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Issue 109 – Monday 25 September 2023

September 25, 2023 • igom365


Last week was graduation and, given the sparkling spring day, what a celebratory colourful occasion it was. How heartening that so many staff were on stage and so many of our students graduated. So many of our people were in the thick of it: Michael directing traffic on stage left, JR enthusiastically proclaiming student names…and earlier in our building I had some lovely meet-ups. Parents, partners…and PhD students are part of our scene for so long, then often move on to other endeavours with a long gap till graduation. It was like seeing old friends. Wonderful.

If that was a day of sunny elation, it feels like back to the ‘old familiar’ of rain and bewilderment in the last couple of days. Puzzling over how best we move forward with an engaging curriculum and wondering why more students aren’t at our doors to enroll in these times in which Aotearoa is beset by environmental challenges. Is it a case of cognitive dissonance? Over-persuasion by parents towards more pragmatically defined career outcomes?  Poor- PR on our part?

And bewilderment also prevails as I look south to another university where it was just announced that physical geography, geophysics and GISci are among the programmes to be cut. And during times of unprecedent ‘climate events’ (such euphemism) and concerns around planning our cities, land-use and collective futures. Our solidarity should surely be made known to colleagues whose careers are disrupted by this turmoil. And perhaps such career-trauma just down the road puts into perspective the spectre of some of us needing to teach differently as curriculum change beds in?

To less reflective matters:

Examining theses: While committing to marking a thesis is an extra task that can get squeezed by intervening commitments, please try to complete the task in the requested 6 weeks. Chasing reports creates more work and students are left wondering. Not a good look.

Supervising students: Postgraduate students can reasonably expect to have contact with supervisors every couple of weeks.  Please bear in mind that even a brief encouraging conversation can make all the difference to progress on a thesis journey.

Data management: The university has a new policy – please see the inclusion in p-cubed below. 

Success!  Some excellent results for our School from the latest MBIE Endeavour Round. 

Karen Fisher is part of the team lead by Lincoln Agritech who were awarded a Research Programme “Safeguarding Te Mana o te Awa o Waikato from emerging climatic pressures.”

Giovanni Coco is working with Simon Thrush on his Smart Idea “Carbon Footprints Underwater.”

Annual Leave: as summer awaits, look ahead and book that annual leave.  If you have large accrued balances, expect contact from me and/or HR. Better still, save us the hassle and book time off!

End of year party: Have you RSVP-ed and diaried  23rd November yet??

All for now

Robin Kearns

General Announcements

Supervisors – any Hons students with November submission entering the Nov/Dec PhD scholarship round?

Technically we could try and get a Hons student submitted in November into the Nov/Dec UoA Doctoral Scholarship round but we would need to work to fast track this so please let Jennifer Eccles/Gretel Boswijk know asap if you have a student trying to do this.


Wahapu bug re PRESS account balances

It has been flagged that PRESS account balances showing in Wahapu may be wrong so please bear this in mind if your balance is not what you expect and you are applying to spend money. The problem has been flagged.


Supervisors – Struggling Students

Do you have a research student who you know is struggling or has dropped out of contact? Retrospective alterations to enrolment (suspensions etc) are becoming very hard to get so flag any potential problems early with SGS (or the appropriate advisor) so this is logged and appropriate processes triggered.


Supervisors – PhD top-up scholarships

Do you have an externally funded PhD studentship in the works through the scholarships office where the money was secured after 1st September 2022, the student has yet to be given an offer, it is not sourced from a foreign government, and the stipend is less than the current UoADS ($33k/pa). If so please flag it with the PhD advisor ( during the admission process so we can figure out if they can be considered for a PhD stipend top-up.  


Support for Māori, Moana and Indigenous doctoral candidates and supervisors – MAI ki Tāmaki 

MAI ki Tāmaki is a nationwide Māori, Moana and Indigenous professional network that progresses doctoral candidates through manaakitanga, writing retreats, events, and workshops.   

It is now hosted by Te Tumu Herenga | Libraries and Learning Services and is coordinated by Abigail McClutchie our Kaiārahi and Dr Te Kawehau Hoskins, Pro Vice-Chancellor Maori (academic lead).  
As part of this Kaupapa Māori professional network a Doctoral Learning programme has been created with assistance from staff across Te Tumu Herenga and the School of Graduate Studies.   

Workshops coming up September / October You can attend online or in-person. Click on the links to book a workshop.  

Connect with MAI ki Tāmaki  

  • To receive regular MAI Ki Tāmaki email updates and events email:  
  • If you are a MAI Ki Tāmaki Doctoral candidate or Supervisor join the Facebook Group. 

Discover more on the MAI ki Tāmaki website. 


Changes in Te Herenga Mātauranga Whānui | General Library
We’re excited to share that the way we use our Library spaces is changing. Over the past few years, we’ve gathered feedback on the spaces you need to study and work effectively, and in response to this, are making changes to Levels 1 and M in Te Herenga Mātauranga Whānui | General Library. From 1 October 2023, these floors will be closed for refurbishment and will reopen for Semester One 2024.

Read more about the upcoming changes: []


Managing research data at Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland

What should you know about managing research data at Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland? 

The University’s new Research Data Management (RDM) Policy came into effect 1st July 2023. It applies to all research staff and students, and the University community that are involved in the management of research data. You can find guidance and support on the ResearchHub

Key changes: 

Support and training is available in bookable workshops or by request. The Centre for eResearch offers practical advice on a range of data management and research computing topics and can pair this advice with information on how to access related University services and support. Email us at


Whakawhanaungatanga – Communities 

We have the science director of Planet Labs Ltd visiting on the 2nd October. 

Planet is one of the world’s largest suppliers of Earth Observation imagery in the world and they support world-class science across many domains:

  • Staff, Post-docs, Phds, Masters, Hons – if you want to present your research to him (or have students who should), please see the linked planning grid and add your name/initials to the SoE research presentation slot. Elevator pitch style! VERY KEEN for students who are using earth observation data in anyway in their work to come and show off what they are doing 😊.
  • All, please come to the talk he is giving at 1600 on Monday 2nd Oct. 302-G20. A good turnout would be appreciated!
  • All, opportunity for drinks in OGH after the talk.

Earth Science in an Age of Change


Earth is in the midst of a climate crisis—including rapidly changing forests, high-risk agricultural practices, and melting polar ecosystems—a biodiversity crisis caused by widespread and endless habitat destruction, and a global economy still reeling from the worst pandemic in a century. In this time of great change, it is vital that humanity build the tools required to measure it. To this end, Planet is a public benefit corporation that operates the largest fleet of earth observation satellites in history. With >120 SuperDove imaging satellites now in orbit, Planet is imaging the entire land surface of the Earth on a near-daily basis, with 8-band multispectral sensors at ~3.7m per pixel. Planet also operates a constellation of 19 high-resolution SkySats, capable of 0.5m 4-band multispectral imaging in a tasking configuration. Planet’s massive dataset has unique applications for monitoring the status of Earth’s ecosystems and human activities that influence them. Through Planet’s Science Programs, More than 25,000 users have led a wide variety of research efforts, including climate change in the cryosphere, terrestrial ecosystems and vegetation dynamics, wildlife biology, threats to coral reefs and other marine habitats, agricultural productivity, and disaster response and humanitarian assistance. Given the enormity of Planet’s dataset, many users are pioneering new methods in remote sensing, including and especially data fusion. We will share results from Planet’s researcher network, synthesize the potential scientific value of Planet’s persistent monitoring capability, and discuss methods by which the data can be accessed by the scientific community.


Joe Mascaro is a tropical ecologist and Director, Science Strategy & Programs at Planet, a San Francisco-based aerospace company that operates the largest fleet of Earth-imaging satellites. Joe works with scientists, universities and individual investigators to utilize Planet’s unprecedented imaging resources to enhance primary research and education, improve forest monitoring and conservation, expand food security, and promote ecological resilience for some of the world’s most vulnerable communities.


Conservation Jobs Great Barrier Island

Two exciting leadership positions have opened up with the Tū Mai Taonga Project on Aotea Great Barrier Island.

This mana whenua led project aims to prove landscape-scale operational methodologies and build community support that open pathways to a predator free Aotea.

It is currently working in Te Paparahi and the Broken Islands to remove feral cats and rats, under the hello do you know the hot chilliguiding vision and tikanga of Ngāti Rehua Ngātiwai ki Aotea.

Tū Mai Taonga is seeking a Science & Project Support Manager to ensure the project is integrated with emerging scientific knowledge and that its learnings support the predator free 2050 vision, to manage the project’s GIS system and data reporting, and to add depth and managerial capacity to the Project’s operations team on Aotea, Great Barrier Island.

Tū Mai Taonga is seeking a Rat Operations Manager to lead the project’s Pathway to Eradication programme and implement an adaptive operational plan that initially gathers learnings on outer islands in order to eradicate rats from Aotea, Great Barrier Island.

The Rat Operations Manager will liaise with technical advisors to maintain a robust and innovative operational plan and will manage teams to carry it out.


School of Environment Research Awards 2023

Rangahau Committee are calling for nominations for the annual School of Environment Research Awards

This year we have five ENV Research Award categories. Please nominate your colleagues using this Google Form (the google form will only take a couple of minutes to complete, and you must sign in using your UoA email). The form includes information about each award. Students

  1. Hiroki Ogawa School Citizenship Award
  2. Research Communication Award
  3. Early Carer Research Award
  4. Engagement with Indigenous Values and Knowledge Award
  5. Transdisciplinary Award

Deadline to nominate your candidates: 30 Sept 2022

We will be very pleased to receive your nominations and will be waiting for you to celebrate our Researchers.


CO2 in control? Rethinking freshwater ecosystem dynamics in the Anthropocene

Join Ngā Ara Whetū: Centre for Climate, Biodiversity and Society and the School of Environment for a guest speaker seminar from Assoc Prof Adam Hartland on rethinking freshwater ecosystem dynamics in the Anthropocene. RSVP required for catering purposes.

Adam is a Senior Scientist at Lincoln Agritech Ltd (Kirikiriroa), and A/Prof Geochemistry at Te Whare Wānaga o Waikato . Adam’s research is highly collaborative. Building from a foundation in aqueous chemistry and branching across natural and social science domains. Leading on from his Rutherford Discovery Fellowship (2017 – 2022), his work addresses climate impacts in modern aquatic systems, drawing on first principles, and quantitative historical and palaeo evidence.

CO2 in control? Freshwater ecosystem dynamics in the Anthropocene Tickets, Fri 06/10/2023 at 12:00 pm | Eventbrite



School of Environment has a small budget for enabling engagement with Maori, particularly through koha or contributions that may be needed to initiate research relationships. In disbursing that putea, priority is given to academic staff working on behalf of groups of staff or students, pre/consultation activities for ethics approval and collaborations that are not readily funded through other mechanisms. As it is desirable to utilise the budget before the end of the academic year, however, all well-reasoned proposals will be considered. If interested, email a brief, one paragraph description of a proposed activity and a budget for how funds will be utilised to Brad ( Although there are no prescribed maxima or minima for these grants, the limited scope of the overall budget will likely preclude grants in excess of $1000. Applicants should also be mindful of UoA guidelines or policies for gifting and koha.


HORIZON EUROPE Information Session

Date: Thursday 26 October, 10-11 am, followed by morning tea (11-11:30)

Location: 302-140

Rangahau have invited Mark Hurdley (Research Manager – International, ORSI) to give a presentation on Horizon Europe Funding.  This will explore the opportunities that are available, what the funder is looking for, and the support available from UoA with time for general Q&A.

We have a limited number of 1:1 sessions with Mark following the morning tea to discuss specific calls and funding opportunities.  If you would like to meet with Mark, please email Kelly Kilpin asap as slots are limited and will be on a first come first served basis.

For more information on HORIZON EUROPE, including a list of the open/upcoming funding opportunities please see the Research Hub.

Please RSVP to Kelly ( catering purposes by Wednesday 18 October



Date: Tuesday 24 October, 12-1, followed by lunch  (12-1)

Location: TBC

Are you thinking of applying for a Marsden Grant this year?  The School of Environment Marsden Club will be running again this year.  This is open to all potential applicants (standard and fast-start) to the Marsden 2024 round, and will be an opportunity to hear advice and tips from previous applicants, share useful resources and outline support/peer-review arrangements to develop a successful application.

Please RSVP to Kelly Kilpin for catering purposes, any questions/queries please ask either Kelly or Sila.


ENV Masters thesis seminars 24 Oct 2023, Rm 302-140

The Masters thesis students (90 and 120 pt) will present 15 minute research summaries on 24 Oct starting at 9 am. The school encourages staff to attend. It is an opportunity for students to get comments and feedback, and for us to foster a research culture.

Phil Shane (DGA)

Lorna Strachan (Chair)
9.00 Hannah Martin Geological investigation of the Mangatangi Fault 
9.15 Natasha  Ngadi sedimentation and oceanographic processes at the Northern Hikurangi
9.30 Gabriel Abazu Engineering geological investigation of rainfall-triggered landslides
9.45 Ari Pola
10.00 Maggie Bray Geostatistical approaches for identifying rootless volcanic cone groups
10.15 Dannielle Cripps resilience to climate change and fire in critically endangered gumland ecosystems
10.30 Thomas Wood Sediment connectivity and forestry activity within the Te Hoiere/Pelorus catchment
10.45 Lalita Garg coastal cliff erosion risk assessment for Taranaki
JC Gaillard(Chair)
11.00 Tai Wright Decolonising food systems
11.15 Crystal Fa’asolo Decolonising Disaster Studies
11.30 Jordyn Hunter Climate Change Discourse on Pro-Environmental Policies and Behaviours
11.45 Deborah Larkins Exploring citizen science through different cultural context


   Please get in touch with Sonia for more information.



Wondering what happens once you’ve finished your doctorate? Join a tailored programme of six 50-minute workshops to support all doctoral candidates in career management, hosted by CDES. The focus of the series is understanding and developing your unique career identity, and then honing and practising employability skills so you can confidently articulate your value. Workshops 1-5 will be offered twice each week, over the lunch break (either 12.00-1.00pm or 1.00-2.00pm). Attend the whole series or ‘pick and mix’ depending on what you need. Please register using the links below.


GSNZ: Auckland Hochstetter Lecture 6.30 pm Tuesday 26th September 2023 Auckland Museum Auditorium – Lorna Strachan

Kia ora koutou,

Auckland’s own Lorna Strachan is this years Hochstetter Lecturer giving a talk entitled “Kaikōura Earthquake – Tales from the seafloor”.

She will giving the talk at 6.30 pm on Tuesday 26th September 2023 at the Auckland Museum Auditorium (use the Newmarket/underground carpark side entrance).

Please register at but (anticipating the odd potential bit of IT grief) I’m told people without tickets won’t actually be turned away from this free event. Please circulate the attached flyer to anyone interested.

I look forward to seeing some of you there! Ngā mihi,



The following Australian Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE) may be of interest to some ENV staff and postgraduate students:

AINSE Specialist Committee members needed (expressions of interest close 15 October 2023).

AINSE is seeking expressions of interest from Ph.D. and Masters-qualified researchers with extensive experience in conducting research at ANSTO’s Australian Synchrotron, AND extensive experience in the fields of either:

  • Biomedical Science and Biotechnology, or
  • Archaeology, Geosciences and Environmental Sciences.

The AINSE Specialist Committees undertake scholarship application reviews approximately 4-5 times per year to provide expert advice and recommendations to the AINSE Board and Member Representatives. Members are committed to full meeting attendance. Membership is voluntary. Meetings are ordinarily held online.

To be considered for committee membership please send a short CV (no more than one page) outlining research expertise directly to the Managing Director of AINSE, Michelle Durant, by Sunday 15th October 2023.


7th AINSE Women in STEM and Entrepreneurship (WISE) School – Expressions of Interest now received
(applications close 30 September 2023).
(flyer available online)

AINSE is now accepting Expressions of Interest directly from students for the 7th AINSE Women in STEM and Entrepreneurship (WISE) School, to be held Monday 4th to Friday 8th December 2023.

Expressions of Interest close Saturday 30th September 2023.

This school is targeted at female-identifying students in STEM degrees who are about to complete their first year of full-time undergraduate study (or part-time equivalent).

A key component of the WISE School is an ongoing mentorship program in which students are allocated mentors from across site at ANSTO. AINSE will be coordinating mentor and student meetings throughout 2024 to provide additional networking and educational opportunities for the students.

The 2023 WISE School will run as a 5 day online event, with a select number of students being invited to ANSTO’s Lucas Heights campus for the final 2 days of the program (Thursday 3rd – Friday 4th December).

Interested students should submit a short Expression of Interest Form directly to, and a brief letter to their AINSE Member Representative per the details in the form.

For more information, please see our WISE website.


AINSE Postgraduate Orientation Week – Expressions of Interest now received from future scholarship applicants (applications close 30 September 2023)

Coinciding with the international celebrations of Nuclear Science Week in the third week of October, the annual AINSE Postgraduate Orientation Week welcomes new postgraduate scholars in the AINSE PGRA and RSS programs, and provides all postgraduate students with the opportunity to establish enduring networks with like-minded colleagues across Australia and New Zealand. This year’s O’Week event will run from 16th – 18th October 2023 as an online event via Zoom.

Alongside our new scholarship recipients, AINSE are now accepting Expressions of Interest directly from interested Honours and postgraduate students from AINSE-member institutions who are looking to apply for an AINSE postgraduate award in 2024.

These interested students can learn about the broad range of research supported by ANSTO’s landmark facilities, engage in a virtual tour of ANSTO, and participate in social activities as part of the worldwide Nuclear Science Week celebrations. On the morning of Wednesday 18th, the program will be differentiated and these interested students will attend a specialised workshop focused on the application process for 2024 AINSE scholarships.

Expressions of Interest close Saturday 30th September.

Interested students should submit a short Expression of Interest Form directly to, outlining their intent to apply for a 2024 AINSE scholarship.

For more information, please see our Postgraduate O’Week website.


Applications open for the 2024 Doctoral Entrepreneurial Leadership Programme – Applications close 30th September

The Doctoral Entrepreneurial Leadership Programme is a free year-long programme for University of Auckland doctoral candidates from all disciplines. It is designed to develop your multidisciplinary thinking and skills and boost your professional network and future opportunities. 

Entrepreneurial careers occur within and beyond the world of start-ups and entrepreneurial skills are relevant in numerous contexts, including academia, social enterprises, community and government organisations, and corporate settings. This programme will equip you with the tools and frameworks to develop ideas, opportunities and solutions and realise impact and value from them in a myriad of contexts.   

The programme has relevance to doctoral candidates from all disciplines. Past participants have come from fields as diverse as Statistics, Dance and Opthalmology.

Applications are open to all current confirmed doctoral candidates at the University of Auckland.


·        Free programme (valued at $5k)

·        Create a network of peers from all faculties

·        Exposure to a network of innovative and entrepreneurial leaders

·        Knowledge of entrepreneurial ecosystems such as professional service firms, impact, social and commercial investors, incubators and accelerators, government organisations, social and commercial start-ups, community and social organisations and corporates

Participation in the Doctoral Entrepreneurial Leadership programme is designed to support students to freely share and explore ideas. To enable this, all participants will sign a non-disclosure agreement. 

Reviews from past participants

“With DELP’s guidance, I now better recognize the powerful potential that lies within the intersection of our research skills and entrepreneurial spirit inherent in PhD candidates.”

“This course is beautifully run and unlike any other I have participated in at the University.”

“It was something I greatly looked forward to each month.”

Timing and commitment
Participation in the Doctoral Entrepreneurial Leadership programme involves a year-long commitment with mandatory participation in monthly afternoon workshops, a residential overnight workshop at Waitakere Resort and additional work and reflection required in participants’ own time.

For more information and application details



Post Graduate Wellbeing ….. where to go

If you are currently coordinating a PG course, could you please post the inforgraphic slide to your Canvas course page so students will know the resources that are available throughout the University. 


3k writing grant available for students

Funds are available to support students writing up their thesis as publication(s). Each grant is worth $3000 (120 hours at 25$ all included). There is no deadline to apply. Applications are evaluated as they come by members of Rangahau (2 weeks turn over max.), until we use all the funds available.

Do you have a good candidate in mind? Please complete this form and submit to


Rangahau – Research

New Research Group

Kia ora e te whānau

Are you interested in research in the natural resources space with a big focus on helping transform society to a low pollution and sustainable future? I’d like to help build a proactive group of students and staff in this space who come together to discuss research and contribute as critic and conscience of society. I’m imagining a group in which we may differ in our approach to the problem but where we are committed to doing our bit as geoscientists and social scientists for a liveable future.

If you’d like to participate in this group and help make it meaningful, please get in touch with JR ( or Eduardo ( – all students and staff from any field in the geosciences and social sciences welcome.

If you’ve already got something happening in this space and we aren’t involved, let us know so we can be 😉

Thanks JR


Funding for Research Retreats

The Rangahau Committee has a small amount of funding set aside to sponsor Research retreats (e.g grant writing workshops, paper writing).  This can be up to 2k per team, with a minimum 2 SoE participants.

If you have an idea that you would like considered, please submit a short paragraph explaining the intention and benefits of the retreat to


Proposal development support

The Rangahau Committee has a small fund set aside to help with proposal development  (e.g. writing support, support to scope proposals etc).  If you have an idea that fits within this scope please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin to discuss further.




Horizon Europe Bid Registration – University of Auckland as a Partner/Collaborator
New Zealand researchers can now apply to Pillar 2 of the Horizon Europe funding programme. Following an increased level of interest and bidding activity, and to ensure a smooth funding application process when the University of Auckland is invited to join a project as a collaborator.

Please refer to the below attachments for further details and register bid via registration link provided.

·        Horizon Europe Bid Registration Process

·        Horizon Europe – Cluster Information Days

*Please notify FIRST at the earliest possible opportunity if they intend to partner on a Horizon Europe bid (Pillar 2)


Building your Knowledge Capability in Responsiveness to Māori within your Research
The workshops will be primarily presentation based with Q&A. These sessions will provide a general overview of the Treaty of Waitangi as it relates to research. The content focuses on why it was written, what it says, what went wrong, where are we today, and how it applies to research.
Before the Workshops

Those without any experiences in the study of the Treaty of Waitangi should consult these resources before attending:

·         Workshop2: Putting the Treaty into Practice in a Research Context (Part 2/2): 2nd October 2023 at 1-4pm via zoom. Christine explores application of the main Treaty concepts to the major stages of research. Please register bid via registration link provided.


Funding Calls

MBIE Catalyst 2023 : Strategic – New Zealand-NASA Research Partnerships
This funds aims to build a strategic relationship with NASA by partnering in global research initiatives that unlock information about the environment, Earth systems, and climate through observation of the Earth from high-altitude and space.  Areas of mutual interest are Natural hazards, Water and climate modelling, Environmental monitoring, and Biodiversity.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadline:
Up to $75,000 (excluding GST) over a maximum of 6 months is available for each successful feasibility study. 12 noon, Monday 6 November 2023.
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding Call

·         Website

·         Proposal Template

If you are interested, please notify your FIRST (research support) of your intent to apply for this scheme to receive important information and updates in relation to this fund


Spencer Foundation: Research-Practice Partnerships – Collaborative research for educational change
This fund is intended to support education research projects that engage in collaborative and participatory partnerships. It aims to facilitate the long-term accumulation of knowledge in new ways as researchers and practitioners work together to ask practitioner- and policy-relevant questions on key topics in specific settings over time.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadline
·         Value: up to USD400,000 (circa NZD660,000).

·         Duration: up to a maximum duration of 36 months (three years)

Two – Stage Submission Process:

·         Intent to apply: 17th October 2023 (this is the funder deadline date)

·         Full Proposal: 5:00pm, Monday, 6th November 2023

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding Call

·         Website, Guideline

If you are interested, please notify your FIRST (research support) of your intent to apply for this scheme to receive important information and updates in relation to this fund


MBIE 2024 Endeavour Fund (Smart Ideas)
This fund aims to catalyse and rapidly tests promising, innovative research ideas with high potential for benefit to New Zealand, to refresh and enable diversity in the science portfolio.

For the 2024 investment round, the Science Board will aim to fund at least 49 Smart Ideas proposals.

Value/Duration: Internal Deadline:
·         Total funding pool: $18 million

·         Value: $0.4 – $1 million over the term of the contract

·         Duration: 2 or 3 years

·         Registration: 12noon, Tuesday, 24 October 2023

·         Concept Proposal: 12noon, Monday, 13 November 2023

·         Full Proposal: TBD (selected applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal)

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info, templates):

·         Funding Call

·         Guideline

·         Website

·         Registration Template

·         Concept Proposal Template

* The funder will be holding virtual endeavour fund roadshows on 2nd ,10th, and 11th of October. It is highly recommended to attend to at least one of the sessions and you can do it by following this link.

If you are interested, please notify your FIRST (research support) of your intent to apply for this scheme to receive important information and updates in relation to this fund


MBIE 2024 Endeavour Fund (Research Programmes)
This fund aims to support ambitious, excellent and well-defined research ideas which have credible and high potential to positively transform New Zealand’s future in areas of future value, growth, or critical need.

For the 2024 investment round, the Science Board will aim to fund at least 19 Research Programmes proposals.

Value/Duration: Internal Deadline
·         Total funding pool: $39 million

·         Value: $0.5 million or more per year

·         Duration: 3, 4 or 5 years

·         Registration: 12noon, Monday, 27 November 2023

·         Full Proposal: 12 noon, Monday, 26 February 2024

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info, templates):

·         Funding Call

·         Guideline

·         Website

·         Registration Template

·         Full Proposal Template

* The funder will be holding virtual endeavour fund roadshows on 2nd,10th, and 11th of October. It is highly recommended to attend to at least one of the sessions and you can do it by following this link.

If you are interested, please notify your FIRST (research support) of your intent to apply for this scheme to receive important information and updates in relation to this fund


Ngā Puanga Pūtaiao Fellowships for Māori and Pacific STEM researchers
The objective of the Fellowship (0.8 FTE) is to invest in Māori and Pacific Peoples to establish careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) research and to grow the network of Māori and Pacific Peoples in the research, science and innovation (RSI) system.  

Early-career Fellowship
Early-career Fellowship Mid-career Fellowship
Description 0-6 year post-PhD 7-15 years post-PhD
Contribution to researcher’s salary (per annum) $80,000 $110,000
Contribution to Host organisation overheads (per annum) $80,000 $110,000
Research related expenses (per annum) $40,000 $60,000
Total award $800,000 $1,120,000


Internal Deadline: 2:00pm, Thursday 19 October 2023
Further Information:

·         Guideline

·         Website

If you are interested, please notify your FIRST (research support) of your intent to apply for this scheme to receive important information and updates in relation to this fund


(MBIE) Te Pūnaha Hihiko: Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund 2024
This fund invests in activities that strengthen capability, capacity, skills and networks between Māori and the science and innovation system.

Funding is available through two schemes, each in support of the Fund’s aims:

·         Connect Scheme: Build new connections between Māori organisations and the science and innovation system.

·         Placement Scheme: Enhance the development of an individual(s) through placement in a Partner organisation.

Value/Duration: Internal Deadline
The work programme term for both Connect and Placement schemes is up to 2 years.

·         $150,000 (ex GST) – max funding per proposal for projects up to 1 year in length

·         $250,000 (ex GST) – max funding per proposal between 1-2 years in length

12 noon, Monday, 2 October 2023
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding Call

·         Guideline

·         Website

MBIE will also host a 1-hour webinar to talk through the application process and answer any questions at 10 am on 12 September 2023. If interested, please register for the webinar here

If you are interested, please also get in touch with FIRST team.


 Open Access Support Fund
This fund aims to support the payment of Open Access fees for researchers publishing high-impact research. This fund is intended to support the following priority cohorts to be published openly and immediately in high-impact journals:

·         Postgraduates

·         PhD candidates

·         Early career researchers (ECRs)

·         Indigenous researchers

·         Transdisciplinary researchers

Value/Duration: Deadlines:
The Faculty of Science Research Committee has $125K to distribute in 2023 as part of this fund This funding is available Q3-Q4 2023
·         Details on eligibility criteria can be found on the Research Hub and the Faculty of Science. Research intranet.

·         To apply please complete the following open access fund Application Form.

Please contact the FIRST team (Kelly or Alex or Sophie) for more information on how to apply for this funding.


Catalyst: Seeding (Round3)
Catalyst seeding facilitates new small and medium pre-research strategic partnerships that cannot be supported through other means, and with a view to developing full collaborations that could be supported through Catalyst: Strategic over time. Funding is for research exchanges, research activities, and expenses related to hosting workshops for new strategic research partnerships with international collaborators
Value/Duration: Internal Deadline
·         Seeding General: up to $80,000  (excl. GST) in total for up to two years

·         NZ – Japan Joint Research Projects: up to $30,000 (excl. GST) per annum for up to two years

5pm, Tuesday 10 October 2023
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding Call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

 To register to apply, please email the following information to the Funds Advisor Team via title (e.g. Dr, A/P, Professor), full name, email address, faculty and department.

If you are interested, please also get in touch with your research programme coordinator.


Catalyst: Leaders (Round3)
HOPE Meetings are held for excellent graduate students and young researchers selected from countries/areas around the Asia-Pacific and Africa region. These meetings give an opportunity for the participants to engage in interdisciplinary discussions with Nobel Laureates and other distinguished scientists pioneering the frontiers of knowledge.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadline
Supports excellent PhD students and/or young researchers to attend the HOPE meetings with Nobel Laureates for 5 days including flights, accommodation, and meeting registration. 5pm, Tuesday 10 October 2023
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding Call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

 To register to apply, please email the following information to the Funds Advisor Team via title (e.g. Dr, A/P, Professor), full name, email address, faculty and department.

If you are interested, please also get in touch with your research programme coordinator.


The Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund (TIF)
The Waipapa Taumata Rau (TIF) is a fund that encourages research staff from across the University to develop cross-faculty research partnerships, aspiring toward high-quality Transdisciplinary research outputs, research learning initiatives, and successful applications to external research funders.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadline
Grants up to $60,000

·         Small Grants ($10,000–$20,000)

·         Large Grants ($20,000–$60,000)

5pm, Monday 30 October 2023
To apply for this funding round, please:

·         Complete the revised application form found here (Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund) and email a copy to ORSI via  by the internal deadline.

·         For the purpose of creating a record in the Research Funding Module (RFM), please nominate one PI to arrange for the application to be uploaded and submitted for faculty/LSRI sign-off by by the internal deadline.

Application Form, Guidelines and FAQs can be accessed at the link below:

Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund

If you are interested, please also get in touch with your research programme coordinator.


Health, Safety and Wellbeing 

S8 Tiger WDXRF Series-2

S8 Tiger WDXRF Series-2 at University of Auckland is renowned across the world for producing multi-element profiles (from carbon to uranium) of any type of material with a high degree of accuracy and speed. Universities and research organisations conduct fundamental investigations into novel materials; hence, analytical instruments must provide accurate data for element concentrations on a wide range of samples. Modern X-ray fluorescence (XRF) equipment is outfitted with cutting-edge hardware and software, ensuring the finest analytical performance. At the same time, because they are simple to use, our XRF spectrometers are excellent for production settings. All-in-one equipment for checking raw material, monitoring manufacturing, and evaluating finished goods!

Development and improvement of sample techniques for XRF measurements

  1. Enhancement of XRF analytical performance based on research into the impacts of mineralogy, surface inconsistency, heterogeneity, and water content.
  2. The creation and approval of quantitative and/or semi-quantitative techniques to be used for in situ XRF analysis.
  3. Implementation of comprehensive operational procedures, including relevant quality assurance, for a few chosen in situ applications.
  4. Techniques for sample testing encompass glass beads, pressed pellets, loose powder, and self-supporting pellets.

Improved quantification and correction techniques

Several techniques for quantitative analysis have been created, modified, and improved. By using the suggested methodologies and procedures, in situ element determination using XRF techniques became more precise and accurate. the following enhanced quantification processes, improved correction techniques, or both:

  1. Widening the scope of the calibrating standard reference materials.
  2. Using calibration samples with matching matrices and site-specificity.
  3. Better geology and cement-based sample quantification techniques.
  4. Correction techniques for the impacts of surface roughness, dilution, and moisture/light matrix concentration.
  5. An approach for estimating the samples’ effective atomic numbers to aid in quantification.
  6. Estimation of low-Z matrix composition in support of quality control using the emission-transmission approach.
  7. In the examination of rock outcrops, corrections for surface roughness, mineralogy, and early research on weathering effects were applied.

Please contact Dr. Harpreet Singh Kainth ( for more information about the brief details of the XRF instrument.


GIScience lab open for business

A reminder that the recently refurbished GIScience lab is open for business, offering a specialised workspace for data visualisation, experimenting with virtual reality tools, filming and collaboration. The lab operates under an online booking system – some activities must be booked and approved in advance. To learn more about the lab or to arrange a tour, please contact Thomas (


Supporting Students Wellbeing

Find in this link information related to Students Wellbeing Support that can be useful for students and/or staff.

Publications | Articles

Marta Ribó, Sally J. Watson, Nina I. Novikova, Stacy Deppler, Sarah Seabrook, Rachel Hale, Lorna J. Strachan (2023) Microplastic pollution distribution: differences between marine reserves and urbanised areas. Continental Shelf Research, 267, 105115.

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 109 – Monday 25 September 2023

Issue 108 – Monday 11 September 2023

September 11, 2023 • igom365


My career in high school Latin was brief, but long enough to remember the origins of the word education. It is ‘educare’: to bring out what is within.  Few colleagues I know are as skilled at achieving that goal as Melanie Wall. Hence it was my absolute delight to learn that Mel has been awarded a  Te Whatu Kairangi Award for innovation in learning, teaching and curriculum.

These awards (formally known as National Tertiary Teaching Excellence Awards) and are the teaching equivalent of what, for research in New Zealand, is Fellowship of The Royal Society Te Apārangi. In other words, this is a huge accolade and one which casts a spotlight on Mel’s excellence as an educator. By association and affiliation, the School at large gets some reflected mana.

I have had the pleasure of knowing Mel for a very long time, stretching from MA supervision in the mid-90s to the many recent years of co-teaching undergraduate human geography courses. Mel’s teaching is inspirational, brave and, at times, confronting for its engagement with some of the more challenging geographies of everyday life in contemporary Aotearoa.

Her personal and professional qualities merge in commitments to fairness, constructive critique, clarity of vision, a co-equal valuing of theory and evidence, and an honouring of difference and equity. Mel’s embrace of difficult and controversial issues in the interests of ‘educare’, that bringing to light others’ self-knowledge, is resolute.    

And, perhaps not so known to adjudicators of these awards, Mel is also a loyal, deeply insightful, highly organised and good-humoured colleague who is now making a difference in the Faculty and University-at-large.

As we re-engage with the teaching semester this week, I am mindful that Mel is not the only excellent teacher in our School. Far from it. I feel we are more endowed than many Schools and Departments with truly fine educators; colleagues who are deeply committed to drawing out of students the potential and insights that dwell within them. But for now, it is Mel we salute as recipient of this prestigious accolade.  

And thanks for getting ENV out there

Lorna Strachan has been taking her Hochstetter lecture on tour to various locations and Karen Fisher and Kathy Campbell recently took their research perspectives to Raise the Bar events. Big thanks for getting what we do out there with panache.

And next week (Tues19th) is Science Graduation. I look forward to having the company of a number of you on stage as well as at the Faculty reception at the Cloud prior. We all may feel busy but it’s worth casting out minds back to the significance of our own graduations in our lives and to our families at the time. Us being there on stage in numbers will speaks to our commitment to affirming our students and our own hand in what they have achieved.

Robin Kearns, Head of School

General Announcements

Report Writing in English – upcoming workshops for students in Science 

Te Tumu Herenga | Libraries & Learning Services has upcoming sessions of the Report Writing in English workshop, designed with the needs of science students in mind. Sign up to learn how to structure and write a research report. They would be well suited for International students.

Tuesday 12 September, 2-3:30pm, Zoom

Learn more and register here.

Ngā mihi nui | Kind regards,

 Suzanne (she/her)

Suzanne Acharya | Academic Engagement Advisor, Science and Engineering
Te Tumu Herenga | Libraries and Learning Services |

Phone: +64 9 923 7537 | Ext: 88043 | