of these programmes, please encourage them to apply. 


Postgraduate Science Research Showcase

Hi Science Postgraduate Researchers (and supervisors if students aren’t reading this),  

Registration for the 2022 Science Research Showcase closes on Friday 16 September at 4 pm. You still have some time to make an academic poster, so don’t miss the fantastic opportunity to expand your research profile, showcase your research to university staff and students, and win prizes worth up to $500!

Please make sure to submit your poster, together with your research description, through the online application form by Friday 16 September at 4 pm. Once registered, you will be invited to a Show & Tell event on Tuesday 27 September from 2 pm to 4 pm, where you will present your poster to all attendees and answer their questions.  

By submitting your poster online, the Science Research Showcase Organising Committee will arrange for your poster to be printed for the exhibition week commencing on Monday 26 September. 

Please refer to the Science Research Showcase webpage for more information. We look forward to seeing your poster and celebrating your research!  


NZGS Auckland Branch newsletter for September

Here is the NZGS Auckland Branch newsletter for September, on page 2 you can find the poster for the dialogues on 20 September.


GSNZ Auckland Hochstetter Lecture(s) 2022 20th September

This years Hochstetter Lecture will be given by Professor Dave Prior (University of Otago) on “The shear zones that hold back the ice sheets”. This talk will be held 7.30 pm on Tuesday 20th September at the Auditorium at the Auckland War Memorial Museum in the domain.

Please register at to RSVP. I registered as “Adult Special Promotion” with a guest checkout, a comment re GSNZ in the comment box and a selecting “pick up ticket in person” which seems to have gone through the museum system fine.  

In addition Dave is giving a second lecture at noon on the 20th September “Quantitative microstructural analysis in Earth Sciences”. This will be held at the University of Auckland in the Owen G Glenn Business School Room 260-223.


Experiencing Marine Reserves – Opportunities for Student Involvement

Kia ora from Experiencing Marine Reserves! We are recruiting volunteers for EMR’s busy 2022/23 season and we would love to have you join us on awesome ocean adventures in te moana this summer! EMR runs a series of free snorkel and kayak days throughout Tāmaki Makaurau which we need volunteers for. As a volunteer, you can help us provide safe and supervised experiences for school and community groups and the public, enabling participants to experience our beautiful marine and freshwater environments first-hand.

Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community and have awesome ocean experiences! It is a fabulous way to gain CV skills, and we are always happy to provide references. We work with a number of local organisations, and volunteering is a great way to get involved in marine conservation education and get your foot in the door.

Join us at our volunteer training night on Wednesday 21st September to find out more about us and learn how to be a snorkel guide!

You can find out more about EMR and our events this summer at or check us out on facebook. If you have any volunteering questions email Wednesday Davis at or DM us on social media


Professor Jennifer Salmond Inaugural Lecture

On September 22nd Professor Jennifer Salmond will examine the impact of this period of rapid change on the discipline of geography and explore her own
academic journey in this context, find details below, please register at Eventbrite

22 September 2022
5.30pm Refreshments
Building 303, Basement Foyer,
(303-B00L2), 38 Princes Street
6.30pm Lecture
Physics Lecture Theatre 1 (PLT1/303-G20),
Building 303, 38 Princes Street


The Application of Low Cost Open Source Water Clarity Sensor Networks to Understand Suspended Particulate Matter HeterogeneityPhD Seminar by Ed Clayton Thu 22 Sept

Suspended particulate matter (SPM) is a pervasive and persistent pollutant of freshwater systems. Transport tends to be variable both along the river and over time, though the majority of sediment mass is transported during low frequency high magnitude events. There is an established lack of detailed spatio temporal sensor data to capture these dynamics, with only sparse (i. monthly manual sampling informing broad scale models. Notably, local erosion reduction efforts suffer from a lack of in situ monitoring data to assess efficacy.
Water clarity is recognised as the definitive measure of riverine fine suspended sediment in national legislation in Aotearoa NZ and good site correlations with SPM have been demonstrated. The focus of this PhD research is the development of a low cost, open source water clarity sensor, which will be used to investigate spatial and temporal heterogeneity in catchment SPM generation. The sensor attributes and resulting data uncertainties are explored, and finally this work will look at how high resolution SPM data can help inform and validate national scale models of clarity and, in turn , national targets for river sediment load reduction


Coastal and Marine Geoscience Group Meeting/Seminar

The next Coastal-Marine Geoscience Group seminar will be held on Monday September 26th at 12:00 to 1:00 pm in the Ontology Lab (302-551) with talks from:

Mark Dickson (Associate Professor, ENV): “Preservation and destruction of marine terraces: are paleo-earthquakes well recorded in the landscape?”
Mark will summarize the emerging outputs from the Marsden project “Will it stay or will it go?” investigating the effect of coastal erosion on Holocene marine terraces that are useful for reconstructing past earthquakes. To assess the complicating factors of coastal erosion at two field sites (Kaikōura and Māhia), they undertook numerical modelling using a rock coast evolution model to propose a new conceptual model of marine terrace creation and destruction for soft-rock coasts.

Michael Macnaughtan (PhD Student, ENV): “Insights into methane gas and hydrate occurrence within Hikurangi Margin slope basins”
Michael presents a new model that explains how gaps in bottom simulating reflectors (BSR), commonly used identifier of gas hydrates presence in seismic data, represent previously undescribed modes of subsurface fluid redistribution in the Pegasus Basin. The developed model will help to better predict the presence of methane and potentially gas hydrate at under synclinal structures a localised scale in similar settings.

All welcome to attend – please email Emma Ryan at if you wish to attend and don’t have the calendar invite already.


‘Let the Rivers Speak’ project team Workshop Summary

The University of Auckland recently hosted a workshop on how the Marsden-project ‘Let the Rivers Speak’ can contribute to the co-design and implementation of cost-effective sediment management programmes in Aotearoa. 

The day started with a presentation by John Hutton and Tom Stephens on Auckland Council’s Kaipara Remediation Project to restore the health and mauri of the Kaipara moana. This gave an excellent example of farm and catchment sediment modelling procedures used to inform strategic practices and where they should be prioritised. Resultantly, discussion opened on the emerging interactions in strategic and practical co-development of river management with a strong emphasis on embracing mātauranga Māori. Elliot Stevens summarised his Masters thesis on river storytelling to inform catchment planning of the Waimatā in Gisborne. Megan Thomas introduced her PhD on the development and use of digital rivers and Kaaterine Kerekere on her PhD work on representations that embed wai ora. Members of the Waimatā Catchment Group from Gisborne were present and provided valuable context and insight on challenges community groups are facing. Gary Brierley introduced the idea of a Living Database to support coherent approaches to catchment management, integrating digital rivers with real-time monitoring and local knowledges. 

UoA representatives of the Let the Rivers Speak team included Dr Gary Brierley, Dr Dan Hikuroa, Dr Billie Lythberg and Dame Anne Salmond. 


Supporting student mental health and well-being: A useful toolbox

Duration 1 hour, 30 minutes

Details: An interactive discussion with Neuroscientist & Psychologist Dr Desiree Dickerson 

I’m an academic, not a therapist. How do I support my students’ mental health and well-being?

Some group leaders operate on a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy with their group members and students when it comes to one’s life and its challenges. Some of you may have the sense that your people are struggling and simply not know how to approach them or the subject. In this interactive session you’ll develop a toolbox for navigating your students’ mental health and well-being.

This session will be particularly relevant for supervisors of graduate research students.

We will explore:

 -How to ask the right questions.
 -Why number of interactions matters
 -Having a genuine open-door policy.
 -Effective communication – laying the right foundation.
 -The role of belonging, self-worth & capability and how to foster it.

Join this online discussion with Dr Desiree Dickerson to develop a useful toolbox for navigating your students’ mental health. We’ll cover asking the right questions, effective communication, and fostering self-worth within your candidates. 26 September. Pānui tonu | Read more  


My thesis in 5 minutes video competition

A 5-minute video thesis competition that emphasises relationships between France and NZ. To enter the competition, you need to create a short video (between 3 and 5 minutes) explaining your research project and how it connects France and Aotearoa New Zealand. Closing date 14th of October 2022.

For more information:


ENV Masters students research seminars, 27 October 2022

Master research students will present 10-minute seminars summarizing their work on 27 October 2022, in room 302-140.  This is an opportunity for them to present in person and get feedback from other students and staff. Thus, all are encouraged to attend. ENV coordinator: Phil Shane


17 October 2022 – 302-140
Time Chair: Luitgard Schwendenmann
9.00 Kyle Hamilton
9.15 Patrick Hollands
9.30 Ngaio Balfour
9.45 Declan Fisher
10.00 James Lear
10.15 Ann McElvein
10.30 Jazmine Burgess
10.45 Michael Snowdon
Chair: Nick Lewis
1.00 Isla Christensen
1.15 Miro Hall-Jones
1.45 Mary Hurley
2.00 Paul Jang
2.15 Ruth Soukoutou
2.30 Maya Duckworth
2.45 Chao Han
3.00 Rosalind Holland
3.15 Grace Joyce
3.30 Connor Sharp
3.45 Daria Solovynea
4.00 Bethany Waller


Honours Research Projects and sub-90 points Masters dissertations 

Dear colleagues,

Thank you to everyone who supervised and/or examined Honours Research projects and sub-90-point Masters projects/dissertations in 2021. Your time and effort in supervising students and/or examining projects in what was a disrupted year, protracted by deadline extensions, is greatly appreciated. The 2021 cohort should now be all finished and moving onto new things.

In 2022, we have students completing Honours and MENVSCI 30-point research projects, and Bachelor of Advanced Science 60-point dissertations, with submissions in Semester 1 (Monday 27 June) and Semester 2 (Monday 14 November).

For your diary: 

S2 Honours, MENVSCI and BAdvSci Oral Presentations – Wednesday 26 October. Time and venue to be confirmed.

These are on the same day as Masters presentations and every effort will be made to avoid clashes.

Finally, if you are supervising Honours/MENVSCI/BAdvSci students this year, please ensure their project is achievable within the one- or two-semester timeframe and that it can be completed under pandemic conditions. Please encourage your student(s) to meet the end-of-semester submission date too, even if Covid-19 extensions are again offered by the Faculty; it is helpful to the students, for getting grades back in time to go on to further study or work, and to those involved in the examination process if we can all stick to the schedule.

Kind regards

Gretel Boswijk, (Honours coordinator)


The next ENV Research Seminar Series is coming up! Please SAVE THE DATE in your calendars:

What: Please join us for the ENV Research Seminar Series where you will hear interesting research updates from three ENV staff members – Giovanni Coco, Mila Adam and Sam Trowsdale. More details will be provided closer to the time.

When: 27 October 2-3 pm, drinks and nibbles from 3-4pm

Where: Federation Room, Level 1, Old Government House, followed by drinks in the Members Lounge (ground floor)

Queries: Emma Ryan, 


School of Environment Research Awards 2022

Rangahau Committee are calling for nominations for the annual School of Environment Research Awards, which will be held on Thursday, November 3rd 11 – 1 pm (302-140). Please save the date in your calendar. 

This year we have five ENV Research Award categories. Please nominate your colleagues using this Google Form (the google form will only take a couple of minutes to complete!)

  1. Hiroki Ogawa School Citizenship Award
  2. Research Communication Award
  3. Early Carer Research Award
  4. Engagement with Indigenous Values and Knowledge Award 
  5. Transdisciplinary Award 

Deadline to nominate your candidates: 30 Sept 2022

We will be very pleased to receive your nominations and will be waiting for you to celebrate our Researchers.


Call for the 2nd round of contestable funds for ENV outreach activities

The ENV Outreach Committee has a 2nd call for contestable funds for School of Environment staff members (including research and teaching fellows) to support outreach projects. The project can be of any nature to promote SoE rangahau/research or the fun science in our majors to the community and schools. Activities could involve kura/schools, the public and whakawhanaungatanga. The funds can cover travel, materials, RA time, venue hire, etc. Initially the funds are capped at NZD 1000 per project, but if the call is undersubscribed, we can raise this limit. 

To apply, please fill the application form and email it to Mila Adam ( by September 15th. Funds need to be used by the end of October 2022 but activities can be run after that time if funds have been used.  


2022 Scholarship AINSE ANSTO French Embassies (SAAFE): applications now open (applications close 30 September 2022)

AINSE, in partnership with ANSTO, the Embassy of France in Australia and the Embassy of France in New Zealand, are delighted to announce that applications for the next round of the 2022 SAAFE Program are now open, for international travel in the period 1st January 2023 – 31st December 2023.

The Scholarship AINSE ANSTO French Embassies (SAAFE) Program is an exciting international exchange opportunity open to Early Career Researchers at the PhD and postdoctoral level. Up to $7,500 AUD is provided to each successful applicant towards supporting travel and/or accommodation expenses associated with a visit from:

  • Australia/New Zealand to France, or
  • France to Australia.

