Issue 50 – Monday 1st March 2021
Contents HeadSup Kia ora koutou A warm welcome to Semester 1! Although we are not kicking off in the ideal fashion I hope everyone finds opportunities to enjoy touching base with our new cohorts in each year level. I know that Ako has been underway setting up support...
Issue 49 – Monday 15 February 2021
Contents HeadSup Welcome back! …which, in the context of today’s Covid lockdown may cause you to reply “back to what?” Unfortunately, we appear to be reliving 2020 all over again and having to work from home. (Own up: how many of you have used...
Issue 48 – Monday 21 December 2020
Contents HeadSup Kia ora koutou Well done everyone getting to the end of 2020. It’s been a heck of a year. I would like to thank everyone for the enormous contributions made to stay operational under extraordinary circumstances. We have some staffing news....
Issue 47 – Monday 07 December 2020
Contents HeadSup Kia ora koutou I am sure that you are all experiencing an’end-year feeling’ and that this will have brought on varying degrees of relief and anxiety (all of the unfinished projects). It’s been an odd year and so I strongly encourage...
Issue 46 – Monday 23 November 2020
Contents HeadSup Kia ora koutou It’s nice to be winding down with only a few key academic activities remaining to tie off Semester 2, and some social events to look forward to in the lead up to the Christmas-New Year break. I hope to see all our PhD cohort and...
Issue 45 – Monday 09 November 2020
Contents HeadSup Kia ora koutou Happy Monday! We’ve reached the end of the teaching year, and what a ‘different’ one it turned out to be. I’m sure we are all looking forward to some rest, recovery and reflection; but it’s also a time for...
Issue 44 – Tuesday 27 October 2020
Contents HeadSup Mālō ni It’s Tokelau language week and the theme is ‘Apoapo tau foe, i nā tāfea i te galutau. Ke mau mai, ke mau mai’ which in English translates to, ‘Never give up hope, even amidst chaos and much uncertainty. Stay united, stay strong’....
Issue 43 – Monday 12th October 2020
Contents HeadSup Kia ora koutou It was so nice to catch up in 3-D with students in my 700-level course on Friday. I am amazed at the generosity of spirit our students extend to us, and the incredible effort our teaching and supervision teams have made to maintaining a...
Issue 42 – Monday 28th September 2020
Contents Vaiaso o te ‘Gana Tuvalu HeadSup Fakatalofa atu Spring has sprung and it is breezy…too breezy for some! I had a good look at the sheared off strut on the Harbour Bridge before it got swapped out for a pipe…wow! Hasn’t it been an...
Issue 41 – Monday 14th September 2020
Contents Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori HeadSup Kia ora koutou This is a great week to give te reo a go. Here’s a really simple video on ‘How to pronounce te reo Māori‘. In our School, we often talk about places in our teaching, research and learning....