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Issue 29-Monday 30th March 2020

March 30, 2020 • fshe556


Kia ora koutou

We have a lighter edition of p-cubed this fortnight, reflecting the reprioritisation of effort as everyone gets on top of the switch to working from home. It’s been and will continue to be a huge effort – thank you everyone.

Currently we are offsite for 4 weeks but this could easily extend on, or swing, according to Alert Level. Clearly we should expect a very disrupted 2020. Staying connected is important. Once our urgency response has settled down, I hope to see some of our usual activities  recast in new formats (I’m delighted to see the VGP group finding ways to carry on). But, for the moment, we need to take stock, focus on teaching and learning, and, most importantly, our health and wellbeing.

For all researchers: please consider what a rolling alert level over the next few months would mean for your research activities. What activity could be picked up at each level? If you are planning your research response for funded projects and /or thesis research, please consider what could be done at each level (Level 2, 3, 4) and develop a flexible plan.

You will have received an email from me alerting you to the fact that a member of ENV tested positive for COVID-19. I have fielded a number of enquiries related to this and I would like to emphasise that Auckland Regional Public Health Services have advised me that the risk posed through casual contact is very low. I would also ask that you respect the privacy of the person concerned and not enter into social media discussion of their identity. Note that any positive results for staff or students should be sent to: (not ‘probables’, ‘think sos’ or ‘might haves’). Confidentiality will be respected.

All the best for the fortnight ahead. Be kind.

Ngā mihi

Whakawhanaungatanga – communities

List of Mindfulness activities during lockdown:

Teach someone else a new skill Contact a friend you haven’t seen a while Do a favour without needing anything in return Donate to a charity
Check in on an older family member Facetime a friend for lunch Prepare a meal for someone you are in isolation with Recommend a friend a book or movie
Organise your home office area Have a vegetarian or vegan meal Text a compliment to three friends Write a positive review online
Make a homemade gift to give to someone after lockdown Share a fun isolation hobby with a friend Switch off unnecessary lights and electricity Make someone laugh

For more reading please click here

Thank you!

The ENV Equity Committee would like to thank all those who attended and donated to the School of Environment Shared Fundraising Morning Tea on March 16th.
We raised $556 for the Our People, Our City Fund which supports the families and Muslim communities impacted by the white supremacist terrorist attack of March 15 2019, now and into the future.

Meetings, seminars and events

Cancellation of the School of Environment Careers Expo 2020

The School of Environment Careers Expo 2020 has been cancelled. Details for the Careers Expo 2021 will be provided in due course.

Volcanology, Geochemistry & Petrology Research Group

The volcanology, geochemistry, & petrology research group (VGP) meets during the semester. Our next meeting will be on 7 April 2020 at 9 am on Zoom. We will have some guest talks about fluid dynamics modelling of volcanoes from the Faculty of Engineering! As always, everyone is welcome to attend our meetings. Please contact me (Sophia Tsang: for the link if you don’t have a calendar invite.  If you would like to be added to this list, please email me ( Additionally, if you have any updates (including new students or projects) you would like to see on the website or would like to contribute a blog post, please email David ( For more information, please see our website: See you soon!

Ako – Teaching and Learning

Teaching Remotely (online)

The University has a Remote Learning site with many useful links and resources for teaching staff.

In addition, ENV AKO has resources. All ENV academic staff have been invited to join this Canvas-based platform. Please contact Alex if you have been missed or wish to join.

Ako Committee _ Open meetings

These are being held on Mondays from 11-12 via Zoom. The meetings are an informal forum for ENV staff to share advice on remote teaching and dealing with the rapidly changing situation. Please check ENV AKO for meeting details or contact Ako Chair, Robin Kearns.

Ako key contacts_ a reminder

  • Ako Committee chair: Robin Kearns
  • Head of Academic Operations and ENV delegate to Faculty of Science: David Hayward
  • Chair, Ako Innovation: Mel Wall
  • ENV ‘Teaching Champion’ – Science group for remote learning: Murray Ford

Rangahau – Research

Farewell Ivana!

Ivana Mlinac, one of the Faculty’s Research Programme Coordinators supporting researchers in the School of Environment, is leaving the University after 10 years here – first as a student, then in the Research Office and latterly in the Faculty of Science.  Her last day will be Tuesday 31 march.  Researchers Ivana was supporting in the School, will now be supported by Kelly Kilpin or Kathryn Howard.  If you’d like to clarify who your primary research support (FIRST) contact is, please email Kathryn at or Kelly at  We are ready to assist you.

Research continuity for staff and students

The University has uploaded a research continuity support page, covering off some FAQs, for the research community, please follow the link below:

  • Research contracts: Uniservices and ORSI are leading conversations with funders. If you are a PI, please do not contact funders or contractors individually. Our research programme coordinators will be in touch as operations continue.
  • Support for Research students: The School of Graduate Studies and other research-facing parts of the University are currently focused on putting in place a range of support measures for affected research students, including options for financial hardship support. The School of Graduate Studies will manage a Doctoral Hardship Fund with applications opening this week. Information will be posted on the University website. Sub-doctoral research students who find themselves in financial need can apply for support through the Student Emergency Fund.

A reminder that if anyone is working on an externally funded research project which needs to be invoiced by the end of the government financial year (30 June 2020) and doesn’t have a contract in place, to please contact Kathryn or Kelly so we can get the necessary paperwork underway.

Internally-funded research

The Associate Dean Research, Jan Lindsay, has advised:

  • Extensions for currently-funded research projects are likely.
  • FRDF will go ahead as planned.
  • There will be no SRIF for 2020.
  • There will not be extensions for PBRF – more on this soon
  • Distinguished visitors will be given 12 month extensions

Postponement of the Research Forum

In light of the lockdown, the School of Environment Research Forum scheduled on 31 March will be postponed till further notice.

Research and Funding Opportunities

James Cook Research Fellowships:

The James Cook Research Fellowships are awarded to researchers who have achieved national and international recognition in their area of scientific research. The fellowships allow them to concentrate on their chosen research for two years without the additional burden of administrative and teaching duties.

Grant value:  Up to $110,000 per year, up to 2 years

Internal Deadline:  Tuesday 28 April 2020

Guidelines can be found on the founders website

If you intend to apply for this fellowship, please contact either Kathryn Howard or Kelly Kilpin to discuss the registration and submission process.

New Horizons for Women Trust:

  1. Hine Kahukura Research Award:

For women who are conducting research that benefits women and/or girls in New Zealand. The awards are a one-off grant to help with your research and/or living expenses.  Preference will be given to applicants who have started their research project and whose work is at Masters, PhD or postdoctoral level.

Grant value: $5,000

Guidelines and further eligibility rules can be found here

  1. Wāhine Ora Award

To support research that benefits Māori women, girls and/or whānau in Aotearoa New Zealand. This award is made annually and is a one-off grant to assist this research and/or living expenses while conducting the research.

Grant value: $10,000

Guidelines and further eligibility rules can be found here

  1. Margaret L Bailey Science Award

Assists a successful mid-career woman (at post-doctoral level) with her scientific research expenses.  Applicants must be currently engaged in scientific research, have a doctorate and an outstanding academic track record in her discipline.

Grant value: $5,000

Guidelines and further eligibility rules can be found here

Submission Deadlines:  The deadline for University of Auckland QA check is Monday 6 April.  The funder submission deadline is Wednesday 15 April.  Although this is a self-submission process, please get in touch with either Kathryn Howard or Kelly Kilpin if you intend to apply.

Copy deadline for next edition of P-cubed: Friday 10th April to Farnaz:

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 29-Monday 30th March 2020

Issue 28-Tuesday 17th March 2020

March 17, 2020 • fshe556


Kia ora koutou

This is an extraordinary year. Today we commemorate the people who lost their lives to hatred in the Christchurch terrorist attack last year. We will share food crafted by our hands and stand together in remembrance and determination to eschew white supremacist ideology and other forms of bigotry and hatred. This University values diversity and is committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment for all. This will be the last communal food sharing activity in ENV until further notice.

COVID-19 presents a real threat to our ability to maintain a safe environment and care for people if they get sick. We must flatten the curve and keep it flat or our health system will not be able to cope with those needing care – and people will need care. COVID-19 is coming at us at the same time as our usual flu season – a time when our hospitals are at full stretch. We must contain and stop the spread of COVID-19. We are in for a long period of disruption and it will have serious implications at an individual and collective level. You will be aware that the Vice-Chancellor has cancelled international travel for all UOA activities and has requested all UOA staff and PG research students to return home. We can anticipate further restrictions on activities as COVID-19 unfolds.

As a School we must act collectively to limit the impact of COVID-19 on our people and our communities. Social distancing is important and will become more so in the coming days and weeks, a point flagged by John Hosking, Dean of Science, in his email to staff this morning. We do not know how the management of social distancing will role out. Decisions at UOA Senior Leadership may come fast and we must be ready to limit the impact on our UG and PG students.

May I please ask all staff and students to:

  • Stay home if you are sick or suspect you are sick and contact Healthline if appropriate.
  • Increase social distancing:
    • All meetings that can be held by zoom/skype should be held by zoom/skype (CBDBZ: could be done by zoom). This includes small group meetings, committee meetings, supervision meetings.
    • Maintain physical space (1-2 m), and do not handshake, hug, hongi. Practice your East Coast waves.
    • Stop holding ENV communal food/drinks events until further notice
    • Move to webinar /zoom options where possible.
  • Create connection to maintain our communities (if you are an ENV PG student here’s a link to a new ENV PG community facebook page)
  • All supervisors and PGR students: make your plans now for management of your research over the next 3-6 months.
  • Prepare for remote teaching of ALL S1 courses (and think ahead to S2).
    • Students are the core business of the University. We must prioritise maintenance of delivery of high quality courses.
    • Work together in teaching teams to ensure you have a quality plan ready to go if we are instructed to teach remotely. This could happen fast – prepare now.
    • Cancelling courses is not an option – if you cannot figure out how to make it work get in touch with me.

We are all in this together: be sure to let me know early if I have missed something, if you recognize an issue that needs to be resolved or if you need help. And, importantly, please be kind to each other.

Ngā mihi

Whakawhanaungatanga – communities

Dear All,

The Rangahau Committee will host a Forum on “Research in the Pacific” on Tuesday 31 March from 12:00 – 13:00pm in Fale Pasifika, followed by lunch (13:00 – 14:00). All staff are welcome to join. Research active staff are expected to attend. Please RSVP here for catering purpose by Monday 23 March. Please advise Samantha ( if you are an apology. We have a great list of speakers:

  • Ward Friesen, School of Environment, “Human Geography research centred on the Pacific”
  • Murray Ford, School of Environment, “Physical Geography and Earth Science research centred on the Pacific”
  • Melani Anae, Director Research, Centre for Pacific Studies, Faculty of Arts.  Melani will discuss her research interests and the role of research in the Centre for Pacific Studies
  • Jeff Nikoia, Director Strategic Growth, UniServices. Jeff will outline some of the activities UniServices is involved with in the Pacific
  • Brenda Star, Trustee, Pacific Development and Conservation Trust.   Brenda will outline the work of the Trust to support development and conservation in the Pacific

We look forward to seeing you at the Forum,

The Rangahau Committee

PhD enrolment extensions

Would supervisors please bear in mind that PhD students don’t need an enrolment extension until they have completed four years of FTE enrolment. We are getting a few unnecessary formal requests coming through (DOC-6 forms). In some cases it may be that there is confusion with scholarship extensions, but these are a separate matter (dealt with by the Scholarships Office).

Thanks, Anthony

(PhD Advisor)

Calling for volunteers for a fun day doing volcano and earthquake experiments with children!

Event: MOTAT Science STEM Fair

Where: MOTAT, Museum of Transport and Technology, Great North Road

Date: Sunday 5 April 2020 (as of 13 March it’s still on…)

Time: We need help between 9 am and 5 pm, for the whole time or an hour or two or anything in between

Who: Join the DEVORA (Determining Volcanic Risk in Auckland) and QuakeCORE outreach groups. No experience needed, just enthusiasm and joy: You’re helping children be excited about science!

Please contact Kate or Michaela

The Geography Auckland (NZGS Auckland) newsletter

The Auckland branch of NZGS promotes the activities of geographers and the development of the discipline in the Auckland region. It has proven an effective platform for hosting and sponsoring public seminars and workshops, and talks by prominent local and international geographers; running competitions for schools; providing opportunities for young geographers to attend conferences; and for bringing geographers together to discuss issues of public and disciplinary concern.

What’s on?
2020 GEONIGHT (International Night of Geography)
Wednesday 1st April 2020
Geography Auckland is joining the World International Night of Geography
Science Centre
University of Auckland
Building 302 Room 140
4.00pm – Start
Celebrate Geography,
Get excited
Karen Fisher ( (secretary)

Click here to read more.

Meetings, seminars and events

School of Environment Careers Expo 2020

7th April 12.00-2.00 pm, Room 302-140

School of Environment Shared Fundraising Morning Tea for the Victims of the Christchurch Terrorist Attack

If you missed the morning tea yesterday, it is still not too late to donate. Please contact Mel Wall ( Thanks

All proceeds to Our People, Our City Fund which supports the families and Muslim communities impacted by the white supremacist terrorist attack on March 15, 2019 (

Earth Sciences Bickie briefing

Earth Sciences Bickie briefing is every Thursday morning at 10.30am in the Level 6 break out space. It’s a chance to share announcements, get updates on academic and research events and deadlines, and share highlights from the past week. All postgrads and staff welcome.

Volcanology, Geochemistry, & Petrology Research Group

The volcanology, geochemistry, & petrology research group (VGP) meets during the semester. Our next meeting will be on 17 March 2020 at 9 am in 303-G16. Nathan Collins will be giving a talk about his work entitled “Geochemical insights into shallow magmatic processes and transitioning eruption styles, Ambae, Vanuatu”! As always, everyone is welcome to attend our meetings. After this meeting, for the foreseeable future, we will be moving to holding VGP meetings as Zoom meetings. This includes next week’s meeting in which David Farsky will be practicing his proposal talk titled “Source, loss, and content of the deep magmatic volatiles (CO2, He) of the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand.” After setting up the Zoom meetings, I will send out details on how to join to everyone invited to the calendar invite. If you would like to be added to this list, please email me ( Thank you for being flexible on this front. Additionally, if you have any updates (including new students or projects) you would like to see on the website or would like to contribute a blog post, please email David ( For more information, please see our website: See you soon!

Ako – Teaching and Learning

Three members of the Waterways team at Auckland Council will make a special presentation on stream management issues in the Auckland region in the GEOG 331 class on Friday 20th March, from 10am-12noon. Any staff/student is welcome to attend this special session. It is in the Clock Tower, G10.

The following week, Ed Baynes, a Post Doc in Engineering, will make a one hour presentation from 10-11 in the same room, outlining his field and experimental work on sediment pulses in river systems. Same room – again, anyone welcome to attend (Friday 27th March, 10-11 am, Clock Tower, G10).

And finally, there will be a rivers symposium at UoA on Tuesday April 28th, from 1-5pm. B303, room G16. See the flyer below.

Get it Write – Academic Article Writing Workshop

Hosted by FMHS (open to all Faculties) and geared towards postgraduate students and early career academics:

Rangahau – Research

Meetings, seminars and events

Master Research Seminars

25 and/or 26 May 2020.
Mini-seminars by masters thesis students who are completing mid-year. All are invited. Supervisors should be there to support their students. Detailed programme still to be arranged.
Phil Shane
(Masters advisor)

Title: Flux, Origin and Pathway of Greenhouse Gas Emission from the Taupo Volcanic Zone
Presented by Tsung-Han Jimmy Yang

Date: Monday, 16 March
Time: 12 noon
Venue: 302-551

Title: Automating seismic data analysis and interpretation- CANCELLED due to COVID-19 concerns

(Please remove this seminar from your calendar)

Presented by Sergey Fomel, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA

Date: Monday, 30 March
Time: 12 PM
Venue: 303 – G16

Title: Dispersion and Morphodynamics in Estuarine and Nearshore Waters
Presented by Gaoyang Li (PhD Proposal)

Date: Wednesday, 18 March
Time: 2pm
Venue: 302-551

Research and Funding Opportunities

Sustainable Seas Ko ngā moana whakauka National Science Challenge

Innovation Fund

The purpose of the $2M Innovation Fund is to fund two-year research projects that will contribute directly to building a ‘blue economy’ in Aotearoa. The expected value of projects is from $50K to $250K max. There is a two stage application process with Expression of Interests to be completed via the EoI online submission form – by 12 noon, Monday 18 May 2020.  The Request for proposals (RFP) document contains further details including the application and assessment process, timeline, project values, scope, and criteria. Please let Kelly or Kathryn know if you are going to apply so we can assist with the indicative budget and faculty approvals prior to EOI submission.

