P-Cubed Newsletter Issue 80 – Monday 4 July 2022
Contents HeadsUp When I WFH (interesting how that abbreviation is suddenly a thing) my usual company is a quietly snoring dog. This week, campus didn’t seem much livelier. As I went in and out of my office I enjoyed some jolly laughter with the Group Services Team...
Issue 79 – Monday 20th June 2022
Contents HeadsUp Interviewing candidates for an academic position always feels momentous. One will ultimately be a new colleague, bringing new ideas and energy to the School. This week we have four shortlisted candidates for the GISCi Lectureship based in four...
Issue 78 – Tuesday 7th June 2022
Contents HeadsUp I’m always grateful when someone alerts me to an interesting angle on what we are doing or could be doing differently. This week, Mark Dickson sent me an extract from a commentary in The Listener. It spoke of the resignation of young people to a world...
Issue 77 – Monday 23rd May 2022
Contents HeadsUp I was in the Bay of Plenty on the weekend hoping to get out to Moutohora Island. Unfortunately sea conditions did not comply. That’s the third thwarted island visit this year; earlier cancellations were due to Covid and that the vessel was Russian....
Issue 76 – Monday 9th May 2022
Contents HeadsUp I trust you are enjoying being back on campus more. Seeing many of you last Monday afternoon at the welcome back drinks reminded me of the first 3-D movie I saw as a child: it felt both real and unreal at the same time. I’m sure the novelty may wear...
Issue 75 – Tuesday 26th April, 2022
Contents HeadsUp I was supposed to be on Rakiura this week doing interviews for a project on community impacts of tourism. But with Covid still doing the rounds, it seemed only right to postpone visiting (for the second time). Here on another island, the virus is...
Issue 74 – Monday 11th April, 2022
Contents HeadsUp “Seeing is believing”. That old proverb sums up the power of observation, a power that can be derived from both ‘real-world’ phenomena and data derived from the world. “Look before you leap”. Another proverb that speaks to observation and lies behind...
Issue 73 – Monday 28th March, 2022
Contents HeadsUp To quote the recipient of the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature, ‘the times they are a changin’. In our case, from after the mid semester break, “subject to any Government requirements in place at that time and with limited exceptions” activity will...
Issue 72 – Monday 14th March, 2022
Contents HeadsUp Some of us feel like we’ve been here a while and have seen a fair few changes. This dinosaur was an undergraduate student here when geographic data analysis was taught using punch cards and a mainframe computer. Then when I returned as a postdoc,...
Issue 71 – Monday 20th December, 2021
Contents HeadsUp Kia ora tatou As there’s sadly, no in-person all-School gathering I’d like to wish you all a relaxing, safe and enjoyable time of annual leave over Christmas/New Year and, for most of you, well into January. It’s a cliché to say it’s been a tough...