The SAAFE Program supports Early Career Researchers to expand research and innovation activities with Human Health, Environment and the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, and to initiate sustainable research networks and linkages to support Australia, New Zealand and France in research and innovation.

Eligible applicants must be a PhD student in, or hold a postdoctoral appointment at, a French university or AINSE-member university.

The research internship is required to take place between 1st January 2023 and 31st December 2023.

Applications close 30th September 2022.

For more information, including the application form and terms & conditions, please visit the SAAFE website or contact AINSE on +61 2 9717 3376 /


AINSE Postgraduate Orientation Week – Expressions of Interest now received from future scholarship applicants
(applications close 30 September 2022)

Coinciding with the international celebrations of Nuclear Science Week in the third week of October, the annual AINSE Postgraduate Orientation Week welcomes new postgraduate scholars in the AINSE PGRA, AINSE RSS, and ANSTO Future Now programs, and provides all postgraduate students with the opportunity to establish enduring networks with like-minded colleagues across Australia and New Zealand. This year’s O’Week event will run from 17th – 19th October 2022 as an online event via Zoom.

Alongside our new scholarship recipients, AINSE are now accepting Expressions of Interest directly from interested Honours and postgraduate students from AINSE-member institutions who are looking to apply for an AINSE postgraduate award in 2023.

These interested students can learn about the broad range of research supported by ANSTO’s landmark facilities, engage in a virtual tour of ANSTO, and participate in social activities as part of the worldwide Nuclear Science Week celebrations. On the morning of Wednesday 19th, the program will be differentiated and these interested students will attend a specialised workshop focused on the application process for 2023 AINSE scholarships.

Expressions of Interest close Friday 30th September.

Interested students should submit a short Expression of Interest Form directly to, outlining their intent to apply for a 2023 AINSE scholarship.

For more information, please see our Postgraduate O’Week website.


6th AINSE Women in STEM and Entrepreneurship (WISE) School – Expressions of Interest now received
(applications close 30 September 2022).

(flyer attached and available online)

AINSE is now accepting Expressions of Interest directly from students for the 6th AINSE Women in STEM and Entrepreneurship (WISE) School, to be held Monday 28th November to Friday 2nd December 2022.

Expressions of Interest close Friday 30th September 2022.

This school is targeted at female students in STEM degrees who are about to complete their first year of full-time undergraduate study (or part-time equivalent).

A key component of the WISE School is an ongoing mentorship program in which students are allocated mentors from across site at ANSTO. AINSE will be coordinating mentor and student meetings in 2023 to provide additional networking and educational opportunities for the students.

The 2022 WISE School will run as a 5 day online event, with the possibility of a small number of students being invited to ANSTO’s Lucas Heights campus for the final 2 days of the program (Thursday 1st – Friday 2nd December) if circumstances permit.

Interested students should submit a short Expression of Interest Form directly to, and a brief letter to their AINSE Member Representative per the details in the form.

For more information, please see our WISE website.


The New Zealand Space Agency is excited to announce applications for the 2023 in-person internships at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in California and the New Zealand Space Scholarship are open until 2 October.

Ever wondered what it would be like to collaborate with scientists and engineers responsible for exploring Mars or sending space craft to the far reaches of our solar system and beyond? Well – here’s your chance to find out!

For the first time in three years NASA JPL are offering students the opportunity to carry out in-person internships in 2023 and the New Zealand Space Agency is supporting students to undertake internships through the New Zealand Space Scholarship under the JPL Visiting Student Research Programme.

There are three positions available for students to undertake a 10 – 16 week internship at NASA JPL in California from February 2023. Each internship is supported by a scholarship which provides a stipend to cover air-fares, accommodation and other related internship costs. Interns partner with world-renowned scientists and engineers on NASA JPL research or a NASA JPL space mission exploring Earth, Mars, the outer solar system and worlds beyond.

To be eligible students must be studying a relevant topic (Engineering, Science, Technology or Maths) at a post-graduate level. Supporting information regarding the programme, eligibility criteria and application details is available on our website here – NASA internships and New Zealand Space Agency scholarships | Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (

Applications for the Scholarship and related internship positions are open now and will be closing on October 2nd 2022.


ANSTO FutureNow and FutureNow [Plus] scholarships – applications are open (applications close 27 November 2022)

With the support of NSW Government, ANSTO offers FutureNow and FutureNow Plus scholarships to graduates or early career researchers working on industry-focused research projects that support developments in health, defence, aerospace engineering and nuclear technologies.

The FutureNow Scholarships are made possible through the generous support of the NSW government funding scheme as part of our ANSTO Innovation Precinct development. These scholarships are for graduate students or early career researchers working on industry-focused research projects aligned with ANSTO’s strategic objectives. The scholarships are open to Australian and New Zealand students.

Scholarship recipients will have access to the expertise and technology needed to facilitate cutting edge discoveries in advanced manufacturing, health, environment and the nuclear fuel cycle.

FutureNow [Plus] scholarships offer a stipend of up to $35,000 and more. FutureNow scholarships offer a $10,000 top-up stipend and more.

For further information, please visit:

FutureNow Scholarships | ANSTO


Funding for class meet and greets 

The Student Experience Committee has limited funding available for class related activities. If you want to run a class event, online or otherwise (challenging given the current restrictions), and would benefit from some funds, please contact Joe ( The Committee would prefer to fund several small events rather than one big one (but we are open to suggestions).


3k writing grant available for students

Funds are available to support students writing up their thesis as publication(s). Each grant is worth $3000 (120 hours at 25$ all included). There is no deadline to apply. Applications are evaluated as they come by members of Rangahau (2 weeks turn over max.), until we use all the funds available.

Do you have a good candidate in mind? Please complete this form and submit to


Rangahau – Research

MBIE Endeavour 2023 Expert Panel Support Sessions

Initial Session Outline: November 8th (9am-12pm), 9th (1 to 4pm) and 10th (9am to 12pm). Please register for one Initial Session slot.

Registration is open until September 16, 2022, or until the nine available places are filled.

  1. This is an opportunity for applicants applying to MBIE Endeavour (mainly research programme) to informally test their project ideas against the key requirements of the grant, with a panel of experts to guide their thinking.
  2. Meeting with expert panellists who have years of experience and knowledge on certain areas. We have invited them individually according to each specific expertise that covers Research Programme framework:
  3. Panel sessions will be informal, and feedback will be verbal. Researchers and research teams are required to invite a member of their faculty research support team (FIRST) to attend these sessions.
  4. Participants will be asked to provide the following documents at the latest three days before their session date to confirm their participation. For the courtesy of PI’s privacy and confidentiality of the proposals, it is asked that FIRST local Support to send these documents directly to and  
  • Completed Lean Canvas Template (see a sample file attached or contact your FIRST support for template)
  • Original Proposal if applicable and funder’s Feedback (for re-bids from last year)
  • List of project team who will be attending the Session (including FIRST support)
  • Please Contact:  if you have any questions.
  • Calendar invites and a Zoom link specific to each session will be sent out once registration is processed.                                 

Follow-up Session Outline

  • January 23rd and 24th from 1 to 4pm and January 26th from 9am to 12pm.
  • A follow up round of panel sessions for participants to meet with the MBIE panel of experts again and review the progress of their applications to check in about alignment with the fund, status of partnerships and framing of impact and responsiveness to Māori before submission.
  • A registration link for the Follow-up Session will be sent by email at a later date.


MBIE 2023 Te Pūnaha Hihiko: Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund

  • Strengthen capability, capacity, skills and networks between Māori and the science and innovation system, and
  • Increase understanding of how research can contribute to the aspirations of Māori organisations and deliver benefit for Aotearoa.

Funding is available through two schemes, each in support of the Fund’s aims: 

  • Connect Scheme:Build new connections between Māori organisations and the science and innovation system 
  • Placement scheme:Enhance the development of an individual(s) through placement in a Partner organisation

Work programme term for both Connect and Placement schemes is up to 2 years.

  • $150,000 (ex GST) – max funding per proposal for projects up to 1 year in length
  • $250,000 (ex GST) – max funding per proposal between 1-2 years in length

Key Changes from last year:

  • Co- funding is not a requirement for your project. However, if co-funding is provided (by either organisation), please tell us: Co-funding can be in the form of both cash and in-kind contributions. The organisation name, Whether the co-funding is cash or in-kind, The value per year (excluding GST).


  • Be made by a New Zealand based single legal entity that is a Māori organisation, Research organisation or individual researcher.
  • Include both a Research organisation or individual researcher and a Māori organisation
  • Be for activities that fit one of the two schemes, 
  • Not be for activities for the same purpose already funded by any government agency.
  • Not include any full-time tertiary or school students.
  • Address one or more Vision Mātauranga themes, and not solely address hauora/health.
  • Be for activities the majority of which are to be undertaken in New Zealand, unless MBIE considers there are compelling reasons to consider the proposal.
  • Not benefit a Russian state institution 
  • Be submitted via MBIE’s Investment Management System (IMS) 

Internal Deadline: This year’s investment round opens 17 August 2022 and internal deadline is on Monday 12 noon, 3 October 2022.

For help developing your application, please contact your local support (FIRST) team. If you have any funder specific queries or require funder portal help, please contact the UniServices Funds Advisor Team.

Proposal support:

This scheme has been designated as a ‘High Value Bid‘ based on the close strategic alignment with University priorities. Additional proposal development support will be available, in the form of a webinar/Q&A session, assessment panel, and potential bid-writing support. Please register your interest (button above) in this funding scheme for further information. 

MBIE IMS submission portal:

VMCF applications must be submitted via the MBIE IMS Portal

To access the Portal:
Returning applicants – log in using your existing log in details
New applicants – contact the Funds Advisor Team as soon as possible to create your User Profile, and leave plenty of time to familiarise with the requirements of the portal. 

Submission steps: 

  1. Register your intent to apply (button above) to receive templates and updates for this fund  
  2. Submit your completed VMCF Proposal for Quality Assurance in the MBIE
    Portal by Monday 12 noon, 3 October 2022.
  3. Create a record in the Research Funding Module (RFM) uploading all application documents and submit for faculty sign off by Monday 12 noon, 3 October 2022.

Please note: Applications are required to be received on or before the abovementioned Funds Advisor Team deadline to allow time for our Quality Assurance process and any associated rework/revision of the application by the Principal Investigator. Only Faculty approved applications can be submitted by the Funds Advisor Team to MBIE.

  1. Once your application is deemed fit for submission, the Funds Advisor Team
    will submit the application on your behalf in time to meet the Funder’s

Submission to the funder is conditional on approved RFM record in InfoEd

Guidelines and Links


2023 MBIE Endeavour Support Sessions

If you are thinking of applying for either a MBIE Smart Idea or Research Program this year, please get in touch with your RPC (Franca, Dianne or Kelly) to register your interest.  The round will open in October, however there are a number of support initiatives underway across the Faculty and University, and we can talk you through these.

Details on the central support for MBIE Endeavour Fund 2023 is available on the Research Hub (including recordings of past events).  The upcoming workshops (registration is required to get a ZOOM link):

MBIE Endeavour 2023 Registration (October, date TBC)

Thinking of applying to the MBIE Endeavour fund this year? Not sure if your application should be a Smart Idea or a Programme application? Not clear on what is required in the Registration (due 22 October for Smart Ideas and 30 November for Programmes). Wonder how the Registration affects what you write in your application? And what to do once you have registered to get your Concept (for Smart Ideas) or Application (for Programmes) moving forward? This webinar will give you a steer and help answer your questions.

MBIE Endeavour 2023 Smart Ideas Concepts (October, date TBC)

You’ve submitted your Smart Idea registration document and have just over a month to write your Concept. What is required in all those sections of the document? Where do you start and how do you make it all hang together? This webinar will talk through the sections of the Smart Idea Concept, explain how they relate to one another and identify some of the critical points for writing a good Concept document.


NZ – Japan Joint Research Projects: Funding for research exchanges, research activities, and expenses related to hosting meetings in collaboration with Japanese researchers

              Value: Up to $30,000 (excl. GST) per annum for up to two years.

Guidelines and further info can be found here.

Internal Deadline for both funding schemes is: 5pm Tuesday 11 October 2022.

If you are interested, please get in touch with your RPC and we will pass on the details on how to register in the portal.


Catalyst Leaders (Round 3, July 2022)

HOPE Meetings are held for excellent graduate students and young researchers selected from countries/areas around the Asia-Pacific and Africa region. These meetings give an opportunity for the participants to engage in interdisciplinary discussions with Nobel Laureates and other distinguished scientists pioneering the frontiers of knowledge.

Grant Value: Supports excellent PhD students and/or young researchers to attend the HOPE meetings with Nobel Laureates for 5 days including flights, accommodation, and meeting registration.

Guidelines and eligibility criteria can be found here.  If you are interested, please get in touch with your RPC and we will pass on the details on how to register in the portal.