Research funding

The Faculty is calling for applications for two internal funds by Monday 30 March:

  • The Nearmiss Fund provides funding ($10K max.) for up to 6 PIs who successfully progressed to the second stage of a major funding round, but missed out at the final stage.
  • The PhD publications Fund is a strategic initiative being trialled through FRDF funding. This funding ($4K max.) is to support 5-8 students as  research assistants to write up thesis results for publications (One application per PI).

Details and application form will be online here soon (or email Kelly or Kathryn and we will send you the guidelines and application form).

Please email your completed applications to Wendy Rhodes ( by 30 March. 

Rutherford Discovery Fellowships

The Rutherford Discovery Fellowships (RDF) supports the development of future research leaders, and assist with the retention of New Zealand’s talented early to mid-career researchers.

Eligibility: Applicants must be a NZ citizen or hold a NZ resident visa and continuously resided in NZ for at least three (3) months prior to application; and have had their PhD conferred between 1 January 2012 and 31 December 2017.

Value:  Ten (10) Fellowships, up to $160,000 p.a. each for five (5) years in length will be awarded in 2020.

The Fellowships consist of:

− $70,000 per year contribution towards researcher’s salary

− $60,000 per year contribution towards research related expenses

− $30,000 per year host contribution to support Fellow’s research programme.

 Deadline: 9 am, Monday 6 April 2020

 Further details: See the Rutherford Discovery Fellowships website

If you are interested in applying, please have a chat to JR.  More information can be obtained from your RPC (Kathryn Howard or Kelly Kilpin).

Fulbright New Zealand – Fulbright Specialist Awards

Fulbright Specialist Awards are for New Zealand institutions to host US academics, artists or professionals for lectures, seminars, workshops, conferences or symposiums. Up to five awards are granted each year, towards two to six-week programmes of activities.

 Eligibility:  The period of award is 2-6 weeks (the exchange must start at least 6 weeks after the Fulbright closing date and within 12 months of application

 Value: The awards are valued at up to US $11,700 and cover the Specialist’s flights between the US and NZ, and a daily honorarium. Up to six awards will be made.  The host needs to provide accommodation, meals and transport within NZ. No money is awarded to the host institution

 Internal Deadline:  Monday 23 March 2020

 Further details:  See the funders website

Teaching & Learning Research Initiative – Expression of Interest

 In 2020 there are two pathways to funding:

1.       Open pathway: open to proposals from all contexts and settings that meet the criteria

2.       Whatua tū aka: for projects that meet the criteria for a kaupapa Māori project

 Eligibility:  To be eligible for the fund, proposals need to come from partnerships involving teachers and researchers.   In the context of the TLRI, teachers are defined as education and training practitioners. The category of education and training practitioners may include, but is not limited to: teachers in kindergartens, early childhood centres, kōhanga reo and Pasifika language nests; teachers in kura, primary, intermediate, and secondary schools; and lecturers, tutors, and trainers working in post-school settings such as universities, wānanga, polytechnics, private training establishments (PTEs), industry training organisations (ITOs) and workplace settings

 Value:  Funding provided for Projects for 1, 2, or 3 years duration with a maximum of $150,000 per year appropriate for scale and scope of proposed project.

There is a maximum of $450,000 across the life of the project

 Internal Deadline:  Thursday 23 April 2020

 Further details:  See the funders website

New publications

  1. Schuurman, N., Martin, M. E., Crooks, V. A., & Randall, E. (2020). Where to enhance rural palliative care? Developing a spatial model to identify suitable communities most in need of service enhancement. BMC Health Services Research, 20(1), 168.
  2. Martin, M. E., & Schuurman, N. (2020). Social Media Big Data Acquisition and Analysis for Qualitative GIScience: Challenges and Opportunities. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 1–18. 


Job opening – Stallard Scientific Editing

Stallard Scientific Editing is seeking part-time (freelance) and full-time scientific editors, working from home, in the following specialist fields: seismology, tectonics, structural geology, regional geology, economic geology, igneous and metamorphic geology, atmospheric science, meteorology, and climatology.

The work involves editing scientific manuscripts (written by non-native speakers) for consistency, correct grammar, correct use of English, and readability, without altering the scientific content or changing the author’s meaning.

It has been clarified that recent graduates or even PhD candidates submitted but awaiting defence are welcome to apply. To apply, please contact Aaron Stallard at

Read more here.

Graduate Programme 21: awesome opportunity

Parks services unit, Auckland Council. See this link.

Copy deadline for next edition of P-cubed: Friday 27th March, 1pm to Farnaz:

Categories: Uncategorised

Issue 27- Monday 2nd March 2020

March 2, 2020 • fshe556


Kia ora koutou

Welcome to Semester 1! Once again the corridors and access ways are buzzing with new and returning students. Please keep an eye out for the lost ones and take time to help them out.

It’s a challenging start to the year with COVID-19 hitting home (see staff guide here). The Faculty has been working hard to ensure students caught up in the travel ban can participate in courses remotely. This requires a high commitment from all teaching teams – thank you to all who are making remote learning possible. Planning forward, I think it would be useful for all Semester 1 teaching teams to consider how courses could be transferred to remote learning if necessary. Likewise, it would be sensible for all PG research students and staff to start thinking about a ‘working from home’ plan on the off-chance we shut the doors. I’ll be looking into this over the next few days and will provide more guidance once I’ve got my head around the UOA pandemic plan.

If you have international travel planned or are about to embark on RSL, you may be rethinking itineraries. Please pay careful attention to the insurance info and the MFAT Safe Travel site. The School picks up the tab for any travel cancellations – in practice this means you need to be able to cover the costs via slush funds/research accounts or if this is not possible you will need to have a conversation with me noting that 2020 is a tight year. For those on RSL, the Faculty appreciates that you may need to make major changes to your itineraries. This will require some paperwork but there shouldn’t be any issues. As best I understand the situation, you still need to be overseas for 6 weeks to get the GIA.

Thanks to all who participated in the ENV Kaupapa 2020 event. The RSL reports were fantastic! I’m working my way through the questions and comments and will bring them back to the School in the next edition of p-cubed. The Kaupapa for 2020 is impact and excellence and we are kicking off three projects: Pacific Engagement (Sonia), Work and Wellbeing (David), and Knowledge Mobilisation (Marie).

And, to finish on a high note, I am delighted to advise that Mel Wall received the 2019 Dean’s Award for Teaching (Sustained Excellence). Well done Mel, thoroughly well deserved!

Ngā mihi


Whakawhanaungatanga – communities

School of Environment upcoming events for your diary (courtesy of the Student Experience Committee)

  • Thursday 5th March 12-2 pm Welcome to ENV bbq for stage 1 and 2 students (outside building 301)
  • Thursday 12th March 12-2 pm Welcome to ENV bbq for stage 3 and PG students (outside building 301)
  • Thursday 2nd April 12-2 pm Sports event 1 Volleyball (+bbq)
  • Tuesday April 7th Careers expo (time and room to be confirmed)
  • Wednesday 13th May 6 pm Quiz night
  • Thursday 21st May 4-5 pm Sports event 2 NavEvent (orienteering)
  • Monday 13th July Matariki celebration
  • Wednesday 19th August 12-2 pm Sports event 3 Nostalgia games (+bbq)
  • Friday 25th September Entries due for ENV Film Competition
  • Wednesday 30th September 4-6 pm Sports event 4 Soccer (+bbq)
  • Saturday 3rd October 3 ENV Ball
  • October 5th-9th October Mental Health Awareness week

Code of Conduct

The code of conduct for the university and associated guidelines are now on the web. The purpose of this Code is to develop and maintain a standard of behaviour that supports and enables the University’s commitment to being a safe, inclusive, equitable and respectful community. The Code of Conduct applies to all members of the University community – staff and students. Please feel free to post the code in offices and on CANVAS.

Spending ENV $$ and Cost Codes

If you are claiming expenses or arranging POs you need to use the correct cost codes. There are codes for ‘cost centres’: ENV is 4140; RDA is 8774; HOD is 8674; RE is 4200. Full list here. If you are claiming anything against the ENV cost centre, you must use the correct Project and Product codes.

Academics please note, the only $$ you can spend without prior approval are your Professional Development funds, if you are eligible. Use Project # 15408 and your personal product code.

For other expenditure and codes, contact:

  • Rangahau: research support (opportunities); PBRF; Hay, Bartrum, Cumberland lecture support (Giovanni)
  • Ako Innovation: teaching grants, new initiatives (Mel)
  • Ako: Academic programmes, courses, field trips, GTA/TA support, driving assessments (David)
  • Ako: Curriculum development (Robin)
  • Whakawhanaungatanga: Student experience (Joe); Outreach (JR); Equity (Sonia); General (Karen)
  • IT: software, hardware (Ingo)
  • Technical support, repairs, maintenance (Blair)

Technical Support for Semester 1

Please send your technical support requirements for semester one to Blair.
Email dates that you require technician support, how many technicians you need and what they are needed for.
This includes both teaching and research support.


Microscopy Lab – Te Taiwhanga Ngsaruiti is now open in 302-489. The lab has two new True Chrome Tucsen cameras to increase the capacity of the micro-imaging suit, general purpose microscopes (for micro-palaeontology, picking/viewing samples, microphotography) and additional petrographic microscopes.


First aid training

The School is looking to run a few first aid training sessions for staff and students.

For staff the cost of this will be covered by the School; students will be charged against their account. Dates are TBA once we have numbers confirmed.

Full (comprehensive) courses take 2 full days. Revalidation takes 1 day.

Please send Blair an email if you are interested in attending.  

Vice-Chancellor’s Excellence Awards

Nominations for the Vice-Chancellor’s Excellence Awards opened on February 1st and below is information regarding the categories, how to apply and links to further information.

The key difference for nominations this year is that all nominations are to be initiated using the online nomination form. Once completed, a copy must be sent to Faculty Office for initial assessment. Please send your completed nomination form to Margot Spraggon by no later than 6th March.

Vice-Chancellor’s Excellence Awards

There are three main categories:

  1. Professional Staff (containing 5 awards),
  2. Health, Safety & Wellbeing
  3. Environmental Sustainability.

Professional staff may be nominated for all categories while academic staff and students may be nominated for the Health, Safety & Wellbeing and Environmental Sustainability categories.

These awards recognise and reward excellence in a wide variety of activities that contribute to the University’s teaching, research and community service endeavours.  These awards complement the existing Research Excellence Awards and Teaching Excellence Awards.

Nominations are assessed firstly by the faculty/service division leadership team with final nominations signed off by the Dean/Director.  Each faculty/service division will set their own deadline for the submission of nominations for the initial review, before the final nominations are sent through to POD by the faculty/service division leadership teams for consideration.

Important Information

  • Nominations without endorsement from Dean/Director will not be deemed as valid and will not be presented to the selection committee.
  • The maximum individual/team amount to be awarded per category will be $2000.
  • The awards will be presented by the Vice-Chancellor at a function held for the occasion on Tuesday 12 May.

Further information about these awards can be found on the staff intranet

Meetings, seminars and events

The IT Committee has met on Tue., 25 Feb

A few notes:

  • Computers in teaching laboratories: Please be prepared for potential teething problems in the first week of the semester.  The recent switch to Windows 10 may cause some older computers to slow down.  Please also inform your TAs.  Please let me know if you are having any serious problems – I’ll pass this on. 
  • FlexIT: IT encourages us to use FlexIT for teaching labs. and more generally. Essentially, FlexIT provides a virtual desktop with the software from the lab. images (and more) installed.  Please check the following information:
  • Databases:  Several people are considering mirroring national or international databases (e.g., in my case, NZP&M’s petroleum exploration data).  Please let me know if you are having similar thoughts.  This effort could be hugely beneficial for research and teaching and would best be coordinated. Ingo (

School of Environment Shared morning tea

Monday 16th March, 10.30- 11.30am, 302-6th floor

If possible, please bring a plate of food to share which reminds you of home.

Also, if you are able and willing, can you please bring cash for a donation. All proceeds to Our People, Our City Fund (administered by the Registered Charity The Christchurch Foundation). The fund supports the families and Muslim communities impacted by the white supremacist terrorist attack on March 15, 2019 (

Any questions, please contact Mel Wall (

Can You Feel It? On the Complex Role of Emotions and Affects in Policy Making

Seminar: Professor Michael Orsini
Institute of Feminist and Gender Studies | School of Political Studies (University of Ottawa)
Friday 6 March — 12.30-2.30pm
Pat Hanan Room (207-501)
This presentation focuses on some of the contentious policy narratives that circulate around fatness and ‘obesity’, and explores how these are structured by intersections of race, class, disability, and gender. Drawing on interviews with researchers, policy makers and people living with ‘obesity’ or who self-identify as fat, I am interested in how different orderings of emotions – or “feeling rules” — help us to think about the ways in which emotions and affects are discursively managed in complex (and emotionally charged) policy environments. Moving beyond conventional approaches to policy analysis that privilege rationalist forms of inquiry, I ask how processes of meaning-making are influenced by the ways in which certain emotions are deployed in contexts where the policy interventions themselves involve stigmatized populations about whom particular emotions might be attached.
Read more

Staff training to work with Māori and Pacific peoples

Enabling cultural capability: building confidence, awareness and understanding for those working with Māori and Pacific peoples

This project will build the cultural capacity of the School of Environment staff to understand and work with Māori and Pacific knowledges and peoples.  Policies within the University and external organisations require staff to acknowledge the unique cultural attributes of Māori and Pacific peoples in Aotearoa New Zealand; however, staff often feel they lack the ability to do so. This project will provide staff with opportunities to redress this. In a series of meetings and workshops (facilitated by external cultural experts) throughout 2020, staff will be supported to transform their teaching and/or research practices.

This project will be relevant to those staff who are working with Māori and Pacific students, applying for external grants within Aotearoa New Zealand, engaged in fieldwork that is of relevance to Māori and Pacific communities, and those considering promotion/continuation, among others.

This project is funded by a University of Auckland Learning Enhancement Grant. Anyone who is keen to participate in this staff training is warmly welcome to. Please email Sonia ( to indicate your interest. 

Kāinga Wāhine shared lunch

The School of Environment Equity Committee invites all ENV postgraduate students and staff who identify as women to join us for the first Kāinga Wāhine shared lunch of the year, on 12th March 1-2pm in the Ontology Lab, Rm 302.551. No RSVP required – please bring a plate to share! 

 We will circulate future dates in advance – look out for posters around the School, and a calendar invite. Contact Emma Sharp with any queries. 

This first meeting also marks the week of International Women’s Day (8th March). The Faculty of Science Women in Science network is putting on an International Women’s Day morning tea on Monday March 9th, 10:30-11:30, in the 6th floor common area of building 302, to celebrate the occasion. 

Earth Sciences Bickie briefing

Earth Sciences Bickie briefing is every Thursday morning at 10.30am in the Level 6 break out space. It’s a chance to share announcements, get updates on academic and research events and deadlines, and share highlights from the past week. All postgrads and staff welcome.

Volcanology, Geochemistry, & Petrology Research Group

The volcanology, geochemistry, & petrology research group (VGP) meets during the semester. Our meetings for the first semester of 2020 will be on 10 March 2020 at 9 am in 303-G16. We will be conducting practice talks for the upcoming Chapman Conference on distributed volcanism! As always, everyone is welcome to attend our meetings. If you have any updates (including new students or projects) you would like to see on the website or would like to contribute a blog post, please email him ( For more information, please see our website: See you soon!

Ako – Teaching and Learning


The School’s online Academic Guide has been around since 2016. This is primarily a resource for academic staff and especially course coordinators. It can be accessed from P-Cubed through the How to do stuff menu (at the top) and has been referred to frequently in recent posts.

ENV AKO will be its Canvas-based successor. Semester 1 Course Coordinators have already been receiving announcements via this Canvas ‘course’, and all remaining teaching staff will soon be receiving invitations to join. Please note:

  • The ENV Academic Guide is still available – either directly or as a plug-in through ENV AKO.
  • ENV AKO is under development and functions will be rolled-out over the next few months.

 If you do not receive an invitation (from Canvas) please contact our Group Services Administrator, Alex.

