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Issue 71 – Monday 20th December, 2021

December 20, 2021 • ijor070


Kia ora tatou

As there’s sadly, no in-person all-School gathering I’d like to wish you all a relaxing, safe and enjoyable time of annual leave over Christmas/New Year and, for most of you, well into January.

It’s a cliché to say it’s been a tough year, but there’s no harm in stating the obvious again. So I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your efforts this year. We’ve kept the waka on course, even though the paddling has been demanding and the navigating has been guesswork at times. It takes a team to get to the end of an academic year with boxes ticked in these times.

This time last year I would not have anticipated being in this Head of School role. When I was asked, the imposter syndrome raised its head high. Yet the last eight months have brought unexpected rewards such as getting to know both the School’s operations and many of you better than I did before. I’ve had to write ‘Happy to approve” more times than I care to imagine! But I have been happy to serve and try to broker ways of making things work more smoothly for many of you – as individuals and for our operation as a whole. I couldn’t do that alone though, so I would like to thank David H for such stellar work as Deputy and Director of Academic Operations; JR for occasional guidance; Michael, Bizza, Anna, Jess and Patricia in the Group Services team for their invariable willingness to help; Blair and the Technical Services team as we’ve worked our way through tricky building access and other issues; and members of the Steering Group for solidarity and wisdom as we’ve talked our way into new ways of proceeding.

As we close the year, we have two farewells that sadly we won’t formally mark:  in January, Evan Weller leaves us and returns to Australia and Ingo Pecher leaves for a position in Texas (however he may well be back mid-year so I hope we can properly farewell him then).

I would also like to congratulate those who recently gained promotion: Giovanni, Sila, Michael M, Emma, Jennifer E, Sam and Melanie K. A big well done to you all.

For the early days of 2022 I, like many of you, will take Leave and Giovanni has kindly agreed to be Acting HoS for me. I have assured him that few issues will arise, so if you can avoid it please hold off asking for HoS approval for anything until I am back January 17th!  

What will 2022 hold for us all? As a wise friend said ‘these are times of uncertainty and we either embrace the uncertainty or distract ourselves by fruitlessly trying to resist it’.  Omicron-permitting, I greatly look forward to seeing you all at the Wednesday February 23rd  annual Kaupapa session, and many of you in various combinations beforehand then.

More immediately, in the coming weeks as you take Annual Leave, do try and keep your laptops closed and your horizons open to all the insights, encounters and opportunities that sometimes elude us during the working year. I am looking forward to one of my favourite aspects of the holiday season: reaching such a point of wind-down that I no longer know what day it is.  It’s a fleeting feeling being released from deadlines and diaries. Do enjoy it.

Meri Kirihimete me te tau hou!/ Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!   Robin


Marsden Grants

With the upcoming Marsden round, I hope a good number of you will be considering developing an idea over the summer.  Please bear in mind FTE on these applications. While a ‘Marsden Fast-start’ is fine with a reasonably generous level of FTE, standard Marsden grants should be kept in the range 0.1 or 0.2FTE. If you have questions please contact Kathryn Howard


Annual Leave

While our plans and preferred dates inevitably change from time to time, please note that Annual Leave should only be changed in advance. Retrospectively changing booked leave dates after you have worked them is not permitted by HR, so please keep on top of what dates you have had approved for Leave. Thanks for your understanding.


Whakawhanaungatanga – Communities

Congratulations to Michaela Dobson! 

Michaela Dobson, a doctoral candidate from the Faculty of Science, has become the first New Zealander to be awarded the Lunar and Planetary Institutes Eugene M. Shoemaker Impact Cratering Award. She’s also part of a team that received the U21 Researcher Resilience to create an online space science workshop. 

Click on the link to read the full article: Planetary prizes for Auckland PhD candidate – The University of Auckland 


Congratulations to Mark Costello! 

Mark Costello was recently awarded the 2021 Alumni Award in the field of Engineering, Science and Technology from the National University of Ireland, Galway.

Click the link to read the full article: National University of Ireland, Galway on LinkedIn: Professor Mark Costello – Alumni Award for Engineering and Science


External Advertisement – Senior Technician: Terrestrial Ecology

External advertisement for a Senior Technician – Terrestrial Ecology role (permanent, full time) at the School of Biological Sciences (SBS). Applications must be submitted online, by the closing date of 9th January 2022. 

Click on the following link to apply and to find the position description:                                              University of Auckland Senior Technician – Terrestrial Ecology | SmartRecruiters

**Please reach out to Peter Schlegel via for a confidential conversation. Please note we are happy to answer your questions but we do not accept applications by email.


2022 SoE lab opening dates

The last day this year for lab access is the 22nd December.

Most SoE Labs will reopen on the 10th of January once the technical team have had a chance to start things back up.

If you want more information on a specific lab then please email Blair.


Expression of Interest: The Women in Earth and Environmental Sciences 

The Women in Earth and Environmental Sciences in Australasia (Womeesa) network now has more than 700 members. Are you one? If not, it is an excellent network for anyone from student to professor level. The latest monthly newsletter will give you an idea of their current activities, and support for women working in Earth and Environmental Sciences in academia, industry, and government.

Our very own Lorna Strachan was recently elected as a member of the Womeesa committee, and so if you would like to find out more, please drop her a line at 


Work-Integrated Learning NZ

Prompted by Martin Brook the University of Auckland very soon (Bridget Kool has actioned this) will be members of Work-Integrated Learning NZ:

As you will see in the Members section, many of our peers (AUT, Massey, Waikato, VuW, UC, and some polytec’s) have already been involved as Institutional and Corporate Partners, but until now, not UoA. WILNZ have a really interesting annual conference too, which gets good participation from the different tertiary institutions. The next conference is at AUT in April 2022, and the 2021 WILNZ online proceedings make for interesting reading.

It’s a good networking opportunity, to learn from others and see what best practice, pitfalls etc are out there.


Student Support

If students are struggling support is available:

Te Papa Manaaki | Campus Care

Financial Support

Covid will have likely have impacted progress for many so there are Postgraduate Extensions and Fee Waivers programmes. Note International students will need to consider visas!

Honours and Masters (as you know who will have been impacted please don’t wait for the last few days before the submission deadline to apply!)


If any doctoral students are ‘twiddling their thumbs’ because they can’t get into labs or do fieldwork it may be a good time for them to generally upskill:

Note to supervisors: Domestic PhD Admissions of those eligible for the guaranteed University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarships are up so it has become even more competitive for international applicants. Please manage expectations around this as you communicate with international enquiries.

Upcoming Events

Registration for Disastrous Doctorates 2022 

Official registration form to attend Disastrous Doctorates 2022 (DD2022)! DD2022 is a forum for disaster-related doctoral students, which welcomes participants from various disciplines, including engineering, earth science, emergency management, geography, law, psychology, business etc. This forum aims to bring together students across the disaster-research field and build a network and community of early career researchers.

This year’s theme is New Zealand’s Resilience to Climate Change. However, any researcher involved in disaster research is encouraged to attend and present a 3MT about their research.

The DD2022 symposium will be held on 1-3 February 2022 and hosted by The University of Auckland in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland.

Official Registration Form – Disastrous Doctorates (


Applications: Ako Innovation Committee Teaching & Learning Innovation Fund 2022

Call for applications to the Ako Innovation Committee Teaching and Learning Innovation Fund 2022

Grants are to encourage innovative teaching and learning practices that have the potential for widespread adoption within the School

Due: 08/02/2022, noon

Please see the guidelines here and the application form here

Please contact Mel Wall if you have any questions


New programme: Master of Environmental Management

We will soon be offering a new 180 point taught masters degree in Environmental Management. This has just been given the go-ahead from the Committee on University Academic Programmes (CUAP) and will be available from Semester 1, 2022. It builds upon the long-established PGDipSci and MSc options, and the existing foundations of critical social science will be augmented with new courses with a more applied focus. The fairly tight programme and the core course (701) will ensure that all students get a coherent and well-rounded experience, but with space to include courses from related subjects, as well.

With our recently-appointed new colleagues we will be able to roll out a full programme in 2022:

Semester 1

  • ENVMGT 741: Social Change for Sustainability (Georgia Pigott)
  • ENVMGT 744: Resource Management (Karen Fisher)
  • ENVMGT 749: Environmental Sociotechnologies (Emma Sharp)
  • ENVMGT 751: River Management (Gary Brierley)

Semester 2

  • ENVMGT 701: Environmental Management in Practice (Brad Coombes + other staff)
  • ENVMGT 742: Social Dimensions of Global Environmental Change (Meg Parson)
  • ENVMGT 746: Collaborative Environmental Management (Brad Coombes)
  • ENVMGT: 748: Coastal Management (Emma Ryan)

Brad Coombes is the Environmental Management programme adviser.

Rangahau – Research

Summer Research Student – Lab access

In line with what SCS and SBS are doing this year, and in line with covid/RED level protocols, we will be allowing SRS to be given temporary swipe access to laboratories.

Students will still need to complete the regular online inductions.  They will also need to be accompanied by the supervisor while in laboratories as we cannot leave UGs in PG research spaces alone.  Please email Blair with any questions.

Research Impact Guide

The University of Auckland’s Research Impact Guide is available on the Research Hub, the University’s internal one-stop shop for research resources.

The Research Impact guide contains tools, resources and signposts on where to get support to develop the impact of your research. We currently have a summer intern working to revamp these pages, looking to provide up-to-date best practice content, accurate signposting to a broad range of support services, and content on specialist topics including policy engagement and public engagement. We have initial ideas on how to improve these pages, but would love to understand from our research community what type of additional information you might benefit from.

ACTION: visit the Research Impact Guide and let us know your opinion! We welcome your feedback via this anonymous google form as we continue to add content. Thank you in advance!


Discovery Profiles

Improving discoverability of our research and expertise – introducing Discovery Profiles

In March 2022, our current Research Outputs  system will be renamed Te Waka Huia Rangahau | Research Outputs, upgraded to provide an improved user interface, and extended to include staff and doctoral candidate profiles, as well as advertising research projects and supervision opportunities to potential research students.

These changes will improve discoverability of our research and expertise, and streamline our research eco system, by incorporating three existing systems (Research Outputs, University Directory and FindaThesis) into one.

The external facing elements of University Directory and FindaThesis will be retired and replaced by Discovery Profiles, a module of the Te Waka Huia Rangahau | Research Outputs system.

For more information on these improvements and how you can prepare for this change please see the Discovery Profiles News page.


Marsden – bid writing support

Please contact Kathryn or Franca if you’re going to apply for a Marsden grant this year and would like to request bid writing support.  Three levels of support is available (general proof reading; editorial review; or full bid development)  Please submit your request by mid December at the latest.  Note funding is limited, and not all requests will be able to be supported. 


Research Projects impacted by Covid-19

Please advise your RPC if any of your research projects have been impacted by Covid-19 so we can discuss options to resolve impacts. Note, key information on research continuity through COVID-19 is being updated regularly via COVID-19: Researcher continuity support and information.


Antarctica field work

Any one preparing funding bids that involve fieldwork in Antarctica is encouraged to contact Esme Robinson ( Science Programme Advisor, at Antarctica New Zealand early in the development of their research plan so that they can support the preparation of a logistically feasible application.


Funding Call 


Marsden Fund

Applications due 8 February 2022

The Marsden Fund invests in excellent, investigator-led research aimed at generating new knowledge, with long-term benefit to New Zealand.  View the guidelines here.  To register to apply, email the following information to the Funds Advisor Team via you title, full name, email address, faculty, department and type of Marsden Grant (Standard, Fast-Start, Council).


School of Environment DRDF funding call

Applications due 1 March 2022

The purpose of this fund is to increase the quality and international reach of our research output. It will support initiatives that produce tangible outcomes that are in line with the School strategic objectives and improve our future PBRF quality scores. The fund will be distributed in two contestable application rounds in March and July 2022.

You can apply for direct research costs up to $10,000 for a single applicant, and up to $15,000 for a group of applicants from the SoE.

Please refer to the attached Guidelines for DRDF applications for 2022 for further information or contact  with any questions.  Email your application using the attached application form to by 1 March 2022.

2022 Application Form for ENV DRDF funds


Covid-19 Hardship Fund

Applications due 31 March 2022

The University has launched the University C19 Hardship Fund to support externally funded research projects critically impacted by Covid-19 during Q3 and Q4 2021 and which incurred ongoing expenses and are now experiencing a shortfall.  Applicants must be a Principal Investigator of an externally funded research project ending before 31 Dec 2022, with a recorded COVID-19 Impact of Amber or Red. Please contact your RPC if your project has been impacted by Covid-19 to ensure its been assessed correctly. Please see the COVID-19 Hardship Fund Guidelines for more information and to determine what costs you can apply. Please contact your RPC if you wish to apply and to obtain the financial transaction details for the Q3 – Q4 period for your project. Please review the information that is sent to you and when you’re ready – apply online.


Vision Mātauranga hui

As part of the Vision Mātauranga support for researchers within Te Whare Pūtaiao Faculty of Science. The Māori advisors’ team will be running two 90-minute Vision Mātauranga Hui on the 19th and 20th January 2022. Please complete the registration form to receive the zoom link Vision Mātauranga Hui .  We have gone with a hui versus a workshop because the session is designed to help researchers think in this space and decide how YOU can embed Vision Mātauranga into your proposal. We hope the session will be interactive and enable discussion. We would like to encourage researchers to engage early in this space. Those who attend the hui will have an opportunity to have a 1:1 discussion and develop your proposal before EoI submission. Should you be successful at EoI stage (and have attended the Vision Mātauranga hui) you will be invited to further discuss your proposal 1:1 with the faculty advisors. In advance of the session, please find attached a document (Responsiveness to Maaori tool v1.3) to help map out your proposal ideas and how they connect with Māori aspirations, build Māori capability and capacity, and look at how you can ensure your research is reaching Māori communities. Although we will not be focused on this document, it may help you as you look to see how your research can be responsive to Māori, and you are welcome to bring it with you to the session.


Plastics Innovation Fund

***Application Deadline 20 June 2022***

The purpose of the Plastics Innovation Fund is to support projects that will minimise plastic waste and its harm on the environment. The fund is seeking to fund projects that find ways to use less plastic and make what we do use reusable or recyclable.  It is targeted at projects that: minimise plastic waste; support circular solutions; protect the environment from harm; support the reduction of imported plastic; and improve the behaviour of people and businesses (up the waste hierarchy).  For further information visit the funder website or refer the Funder guidelines.  You can also view a One-hour webinar about the fund


Carter, L., Bostock-Lyman, H., Bowen, M., (2022) Water masses, circulation and change in the modern Southern Ocean, in Antarctic Climate Evolution, pg. 165-197, Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Shi Z, Assis J, Costello MJ. 2021. Vulnerability of marine species to low oxygen. In: Goldstein, M.I., DellaSala, D.A. (Eds.), Imperiled: The Encyclopedia of Conservation. Elsevier, online

Kanakiya, S., Turner, G. M., Rowe, M. C., Adam, L., & Lindsay, J. M. (2021). High remanent magnetization measured in hydrothermally altered lavas. Geophysical Research Letters. 48, e2021GL095732.

More Information

Need to store and share research data? Request Research storage or UoA Dropbox for research

Queries about virtual machines? Virtual machine consult or Nectar Research Cloud?

ResearchHub: connects people, resources, and services

Remote working issues: Please refer to the remote working page. If you do not find the answers to your questions, please log a call on the IT Portal for any IT-related issues or contact the Staff Service Centre for other queries.