Internal Deadline: 5pm Tuesday 11 October 2022


Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund 2022 – Call for Proposals and Workshops (Internal Funds)

The purpose of the TIF is to cultivate cross-faculty and transdisciplinary collaborations and generate new projects that respond to the four priority areas identified within Taumata Teitei : sustainability, health and well-being, social justice, and innovating secure knowledge systems.  The fund encourages research staff from across the University to develop cross-faculty research partnerships, aspiring toward high-quality Transdisciplinary Research outputs, research learning initiatives, and successful applications to external research funders.

  • Applications must include researchers from at least two Faculties / LSRIs, and evidence the transdisciplinary aspects of the research.
  • Application Teams must be a diverse mix of early career researchers, as well as established researchers where possible.
  • Applicants must be members of the academic staff, employed by the University of Auckland, and have an employment contract that specifies that they must undertake research.
  • Staff members employed on fixed-term or part-time contracts are eligible to apply as a PI provided that:

– the duration remaining of their contract is sufficient to complete the project or initiative;

– their appointment is 0.5 FTE or greater.

Grant Value: Applicants may apply for small grants ($10,000–$20,000) or large grants ($20,000–$60,000)

Internal Deadline: 5pm, 14 November 2022

Enquiries should be directed to ORSI via

Application Form, Guidelines and FAQs can be accessed via the Research Hub at the link:  Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund.  Please get in touch with your RPC if you intend to apply as we can help with the submission process.

Transdisciplinary Ideation Workshops – The University will deliver five 2-hour thematic Transdisciplinary Ideation Workshops on the 8th and 9th September, focused on Taumata Teitei’s four impact priorities: sustainability, health and well-being, social justice, and innovating secure knowledge systems.  These will support staff to apply for a Small Grant ($10,000–$20,000) or Large Grant ($20,000–$60,000) from the Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund

The Transdisciplinary Ideation Workshops will gather academic staff from across all Faculties and Large-Scale Research Institutes, attracting a diverse mix of attendees spanning early, mid to senior career researchers.  The workshops are designed to cultivate cross-faculty, transdisciplinary collaborations and generate new project teams that respond to government priorities and major policy issues facing Aotearoa New Zealand. You will be encouraged to delve into problems, uncover innovative solutions, identify research projects and initiate new collaborative working partnerships. Each workshop will be hosted by facilitators who will be multidisciplinary and will include the Associate Deans Research. 

To participate in these workshops and extend your collaborative networks, please register here: Transdisciplinary Ideation Workshops.  It is not a requirement to attend the workshops to submit an application for funding, however, attendance is encouraged as an opportunity to connect with colleagues from across the University.

Applications for the Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund are due by November 14. Funding decisions will be announced in December 2022 for a 1st March 2023 start with an 18 month funding window. The Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund and Transdisciplinary Ideation Workshops have emerged from a collaboration between the Associate Deans Research, the Office of Research Strategy & Integrity and UniServices.



UniServices and ORSI are planning a support programme for the upcoming MBIE 2023 Te Pūnaha Hihiko: Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund (VMCF). Applications will open mid- September and close mid-November (exact dates TBC by MBIE).

This fund invests in activities that strengthen capability, capacity, skills and networks between Māori organisations and the science and innovation system, to deliver benefit to Aotearoa.

 For researchers who have previously been unsuccessful, or have well-formed relationships with Māori organisations, there is a more targeted package that takes a researcher-centric approach focused on providing support that researchers identify. This more targeted package is in addition to the webinars and application templates, and provides panel reviews of proposal, writing support, business development support, and funding for a facilitator or catering for Hui with established partners.

 UniServices would like to identify potential interest – if this applies to you please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin asap.


Rangahau Committee Funding

The Rangahau Committee has a small amount of funds set aside ($5,000 total) to help with proposal development  (e.g. writing support, support to scope proposals etc).  If you have an idea that fits within this scope please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin to discuss further.


MBIE 2023 Endeavour Fund: transforming New Zealand’s future

Funding is available through two investment mechanisms, each in support of the Fund’s aims: Smart Ideas and Research Programmes

Register to your interest by emailing

For help developing your application, please contact your local support (FIRST) team. If you have any funder specific queries or require funder portal help, please contact the UniServices Funds Advisor Team on

Submission Process


  • RFM approval is not required at registration phase, however we recommend you discuss your intent to apply for this scheme, and general concept, with your relevant faculty representative as early as possible (eg HoD/ADR). 
  • Your Endeavour registration contains core information on your proposal that cannot be changed after registration

Submission portal

  • Endeavour applications are submitted via the MBIE IMS Portal
  • Returning applicants log in using your existing log in details
  • New applicants contact the Funds Advisor Team create your User Profile. 

Submission steps for Smart Ideas

The process includes phase one registration, phase two concept and lastly full proposal 


  1. Notify your FIRST (research support) of your intent to apply for this scheme in order to receive important information and updates in relation to this fund. 
  2. Submit registration in IMS for Quality Assurance (QA) by 12 noon, Friday 21 October 2022
  3. Once your registration has been submitted to MBIE on your behalf you can create and begin working on your Concept Proposal 


  1. Submit your completed (final and compliant) Concept Proposal for QA in IMS by 12 noon, Monday 14 November 2022
  2. Create a record in the Research Funding Module (RFM/InfoEd) and submit for sign off 12 noon, Monday 14 November 2022
  3. Once checked, and any final revisions made, the Funds Advisor Team will submit to MBIE on your behalf by the funder deadline. 

Applicants invited by MBIE to submit a full proposal will be advised of further steps. 

Submission steps for Research Programmes

The process includes phase one registration, phase two full proposal 


  1. Notify your FIRST (research support) of your intent to apply for this scheme in order to receive important information and updates in relation to this fund. 
  2. Submit registration in IMS for Quality Assurance (QA) by 12 noon, Friday 25 November 2022
  3. Once your registration has been submitted to MBIE on your behalf you can create and begin working on your Full Proposal 

Full proposals: 

  1. Submit your completed (final and compliant) Full Proposal for QA in IMS by 12 noon, Monday 20 February 2023
  2. Create a record in the Research Funding Module (RFM/InfoEd) and submit for sign off by 12 noon, Monday 20 February 2023
  3. Once checked, and any final revisions made, the Funds Advisor Team will submit your Full Proposal to MBIE on your behalf by the funder deadline. 

Please note: Applications are required to be received on or before the above mentioned Funds Advisor Team deadline to allow time for our Quality Assurance process and any associated rework/revision of the application by the Principal Investigator. Only Faculty approved applications can be submitted by the Funds Advisor Team to MBIE.

Submission to the funder is conditional on fully approved RFM record in InfoEd. 

GUIDELINES (essential reading)


Health, Safety and Wellbeing

Health & Safety Tip











Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 85 – Monday 12th September 2022

Issue 84 – Monday 29th August 2022

August 29, 2022 • igom365


I’ve been thinking about vulnerability a bit lately. It’s not exactly a theme that runs rampant in discussions about science and within members of a science faculty. But it’s intrinsic to the human condition. And it’s a dimension I’ve been aware if in myself and some of you lately. Let me elaborate.

First, since my last Heads-up, news did the rounds that I’ve been confirmed as Head of School. When you’re no longer behind the prefix ‘Acting’, there’s nowhere to hide. I felt both honoured and vulnerable seeing the Dean’s email two Fridays ago. Yet somewhere in between those feelings is a resolute sense of rightness in availing myself. Over the last three decades, this place and you people, as well as many others who have moved on (institutionally and mortally) have been good to me. I have been offered a platform to thrive as a teacher and researcher. At this late career stage, it’s become apparent to me that it’s too easy to duck and dive and bury oneself in one’s own pursuits. Better be vulnerable and live with the occasional wave of imposter syndrome than miss an opportunity to serve, facilitate and keep immersed in lifelong learning.

Second, moving through annual performance review conversations, dimensions of vulnerability have become apparent time and again. It’s rarely been named as such, but it’s been there in flashing lights. The feeling among some of you that you’ve underperformed over the last two years, lost confidence, missed opportunities, and/or need to rediscover confidence. Each is a variant – subtle or declared – of the ways these strange recent times have affected us. The best I can say is please know that you are not alone. We are all finding our feet again in new and different ways. And from those I have met with, notwithstanding all the disruptions, I have been impressed at people’s achievements – in innovative teaching, tenacity in research, and the stepping up into service.

Third, I’ve been particularly impressed when people take on more than they need to in various ways. For some it’s been in service. You know who you are! For others, it’s in extra study. Either way, it’s another dimension of making oneself vulnerable – accepting that possibility of not being up to the challenge and a staring down the barrel of new beginnings in the face of ongoing regular duties. Particular respect, then, to Mel Wall and Joe Fagan who have both launched into mid-career Ed.D doctorates….and to Gretel Boswijk who, in July, quietly completed a  Master of Arts in Archaeology and Heritage with Distinction, from the University of Leicester. Big congratulations!

Fourth, we are all vulnerable when we take an eye off the ball, so to speak. Last week there was a phishing attack with some predatory person in cyberspace mocking up a Gmail address in my name and asking some of you to buy vouchers on my behalf. My plea is this: if a request seems odd, check the source. If its anything but the university email address: ignore, report and delete. There are vultures circling out there!

Fifth, you’ll see below a notice about First Aid certification. Please consider doing a course. This is not a set of skills that have work-only relevance. My own motive for getting credentialled many years ago is that I sometimes go tramping in places far from clinics. Who knows when you might encounter someone injured? But even close to home. Who knows when we might encounter someone – on a city street, even at home – in cardiac arrest? Its surely better to have some imperfect knowledge than be a shocked bystander.  So please consider the offer of free on paid work-time First Aid training as a way to address our own and others potential vulnerability in unexpected times and places. Its simply to easy to say “another year, I’m too busy…..”.  

 So let us acknowledge and own, but not be held back by, the vulnerabilities we all carry and experience.

You will also see a reminder below that information is being sought on our outreach and social media presence as well as there being a 2nd call for outreach-related contestable funds. Please read and respond to these worthy initiatives.

Last but not least very big thanks to Nick Richards and team for organising and staffing our School’s presence at  Mānawa Mai Open Day last Saturday.

And, for those immersed in teaching this semester, enjoy the breather if the break!


 Robin Kearns

(no longer acting 😊) Head of School

General Announcements

R Workshop

An introductory R Workshop is being run on Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd of September. This will be led by Daniel Walsh and Jessica McLay, from the Statistical Consulting Centre, in the Department of Statistics.

As per our previous introductory R workshops, the cost is $300 for UoA students and staff. You can pay using your PRESS account, research grant, or other UoA account. You can also opt to use a debit/credit card (however we will have to also add GST for this type of payment and payment can only be made at the Student Resource Centre on main campus).

The payment authorisation form form for UoA participants paying from a UoA account is attached. The cost for non-UoA attendees is $500 + GST. Please contact Joei Mudaliar ( for payment instructions.

We will be sending out a pre-workshop information email the week prior to the course, however here are some of the details:

  • Location

We will be in room 302.190. Building 302 is on the corner of Symonds St and Wellesley St. The room we will be using is on level 1, room 190.

  • Time and schedule

The approximate schedule for both days is attached (since this is the schedule from our previous course, it may yet be altered very slightly). We will start at 9am and finish at 5pm. Morning and afternoon tea will be provided and there are cafes handy nearby for lunch. 

  • Computers

We will be using a Faculty of Science computer lab. You are also welcome to use your own laptop, however please make sure that you have downloaded R and RStudio onto your machine before the workshop (they are free to download). We will also include some instructions re how to do this in our pre-workshop information email.

  • Access to computers and internet

We will arrange access to the lab computers for all non-UoA participants.  We will also have a guest wireless password for non-UoA participants who are bringing their own laptops.  UoA staff and students will be able to access the FoS computers using their normal UoA upi and password.


I hope you can make it on the 1st and 2nd September, and we look forward to seeing you there.

Kind regards,

Joei Mudaliar | Group Services Coordinator

Department of Statistics | Faculty of Science

The University of Auckland | Te Whare Wānanga o Tāmaki Makaurau


Whakawhanaungatanga – Communities 

Welcome morning tea for offshore candidates

The School of Graduate Studies has organised a celebratory morning tea (31st of August, 10:00AM) to provide an opportunity for doctoral candidates who began their doctoral journeys offshore, but have now joined us on campus, to connect with one another and to develop their networks. This is for doctoral candidates who have not previously attended a “Welcome morning/afternoon tea for offshore candidates” and is a fantastic opportunity to connect with your fellow doctoral candidates in person.

To register:


He Vaka Moana Talatalanoa Series

Next month we are restarting the He Vaka Moana Talatalanoa series that has been run since 2018.

If you haven’t already been, you are very welcome to come (7th Sept 10:30am) – it’s focused on Māori student and Moana Pacific student success and is offered in the form of a talatalanoa – a continued open discussion – about this topic.

There will be a light lunch provided from 12, so please rsvp to Sonia. Any questions, please contact Sonia.








Coastal and Marine Geoscience Group Meeting/Seminar       

The next Coastal-Marine Geoscience Group seminar will be held on Monday September 12th at 12:00 to 1:00 pm in the Ontology Lab (302-551).