Assessment for Covid-19 travel-ban students

AKO Innovation Committee will run an informal round-table conversation (with lunch) on Tuesday 3 March from 12pm in 302.551 (Ontology Lab). This is primarily for staff teaching Semester 1 courses with students ‘attending’ at a distance (from China). Please advise Mel Wall if you would like to attend.

Software for Covid-19 travel-ban students

The University has updated its list of software that can be used by China-based students. This may be found on the Coronavirus outbreak page – which is worth keeping a check on.

Rangahau – Research

Funding model  for postgraduate students

Starting this year we have modified the funding model from the School for postgraduate students so please make sure your students are aware (they will also hear about this during orientations over the next two weeks) and that you have discussed this when filling out the PD3B forms.
• PGDipSci: School of Environment will cover printing expenses (up to $150).
• Honours will stay the same ($350).
• MSc: The allocation needs to be reduced from $2000 to $1000 (with $150 for thesis binding)
• MEG/MENV (90pt research component): $750 (with $150 for thesis binding)
• MENV (30pt): same as Honours ($350).

Printing costs for postgraduate students are allocated in $50 allotments, covered by the School of Environment (not part of the allotment). For allocations and top-ups see Group services administrator Alexandra Soudlenkova

Once the allocations are spent, students may apply for a top-up of their funds- please send top up requests to Chris Struthers at However, these requests must be justified and consistent with anticipated expenses in their PD3B forms.


A temporary adieu to Amy Weir, one of the Faculty’s Research Programme Coordinators supporting researchers in the School of Environment, who has been appointed to a 10 month secondment as a Research Programme Manager to support researchers in the School of Biological Sciences and Institute of Marine Science. Researchers Amy was supporting in the School, will now be supported by Ivana Mlinac or Kathryn Howard.  The researchers supported by Kelly Kilpin remains the same. 

 If you’d like to clarify who your primary research support contact is, please email Kathryn at But of course you are welcome to contact any of us with any research queries at any time – we (Kelly, Ivana and Kathryn) are ready to assist you. 

Meetings, seminars and events

Title: Regional to reservoir stress-induced seismic azimuthal anisotropy

Presented by Lisa Gavin, Woodside Energy, Perth, Australia

Date: Friday, 6 March
Time: 2 – 3 PM
Venue: 303 – G14

You can find the flyer here.


Title: Automating seismic data analysis and interpretation

Presented by Sergey Fomel, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA

Date: Monday, 30 March
Time: 12 PM
Venue: 303 – G16

You can find the flyer here 

Title: Just deserts? Charitable organisations, geography and inequality in contemporary Britain

Presented by Professor John Mohan
Date: Thursday 12th March 12noon – 1pm
Venue: Ontology Lab
You can find the flyer

Unlocking the potential of terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides on tectonically active rock coasts

Aidan McLean

Wednesday, March 4th · 10am · Ontology Lab 302-551

Title: Is the concept of coastal resilience useful for coastal communities? A pilot study for England

Presented by Prof. Ian Townend, visiting from Southampton University 
Date: Wed 11 March 2020, 3pm
Venue: Coastal Lab, building 302, 4th floor

Vision Mātauranga Wānanga sessions:

These sessions are provided by Kaiarahi Geremy Hema from UniServices.

March Session

Date and Time: Wed, 25 March 2020 10:00AM – 12:00PM, Location: Sir Owen G Glen Building: Case Room 4 / 260-009, Auckland

To register:

April Session

Date and Time: Wed, 22 April 2020 10:00AM – 12:00PM, Location: Science Centre Building 303Room 101, Symonds Street, Auckland

To register:

These sessions will cover:

  • What VM seeks to achieve (beyond the words of the policy, advancement and protection of Mātauranga Māori)
  • Engagement best practice, and
  • Iwi expectations.

These two hour sessions will include:

  • A one hour presentation
  • 30 minutes Q&A
  • Time to meet and greet other colleagues, Uni staff, and the UniServices team

Research and Funding Opportunities

Call for Scholarship applications

Doctoral Research Scholarship: Fostering Inclusion and Equity in Disaster Risk Reduction

3-year Doctoral Scholarship
The University of Auckland

The University of Auckland is awarding a 3-year PhD Scholarship from mid-2020 – 2023 as part of Resilience to Nature’s Challenges (RNC) research programme, Kia manawaroa – Ngā Ākina o Te Ao Tūroa. The scholarship is available to students of all nationalities. The starting date is any time from mid-2020. The successful applicant will be working with JC Gaillard (The University of Auckland) and relevant co-supervisors, with a preference for being located in Auckland.

Closing Date for Applications: 31 March 2020

Read more

Copy deadline for next edition of P-cubed: Friday 13th March, 1pm to Farnaz:

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 27- Monday 2nd March 2020

Issue 26- Monday 17th February 2020

February 17, 2020 • fshe556


Kia ora koutou

There are some great seminars and activities coming up, as listed below. In addition,  Professor Ian Bailey and Associate Professor Wolfram Dressler are visiting from Plymouth and Melbourne, respectively, next week and will present a seminar on a topic of their choice in the broad area of Environmental Management. You are all welcome to attend these lectures and engage with each presenter.

  • Professor Ian Bailey: 2.30-3.30pm Wednesday 26th February, 302-G20 (case room). Bio and abstract to be distributed presently.
  • Associate Professor Wolfram Dressler: 9-10am Thursday 27th February 302-G053. See here for bio and abstract.

Note that the venues may change – I will send an email out closer to the scheduled times if this occurs.

We have a good morning in store for us at ENV Kaupapa 2020 (10.30-1.30 Wednesday 26 February), including short presentations on RSL experiences from those who have just arrived back from their time away. Please arrive at the Decima Glenn Room, 260-310 OGGB ahead of time so that we can make a good start.

Have a great couple of weeks in the lead up to teaching!

Ngā mihi


Whakawhanaungatanga – communities

Please check the latest EAP flyer here:

  • Tips on starting the day and feeling motivated
  • Reflecting on 2019 with positive acknowledgment and thoughts
  • Saying “Yes” when you want to say “No” and vice versa
  • Learn about GRIT with the new EAP App

The Geography Auckland (NZGS Auckland) newsletter

The Auckland branch of NZGS promotes the activities of geographers and the development of the discipline in the Auckland region. It has proven an effective platform for hosting and sponsoring public seminars and workshops, and talks by prominent local and international geographers; running competitions for schools; providing opportunities for young geographers to attend conferences; and for bringing geographers together to discuss issues of public and disciplinary concern. Click here to read more.

The School of Environment Māori Masters Thesis Scholarship

Current application round extended until 20 February

As no applications for this scholarship were received by the original January closing date, this round has been extended until 20 February 2020.

Recent eligible Hons and PGDip graduates have already been contacted, but if you know a student from previous years, or from elsewhere, who is eligible and may be interested to undertake Masters thesis study in the School, please contact them urgently and encourage them to apply.

This Scholarship provides up to $5,000 plus compulsory fees, and may be awarded to Māori students enrolling in full-time or part-time study in a Master of Arts or Master of Science thesis in Geography, or a Master of Science thesis in Earth Sciences, Environmental Management, Environmental Science or Geophysics. The basis of selection will be academic merit, with a minimum GPA/GPE of 4.00 or above in the applicant’s most recent qualifying programme required for consideration for the Scholarship.

The Scholarship may not be held in conjunction with a University of Auckland Research Masters Scholarship or a University of Auckland Māori Postgraduate Scholarship, automatically granted to students with a GPA of 7.5 or above, and particularly targets students who do not quite reach that threshold.

For further details see:

Staff training to work with Māori and Pacific peoples

Enabling cultural capability: building confidence, awareness and understanding for those working with Māori and Pacific peoples

This project will build the cultural capacity of the School of Environment staff to understand and work with Māori and Pacific knowledges and peoples.  Policies within the University and external organisations require staff to acknowledge the unique cultural attributes of Māori and Pacific peoples in Aotearoa New Zealand; however, staff often feel they lack the ability to do so. This project will provide staff with opportunities to redress this. In a series of meetings and workshops (facilitated by external cultural experts) throughout 2020, staff will be supported to transform their teaching and/or research practices.

This project will be relevant to those staff who are working with Māori and Pacific students, applying for external grants within Aotearoa New Zealand, engaged in fieldwork that is of relevance to Māori and Pacific communities, and those considering promotion/continuation, among others.

This project is funded by a University of Auckland Learning Enhancement Grant.

School of Environment Shared morning tea

Monday 16th March, 10.30- 11.30am, 302-6th floor

Please bring a plate of food to share which reminds you of home.

Kua takoto te mānuka – The challenge has been set!

The Aotearoa Bike Challenge is in full swing and the University of Auckland is currently leading the pack in Auckland!

 Sign up now

Register with the University of Auckland team and see if your department is already involved. If not, you can create a new profile for your department. By signing up you’ll be part of the University’s team competing with other workplaces in Auckland, but also in a “just for fun” challenge between departments. If you like, you can use the website all year round to log your cycling.

 Help us rack up the points

Users get points for kilometers ridden, the number of days ridden, and the number of people encouraged. Here’s how you get encourager points: when someone signs up and logs their first ride for the Challenge a prompt pops up and asks them to identify whether someone in particular encouraged them. If they identify you as their encourager, then you get points!
1km = 1 point
1 day = 10 points
1 existing rider = 50 points
1 new rider = 100 points


Simply logging one ride in February puts you in the draw to win a range of goodies! Check out the prizes page to see what is on offer, along with the details of exclusive discounts for bike challenge participants. As always, we also have some special prizes for University of Auckland participants. Log one ride and you will automatically go into the draw to win one of three 3-month memberships to the new gym facility at 70 Stanley Street. Encourage a colleague to ride and you will go into the draw to win an eco-hamper. To be eligible for this, you and the person you encourage must both log a ride during February and the person must nominate you as their official encourager on the website.

Prizes will be drawn on Monday 2 March.

 E-bike testing

Last year we had strong interest in e-bike rides and we hosted several trips on Te Ara I Whiti, the Lightpath. This year, we are working with Auckland Transport and e-bike suppliers to offer some similar events. One is scheduled to be held at Auckland Domain on Wednesday 19 February, and will be ideal for staff based at Grafton and Newmarket. We are about to confirm dates for tests on Grafton Gully cycleway and a potential event for Epsom Campus. Regardless, there will be limited places for these events, so get in quick! Register your interest by filling out this form and we will be in touch in due course.

 Yammer group

The UoA Bike User Group is one of the most active groups on Yammer. Administrated by Property Services, it is a discussion forum for all things cycling. If you would like to stay in the loop, join the group here.

 For queries, contact Charlotte Blythe from the Sustainability Office.

Meetings, seminars and events

Save the date:  ENV Seminar: 25th of February 1pm-2pm, 302-140.

Join us on Tuesday the 25th of February from 1pm to 2pm to learn about the fantastic research your colleagues do. All staff members and students from the School of Environment are warmly invited to attend this second School of Environment Seminar. We will run the seminars every three months and every time we will have three presenters from different disciplines from the School of Environment.

In the upcoming ENV Seminar, we will have three presenters who are new or relatively new additions to the School.

Volcanology, Geochemistry, & Petrology Research Group

The volcanology, geochemistry, & petrology research group (VGP) meets during the semester. Our meetings for the first semester of 2020 will begin on 10 March 2020 at 9 am in 303-G16. In the meantime, we would like to introduce our new webmaster David Farsky who is taking over now that Mai Sas has submitted. If you have any updates (including new students or projects) you would like to see on the website or would like to contribute a blog post, please email him ( Sophia is in the midst of finalising speakers for the semester; please check the next P-cube edition for an announcement. (She is also delighted to receive offers of talks from potential speakers!) As always, everyone is welcome to attend our meetings. For more information, please see our website: See you soon!

Earth Sciences Bickie briefing

Earth Sciences Bickie briefing is every Thursday morning at 10.30am in the Level 6 break out space. It’s a chance to share announcements, get updates on academic and research events and deadlines, and share highlights from the past week. All postgrads and staff welcome.

Ako – Teaching and Learning

Examiners’ Meetings

Please note that dates for Examiners’ Meetings may be found here:

·         Semester 1 Examiners’ Meetings

·         Semester 2 Examiners’ Meetings note the changes since last posting, please remove the old dates and kindly add the new ones to your calendar

Ako Innovation Committee: Teaching & Learning Fund 2020

The purpose of this fund is to promote the development of innovative teaching and learning practices within the School of Environment which promote a culture of teaching excellence. These funds will be distributed in one contestable round, with grants of up to $6000. The total pool of funds available in 2020 is $12000. Grants to individuals or groups of teaching active staff will be used to fund small-scale teaching initiatives that have an impact on teaching practice for the benefit of learners.

 All applications should be received by 21/02/2020 by noon.

 See Ako Innovation Committee Teaching & Learning Fund: Grant Guidelines and 2020 Application Form for AKO Teaching and Learning Innovation Grant.

 Any questions please contact Mel Wall.

Rangahau – Research

Respecting River Diversity

Working at the interface between river science and management, Professor Brierley recently co-authored a short 

research communication on “Respecting River Diversity” for The Australian River Restoration Centre Magazine. Details can be found at:

Meetings, seminars and events

Title: Regional to reservoir stress-induced seismic azimuthal anisotropy

Presented by Lisa Gavin, Woodside Energy, Perth, Australia

Date: Friday, 6 March
Time: 2 – 3 PM
Venue: 303 – G14

You can find the flyer here.

Title: Automating seismic data analysis and interpretation

Presented by Sergey Fomel, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA

Date: Monday, 30 March
Time: 12 PM
Venue: 303 – G16

You can find the flyer here 

Research and Funding Opportunities

Catalyst:  Seeding

Catalyst: Seeding facilitates new small and medium pre-research strategic partnerships with international collaborators that cannot be supported through other means.  Funding is for research exchanges, research activities, and expenses related to hosting workshops for new strategic research partnerships with international collaborators.

Value:  A maximum of $80,000 over 2 years

Deadline: Wednesday 15 April, 5 pm

Terms and conditions, and more information can be found here.  If you are interested in applying, please let your RPC know as you will need to register on the portal.

Catalyst: Leaders

Catalyst: Leaders supports incoming and outgoing targeted international fellowships for exceptional individuals that cannot be supported through other means:

·         International Leader Fellowships: Supports exceptional individuals from any country outside New Zealand to catalyse science and innovation capability development in New Zealand for a minimum of 4 weeks per year for up to 3 years. 

Value:  Up to $50,000 per annum for 3 years

·         New Zealand – China Scientist Exchange Programme:  Supports the development of research linkages with China by enabling early or mid-career New Zealand researchers to visit Chinese research organisations for 4 weeks to collaborate in jointly agreed research fields

Value:  $3000 travel grant + daily allowance and accommodation/domestic travel in China

·         JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships:  Supports excellent post-doctoral researchers to do research in Japan for 12-24 months.

Deadline:  Wednesday 15 April, 5pm

Terms and conditions, and more information can be found here.  If you are interested in applying, please let your RPC know as you will need to register on the portal.

Pacific Development and Conservation Trust

The purpose of the Trust is to promote sustainable development in the Pacific and New Zealand, while conserving the natural environment and cultural heritage of its people.  Projects must benefit people or communities of the Pacific countries or territories.

Value: Grants range from $2000 to $50,000 (there is no minimum or maximum, the trust has about $250,000 to give as grants each year)

Deadline: Monday 2 March 2020

Terms and conditions, and more information can be found here.

Te Tahua Taiao Ngā Taonga – Lottery Environment and Heritage grants

Lottery Environment and Heritage grants are available for projects that will help protect, conserve or care for our natural, cultural and physical heritage, or allow us to better understand and access these resources.

Value:  Small projects, where the grant requested is for less than $250,000 and large projects where the grant requested is for $250,000 or more

Deadline:  Monday 24 February, 5pm

Terms and conditions, and more information can be found here

New publications

  1. Cardona, S., Wood, L.J., Dugan, B., Jobe, Z. and Strachan, L.J. (2020) Characterization of the Rapanui Mass-Transport Deposit and the Basal Shear Zone: Mount Messenger Formation, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand. Sedimentology, DOI: 10.1111/sed.12697.
  2. Bull, S., Arnot, M.J., Browne G.H., Crundwell M.P., Nicol, A., Strachan, L.J. (2020) Neogene and Quaternary mass transport deposits from northern Taranaki, New Zealand: morphologies, transportation processes, and depositional controls. In: Submarine landslides: subaqueous mass transport deposits from outcrops to seismic profiles, Geophysical Monograph, 246, AGU, 171-180.
  3. Cowan R. Nokes, Helen C. Bostock, Lorna J. Strachan, Mark Hadfield, Phil Barnes (2019) Sediment Dynamics of the North Canterbury Shelf, New Zealand. NZ Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. DOI: 10.1080/00288330.2019.1699584.
  4. Melissa J. Craig, Jaco H. Baas, Kathryn J. Amos, Lorna J. Strachan, Andrew J. Manning, David M. Paterson, Julie A. Hope, Scott D. Nodder, Megan L. Baker (2019) Biomediation of sediment gravity flow dynamics. Geology. DOI: 10.1130/G46837.1.


Job opening – REGIONAL COORDINATOR for Our Seas Our Future – AUCKLAND

Role type: Volunteer

Role scope: Regional Leadership

Role time requirement: 2 hours per

Regional Coordinator Role Description:

A challenging leadership role
designed to provide experience in building and coordinating teams, and project

Purpose Statement: To lead and
coordinate environmental conservation events, projects, and volunteers on
behalf of OSOF within respective regional areas.

For a detailed role description
click here:

About Our Seas Our Future:

Our Seas
Our Future is a 100% volunteer-run and non-profit marine conservation
organisation based in Aotearoa.

Mission Statement: Our Seas Our Future aims to protect New Zealand’s coastal and
marine ecosystems through advocacy, education, and environmental stewardship,
ensuring that they are managed sustainably and protected for future generations.


If you are looking for a
challenging and rewarding leadership role, please contact Noel Jhinku at
or with a CV and a cover letter outlining your interest.

Please also circulate this email to
others who may be interested in this opportunity. 




Copy deadline for next edition of P-cubed: Friday 28th February, 1pm to Farnaz:

Categories: Uncategorised

Issue 25- Monday 3rd February 2020

February 3, 2020 • fshe556


Kia ora koutou!

JR is out of town for a couple of weeks but the School continues to rise from its summer repose, and this edition of P-Cubed is packed with details of seminars, events and announcements. Please read on.

In the interest of brevity I would like to direct your attention to two matters in particular:

1.       Unless you have been seriously off-grid you will be aware of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak. Please note the item in Whakawhanaungatanga below – but most importantly please read the University’s emails on this since it is a rapidly-developing situation.

2.       The second matter is more local and directed at academic staff. The new Assessment Policy may necessitate changes to your courses so please take notice.

Finally, thanks to our colleagues who have been teaching Summer School courses.

Best wishes,

David Hayward

Ako – Teaching and Learning

Assessment – New Policy – Course Coordinators please note

The University’s Policy for in-course assessment has been refreshed – and in particular, 9 principles have been identified. This is likely to result in a change of assessment for some courses. You can find these online but here are a some specific points to keep in mind.

Assessment design

  1. The timing of assessment components, where possible, must consider student workloads, coherent learning progression, and provide sufficient opportunities to utilise feedback/feed-forward. Students must have the opportunity to complete an early appropriately-weighted or formative assessment exercise, which may vary in scope and type across discipline or class size.  Feedback/feed-forward on this exercise must be received in time to assist students in preparing for their first substantive assessment in the course.
  • It doesn’t define “early” but for a regular, 12-week course we recommend a small assignment (rule of thumb – under 5%) around week 3 or 4, that is marked quickly and returned with helpful feedback before their next assessment in order to allow students time to incorporate this feedback (ideally by the end of week 5).
  • In effect, this distinguishes between formative and summative assessment: those that are primarily intended to aid learning; and those that evaluate learning.
  • According to the Definitions section:

Formative assessment means any assessment practice carried out early enough in a course with the purpose of providing students feedback that enables them to develop their learning… Formative assessment may be weighted or unweighted.

  1. Assessment tasks must ensure that students with disabilities are provided with appropriate opportunities to demonstrate their achievement of learning outcomes.
  • In ENV this is often an issue with field trips and labs, and especially those where a certain level of physical ability is presumed for tasks or for minimising the risk of harm. Please consider the accessibility of these activities. Collectively, the School has had quite a bit of experience in this and so do seek advice.
  1. Tests which count toward the final result for a course will be conducted under examination conditions
  • Pretty self-explanatory, but please note that you may need to book a second venue to ensure that students have sufficient spacing to deter cheating. Also, you must have at least 2 staff invigilating in each Test room. Tutors can assist, or enlist colleagues.
  1. Tests with a weighting higher than 20%, including take-home tests, must not be conducted in the final week of teaching, unless justified by the distinctive requirements of the course.
  • In particular, summative Tests should not be scheduled for the convenience of staff. If they are the final assessment in a course then they are an exam, and must scheduled in the exam period.

Feedback on coursework

  1. Feedback must be provided in a timely manner and no later than three weeks after the day the assessment was submitted, or sooner when the feedback is required to prepare for subsequent assessments.

Note: this clause does not apply to the early assessment requirement described in s.15

  • The turnaround time for marking and feedback is often a concern for students. For staff it is of course a workload matter; however, remains the responsibility of Course Directors/Coordinators to plan for this and design assessments with this in mind.

Advice to students

  • 33.  Detailed information about assessments for each course must be available in the Canvas course outline and published no later than two weeks prior to the start of teaching.  This will include:

o   the intended learning outcomes to be assessed

o   an assessment table, with: (i) a description of the assessment tasks (ii) the weighting of items; (iii) the due date for submission or testing; (iv) the mode of examination (digital or paper-based); (v) the conditions under which the examination will be sat (if relevant) and (vi) information about minimum pass requirements and plussage, where applicable

o   the conditions for extensions of time (if any)

o   penalties for lateness or violation of assessment specifications (e.g. length)

  • Digital Course Outlines will be loaded into Canvas and appear as a separate menu item (tab). We strongly recommend that you continue to put the key information such as learning outcomes and contact details on the Syllabus page, as before…
  • …and that you ensure that assignments are set-up in Canvas – including weightings and due dates.

Roles and Responsibilities

Clauses 1-9 refer to these. Please not that every course has at least a Course Director and an Assessor; and most courses have two or more Examiners. You are all collectively responsible for all aspects of the course and assessment design, the assessing (i.e., marking), and the grades in each course.

Key contacts for advice:

  • Head of Academic Operations, David Hayward
  • Chair of AKO Innovation Committee, Mel Wall (on Annual Leave until 19/2/20)
  • Group Services Administrator, Alex Soudlenkova

Ako Innovation Committee: Teaching & Learning Fund 2020

The purpose of this fund is to promote the development of innovative teaching and learning practices within the School of Environment which promote a culture of teaching excellence. These funds will be distributed in one contestable round, with grants of up to $6000 with preference given to initiatives completed by August 2020. The total pool of funds available in 2020 is $12000. Grants to individuals or groups of teaching active staff will be used to fund small-scale teaching initiatives that have an impact on teaching practice for the benefit of learners.

All applications should be received by 21/02/2020 by noon.

See Ako Innovation Committee Teaching & Learning Fund: Grant Guidelines and 2020 Application Form for AKO Teaching and Learning Innovation Grant.

Any questions please contact Joe Fagan.

Changes to courses for 2021

Breaking news – as of this morning! The timeline for making changes to course titles and prescriptions, adding new courses, deleting courses and changing programme regulations is much shorter this year. These should be discussed by Disciplinary Groups and then sent to the Head of Academic Operations (David Hayward) by Thursday 19 March.


Please note that the University has transitioned from APA 6th to APA 7th. Changes are noted here

Whakawhanaungatanga – communities

On December 16-17 last year, the School’s multi-purpose lab played hosted to an international research symposium, titled ‘Bringing life’s work to market: A symposium on practices and spaces of marketised social reproduction’). Organised by Tom Baker, it attracted around 50 attendees and 25 presentations from academics in Australia (U Sydney, U Melbourne, Monash U, U Wollongong, U Western Australia, Macquarie U), Canada (Queen’s U), USA (Penn State U, U Minnesota, Clark U, UC Davis), UK (Birkbeck U), Switzerland (U Zurich), Germany (Kassel U) and NZ (VUW, Waikato U, U Canterbury). Plans are currently underway for a journal special issue, based on presentations at the symposium. The organisers gratefully acknowledge the support received via the School’s PBRF fund.


The University has a webpage that is regularly updated, and email updates are arriving daily. A Faculty of Science briefing this morning identified some specific areas of concern for us:

1.       Overseas travel – restrictions are in place and you should anticipate these increasing further. Please reassess all overseas travel, seek guidance as necessary and keep up-to-date with requirements.

2.       As of this morning non-NZ citizens/residents are prohibited from returning if they travel through mainland China. This could affect many of you and so please take note. Also, consider any visitors you have planned, and advise them accordingly.

3.       Students – it is anticipated that many international students may be unable to arrive in time to commence Semester 1. Course Coordinators should ensure that all resources and lecture recordings are available on Canvas – since some students may be forced into a distance learning mode.

Outreach help requested for high school field trip to Mangere Mountain

One of our former geology students, Laura Ward, now teaches high school at Howick College. She has requested help from our Earth Science staff or post-graduate students to join her class on a field trip to Mangare Mountain. The class consists of Year 13’s of mixed academic ability, and they will be sitting a standard on dating geological features (radiometric and relative dating techniques). Laura says, “we thought it would be cool to try to get a real scientist to come along to help explain features of the volcano and reinforce some dating techniques.” 

The trip is scheduled for 13th February, we will be visiting Mangere Mountain in the morning (9:00am – lunch)

Please let Kathy know ( if you are interested in leading the group for this outreach event. 

Geoscience-related posters:

Important and relevant Geoscience-related posters have been compiled by the Geological Society of London. These should be useful for staff when articulating to students (and potential students and their parents) why the Geosciences are such important subjects and careers for people to pursue. The link is here:

Two posters in particular are important:

  1. The “Geoscience for the Future” poster outlines how Geoscience is crucial in meeting society’s future challenges through policies to avoid dangerous levels of climate change, to protect the environment and to ensure the availability of vital resources for all. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are also listed in the top right.
  2. The “Minerals in a Smartphone” poster describes the incredibly broad range of minerals that are required to produce a smartphone; this highlights how Geoscience is important for meeting today’s and tomorrow’s technological advances.
    Both can be printed at up to A1 size.

Updated City Campus Map

The University has renamed a number of its buildings. We now have a Social Sciences Building, Humanities Building, and Cultures Languages and Linguistics Building. Please check for any changes in the updated City Campus Map

Meetings, seminars and events

Save the date:  ENV Seminar: 25th of February 1pm-2pm, 302-140.

Join us on Tuesday the 25th of February from 1pm to 2pm to learn about the fantastic research your colleagues do. All staff members and students from the School of Environment are warmly invited to attend this second School of Environment Seminar. We will run the seminars every three months and every time we will have three presenters from different disciplines from the School of Environment.

In the upcoming ENV Seminar, we will have three presenters who are new or relatively new additions to the School.

Māori accounts of disaster recovery

Speaker: Xavier Forsman
Date: Wednesday 5 February
Time: 12-1pm
Venue: Whare wānanga, Level 2, Central City Library, Lorne St
You can find the flyer here.

RISE (Research Industry Sustainable Engagement) Programme: Introduction

Please come along to the introduction to UniServices annual RISE programme which intended to raise the skills and practice of working of researchers with external stakeholders. It will consist of a formal training programme and a series of subsequent workshops beginning in January 2020 and ending in April of 2020.

Introduction session: Wednesday 5 February 1-3pm.  Register by clicking this link:

Earth Sciences Bickie briefing

Earth Sciences Bickie briefing is every Thursday morning at 10.30am in the Level 6 break out space. It’s a chance to share announcements, get updates on academic and research events and deadlines, and share highlights from the past week. All postgrads and staff welcome.

Rangahau – Research

Publishing: Article Processing Charge Waivers

 Libraries and Learning Services often get queries about Article Processing Charges (APCs) for making research papers open access. Although we can’t provide assistance in paying for your APCs when you are publishing your articles, we do have agreements with some publishers.  Publishers either waive APCs or give UoA authors a discount because of our current journal subscriptions. You might want to see if this covers any journals that are relevant to you.

 APC Waivers:

Biochemistry Society

Microbiology Society

Open Access APC Waiver:

IGI Global

Open Access APC discounts (15% discount applied automatically):

The Royal Society of Chemistry

BioMed Central


 Also don’t forget that most journals have a “Green” open access policy where you can upload a preprint version of your article into Research Outputs and the UoA ResearchSpace repository, giving you an OpenAccess version that is then accessible to those outside the journal paywalls.

For more information see our OA guide or contact a research adviser through the AskUs

APA 7th now on QuickCite

 You may be aware that the APA (American Psychological Association) have released the style guide for their newest version of their referencing  style – APA 7. APA 6 has been in very wide use as a citation and referencing style across many research disciplines.  We have recently added examples of the APA 7th referencing style to the QuickCite online guide.

 Print copies of the publication manual are also available in the Library.  

 We recommend that all students and researchers who use APA adopt the 7th edition style.

 Advice for teaching staff.

We recommend all teaching staff using APA update their teaching materials to adopt APA 7th and refer students to QuickCite.

Advice for students writing a thesis or dissertation

Students who are part-way through a thesis or dissertation, should ask the advice of their supervisor as to whether they should continue using APA 6th or change to APA 7th. We will continue to provide guidance for APA 6th on QuickCite for 2020.

 More information

You can read more about the 7th edition on the APA Style blog.



Publication manual of the American Psychological Association

If you have any questions about APA 7th, please Ask us.

Meetings, seminars and events

Title: Hydrothermal vents or hydrothermal fields: Where can life begin?

Speaker: David Deamer
Date: Friday 7th February
Time: 12-1pm
Venue: 302-G20

You can find the flyer here.

Title: Chemical, mineralogical and sorptive characteristics of Biogenic Iron Oxides (BIOS)

Speaker: Danielle Fortin
DateThursday 13th February 
Time: 12-1pm
Venue: 303-G14

You can find the flyer here.

Research and Funding Opportunities

Annual PBRF Funding. Round 1.

Please see the below links. Notice the change in the deadlines.

2020 Application Form for ENV PBRF

Guidelines for PBRF applications for 2020


The purpose of these awards are to support the fight against the current climate emergency, whilst also continuing to address the underrepresentation of women in science. Guidelines can be found on the following webpage.

Grant value:  $25,000 for a one year project

Internal Deadline:  Thursday 20 February

International Central Networks and Partnerships Grant (ICNPG)

ICNPG provides outbound mobility funding to both professional and academic staff who wish to develop international links and supports three types of strategic activities with the University’s network and strategic partners:

·         Research collaboration opportunity investigations

·         Attending network-sponsored workshops and conferences (APRU, U21, WUN)

·         Visiting fellowships to multiple partners

Further info and guidelines can be found on the website.  Interested applicants are encouraged to familiarise themselves with criteria and eligibility information and attend the ICNPG information session on 19 February 2pm – 3pm, please sign up through Career Tools.

 Grant value:  up to $5,000

Deadline:  Monday 9 March

Te Hiranga Rū QuakeCoRE – Proposal Development Grants

Grants are available for early-career researchers toward research-related costs for the development of contestable external research proposals targeting specific contestable funding programmes.  The aim of the grant is to provide seed funding to enable miscellaneous data collection, analysis, proposal team building for the purpose of preparing strong proposals in competitive NZ public funding rounds.

Further information can be found here.

Deadline:  Friday 14 February

Grant value:  between $5,000 – $10,000

ARC Linkage grant

Professor Gary Brierley is a Chief Investigator in a recently awarded ARC Linkage grant that examines the role of riparian vegetation as an agent in the recovery of river systems in Australia.

The project ($600k over 3 years) is the second largest in the country in the Earth Sciences and Environmental Sciences fields of research (10 projects funded), and is the 6th largest in the country as a whole.

Anyone interested in further details of this award should contact Gary.

Australasian Hydrographic Society

The Australasian Hydrographic Society offers an Annual Education Award of AUD $ 3,500. The award is open to students studying or researching in maritime disciplines. 

Applications open: 1 February – 31 March annually

Download  detailed information and the application form using this link 

For further info please contact

New publications

  1. Maintaining a long-standing interest in playful titles of research papers, Gary is co-author of a recently published paper on the Tongariro River (with former PhD student at UoA, Helen Reid, and visitor to UoA, Richard Williams) in JGR:Stuck at the bar: Larger‐than‐average grain lag deposits and the spectrum of particle mobilityWilliams, R. D., Reid, H. E., & Brierley, G. (2019). Stuck at the bar: Larger‐than‐average grain lag deposits and the spectrum of particle mobility. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface,124,


Job opening – Senior Advisor (Environment)

Applications for this position close on Sunday 9 February 2020

There is a job opportunity at Maritime New Zealand. The primary function of this role is using evidence & science to provide policy, enforcement and technical advice. Specifically this is for the regulation of the maritime industry for the purpose of minimising the pollution of the marine environment from shipping.