Two-factor Authentication : Authy

YubiKeys work but of course require a USB port.

VPN: Instructions on how to install

VPN, Linux: FortiClient is running fine on Linux.  Check the VPN link listed above.

VPN, Mac desktops: (information from April, may be outdated).  Students may need IT to make their machines mobile and install FortiClient directly from the website.  They will also need to set-up two-factor authentication by downloading an app like “Authy” on their phones and then setting up their University of Auckland account.  I suggest people do this part before IT gets to them to make the process faster.  To do that, they can use the instructions on this page:

To get a mobile account set up, log a service request or go to one of the service kiosks. It is unclear how this is being done remotely but I am sure this can be done. Please let me Ingo ( know if you have managed to install FortiClient on their macs remotely.

FlexIT and Remote Access

FlexIT is straight-forward for remote access to computing power and programs. Alternatively, check if your project/group or so has a virtual machine. Remote desktop access to specific machines can be set up by IT but may note be reliable. Check the Staff Service Center

Remote access is possible to some workstations in the geocomputational lab for research, and on a needs basis.  This may be a viable solution for specialized data analysis.  Please look into alternatives: It is unclear however, if/how on-site desktops can be maintained, if needed..

FlexIT access and requests: Use the FlexIT form in the IT Portal to request access as a staff member, to ask for an application be added, or to report any issues or faults.

FlexIT, Linux: Please check FlexIT link:  It does not have any information on Linux but should be useful for “translation”.

Depending on your browser (in particular, Firefox), you also need to do the following, from

“…tested with the Horizon 4.8.x and 4.10.x clients and Firefox v64.0. Both are 64bit versions, running on Ubuntu 18.04.1

Download the client from the VMWare Horizon Client for 64-bit Linux
In Firefox, open about:config and click through the warning.
Add a new boolean entry called network.protocol-handler.expose.vmware-view and set the value to false
Create a file called `test.html` somewhere on your computer and put the following in it: test
Open the file in Firefox and click on the link, which should prompt you for a path to open the link.
Select /usr/bin/vmware-view and it should work for future uses! “

(1) was provided by UoA but I think it works with generic software from VMWare as well.

Check with Ingo ( if you run into problems.

Software licenses: Software vendors have relaxed their licensing to allow students to install software at home, rather than relying on Flex IT. There is a running list here

Please email content to Isabella for next edition of P-cubed by Friday

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 71 – Monday 20th December, 2021

Issue 70 – Monday 6th December, 2021

December 6, 2021 • ijor070


Feminist geographer Heidi Nast memorably said “we are always, already in the field”. Amid the twin limitations of the Delta lockdown and the preoccupations being Head of School, I recently turned my attention again to writing about where I live.  In this case, I worked with an island-based researcher, Pam Oliver, and PG student Neil Lindsey to examine the question of how the island community managed to remain so Covid-free. Our paper concludes that the obvious ‘island-ness’ is only part of the story. The rest of the explanation we attribute to the strength of community cohesiveness and resolve to look after each other. Survey respondents cited examples like the ‘Pandemic of Kindness’ Facebook page and the Chair of the Local Board saying she would defend the wharf with a pitchfork . We interpreted the community’s wish for a localised response to Covid as reflecting political ‘subsidiarity’: the view that a centralised authority should control only those tasks that cannot be performed more effectively through local governance.

It may seem a stretch, but I see a degree of this subsidiarity at work in our collective response to the School Review. Yes, the Review was initiated and convened from elsewhere in the university. But now that we have its report, it is up to us to reflect, interpret and act on it. That it because the university recognises that we are the place and people best able to perform those tasks through our own processes of local governance.

To that end we currently are in a phase that will stretch over the summer, connecting two of our three annual all-staff gatherings: November’s Wrap-Up and February’s Kaupapa. I have asked five established groups (the three platforms and some of the committees) to host open discussions of one or more of the Action Points raised by the Review. The schedule is below and, despite us all being both over-zoomed and meeting-ed out, I encourage you to join as many of the discussions as you can. The purpose is not to arrive at solutions but rather to reflect on possibilities and implications. As one wise member of the Steering Group suggested, we need to ask ‘What problem is being addressed?’ and ‘What opportunities, if any, are open up by addressing it?’.

So, no matter how hoha we feel, to use a Te Reo word (ie blasé, ‘over it’) please join the conversations (this week and again in late January or early February) so that by our Wednesday 23rd February Kaupapa session, we will have points and potential responses to consider that have been filtered through the views of many within the School.

Another development also reflects subsidiarity. Blair and his team have refined a process for ENV people to apply for access to our buildings and facilities for as long as we remain stopped at the Red Traffic Light. Please read the process outlined and use the application form. This process is yet another example of the Technical Services team serving us well locally by responding to needs in light of a larger regulatory settings.

So, unlike Waiheke, there are no threats of officials with pitchforks at our doorways (!) but hopefully a pandemic of kindness will continue to prevail. It’s a time for continued compliance with regulations that are designed to protect us all. And, with respect to the Review deliberations, there’ll be no pitchfork from me goading you into participation. But, please, no claims come February that you didn’t have a chance to have your voice heard.

Robin Kearns

  • School Review discussions next week

As a way of moving the collective conversation forward as we look to the next academic year, I have asked Platforms /Committees to

  • Meet at least twice between now and the School’s Kaupapa session Wednesday 23rd Feb
  • Schedule the first such conversation before we break for 2021.
  • By mid-Feb, and in anticipation of the Kaupapa session,, develop a 1-2 page document and PPT slides for a 10 min max presentation that will:

# Summarise the Action Areas and the Review Committee’s observations and concerns

#  Reviewing any context, as appropriate

# Outline any possible responses & implications

#  Include 2-3 questions to help deliberation at the Kaupapa session

Please bear in mind that

  • We need to respond to the Review, so a do-nothing stance isn’t viable.
  • Be aware of what ‘problem’ is being addressed and what opportunity is being presented.
  • Take a whole-of-School view, trying to suspend (at least for now) subject-area partisan concerns.



  • Action Areas 8 and 9: Determining transdisciplinary research directions; and Enhancing external engagement.

Hosted by Nick Lewis &  PG Research Committee

Monday 6th Dec 2-3pm


  • Action Areas 8 and 9: Determining transdisciplinary research directions; and Enhancing external engagement.

Hosted by Sila  and Rangahau

Tuesday 7th December 2-3pm


  • Action Area 4: Strengthening the integration of the Tuākana programme

Hosted by Emma Sharp,  School Review (Equity Committee and Tuākana)

Thursday, 9 Dec 1-2:30 –


  • Action Area 3: Development of a delivery modes strategy  & Action Area 7: Increasing visibility of employability across all programmes 

Hosted by Mel Wall & AKO Innovation Committee

Friday 10th Dec 10-11.30


  • Action Area 1 and 2: Implications of Climate Change Curriculum Position and Curriculum Rationalisation

Hosted by Lorna Strachan & AKO Committee

Friday, 10 Dec 1:00-2:30pm


2. Access to buildings under the Red Traffic Light

Blair asks that you read and follow this newly-designed process:

  1. Staff fill out the form requesting access  (students still cannot do this themselves)
  2. Robin, Blair and Jenny undertake a quick assessment to make sure the work is priority.
  3. Blair provides details of approved work to faculty.
  4. The faculty generates a letter letting the user know if they have been approved (can take 24 hours).
  5. They can then make a booking in the calendar which lets us work within capacity limits for each space  
  6. People on site will be assigned a primary work zone (where they use toilets and tearooms)     
  7. They can move between other labs provided they aren’t at capacity and this has been agreed. 
  8. We can decline or cancel requests if no staff are present on a particular day                           
  9. Field activity doesn’t require faculty approval.


Whakawhanaungatanga – Communities

Congratulations Ema Nersezova! 

Congratulations to Ema Nersezova who has been awarded a S. J. Hastie scholarship from the Geoscience Society of New Zealand. This is for an MSc Earth Science thesis on: Water and organic contents of digitate sinter in contrasting hotspring environments: The Taupo Volcanic zone as a Martian analogue, to be supervised by Mike Rowe.


Expression of Interest: The Women in Earth and Environmental Sciences 

The Women in Earth and Environmental Sciences in Australasia (Womeesa) network now has more than 700 members. Are you one? If not, it is an excellent network for anyone from student to professor level. The latest monthly newsletter will give you an idea of their current activities, and support for women working in Earth and Environmental Sciences in academia, industry, and government.

Our very own Lorna Strachan was recently elected as a member of the Womeesa committee, and so if you would like to find out more, please drop her a line at 


Work-Integrated Learning NZ

Prompted by Martin Brook the University of Auckland very soon (Bridget Kool has actioned this) will be members of Work-Integrated Learning NZ:

As you will see in the Members section, many of our peers (AUT, Massey, Waikato, VuW, UC, and some polytec’s) have already been involved as Institutional and Corporate Partners, but until now, not UoA. WILNZ have a really interesting annual conference too, which gets good participation from the different tertiary institutions. The next conference is at AUT in April 2022, and the 2021 WILNZ online proceedings make for interesting reading.

It’s a good networking opportunity, to learn from others and see what best practice, pitfalls etc are out there.


Student Support

If students are struggling support is available:

Te Papa Manaaki | Campus Care

Financial Support

Covid will have likely have impacted progress for many so there are Postgraduate Extensions and Fee Waivers programmes. Note International students will need to consider visas!

Honours and Masters (as you know who will have been impacted please don’t wait for the last few days before the submission deadline to apply!)


If any doctoral students are ‘twiddling their thumbs’ because they can’t get into labs or do fieldwork it may be a good time for them to generally upskill:

Note to supervisors: Domestic PhD Admissions of those eligible for the guaranteed University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarships are up so it has become even more competitive for international applicants. Please manage expectations around this as you communicate with international enquiries.

Upcoming Events

Registration for Disastrous Doctorates 2022 

Official registration form to attend Disastrous Doctorates 2022 (DD2022)! DD2022 is a forum for disaster-related doctoral students, which welcomes participants from various disciplines, including engineering, earth science, emergency management, geography, law, psychology, business etc. This forum aims to bring together students across the disaster-research field and build a network and community of early career researchers.

This year’s theme is New Zealand’s Resilience to Climate Change. However, any researcher involved in disaster research is encouraged to attend and present a 3MT about their research.

The DD2022 symposium will be held on 1-3 February 2022 and hosted by The University of Auckland in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland.

Official Registration Form – Disastrous Doctorates (


RSNZ Marsden

The University and UniServices are running a series of Marsden support events as below. All of these will be remote via Zoom.  Please contact your RPC if you’d like to attend and to receive the zoom link.

  1. Vision Mātauranga overview/introduction:
  • Tuesday Dec 07, 1:15 – 2:15pm
  • An introduction to Vision Mātauranga policy targeted at researchers new to Vision Mātauranga and/or Marsden Funding.
  1. Insights Q&A panel:
  • Thursday Dec 09,  2-3pm
  • Panellists:
    • Tyron Love
    • Fred Vanholsbeeck
    • Catherine Tsai
    • Tim Kuhner
  1. Vision Mātauranga follow-up and Marsden-specific advice:
  • Tuesday Dec 14, 10-11am


Applications: Ako Innovation Committee Teaching & Learning Innovation Fund 2022

Call for applications to the Ako Innovation Committee Teaching and Learning Innovation Fund 2022

Grants are to encourage innovative teaching and learning practices that have the potential for widespread adoption within the School

Due: 08/02/2022, noon

Please see the guidelines here and the application form here

Please contact Mel Wall if you have any questions


New programme: Master of Environmental Management

We will soon be offering a new 180 point taught masters degree in Environmental Management. This has just been given the go-ahead from the Committee on University Academic Programmes (CUAP) and will be available from Semester 1, 2022. It builds upon the long-established PGDipSci and MSc options, and the existing foundations of critical social science will be augmented with new courses with a more applied focus. The fairly tight programme and the core course (701) will ensure that all students get a coherent and well-rounded experience, but with space to include courses from related subjects, as well.

With our recently-appointed new colleagues we will be able to roll out a full programme in 2022:

Semester 1

  • ENVMGT 741: Social Change for Sustainability (Georgia Pigott)
  • ENVMGT 744: Resource Management (Karen Fisher)
  • ENVMGT 749: Environmental Sociotechnologies (Emma Sharp)
  • ENVMGT 751: River Management (Gary Brierley)

Semester 2

  • ENVMGT 701: Environmental Management in Practice (Brad Coombes + other staff)
  • ENVMGT 742: Social Dimensions of Global Environmental Change (Meg Parson)
  • ENVMGT 746: Collaborative Environmental Management (Brad Coombes)
  • ENVMGT: 748: Coastal Management (Emma Ryan)

Brad Coombes is the Environmental Management programme adviser.

Rangahau – Research

Applications: The Laura Bassi Scholarship 

The Laura Bassi Scholarship, which awards a total of $8,000 thrice per annum, was established by Editing Press in 2018 with the aim of providing editorial assistance to postgraduates and junior academics whose research focuses on neglected topics of study, broadly construed. The scholarships are open to every discipline and the next round of funding will be awarded in Winter 2021:

Winter 2021
Application deadline: 15 December 2021
Results: 3 January 2022

All currently enrolled master’s and doctoral candidates are eligible to apply, as are academics in the first five years of full-time employment. Applicants are required to submit a completed application form along with their CV through the application portal by the relevant deadline. Further details, previous winners, and the application portal can be found at:


Research Impact Guide

The University of Auckland’s Research Impact Guide is available on the Research Hub, the University’s internal one-stop shop for research resources.

The Research Impact guide contains tools, resources and signposts on where to get support to develop the impact of your research. We currently have a summer intern working to revamp these pages, looking to provide up-to-date best practice content, accurate signposting to a broad range of support services, and content on specialist topics including policy engagement and public engagement. We have initial ideas on how to improve these pages, but would love to understand from our research community what type of additional information you might benefit from.

ACTION: visit the Research Impact Guide and let us know your opinion! We welcome your feedback via this anonymous google form as we continue to add content. Thank you in advance!


Discovery Profiles

Improving discoverability of our research and expertise – introducing Discovery Profiles

In March 2022, our current Research Outputs  system will be renamed Te Waka Huia Rangahau | Research Outputs, upgraded to provide an improved user interface, and extended to include staff and doctoral candidate profiles, as well as advertising research projects and supervision opportunities to potential research students.

These changes will improve discoverability of our research and expertise, and streamline our research eco system, by incorporating three existing systems (Research Outputs, University Directory and FindaThesis) into one.

The external facing elements of University Directory and FindaThesis will be retired and replaced by Discovery Profiles, a module of the Te Waka Huia Rangahau | Research Outputs system.

For more information on these improvements and how you can prepare for this change please see the Discovery Profiles News page.


Marsden – bid writing support

Please contact Kathryn or Franca if you’re going to apply for a Marsden grant this year and would like to request bid writing support.  Three levels of support is available (general proof reading; editorial review; or full bid development)  Please submit your request by mid December at the latest.  Note funding is limited, and not all requests will be able to be supported. 


Research Projects impacted by Covid-19

Please advise your RPC if any of your research projects have been impacted by Covid-19 so we can discuss options to resolve impacts. Note, key information on research continuity through COVID-19 is being updated regularly via COVID-19: Researcher continuity support and information.