News will be shared and a talk given from PhD candidate Zheng Chen (Mike) on the “Retention and Dispersion of buoyant plastics in the Waitemata Harbour” and Dr Emma Ryan on “80 years of shoreline change in Aotearoa”.

All welcome to attend – please email Emma Ryan at if you wish to attend and don’t have the calendar invite already.


Do you have a social media and/or outreach presence?

The Outreach Committee is compiling data on your outreach efforts and social media presence! Please take one minute to fill two questions in this form

  • Do you have a webpage where the target audience is the community, iwi and/or schools/kura? [please provide the http link]
  • Are you active on social media? [please provide you twitter or facebook handle]
  • Do you have a research webpage? [please provide the http link]


Call for the 2nd round of contestable funds for ENV outreach activities

The ENV Outreach Committee has a 2nd call for contestable funds for School of Environment staff members (including research and teaching fellows) to support outreach projects. The project can be of any nature to promote SoE rangahau/research or the fun science in our majors to the community and schools. Activities could involve kura/schools, the public and whakawhanaungatanga. The funds can cover travel, materials, RA time, venue hire, etc. Initially the funds are capped at NZD 1000 per project, but if the call is undersubscribed, we can raise this limit. 

To apply, please fill the application form and email it to Mila Adam ( by September 10th. Funds need to be used by the end of October 2022 but activities can be run after that time if funds have been used. 


3rd International Virtual Workshop on Global Seismology & Tectonics held by the Geoscience & Technology Division, North East Institute of Science & Technology (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research) from Jorhat, Assam, India 

The unprecedented situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted academic and research activities, including research exchange and collaborations across the globe. In course with this, the Geoscience & Technology Division (GSTD) of CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat had started an annual INTERNATIONAL VIRTUAL WORKSHOP, on “Global Seismology & Tectonics” (IVWGST),  targeting the undergraduate (UG), postgraduate (PG) and PhD students, besides academicians and scientists of geosciences and allied branches of science & engineering (Physics/Geology/Geophysics/Seismology/Environmental Science/Geography/ Civil Engineering/Earthquake Engineering etc). The first two editions of IVWGST (2020 & 2021) were conducted during the month of September, which was attended by more than 1000 (thousand) participants from 25 countries. This year also, IVWGST – 2022 shall be conducted during 20-30th September 2022, featuring resource persons from diverse forums as per the schedule mentioned in the Brochure.

Here are some important Information regarding IVWGST-2022:

(1) The registration for the Workshop is free.

(2) Registration timing: 5th  August to 20 August, 2022. (No requests for late registration shall be entertained)

(3)The Registration Link for Indian Participants is: Registration Link for Indian Participants

 The Registration Link for International Participants is: Registration Link for International Participants

(4) The virtual workshop will be held via Microsoft Teams (MS Teams). The participants are requested to download and install Microsoft (MS) Teams software in their desktop or mobile devices. (

(5) The MS Teams links for the respective sessions will be provided to the registered participants through email. We request not to share the link(s) with anybody who is not registered for the Workshop.

(6) E-certificate shall be provided to registered participants upon request, if they have attended at least 80% of the virtual workshop.

(7) Interested participants are encouraged to submit an abstract of their research (however not mandatory), neatly written within a page, in Microsoft (MS) Word template (Title of the Paper, Full Name of Author(s), Affiliation with complete address, Abstract,  Keywords) to the email address of the organizer, i.e., on or before 15th September 2022. The selected abstracts shall be published in the e-abstract volume of the workshop. The decision of the organizing committee shall be considered final in case of any disputes, if any.

 (8) For Official Notification and more information please visit


Postgraduate Science Research Showcase

Are you enrolled in postgraduate research? Are you keen to learn how to communicate your project effectively to a wide range of audiences? Enter the Faculty of Science Research Showcase and participate in the poster competition!

The Science Research Showcase will feature postgraduate posters displayed in the Faculty of Science, Building 302, Ground Floor (Foyer) during the week of Monday, September 26th to Friday, September 30th. The Science Research Showcase provides an excellent opportunity for research students to present their research to the University of Auckland staff and student community. 

The poster competition awards that will be given is our Judges’ Choice awards that will be deliberated by the judging panel made of academics across the faculty, and our People’s Choice awards that will be voted for by university staff and students! The twenty top-ranked posters from the Science Research Showcase will be automatically entered into School of Graduate Studies Research Showcase 2022. 

Registration and submission of digitals poster closes on Friday, September 16th at 4PM.  Submission of poster size A1 hardcopy of the digital posters closes on Wednesday, September 21st at 2:00PM.

Please find the registration link, full competition details, and eligibility on the Science research showcase webpage.


GSNZ Auckland Hochstetter Lecture(s) 2022 20th September

This years Hochstetter Lecture will be given by Professor Dave Prior (University of Otago) on “The shear zones that hold back the ice sheets”. This talk will be held 7.30 pm on Tuesday 20th September at the Auditorium at the Auckland War Memorial Museum in the domain.

Please register at to RSVP. I registered as “Adult Special Promotion” with a guest checkout, a comment re GSNZ in the comment box and a selecting “pick up ticket in person” which seems to have gone through the museum system fine.  

In addition Dave is giving a second lecture at noon on the 20th September “Quantitative microstructural analysis in Earth Sciences”. This will be held at the University of Auckland in the Owen G Glenn Business School Room 260-223.


Professor Jennifer Salmond Inaugural Lecture

On September 22nd Professor Jennifer Salmond will examine the impact of this period of rapid change on the discipline of geography and explore her own
academic journey in this context, find details below, please register at Eventbrite

22 September 2022
5.30pm Refreshments
Building 303, Basement Foyer,
(303-B00L2), 38 Princes Street
6.30pm Lecture
Physics Lecture Theatre 1 (PLT1/303-G20),
Building 303, 38 Princes Street


My thesis in 5 minutes video competition

A 5-minute video thesis competition that emphasises relationships between France and NZ. To enter the competition, you need to create a short video (between 3 and 5 minutes) explaining your research project and how it connects France and Aotearoa New Zealand. Closing date 14th of October 2022.

For more information:


The School of Environment Outreach Committee is looking at hiring 2-3 students to help with our social media and graphic design tasks.

The job would involve flexible 2-3  hours per week with the goal of promoting SoE research, public lectures and outreach opportunities to the community and schools.  If interested please email Mila Adam


Honours Research Projects and sub-90 points Masters dissertations 

Dear colleagues,

Thank you to everyone who supervised and/or examined Honours Research projects and sub-90-point Masters projects/dissertations in 2021. Your time and effort in supervising students and/or examining projects in what was a disrupted year, protracted by deadline extensions, is greatly appreciated. The 2021 cohort should now be all finished and moving onto new things.

In 2022, we have students completing Honours and MENVSCI 30-point research projects, and Bachelor of Advanced Science 60-point dissertations, with submissions in Semester 1 (Monday 27 June) and Semester 2 (Monday 14 November).

For your diary: 

S2 Honours, MENVSCI and BAdvSci Oral Presentations – Wednesday 26 October. Time and venue to be confirmed.

These are on the same day as Masters presentations and every effort will be made to avoid clashes.

Finally, if you are supervising Honours/MENVSCI/BAdvSci students this year, please ensure their project is achievable within the one- or two-semester timeframe and that it can be completed under pandemic conditions. Please encourage your student(s) to meet the end-of-semester submission date too, even if Covid-19 extensions are again offered by the Faculty; it is helpful to the students, for getting grades back in time to go on to further study or work, and to those involved in the examination process if we can all stick to the schedule.

Kind regards

Gretel Boswijk, (Honours coordinator)


The next ENV Research Seminar Series is coming up! Please SAVE THE DATE in your calendars:

What: Please join us for the ENV Research Seminar Series where you will hear interesting research updates from three ENV staff members – Giovanni Coco, Mila Adam and Sam Trowsdale. More details will be provided closer to the time.

When: 27 October 2-3 pm, drinks and nibbles from 3-4pm

Where: Federation Room, Level 1, Old Government House, followed by drinks in the Members Lounge (ground floor)

Queries: Emma Ryan, 



AINSE Scholar Gold Medals (nominations received until 31 August 2022).

The AINSE Scholar Gold Medal is awarded for impact and excellence in research on the basis of publications that acknowledge AINSE support. At the presentation of the medals, the newly-awarded Gold Medallists are invited to deliver an address on their research.

To nominate an early career researcher or postgraduate student for a Scholar Gold Medal, please complete the Scholar Gold Medal Nomination form 2022 (available online as well at this link) and return via email to prior to the close of nominations at 11:59 pm AEST Wednesday 31st August 2022.

For more information please visit the AINSE Scholar Gold Medal page or contact AINSE.


2022 Contestable Research Development Fund Main Round

Deadline:  5pm, 7 September 2022

There are three award types offered in the 2022 contestable round in the Faculty of Science

Award type Duration Minimum and maximum funding available per application
Research Fellowship Award Up to 3 years $100,000 – $200,000
Staff Research Award Up to 2 years $10,000 – $40,000
Aronui Pūtaiao Award Up to 2 years  $10,000 – $40,000


Do let your school/department Research Programme Coordinator know if you intend applying for any of these awards.

Full details including guidelines and the application form are available on the research page of the staff intranet.  

For general queries please contact your Research Programme Coordinator (RPC), or Dee Nolan

Queries about the Aronui Pūtaiao Award can be directed to Te Taura Here Pūtaiao, and/or the Associate Dean Māori, Jade Le Grice


DOC post-graduate research scholarships – 2023 applications now open

August 2022

The Department of Conservation (DOC) is offering the opportunity for eight post-graduate students to get a scholarship of $15,000 each for conservation-related research in the natural or social sciences. 

Applications are now open for the 2023 scholarship round. DOC introduced the scholarship programme in 2020, with past recipients receiving scholarships for a wide range of topics including Kauri health, climate change impacts on marine environments and Covid tourism planning.

This year DOC is excited to announce it is partnering with the Environmental Protection Authority and Tiakina Kauri | Kauri Protection Programme (part of MPI) who will both fund one scholarship each focusing on conservation research in areas of significance for them.

DOC’s scholarship recipients will play an invaluable role in Aotearoa New Zealand’s conservation efforts, including the mahi to restore our thriving biodiversity. DOC is looking for applications with innovative approaches to natural and social science research.

To qualify for this year’s scholarship round, students will need to align their research to the research priorities of DOC or its funding partners.

Applications for the scholarship are open to fulltime or part time Masters students enrolled at a New Zealand university or NZQA accredited tertiary institution, who plan to do research on a relevant topic in the 2023 academic year.

For application information, visit Applications close 12 September 2022.


2022 Scholarship AINSE ANSTO French Embassies (SAAFE): applications now open (applications close 30 September 2022)

AINSE, in partnership with ANSTO, the Embassy of France in Australia and the Embassy of France in New Zealand, are delighted to announce that applications for the next round of the 2022 SAAFE Program are now open, for international travel in the period 1st January 2023 – 31st December 2023.

The Scholarship AINSE ANSTO French Embassies (SAAFE) Program is an exciting international exchange opportunity open to Early Career Researchers at the PhD and postdoctoral level. Up to $7,500 AUD is provided to each successful applicant towards supporting travel and/or accommodation expenses associated with a visit from:

  • Australia/New Zealand to France, or
  • France to Australia.

The SAAFE Program supports Early Career Researchers to expand research and innovation activities with Human Health, Environment and the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, and to initiate sustainable research networks and linkages to support Australia, New Zealand and France in research and innovation.

Eligible applicants must be a PhD student in, or hold a postdoctoral appointment at, a French university or AINSE-member university.

The research internship is required to take place between 1st January 2023 and 31st December 2023.

Applications close 30th September 2022.

For more information, including the application form and terms & conditions, please visit the SAAFE website or contact AINSE on +61 2 9717 3376 /


AINSE Postgraduate Orientation Week – Expressions of Interest now received from future scholarship applicants
(applications close 30 September 2022)

Coinciding with the international celebrations of Nuclear Science Week in the third week of October, the annual AINSE Postgraduate Orientation Week welcomes new postgraduate scholars in the AINSE PGRA, AINSE RSS, and ANSTO Future Now programs, and provides all postgraduate students with the opportunity to establish enduring networks with like-minded colleagues across Australia and New Zealand. This year’s O’Week event will run from 17th – 19th October 2022 as an online event via Zoom.

Alongside our new scholarship recipients, AINSE are now accepting Expressions of Interest directly from interested Honours and postgraduate students from AINSE-member institutions who are looking to apply for an AINSE postgraduate award in 2023.

These interested students can learn about the broad range of research supported by ANSTO’s landmark facilities, engage in a virtual tour of ANSTO, and participate in social activities as part of the worldwide Nuclear Science Week celebrations. On the morning of Wednesday 19th, the program will be differentiated and these interested students will attend a specialised workshop focused on the application process for 2023 AINSE scholarships.

Expressions of Interest close Friday 30th September.

Interested students should submit a short Expression of Interest Form directly to, outlining their intent to apply for a 2023 AINSE scholarship.

For more information, please see our Postgraduate O’Week website.


6th AINSE Women in STEM and Entrepreneurship (WISE) School – Expressions of Interest now received
(applications close 30 September 2022).

(flyer attached and available online)

AINSE is now accepting Expressions of Interest directly from students for the 6th AINSE Women in STEM and Entrepreneurship (WISE) School, to be held Monday 28th November to Friday 2nd December 2022.

Expressions of Interest close Friday 30th September 2022.

This school is targeted at female students in STEM degrees who are about to complete their first year of full-time undergraduate study (or part-time equivalent).

A key component of the WISE School is an ongoing mentorship program in which students are allocated mentors from across site at ANSTO. AINSE will be coordinating mentor and student meetings in 2023 to provide additional networking and educational opportunities for the students.

The 2022 WISE School will run as a 5 day online event, with the possibility of a small number of students being invited to ANSTO’s Lucas Heights campus for the final 2 days of the program (Thursday 1st – Friday 2nd December) if circumstances permit.

Interested students should submit a short Expression of Interest Form directly to, and a brief letter to their AINSE Member Representative per the details in the form.

For more information, please see our WISE website.


ANSTO FutureNow and FutureNow [Plus] scholarships – applications are open (applications close 27 November 2022)

With the support of NSW Government, ANSTO offers FutureNow and FutureNow Plus scholarships to graduates or early career researchers working on industry-focused research projects that support developments in health, defence, aerospace engineering and nuclear technologies.

The FutureNow Scholarships are made possible through the generous support of the NSW government funding scheme as part of our ANSTO Innovation Precinct development. These scholarships are for graduate students or early career researchers working on industry-focused research projects aligned with ANSTO’s strategic objectives. The scholarships are open to Australian and New Zealand students.

Scholarship recipients will have access to the expertise and technology needed to facilitate cutting edge discoveries in advanced manufacturing, health, environment and the nuclear fuel cycle.

FutureNow [Plus] scholarships offer a stipend of up to $35,000 and more. FutureNow scholarships offer a $10,000 top-up stipend and more.

For further information, please visit:

FutureNow Scholarships | ANSTO


Funding for class meet and greets 

The Student Experience Committee has limited funding available for class related activities. If you want to run a class event, online or otherwise (challenging given the current restrictions), and would benefit from some funds, please contact Joe ( The Committee would prefer to fund several small events rather than one big one (but we are open to suggestions).


3k writing grant available for students

Funds are available to support students writing up their thesis as publication(s). Each grant is worth $3000 (120 hours at 25$ all included). There is no deadline to apply. Applications are evaluated as they come by members of Rangahau (2 weeks turn over max.), until we use all the funds available.

Do you have a good candidate in mind? Please complete this form and submit to


Rangahau – Research

Webinar hosted by Sustainable Seas

Protect our future: perspectives from the UN Oceans conference

11:00am, Wednesday 30 August 

Click here to Register.

If you can’t make the webinar, all of our webinars are recorded and the recordings made available on our YouTube playlist within 24 hours. If you are registered, you will receive a link to the recording.



The George Mason Centre for Natural Environment Call for Proposals 2022


Types of Grant
Seed Projects


Up to $10,000 to cover research expenses for one year (including travel, equipment etc. but not salary or buyout)
PhD Scholarships


$33,000 per annum for 3 years plus fees  ($126,000.00 total)
MSc Fees  


Post-Doctoral fellowships


$95,075 (1 year of L/RF1 including ACC and Superannuation) – up to 2 years available 


Purpose The GMCNE is a multi-disciplinary research centre in the Faculty of Science at the University of Auckland with a focus on environmental restoration, conservation and sustainability.


This Call for Proposals is looking to support projects that enhance the aims of the George Mason Centre and focus on environmental solutions.


The Expert Advisory Panel will be looking to foster connections between projects that lead to thematic research and to expanded funding opportunities for research and application. This is an opportunity to extend and link your research. The GMCNE is looking to foster capacity and capability in finding solutions to environmental problems.


The underlying theme for all proposals should align with supporting

a diverse range of research projects to address questions within and across different natural ecosystems that demonstrate a direct impact on issues of environmental restoration, conservation and/or sustainability


Please find more in-depth information in the 2022 guidelines attached.


Grant Value and Duration A total of $750,000 is available in this round, with that sum in total spread over up to 3 years.


Successful projects will be funded from 1 January 2023 at the earliest and run for the appropriate time period from your chosen start date.


Information/Q&A Session We will be holding an Information/Q&A Session via Zoom on 23 August 11.00 – 12.00. The format of this session will be a 15 minute presentation from the Director, Simon Thrush followed by questions and answers.


Submission Deadline 12 Noon, Monday 5 September 2022


Submission Process The completed application form is submitted to Please put the PI name in the email subject. You will receive a confirmation email upon submission.


Pacific Development Conservation Trust (Round one)

The Trust provides grants for a range of conservation, cultural heritage, development and goodwill projects and activities in the Pacific. It supports sustainable development where communities join in and work together with iwi (tribes), hapū (sub-tribe), aiga or whanau (family grouping).

There is no longer an Expression of Interest process when requesting funding from the Trust.

Internal Deadline: 5pm, Monday 12 September 2022. Do not submit your application directly.

Budget: Grants range from $2,000 to $50,000

Portal Registration Process

To log straight into the online grants management system, follow the link below:
Log into the grants management system.

  1. If you have not previously registered for access to the portal, you will need to set up a RealMe account. You will be prompted to do this when you log in to the grants and client system for the first time. 
  2. If you registered previously but not with your address, please notify the so you can be provided with the organisation ID to link your account to the UoA profile.
  3. Once you are registered, you will be able to login and select and apply for the ‘Pacific Development Conservation Trust’.

Organisation details for your application:

  • Primary Contact: Kate Meere
  • Signature 1: Lani McNamara
  • Signature 2: Elham Alami-Milani

*For more information about setting up a RealMe account, follow the link below:
Information about RealMe

We recommend that you allow plenty

Submission Process

  1. Once your application is complete and ready for a Quality Assurance check, save your application in the portal and notify the by 5pm, Monday 12 September 2022. Do not submit your application directly.
  2. Your FIRST assist you to create a record in the Research Funding Module (RFM), upload a copy of your application and submit for faculty sign off by 5pm, Monday 12 September 2022. Submission to the funder is conditional on approved RFM record in InfoEd. 

Please note: Applications are required to be received on or before the above-mentioned deadline to allow sufficient time for our Quality Assurance (QA) process and any associated rework/revision of the application by the Principal Investigator.

  1. Following on from the QA, the Funds Advisor Team will submit the application on your behalf to the Funder before the deadline.


MBIE 2023 Te Pūnaha Hihiko: Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund

  • Strengthen capability, capacity, skills and networks between Māori and the science and innovation system, and
  • Increase understanding of how research can contribute to the aspirations of Māori organisations and deliver benefit for Aotearoa.

Funding is available through two schemes, each in support of the Fund’s aims: 

  • Connect Scheme:Build new connections between Māori organisations and the science and innovation system 
  • Placement scheme:Enhance the development of an individual(s) through placement in a Partner organisation

Work programme term for both Connect and Placement schemes is up to 2 years.

  • $150,000 (ex GST) – max funding per proposal for projects up to 1 year in length
  • $250,000 (ex GST) – max funding per proposal between 1-2 years in length

Key Changes from last year:

  • Co- funding is not a requirement for your project. However, if co-funding is provided (by either organisation), please tell us: Co-funding can be in the form of both cash and in-kind contributions. The organisation name, Whether the co-funding is cash or in-kind, The value per year (excluding GST).


  • Be made by a New Zealand based single legal entity that is a Māori organisation, Research organisation or individual researcher.
  • Include both a Research organisation or individual researcher and a Māori organisation
  • Be for activities that fit one of the two schemes, 
  • Not be for activities for the same purpose already funded by any government agency.
  • Not include any full-time tertiary or school students.
  • Address one or more Vision Mātauranga themes, and not solely address hauora/health.
  • Be for activities the majority of which are to be undertaken in New Zealand, unless MBIE considers there are compelling reasons to consider the proposal.
  • Not benefit a Russian state institution 
  • Be submitted via MBIE’s Investment Management System (IMS) 

Internal Deadline: This year’s investment round opens 17 August 2022 and internal deadline is on Monday 12 noon, 3 October 2022.

For help developing your application, please contact your local support (FIRST) team. If you have any funder specific queries or require funder portal help, please contact the UniServices Funds Advisor Team.

Proposal support:

This scheme has been designated as a ‘High Value Bid‘ based on the close strategic alignment with University priorities. Additional proposal development support will be available, in the form of a webinar/Q&A session, assessment panel, and potential bid-writing support. Please register your interest (button above) in this funding scheme for further information. 

MBIE IMS submission portal:

VMCF applications must be submitted via the MBIE IMS Portal

To access the Portal:
Returning applicants – log in using your existing log in details
New applicants – contact the Funds Advisor Team as soon as possible to create your User Profile, and leave plenty of time to familiarise with the requirements of the portal. 

Submission steps: 

  1. Register your intent to apply (button above) to receive templates and updates for this fund  
  2. Submit your completed VMCF Proposal for Quality Assurance in the MBIE
    Portal by Monday 12 noon, 3 October 2022.
  3. Create a record in the Research Funding Module (RFM) uploading all application documents and submit for faculty sign off by Monday 12 noon, 3 October 2022.

Please note: Applications are required to be received on or before the abovementioned Funds Advisor Team deadline to allow time for our Quality Assurance process and any associated rework/revision of the application by the Principal Investigator. Only Faculty approved applications can be submitted by the Funds Advisor Team to MBIE.

  1. Once your application is deemed fit for submission, the Funds Advisor Team
    will submit the application on your behalf in time to meet the Funder’s

Submission to the funder is conditional on approved RFM record in InfoEd

Guidelines and Links


2023 MBIE Endeavour Support Sessions

If you are thinking of applying for either a MBIE Smart Idea or Research Program this year, please get in touch with your RPC (Franca, Dianne or Kelly) to register your interest.  The round will open in October, however there are a number of support initiatives underway across the Faculty and University, and we can talk you through these.

Details on the central support for MBIE Endeavour Fund 2023 is available on the Research Hub (including recordings of past events).  The upcoming workshops (registration is required to get a ZOOM link):

MBIE Endeavour 2023 Registration (October, date TBC)

Thinking of applying to the MBIE Endeavour fund this year? Not sure if your application should be a Smart Idea or a Programme application? Not clear on what is required in the Registration (due 22 October for Smart Ideas and 30 November for Programmes). Wonder how the Registration affects what you write in your application? And what to do once you have registered to get your Concept (for Smart Ideas) or Application (for Programmes) moving forward? This webinar will give you a steer and help answer your questions.

MBIE Endeavour 2023 Smart Ideas Concepts (October, date TBC)

You’ve submitted your Smart Idea registration document and have just over a month to write your Concept. What is required in all those sections of the document? Where do you start and how do you make it all hang together? This webinar will talk through the sections of the Smart Idea Concept, explain how they relate to one another and identify some of the critical points for writing a good Concept document.


NZ – Japan Joint Research Projects: Funding for research exchanges, research activities, and expenses related to hosting meetings in collaboration with Japanese researchers

              Value: Up to $30,000 (excl. GST) per annum for up to two years.

Guidelines and further info can be found here.

Internal Deadline for both funding schemes is: 5pm Tuesday 11 October 2022.

If you are interested, please get in touch with your RPC and we will pass on the details on how to register in the portal.


Catalyst Leaders (Round 3, July 2022)

HOPE Meetings are held for excellent graduate students and young researchers selected from countries/areas around the Asia-Pacific and Africa region. These meetings give an opportunity for the participants to engage in interdisciplinary discussions with Nobel Laureates and other distinguished scientists pioneering the frontiers of knowledge.

Grant Value: Supports excellent PhD students and/or young researchers to attend the HOPE meetings with Nobel Laureates for 5 days including flights, accommodation, and meeting registration.

Guidelines and eligibility criteria can be found here.  If you are interested, please get in touch with your RPC and we will pass on the details on how to register in the portal.

Internal Deadline: 5pm Tuesday 11 October 2022


Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund 2022 – Call for Proposals and Workshops (Internal Funds)

The purpose of the TIF is to cultivate cross-faculty and transdisciplinary collaborations and generate new projects that respond to the four priority areas identified within Taumata Teitei : sustainability, health and well-being, social justice, and innovating secure knowledge systems.  The fund encourages research staff from across the University to develop cross-faculty research partnerships, aspiring toward high-quality Transdisciplinary Research outputs, research learning initiatives, and successful applications to external research funders.

  • Applications must include researchers from at least two Faculties / LSRIs, and evidence the transdisciplinary aspects of the research.
  • Application Teams must be a diverse mix of early career researchers, as well as established researchers where possible.
  • Applicants must be members of the academic staff, employed by the University of Auckland, and have an employment contract that specifies that they must undertake research.
  • Staff members employed on fixed-term or part-time contracts are eligible to apply as a PI provided that:

– the duration remaining of their contract is sufficient to complete the project or initiative;

– their appointment is 0.5 FTE or greater.

Grant Value: Applicants may apply for small grants ($10,000–$20,000) or large grants ($20,000–$60,000)

Internal Deadline: 5pm, 14 November 2022

Enquiries should be directed to ORSI via

Application Form, Guidelines and FAQs can be accessed via the Research Hub at the link:  Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund.  Please get in touch with your RPC if you intend to apply as we can help with the submission process.

Transdisciplinary Ideation Workshops – The University will deliver five 2-hour thematic Transdisciplinary Ideation Workshops on the 8th and 9th September, focused on Taumata Teitei’s four impact priorities: sustainability, health and well-being, social justice, and innovating secure knowledge systems.  These will support staff to apply for a Small Grant ($10,000–$20,000) or Large Grant ($20,000–$60,000) from the Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund

The Transdisciplinary Ideation Workshops will gather academic staff from across all Faculties and Large-Scale Research Institutes, attracting a diverse mix of attendees spanning early, mid to senior career researchers.  The workshops are designed to cultivate cross-faculty, transdisciplinary collaborations and generate new project teams that respond to government priorities and major policy issues facing Aotearoa New Zealand. You will be encouraged to delve into problems, uncover innovative solutions, identify research projects and initiate new collaborative working partnerships. Each workshop will be hosted by facilitators who will be multidisciplinary and will include the Associate Deans Research. 

To participate in these workshops and extend your collaborative networks, please register here: Transdisciplinary Ideation Workshops.  It is not a requirement to attend the workshops to submit an application for funding, however, attendance is encouraged as an opportunity to connect with colleagues from across the University.

Applications for the Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund are due by November 14. Funding decisions will be announced in December 2022 for a 1st March 2023 start with an 18 month funding window. The Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund and Transdisciplinary Ideation Workshops have emerged from a collaboration between the Associate Deans Research, the Office of Research Strategy & Integrity and UniServices.



UniServices and ORSI are planning a support programme for the upcoming MBIE 2023 Te Pūnaha Hihiko: Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund (VMCF). Applications will open mid- September and close mid-November (exact dates TBC by MBIE).

This fund invests in activities that strengthen capability, capacity, skills and networks between Māori organisations and the science and innovation system, to deliver benefit to Aotearoa.

 For researchers who have previously been unsuccessful, or have well-formed relationships with Māori organisations, there is a more targeted package that takes a researcher-centric approach focused on providing support that researchers identify. This more targeted package is in addition to the webinars and application templates, and provides panel reviews of proposal, writing support, business development support, and funding for a facilitator or catering for Hui with established partners.

 UniServices would like to identify potential interest – if this applies to you please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin asap.


Rangahau Committee Funding

The Rangahau Committee has a small amount of funds set aside ($5,000 total) to help with proposal development  (e.g. writing support, support to scope proposals etc).  If you have an idea that fits within this scope please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin to discuss further.


Health, Safety and Wellbeing

Field trips & First Aid training

There is a requirement to have first aid trained staff on field trips. Finding someone with this qualification is often difficult and can jeopardise the trip proceeding if you can’t fulfil the appropriate first aider to student ratios.  As such we are encouraging staff to get their first aid certificate or renew their existing one.  There a few options available to you


Fire Warden training

With staff sickness and working from home the Faculty struggles to find enough staff to fulfil the role of floor warden during an evacuation.  If you able to attend the fire warden training it would be a big help. 


Changes in the ENV Tech Team

On September 1st Natalia is moving to her seconded role in central HSW.  Natalia will be taking over the role of Chemical Safety Advisor for the University and will return to us in September 2023.  We wish her all the best!

Amruta Desai, who has been on site for the last month, will move to a full-time role on September 1st as our Environmental Chemistry Technologist and will look after our chemistry labs.  Amruta has a Master’s in Biotechnology and has worked at Mumbai university as an Associate Professor in the Biotechnology department.  She moved to New Zealand and started working on a dairy farm, where she developed a great understanding of the dairy lifestyle and kiwi culture in New Zealand.  Her journey in the field of Science and Laboratory begins with Ballance Agri Nutrients, Taranaki, where she gained a wealth of knowledge about various areas around the lab, participation in audits, working closing with the operators, Implementation of LIMS- software, approval for the wastewater release as per the Taranaki district council, testing of Factory gases in lockdowns and making PIDs for the engineering team.  She then worked in a Fonterra Cooperative manufacturing plant, Taranaki, performing testing and reports for clients.   She moved to Hamilton last year and worked at Analytica Laboratories as a Data analyst, working and maintaining the GCMS and Shimadzu instruments.  Amruta and her family have recently moved to Auckland and are settling in well.  We are very excited to have her as part of the team.


Masks in the labs

Within the School of Environment, as with the Faculty and University at large, we have a responsibility to keep ourselves and others safe in these times when Covid transmission is still a reality.  In this respect, and in line with University guidance for shared indoor spaces, mask-wearing in our laboratories and workshops is expected. It is also expected that masks are worn properly, such that they cover both mouth and nose.  This is all the more important given the likelihood that any one of your fellow students or a member of staff could be immunocompromised. We also have to bear in mind that there may be people who, for specific reasons, cannot wear a mask. Within this context, we cannot expect Lab Managers and Supervisors to police behaviour. I therefore urge mutual respect and (unless there are specific reasons not to be doing so) compliance through mask-wearing in shared research spaces so that we can all feel and be safe.

Mask use on campus – The University of Auckland

Thanks for your patience with this note in response to concerns raised by Lab users.


Minutes from the recent Health, Safety, and Wellbeing meeting (22/08/2022):

  • No major incidents and two minor incidents

Field Forms

  • Revamp of health and safety field forms
  • Field Friendly trial under way
  • Please keep an eye out on pcubed for changes, including not needing to create a field forms for certain activities, simplification and specification of field forms for certain activities, additional documentation regarding liability and behavior within the field, and soon supervisors will be able to sign off on certain field work projects (more updated to come on this).
  • Cultural and Mental health Safety within the field is being reviewed.

First Aid

  • First Aid kits within SoE have been restocked
  • Finding it hard to get onto a first aid course? More updates to come on this including options for booking a personal course and either processing a purchase order through the school or being reimbursed.


  • Test and Tag of outlets around the school and within laboratories has been successful
  • New additions to the PG guide will be coming soon to include more helpful information when beginning a Masters or a PhD. If you have ideas of what you would like to see outlined within this document please email Gina (


Health & Safety Tip











Cohen, D., Rosenman, E. and Baker, T. (2022) Income Share Agreements: Predatory inclusion into a deeply unequal education system. Student Borrower Protection Center, 23 August.

Hewitt, J.E. Lundquist, C.J. Pilditch, C.A., Thrush, S.F., Urlich, S.C. Barriers to coastal planning and policy use of environmental research in Aotearoa-New Zealand. Frontiers in Marine Science, special issue on Contemporary Marine Science, its Utility and Influence on Regulation and Government Policy 9:898109

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 84 – Monday 29th August 2022

Issue 83 – Monday 15th August 2022

August 15, 2022 • igom365


The days are lengthening just enough to remind us that spring is not far away. So too are two deadlines in the Head of School’s (HoS) calendar: first, in September, forming an advisory committee and considering promotion applications; and second, by early October, needing to have completed all of the School’s Annual Development & Performance Interviews (ADPRs). Each of these tasks is a weighty responsibility and pleasure. Considering each of the people in our team, along with their aspirations and frustrations is all part of the duty of care vested in the HoS role.

I would like to make a plea, however: if Patricia contacts you to book an ADPR appointment, please say yes and not “can I wait a few weeks, I’m busy”.  If you feel completing the form on Career Tools is a burden, spare a thought for the HoS: I am currently at 14 done, 32 to go. The next 6 weeks are critical to completing these as its not humanly possible to do them all in the first week in October, especially as I am scheduled to take a few days annual leave then! 

Signs of spring also lead me to think ahead into the remainder of the year and an important date to note. We only have three all-staff meetings (aka ‘retreats’). The first (February) this year was zoom-only and focussed on the Review response; the second (June) was just an afternoon, wonderfully in-person and focussed on transdisciplinarity; the last will be a fuller-day event on Friday November 11th. Please save the date. Remember you are part of a School that only asks you to gather en masse three times a year. It will be, as it should be, enjoyable!

Robin Kearns.

General Announcements

House sitter / dog sitter wanted: Are you good with dogs, have a driver’s license, and interested in a holiday at a gorgeous seaside village (Leigh) from 17-27 December? If so, please get in touch with JR for further details (


A new Environment online access and key request (updated link)

All Environment staff, student, visitor, can now use the an online access and keys process.

We are trialling a new online access request process with the School of Environment to assess its suitability and performance.  

Students and staff can now apply online Environment Access Request Form using Microsoft Edge.

Fill in your details, choose the access you require, hit submit. You will receive a confirmation email of your request.

If you are the supervisor of the person requesting access, you will receive an email to approve or reject the request.

When lab access is also requested, the lab manager will receive an email to approve or reject. When your facilities coordinator has all the approvals, we can send the request to Access Control.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact facilities coordinator

Lynette  or Indigo


The ENV Outreach Committee is compiling data on your outreach efforts!

If you are a staff member linked to ENV Research it would greatly help us if you can please take 2 minutes to fill three items in this form

1) Do you have a webpage where the target audience is the community, iwi and/or schools/kura? [outreach webpage]

2) Are you active on social media? [twitter or facebook handle]

3) Do you have a research webpage?  [research webpage]


Transitional Facility -School of Environment

The Transitional Facility in the Environmental Chemistry Laboratory (302-730), will be closed from Monday 1st of August. If you need to import samples from outside NZ you use the Transitional Facilities at SBS or Anthropology.

For more information please contact Blair Sowman (


Field Friendly Software Trial

As some of you may be aware: over the last couple of years we have been working towards finding alternatives to our current form based fieldwork management system. Due to various obstacles along the line this process has been delayed severely multiple times, however, we are delighted to finally announce that we are starting a trial of the Field Friendly software in September 2022. This software offers an online database approach to managing field work and promises to significantly simplify and streamline our existing processes.

The setup phase of the trial has already begun and we are currently working with the developer to set up the software to our needs and requirements. Peter Schlegel (SBS) is leading the trial in collaboration with Blair Sowman and Andres Arcila-Rivera.

Some info on the scope and intentions of the trial:

  • The aim of this trial is to test the Field Friendly software and find out whether it would be a suitable alternative to replace our current fieldwork management system. We will be asking for and collecting feedback throughout this process, which will be used to refine the software itself during the trial as well as to create a report at the end.
  • Our aim is to run a variety of field trips through the software in order to capture as many scenarios as possible, e.g. teaching field trips (single-day and multi-day), research field trips (urban, remote, single-day, multi-day, …). We have selected several teaching field trips in ENV and SBS in Semester 2 which we would like to use for this purpose.
  • The trial will run over 4 months, 2 for set up and 2 for the actual trial. The setup phase has begun already, and the actual trial will start mid-September and conclude mid-November 2022.
  • We will get 15 trial user accounts and 45 field trips (which will be split between SBS and SoE), which we can utilise to test the software and gather feedback.
  • The trial will focus on field trips in the terrestrial realm. In order to streamline the trial and get the most out of it we have decided to not include boating or diving trips. While the software is more than capable to support these activities (UTas/IMAS in Tasmania use it exclusively to manage their dive operations, for instance), both boating and diving come with a slew of rules, regulations, and certifications, which would disproportionately increase the workload required to get the trial underway.


Call for volunteers to participate in the trial

We are looking for trial participants. If you have upcoming field work, are keen to test out this software, and are willing to provide feedback on your experiences with and thoughts about the software I would like to invite you to contact me!

We will organise user training sessions for participants with the developer and will guide you throughout the trial. Please be aware that we have only a limited amount of accounts and trips for this trial, so you may not get chosen to participate. However, you are still welcome to provide feedback on the software output even if you will not receive a trial user account, so please let me know if you are keen on  this. All feedback helps and will be greatly appreciated!

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas.


Blair Sowman
Technical Manager | School of Environment


Health and Safety Responsibilities

All staff and students have a responsibility in supporting health, safety and wellbeing. For academic supervisors, this means: 

  • Being aware of what work their students are doing and supporting them to do this until they are competent  
  • Directing students under their supervision to follow protocols, inductions and procedures for the work they are undertaking.  
  • Respecting laboratory rules which are in place in the interests of everyone’s safety, including that of technical staff and other students who may be working in the same spaces. 
  • Where lab and/or field work requires risk assessments, ensuring that these are carried out to the necessary standard and approved in advance of work commencing.  
  • Regularly reviewing or updating risk assessments while work is underway. It is the supervisor’s responsibility to ensure this is completed and that updated copies are shared with affected people.  
  • Ensure that identified control measures, included PPE, are implemented and are effective. 
  • Raise any issues of non-compliance through their line management structure. 
  • Ensure that where the need for health surveillance is identified in a risk assessment, staff within their remit are referred to the occupational health provider and, where required, attend appointments. 
  • Reporting all incidents, injuries and unsafe observations on behalf of students. Damstra. 
  • For more information refer to the UOA HSW Policy


School IT budget requests for 2023

The ENV IT Committee is seeking expressions of interest for software or data purchases in 2023. If you are planning to request any new or major software that may potentially be covered by this budget, please let us know using this form by the end of August. Please note, these expressions of interest are for planning only and does not mean the purchase will be funded. Any questions please contact Blair Sowman.


R Workshop

An introductory R Workshop is being run on Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd of September. This will be led by Daniel Walsh and Jessica McLay, from the Statistical Consulting Centre, in the Department of Statistics.

As per our previous introductory R workshops, the cost is $300 for UoA students and staff. You can pay using your PRESS account, research grant, or other UoA account. You can also opt to use a debit/credit card (however we will have to also add GST for this type of payment and payment can only be made at the Student Resource Centre on main campus).

The payment authorisation form form for UoA participants paying from a UoA account is attached. The cost for non-UoA attendees is $500 + GST. Please contact Joei Mudaliar ( for payment instructions.

We will be sending out a pre-workshop information email the week prior to the course, however here are some of the details:

  • Location

We will be in room 302.190. Building 302 is on the corner of Symonds St and Wellesley St. The room we will be using is on level 1, room 190.

  • Time and schedule

The approximate schedule for both days is attached (since this is the schedule from our previous course, it may yet be altered very slightly). We will start at 9am and finish at 5pm. Morning and afternoon tea will be provided and there are cafes handy nearby for lunch. 

  • Computers

We will be using a Faculty of Science computer lab. You are also welcome to use your own laptop, however please make sure that you have downloaded R and RStudio onto your machine before the workshop (they are free to download). We will also include some instructions re how to do this in our pre-workshop information email.

  • Access to computers and internet

We will arrange access to the lab computers for all non-UoA participants.  We will also have a guest wireless password for non-UoA participants who are bringing their own laptops.  UoA staff and students will be able to access the FoS computers using their normal UoA upi and password.


I hope you can make it on the 1st and 2nd September, and we look forward to seeing you there.

Kind regards,

Joei Mudaliar | Group Services Coordinator

Department of Statistics | Faculty of Science

The University of Auckland | Te Whare Wānanga o Tāmaki Makaurau


Whakawhanaungatanga – Communities 

Coastal and Marine Geoscience Group Meeting/Seminar

Today’s Coastal-Marine Geoscience Group seminar will be held at 12:00 to 1:00 pm in the Ontology Lab (302-551).  

News will be shared and talks given from:

Anthony Shorrock (PhD Candidates, ENV): “Evolution of northern Hikurangi margin gravity flow processes over the past 42 ka: Insights from IODP Expedition 372B/375, Site U1520”. Anthony will share outcomes of a unique sedimentary record acquired from Site U1520 in the northern Hikurangi Trough as part of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 375.

Fynn Warnke (PhD Candidates, ENV): “Towards high-resolution pseudo-3D imaging of seafloor pockmarks using dense echosounder profiles”. Fynn will present a novel approach to create a pseudo-3D volume from high-resolution 2D profiles to enable detailed investigation of buried pockmarks in the shallow subsurface and potential fluid-flow pathways.

The next Coastal-Marine Geoscience Group seminar will be held on Monday, August 29th at 12:00 to 1:00 pm in the Ontology Lab (302-551). Talks about coastal-related themes will be given.
All welcome to attend – please email Emma Ryan at if you wish to attend and don’t have the calendar invite already.  


The School of Environment Outreach Committee is looking at hiring 2-3 students to help with our social media and graphic design tasks.

The job would involve flexible 2-3  hours per week with the goal of promoting SoE research, public lectures and outreach opportunities to the community and schools.  If interested please email Mila Adam


Can Seismic Wave Speeds and Attenuation Detect Water in the Martian Crust? Jirapat Charoensawan (PhD Proposal) Thursday, August 18 10:00 AM

Identifying water on Mars is an important step that makes landing humans on Mars possible. The NASA InSight project has recorded over 700 marsquakes since early 2019. These marsquakes provide important information regarding Mars’ crustal structure, rock and fluid type. However,  how changes in moisture and temperature affect the seismic velocity and attenuation of Mars’ rocks is largely unknown. This makes interpreting marsquake signals challenging.

This study aims to provide geophysical constraints for marsquake interpretation and investigate how rock seismic properties and crustal structure affect seismic signals. To do this, I will measure seismic wave speeds and attenuation of Mars-analog rocks at different moisture and temperature. The laboratory measurements will be used to build a 3D numerical model to simulate seismic wave propagation.


Postgraduate Science Research Showcase

Are you enrolled in postgraduate research? Are you keen to learn how to communicate your project effectively to a wide range of audiences? Enter the Faculty of Science Research Showcase and participate in the poster competition!

The Science Research Showcase will feature postgraduate posters displayed in the Faculty of Science, Building 302, Ground Floor (Foyer) during the week of Monday, September 26th to Friday, September 30th. The Science Research Showcase provides an excellent opportunity for research students to present their research to the University of Auckland staff and student community. 

The poster competition awards that will be given is our Judges’ Choice awards that will be deliberated by the judging panel made of academics across the faculty, and our People’s Choice awards that will be voted for by university staff and students! The twenty top-ranked posters from the Science Research Showcase will be automatically entered into School of Graduate Studies Research Showcase 2022. 

Registration and submission of digitals poster closes on Friday, September 16th at 4PM.  Submission of poster size A1 hardcopy of the digital posters closes on Wednesday, September 21st at 2:00PM.

Please find the registration link, full competition details, and eligibility on the Science research showcase webpage.

Available workshops and online resources for the showcase:

Designing Research Posters Workshop: Wednesday 17 August, 10AM

Designing your Posters: Lessons from the World Comics: 22 August, 2PM

Online resources:

Designing academic posters

Making an Impact with your poster


MBIE Writing Workshops

Date & Time: August 22nd
Run Time: 1 hour per session
Location: Online
Link of session (if online):
EventBrite Link:
Recorded: No
Speakers: Write Ltd
Confirmation of speaker: Yes
Audience: AUDIENCE: Open to UoA research staff only
Session description: General Description:
Write Limited is a plain language consultancy. Their writing and editing services connect you with your audience and get your messages across clearly. They work with a wide variety of material from across the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors.In these workshops, Write Limited will share tips and techniques to help you to make your writing more effective and engaging for your readers. They’ll deliver short, focused sessions to the group, mostly focussing on clarity of messaging and quality writing but there will be additional funder specific sessions and advice to enhance your proposal development. Feel free to register for all 3 or just the 1 or 2 topics of your choice. Participation is limited so don’t delay- secure your spot!
Notes: Potentially split into three sessions
Will need 3 tickets as there will be 3 webinars and they can sign up to each one
We will limit the tickets to 25 and put a waiting list.
Writing Webinar #3: Monday August 22, 3pm-4pm
8 tips on emphasising the impact of your research
It’s easy to focus so much on the science that the impact is lost. We give you 8 quick tips for making sure you emphasise the impact your research will have.


Teaching Breather & Tutor Skill Workshop Planning









Academic Consulting Winter Webinar Series

The Academic Consulting 2022 Winter Webinar series is open to all interested researchers – there is no charge to attend the sessions.

Can’t make the date and time? Register anyway, and you’ll be sent a copy of the recording. Register at:

  • Making the Most of NVivo

Date: Wednesday 24 August, 11am–12noon NZST

Unsure if you’re making the most of NVivo for your qualitative data analysis? This webinar will discuss some strategies for project set-up and coding which will ensure you maximise your use of the software. We’ll also cover the NVivo functionality that will help you avoid using the software as merely a tool for coding and retrieving. While this webinar is aimed at those with some experience of NVivo, those who are new to the software are welcome to attend.

To register for any of the above webinars visit:

Enquiries about the webinars can be directed to:

Academic Consulting


Honours Research Projects and sub-90 points Masters dissertations 

Dear colleagues,

Thank you to everyone who supervised and/or examined Honours Research projects and sub-90-point Masters projects/dissertations in 2021. Your time and effort in supervising students and/or examining projects in what was a disrupted year, protracted by deadline extensions, is greatly appreciated. The 2021 cohort should now be all finished and moving onto new things.

In 2022, we have students completing Honours and MENVSCI 30-point research projects, and Bachelor of Advanced Science 60-point dissertations, with submissions in Semester 1 (Monday 27 June) and Semester 2 (Monday 14 November).

For your diary: 

S2 Honours, MENVSCI and BAdvSci Oral Presentations – Wednesday 26 October. Time and venue to be confirmed.

These are on the same day as Masters presentations and every effort will be made to avoid clashes.

Finally, if you are supervising Honours/MENVSCI/BAdvSci students this year, please ensure their project is achievable within the one- or two-semester timeframe and that it can be completed under pandemic conditions. Please encourage your student(s) to meet the end-of-semester submission date too, even if Covid-19 extensions are again offered by the Faculty; it is helpful to the students, for getting grades back in time to go on to further study or work, and to those involved in the examination process if we can all stick to the schedule.

Kind regards

Gretel Boswijk, (Honours coordinator)



Post-doctoral Research Award Opportunity 

Applications are now open, closing date: 19 August 2022

The Kate Edger Educational Charitable Trust offers Post Doctoral Research Awards (Dame Joan Metge & Emeritus Professor Dame Charmian J O’Connor Post-Doctoral Research Awards) of $16,000 each to assist women who have qualified to graduate with a doctoral degree within the last two years to carry out research on a specified, independent project at an approved Institute in the Auckland area.

Eligibility Criteria: NZ Citizens or Permanent Residents for a specified, independent, limited term research project.

The successful awardee should not undertake more than 20 hours per week paid employment during tenure of the award.

For further details see: /Academic Awards. Any enquiries, please email


2022 Contestable Research Development Fund Main Round

Deadline:  5pm, 7 September 2022

There are three award types offered in the 2022 contestable round in the Faculty of Science

Award type Duration Minimum and maximum funding available per application
Research Fellowship Award Up to 3 years $100,000 – $200,000
Staff Research Award Up to 2 years $10,000 – $40,000
Aronui Pūtaiao Award Up to 2 years  $10,000 – $40,000

Do let your school/department Research Programme Coordinator know if you intend applying for any of these awards.

Full details including guidelines and the application form are available on the research page of the staff intranet.  

For general queries please contact your Research Programme Coordinator (RPC), or Dee Nolan

Queries about the Aronui Pūtaiao Award can be directed to Te Taura Here Pūtaiao, and/or the Associate Dean Māori, Jade Le Grice


2022 Scholarship AINSE ANSTO French Embassies (SAAFE): applications now open (applications close 30 September 2022)

AINSE, in partnership with ANSTO, the Embassy of France in Australia and the Embassy of France in New Zealand, are delighted to announce that applications for the next round of the 2022 SAAFE Program are now open, for international travel in the period 1st January 2023 – 31st December 2023.

The Scholarship AINSE ANSTO French Embassies (SAAFE) Program is an exciting international exchange opportunity open to Early Career Researchers at the PhD and postdoctoral level. Up to $7,500 AUD is provided to each successful applicant towards supporting travel and/or accommodation expenses associated with a visit from:

  • Australia/New Zealand to France, or
  • France to Australia.

The SAAFE Program supports Early Career Researchers to expand research and innovation activities with Human Health, Environment and the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, and to initiate sustainable research networks and linkages to support Australia, New Zealand and France in research and innovation.

Eligible applicants must be a PhD student in, or hold a postdoctoral appointment at, a French university or AINSE-member university.

The research internship is required to take place between 1st January 2023 and 31st December 2023.

Applications close 30th September 2022.

For more information, including the application form and terms & conditions, please visit the SAAFE website or contact AINSE on +61 2 9717 3376 /


AINSE Scholar Gold Medals (nominations received until 31 August 2022).

The AINSE Scholar Gold Medal is awarded for impact and excellence in research on the basis of publications that acknowledge AINSE support. At the presentation of the medals, the newly-awarded Gold Medallists are invited to deliver an address on their research.

To nominate an early career researcher or postgraduate student for a Scholar Gold Medal, please complete the Scholar Gold Medal Nomination form 2022 (available online as well at this link) and return via email to prior to the close of nominations at 11:59 pm AEST Wednesday 31st August 2022.

For more information please visit the AINSE Scholar Gold Medal page or contact AINSE.


