Issue 100 – Tuesday 23 May 2023
Contents HeadsUp Robin is away (last I heard, sampling the delights of north-eastern Mississippi), so he has asked me to write a piece for P3. It’s the pointy end of the semester when marking ramps up, as do requests for extensions, so I will keep this short. First, I...
Issue 99 – Monday 8 May 2023
Contents HeadsUp One of the perks of knowing someone in the corporate sector is learning of various quirky attempts to sharpen the delivery of service. Some seem cheesy but on occasions something resonates. Like that word ‘perk’ as an acronym. Once capitalised, PERK...
Issue 98 – Monday 24 April 2023
Contents HeadsUp I trust everyone managed a bit of a ‘breather’ over the Easter break as well as perhaps catching up on fieldwork and teaching prep, marking etc. Somehow over the last two days I managed to write a book chapter and now am about to head for the hills...
Issue 97 – Monday 27 March 2023
Contents HeadsUp Pink leafless belladonna lilies seem to be popping up everywhere. The nights are cool but, mercifully, the sea is still warm. Autumn is emphatically here. With the imminent end of daylight saving, it feels like the gritty business of the semester is...
Issue 96 – Monday 13th March 2023
Contents HeadsUp The semester is well and truly underway, with weather-related interruptions hopefully behind us. I for one have been enjoying brushing up my lectures and engaging with a refreshingly enthusiastic class of students. It’s been an enjoyable...
Issue 95 – Monday 27th February 2023
Contents HeadsUp Well, it’s been a bumpy start with rain, wind and power outages, but we’re underway. Semester 1 is upon us. Expect the unexpected should, perhaps, be our motto. This last week brought three moments in which I caught myself feeling unexpectedly buoyed...
Issue 94 – Monday 13th February 2023
Contents HeadsUp I jotted the last Heads-up in the wake of the floods. Two weeks later, I’m doing so on a laptop with a fading battery as the house shakes in Gabrielle’s grip. I am grateful for a cup of tea brewed on my tramping stove, the power and wifi having been...
Issue 93 – Tuesday 31th January 2023
Contents HeadsUp This was going to be the “welcome back, hope you had a great summer break” commentary. Well, there were some days that were glorious and quintessentially summer. And in due course I look forward to hearing how you spent them. But for now, here we are,...
Issue 92 – Monday 19th December 2022
Contents HeadsUp As I write the last Heads-up for this year, I have just cancelled two routine meetings whose participants are already on annual leave. Last week seemed a sequence of saying “if I don’t see you before Christmas, have a good one”. With business all but...
Issue 91 – Monday 5th December 2022
Contents HeadsUp ‘When it rains, it pours’ is a saying with metaphorical as much as meteorological resonance around the School over the last couple of weeks. Unlike the gloomy weather, the metaphorical downpour of staff and student accolades and achievements is...