Issue 60 – Monday 19th July 2021
Contents HeadsUp I’m reminded of my islandnes here on Waiheke as I write these words while a storm rages outside and ferries are cancelled. It was 1624 that John Donne wrote the lines “No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part...
Issue 59 – Monday 5th July 2021
Contents HeadsUp Most of us are slow learners when it comes to mātauranga Māori. Research or ethics applications these days appear to demand otherwise. But I’m convinced that slowing down is the only way. We need to be slow learners. There is no quick fix. Where I...
Issue 58 – Monday 21st June 2021
Contents HeadSup At our recent School retreat day, I took a risk. Would it seem ridiculous? Would it not? A while back when I pondered aloud what to include in the day, Joe Fagan had said to me “ I’d love to know more about my colleagues and what they love to do...
Issue 57 – Tuesday 8th June 2021
Contents HeadSup There’s a poster I pass on the final few metres on my walk to Building 302 each morning that says “Welcome to the University of Auckland. Please bear with us while we are under construction”. Of course it refers in the first instance to the massive...
Issue 56 – Monday 24th May 2021
Contents HeadSup Two documents will increasingly loom large for us all in the School over the coming months: Taumata Teitei (the University’s Strategic Plan); and our own School Review document. The first is now published after various deliberations that occurred last...
Issue 55 – Monday 10th May 2021
Contents HeadSup Soon after JR asked me whether I would step ‘into her shoes’ for the rest of 2021, I found myself walking the Milford Track and pondering what I had agreed to. I began to wonder if I wouldn’t make a better Head of School of Acting than Acting Head of...
Issue 54 – Tuesday 27th April 2021
Contents HeadSup Kia ora koutou This is my last headsup for a while so I’m going to make the most of it 🙂 I’ve been writing the narrative for the ENV External Review and it has been a fascinating exeperience. The last time the School was reviewed was in...
Issue 53 – Monday 12th April 2021
Contents HeadSup Kia ora koutou If you’ve been keeping up with the emails, there’s some shuffling underway in the School. I’ve been asked to step into the acting Deputy Dean role until John Hosking returns from his sojourn as DVC (Strategic...
Issue 52 – Monday 29th March 2021
Contents HeadSup Kia ora koutou We had some great news last week: Mark Costello was awarded the Shorland Medal from the NZ Association of Scientists. This medal recognises a major and continued contribution to basic or applied research that has added significantly to...
Issue 51 – Monday 15th March 2021
Contents HeadSup As salaam alaikum The 15th March is a date that reminds us to reflect on and reaffirm our values, to consider our place in the world and how we can share it peacefully and responsibly. On Wednesday we will resume our 10.30 am morning teas for all...