Issue 40 – Monday 31st August 2020
Contents COVID-19: work from home if you can Say yes to the test HeadSup Kia ora koutou Thanks very much to everyone who contributed feedback on the ENV 2021-2023 Strategic Plan: in total I received >8000 words of feedback, and not just from one author!...
Issue 39 – Monday 17th August 2020
Contents COVID-19: no time for complacency, stay well, keep UOA open…oh darn! Say yes to the test HeadSup There is a forum tomorrow for all ENV teaching and professional staff from 3-4pm to raise concerns and ask questions about our current Covid-19 response....
Issue 38 – Monday 3rd August 2020
Contents COVID-19: no time for complacency, stay well, keep UOA open If you are sick, stay home, get tested HeadSup Kia ora koutou We have had some staff movements over the past couple of weeks. First, welcome Martin Talie who has taken on Farnaz’ role on the...
Issue 37- Monday 20th July 2020
What a fantastic couple of weeks for ENV in the media. First up was Brendon on RNZ discussing the Government’s ‘jobs for nature’ package (see below), then Anthony’s opinion piece in Newsroom on ‘Fixing Auckland’s water crisis’. Finish Reading Issue 37- Monday 20th July 2020
Issue 36-Monday 6th July 2020
This week we farewell two people who have contributed in unique ways to the School for a number of years and welcome one wee newcomer. I’m delighted to announce the birth of Henry Vincent Martin – congratulations Michael and Lynne! Finish Reading Issue 36-Monday 6th July 2020
Issue 35-Monday 22nd June 2020
I’d like to extend a big thank you to all the facilitators who helped run our remote ENV staff retreat last week and all participants for contributing to the various sessions on offer. We had an excellent turn-out! I would be very pleased to receive feedback on the day and suggestions for additional workshops that we could timetable through the semester as upskill options. You can find a largely unedited summary of contributions to ‘Framing the 2021-23 ENV Strategic Plan’ here. If you have further thoughts that you would like to contribute to this topic please email me before the end of this week. PG Students: I will invite comment from you on the school plan in due course. Finish Reading Issue 35-Monday 22nd June 2020
Issue 34-Monday 8th June 2020
I’m delighted to announce that Mel Wall has become a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. This UK-led international accreditation requires demonstration of a thorough understanding of effective approaches to teaching and learning support as a key contribution to high quality student learning. Finish Reading Issue 34-Monday 8th June 2020
Issue 33-Monday 25th May 2020
Tālofa lava!
It’s Samoan Language Week and the theme is: Tapena sou ōso mo lau malaga – prepare yourself for the gift of travels. What a great theme for Alert Level 2. Finish Reading Issue 33-Monday 25th May 2020
Issue 32-Monday 11th May 2020
This time of year is usually marked by the wonderful Autumn graduation events, where families and friends come together to celebrate the success of our students. Finish Reading Issue 32-Monday 11th May 2020
Issue 31-Tuesday 28th April 2020
Welcome to Alert Level 3! The UOA guidelines for our operation under this Alert Level can be found here. It’s not much different to Level 4 but it does allow for access to Labs and equipment for high priority work. Please see the notice below for details on gaining access Finish Reading Issue 31-Tuesday 28th April 2020