Antarctica field work

Any one preparing funding bids that involve fieldwork in Antarctica is encouraged to contact Esme Robinson ( Science Programme Advisor, at Antarctica New Zealand early in the development of their research plan so that they can support the preparation of a logistically feasible application.


Research Assistant position available

The Sustainability Practices for a Future-focussed Faculty Initiative is concerned with finding gaps and opportunities for the Faculty of Science (FoS) to achieve a higher degree of sustainability. The research team is examining potential pathways for transitioning to new ways of doing things regarding our carbon emissions, lab-based teaching and research, and our sustainability mindset. The team is seeking input from the Faculty of Science’s staff and postgraduate students, which will help inform the University’s sustainability strategy. Engagement will include interviews and surveys. The data will be collected and coded in NVivo with the support of three Research Assistants (RAs), and the analysis and insights will be informed by transition theory frameworks. The initiative is led by Robin Kearns,  Gillian Lewis (Associate Dean Sustainability), and Caroline Roughneen (FoS Strategic Projects Manager). The initiative leaders have appointed a Research Fellow (RF), Dr Barbara Ribeiro, to act as Project Lead (designing the research structure, providing a theoretical grounding, and day to day project management). We are seeking  a further suitably qualified  RA experienced in conducting interviews and undertaking qualitative research.  Theis researcher would start at the primary data collection phase (mid-October)  and continue until  the project is completed by December 17th. Pay rate to be assessed by experience and qualifications by HR. For further information and /or to apply,  please contact Barbara at


Funding Call 

Plastics Innovation Fund

***Application Deadline 20 June 2022***

The purpose of the Plastics Innovation Fund is to support projects that will minimise plastic waste and its harm on the environment. The fund is seeking to fund projects that find ways to use less plastic and make what we do use reusable or recyclable.  It is targeted at projects that: minimise plastic waste; support circular solutions; protect the environment from harm; support the reduction of imported plastic; and improve the behaviour of people and businesses (up the waste hierarchy).  For further information visit the funder website or refer the Funder guidelines.  You can also view a One-hour webinar about the fund


Pelling M, Biesbroek R, Caretta MA, Cissé G, Costello MJ, Ebi KL, Gunn EL, Kerr RB, Parmesan C. Schuster-Wallace C, van Aalst MK, Woodward A, 2021. Synergies between COVID-19 and climate change impacts and responses. Journal of Extreme Events, online.

Fryirs, K., & Brierley, G. (2021). How far have management practices come in ‘working with the river’?. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.

Gao, S., Hofstra, A.H., Zou, X., Valley, J.W., Kitajima, K., Marsh, E.E., Lowers, H.A., Adams, D.T., Qin, K., Xu, H., 2021, Oxygen isotope evidence for input of magmatic fluids and precipitation of Au-Ag-tellurides in an otherwise ordinary adularia-sericite epithermal system in NE China. American Mineralogist, vol. 106, p. 2020 – 2027.

More Information

Need to store and share research data? Request Research storage or UoA Dropbox for research

Queries about virtual machines? Virtual machine consult or Nectar Research Cloud?

ResearchHub: connects people, resources, and services

Remote working issues: Please refer to the remote working page. If you do not find the answers to your questions, please log a call on the IT Portal for any IT-related issues or contact the Staff Service Centre for other queries.

Two-factor Authentication : Authy

YubiKeys work but of course require a USB port.

VPN: Instructions on how to install

VPN, Linux: FortiClient is running fine on Linux.  Check the VPN link listed above.

VPN, Mac desktops: (information from April, may be outdated).  Students may need IT to make their machines mobile and install FortiClient directly from the website.  They will also need to set-up two-factor authentication by downloading an app like “Authy” on their phones and then setting up their University of Auckland account.  I suggest people do this part before IT gets to them to make the process faster.  To do that, they can use the instructions on this page:

To get a mobile account set up, log a service request or go to one of the service kiosks. It is unclear how this is being done remotely but I am sure this can be done. Please let me Ingo ( know if you have managed to install FortiClient on their macs remotely.

FlexIT and Remote Access

FlexIT is straight-forward for remote access to computing power and programs. Alternatively, check if your project/group or so has a virtual machine. Remote desktop access to specific machines can be set up by IT but may note be reliable. Check the Staff Service Center

Remote access is possible to some workstations in the geocomputational lab for research, and on a needs basis.  This may be a viable solution for specialized data analysis.  Please look into alternatives: It is unclear however, if/how on-site desktops can be maintained, if needed..

FlexIT access and requests: Use the FlexIT form in the IT Portal to request access as a staff member, to ask for an application be added, or to report any issues or faults.

FlexIT, Linux: Please check FlexIT link:  It does not have any information on Linux but should be useful for “translation”.

Depending on your browser (in particular, Firefox), you also need to do the following, from

“…tested with the Horizon 4.8.x and 4.10.x clients and Firefox v64.0. Both are 64bit versions, running on Ubuntu 18.04.1

Download the client from the VMWare Horizon Client for 64-bit Linux
In Firefox, open about:config and click through the warning.
Add a new boolean entry called network.protocol-handler.expose.vmware-view and set the value to false
Create a file called `test.html` somewhere on your computer and put the following in it: test
Open the file in Firefox and click on the link, which should prompt you for a path to open the link.
Select /usr/bin/vmware-view and it should work for future uses! “

(1) was provided by UoA but I think it works with generic software from VMWare as well.

Check with Ingo ( if you run into problems.

Software licenses: Software vendors have relaxed their licensing to allow students to install software at home, rather than relying on Flex IT. There is a running list here

Please email content to Isabella for next edition of P-cubed by Friday

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 70 – Monday 6th December, 2021

Issue 69 – Monday 22nd November, 2021

November 22, 2021 • ijor070


Lately I’ve been pondering what it will be like to be back on campus. What will I most appreciate in being there in person? I’ve concluded its the opportunistic encounters I miss most. Life becomes a very choreographed performance by zoom. You need to book a time and a virtual room in which to meet. And you simply don’t meet those you don’t arrange to see. Some of the joy of being on campus is just randomly encountering people and taking time to talk. That’s part of what makes a community.

I was reminded of the gift of opportunist conversations when news came last week that Emeritus Professor Michael Corballis in Psychology had died. In the very early ‘80s when I was an MA student, I’d sometimes have conversations with him. I don’t recall why I’d be conversing with a professor in another discipline, but maybe it was as simple as Geography sharing a stairwell in HSB with Psychology. I recall feeling slightly in awe that a professor outside my own Department would bother saying hello and talking. My then-supervisor, Warren Moran, was mates with Mike and Don Smith in English, all having Canada in their backstories. So, when I returned from grad school at McMaster in the late 80s, that was a point of connection to further conversations.

In Psychology’s tribute to him, Mike Corballis was described as having an ‘unfailing generosity’. This extended well beyond the realm of advice or being task-oriented. I reckon it stretched to just making time for people and helping make campus a more convivial place. It seems to me he cultivated a disposition we can all emulate. I didn’t agree with all his views but that’s not the point; he helped ‘humanize’ campus. Once we’re back in person, I hope we can all be part of that effort to take time and make time for others.

There was another bit of news that moved me deeply this week: a welcome rather than a farewell. A while back I supported a case advanced by Rochelle Constantine in SBS for Ramari Stewart, a tohunga taiao and expert on Mātauranga Māori to be granted an honorary DSc. That honour has now been offered by the VC. I look forward to introducing Ramari to you one day: a humble and keenly perceptive investigator and interpreter of the marine and coastal world. She has been a staunch supporter of efforts to protect Pūtiki Bay here on Waiheke and is globally the only indigenous woman to have a species of whale named after her.

So, these are two people with a generosity of spirit, who respectively, have brought and will bring a deeper human touch to our academic environment. We are richer for them and all who comprise the constellation of people who are generous with their time and insight.


Other matters

  • Very big congratulations to Melanie Kah on the arrival of their baby Anna!
  • Thanks to all who have put in the long hours lately exam marking…
  • Thanks too to Sila and Marta for being ‘event planners’ for the School Research Awards two Tuesdays ago
  • End of year event. You will have seen the VC’s comment Given the uncertainty about restrictions on hospitality throughout December, many of you may be reconsidering the timing of your staff Christmas events….” We have therefore sadly decided to postpone a gathering until February and hold an off-campus “welcome back event” with  a suitable degree of cheer and largesse then.  Stay tund.
  • Congratulations also to Emma Sharp who has been awarded a FRDF grant titled Soilsafe Kids & Dustsafe Aotearoa


  • It is probably stating the obvious to say we are ready for a break. The promised  relaxation of the Auckland border for a month from 15th December offers some possibilities of going places and so we do not necessarily need to holiday at home. So now (as in this week!) is an excellent time to pause and consider what weeks you will take as Annual Leave. Please then go into People Soft and request those days, remembering that Christmas Eve (Dec 24th)  and the non-Stat holiday days between Christmas and New Year(29, 30, 31 Dec)  are automatically treated as Leave days. If you are unfamiliar with how to request leave days, please contact Patricia for instructions. Please note that if you have not requested and had Annual Leave days  approved, it is expected you are contactable and working.

– Robin Kearns 

Whakawhanaungatanga – Communities

Gisborne / Tairāwhiti state of emergency landslide response

PhD student Matt Cook and Martin Brook were given Essential Worker status by Gisborne District Council, who urgently requested that the University assist with the rainfall-triggered landslide state of emergency in Gisborne two weeks ago. Michael Groom, David Jenkinson et al. efficiently managed the provision of Business Travel Documents so that Matt and Martin could travel to Gisborne to provide assistance. David Wackrow retrieved field equipment from 302. Of particular concern was the Te Arai landslide, which had reached within meters of the water pipeline that supplies Gisborne with drinking water. In the city, the 24 houses affected by the landslides were triaged into 3 tiers of severity, and Matt and Martin undertook risk assessments at their designated properties. Matt then presented an integration of hazard mapping, UAV and satellite data to the Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM), as well as the EQC. A big thank you to all who contributed. Building swimming pools at the top of steep slopes on anthropogenic fill seems problematic.



Work-Integrated Learning NZ

Prompted by Martin Brook the University of Auckland very soon (Bridget Kool has actioned this) will be members of Work-Integrated Learning NZ:

As you will see in the Members section, many of our peers (AUT, Massey, Waikato, VuW, UC, and some polytec’s) have already been involved as Institutional and Corporate Partners, but until now, not UoA. WILNZ have a really interesting annual conference too, which gets good participation from the different tertiary institutions. The next conference is at AUT in April 2022, and the 2021 WILNZ online proceedings make for interesting reading.

It’s a good networking opportunity, to learn from others and see what best practice, pitfalls etc are out there.


IT Committee – “Big Data”

We may have additional end-of-year funding of up to ~$10k for “Big Data” purchases.  Please contact Michael Martin ( if you are interested.  We encourage specifically purchases of data for research and/or teaching from which several ENV members will benefit, ideally across disciplines.

Please let us know by Tue., 23 Nov. evening.

Thank you, Michael and Ingo


Access to School Facilities

Blair has been working on increasing the size of our work zones to allow more staff and students on site after the traffic light system commences

Three points to note:
1. Work still needs to be considered priority – but the rules will be a little more relaxed
2. We are still required to have an academic lab manager or technician to supervise on site at all times in each zone.
a. This has been expanded to include postdocs and capable PhDs (commensurate with risk).
3. In regards to computational access we just need to make a clear case that it is more than “desk-based research” which will remain off-site at Level 3 and Red.
Blair can be contacted directly to apply for access with the following details:

• Name of person wanting access
• End date
• Which lab(s)
• Justification


Student Support

If students are struggling support is available:

Te Papa Manaaki | Campus Care

Financial Support

Covid will have likely have impacted progress for many so there are Postgraduate Extensions and Fee Waivers programmes. Note International students will need to consider visas!

Honours and Masters (as you know who will have been impacted please don’t wait for the last few days before the submission deadline to apply!)


If any doctoral students are ‘twiddling their thumbs’ because they can’t get into labs or do fieldwork it may be a good time for them to generally upskill:

Note to supervisors: Domestic PhD Admissions of those eligible for the guaranteed University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarships are up so it has become even more competitive for international applicants. Please manage expectations around this as you communicate with international enquiries.

Upcoming Events

ResBaz Aotearoa/NZ 2021, 22-26 November

We, the Centre for eResearch, LOVE the usual ResBaz 3-day cohort event that is full of digital research skills workshops, social activities, and amazing food. However, like last year, we find ourselves having to imagine chatting over donuts or nachos.  

Join us for any of the 42+ FREE & ONLINE digital research skills workshops –
Shorts sessions offer a brief practical introduction to a broad selection of topics and tools related to digital research practice relevant across disciplines – research data management, using Jupyter Notebooks, Linux commandline, open access, writing in LaTeX, research compute, Tidy Data, Open Refine, creating surveys with Qualtrics, qualitative analysis with NVivo, GLAM workbench, working with social media data, managing genomics data, Māori and Pacific research using digital tools, etc.
Longer sessions provide a hands-on learning experience delivered by research staff and postgraduate students in a range of topics – Google Earth Engine, version control of documents and code, R and RStudio, Python, producing publication ready figures, building personal websites, .. and much more.

We welcome ALL Aotearoa /NZ researchers and postgraduate students from ANY discipline to look at the schedule and book for individual sessions. Research technologists, librarians and those who support researchers should also come along!


Environment Examiners’ Meetings for Semester 2 on Zoom

 Tuesday 23 November

  • Earth Sciences: 0900-1030 
  • Environmental Science: 1100-1230 
  • Geography: 1400-1600 

The deadline for completing exam marking and submitting them on canvas is Friday 19 November, 9 am.

The zoom link will send by email when it is close to the meeting date.


Geography Auckland: Monthly Dialogues with Wine – Tues, 23 November, 12 – 1pm

Topic: World Views in decision-making relating to Ecosystem Based Management: evidence from consenting processes

Presenters: Erena Le Heron, Richard Le Heron and team (Perceptions of Risk and Uncertainty in the Marine Area – an Our Seas project) 

When: Tuesday 23rd November, 12pm to 1pm

Zoom Link: 

‘Event Poster’ attached below, please refer to Page 2 to read the event abstract! 

NZGS Auckland newsletter November 2021


Submission of Final Grade Deadline  –  Thu 25 November, 3 pm

  • The final grades are submitted electronically through Canvas only after the Examiners’ meeting
  • For guidance on submitting final grades from Canvas, see the Canvas final grades submission process on the Examinations webpage
  • From this semester, there is no need for submitting the Grade Approval Sheets, and we will replace them with our Final Grade Submission Notification
  • Once completed, it will automatically generate an email and send it to the Results, Course director, Examiners/Assessors.



Zoom Meeting Link:

Note: To get the most out of the workshop, please watch this video in advance of our session


New programme: Master of Environmental Management

We will soon be offering a new 180 point taught masters degree in Environmental Management. This has just been given the go-ahead from the Committee on University Academic Programmes (CUAP) and will be available from Semester 1, 2022. It builds upon the long-established PGDipSci and MSc options, and the existing foundations of critical social science will be augmented with new courses with a more applied focus. The fairly tight programme and the core course (701) will ensure that all students get a coherent and well-rounded experience, but with space to include courses from related subjects, as well.

With our recently-appointed new colleagues we will be able to roll out a full programme in 2022:

Semester 1

  • ENVMGT 741: Social Change for Sustainability (Georgia Pigott)
  • ENVMGT 744: Resource Management (Karen Fisher)
  • ENVMGT 749: Environmental Sociotechnologies (Emma Sharp)
  • ENVMGT 751: River Management (Gary Brierley)

Semester 2

  • ENVMGT 701: Environmental Management in Practice (Brad Coombes + other staff)
  • ENVMGT 742: Social Dimensions of Global Environmental Change (Meg Parson)
  • ENVMGT 746: Collaborative Environmental Management (Brad Coombes)
  • ENVMGT: 748: Coastal Management (Emma Ryan)

Brad Coombes is the Environmental Management programme adviser.

Rangahau – Research

Gary Brierley, Presentations at the NZ-China Tripartite Agreement Webinar 

As an extension to his role on the UoA International Committee, Gary Brierley made two presentations at a New Zealand-China Tripartite Agreement Webinar hosted by Education New Zealand and the University of Auckland on Tuesday 16th November. The UoA-Tsinghua-Qinghua University case study included presentations by Xilai Li (PhD supervised by George Perry), Xiaoqing Li (PhD supervised by Luitgard Schwendenmann) and Meiqin Han (PhD supervised by Gary Brierley). Presentations were really well received, with this case study considered the primary exemplar for the Tripartite agreement. In his individual keynote address, Gary highlighted ‘key rooms and moments’ and ’Blood, sweat and tears’ in such international deliberations. 

In a separate Invited Keynote address, Gary presented the evening lecture at the 13th SINAGEO Conference in Brazil on Wednesday 17th November. Although desperately missing his ‘caiparinha in-hand’, his talk on ‘Truth of the Riverscape’ seemed to be well received (it’s never easy to tell under prevailing online circumstances). 

In both instances, logistical support for zoom related translation services was exemplary … clearly this is a growth sector right now, probably setting precedents for future international engagements. 


Marsden – bid writing support

Please contact Kathryn or Franca if you’re going to apply for a Marsden grant this year and would like to request bid writing support.  Three levels of support is available (general proof reading; editorial review; or full bid development)  Please submit your request by mid December at the latest.  Note funding is limited, and not all requests will be able to be supported. 


Research Projects impacted by Covid-19

Please advise your RPC if any of your research projects have been impacted by Covid-19 so we can discuss options to resolve impacts. Note, key information on research continuity through COVID-19 is being updated regularly via COVID-19: Researcher continuity support and information.


Antarctica field work

Any one preparing funding bids that involve fieldwork in Antarctica is encouraged to contact Esme Robinson ( Science Programme Advisor, at Antarctica New Zealand early in the development of their research plan so that they can support the preparation of a logistically feasible application.


Research Assistant position available

The Sustainability Practices for a Future-focussed Faculty Initiative is concerned with finding gaps and opportunities for the Faculty of Science (FoS) to achieve a higher degree of sustainability. The research team is examining potential pathways for transitioning to new ways of doing things regarding our carbon emissions, lab-based teaching and research, and our sustainability mindset. The team is seeking input from the Faculty of Science’s staff and postgraduate students, which will help inform the University’s sustainability strategy. Engagement will include interviews and surveys. The data will be collected and coded in NVivo with the support of three Research Assistants (RAs), and the analysis and insights will be informed by transition theory frameworks. The initiative is led by Robin Kearns,  Gillian Lewis (Associate Dean Sustainability), and Caroline Roughneen (FoS Strategic Projects Manager). The initiative leaders have appointed a Research Fellow (RF), Dr Barbara Ribeiro, to act as Project Lead (designing the research structure, providing a theoretical grounding, and day to day project management). We are seeking  a further suitably qualified  RA experienced in conducting interviews and undertaking qualitative research.  Theis researcher would start at the primary data collection phase (mid-October)  and continue until  the project is completed by December 17th. Pay rate to be assessed by experience and qualifications by HR. For further information and /or to apply,  please contact Barbara at


Funding Call 

Plastics Innovation Fund

***Application Deadline 20 June 2022***

The purpose of the Plastics Innovation Fund is to support projects that will minimise plastic waste and its harm on the environment. The fund is seeking to fund projects that find ways to use less plastic and make what we do use reusable or recyclable.  It is targeted at projects that: minimise plastic waste; support circular solutions; protect the environment from harm; support the reduction of imported plastic; and improve the behaviour of people and businesses (up the waste hierarchy).  For further information visit the funder website or refer the Funder guidelines.  You can also view a One-hour webinar about the fund


Funding Call 

Near-Miss Fund

***Application Deadline 22 November***

The purpose is to provide support to PIs who successfully progressed to the second stage of a major external funding round but missed out at the final stage. The fund will provide up to $10,000 for research activity that will improve the chances of the project’s success in a future round. We envisage being able to fund up to 10 applications in the 2021 round. Note – targeted funders are MBIE, HRC and Marsden or similar (the deadline has been set so that unsuccessful Marsden applicants will have time to submit an application if they wish). The Near Miss Fund Guidelines and Application form can be found on the staff intranet.


Fostering Collaborations fund

***Application Deadline 22 November***

This fund is to provide support to clusters of staff wishing to develop and deepen collaborations across the Faculty and beyond. The fund will provide up to $20,000 for research-related activity that will support initiatives that may:

  1. a) Lead to the development of a School/Department, Faculty, or University level Research Centre under the new Research Centres policy
  2. b) Continue and enhance the activities facilitated by those existing Faculty Research Themes that are still active
  3. c) Enhance existing or seed new transdisciplinary research collaborations  
  4. d) Lead to the submission of a collaborative bid to an external research funding agency

We envisage being able to support up to 15 applications in the 2021 round. The Fostering Collaborations Fund Guidelines and Application form can be found on the staff intranet.


Transport Research Scholarships

***Application Deadline 12 November***

Te Manatū Waka–Ministry of Transport and Waka Kotahi, NZ Transport Agency have established, and jointly fund, new Transport Research Scholarships. The scholarships were established to support students undertaking postgraduate research focusing on transport and its role and impact on Aotearoa New Zealand society. Many of the suggested topics are Engineering/Science related but there are also topics relating to sustainability, wellbeing, supply chains, data governance, economic productivity, equity, infrastructure, compliance. You can find all the details using these links:

Transport Research Scholarships | Universities New Zealand – Te Pōkai Tara (

Transport Research Scholarships Regulations.pdf (


MBIE 2022 Endeavour Fund: transforming New Zealand’s future

***Smart Ideas Registration Deadline 22 October***

The Fund aims too:
• support research science or technology, or related activities that have high potential to positively transform Aotearoa New Zealand’s economic, environmental, and societal outcomes, and give effect to the Vision Mātauranga policy; and
• drive an increasing focus on: excellent research; and, the potential for impact in areas of future value, growth or critical need for Aotearoa New Zealand.

Smart Ideas are intended to catalyse and rapidly test promising, innovative research ideas with high potential for benefit to New Zealand, to enable refresh and diversity in the science portfolio.
• Value: $0.4 – $1 million over the term of the contract
• Duration: 2 or 3 years
Registration Deadline – Friday 22 October 2021
• Concepts Deadline – Tuesday 16 November 2021

Research Programmes are intended to support ambitious, excellent, and well-defined research ideas which will have credible and high potential to positively transform New Zealand’s future in areas of future value, growth, or critical need (as set out in the Investment Signals).
• Value: $0.5 million or more per year
• Duration: 3, 4 or 5 years
Registration deadline: Tuesday, 30 November 2021
• Full proposal: Friday 18 February 2022

Guidelines and other important documents are available from your RPC or via the MBIE Endeavour Fund Website. 

Support initiatives: There are a number of support initiatives running for both Smart Idea and Research Programmes. If you intend to apply and haven’t yet made contact with your RPC please do so asap.


Pelling M, Biesbroek R, Caretta MA, Cissé G, Costello MJ, Ebi KL, Gunn EL, Kerr RB, Parmesan C. Schuster-Wallace C, van Aalst MK, Woodward A, 2021. Synergies between COVID-19 and climate change impacts and responses. Journal of Extreme Events, online.

Fryirs, K., & Brierley, G. (2021). How far have management practices come in ‘working with the river’?. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.

More Information

Need to store and share research data? Request Research storage or UoA Dropbox for research

Queries about virtual machines? Virtual machine consult or Nectar Research Cloud?

ResearchHub: connects people, resources, and services

Remote working issues: Please refer to the remote working page. If you do not find the answers to your questions, please log a call on the IT Portal for any IT-related issues or contact the Staff Service Centre for other queries.

Two-factor Authentication : Authy

YubiKeys work but of course require a USB port.

VPN: Instructions on how to install

VPN, Linux: FortiClient is running fine on Linux.  Check the VPN link listed above.

VPN, Mac desktops: (information from April, may be outdated).  Students may need IT to make their machines mobile and install FortiClient directly from the website.  They will also need to set-up two-factor authentication by downloading an app like “Authy” on their phones and then setting up their University of Auckland account.  I suggest people do this part before IT gets to them to make the process faster.  To do that, they can use the instructions on this page:

To get a mobile account set up, log a service request or go to one of the service kiosks. It is unclear how this is being done remotely but I am sure this can be done. Please let me Ingo ( know if you have managed to install FortiClient on their macs remotely.

FlexIT and Remote Access

FlexIT is straight-forward for remote access to computing power and programs. Alternatively, check if your project/group or so has a virtual machine. Remote desktop access to specific machines can be set up by IT but may note be reliable. Check the Staff Service Center

Remote access is possible to some workstations in the geocomputational lab for research, and on a needs basis.  This may be a viable solution for specialized data analysis.  Please look into alternatives: It is unclear however, if/how on-site desktops can be maintained, if needed..

FlexIT access and requests: Use the FlexIT form in the IT Portal to request access as a staff member, to ask for an application be added, or to report any issues or faults.

FlexIT, Linux: Please check FlexIT link:  It does not have any information on Linux but should be useful for “translation”.

Depending on your browser (in particular, Firefox), you also need to do the following, from

“…tested with the Horizon 4.8.x and 4.10.x clients and Firefox v64.0. Both are 64bit versions, running on Ubuntu 18.04.1

Download the client from the VMWare Horizon Client for 64-bit Linux
In Firefox, open about:config and click through the warning.
Add a new boolean entry called network.protocol-handler.expose.vmware-view and set the value to false
Create a file called `test.html` somewhere on your computer and put the following in it: test
Open the file in Firefox and click on the link, which should prompt you for a path to open the link.
Select /usr/bin/vmware-view and it should work for future uses! “

(1) was provided by UoA but I think it works with generic software from VMWare as well.

Check with Ingo ( if you run into problems.

Software licenses: Software vendors have relaxed their licensing to allow students to install software at home, rather than relying on Flex IT. There is a running list here

Please email content to Isabella for next edition of P-cubed by Friday

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 69 – Monday 22nd November, 2021

Issue 68 – Monday 8th November, 2021

November 8, 2021 • ijor070


The final comment in an email from a workmate last week read: “I think I hit the motivational low point today”. Two aspects struck me. First, the candid admission itself, and second the implied fatigue.

I’m not sure I would have encountered that sort of frank postscript from other than a close colleague in previous years. On the upside, for all the slog of this lockdown year it’s brought many of us closer in solidarity.  Just as lockdowns have led to a more porous landscape of work (being party to passing kids and cats on zoom etc), so too there’s been a growing porosity of emotional terrain. We are increasingly giving voice to feelings as well as considered thoughts. All positive in my books.

“Being professional” is all very well but a veneer of efficiency can at times mask how we really are doing. I wouldn’t want to see a zoom meeting become a group therapy session. Nonetheless admissions of how we are doing that reach deeper than a passing courtesy offer opportunities for words of solidarity. Or, if deeper revelations of difficulty emerge, perhaps practical offers of assistance. This, of all times, is a time to be real.

The second aspect of that comment about hitting a motivational low point is this: so many of us (the majority even) are deeply tired. Tired of, among other things:  confinement, 2-D work-life, living according to Covid-related regulations, being harnessed to our laptops, not being able to make plans and, for some, a sense of exile from family and close friends. 

I see it as no coincidence that this comment about motivation was offered the day after our all-staff Wrap-up session and from someone I regard as one of my more highly motivated workmates. In a sense it can feel like a bitter pill that with the External Review and the Curriculum Transformation Project we are presented with the challenge for change at the very time we hunger for elusive ‘normality’ and stability.

I suspect we all deeply crave and need a break and I sincerely hope you’re all planning on one, as much as we can plan in these times. I also suspect we need to catch breath and see that, on balance, the Review affirmed at least as much as it nudged and challenged. But along the way towards a School-wide response, I’d just ask we ‘do a Jacinda’ and be kind to each other, giving others the benefit of the doubt.

And, be kind to ourselves. Unplug when we can (and I’m writing an exhortation to myself as much as others here) to find those deep breaths, quiet moments and restorative places that can offer a little ascent out of the times of motivational lows.

It’s not new year yet but never too early for resolutions. A realisation I’ve had is I can no longer keep up the necessary work-week gusto if I work on weekends, as I did most of the year till now. So, feel free to email me on a weekend, but I’m off-air until Monday morning. In emergencies there’s always the phone. At this weary end of the year, and as the weather improves, I encourage others to do the same….

One of the gifts of being in this Acting Head role is having a bird’s eye perspective (or, in light of Bird of the Year result, is that a bat’s radar understanding?) of how incredibly passionate people in our School are about their research and engagement with the world. While the Wrap-up session didn’t literally wrap up the year I hope it’s been a prompt to look ahead to the summer (in all its uncertainties). I hope we can all see ways to re-find motivation. And I hope we can all reflect on how we can move forward in a time when environmental change (university-based, nationally covid-driven, and at large on Earth) is both the present and future rolled into one.      


A few other matters  

  • Reiterated congratulations to Marden Grant recipients: Tara Coleman (‘Lived experience and geography of young-onset Parkinson’s disease’) and Nick Lewis, with Tom Baker and Emma Sharp (‘Global management consultancies, extra statecraft, and the great reset’)
  • Thanks to Platform and Committee leads who have prepared budget bids for 2022. The School Finance committee is meeting this week to consider these against our allocation.


  • As many of you will know as part of our budget bid in the 3 Year plan we were granted a Lectureship in Environmental Science. The position description has now been drafted and approved by Steering Group and we hope it’s out in the world soon.


  • Finally, the opportunity the opportunity to gather as a School off-zoom to mark the end of the year seems to be slipping away, so as a reminder of the delight of being together here is a pic from the all-staff ‘Retreat’ back in June:

Robin Kearns 08/11/21


Whakawhanaungatanga – Communities

A new arrival

Brendon Blue would like to let everyone know that he and Octavia’s wee boy arrived on Labour Day morning. “Marius (Alexander Salvatore Calder-Dawe) Blue – yes he isn’t short of middle names – is small (born 2.6kg) but well-formed. Inheriting his dad’s appetite is serving him well, and he has already regained and now surpassed his birth weight. After being in and out of hospital a bit over the last week, for Mum rather than him, we are now settling into a rather different kind home life down here in Wellington”

Congratulations to the proud parents in Wellington  …and to Lyndsay here.


Media Release from the Marsden Project, 

PhD student Anthony Shorrock joins a large team of international scientists, led by Dr Lorna Strachan from University of Auckland, investigating whether long-term sea-level rise associated with climate change, impacts the frequency of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

Click here to access the media release article 


Half-Earth Day 2021, online conference 

Prof. Costello was an invited speaker at the “Half-Earth Day 2021” online conference on 22nd October with over 3,000 registrations and in the eminent company of David Attenborough, E O Wilson, Johan Rockström and others.


IT Committee – “Big Data”

We may have additional end-of-year funding for “Big Data” purchases.  Please contact Michael Martin ( if you are interested.  We encourage specifically purchases of data for research and/or teaching from which several ENV members will benefit, ideally across disciplines.

Please let us know by Wed., 10 Nov. evening.

We should also have more information on the potential level of funding by then.

Thank you, Michael and Ingo


Student Support

If students are struggling support is available:

Te Papa Manaaki | Campus Care

Financial Support

Covid will have likely have impacted progress for many so there are Postgraduate Extensions and Fee Waivers programmes. Note International students will need to consider visas!

Honours and Masters (as you know who will have been impacted please don’t wait for the last few days before the submission deadline to apply!)


If any doctoral students are ‘twiddling their thumbs’ because they can’t get into labs or do fieldwork it may be a good time for them to generally upskill:

Note to supervisors: Domestic PhD Admissions of those eligible for the guaranteed University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarships are up so it has become even more competitive for international applicants. Please manage expectations around this as you communicate with international enquiries.

Upcoming Events

School of Environment Research Awards Function 

Please join us at School of Environment Research Awards Function  which will take place on the 9th of November from 11:00 – 12:30 on Zoom.

 Join Zoom Meeting


ESP Mini Conference 2021: Save the Date!

The Auckland Emerging Spatial Professionals are excited to announce this year’s mini conference (covid permitting). More information to follow but for now – keep Saturday 13th November 2021 free in your calendars!

Register here:\


Erionite Webinar with Dr Jasmine Rita Petriglieri, Tues 16 Nov 2021, 6:00pm

Dr Jasmine Rita Petriglieri will be presenting about ‘Natural Occurrences of Asbestos in New Caledonia.
Development of new tools for risk evaluation in natural sites’. Please click the link below for more information and the zoom link. 

Attachment for more info + Zoom Meeting ­


NEW DATE: School of Environment Online Seminar, 19 Nov 2021, 1-3pm 

Friday 19th November 1-3PM :  School of Environment online Seminar: Engaging in the changing environmental policy and legislative landscape

Join us for an interactive afternoon discussion on Aotearoa New Zealand’s much anticipated new resource management legislation. Find out about ways that your research might help inform policy and practice in an interactive discussion with Dr Alison Collins, the Chief Science Advisor of the Ministry for the Environment and Professor Ken Hughey, the Chief Science Advisor of the Department of Conservation.

The School of Environment teams up with Koi Tu Centre for Informed Futures for this special online seminar.

Register now: Engaging in the changing environmental policy and legislative landscape Tickets, Fri 19/11/2021 at 1:00 PM | Eventbrite 


ResBaz Aotearoa/NZ 2021, 22-26 November

We, the Centre for eResearch, LOVE the usual ResBaz 3-day cohort event that is full of digital research skills workshops, social activities, and amazing food. However, like last year, we find ourselves having to imagine chatting over donuts or nachos.  

Join us for any of the 42+ FREE & ONLINE digital research skills workshops –
Shorts sessions offer a brief practical introduction to a broad selection of topics and tools related to digital research practice relevant across disciplines – research data management, using Jupyter Notebooks, Linux commandline, open access, writing in LaTeX, research compute, Tidy Data, Open Refine, creating surveys with Qualtrics, qualitative analysis with NVivo, GLAM workbench, working with social media data, managing genomics data, Māori and Pacific research using digital tools, etc.
Longer sessions provide a hands-on learning experience delivered by research staff and postgraduate students in a range of topics – Google Earth Engine, version control of documents and code, R and RStudio, Python, producing publication ready figures, building personal websites, .. and much more.

We welcome ALL Aotearoa /NZ researchers and postgraduate students from ANY discipline to look at the schedule and book for individual sessions. Research technologists, librarians and those who support researchers should also come along!


Environment Examiners’ Meetings for Semester 2 on Zoom

 Tuesday 23 November

  • Earth Sciences: 0900-1030 
  • Environmental Science: 1100-1230 
  • Geography: 1400-1600 

The deadline for completing exam marking and submitting them on canvas is Friday 19 November, 9 am.

The zoom link will send by email when it is close to the meeting date.


Submission of Final Grade Deadline  –  Thu 25 November, 3 pm

  • The final grades are submitted electronically through Canvas only after the Examiners’ meeting
  • For guidance on submitting final grades from Canvas, see the Canvas final grades submission process on the Examinations webpage
  • From this semester, there is no need for submitting the Grade Approval Sheets, and we will replace them with our Final Grade Submission Notification
  • Once completed, it will automatically generate an email and send it to the Results, Course director, Examiners/Assessors.



FOS: Teaching and Learning Symposium 2021 – Tuesday 16th November 10-3pm

Click here to access the Programme Schedule 


New programme: Master of Environmental Management

We will soon be offering a new 180 point taught masters degree in Environmental Management. This has just been given the go-ahead from the Committee on University Academic Programmes (CUAP) and will be available from Semester 1, 2022. It builds upon the long-established PGDipSci and MSc options, and the existing foundations of critical social science will be augmented with new courses with a more applied focus. The fairly tight programme and the core course (701) will ensure that all students get a coherent and well-rounded experience, but with space to include courses from related subjects, as well.

With our recently-appointed new colleagues we will be able to roll out a full programme in 2022:

Semester 1

  • ENVMGT 741: Social Change for Sustainability (Georgia Pigott)
  • ENVMGT 744: Resource Management (Karen Fisher)
  • ENVMGT 749: Environmental Sociotechnologies (Emma Sharp)
  • ENVMGT 751: River Management (Gary Brierley)

Semester 2

  • ENVMGT 701: Environmental Management in Practice (Brad Coombes + other staff)
  • ENVMGT 742: Social Dimensions of Global Environmental Change (Meg Parson)
  • ENVMGT 746: Collaborative Environmental Management (Brad Coombes)
  • ENVMGT: 748: Coastal Management (Emma Ryan)

Brad Coombes is the Environmental Management programme adviser.

Rangahau – Research

Marsden – bid writing support

Please contact Kathryn or Franca if you’re going to apply for a Marsden grant this year and would like to request bid writing support.  Three levels of support is available (general proof reading; editorial review; or full bid development)  Please submit your request by mid December at the latest.  Note funding is limited, and not all requests will be able to be supported. 


Research Projects impacted by Covid-19

Please advise your RPC if any of your research projects have been impacted by Covid-19 so we can discuss options to resolve impacts. Note, key information on research continuity through COVID-19 is being updated regularly via COVID-19: Researcher continuity support and information.


Antarctica field work

Any one preparing funding bids that involve fieldwork in Antarctica is encouraged to contact Esme Robinson ( Science Programme Advisor, at Antarctica New Zealand early in the development of their research plan so that they can support the preparation of a logistically feasible application.


Student Sustainability Research Awards
We welcome applications for the Faculty of Science Student Sustainability Research Awards. Awards of up to $2,000 each are available to students within the Faculty of Science to support the student’s living costs. $2,000 will be awarded for a full year project that is located within a formal qualification, for example an Honours dissertation, or a Masters or PhD project. For shorter projects up to $500 will be awarded.

The awards are open to applications from postgraduate students who are undertaking a research project and are enrolled (or have recently completed) in the Faculty of Science (or whose primary discipline is administered through the FoS). Supervisors with a project can identify a suitable student and encourage them to apply. Applications for small projects that are not a formal part of the student’s degree or diploma programme will be considered. Preference will be given to non-doctoral students and those without an existing stipend.

Please note that projects can be supervised by any University of Auckland staff member.

This round of awards is suitable for current or recently completed Masters or PhD students, or students who would like to undertake a project over the summer. For students intending to begin their Honours or Masters projects next year we ask that you instead wait to apply in our first 2022 round, which will open in April 2022.

Applications for this round will close at 5pm on Thursday 4 November

For more details, including application forms, please check this link. 


Research Assistant position available

The Sustainability Practices for a Future-focussed Faculty Initiative is concerned with finding gaps and opportunities for the Faculty of Science (FoS) to achieve a higher degree of sustainability. The research team is examining potential pathways for transitioning to new ways of doing things regarding our carbon emissions, lab-based teaching and research, and our sustainability mindset. The team is seeking input from the Faculty of Science’s staff and postgraduate students, which will help inform the University’s sustainability strategy. Engagement will include interviews and surveys. The data will be collected and coded in NVivo with the support of three Research Assistants (RAs), and the analysis and insights will be informed by transition theory frameworks. The initiative is led by Robin Kearns,  Gillian Lewis (Associate Dean Sustainability), and Caroline Roughneen (FoS Strategic Projects Manager). The initiative leaders have appointed a Research Fellow (RF), Dr Barbara Ribeiro, to act as Project Lead (designing the research structure, providing a theoretical grounding, and day to day project management). We are seeking  a further suitably qualified  RA experienced in conducting interviews and undertaking qualitative research.  Theis researcher would start at the primary data collection phase (mid-October)  and continue until  the project is completed by December 17th. Pay rate to be assessed by experience and qualifications by HR. For further information and /or to apply,  please contact Barbara at


Funding Call 

Plastics Innovation Fund

***Application Deadline 20 June 2022***

The purpose of the Plastics Innovation Fund is to support projects that will minimise plastic waste and its harm on the environment. The fund is seeking to fund projects that find ways to use less plastic and make what we do use reusable or recyclable.  It is targeted at projects that: minimise plastic waste; support circular solutions; protect the environment from harm; support the reduction of imported plastic; and improve the behaviour of people and businesses (up the waste hierarchy).  For further information visit the funder website or refer the Funder guidelines.  You can also view a One-hour webinar about the fund


Funding Call 

Near-Miss Fund

***Application Deadline 22 November***

The purpose is to provide support to PIs who successfully progressed to the second stage of a major external funding round but missed out at the final stage. The fund will provide up to $10,000 for research activity that will improve the chances of the project’s success in a future round. We envisage being able to fund up to 10 applications in the 2021 round. Note – targeted funders are MBIE, HRC and Marsden or similar (the deadline has been set so that unsuccessful Marsden applicants will have time to submit an application if they wish). The Near Miss Fund Guidelines and Application form can be found on the staff intranet.


Fostering Collaborations fund

***Application Deadline 22 November***

This fund is to provide support to clusters of staff wishing to develop and deepen collaborations across the Faculty and beyond. The fund will provide up to $20,000 for research-related activity that will support initiatives that may:

  1. a) Lead to the development of a School/Department, Faculty, or University level Research Centre under the new Research Centres policy
  2. b) Continue and enhance the activities facilitated by those existing Faculty Research Themes that are still active
  3. c) Enhance existing or seed new transdisciplinary research collaborations  
  4. d) Lead to the submission of a collaborative bid to an external research funding agency

We envisage being able to support up to 15 applications in the 2021 round. The Fostering Collaborations Fund Guidelines and Application form can be found on the staff intranet.


Transport Research Scholarships

***Application Deadline 12 November***

Te Manatū Waka–Ministry of Transport and Waka Kotahi, NZ Transport Agency have established, and jointly fund, new Transport Research Scholarships. The scholarships were established to support students undertaking postgraduate research focusing on transport and its role and impact on Aotearoa New Zealand society. Many of the suggested topics are Engineering/Science related but there are also topics relating to sustainability, wellbeing, supply chains, data governance, economic productivity, equity, infrastructure, compliance. You can find all the details using these links:

Transport Research Scholarships | Universities New Zealand – Te Pōkai Tara (

Transport Research Scholarships Regulations.pdf (


MBIE 2022 Endeavour Fund: transforming New Zealand’s future

***Smart Ideas Registration Deadline 22 October***

The Fund aims too:
• support research science or technology, or related activities that have high potential to positively transform Aotearoa New Zealand’s economic, environmental, and societal outcomes, and give effect to the Vision Mātauranga policy; and
• drive an increasing focus on: excellent research; and, the potential for impact in areas of future value, growth or critical need for Aotearoa New Zealand.

Smart Ideas are intended to catalyse and rapidly test promising, innovative research ideas with high potential for benefit to New Zealand, to enable refresh and diversity in the science portfolio.
• Value: $0.4 – $1 million over the term of the contract
• Duration: 2 or 3 years
Registration Deadline – Friday 22 October 2021
• Concepts Deadline – Tuesday 16 November 2021

Research Programmes are intended to support ambitious, excellent, and well-defined research ideas which will have credible and high potential to positively transform New Zealand’s future in areas of future value, growth, or critical need (as set out in the Investment Signals).
• Value: $0.5 million or more per year
• Duration: 3, 4 or 5 years
Registration deadline: Tuesday, 30 November 2021
• Full proposal: Friday 18 February 2022

Guidelines and other important documents are available from your RPC or via the MBIE Endeavour Fund Website. 

Support initiatives: There are a number of support initiatives running for both Smart Idea and Research Programmes. If you intend to apply and haven’t yet made contact with your RPC please do so asap.


MBIE 2022 Te Pūnaha Hihiko: Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund

The Fund aims to:

  • strengthen capability, capacity, skills and networks between Māori and the science and innovation system, and
  • increase understanding of how research can contribute to the aspirations of Māori organisations and deliver benefit for Aotearoa

Funding is available through two schemes, each in support of the Fund’s aims: 

  • Connect Scheme: Build new connections between Māori organisations and the science and innovation system 
  • Placement scheme: Enhance the development of an individual(s) through placement in a Partner organisation

The work programme term for both Connect and Placement schemes is up to 2 years.

  • $150,000 (ex GST) – max funding per proposal for projects up to 1 year in length
  • $250,000 (ex GST) – max funding per proposal between 1-2 years in length

Key elements (see Call for Proposals for full eligibility requirements): 

  • Proposals must be co-developed with a Māori organisation (with either UoA or Māori organisation as lead contractor, and the other as the partner organisation)
  • Proposals must include co-funding at a minimum of 10% of requested amount
  • Proposals must not include any full-time tertiary or school students
  • For the placement scheme, the proposal must name the placement individual(s) 
  • Funding must not be for activities for the same purpose already funded by any government agency
  • Research project must directly strive to achieve the Fund’s aims and support the themes and outcomes of MBIE’s Vision Mātauranga policy (Indigenous Innovation, Taiao, Hauora/Oranga, Mātauranga (and not solely address hauora/health 

For further information, please visit the funders website

Internal Deadline: 12 noon, Tuesday 2 November 2021


Montaño, J., Coco, G., Chataigner, T., Yates, M., Le Dantec, N., Suanez, S., Cagigal, L., Floc’h, F. and Townend, I., 2021. Time‐scales of a Dune‐Beach System and Implications for Shoreline Modelling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, p.e2021JF006169.

Jefferson T., Costello MJ, Zhao Q, Lundquist C. 2021. Conserving threatened marine species and biodiversity requires 40% ocean protection. Biological Conservation 264, 109368.

Costello MJ, Dekeyzer S, Galil BS, Hutchings P, Katsanevakis S, Pagad S, Robinson TB, Turon X, Vandepitte L, Vanhoorne B, Verfaille K, Willan RC, Rius M. 2021. Introducing the World Register of Introduced Marine Species (WRiMS). Management of Biological Invasions, in press.

Manes S, Grey, K-A, Debnath A, Costello MJ, Vale MM. 2021. Imperiled by climate change: global biodiversity rich-spots. In: Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier, 2021, ISBN 9780124095489,

Costello MJ. 2021. Biodiversity conservation through protected areas supports healthy ecosystems and resilience to climate change and other disturbances. In: Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier, ISBN 9780124095489.

More Information

Need to store and share research data? Request Research storage or UoA Dropbox for research

Queries about virtual machines? Virtual machine consult or Nectar Research Cloud?

ResearchHub: connects people, resources, and services

Remote working issues: Please refer to the remote working page. If you do not find the answers to your questions, please log a call on the IT Portal for any IT-related issues or contact the Staff Service Centre for other queries.

Two-factor Authentication : Authy

YubiKeys work but of course require a USB port.

VPN: Instructions on how to install

VPN, Linux: FortiClient is running fine on Linux.  Check the VPN link listed above.

VPN, Mac desktops: (information from April, may be outdated).  Students may need IT to make their machines mobile and install FortiClient directly from the website.  They will also need to set-up two-factor authentication by downloading an app like “Authy” on their phones and then setting up their University of Auckland account.  I suggest people do this part before IT gets to them to make the process faster.  To do that, they can use the instructions on this page:

To get a mobile account set up, log a service request or go to one of the service kiosks. It is unclear how this is being done remotely but I am sure this can be done. Please let me Ingo ( know if you have managed to install FortiClient on their macs remotely.

FlexIT and Remote Access

FlexIT is straight-forward for remote access to computing power and programs. Alternatively, check if your project/group or so has a virtual machine. Remote desktop access to specific machines can be set up by IT but may note be reliable. Check the Staff Service Center

Remote access is possible to some workstations in the geocomputational lab for research, and on a needs basis.  This may be a viable solution for specialized data analysis.  Please look into alternatives: It is unclear however, if/how on-site desktops can be maintained, if needed..

FlexIT access and requests: Use the FlexIT form in the IT Portal to request access as a staff member, to ask for an application be added, or to report any issues or faults.

FlexIT, Linux: Please check FlexIT link:  It does not have any information on Linux but should be useful for “translation”.

Depending on your browser (in particular, Firefox), you also need to do the following, from

“…tested with the Horizon 4.8.x and 4.10.x clients and Firefox v64.0. Both are 64bit versions, running on Ubuntu 18.04.1

Download the client from the VMWare Horizon Client for 64-bit Linux
In Firefox, open about:config and click through the warning.
Add a new boolean entry called network.protocol-handler.expose.vmware-view and set the value to false
Create a file called `test.html` somewhere on your computer and put the following in it: test
Open the file in Firefox and click on the link, which should prompt you for a path to open the link.
Select /usr/bin/vmware-view and it should work for future uses! “

(1) was provided by UoA but I think it works with generic software from VMWare as well.

Check with Ingo ( if you run into problems.

Software licenses: Software vendors have relaxed their licensing to allow students to install software at home, rather than relying on Flex IT. There is a running list here

Please email content to Isabella for next edition of P-cubed by Friday

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 68 – Monday 8th November, 2021

Issue 67 – Monday 25th October 2021

October 26, 2021 • ijor070


The world is full of surprises. Here on the motu, a resident was woken at 3am on the weekend to fine a kororā (little blue penguin) among the dishes on his kitchen bench.

 Political surprises too. Who’d have thought of the audacity: a pekapeka (native bat) is on the ballot paper for Bird of the Year (by the way, have you voted yet? I hope so. If, Team Kororā would love you to give our beleaguered penguin top-polling).

Surprises abound. Maybe more so because its spring. I’m annually astonished at the acrobatics of the blossom-crazed tui and the elegance of the new flowering spears on the harakeke (flax).

 And, surprise surprise, here we are still locked-down and, for most of us, locked out of our usual workplace. Who’d have thought?

But, to reframe the rhetorical question, haven’t we done well? It’s been bumpy, frustrating, imperfect and isolating …..but, we’ve reached the end of the semester and navigated through the longest lockdown in Auckland. And it ain’t over yet….

As Acting-HoS, should I be surprised we’ve made it this far with so few dramas?  Yes and no. Yes, I believe we should never lose the delight at discovering what we can do under trying circumstances. But no, I’m not really surprised.

We are part of a great – and oh so diverse – team.  And I am continually and genuinely impressed by the willingness of so many to step in and step up to ensure things get done, students’ needs are met and creative solutions to various challenges developed.  Such a healthy culture-shift from many university Departments of old where the Head ruled the roost and autocratic decisions were the daily norm.

That we’re an impressive team, busy working creatively within a distributed leadership structure, was one bit of preliminary feedback offered by the Chair of the External Review Committee. What surprises await in the Review? Will there be surprises or expected imperatives? All I have received so far are indications. But all will be revealed at the annual All-staff ‘Wrap Up’ afternoon on Wednesday 3rd November.  Be there (virtually) and we’ll work through the Review Panel’s recommendations….. or else be elsewhere and more surprised than I’d prefer you to be!

Meantime, if you hear a nocturnal clattering in your kitchen, it could just be a kororā hoping for your vote. It’s the season of the birds and spring is the season of surprise.

Oh, and news:

One of our wonderful Technical Services Team had a well-earned surprise last week. Big congratulations to David Adams, recipient of a Special Achievement accolade in the Faculty’s  2021 Professional Staff Excellence Awards. Superb and very big congratulations, David!

Emma Sharp has kindly agreed to be Acting Chair of the School’s Equity Committee while Sonia Fonua is on parental leave.

We received approval from the Committee on University Academic Programmes (CUAP) for our new  Master of Environmental Management which will be a 180 point taught masters (more below). Thanks to Gary, David, Brad and others who made this happen.

And, to reiterate, we have the all-staff Wrap-Up session next Wednesday 3rd November. Please reserve the revised time of 1pm-4pm. ( Zoom invite to follow). We need this duration and need you there to begin ‘digesting’ the External Review report which I expect to receive later this week.

Have a great 20% shortened work week

Robin Kearns  24/10/21

Whakawhanaungatanga – Communities

Half-Earth Day 2021, online conference 

Prof. Costello was an invited speaker at the “Half-Earth Day 2021” online conference on 22nd October with over 3,000 registrations and in the eminent company of David Attenborough, E O Wilson, Johan Rockström and others.


Congratulations RTEA!

We have been awarded “Best New Club of the Year”  in the 2021 Clubs Awards

We would like to thank all students and stuff who have supported and attended our events throughout the year. We look forward to a long and prosperous future.


IT Committee:

Please let us know by Tue., 26/10, night, if you are planning to request any major new software or data next year that may potentially be covered by the IT Committee’s budget.  This is for our information only and of course non-committal.  We will send out a broader call later in the year.

Thank you, Ingo (


Auckland Council Position, Compliance Monitoring Officer 

Maria Dio is recruiting for the Licensing and Compliance Department with the Auckland Council and she is currently looking for people who will be interested to work as a Compliance Monitoring Officer. These roles are Full-time Permanent roles and there are vacancies in North (Orewa based), Central and West Auckland. 

Click here to access the link for the position application 

Maria’s email: 


Supervisor Development

Dr Hugh Kearns gave a very useful fabulous webinar on the 7th October called ‘Giving Good Feedback’ and if you didn’t have time for the 2 hour session it may still be worth having a look at the slides and notes distributed. 

You can access the notes and the slides of the webinar by clicking the links below


Feedback(Auckland)(Supervisor) slides

My Feedback Style – self assessment sheet 

You also might also be interested in the following supervisor development sessions coming up:

Research Supervision Masterclass                                                                                                                                        Date: Nov 2nd                                                                                                                                                                                                              Time: 1000-1230                                                                                                                                                                         Book in Career Tools


Student Support

If students are struggling support is available:

Te Papa Manaaki | Campus Care

Financial Support

Covid will have likely have impacted progress for many so there are Postgraduate Extensions and Fee Waivers programmes. Note International students will need to consider visas!

Honours and Masters (as you know who will have been impacted please don’t wait for the last few days before the submission deadline to apply!)


If any doctoral students are ‘twiddling their thumbs’ because they can’t get into labs or do fieldwork it may be a good time for them to generally upskill:

Note to supervisors: Domestic PhD Admissions of those eligible for the guaranteed University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarships are up so it has become even more competitive for international applicants. Please manage expectations around this as you communicate with international enquiries.

Upcoming Events

Honours Presentations on Wednesday 27 October

The Honours and MENS (30 point) students will be presenting their research projects on Wednesday 27 October via Zoom. (This is the same day at the Masters presentations.) Please do call by the Zoom room to hear what they are up to.

Further details including the zoom link are in the attached document:

Semester 2 Presentations


ENV Masters Research Seminars, 27 Oct 2021


FT Year 2021 students will present their masters thesis research. This will be a valuable opportunity for ENV masters students to get feedback, and all staff and PG students are encouraged to attend.

27 Oct 2021

Convenor: Phil Shane (general enquires)

Session 1: 9-11 am, Geology, Geophysics, Earth Sci topics                                                                                          Chair: Martin Brook (contact)                                                                                                                                                                                                              Meeting ID: 976 8474 1989

Session 2: 11 am -12 noon, Env Science & similar topics                                                                                              Chair: Luitgard Schwendenmann (contact)                                                                                                                                                                                             Meeting ID: 920 7797 6961

Session 3: 1 -3.30 pm, Geography, Env Management & similar topics                                                                          Chair: Karen Fisher (contact)                                                                                    

Click here for schedule details (Excel file)


AKO Innovation Committee Lecture, 3 Nov 2021, 11-12 

Join Zoom Meeting


ESP Mini Conference 2021: Save the Date!

The Auckland Emerging Spatial Professionals are excited to announce this year’s mini conference (covid permitting). More information to follow but for now – keep Saturday 13th November 2021 free in your calendars!

Register here:\


School of Environment Rangahau Committee Seminar, 17 Nov 2021, 1-3pm 

Wednesday 17th November 1-3PM : The School of Environment Rangahau Committee presents an online Seminar on University Researchers’ Engagement with Policy and Practice.

Join us for an interactive School-wide afternoon discussion on Aotearoa New Zealand’s much anticipated new Resource Management legislation. Find out about ways that your research might help inform policy and practice as you learn about government evidence provisioning from the Chief Science Advisors of MfE and DoC.

More details coming soon…


New programme: Master of Environmental Management

We will soon be offering a new 180 point taught masters degree in Environmental Management. This has just been given the go-ahead from the Committee on University Academic Programmes (CUAP) and will be available from Semester 1, 2022. It builds upon the long-established PGDipSci and MSc options, and the existing foundations of critical social science will be augmented with new courses with a more applied focus. The fairly tight programme and the core course (701) will ensure that all students get a coherent and well-rounded experience, but with space to include courses from related subjects, as well.

With our recently-appointed new colleagues we will be able to roll out a full programme in 2022:

Semester 1

  • ENVMGT 741: Social Change for Sustainability (Georgia Pigott)
  • ENVMGT 744: Resource Management (Karen Fisher)
  • ENVMGT 749: Environmental Sociotechnologies (Emma Sharp)
  • ENVMGT 751: River Management (Gary Brierley)

Semester 2

  • ENVMGT 701: Environmental Management in Practice (Brad Coombes + other staff)
  • ENVMGT 742: Social Dimensions of Global Environmental Change (Meg Parson)
  • ENVMGT 746: Collaborative Environmental Management (Brad Coombes)
  • ENVMGT: 748: Coastal Management (Emma Ryan)

Brad Coombes is the Environmental Management programme adviser.

Rangahau – Research

Antarctica field work

Any one preparing funding bids that involve fieldwork in Antarctica is encouraged to contact Esme Robinson ( Science Programme Advisor, at Antarctica New Zealand early in the development of their research plan so that they can support the preparation of a logistically feasible application.


School of Environment Marsden Club

All potential applicants to the next RSNZ Marsden round, are warmly invited to the inaugural meeting of the School of Environment Marsden club which will be held via zoom on Tuesday 26 October from 1-2pm.  We’ll hear tips and advice from previous applicants, share useful resources and outline support arrangements to develop a successful application.  Please email Sila ( or Kathryn Howard ( or use the zoom link below if you’d like to join in.

Kind regards


PLEASE NOTE key information on research continuity through COVID-19 is being updated regularly via COVID-19: Researcher continuity support and information


Announcing two research positions in Mātauranga Māori

Dan Hikuroa and Jan Lindsay are excited to offer two new research positions exploring the interface between Mātauranga Māori and Earth Science – one at the level of Research Fellow or equivalent, and one for a PhD student. The PhD student will focus on the Auckland Volcanic Field. Both positions will be full time for a period of 3 years, starting as soon as possible.

Please pass on to any colleagues and students who might be interested in applying!

Here is the link to more information:


Summer Research Scholarship – Late Submission

Hi all,

Please find attached the guidelines for the new application process for late submissions for Summer Research Scholarships.

Please note the following:

  • The form that was filled out in previous years will no longer be accepted. Instead, there is a spreadsheet that can be accessed via Teams which needs to be filled out. This is a Faculty of Science Teams folder, access will be given to the GSMs, GSCs, RPMs and RPCs. If there is anyone else that you think needs access, please let me know.
  • The last day to add SRS details to the Teams spreadsheet is 29th October. After this date, Finance will submit the form to the Scholarships Office. This is to ensure that there is sufficient time for the Scholarships Office to process the applications before the SRS programmes begin in November/December.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact


Student Sustainability Research Awards
We welcome applications for the Faculty of Science Student Sustainability Research Awards. Awards of up to $2,000 each are available to students within the Faculty of Science to support the student’s living costs. $2,000 will be awarded for a full year project that is located within a formal qualification, for example an Honours dissertation, or a Masters or PhD project. For shorter projects up to $500 will be awarded.

The awards are open to applications from postgraduate students who are undertaking a research project and are enrolled (or have recently completed) in the Faculty of Science (or whose primary discipline is administered through the FoS). Supervisors with a project can identify a suitable student and encourage them to apply. Applications for small projects that are not a formal part of the student’s degree or diploma programme will be considered. Preference will be given to non-doctoral students and those without an existing stipend.

Please note that projects can be supervised by any University of Auckland staff member.

This round of awards is suitable for current or recently completed Masters or PhD students, or students who would like to undertake a project over the summer. For students intending to begin their Honours or Masters projects next year we ask that you instead wait to apply in our first 2022 round, which will open in April 2022.

Applications for this round will close at 5pm on Thursday 4 November

For more details, including application forms, please check this link. 


Research Assistant position available

The Sustainability Practices for a Future-focussed Faculty Initiative is concerned with finding gaps and opportunities for the Faculty of Science (FoS) to achieve a higher degree of sustainability. The research team is examining potential pathways for transitioning to new ways of doing things regarding our carbon emissions, lab-based teaching and research, and our sustainability mindset. The team is seeking input from the Faculty of Science’s staff and postgraduate students, which will help inform the University’s sustainability strategy. Engagement will include interviews and surveys. The data will be collected and coded in NVivo with the support of three Research Assistants (RAs), and the analysis and insights will be informed by transition theory frameworks. The initiative is led by Robin Kearns,  Gillian Lewis (Associate Dean Sustainability), and Caroline Roughneen (FoS Strategic Projects Manager). The initiative leaders have appointed a Research Fellow (RF), Dr Barbara Ribeiro, to act as Project Lead (designing the research structure, providing a theoretical grounding, and day to day project management). We are seeking  a further suitably qualified  RA experienced in conducting interviews and undertaking qualitative research.  Theis researcher would start at the primary data collection phase (mid-October)  and continue until  the project is completed by December 17th. Pay rate to be assessed by experience and qualifications by HR. For further information and /or to apply,  please contact Barbara at

Funding Call 

Near-Miss Fund

***Application Deadline 22 November***

The purpose is to provide support to PIs who successfully progressed to the second stage of a major external funding round but missed out at the final stage. The fund will provide up to $10,000 for research activity that will improve the chances of the project’s success in a future round. We envisage being able to fund up to 10 applications in the 2021 round. Note – targeted funders are MBIE, HRC and Marsden or similar (the deadline has been set so that unsuccessful Marsden applicants will have time to submit an application if they wish). The Near Miss Fund Guidelines and Application form can be found on the staff intranet.