Copy deadline for next edition of P-cubed: Friday 14th February, 1pm to Farnaz:

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 25- Monday 3rd February 2020

Issue 24- Monday 20th January 2020

January 20, 2020 • fshe556


Kia ora koutou me te tau hou

Welcome to 2020! Every so often I like to purchase an artwork to support the fine arts in New Zealand. My recent purchase is a fluoresecent light installation by Deborah Rundle that draws upon the Prison Notebooks of Italian neo-Marxist Antonio Gramsci to examine his notion of common sense. The art work and Gramsci seemed appropriate as I watched in despair as the burnt ecosystems of Australia darkened our skies in the middle of a summer afternoon. The work that we do in this School, and how we mobilise the knowledge we create for societal and global benefit, is extraodinarily important. I’m wilfully optimistic that in this decade we will positively impact decision-making for a more sustainable future.

As the last decade wrapped up we had some great news. Brendan Hall was recognised by the Faculty of Science for his sustained contribution with a 2019 Professional Staff Excellence Award – well done Brendan! Mila and Murray were promoted to SL over the bar, Martin and Karen made Associate Professor, and JC and Jan were promoted to Professor! Congratulations to you all. The last events of the year, the Staff end-of-year and Doctoral Students’ celebrations, were marvellous occasions – thanks to all who created and hosted these events (Alex, Samantha, Sila, Karen, Nick).

As usual for this time of year, staff have been coming and going. Robin, Murray, Jan, Jennifer E., Tom, Kevin, George, Hong-Key, Brad, Kathy and Melissa are back from research and study leave – we look forward to hearing tales of your adventures. Annie, Martin and Ingo are on RSL for Semester 1 and Sam is on leave for the whole year. Best wishes for a productive and regenerative time.

Our new staff have arrived and are settling in: James Muirhead has joined the Earth Sciences team; and Thomas Mules and David Adams have joined our Technical Services team. Welcome to you all. Other staffing news: Dr Ingrid Ukstins has accepted a fixed-term appointment with us to contribute to the ‘Transitioning Taranaki to a Volcanic Future’ MBIE project, and will join us from Semester 1. In addition, I have asked Ingrid to enhance our impact in geohazards teaching spaces. Ingrid’s position is cost-neutral to the School. The search for an Environmental Geography/Environmental Management Lecturer is underway, we are making progress with the Professor in Environmental Management position (I hope to provide more detail in the next couple of weeks), and the Kaiwhakaako Mātai PTF position should be advertised this week.

Good luck to all our Masters students who are in the final throws of thesis preparation – go hard, go well! And, thanks to all who have suffered the disruptions to workspaces in Building 301 – your forebearance is greatly appreciated (see below for update).

Ngā mihi


Whakawhanaungatanga – communities

Building activity Level 4, 301: progress

The 301 central zone (Nick R, Mila, Sila, Barry) is on track for completion 31 January.

The 301 east zone (Nick L, Kathy, Ingo, Mel, Michael R, Lorna, Adnan, Franz, Valentine, Alec, Pooja, Tatiana) is on track for completion 15 February.

Sector 100 & 300 Building closures: St Jerome’s Laneway Festival 2020

Please note that Sectors 100 and 300 will again be fenced off and unavailable for general use for the Laneway Festival on Auckland Anniversary Day Monday 27th Jan.

There is provision to allow staff and post-graduate students to undertake essential work only with HoD approval as you will have to be escorted through the perimeter. Going by last January, there is only 1 entry point per sector along Symonds St. If you would like special access on that day, please complete the special entry approval form here by Tuesday 21 January. Then Samantha will obtain approval from HoS and send the approvals to Facilities.

• People not listed on a signed approval form will be refused entry through the perimeter.
• Requesters must bring their own access cards to gain access to the buildings (the independent Security firm on the perimeter will not be able to provide access to the buildings).
• In the event of an emergency, unplanned access will still be possible by contacting Campus Security.
• The perimeter will be erected starting on the Friday but access will only be restricted on the Monday.

Visiting Scientists

Dr Chunli Li (State Key Laboratory of Plateau Ecology and Agriculture, Qinghai University, Xining, China) is visiting Luitgard Schwendenmann until November 2020. Chunli will work on dissolved organic carbon in grassland and forest soils.


Welcome David Adams – Senior Technician Geochemistry

David Joined the University on the 20th of December as the new Senior Technician – Geochemistry.  He will be looking after our brand new JEOL 8530F Plus field-emission electron microprobe, iLab and will act as a backup for the ICP-MS if needed.  If you are looking for him he will either be in the microprobe lab, or in the office he shares with Natalia; 302.731.

He comes to the University of Auckland from the Denver Microbeam Lab at the United States Geological Survey (USGS) in Denver, Colorado. David has a Bachelor of Arts degree in German Language with a minor in Geology from and a Master of Science degree in Geology with a focus on volcanology and igneous petrology Baylor University in Texas, USA. David worked on a PhD in Geology at Oregon State University (OSU) and the beginning of his study briefly overlapped with the end of Mike Rowe’s PhD studies at OSU. David has a broad range of work and analytical instrumentation experience beginning during his Master’s degree study when he repaired and maintained the old Baylor University Geology Department’s AMR1000 Scanning Electron Microscope and used the universities electron microprobe and XRF in his Master’s thesis study of peralkaline rhyolites from Big Bend National Park, Texas, USA.

Following his time at OSU David worked in the USGS Mineral Resources team Denver Microbeam Lab for four years gaining experience and expertise in JEOL microprobes, and SEMs as well as LA-ICP-MS, XRD, XRF, USGS standard reference material creation, Raman, FTIR, and MicroCT.  Since then he has worked with the EPA, the University of Western Australia, Macquarie University and again at USGS.

We are very excited to have David join us.


Alutsyah Luthfian (Fian) from Indonesia has joined the School of Environment to undertake a DeVORA-funded PhD project “Multiparameter geophysical study on monogenetic volcano architecture, and the role of basement structure” focussing on the Auckland and Whangarei Volcanic Fields. Fian will be supervised by Jennifer Eccles (ENV) and Craig Miller (GNS Wairakei).


Taranaki field trip

Dr. Geoff Lerner led a field trip of 10 keen PhD students to Taranaki last weekend! Here he pointed out some interesting geology he studied during his PhD, including lahar, pyroclastic flows and tephra deposits. Check out some photos from the trip showing how much everyone lavaed it!

Link here!


New ENV Vehicle – Electric Hybrid

The School has purchased a new Mitsubishi Outlander PHeV electric hybrid to replace the ageing Hilux.

If you wish to read about the vehicle you will find the info here

With a 55km EV range, 1.9L/100km combined efficiency range and a 25 minute fast charge its a great addition to our fleet.

This is the first EV the Faculty has purchased and we are hoping that technology allows us to replace all our vehicles in the future with EVs.

The University is working on an EV Charging policy at the moment, and we are hoping we can get a fast charger installed somewhere close.

Thomas and Andres have kindly agreed to be photographed showing off how great the new vehicle looks!

Volunteer opportunity:

Can you spare an hour or two?

The Department of Conservation are looking for 3-4 volunteers to assist with a marine reserve awareness event on 27th January 2020 at Long Bay Marine reserve, Auckland. This event is part of a wider program aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of Marine Reserve engagement and Education in Tāmaki Makaurau.

The plan of the day is to run some informal rocky shore surveys to help visitors to Long Bay an understanding of some of the key habitats, species and features protected within the reserve. Volunteers will be asked to assist with species identification and helping to excite people about the importance of marine reserves

For more information please email Brittany at

Rangahau – Research

Meetings, seminars and events

The University of Auckland Early Career Research Excellence Awards and Research Excellence Medals

The 2020 round for University of Auckland Early Career Research Excellence Awards and Research Excellence Medals are now open

The University of Auckland Early Career Research Excellence Award recognises and promotes excellence and research leadership potential among our emerging researchers. The award aims to enable early career researchers to further their current research, establish stronger links with researchers in other parts of the world, or embark on new fields of research.  Early career researchers who completed their PhD or equivalent no more than eight years ago and are in the early years of developing a research career are eligible to apply.  This is a University Research Committee (UARC) award and there are six awards annually, of up to $25,000 per award.

The University of Auckland Research Excellence Medals are presented to individuals and small research teams in recognition of single projects/programmes which have made an outstanding contribution to one or more academic disciplines and/or fields of study in the last five years.

Research Excellence Medals include:

  1. Separate categories for individuals and for small research teams, with up to two Medals presented in each category (a total of up to four Medals annually). Awardees are presented with a medal and funds that can be received as a prize or grant: $5000 for individual winners and $10,000 for winning teams.
  2. Distinguished Professors are eligible to apply as Principal Investigators.

The 2020 guidelines and application forms are available from Resources – Strategic initiatives and prizes and awards.  

Please let Kelly, Ivana, Amy or Kathryn know if you are thinking of applying.  Completed applications are due to Wendy Rhodes ( by Monday 2 March 2020 (midnight).

Title: Hydrothermal vents or hydrothermal fields: Where can life begin?

Speaker: Dr. David Deamer
Date: Friday 7th February
Time: 12-1pm
Venue: 302-G20

You can find the flyer here.

Title: Using social media to spread the #NoNaturalDisaster message

Speaker: Kevin Blanchard
Date: Thursday 30th January
Time: 11am-1pm
Venue: 302-551 (Ontology Lab)
You can find the flyer here.

Title: 60 Hours on Burning Kangaroo Island

Speaker: Kennedy Warne
Date: Wednesday 22nd  January
Time: 12noon-1pm
Venue: 302-551 (Ontology Lab)
You can find the flyer here.

Research and Funding Opportunities

SfTI: Clean Water Technology Spearhead Project 2020

SfTI is calling for Expressions of Interest from researchers for a new Spearhead project from the Clean Water Technology Mission.  Spearhead projects are funded up to $1 million per annum. Further information on the fund can be found on the website

Internal Deadline: Wednesday 29 January 2020

New Zealand Ecohydraulics Trust Travel Award

The objective of the New Zealand Ecohydraulics Trust Travel Award managed by the Royal Society Te Apārangi, is to enable postgraduate students or early career New Zealand researchers to present a paper at the biennial Ecohydraulics Conference in Lyon, France in May 2020. For more information on the Award, guidelines and application forms refer to the RSNZ website

Internal Deadline: Tuesday 4 February 2020

Kate Edger Educational Charitable Trust – Post-doctoral Research Award

Up to Four awards to assist women who have qualified to graduate with a doctoral degree within the last two years to carry out research on a limited term project.
Value: $16,000.  Further information on the fund can be found on the website or the application form.

Internal Deadline: Round 1: 5pm, Thursday 6 February 2020 or Round 2: 5pm, Thursday 9 July 2020

Lyle Spencer Research Awards

These awards are to support intellectually ambitious research projects that aspire to transform education with budgets between $525,000 and $1 million and project durations of up to five years.  Further information on the fund can be found on the website

Internal Deadline: 20 February 2020

HRC Health Delivery

HRC Health Delivery Research Project, Activation and Career Development Grants are part of the redesigned version of HRC’s Health Delivery research investment focusing on enabling and growing more health delivery research in the settings where it is needed most.

Research Project guidelines and application form are available on this page.

Research Activation guidelines and application form are available on this page.

Career Development guidelines and application form are available on this page

Internal Deadline for registration for Project grants: 1pm 27 February 2020

Internal Deadline for registration for Activation and Career Development grants: 1pm 8 April 2020

Pacific Development and Conservation Grant

The Trust makes grants to projects that encourage and promote sustainable development in the Pacific and New Zealand, while conserving the natural environment and cultural heritage of its people. The Trust has about $250,000 to give as grants each year. There is no minimum or maximum grant amount. Grants range from $2,000 to $50,000 NZD.  Further information on the fund can be found on the website

Internal Deadline: Monday 2 March 2020

Food and Health Programme – seed funding

The Food and Health Programme provides up to $10,000 seed funding (per project) for cross-disciplinary/cross-faculty food and health related projects.  To apply, please complete Food and Health Programme Seed Fund Application, and email to Dee Nolan,, by Noon, Wednesday 26th February 2020

PhD scholarship on marine biodiversity, climate change and conservation

Here is an advertisement for a well-funded PhD at Nord University, Bodo, Norway on marine biodiversity, climate change and conservation.

Application deadline is 27 January 2020.

New publications

  1. Kench, P.S., McLean, R.F., Owen, S.D., Ryan, E., Morgan, K.M., Ke, L., Wang, X. and Roy, K. 2019 Climate-forced sea-level lowstands in the Indian Ocean during the last two millennia, Nature Geoscience,
  2. Ribó, M., Goodwin, I.D., O’Brien, P., Mortlock, T. Shelf sand supply determined by glacial-age sea-level modes, submerged coastlines and wave climate. Sci Rep 10, 462 (2020). doi:10.1038/s41598-019-57049-8,

Ako – Teaching and Learning

ENV Academic Guide

This is an online source of advice for Courser Coordinators, Directors, Examiners and Assessors. You may access it here or through the How to do stuff section, above.

2020 Examiners’ Meetings

Please note the dates and times for the Semester 1 and 2 Examiners’ Meetings. Full details for may be found on the ENV Academic Guide at:

Ako Innovation Committee: Teaching & Learning Fund 2020

Ako Innovation Committee: Teaching & Learning Fund 2020

 The purpose of this fund is to promote the development of innovative teaching and learning practices within the School of Environment which promote a culture of teaching excellence. These funds will be distributed in one contestable round, with grants of up to $6000 with preference given to initiatives completed by August 2020. The total pool of funds available in 2020 is $12000. Grants to individuals or groups of teaching active staff will be used to fund small-scale teaching initiatives that have an impact on teaching practice for the benefit of learners.

 All applications should be received by 21/02/2020 by noon.

See Ako Innovation Committee Teaching & Learning Fund: Grant Guidelines and 2020 Application Form for AKO Teaching and Learning Innovation Grant.

 Any questions please contact Mel Wall.

Subject Expert Groups EOI for NCEA

The Ministry of Education has opened a second call for expressions of interest for the subject expert groups (SEGs) to develop the new achievement standards and associated resources. This is to ensure MoE gets the right diversity of members on the SEGs – including ethnic and cultural diversity (particularly representation for Māori and Pacific peoples), intellectual diversity, and a range of backgrounds across teaching, academia, and industry practice. This is a great opportunity to ensure alignment between NCEA achievement standards and our expectations of scholastic preparation at Secondary level in our subject areas. Deadline 31 January.

Copy deadline for next edition of P-cubed: Friday 12:00 31st January, to Farnaz:

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 24- Monday 20th January 2020

Issue 23 – Monday 9th December 2019

December 9, 2019 • fshe556


Kia ora koutou

This is the last edition of p-cubed for the year. We will start up again mid-January. Huge thanks to Farnaz for getting every edition out on time – it’s much appreciated! Thanks also to everyone in the School who has posted notices, events and acknowledgements, and even bigger thanks to everyone that has read them! Although the software doesn’t do everything we want it is way better than what we had before. If you have tips and ideas for improvements feel free to pass them on to me or Farnaz.

Congratulations to Brendan Hall, for achieving a 2019 FOS Professional Staff Excellence Award. Brendan is an outstanding contributor to the School and it’s fantastic to see this acknowledged at Faculty level. Thanks also to the entire technical services team for your great service to the School, and in particular Ilyas who will be leaving us early in the New Year.

PG students: thanks for creating such a positive student culture in our school. Good luck if you are finishing writing up over the break and if you are taking a well earned holiday, have fun!

We have two events to go before the holidays arrive. The staff end-of-year do is this Thursday. Currently, the buses up Onewa Road are still running – it’s an easy trip (see the post below). Big ups to Sila, Alex, Samantha and Nick for creating what is sure to be a fun late afternoon event for us to enjoy. The Doctoral students and supervisors shindig is scheduled for 4-6pm Tuesday 17th December in the Ontology Lab – see you there!

I would like to give a big shout out to those who have filled a service role for the school, to the professional team that supports us, and to everyone – staff and students – who has done their bit this year. We have transitioned to a new way of working and your contributions have been outstanding. The School has had a great year and I’ve had a lot of fun – ka pai!

Hararei hari!

Whakawhanaungatanga – communities

ENV Staff End-of-year Party

*Secret Santa
End of Year Party should be associated with fun and surprises so we thought that a silly game for some gift exchange would be a good idea. For those who want to take part in the game please bring along a gift to the End-of-Year/Christmas party. The gift can be “silly” or not and should be worth max $10.

Rules of the game:
1. Each person will draw a number from the bowl when the game commences. This determines the order in which you get to pick a gift
2. The person with the number 1 starts the game by picking a gift
3. The person with the number 2 can either choose to steal 1’s gift or pick a new gift to open. If they choose to steal the gift, 1 get’s to pick another new gift to open
4. The game continues like this until everyone takes a turn opening or stealing a gift. The last person to go can steal from anyone in the game or open the remaining gift
A round is when each person starts their turn of either picking a new gift or stealing a gift
A round ends when a new gift is opened
The same gift can only be stolen once in a round
Once a gift is stolen three times, it is retired from the game (the last person to steal it keeps the gift)

How to get there
For those who are taking bus

Option 1

Option 2

• For those who are driving (There is public parking available on and around Seaview Avenue)

Annual Leave

If you are a research assistant, research fellow or academic staff member you will be accruing annual leave. Now is the time to check your annual leave balances and plan for 2020. This is critical for all staff on short-term contracts. A leave planner can be found here.

You can enter and change leave requests via PeopleSoft self-service option, or send the completed form to Samantha Huang ( See this link for details.

If you are an academic staff member please note that you are expected to be available for the Kaupapa 2020 (10.30-1.30pm, 26 Feb 2020), Annual Retreat (9 June), and Roundup 2020 (TBA). You are also expected to attend the examiners’ meetings relevant to your courses and programmes.

Leave Plus: a pilot scheme for buying or cashing-up a week of annual leave

In 2020 a trial scheme will operate whereby, under certain conditions, you can buy or sell a week of leave. Currently this is only available to staff on individual contracts.

Details can be found here.

Research and Study Leave

A new RSL policy will take effect from 1 January 2020. See here for details.

Staff can apply from January 2020 foe leave commencing 2021. Applications must be made at least 8 months in advance. Leave can be applied for in monthly increments.

This change has implications for us that currently are being worked through. More advice will be provided in due course.

Ilyas is leaving the University

It is with regret that I announce Ilyas is leaving the University to pursue new opportunities in Australia. His last day with the University will be the 10th of January 2020.
Ilyas has been a valued member of the School and Technical Team and is well respected in his field of expertise.
Please join me in wishing Ilyas success in his future endeavours. We will be holding a morning tea to say good-bye, details to be announced soon.

Blair Sowman
Technical Manager | School of Environment

Visiting Scientists

– Prof Ian Townend (University of Southampton) is visiting Giovanni Coco until April 2020. Ian work on beaches and estuaries. Stay tuned as he will be giving a short course on modelling in early 2020
– Prof Stefano Lanzoni (University of Padua) is visiting Giovanni Coco in December. He will give a short course on stability analysis for hydro-morphodynamic systems (11-13 december). Brush up the maths and join in! (for details contact Giovanni)

The U21 PwC Innovation Challenge

Respond to real workplace challenges to win world-class professional development with PwC Academy or an expenses-paid visit to PwC Middle East in Dubai. Join the competition by 13 December for a unique opportunity to enhance your career competencies, develop your professional networks and increase your personal impact.

Open to doctoral candidates and masters students.

IT Committee

The IT Committee has met on 27 Nov.  A few highlights:

  • Software imaging in science labs.: Images will be carried over into the Summer Semester and Semester 1. If you require software for teaching that is currently not available in the labs (please test!), please contact Ingo ( ASAP.
  • ENV IT budget: We generally plan to renew software packages that were requested in 2019 (at ~2019 prices). There are limited funds available for additional software and data as well as emergency hardware (well below the Capex limit).  Requests will be discussed by the IT Committee.  Generally, the budget is aimed at supporting teaching-related software.  If software is also used for funded research, we expect that proportional funding will be provided from research projects.


Te Tumu Herenga | Libraries and Learning Services

Talis course reading lists for 2020

Now is a great time to update, publish and request reviews of your Talis reading lists for Summer School, Semester One or Quarter One courses in 2020. Talis reading lists are automatically carried over from one teaching period to the same teaching period for the following year. This means that there will be a draft version for 2020 which contains the previous content and is editable, but it won’t be visible to students until this new version is “published”.

For more information and guidance, see the staff intranet notice.

Free collection

Free collection of 40 (maybe all) 1:50,000 topographic maps of New Zealand looking for a good home from Mark Costello room 301-527B.

Meetings, seminars and events

ENV Equity Committee Webinar

White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism
Tuesday 17th December, 10-11 in 302-G20
All welcome

Health, safety and wellbeing

Laboratory and Workshops Safety Inductions 2019

If you wish to join an induction session please email the Technician in Charge.

Wed 11 December 2019 General Safety Inductions Natalia ( 2:00 – 2:20 pm 303-B11
Wed 11 December 2019 Chemistry +TF Lab Induction Natalia ( 2:20 p.m -3:30 p.m 303-B11
Thurs 12 December 2019 X-ray Labs Induction Ilyas ( 11:30 am – 12:00 pm 301-411

Expired first aid supplies available

Expired first aid supplies that have been removed from the school’s first aid kits will be available for staff and students to collect on Tuesday 11th December 10am in the L4 break-out space. Please help yourself to a few items at first making sure everyone gets a chance to collect some.

Lab closures (x-mas break)

All ENV labs will be shut down on the 18th of December and will re-open on the 8th of January. Please make sure you have packed away samples/experiments and cleaned up any work spaces.
There will be no access to any laboratories over the break unless prior approval has been granted.

Blair Sowman
Technical Manager | School of Environment

Rangahau – Research


Jennifer Montano won the best poster award at the River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics Conference. Congrats!

FYI: Research Components of Masters Programmes at ENV

Below is an overview on the research components for the various Masters programmes at the School of Environment. Please distinguish between the overall programmes, which the Postgraduate (PG) Advisors are coordinating, and the research components, which the Masters Advisor coordinates, similar to a course coordinator.

Type of Masters research

The School of Environment offers several Masters programmes:
• Masters of Science (MSc) for Earth Sciences, Environmental Management, Environmental Science, Geography, and Geophysics. Programmes: 240 points. Research component: 120 points (796-labelled). MSc programmes are generally two years but for students who already have a PG qualification such as BSc (hons) or PGDip, a one-year research-only MSc is available as a programme.
• Master of Arts: Geography. Programme: 240 points. Research component: 120 points (796-labelled). Research component equivalent to that of MSc.
• Master of Engineering Geology (MEG). Programme: 180 points. Research component: 90 points (EARTHSCI 794). Martin Brook is the informal PG Advisor. There is an option for students who already have a PG qualification to be admitted into a 120-point programme with a 90-point research component.
• Master of Environmental Science (MEnvSci). Programme: 180 points. Research component: 90 points. There is an MEnvSci option with a 30-point research component that is handled similarly to a BSc (hons) thesis. There is also the option of a 240-point MSc in EnvSci (confusing!).

To read more please click here.

Meetings, seminars and events

Spatial and temporal dynamics of microplastic transport by freshwater systems

Speaker: Nadia Dikareva (PhD Proposal)
Date: Monday, 16th of December
Time: 10:30am
Venue: 302-551 (Ontology Lab)

Research and Funding Opportunities

AusIMM Scholarships

Minerals industry student research scholarships are available: $5k for MSc/Phd research, $2k for BSc(Hons) research in Geology, Engineering or the Environment that is related to the minerals industry.

See: for details.

Closing date: 28 February 2020.

NASA internships and New Zealand Space Agency scholarships

The New Zealand Space Agency invites high-performing New Zealand tertiary students to apply to participate in the 2020 NASA International Internship Programme. To complement this opportunity, the New Zealand Space Agency is offering New Zealand Space Scholarships.

This brilliant opportunity opens for applications on Friday.  It’s open to STEM postgraduates who are NZ citizens.

Kick-start your space sector career with a 2020 NASA internship, funded by the New Zealand Space Scholarship. Apply from 29 November. Open to NZ STEM postgraduates.

Marsden 2020

The official funding call is yet to be released – in the meantime if you have not already done so, please let your RPC know you intend to apply to ensure you won’t miss out on any important information.

Applications for writing support at the EOI stage need to be made by Thursday 12 December, please discuss with your RPC asap if you are interested.

Science for Technological Innovation: Seed Projects 2020

The Fund is intended to bring in new ideas and researchers to the Science for Technological Innovation (SfTI) community. Higher priority will be given to projects that:
• are aligned with the Sensors, Robotics and Automation (SRA) and/or Data Science and Digital Technologies (DSDT) themes
• have a team (including the PI) of emerging researchers (up to seven years full-time equivalent post-PhD)
• involve researchers who are new to SfTI
• have strong Vision Mātauranga alignment

Value: Max. $200,000 per project
Duration: Up to 2 years
Internal deadline: 09 March 2020
Further Information: 2020 Call for Proposals

Postgraduate Scholarships for Antarctic Research 2020

Antarctica New Zealand Doctoral Scholarship

  • For Doctoral Research
  • $20,000 per annum over two years
  • Logistics support in Antarctica*

New Zealand Post Antarctic Scholarship

  • For Masters or Doctoral research
  • $10,000 over one year
  • Logistics support in Antarctica*
    Applications will open 3 February 2020
    *Subject to programme availability. See for more details

The School of Environment Māori Masters Thesis Scholarship

The School of Environment Māori Masters Thesis Scholarship is now open for applications from eligible students wishing to enrol for 2020.

This Scholarship provides up to $5,000 plus compulsory fees, and may be awarded to Māori students enrolling in full-time or part-time study in a Master of Arts or Master of Science thesis in Geography, or a Master of Science thesis in Earth Sciences, Environmental Management, Environmental Science or Geophysics. The basis of selection will be academic merit, with a minimum GPA/GPE of 4.00 or above in the applicant’s most recent qualifying programme required for consideration for the Scholarship.

If you know a student who is eligible and who is interested in undertaking Masters thesis study in the School in 2020, please encourage them to apply. Applications close on 15 January 2020.

For further details see:

New publications

  1. Wang, V., Gao, J., Schwendenmann, L., 2020. Assessing changes of urban vegetation cover and aboveground carbon stocks using LiDAR and Landsat imagery data in Auckland, New Zealand. International Journal of Remote Sensing 41(6), 2140-2158.
  2. Thakuriah, PV., Sila-Nowicka, K., Hong, J., (…), Lido, C., McHugh, A., 2020. Integrated Mulitmedia City Data (iMCD): A composite survey and senisng approach to understanding urban living and mobility. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 80, 101427.
  3. Poate, T., Masselink, G., Austin, M.J., (…), Dickson, M., McCall, R., 2020. Infragravity wave generation on shore platforms: Bound long waves versus breakpoint forcing. Geomorphology, 350, 106880.
  4. Jara, IA., Morena, PI, Alloway, BV, Newnham, RM., 2019. A 15,400-year long record of vegetation, fire-regime, and climate changes from the northern Patagonian Andes. Quaternary Science Reviews, 226, 106005.
  5. Wood, JR., Diaz, FP., Latorre, C., Wilmshurst, JM., Burge, OR., Gonzalez, F., 2019. Ancient paraiste DNA from late Quaternary Atacama Desert rodent middens. Quaternary Science Reviews, 226, 106031.
  6. Wang, V., Gao, J., 2019. Towards refined estimation of vegetation carbon stock in Auckland, New Zealand using WorldView-2 and LiDAR data: the impact of scaling. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 40(3), 8727-8747.
  7. Spreitzer, G., Tunnicliffe, J., Friedricj, H., 2019. Using Structure from Motion photogrammetry to assess large wood (LW) accumulations in the field. Geomorphology, 346, 106851.
  8. Sangsefidi, E., Wilson, DJ., Larkin, TJ., Black, PM., 2019. The role of water in unbound granular pavement layers: a review. Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology, 6(4), 289-317.
  9. Holdaway, A., Ford, M. 2019. Resolution and scale controls on the accuracy of atoll island shorelines interpreted from satellite imagery. Applied Geomatics, 11(4), 339-352.
  10. Evans, G., Augustinus, P., Gadd, P., Zawadzki, A., Ditchfield, A., 2019. A mulit-proxy μ-XRF inferred lake sediment record of environmental change spanning the last ca. 2230 years from Lake Kanono, Northland, New Zealand. Quaternary Science Reviews, 225, 106000.
  11. Schwendenmann, L., Michalzik, B., 2019. Dissolved and particulate carbon and nitrogen fluxes along a Phytophthora agathidicida infection gradient in a kauri (Agathis australis) dominated forest. Fungal Ecology, 42, 100861.
  12. Burrows, MT., Bates., AE., Costello, MJ., (…), Stuart-Smith, RD., Poloczanska, ES., 2019. Ocean community warming responses explained by thermal affinities and temperature gradients. Nature Climate Change, 9, 959-963.

Ako – Teaching and Learning

Ako Innovation Committee: Teaching & Learning Fund 2020

 The purpose of this fund is to promote the development of innovative teaching and learning practices within the School of Environment which promote a culture of teaching excellence. These funds will be distributed in one contestable round, with grants of up to $6000. The total pool of funds available in 2020 is $12000. Grants to individuals or groups of teaching active staff will be used to fund small-scale teaching initiatives that have an impact on teaching practice for the benefit of learners.

 All applications should be received by 21/02/2020 by noon.

 See Ako Innovation Committee Teaching & Learning Fund: Grant Guidelines and 2020 Application Form for AKO Teaching and Learning Innovation Grant.

 Any questions please contact Mel Wall.


Job opening – Technologist Microcharacterisation

We are seeking an experienced and organised Technician to operate and maintain the School of Environment X-ray analytical Research Laboratories in our Mircocharacterisation Facility.


Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 23 – Monday 9th December 2019

Issue 22 – Monday 25th November 2019

November 25, 2019 • fshe556


Kia ora koutou

I’m delighted to announce that Sila has been appointed to the permanent GI Science Lecturer position, effective 03 January 2020. Sila has made a fantastic contribution since taking up her fixed-term role and her acceptance of the permanent position consolidates our GI Science capability. Currently we are advertising for an Environmental Geography / Environmental Management position and the Professor in Environmental Management, and in the next couple of weeks we will be posting the advert for our Kai Whakaaho Mātai Taiao PTF position.

Over the past year we have initiated an upgrade to our media content and the results are starting to come through. Check out this fantastic video showcasing Geography (special thanks to Charlotte, Jon and the GEOG331 team):

We are in the lead up to the closing of our books for the year. If you have $$ to spend that will disappear on 1 January 2020, and you plan on purchasing consumables or other OPEX, your deadline for raising POs is today. Likewise, please get those expense claims in asap.

Over the next few months many of us (staff and PG research students) will be heading into the field. Please be sure to complete your H&S paperwork with genuine engagement and on time (you may need to make modifications). Compliance with the H&S process is to ensure we manage risks well and can demonstrate due care for all field trip participants. Compliance with the ENV H&S policy for field activities is non-negotiable.

A new Research and Study Leave policy comes into effect 1 January 2020. This policy offers considerable flexibility but will require greater oversight to ensure programmes can be delivered without compromise.

Lastly, we have two major events still ahead that should be good fun: the annual end-of-year staff do from 2.30pm onwards on the 12th December, and the PhD end-of-year celebration, date to come. It will be great to see as many of you at these events as possible.

Ngā mihi

Whakawhanaungatanga – communities

Professional short course in the Philippines

Gary Brierley has just returned from running a River Styles professional short course as part of a NERC funded collaborative project between various universities in the Philippines and the University of Glasgow, UK.

Working with Kirstie Fryirs, Macquarie University, Gary was invited to present a one week short course in the Bislak Catchment, Laoag.

The course was attended by around 30 participants, representing over 10 research and river management agencies in the Philippines.

A social science project run by researchers from the University of Glasgow examined pedagogic aspects relating to the conduct of such short courses.

Gary turned up in a traditional Philippines shirt made from banana fiber for the first day.

Should anyone be interested in these collaborations and prospective future developments, please contact Gary directly. Gary will return to the Philippines in late 2021 to consider uptake of principles from the short course into river management practice and policy in the Philippines.

Kaikoura trip research story

Charlotte Milne is currently studying a Master of Science in Geography and uses drone technology to investigate how the 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake has changed the local rivers. We followed Charlotte down to Kaikoura to find out about her research. Charlotte’s story is now up on YouTube:
Learn more about studying Geography here:

Joint Graduate School in Coastal and Marine Science Spring School

7-8 November
NIWA Wellington

The JGS Spring School is a chance to learn about a wide range of ocean research, interact with other marine science students across many disciplines, and to learn about NIWA and other marine careers.

Students experienced:

o speakers from a range of marine science disciplines
o tours of the NIWA labs and facilities
o participated in 2-minutes thesis session
o panel discussion on marine careers

The School was a great success and next year’s school will be in Auckland!

Volcanoes of Auckland: A Field Guide

Research Associate Bruce Hayward’s latest book “Volcanoes of Auckland: A Field Guide”
has just been published by AUP. You may find a copy in a bookseller for $50 retail or you can order on-line: Best deal may be at $39 (incl delivery).

Earth Sciences Bickie Briefing

Earth Sciences Bickie briefing is every Thursday morning at 10.30am in the Level 6 break out space. All post grads and staff welcome.

Meetings, seminars and events

Preparing for disaster: the role of ambulance during catastrophe

Speaker: Todd Miller
St John New Zealand
Date: 26th November 2019
Time: 11:30- 1pm
Venue: 302-551 (Ontology Lab)
Light refreshment will be provided after the seminar.

Health, safety and wellbeing


A recent survey in the Faculty of Science showed that more 50% of our postgraduate students had experienced psychological distress in the past 30 days with approximately 1 in 5 students reporting serious distress. It can be challenging for staff to know how best to deal with distressed students during supervision, teaching or other interactions.

This workshop is intended for both academic and professional staff who regularly come into contact with postgraduate students. It will provide basic information on how to recognise a student in distress and offer appropriate first line responses to this.

The training workshop will be facilitated by Kimberley Farmer (Counselling Lead, University Health & Counselling Service), Kerry Gibson (Clinical Psychologist, Associate Professor, Wellbeing Strategy Leader – Postgraduate, Faculty of Science), Erin Leitao (Senior Lecturer, School of Chemical Sciences).

Date: Friday, 29th November, 2019; Time: 11.00 am – 1.00 pm; Venue: 302.140

Places for this workshop are limited so please confirm your attendance by accepting the calendar invite.

RSVP:Kerry Gibson:

Laboratory and Workshops Safety Inductions 2019

If you wish to join an induction session please email the Technician in Charge.

Wed 11 December 2019 General Safety Inductions Natalia ( 2:00 – 2:20 pm 303-B11
Wed 11 December 2019 Chemistry +TF Lab Induction Natalia ( 2:20 p.m -3:30 p.m 303-B11
Thurs 12 December 2019 X-ray Labs Induction Ilyas ( 11:30 am – 12:00 pm 301-411


Rangahau – Research

Meetings, seminars and events

The Resurgence of the Public Library: An Examination of the Planning, Construction and Use of Tūranga

Speaker: Salene Schloffel-Armstrong (PhD Proposal)
Date: Monday, 25th of November
Time: 1pm
Venue: 302-551 (Ontology Lab)


Delineation of landslide hazard and development of mitigation tools in a vulnerable city:

Speaker: Matt Cook (PhD Proposal)

Date: Monday, 02/12/2019
Time: 10:00am
Venue: 302-551 (Ontology Lab)


Speaker: Pablo Aguilera Bustos (PhD Proposal)

Date: Monday, 05/12/2019
Time: 10:00am
Venue: 302-551 (Ontology Lab)

Research and Funding Opportunities

Strategic Science Investment Fund:  Advanced Energy Technology Platform

The Advanced Energy Technology Platform aims to advance the development of a dynamic and world-class energy technology research capability for New Zealand.  The Platform will focus on research in the engineering, physical and biological sciences, and will prioritise transformative, creative and potentially disruptive research to help define future global energy opportunities and accelerate technology towards commercialisation.

Value:  Up to $50 million in funding over seven years is available through the Advanced Energy Technology Platform.  MBIE are looking to fund up to four research programmes for seven years.

Deadlines:  Registration: Monday 9 December 2019; Proposal: 2 March 2019

Funding website/more information can be found here.

EQC University Research Programme 2020 – 2023

New Zealand tertiary institutions with expertise in natural hazard science and resilience are invited to submit funding proposals to EQC for University Research Programmes for the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2023.

Value:  $375,000 per 3 year programme ($125,000 per annum)

Deadline: Wednesday 29 January 2020

Funding website/essential information can be found here.  Please contact your RPC if you intend on applying to this fund.

2020 Marsden Funding Round  

We anticipate the funding call for the 2020 Marsden Round will be released in the next week or so – please watch this space

The Faculty and School have various support initiatives in place to help develop both Fast Start and Standard proposals (including writing and editorial support, mock panels, peer review and Vision Mātauranga).  If you intend on applying, please let your RPC know so you don’t miss out on any important information.

Deadline (estimated):  11 February 2020

Scholarships from Research Projects

If you have any PhD students on research project-funded scholarships due to start in January 2020, please let your RPC know asap.  These will need to be set up before mid-December in order for their stipend payments to begin in January.

Copy deadline for next edition of P-cubed: Friday 12:00 6th December, to Farnaz:

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 22 – Monday 25th November 2019

Issue 21 – Monday 11th November 2019

November 11, 2019 • fshe556


Kia ora koutou

It’s congratulations all around in this edition of p-cubed. Great to see ‘givers’ acknowledged – well done Paul and Jane for your contributions to NZ Geography. We also had fantastic news in the latest Marsden round – congratulations to Ingo Pecher on getting “Geological Champagne” across the line, also Lorna, Mila and Giovanni who are AIs on successful externally-led Marsden proposals. These funds are hard to get and it’s wonderful when the good news comes through. You have to be in to win – see the post  in Rangahau below about accessing help for crafting a competitive Marsden proposal.

We have a busy week ahead with some major ENV events. Our annual Research Awards ceremony is on Tuesday (11-1pm, incl. lunch) in 302-140, Masters students will be giving their thesis presentations on Thursday, and the AKO Innovation Teaching & Learning Awards are on Friday (11-1pm) in the Ontology Lab. It would be great to see a good turn-out of staff and students to these events.

Three key activities are in front of staff – examiners’ meetings (please attend if you are a course-coordinator, course director or teacher on any of the assessed courses), digital course outlines will be due soon and need to be prepared now, and QS rankings information should be sent to Samantha by the first week of December (see p-cubed Issue 20). Assessment 2020 is on the horizon and will impact your digital course outlines for Semester 1 – please check the post in the Ako section below.

PG students and staff please note: a new email address has been created for Postgraduate Administration ( All emails and postgraduate forms you would previously have sent to the Administrative Service Coordinator (Mick Johannisson-Wallman) – or mistakenly to me – should now be sent to

Lastly, it is my privilege to announce two retirements after many years of stirling service: Ward Friesen and Lyndsay Blue have advised that they will be retiring effective from 1 May 2020. In the New Year, we will arrange a suitable event to acknowledge Ward’s and Lyndsay’s contributions to the Departments of Geography; Geography and Environmental Science; Geography, Geology and Environmental Science; and the School of Environment. Their history is our history so it will be an occasion not to be missed!

Ngā mihi

Whakawhanaungatanga – communities


NZ Geographical Society Awards: Auckland Branch NZGS

Congratulations to Professor Paul Williams who received the highest award the Society offers. One of two Distinguished New Zealand Geographer Awards (and Medal): Professor Paul W. Williams

Paul Williams with Lynda Johnston

Distinguished Service Award: Jane Michelle Foster (National Secretary of the NZ Board of Geography Teachers)

Jane Foster with Lynda Johnston

New Email Address for ACS

Dear All Postgraduate Students and Staff,
A New email address has been created for Postgraduate Administration (
An emails and postgraduate forms you would previously send to the Administrative Service Coordinator (Mick Johannisson-Wallman) should now be sent to

ENV Catering Policy

Yes, we have one! All food served at formal ENV functions will be vegetarian unless otherwise requested. If meat-based dishes are requested, they are not to exceed 30% of the overall mix of offerings. No endangered species should be served.

Thanks very much to the PG student who took the time to write JR a note about this.

Equity news!

It’s been a busy couple of weeks and thanks to those who have come along to the equity events. We are hosting three equity meetings over a month to help set the agenda for the Committee in 2020. Alongside the inaugural Kāinga Wāhine lunch, we also hosted a Combatting White Supremacy hui. Both events were VERY well attended! Building on this momentum, the final equity meeting is on Thursday 14th November 1-2pm in 302.551 where we will set out a plan for the Committee for 2020. Do join us for lunch!

The ENV Equity committee would like to thank those who attended our inaugural Kāinga Wāhine lunch. It was a great opportunity to connect and foster/strengthen relationships amongst women within the School. We were also able to gather ideas about how to enhance the experiences of women (as a targeted University equity group) within the school. We look to forward to building on these ideas and continuing these lunches next year.

In response to a letter written to the School of Environment Equity Committee signed by 28 post-graduate students, a Combatting White Supremacy hui was held. The kōrero was robust and harrowing at times. We thank the attendees for their feedback and ideas as to how to move forward. We will use your feedback to inform our efforts to promote and create a safe, inclusive, and equitable space within the School of Environment. We see this hui as the start of a conversation rather than the final word. Let’s continue this productive kōrero.


The U21 PwC Innovation Challenge

A three-minute video could win you an expenses-paid trip to PwC Middle East or world-class career development in the U21 PwC Innovation Challenge! Open to doctoral candidates and masters students.

Kia ora!

Help us name the new doctoral candidature management system and you could win NZ$150 PB Tech vouchers!

Open to all University of Auckland staff and doctoral candidates.

Multiple entries allowed. Submit by 29 November.

Earth Sciences Bickie Briefing

Earth Sciences Bickie briefing is  every Thursday morning at 10.30am in the Level 6 break out space. All post grads and staff welcome.


From William Reid

I’ve got six batteries previously used for seismometers that need to get to GNS in Taupo. If anyone is driving that way and is happy to take them along then please get in touch with me on

Meetings, seminars and events

Doctoral workshops with Hugh Kearns

Build solid strategies for planning your PhD or develop key skills for networking and academic conference success at two FREE doctoral workshops this November.

Preparing for disaster: the role of ambulance during catastrophe

Speaker: Todd Miller

St John New Zealand
Date: 26th November 2019
Time: 11:30- 1pm
Venue: 302-551 (Ontology Lab)
Light refreshment will be provided after the seminar.


ENV Masters Presentations:

Please come to our Masters students’ presentations on Thu., 14 Nov., 9:30 am – 2:30 pm, 303-130 and 303-140
Draft programme

Marine Geosciences meeting:

Our monthly meeting this time is on Wed., 13 Nov., 1-2 pm, 303-G14 (TBC)
Marta Ribo: Sediment transport and Morphodynamics: From the Mediterranean Sea to the SE Australian coast and now the Marlborough Sounds in New Zealand

ENV IT Committee meeting

Exact time TBD. If you have any issues that should be addressed, please contact Ingo ( by Sun. 17 Nov.

Health, safety and wellbeing

Laboratory and Workshops Safety Inductions 2019

If you wish to join an induction session please email the Technician in Charge.

November Wed 13 November 2019 General Safety Inductions Neville( 2:00 – 2:20 pm 303-G15
Thurs 14 November 2019 X-ray Labs Induction Ilyas ( 11:30 am – 12:00 pm 301-411
December Wed 11 December 2019 General Safety Inductions Natalia ( 2:00 – 2:20 pm 303-G15
Wed 11 December 2019 Chemistry +TF Lab Induction Natalia ( 2:20 p.m -3:30 p.m 303-G15
Thurs 12 December 2019 X-ray Labs Induction Ilyas ( 11:30 am – 12:00 pm 301-411


Rangahau – Research

Meetings, seminars and events

Python for Geothermal Scientists and Engineers

Speaker: Dr David Dempsey

Date: Thursday, 28 November 2019
Time: 8:30am- 3:30pm
Venue: Auckland Bioengineering Institute, B439, 4th floor computer lab at 70 Symonds St

Abstract: please click here

$50 UoA Postgrad Student Registration:
Other registrations:

Living on the edge – Mangroves in the Auckland Region

Speaker: Luitgard Schwendenmann
Date: Tuesday 19 November
Time: 4.00pm to 5.30pm
Venue: Building 302, Room 551 (Ontology Lab)

Abstract: please click here

Newsletter of the Auckland Branch of the New Zealand Geographical Society.

Research and Funding Opportunities


The Royal Society Te Apārangi have announced the dates for the Marsden Roadshow.  This year they are also holding a separate Q&A session aimed at researchers submitting fast start applications  – please register at the links below:

Marsden Roadshow Wednesday 20 November 10am Grafton Campus Register here
  3pm City Campus Register here
Fast Start Q&A Thursday 21 November 10am City Campus Register here

If you intend to apply, please let your RPC (Kelly, Ivana or Amy) know so that we can keep you informed about the support being offered by both the Faculty and School.


New Zealand tertiary institutions with expertise in natural hazard science and resilience are invited to submit funding proposals to EQC for University Research Programmes for the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2023.

Research Programs are for three years duration, with annual funding set at $125,000 (total $375,000 per program).

Deadline for submissions to EQC is Friday 7 February 2020 (Internal deadline to be advised).

See the EQC website for more information and guidelines, and please advise your RPC (Kelly or Ivana) if you intend on applying.


The International Office are calling for projects for the 2020 program, and are looking for supervisors and projects to advertise to partner institutions (supervision period June, July, August).

They are particularly interested in supporting existing research collaborations with the target partners: University of Bristol, University of Southampton, Zhejiang University, Pennsylvania State University and University College Dublin.

If you are interested in applying, please contact Monica Fong at the International Office directly (deadline November 15)


Spaces are limited so RSVP here today!

If you have any questions regarding the event please email

Ako – Teaching and Learning

KNOW YOUR CATCHMENT: The use of the River Styles Framework as a tool to support the development of coherent and strategic approaches to land and water management for India’s rivers

Prof Jain, Prof Brierley, Dr Sonam, Prof Fryirs

Many challenges must be addressed in the development and application of integrative approaches to land and water management. This is particularly important in India, the home of Mother Ganga.

To demonstrate the potential use of a geomorphic approach to the analysis of rivers, and use of this information in land and water management applications, Professor Gary Brierley (University of Auckland, New Zealand) and Professor Kirstie Fryirs (Macquarie University, Australia) have visited the Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN) as part of one of the first SPARC projects in India (Scheme for Promotion for Academic and Research Collaboration). This SPARC project is led by Professor Vikrant Jain (IITGN). In this first visit of the 2-year SPARC project, Professors Brierley and Fryirs will run the week-long River Styles short course at IITGN. Rivers scientists from different parts of India are attending the short course. Fieldwork and subsequent research will focus on the Sabarmati River, on the doorstep of IITGN.

Please click here to read more.

Assessment 2020

The University’s new Assessment (Coursework, Tests and Examinations) Policy and Procedures come into effect in Summer School 2020 and apply to all undergraduate and taught postgraduate courses. Please set aside a few minutes to look at this page.

Course Coordinators in particular please note some important features:

1.     Assessments should be mapped to the Learning Outcomes. This is required in the Digital Course Outlines (see below) but is more than just a technical feature. Please note the Nine principles of assessment.

2.    There must be an early, formative assessment. The policy does not say how early but 2-3 weeks into the course would be reasonable. The purpose is to enable students to gauge their learning. Coordinators may also use this as an early warning of how the class is doing and to identify individuals who are struggling.

3.    Feedback and marks should be timely – and especially if students are to learn from this before their next assessment. Marking of course takes time and may be perceived as a burden for instructors. However, you are designing the course so please plan for the marking, and design the course so that you can provide feedback promptly.

4.    Group work is permitted but for large assignments or where it constitutes more than 30% of the final grade at least 40% of the mark must assess the individual student’s contribution.

Digital Course Outlines

These have been forewarned in the previous two editions of P-Cubed. Please note that we anticipate requests for Semester 1 courses to arrive very soon.

Reference pages:

·         Digital Course Outline Project

·         BSc Graduate Profile – relevant for undergraduate courses and may be useful for Postgraduate courses, too.


School of Environment Teaching and Learning Showcase and Inaugural Ako Awards

Friday 15 November, 11-1PM, 302-551

The event will include short presentations from staff on innovative teaching and learning. The showcase will also include the Inaugural Ako Awards which acknowledges teaching excellence within the School. The event will include lunch!


Copy deadline for next edition of P-cubed: Friday 12:00 22nd November, to Farnaz:

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 21 – Monday 11th November 2019

Issue 20 – Tuesday 29th October 2019

October 28, 2019 • fshe556


Kia ora koutou

Two dates are coming up that should get fixed into staff agendas: the ENV wrap-up session and lunch (10.30-1.30pm, Thursday 7 November), and the ENV End-of-Year Staff Celebration (mid-afternoon onwards, 12 December) at…wait for it…Nick’s place! Given Nick’s recent demonstration of conviviality (Whose Lecture is it anyway?) and the fact that Sila is in charge of the organising committee, I’m picking this could set a new bar for the silly season. More details to follow. The Annual Doctoral Do is on the horizon – more about this in next fortnight’s p-cubed.

It was good to see a positive email from the VC last week outlining the report from the Special Working Group on the response to and prevention of discrimination at the University of Auckland. The working group was convened in June following a recommendation by AUSA in its report ‘The Path to Change’, which came out of the Zero Tolerance? Hui inviting students to speak about their experiences of bullying, harassment and discrimination held at the beginning of May. The text of the email is here. I was particularly pleased to see progress on development of a Code of Conduct that will apply to all members of the University, staff and students. The Code currently is going to University Council for approval and should be in place from the start fo 2020. More on this once it is through the approval process.

We have time to influence our QS World University rankings. I know there will be sighs all around about this but the QS number is an important international reputation marker. We need to maintain Geography at 28 and get Environmental Science and Earth & Marine Sciences into the top 100. Apparently, we can make a difference (see the post below) – let’s see if we can!

Recently I was asked about the academic staff per diem for field trips. Yes, there is a small sum that can be claimed in lieu of the employer providing relevant equipment and special clothing which shall remain the property of the employer – the details can be found in the academic staff collective contract (if you are on an individual contract you will need to check that). I think of this as ‘boot money’. Where fieldwork is undertaken as part of a research programme, that programme shall meet these costs. In other words, I won’t ask questions if this sum is claimed for teaching-related field work.

Big ups to Sonia, Mel, Karen and team for nailing a 2019 Learning Enhancement Grant with Mea’ofa: the gifts gained by sharing and Learning Māori and Pacific ways of being. This two-year project has potential to positively impact Ako within the School and wider University. Great mahi!

Ngā mihi

Whakawhanaungatanga – communities


Thomas Mules will be joining the Technical Team on the 25th of November as a Geography Technician. Thomas will be providing technical support to the maintenance and ongoing development of the School of Environment’s Geographical Information Systems (GIS) platforms and associated spatial data management. He will also be supporting Human Geography research and teaching activities and providing general technical support to the School’s Geography facilities.

We will welcome Thomas to his new role at the ENV morning tea on Wednesday 27th November.

Help lift our QS rankings

The University Planning & Information office has identified our subjects as high priority subjects. Currently, Geography is ranked 28th and Environmental Sciences and Earth & Marine Sciences are ranked 101-150 in the QS Subject Rankings but, if we act strategically, we can improve that rank in future rounds.

The QS Global Academic Survey is used to determine ‘Academic Reputation’, which is the metric with the highest weighting for the QS World University Rankings (40%) as well as the Subject Rankings (40%-60%).

The survey asks academics from around the world to select and rank universities in the areas (subject and region) with which they are familiar. In the most recent survey, over 80,000 responses were collected from individuals in higher education. Given the 40% weighting, votes received in this survey are very important, especially for some subjects where a few more votes can make a big difference in the results.

Planning Office can supply QS with contact details of those we wish to invite to complete the next survey in March 2020 and they would like to ask for our assistance. Before the end of the month, please email Samantha Huang ( contact details (name, job title, institution, and email address) of colleagues outside of the University, with whom you have collaborated and built good relationships. For example, this can be an academic who has been a visitor, a colleague with associate or honorary roles, or a PhD student you have supervised who is working in an academic role in another institution. Planning and Information will then email them to seek permission to pass on their contact details to QS.

As the Global Academic Survey is conducted annually, this is likely to be a regular exercise. Additionally, you are more than welcome to provide contact details of employers (title, name, job title, company name, industry, location and email address) with whom you have close relationships. For example, this can be those you have set up internships or partnership programmes with. This is used to determine ‘Employer Reputation’ in the QS overall and subject rankings.

ILab Refresher

ILab Australian team are visiting us from 18 – 20th Nov 2019. We will be scheduling refresher course and face to face meetings.
There will be an iLab refresher course on the 18th Nov; it will be a day event including lunch. The face to face meetings will be 19th and 20th 8 am – 2 pm, please let Blair know if you want to have meeting with the team so that we can schedule a booking.

If you wish to attend either the refresher or have a meeting please let Blair know for catering and room booking purposes.

Dress for Success

With our students preparing to head out to summer work interviews and job interviews / placements, it is timely to remind them of the Dress for Success programme. This is a free service and the students get to keep the clothes. | |

Meetings, seminars and events

A korero on combatting white supremacy: ENV Equity Committee

We would like to invite you to pizza and korero on Wednesday 6th of November at 1-2pm in 302.551.
The ENV Equity Committee are in the planning stage for 2020 and would like to hear your thoughts about how we might ensure that white supremacy does not have a place in the School of Environment.

Kāinga Wāhine Lunch

The ENV Equity Committee invites all women (postgraduate and staff) within the School to join us for lunch on Thursday 31st October, 1-2pm in 302.551.

School of Environment Film Competition Results

The winners of the 2019 School of Environment Film Competition are:

Undergraduate Category

1st equal: Deja Kelly (A day in the life of an environmental science student)
1st equal: Arshia and Emilee (Sediment Best Friends)

Postgraduate Category

1st place: Gina Swanney and friends (Welcome to AUGA)

PhD Category

1st place: Mirja Heinrich (The Tongariro Project)
2nd place: Oliver Knebel (Coral reef impressions)

People’s choice award (as voted by viewers at the film showing)

Ben Simons, Kiara Daly and Geoff Lerner (Calibration)

Overall winner

Gina Swanney and friends (Welcome to AUGA)

A big thank you to everyone who contributed a film. We look forward to seeing even more entries next year.

Health, safety and wellbeing

Laboratory and Workshops Safety Inductions 2019

If you wish to join an induction session please email the Technician in Charge.

November Wed 13 November 2019 General Safety Inductions Neville( 2:00 – 2:20 pm 303-G15
Mon 8 November 2019 Chemistry +TF Lab Induction Natalia ( 11:00 a.m -12:00 p.m 301-411
Thurs 14  November 2019 X-ray Labs Induction Ilyas ( 11:30 am – 12:00 pm 301-411
December Wed 11  December  2019 General Safety Inductions Natalia ( 2:00 – 2:20 pm 303-G15
Wed 11 December 2019 Chemistry +TF Lab Induction Natalia ( 2:20 p.m -3:30 p.m 303-G15
Thurs 12 December 2019 X-ray Labs Induction Ilyas ( 11:30 am – 12:00 pm 301-411


Rangahau – Research

Meetings, seminars and events

Save the date: ENV Seminar: 6th of November 2pm-3pm, OGH – Federation Room.

Join us on Wednesday the 6th of November from 2pm to 3pm to learn about the fantastic research your colleagues do. All staff members and students from the School of Environment are warmly invited to attend this second School of Environment Seminar. We will run the seminars every three months and every time we will have three presenters from different disciplines from the School of Environment.
In the upcoming ENV Seminar, we will have three presenters giving talks centred around a concept of “water”:
1. Jon Tunnicliffe
2. Karen Fisher
3. David Fryxell

The Data Incubator’s Winter 2020 Fellowship

Time is almost up to apply for The Data Incubator’s Winter 2020 Fellowship application.
If you know anyone who would benefit from intensive data science training, encourage them to apply for our Fellowship program today.
Time is running out. Help us find the data scientists of the future.

Regular Application Deadline: October 21, 2019
Challenge Dates: October 31, 2019 — November 04, 2019
Interview Dates: November 11, 2019 — November 22, 2019
Acceptance Notification: By December 06, 2019
Session Dates: January 13, 2020 — March 06, 2020

The Theme of Social Living: Managing the Challenges of Relationships

Inaugural lecture by Professor Nickola Overall
School of Psychology

Date: Wednesday 6 November

Time: 5.15pm Refreshments
Level 2 Reception Area, Building 302

Time: 6.00pm Lecture
Large Chemistry Lecture Theatre
Ground Floor, Building 301
23 Symonds Street

Please register at

for further details please click here

The social dimension of long-term disaster recovery: a Southland and Hawke`s Bay case study

Tanya Amirapu

Date: 1st November 2019

Time: 12-2pm

Venue: 302-551 (Ontology Lab)

Light refreshment will be provided after the seminar.

Research and Funding Opportunities

MPI Postgraduate Science Scholarships – applications open

The Ministry for Primary Industry’s Postgraduate Science Scholarship opens for applications. Our aim is to build capability in primary industry science, particularly where there are skills and science gaps.

This scholarship is open to PhD and Masters candidates who are or will be engaged in primary industry relevant research at a New Zealand tertiary education institution. Each PhD scholarship is worth up to $50,000 and each Masters scholarship is worth up to $12,000. The successful recipients will also receive mentoring and career development support.

Visit our website for more information, including eligibility criteria and the application form.

2019 PS Science Scholarship poster A3

2020 CapEx funding


We are accepting a second round of applications for the Schools 2020 CapEx funding.
If you have already submitted in the first round earlier this year then you do not need to do so again.
Applications can be submitted through the link below; the link will remain open until the end of October.


Blair Sowman
Technical Manager | School of Environment

Funded MSc Research Opportunities 2020: Auckland Faulting

Two $15,000 MSc scholarships will be available to ground truth previously mapped or hypothesised faulting highlighted in the initial project by:

1.        Structurally mapping Auckland’s West Coast.

2.        Structurally mapping Auckland’s East Coast

For more information contact Jennifer Eccles Julie Rowland, Jon Tunnicliffe and Martin Brook will also be involved in the supervision of these projects as appropriate. Entry to a research MSc requires BSc(Hons), PGDipSci or equivalent and the level of funding available is most appropriate to support candidates from New Zealand and Australia.

Australian Geoscience Travel Grant

Specific funding is available to provide Australian and New Zealand geoscientists in the early stages of their careers with opportunities to travel internationally to further their careers as geoscientists by, for example, undertaking field work in appropriate areas, visiting and working with appropriate international experts, inspecting appropriate mines or other geoscientific features such as type localities, contributing to professionally-organised geoscientific conferences or conventions, etc

 Applications in the 2019 round are open and will close on 16 December 2019

 See the AGC website for more details

 Pacific Fund

The Fund for economic, social, cultural and scientific cooperation in the Pacific, is a tool for regional cooperation for France in the Pacific.  New Zealand partners are invited to submit their applications for projects contributing to the regional insertion of French collectivities: New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Wallis and Futuna.

 To be eligible, projects must fall under at least one of the following categories:
• Fight against climate change and risk management for natural disasters
• Economic and industrial projects (feasibility study, training actions, etc.)
• Health security and food security (fight against endemic diseases, fishery managements, etc.).

Projects must be submitted by the New Zealand partner and must involve at least one partner from New Caledonia, French Polynesia or Wallis and Futuna.  Preference will be given to projects highlighting planned efforts for communication.

 Closing date for applications: 20 November 2019 (midnight NZ time)

 For more info, see the funding website


The C-Prize is a competition run by Callaghan Innovation that seeks to push the boundaries of what’s possible through technology.  This year they are looking for teams with world-leading innovative solutions to environmental problems.  The C-Prize teams will compete for exciting cash prize packages, access to expert R&D and business advice, and significant international market exposure.

 More info can be found on the competition website.

 New publications

  1. Fryirs, K.A., Brierley, G.J., Dixon, T. (2019) Engaging with research impact assessment for an environmental science case study. Nature Communications, 10(1), art. no. 4542.
  2. Schwendenmann L., Michalzik B. (2019) Dissolved and particulate carbon and nitrogen fluxes along a Phytophthora agathidicida infection gradient in a kauri (Agathis australis) dominated forest. Fungal Ecology 42, 100086. DOI:10.1016/j.funeco.2019.08.005 
  3. Shane, P., Cocker, K., Coote, A., Stirling C., Reid, M. (2019) The prevalence of plagioclase antecrysts and xenocrysts in andesite magma, exemplified by lavas of the Tongariro volcanic complex, New Zealand. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 174: 89.

Ako – Teaching and Learning

School of Environment Teaching and Learning Showcase and Inaugural Ako Awards

15 November, 11-1 pm, 302-551
Please book your calendar to attend the School of Environment Teaching and Learning Showcase. The event will include short presentations from staff on innovative teaching and learning. The Showcase will also include the Inaugural Ako Awards which acknowledges teaching excellence within the School. The event will include lunch!

School of Environment Ako Teaching Excellence Awards
The School of Environment’s Ako Innovation Committee are proud to invite applications for the Ako Teaching Excellence Awards which celebrate and promote excellence in teaching. Up to three Ako Excellence Awards worth $300 each will be awarded annually. The awards celebrate teaching initiatives that display teaching excellence undertaken in the School’s courses either by individual teachers or by teaching teams.

The Ako Committee will be looking for evidence that applicants have engaged in teaching practice that:
• exemplifies excellence
• is student-centred
• meets stated learning outcomes
• provides recorded evidence of having achieved learning outcomes or displays a critical reflection on why the learning outcomes may not have been fully met
While the awards encourage and reward successful initiatives they also cater for and encourage applications from teachers who are experimenting with innovative initiatives, even if they did not always fully achieve a desired outcome. The awards will also consider initiatives which encourage inclusive teaching and learning.

• Individual academic staff who engage in ENV course teaching
• Teaching Teams from ENV courses, (if appropriate these can include tutors).

Submit up to a maximum of TWO A4 pages of typed text that explain the activity and evidence of outcomes by 10/11/19 to
Applications may also provide relevant collated appendixes that illustrate the activity and provide supporting evidence of learning outcomes.

3 awards worth $300 each.

Award Notification and Obligation of Awardees
Successful awardees will be notified of their award by 12/11/19 and will be presented this at the Ako Teaching Excellence Awards Event to be held in 15/11/19 at 11am. Staff who receive awards will be expected to present a short 5-minute quick-fire presentation of their initiative at the awards event.

Digital Course Outlines

Update on the Digital Course Outlines – introduced in the 14 October edition of P-Cubed: the timelines for this appear to have been pushed back.

At the 23 Oct Faculty of Science meeting the AD T&L advised that:
• Semester 1 courses will need to be completed by the end of this year.
• Semester 2 courses will need to be completed by the mid-semester break of Semester 1.

We are not advised when to expect these to open but advice will go to Course Directors directly. Our GSA, Alexandra Soudlenkova, will be your primary point of contact for queries on this.

Reference pages:
Digital Course Outline Project
BSc Graduate Profile – relevant for undergraduate courses and may be useful for Postgraduate courses, too.

R Workshop for 2019

The last Introductory R Workshop for 2019 is being run on Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd November. This will be led by Daniel Barnett, Chris Triggs, and Avinesh Pillai, from the Statistical Consultancy Centre.

As per our previous Introductory R workshops, the cost is $300 for UoA students and staff; you can pay using your PRESS account, research grant, or other UoA account. You can also opt to use a debit/credit card (however we would have to also add GST, sorry). The payment authorisation form for UoA participants paying from a UoA account is here.

The cost for non-UoA attendees is $500 + GST, and if you contact me I will let you know re payment options. Card payment is preferred, however if an invoice is required this can be doable if your institution is able to provide a PO number and is registered in the Faculty of Science finance system (e.g. all DHBs are set up within this system).

Location: We will be in room 302.190. Building 302 is on the corner of Symonds St and Wellesley St. The room we will be using is on level 1, room 190.

Time and schedule: The  approximate schedule for both days is here (since this is the schedule from our previous course, it may yet be altered very slightly). We will start at 9am and finish at 5pm. Morning and afternoon tea will be provided. There are cafes handy nearby for lunch. 

​Computers: We will be using a Faculty of Science computer lab. You are also welcome to use your own laptop, however please make sure that you have downloaded R and RStudio onto your machine before the workshop (they are free to download). We will also include some instructions re how to do this in our pre-workshop information email.

Access to computers and internet:

         We will arrange access to the lab computers for all non-UoA participants. 

         We will also have a guest wireless password for non-UoA participants who are bringing their own laptops. 

         UoA staff and students will be able to access the FoS computers using their normal UoA upi and password.

Copy deadline for next edition of P-cubed: Friday 12:00 8 November, to Farnaz:

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 20 – Tuesday 29th October 2019