Funding for class meet and greets 

The Student Experience Committee has limited funding available for class related activities. If you want to run a class event, online or otherwise (challenging given the current restrictions), and would benefit from some funds, please contact Joe ( The Committee would prefer to fund several small events rather than one big one (but we are open to suggestions).


Scholarships for students to undertake research at the SoE

The Rangahau Committee coordinates the distribution of three new scholarships to support students in undertaking research in our School. If you know potential applicants or if you are a potential applicant, make sure you contact the people below. There is no strict deadline at this stage, but the earlier we hear from you, the better. Note that these scholarships are also advertised via other channels.

  1. Moana PG Research Scholarship: NZ$500-1000 (5-10 awards available) to support Pacific students to do research at the SoE at the post-grad level (Master or Hons). Contact Sonia Fonua
  2. Māori PG Research Scholarship: NZ$500-1000 (5-10 awards available) to support Māori students to do research at the SoE at the post-grad level (Master or Hons). Contact Kimoro Taiepa
  3. Undergrad Research Experience: NZ$800 (up to 10 awards available) for undergraduate students to shadow a researcher (Master/PhD student, research fellow etc.) for a period equivalent to 2 weeks (as a block or spread over a longer period that suits the research). Contact Melanie Kah


The Research Committee Funding available

This is for activities to benefit Postdocs and RFs and allow them to connect. To all those who fall into the following categories, we invite you to contact the new RF rep in the Rangahau/Research committee Joa Paredes-Mariño (for RFs/postdocs), for further information.

  • Postdocs/Research Fellows
  • People conducting research on non-permanent contracts at the post-doctoral level


3k writing grant available for students

Funds are available to support students writing up their thesis as publication(s). Each grant is worth $3000 (120 hours at 25$ all included). There is no deadline to apply. Applications are evaluated as they come by members of Rangahau (2 weeks turn over max.), until we use all the funds available.

Do you have a good candidate in mind? Please complete this form and submit to


Rangahau – Research


The George Mason Centre for Natural Environment Call for Proposals 2022


Types of Grant
Seed Projects


Up to $10,000 to cover research expenses for one year (including travel, equipment etc. but not salary or buyout)
PhD Scholarships


$33,000 per annum for 3 years plus fees  ($126,000.00 total)
MSc Fees  


Post-Doctoral fellowships


$95,075 (1 year of L/RF1 including ACC and Superannuation) – up to 2 years available 


Purpose The GMCNE is a multi-disciplinary research centre in the Faculty of Science at the University of Auckland with a focus on environmental restoration, conservation and sustainability.


This Call for Proposals is looking to support projects that enhance the aims of the George Mason Centre and focus on environmental solutions.


The Expert Advisory Panel will be looking to foster connections between projects that lead to thematic research and to expanded funding opportunities for research and application. This is an opportunity to extend and link your research. The GMCNE is looking to foster capacity and capability in finding solutions to environmental problems.


The underlying theme for all proposals should align with supporting

a diverse range of research projects to address questions within and across different natural ecosystems that demonstrate a direct impact on issues of environmental restoration, conservation and/or sustainability


Please find more in-depth information in the 2022 guidelines attached.


Grant Value and Duration A total of $750,000 is available in this round, with that sum in total spread over up to 3 years.


Successful projects will be funded from 1 January 2023 at the earliest and run for the appropriate time period from your chosen start date.


Information/Q&A Session We will be holding an Information/Q&A Session via Zoom on 23 August 11.00 – 12.00. The format of this session will be a 15 minute presentation from the Director, Simon Thrush followed by questions and answers.


Submission Deadline 12 Noon, Monday 5 September 2022


Submission Process The completed application form is submitted to Please put the PI name in the email subject. You will receive a confirmation email upon submission.


2023 MBIE Endeavour Support Sessions

If you are thinking of applying for either a MBIE Smart Idea or Research Program this year, please get in touch with your RPC (Franca, Dianne or Kelly) to register your interest.  The round will open in October, however there are a number of support initiatives underway across the Faculty and University, and we can talk you through these.

Details on the central support for MBIE Endeavour Fund 2023 is available on the Research Hub (including recordings of past events).  The upcoming workshops (registration is required to get a ZOOM link):

Government Engagement – general overview – 17 August 2022, 13:00 – 14:30

Rebecca Adams, Director Government Relations, Auckland UniServices, will be hosting a webinar to give you a general overview and practical advice on how to plan for successful Government engagement in an MBIE Endeavour funding context and focussing on other funding opportunities in Government that might also be relevant. She will cover how to engage with Government, with tips on framing of opportunities, how to stand out in a crowded landscape and latest information on what MBIE people really want.

Registration link

MBIE Endeavour 2023 Registration (October, date TBC)

Thinking of applying to the MBIE Endeavour fund this year? Not sure if your application should be a Smart Idea or a Programme application? Not clear on what is required in the Registration (due 22 October for Smart Ideas and 30 November for Programmes). Wonder how the Registration affects what you write in your application? And what to do once you have registered to get your Concept (for Smart Ideas) or Application (for Programmes) moving forward? This webinar will give you a steer and help answer your questions.

MBIE Endeavour 2023 Smart Ideas Concepts (October, date TBC)

You’ve submitted your Smart Idea registration document and have just over a month to write your Concept. What is required in all those sections of the document? Where do you start and how do you make it all hang together? This webinar will talk through the sections of the Smart Idea Concept, explain how they relate to one another and identify some of the critical points for writing a good Concept document.


EURAXESS ROADSHOW – Wed, 17 August 2022

The EURAXESS Co-ordinator for NZ and Australia, Nishant Shandilya will present on Horizon Europe funding opportunities. This will be a good opportunity for researchers to meet and talk to the EURAXESS Co-ordinator and establish initial understanding of and relations with the Horizon Europe funding opportunities.

The roadshow will run as a hybrid event, accessible both online and in person in 505-511 Lecture Theatre 1, AMRF Auditorium, Grafton which can hold up to 300 people. The session will be recorded, except for the Q&A section (as requested by EURAXESS).

Audience: Early and Mid-Career Researchers and Senior Researchers from any research discipline and research support professionals.

Registration link


Catalyst: Seeding (Round 3, July 2022)

Catalyst: Seeding facilitates new small and medium pre-research strategic partnerships that cannot be supported through other means, and with a view to developing full collaborations that could be supported through Catalyst: Strategic over time. Funding is for research exchanges, research activities, and expenses related to hosting workshops for new strategic research partnerships with international collaborators

Value: A maximum of NZ$80,000 (excl. GST) is available per proposal for projects lasting up to two years. 


NZ – Japan Joint Research Projects: Funding for research exchanges, research activities, and expenses related to hosting meetings in collaboration with Japanese researchers

              Value: Up to $30,000 (excl. GST) per annum for up to two years.

Guidelines and further info can be found here.

Internal Deadline for both funding schemes is: 5pm Tuesday 11 October 2022.

If you are interested, please get in touch with your RPC and we will pass on the details on how to register in the portal.


Catalyst Leaders (Round 3, July 2022)

HOPE Meetings are held for excellent graduate students and young researchers selected from countries/areas around the Asia-Pacific and Africa region. These meetings give an opportunity for the participants to engage in interdisciplinary discussions with Nobel Laureates and other distinguished scientists pioneering the frontiers of knowledge.

Grant Value: Supports excellent PhD students and/or young researchers to attend the HOPE meetings with Nobel Laureates for 5 days including flights, accommodation, and meeting registration.

Guidelines and eligibility criteria can be found here.  If you are interested, please get in touch with your RPC and we will pass on the details on how to register in the portal.

Internal Deadline: 5pm Tuesday 11 October 2022


Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund 2022 – Call for Proposals and Workshops (Internal Funds)

The purpose of the TIF is to cultivate cross-faculty and transdisciplinary collaborations and generate new projects that respond to the four priority areas identified within Taumata Teitei : sustainability, health and well-being, social justice, and innovating secure knowledge systems.  The fund encourages research staff from across the University to develop cross-faculty research partnerships, aspiring toward high-quality Transdisciplinary Research outputs, research learning initiatives, and successful applications to external research funders.

  • Applications must include researchers from at least two Faculties / LSRIs, and evidence the transdisciplinary aspects of the research.
  • Application Teams must be a diverse mix of early career researchers, as well as established researchers where possible.
  • Applicants must be members of the academic staff, employed by the University of Auckland, and have an employment contract that specifies that they must undertake research.
  • Staff members employed on fixed-term or part-time contracts are eligible to apply as a PI provided that:

– the duration remaining of their contract is sufficient to complete the project or initiative;

– their appointment is 0.5 FTE or greater.

Grant Value: Applicants may apply for small grants ($10,000–$20,000) or large grants ($20,000–$60,000)

Internal Deadline: 5pm, 14 November 2022

Enquiries should be directed to ORSI via

Application Form, Guidelines and FAQs can be accessed via the Research Hub at the link:  Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund.  Please get in touch with your RPC if you intend to apply as we can help with the submission process.


Transdisciplinary Ideation Workshops – The University will deliver five 2-hour thematic Transdisciplinary Ideation Workshops on the 8th and 9th September, focused on Taumata Teitei’s four impact priorities: sustainability, health and well-being, social justice, and innovating secure knowledge systems.  These will support staff to apply for a Small Grant ($10,000–$20,000) or Large Grant ($20,000–$60,000) from the Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund

The Transdisciplinary Ideation Workshops will gather academic staff from across all Faculties and Large-Scale Research Institutes, attracting a diverse mix of attendees spanning early, mid to senior career researchers.  The workshops are designed to cultivate cross-faculty, transdisciplinary collaborations and generate new project teams that respond to government priorities and major policy issues facing Aotearoa New Zealand. You will be encouraged to delve into problems, uncover innovative solutions, identify research projects and initiate new collaborative working partnerships. Each workshop will be hosted by facilitators who will be multidisciplinary and will include the Associate Deans Research. 

To participate in these workshops and extend your collaborative networks, please register here: Transdisciplinary Ideation Workshops.  It is not a requirement to attend the workshops to submit an application for funding, however, attendance is encouraged as an opportunity to connect with colleagues from across the University.

Applications for the Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund are due by November 14. Funding decisions will be announced in December 2022 for a 1st March 2023 start with an 18 month funding window. The Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund and Transdisciplinary Ideation Workshops have emerged from a collaboration between the Associate Deans Research, the Office of Research Strategy & Integrity and UniServices.



UniServices and ORSI are planning a support programme for the upcoming MBIE 2023 Te Pūnaha Hihiko: Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund (VMCF). Applications will open mid- September and close mid-November (exact dates TBC by MBIE).

This fund invests in activities that strengthen capability, capacity, skills and networks between Māori organisations and the science and innovation system, to deliver benefit to Aotearoa.

 For researchers who have previously been unsuccessful, or have well-formed relationships with Māori organisations, there is a more targeted package that takes a researcher-centric approach focused on providing support that researchers identify. This more targeted package is in addition to the webinars and application templates, and provides panel reviews of proposal, writing support, business development support, and funding for a facilitator or catering for Hui with established partners.

 UniServices would like to identify potential interest – if this applies to you please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin asap.


Rangahau Committee Funding

The Rangahau Committee has a small amount of funds set aside ($5,000 total) to help with proposal development  (e.g. writing support, support to scope proposals etc).  If you have an idea that fits within this scope please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin to discuss further.

Health, Safety and Wellbeing

Health & Safety Tip












Tom Baker & Nick Lewis. The case for bolder – why Auckland Council needs more ambiton.–why-auckland-council-needs-more-ambition 

Bruce W. Hayward, Ashwaq T. Sabaa, Jamie D. Howarth, Alan R. Orpin & Lorna J. Strachan (2022) Foraminiferal evidence for the provenance and flow history of turbidity currents triggered by the 2016 Kaikōura Earthquake, New Zealand, New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, DOI: 10.1080/00288306.2022.2103157.

Bertin, D., Lindsay, J.M., Cronin, S.J., de Silva, S.L., Connor, C.B., Caffe, P.J., Grosse, P., Báez, W., Bustos, E., Constantinescu, R. (2022). Probabilistic volcanic hazard assessment of the 22.5-28°S segment of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10:875439.

Leighton A, Brook MS, Cave M, Rowe MC, Stanley A, Tunnicliffe JF. (2022) Engineering geomorphological reconnaissance of the December 2018 Waimata Valley mud volcano eruption, Gisborne, New Zealand. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology

Cook M, Brook MS, Tunnicliffe J, Cave M., Gulick N (2022). Preliminary investigation of emerging suburban landsliding in Gisborne, New Zealand. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology

Bevan D, Beresford J, Arthurs J, Gasston C, Brook MS, Prebble W, Brideau M-A. (2022). Ohuka landslide, New Zealand: a low angle bedding-controlled coastal landslide at Port Waikato, North Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 65(2): 299-314.

Le Heron,,R; Lundquist, CLogie, J; Blackett, P; Le Heron, E; Awatere, S; Hyslop J. “A socio-ecological appraisal of perceived risks associated with mangrove (manawa) management”NZ Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research (in press) Open access:

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