Fostering Collaborations fund

***Application Deadline 22 November***

This fund is to provide support to clusters of staff wishing to develop and deepen collaborations across the Faculty and beyond. The fund will provide up to $20,000 for research-related activity that will support initiatives that may:

  1. a) Lead to the development of a School/Department, Faculty, or University level Research Centre under the new Research Centres policy
  2. b) Continue and enhance the activities facilitated by those existing Faculty Research Themes that are still active
  3. c) Enhance existing or seed new transdisciplinary research collaborations  
  4. d) Lead to the submission of a collaborative bid to an external research funding agency

We envisage being able to support up to 15 applications in the 2021 round. The Fostering Collaborations Fund Guidelines and Application form can be found on the staff intranet.


Transport Research Scholarships

***Application Deadline 12 November***

Te Manatū Waka–Ministry of Transport and Waka Kotahi, NZ Transport Agency have established, and jointly fund, new Transport Research Scholarships. The scholarships were established to support students undertaking postgraduate research focusing on transport and its role and impact on Aotearoa New Zealand society. Many of the suggested topics are Engineering/Science related but there are also topics relating to sustainability, wellbeing, supply chains, data governance, economic productivity, equity, infrastructure, compliance. You can find all the details using these links:

Transport Research Scholarships | Universities New Zealand – Te Pōkai Tara (

Transport Research Scholarships Regulations.pdf (


MBIE 2022 Endeavour Fund: transforming New Zealand’s future

***Smart Ideas Registration Deadline 22 October***

The Fund aims too:
• support research science or technology, or related activities that have high potential to positively transform Aotearoa New Zealand’s economic, environmental, and societal outcomes, and give effect to the Vision Mātauranga policy; and
• drive an increasing focus on: excellent research; and, the potential for impact in areas of future value, growth or critical need for Aotearoa New Zealand.

Smart Ideas are intended to catalyse and rapidly test promising, innovative research ideas with high potential for benefit to New Zealand, to enable refresh and diversity in the science portfolio.
• Value: $0.4 – $1 million over the term of the contract
• Duration: 2 or 3 years
Registration Deadline – Friday 22 October 2021
• Concepts Deadline – Tuesday 16 November 2021

Research Programmes are intended to support ambitious, excellent, and well-defined research ideas which will have credible and high potential to positively transform New Zealand’s future in areas of future value, growth, or critical need (as set out in the Investment Signals).
• Value: $0.5 million or more per year
• Duration: 3, 4 or 5 years
Registration deadline: Tuesday, 30 November 2021
• Full proposal: Friday 18 February 2022

Guidelines and other important documents are available from your RPC or via the MBIE Endeavour Fund Website. 

Support initiatives: There are a number of support initiatives running for both Smart Idea and Research Programmes. If you intend to apply and haven’t yet made contact with your RPC please do so asap.


MBIE 2022 Te Pūnaha Hihiko: Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund

The Fund aims to:

  • strengthen capability, capacity, skills and networks between Māori and the science and innovation system, and
  • increase understanding of how research can contribute to the aspirations of Māori organisations and deliver benefit for Aotearoa

Funding is available through two schemes, each in support of the Fund’s aims: 

  • Connect Scheme: Build new connections between Māori organisations and the science and innovation system 
  • Placement scheme: Enhance the development of an individual(s) through placement in a Partner organisation

The work programme term for both Connect and Placement schemes is up to 2 years.

  • $150,000 (ex GST) – max funding per proposal for projects up to 1 year in length
  • $250,000 (ex GST) – max funding per proposal between 1-2 years in length

Key elements (see Call for Proposals for full eligibility requirements): 

  • Proposals must be co-developed with a Māori organisation (with either UoA or Māori organisation as lead contractor, and the other as the partner organisation)
  • Proposals must include co-funding at a minimum of 10% of requested amount
  • Proposals must not include any full-time tertiary or school students
  • For the placement scheme, the proposal must name the placement individual(s) 
  • Funding must not be for activities for the same purpose already funded by any government agency
  • Research project must directly strive to achieve the Fund’s aims and support the themes and outcomes of MBIE’s Vision Mātauranga policy (Indigenous Innovation, Taiao, Hauora/Oranga, Mātauranga (and not solely address hauora/health 

For further information, please visit the funders website

Internal Deadline: 12 noon, Tuesday 2 November 2021


Thomson SA, Thiele K, Conix S, Christidis L,· Costello MJ, Hobern D, Nikolaeva S, Pyle RL, van Dijk PP, Weaver H, Zachos FE, Zhang Z-Q, Garnett ST. 2021. Towards a global list of accepted species II. Consequences of inadequate taxonomic list governance. Organisms Diversity & Evolution. in press.

Kanakiya, S., Adam, L., Rowe, M. C., Lindsay, J. M., & Esteban, L. (2021). The role of tuffs in sealing volcanic conduits. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL095175.

Comprehensive framework for human health risk assessment of nanopesticides
M Kah, LJ Johnston, RS Kookana, W Bruce, A Haase, V Ritz, J Dinglasan, …
Nature Nanotechnology 16 (9), 955-964

Brierley, G., Fryirs, K., Reid, H., & Williams, R. (2021). The dark art of interpretation in geomorphology. Geomorphology, 390, 107870. 

Brierley, G., Tunnicliffe, J., Bizzi, S., Lee, F., Perry, G., Poeppl, R., & Fryirs, K. (2021). Quantifying Sediment (Dis) Connectivity in the Modeling of River Systems. Treatise in Geomorphology. Elsevier 

Fryirs, K., & Brierley, G. (2021). Assemblages of geomorphic units: A building block approach to analysis and interpretation of river character, behaviour, condition and recovery. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms

Fryirs, K., & Brierley, G. (2021). How far have management practices come in ‘working with the river’? Earth Surface Processes and Landforms

Hikuroa, D., Brierley, G., Tadaki, M., Blue, B., & Salmond, A. (2021). Restoring Sociocultural Relationships with Rivers: Experiments in Fluvial Pluralism. River Restoration: Political, Social, and Economic Perspectives, 66-88. 

More Information

Need to store and share research data? Request Research storage or UoA Dropbox for research

Queries about virtual machines? Virtual machine consult or Nectar Research Cloud?

ResearchHub: connects people, resources, and services

Remote working issues: Please refer to the remote working page. If you do not find the answers to your questions, please log a call on the IT Portal for any IT-related issues or contact the Staff Service Centre for other queries.

Two-factor Authentication : Authy

YubiKeys work but of course require a USB port.

VPN: Instructions on how to install

VPN, Linux: FortiClient is running fine on Linux.  Check the VPN link listed above.

VPN, Mac desktops: (information from April, may be outdated).  Students may need IT to make their machines mobile and install FortiClient directly from the website.  They will also need to set-up two-factor authentication by downloading an app like “Authy” on their phones and then setting up their University of Auckland account.  I suggest people do this part before IT gets to them to make the process faster.  To do that, they can use the instructions on this page:

To get a mobile account set up, log a service request or go to one of the service kiosks. It is unclear how this is being done remotely but I am sure this can be done. Please let me Ingo ( know if you have managed to install FortiClient on their macs remotely.

FlexIT and Remote Access

FlexIT is straight-forward for remote access to computing power and programs. Alternatively, check if your project/group or so has a virtual machine. Remote desktop access to specific machines can be set up by IT but may note be reliable. Check the Staff Service Center

Remote access is possible to some workstations in the geocomputational lab for research, and on a needs basis.  This may be a viable solution for specialized data analysis.  Please look into alternatives: It is unclear however, if/how on-site desktops can be maintained, if needed..

FlexIT access and requests: Use the FlexIT form in the IT Portal to request access as a staff member, to ask for an application be added, or to report any issues or faults.

FlexIT, Linux: Please check FlexIT link:  It does not have any information on Linux but should be useful for “translation”.

Depending on your browser (in particular, Firefox), you also need to do the following, from

“…tested with the Horizon 4.8.x and 4.10.x clients and Firefox v64.0. Both are 64bit versions, running on Ubuntu 18.04.1

Download the client from the VMWare Horizon Client for 64-bit Linux
In Firefox, open about:config and click through the warning.
Add a new boolean entry called network.protocol-handler.expose.vmware-view and set the value to false
Create a file called `test.html` somewhere on your computer and put the following in it: test
Open the file in Firefox and click on the link, which should prompt you for a path to open the link.
Select /usr/bin/vmware-view and it should work for future uses! “

(1) was provided by UoA but I think it works with generic software from VMWare as well.

Check with Ingo ( if you run into problems.

Software licenses: Software vendors have relaxed their licensing to allow students to install software at home, rather than relying on Flex IT. There is a running list here

Please email content to Isabella for next edition of P-cubed by Friday

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 67 – Monday 25th October 2021

Issue 66 – Monday 11th October 2021

October 11, 2021 • ijor070


I was clearing out in the dusty, spider-colonised space under the old homestead on the weekend and came across a heavy box with large objects wrapped in newsprint. On close inspection the wrapping was sheets of 1989 copies of the NZ Herald. In the late afternoon light this felt like domestic archaeology. Unwrapping the objects revealed large geological specimens: a weighty large chunk of petrified wood, a massive piece of cinnabar, a rather impressively patterned split concretion. I had no recollection of the specimens or where I got them. I suspect my late parents may have delivered the box in an attempt to decant the last of my stuff from their own basement. My complete blank re their origins reminded me of a story in the Guardian recently of Paul McCartney saying he had absolutely no recollection of the existence of a recently unearthed song co-written with John Lennon. The results of aging perhaps. And so much water under the proverbial bridge.

I did find my discovery of the box of rocks from younger days a timely reminder of how we can become distanced from earlier preoccupations. This is particularly applicable with respect to student experience. We academics can so easily imagine we recall what its like to be students but, really, to what extent? As Bob Dylan plaintively sings in that great song ‘Like a Rolling Stone’ (not an unrelated connection to that wrapped box of specimens, even though only the concretion is roll-able) “how does it feel?”. And, by extension, how much to we lose touch with how it feels?

One small step to ensuring we are reminded how being a student feels is on the way. Thanks to an initiative advanced by JC and the Whakawhanaungatanga platform, we have the prospect of a firmer student voice within the governance structures of our School. This is one welcome way in which especially those greying (or greyed) among us will, optimistically, maintain a more immediate sense of student hopes, aspirations and challenges. That these changes are afoot is another testament to the creativity and commitment of colleagues….and the benefits of a distributed leadership structure in our School.

Robin Kearns 11 10 21

Coming up:
• Led by Mila Adam, we now have an officially mandated Outreach Committee. Assisting Mila are: Martin Brook, Nick Richards, Emma Sharp, Thomas Mules, Melissa Bowen, Sonia Fonua, Giovanni Coco, Lauren Baal (student rep), a second student rep still TBA, Paul Oluwunmi (fellows/PD rep)
• Soon it will be Marsden EOI time again. Rangahau has plans afoot for a process to assist prospective submitters. More on this soon. But do ponder ideas!
• Sila is kindly stepping in as Acting Head of Rangahau while Melanie is away on parental leave soon. All the best Melanie and thanks Sila!
• Thanks to all who participated in discussions with the School External Review panel. A little awkward by zoom, but we did it. I look forward to sharing their recommendations when they are to hand.
• We have just received our budget for 2022 are still ‘digesting’ its implications. Platform and budget-holding committee leads will soon be asked for their budget requests.
• Finally our Annual End of Year Wrap Up all-staff occasion was to be a catered lunch and all-afternoon occasion on Wed 3 November . This will now be zoom and just for 2 hours: Please ensure you have 2-4pm diaried, with virtual drinks to follow. I will be in contact re contributions from Platforms and other inclusions in the programme. This is only 2 hours. Attendance by all staff is expected as with all three (and only 3) all-staff academic events.
• [If levels permit the end of year party will be Friday 3 Dec…but more on that to come..]

Whakawhanaungatanga – Communities

Supervisor Development

Dr Hugh Kearns gave a very useful fabulous webinar on the 7th October called ‘Giving Good Feedback’ and if you didn’t have time for the 2 hour session it may still be worth having a look at the slides and notes distributed. 

You can access the notes and the slides of the webinar by clicking the links below


Feedback(Auckland)(Supervisor) slides

My Feedback Style – self assessment sheet 

You also might also be interested in the following supervisor development sessions coming up:


Supervision: Masters and small projects                                                                                                                        Facilitator: ‘Ema Wolfgramm-Foliaki                                                                                                                                         Date: 19 October                                                                                                                                                                        Time: 1000-1100                                                                                                                                                                         Book in Career Tools

Supervision: Managing Conflict                                                                                                                                        Facilitator: Desiree Dickerson                                                                                                                                                    Date: 21 October                                                                                                                                                                        Time: 1600-1730                                                                                                                                                                         Book in Career Tools

Research Supervision Masterclass                                                                                                                                        Date: Nov 2nd                                                                                                                                                                                                              Time: 1000-1230                                                                                                                                                                         Book in Career Tools


Student Support

If students are struggling support is available:

Te Papa Manaaki | Campus Care

Financial Support

Covid will have likely have impacted progress for many so there are Postgraduate Extensions and Fee Waivers programmes. Note International students will need to consider visas!

Honours and Masters (as you know who will have been impacted please don’t wait for the last few days before the submission deadline to apply!)


If any doctoral students are ‘twiddling their thumbs’ because they can’t get into labs or do fieldwork it may be a good time for them to generally upskill:

Note to supervisors: Domestic PhD Admissions of those eligible for the guaranteed University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarships are up so it has become even more competitive for international applicants. Please manage expectations around this as you communicate with international enquiries.

Upcoming Events

PhD Proposal Seminar, 14 Oct 2021, 2pm  

On Thursday 14th October, Jordan Swann will present his PhD proposal titled ‘Magmatic Controls on Eruption Potential at Mt Taranaki’. 

Everyone is invited to join the zoom event.                                                                                                                              Please click this link to attend. 

Zoom ID:  943 4067 8529                                                                                                                                                            Code: 181138 

For any enquires please email:


The Annual Geoscience Society of New Zealand Hochstetter Lecture presented by Dan Hikuroa, 19 Oct 2021, 7pm 

Dan Hikuroa from the University of Auckland will be giving the annual Geoscience Society of New Zealand Hochstetter Lecture “Encouraging plural methods and values as the foundation for cross-cultural research collaborations” on Tuesday 19th October at 7pm by zoom.                     

Encouraging cross-cultural research collaborations in the natural hazards and earth system sciences is the central theme of this Hochstetter lecture. We will offer perspectives as insider-outsider researchers on completed as well as ongoing research projects with iwi and hapū authorities. We will also reflect on research framing, inductive methodologies and collaborative methods of inquiry when working at the interface between mātauranga Māori and science. The way projects were initiated, planned, approved, managed, and delivered will be shared, including discussion of research ethics, cross-disciplinary research personnel, and commitments to relationships before partnerships. We hope the presentation will clarify the multiple benefits to be gained by learning from differences in knowledge, practice, and belief, and how engaging in this work can help to promote “plural spaces” of learning about natural hazards and environmental processes in Aotearoa-New Zealand.

Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:
Please click this URL to join. 
Passcode: 583652

*** Feel free to advertise to any other networks or classes that would be interested.  


Ako Innovation H5P Practical Tips 2: How to create interactive videos for online teaching – 20 Oct 2021, 11-12pm


RTEA Te Rōpū Taiao – AGM and Executive Committee Election, 22 Oct 2021, 4-5pm 

RTEA Te Rōpū Taiao – Environment Association; is a student based association that strives to integrate all community aspects and disciplines of the School of Environment (including but not limited to Geography, Earth science, Geospatial, and Environmental). We are holding our Inaugural Annual General Meeting and executive committee election on Friday 22nd October from 4-5pm via zoom ( All students and interested staff are invited to attend, with the chance to win 1 of 3 $20 vouchers for participating in the voting. We are now accepting nominations for the roles of President, Treasurer, Secretary, Equity Rep and expression of interest for non elected committee membership via a google form . We look forward to sharing our highlights of the year and plans for the future with you all. 


ENV Masters Research Seminars, 27 Oct 2021


Due to alert levels and university restrictions, we have made the decision to change this event to a series of live online Zoom Meetings. This will be a valuable opportunity for ENV masters students to get feedback, and all staff and PG students are encouraged to attend.

27 Oct 2021                                                                                                                                                                        Convenor: Phil Shane (general enquires)

Session 1: 9-11 am, Geol, Geophys, Earth Sci topics                                                                                                          Chair: Martin Brook (contact)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Meeting ID: 976 8474 1989

Session 2: 11 am -12 noon, Env Sci & similar topics                                                                                                          Chair: Luitgard Schwendenmann (contact)                                                                                                                                                                                                         Meeting ID: 920 7797 6961

Session 3: 1 -3.30 pm, Geography, Env Manag. & similar topics                                                                                                Chair: Karen Fisher (contact)                                                                                             


Click Here – for the word document of the schedule


ESP Mini Conference 2021: Save the Date!

The Auckland Emerging Spatial Professionals are excited to announce this year’s mini conference (covid permitting). More information to follow but for now – keep Saturday 13th November 2021 free in your calendars!

Register here:\


School of Environment Rangahau Committee Seminar, 17 Nov 2021, 1-3pm 

Wednesday 17th November 1-3PM : The School of Environment Rangahau Committee presents an online Seminar on University Researchers’ Engagement with Policy and Practice.

Join us for an interactive School-wide afternoon discussion on Aotearoa New Zealand’s much anticipated new Resource Management legislation. Find out about ways that your research might help inform policy and practice as you learn about government evidence provisioning from the Chief Science Advisors of MfE and DoC.

More details coming soon…

Rangahau – Research

School of Environment Marsden Club

All potential applicants to the next RSNZ Marsden round, are warmly invited to the inaugural meeting of the School of Environment Marsden club which will be held via zoom on Tuesday 26 October from 1-2pm.  We’ll hear tips and advice from previous applicants, share useful resources and outline support arrangements to develop a successful application.  Please email Sila ( or Kathryn Howard ( or use the zoom link below if you’d like to join in.

Kind regards


PLEASE NOTE key information on research continuity through COVID-19 is being updated regularly via COVID-19: Researcher continuity support and information


Announcing two research positions in Mātauranga Māori

Dan Hikuroa and Jan Lindsay are excited to offer two new research positions exploring the interface between Mātauranga Māori and Earth Science – one at the level of Research Fellow or equivalent, and one for a PhD student. The PhD student will focus on the Auckland Volcanic Field. Both positions will be full time for a period of 3 years, starting as soon as possible.

Please pass on to any colleagues and students who might be interested in applying!

Here is the link to more information:


Summer Research Scholarship – Late Submission

Hi all,

Please find attached the guidelines for the new application process for late submissions for Summer Research Scholarships.

Please note the following:

  • The form that was filled out in previous years will no longer be accepted. Instead, there is a spreadsheet that can be accessed via Teams which needs to be filled out. This is a Faculty of Science Teams folder, access will be given to the GSMs, GSCs, RPMs and RPCs. If there is anyone else that you think needs access, please let me know.
  • The last day to add SRS details to the Teams spreadsheet is 29th October. After this date, Finance will submit the form to the Scholarships Office. This is to ensure that there is sufficient time for the Scholarships Office to process the applications before the SRS programmes begin in November/December.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact


Student Sustainability Research Awards
We welcome applications for the Faculty of Science Student Sustainability Research Awards. Awards of up to $2,000 each are available to students within the Faculty of Science to support the student’s living costs. $2,000 will be awarded for a full year project that is located within a formal qualification, for example an Honours dissertation, or a Masters or PhD project. For shorter projects up to $500 will be awarded.

The awards are open to applications from postgraduate students who are undertaking a research project and are enrolled (or have recently completed) in the Faculty of Science (or whose primary discipline is administered through the FoS). Supervisors with a project can identify a suitable student and encourage them to apply. Applications for small projects that are not a formal part of the student’s degree or diploma programme will be considered. Preference will be given to non-doctoral students and those without an existing stipend.

Please note that projects can be supervised by any University of Auckland staff member.

This round of awards is suitable for current or recently completed Masters or PhD students, or students who would like to undertake a project over the summer. For students intending to begin their Honours or Masters projects next year we ask that you instead wait to apply in our first 2022 round, which will open in April 2022.

Applications for this round will close at 5pm on Thursday 4 November

For more details, including application forms, please check this link. 


Research Assistant position available

The Sustainability Practices for a Future-focussed Faculty Initiative is concerned with finding gaps and opportunities for the Faculty of Science (FoS) to achieve a higher degree of sustainability. The research team is examining potential pathways for transitioning to new ways of doing things regarding our carbon emissions, lab-based teaching and research, and our sustainability mindset. The team is seeking input from the Faculty of Science’s staff and postgraduate students, which will help inform the University’s sustainability strategy. Engagement will include interviews and surveys. The data will be collected and coded in NVivo with the support of three Research Assistants (RAs), and the analysis and insights will be informed by transition theory frameworks. The initiative is led by Robin Kearns,  Gillian Lewis (Associate Dean Sustainability), and Caroline Roughneen (FoS Strategic Projects Manager). The initiative leaders have appointed a Research Fellow (RF), Dr Barbara Ribeiro, to act as Project Lead (designing the research structure, providing a theoretical grounding, and day to day project management). We are seeking  a further suitably qualified  RA experienced in conducting interviews and undertaking qualitative research.  Theis researcher would start at the primary data collection phase (mid-October)  and continue until  the project is completed by December 17th. Pay rate to be assessed by experience and qualifications by HR. For further information and /or to apply,  please contact Barbara at

Funding Call 

MBIE 2022 Endeavour Fund: transforming New Zealand’s future

***Smart Ideas Registration Deadline 22 October***

The Fund aims too:
• support research science or technology, or related activities that have high potential to positively transform Aotearoa New Zealand’s economic, environmental, and societal outcomes, and give effect to the Vision Mātauranga policy; and
• drive an increasing focus on: excellent research; and, the potential for impact in areas of future value, growth or critical need for Aotearoa New Zealand.

Smart Ideas are intended to catalyse and rapidly test promising, innovative research ideas with high potential for benefit to New Zealand, to enable refresh and diversity in the science portfolio.
• Value: $0.4 – $1 million over the term of the contract
• Duration: 2 or 3 years
Registration Deadline – Friday 22 October 2021
• Concepts Deadline – Tuesday 16 November 2021

Research Programmes are intended to support ambitious, excellent, and well-defined research ideas which will have credible and high potential to positively transform New Zealand’s future in areas of future value, growth, or critical need (as set out in the Investment Signals).
• Value: $0.5 million or more per year
• Duration: 3, 4 or 5 years
Registration deadline: Tuesday, 30 November 2021
• Full proposal: Friday 18 February 2022

Guidelines and other important documents are available from your RPC or via the MBIE Endeavour Fund Website. 

Support initiatives: There are a number of support initiatives running for both Smart Idea and Research Programmes. If you intend to apply and haven’t yet made contact with your RPC please do so asap.


MBIE 2022 Te Pūnaha Hihiko: Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund

The Fund aims to:

  • strengthen capability, capacity, skills and networks between Māori and the science and innovation system, and
  • increase understanding of how research can contribute to the aspirations of Māori organisations and deliver benefit for Aotearoa

Funding is available through two schemes, each in support of the Fund’s aims: 

  • Connect Scheme: Build new connections between Māori organisations and the science and innovation system 
  • Placement scheme: Enhance the development of an individual(s) through placement in a Partner organisation

The work programme term for both Connect and Placement schemes is up to 2 years.

  • $150,000 (ex GST) – max funding per proposal for projects up to 1 year in length
  • $250,000 (ex GST) – max funding per proposal between 1-2 years in length

Key elements (see Call for Proposals for full eligibility requirements): 

  • Proposals must be co-developed with a Māori organisation (with either UoA or Māori organisation as lead contractor, and the other as the partner organisation)
  • Proposals must include co-funding at a minimum of 10% of requested amount
  • Proposals must not include any full-time tertiary or school students
  • For the placement scheme, the proposal must name the placement individual(s) 
  • Funding must not be for activities for the same purpose already funded by any government agency
  • Research project must directly strive to achieve the Fund’s aims and support the themes and outcomes of MBIE’s Vision Mātauranga policy (Indigenous Innovation, Taiao, Hauora/Oranga, Mātauranga (and not solely address hauora/health 

For further information, please visit the funders website

Internal Deadline: 12 noon, Tuesday 2 November 2021

Proposal support:  This scheme has been designated as a ‘High Value Bid’ based on the close strategic alignment with University priorities. Additional proposal development support will be available, in the form of a webinar/Q&A session, assessment panel, and potential bid-writing support. Please get in touch with your RPC to register your interest in this funding scheme for further information.

MBIE are also hosting a webinar on 12 October to talk you through the application process and answer your questions. Register here

Catalyst Fund: Seeding (Round 3)

This fund facilitates new small and medium pre-research strategic partnerships that cannot be supported through other means, and with a view to developing full collaborations that could be supported through Catalyst: Strategic over time. Funding is for research exchanges, research activities, and expenses related to hosting workshops for new strategic research partnerships with international collaborators.

Value: A maximum of NZ$80,000 (excl. GST) is available per proposal for projects lasting up to two years. 

Internal Deadline: 5 pm Tuesday 12 October 2021
For further information, please visit the funders website


Catalyst Fund: NZ – Japan Joint Research Projects

Funding for research exchanges, research activities, and expenses related to hosting meetings in collaboration with Japanese researchers. Up to 3 joint research projects may be funded in the current round.

Value: Up to $30,000 per annum for up to two years

∙ The NZ PI and the Japanese PI must make applications to their respective application administrators in both Japan and NZ.  More information can be found on the JSPS website
∙ Please note the application date in Japan (08 September 2021) is earlier than the application deadline in New Zealand

Internal Deadline: 5 pm Tuesday 12 October 2021.

For further information, please visit the funders website

Catalyst Leaders – JSPS HOPE Meeting (Round 3)

HOPE Meetings are held for excellent graduate students and young researchers specially selected from countries/areas around the Asia-Pacific and Africa region. These meetings give an opportunity for the participants to engage in interdisciplinary discussions with Nobel Laureates and other distinguished scientists pioneering the frontiers of knowledge

Due to COVID-19 travel restrictions the HOPE Meeting will take place online.
(1) Be a PhD student or young researcher (receiving their PhDs after 2 April 2016) with a record of excellent academic performance
(2) Be able to participate in the entire Meeting programme
(3) Not have been selected to participate in any past HOPE Meetings

Internal Deadline: 5 pm Tuesday 12 October 2021


Pyle R.L., Barik SK, Saroj K, Christidis, L., Conix, S., Costello, M.J., van Dijk, P.P., Garnett, S.T., Hobern, D., Kirk PM, Lien, A.M., Orrell TM, Remsen D, Thomson S.A., ·Wambiji N, Zachos, F.E., Zhang, Z-Q., Thiele, K.R. 2021. Towards a global list of accepted species V: the devil is in the detail. Organisms Diversity & Evolution. 

Sayre R, Butler K, Van Graafeiland K, Breyer S, Wright D, Frye C, Karagulle D, Martina M, Cress J, Allen T, Allee RJ, Parsons R, Nyberg B, Costello MJ, Harris P, Muller-Karger F. 2021. A global ecological classification of coastal segment units to complement Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) assessments. Oceanography,.

More Information

Need to store and share research data? Request Research storage or UoA Dropbox for research

Queries about virtual machines? Virtual machine consult or Nectar Research Cloud?

ResearchHub: connects people, resources, and services

Remote working issues: Please refer to the remote working page. If you do not find the answers to your questions, please log a call on the IT Portal for any IT-related issues or contact the Staff Service Centre for other queries.

Two-factor Authentication : Authy

YubiKeys work but of course require a USB port.

VPN: Instructions on how to install

VPN, Linux: FortiClient is running fine on Linux.  Check the VPN link listed above.

VPN, Mac desktops: (information from April, may be outdated).  Students may need IT to make their machines mobile and install FortiClient directly from the website.  They will also need to set-up two-factor authentication by downloading an app like “Authy” on their phones and then setting up their University of Auckland account.  I suggest people do this part before IT gets to them to make the process faster.  To do that, they can use the instructions on this page:

To get a mobile account set up, log a service request or go to one of the service kiosks. It is unclear how this is being done remotely but I am sure this can be done. Please let me Ingo ( know if you have managed to install FortiClient on their macs remotely.

FlexIT and Remote Access

FlexIT is straight-forward for remote access to computing power and programs. Alternatively, check if your project/group or so has a virtual machine. Remote desktop access to specific machines can be set up by IT but may note be reliable. Check the Staff Service Center

Remote access is possible to some workstations in the geocomputational lab for research, and on a needs basis.  This may be a viable solution for specialized data analysis.  Please look into alternatives: It is unclear however, if/how on-site desktops can be maintained, if needed..

FlexIT access and requests: Use the FlexIT form in the IT Portal to request access as a staff member, to ask for an application be added, or to report any issues or faults.

FlexIT, Linux: Please check FlexIT link:  It does not have any information on Linux but should be useful for “translation”.

Depending on your browser (in particular, Firefox), you also need to do the following, from

“…tested with the Horizon 4.8.x and 4.10.x clients and Firefox v64.0. Both are 64bit versions, running on Ubuntu 18.04.1

Download the client from the VMWare Horizon Client for 64-bit Linux
In Firefox, open about:config and click through the warning.
Add a new boolean entry called network.protocol-handler.expose.vmware-view and set the value to false
Create a file called `test.html` somewhere on your computer and put the following in it: test
Open the file in Firefox and click on the link, which should prompt you for a path to open the link.
Select /usr/bin/vmware-view and it should work for future uses! “

(1) was provided by UoA but I think it works with generic software from VMWare as well.

Check with Ingo ( if you run into problems.

Software licenses: Software vendors have relaxed their licensing to allow students to install software at home, rather than relying on Flex IT. There is a running list here

Please email content to Isabella for next edition of P-cubed by Friday

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 66 – Monday 11th October 2021