Issue 30-Wednesday 15th April 2020
Happy Easter, I hope the existential bunny made it to your house. Certainly chocolate and baking seem to be must-have items to stave of third-week-itis. I consumed an entire afghan slice in the space of a day before realizing my bubble is too small for baking. And I’m over Netflix, but the dogs have never been so well-walked. We are getting there though, the curve is flattening. We just have to stay the distance. Finish Reading Issue 30-Wednesday 15th April 2020

Issue 29-Monday 30th March 2020
We have a lighter edition of p-cubed this fortnight, reflecting the reprioritisation of effort as everyone gets on top of the switch to working from home. It’s been and will continue to be a huge effort – thank you everyone. Finish Reading Issue 29-Monday 30th March 2020
Issue 28-Tuesday 17th March 2020
This is an extraordinary year. Today we commemorate the people who lost their lives to hatred in the Christchurch terrorist attack last year. We will share food crafted by our hands and stand together in remembrance and determination to eschew white supremacist ideology and other forms of bigotry and hatred. This University values diversity and is committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment for all. This will be the last communal food sharing activity in ENV until further notice Finish Reading Issue 28-Tuesday 17th March 2020
Issue 27- Monday 2nd March 2020
Welcome to Semester 1! Once again the corridors and access ways are buzzing with new and returning students. Please keep an eye out for the lost ones and take time to help them out. Finish Reading Issue 27- Monday 2nd March 2020
Issue 26- Monday 17th February 2020
There are some great seminars and activities coming up, as listed below. In addition, next week we will be hosting our two short-listed applicants for the Environmental Management Professor/Associate Professor position: Professor Ian Bailey and Associate Professor Wolfram Dressler. In addition to attendance at focus group meetings and various other activities, each applicant will present a seminar on a topic of their choice Finish Reading Issue 26- Monday 17th February 2020
Issue 25- Monday 3rd February 2020
JR is out of town for a couple of weeks but the School continues to rise from its summer repose, and this edition of P-Cubed is packed with details of seminars, events and announcements. Please read on. Finish Reading Issue 25- Monday 3rd February 2020

Issue 24- Monday 20th January 2020
Welcome to 2020! Every so often I like to purchase an artwork to support the fine arts in New Zealand. My recent purchase is a fluoresecent light installation by Deborah Rundle that draws upon the Prison Notebooks of Italian neo-Marxist Antonio Gramsci to examine his notion of common sense. The art work and Gramsci seemed appropriate as I watched in despair as the burnt ecosystems of Australia darkened our skies in the middle of a summer afternoon. Finish Reading Issue 24- Monday 20th January 2020
Issue 23 – Monday 9th December 2019
This is the last edition of p-cubed for the year. We will start up again mid-January. Huge thanks to Farnaz for getting every edition out on time – it’s much appreciated! Thanks also to everyone in the School who has posted notices, events and acknowledgements, and even bigger thanks to everyone that has read them! Although the software doesn’t do everything we want it is way better than what we had before. If you have tips and ideas for improvements feel free to pass them on to me or Farnaz. Finish Reading Issue 23 – Monday 9th December 2019
Issue 22 – Monday 25th November 2019
I’m delighted to announce that Sila has been appointed to the permanent GI Science Lecturer position, effective 03 January 2020. Sila has made a fantastic contribution since taking up her fixed-term role and her acceptance of the permanent position consolidates our GI Science capability. Finish Reading Issue 22 – Monday 25th November 2019
Issue 21 – Monday 11th November 2019
It’s congratulations all around in this edition of p-cubed. Great to see ‘givers’ acknowledged – well done Paul and Jane for your contributions to NZ Geography. We also had fantastic news in the latest Marsden round – congratulations to Ingo Pecher on getting “Geological Champagne” across the line, also Lorna and Giovanni who are AIs on successful externally-led Marsden proposals. These funds are hard to get and it’s wonderful when the good news comes through. You have to be in to win – see the post in Rangahau below about accessing help for crafting a competitive Marsden proposal. Finish Reading Issue 21 – Monday 11th November 2019