Issue 20 – Tuesday 29th October 2019
Two dates are coming up that should get fixed into staff agendas: the ENV wrap-up session and lunch (10.30-1.30pm, Thursday 7 November), and the ENV End-of-Year Staff Celebration (mid-afternoon onwards, 12 December) at…wait for it…Nick’s place! Given Nick’s recent demonstration of conviviality (Whose Lecture is it anyway?) and the fact that Sila is in charge of the organising committee, I’m picking this could set a new bar for the silly season. More details to follow. The Annual Doctoral Do is on the horizon – more about this in next fortnight’s p-cubed. Finish Reading Issue 20 – Tuesday 29th October 2019

Issue 19 – Monday 14th October 2019
Lots of great activities have been happening in ENV whilst I have been galavanting around Chile. The ‘Whose Lecture is it Anyway’ and Quizz night events sounded brilliant – it’s fantastic to see these sorts of events taking place. Thank you to all the organisers. Finish Reading Issue 19 – Monday 14th October 2019
Issue 18 – Monday 30th September 2019
There’s new artwork getting hung across our levels thanks to UOA curators Sam and Lara and their willingness to engage with ENV. Take a walk around the Level 4, 5, and 7 foyers and corridors and check out the works. There’s an exceptional Jae Hoon Lee photo and a wonderful Ruth Watson world, in addition to other new pieces. We expect to have more on the way – hope you enjoy the changes. Finish Reading Issue 18 – Monday 30th September 2019
Issue 17 – Monday 16th September 2019
Contents HeadSup Kia ora koutou It’s a great week for the School. First, on Wednesday at 10.30am we will celebrate Richard Le Heron’s success in being awarded Emeritus Professor status – all welcome, Level 6 break-out space. Second, the results of...
Issue 16 – Monday 2nd September 2019
Contents HeadSup Malo e lelei! It is Tongan Language week next week. If you would like to know more please check out this website. Many thanks to those who helped out at last Saturday’s Open Day: giving the presentations for our subject majors, and attending the desk...
Issue 15- Monday 19th August 2019
Contents HeadSup Kia ora It was with sadness that many of us heard the news late last week about the passing of Warren Moran. Warren played a pivotal role in Geography at UOA and will be remembered at this week’s Cumberland lecture. David Skinner also died last...
Issue 14- Monday 5th August 2019
Great to see so many excellent activities going on in the School. We are trying to get a better system happening in p-cubed so you can click on a calendar entry for an event and get it into your e-calendar. Please bear with us this week while we are in transition – you will need to capture the things you want to do from the posts below. Finish Reading Issue 14- Monday 5th August 2019
Issue 13- Monday 22 July 2019
Welcome to Semester 2, the big run to the end of the year! It’s great to see all the activity around campus. Please give a warm welcome to all our new and returning students, and especially keep an eye out for the lost ones. Starting out at Uni can be a daunting experience; your friendly greeting can make a big difference. Finish Reading Issue 13- Monday 22 July 2019

Issue 12- Monday 8th July 2019
It’s that time of year when there are lots of comings and goings. All the best to Robin, Murray, Tom, Jan, Kathy, Kevin and Melissa who are on research and study leave this coming semester – may you have a rewarding and regenerative time. Sadly, we will be saying farewell to Vanessa Castro, who has a new role as the Resource Consents Specialist (Stormwater, Wastewater and ITA) at Auckland Council. Vanessa studied Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering and Environmental Chemistry and worked for 4 years in this field for the Brazilian government before moving to NZ. She is really passionate about environmental preservation and management so this job is a great personal move. Vanessa’s last day is 26th July – please join us on Wednesday 24th for a morning tea farewell. Finish Reading Issue 12- Monday 8th July 2019
Issue 11- Monday 24th June 2019
It’s Matariki – Māori New Year – a time for remembering those who have gone before us, celebrating new life and planting new crops Finish Reading Issue 11- Monday 24th June 2019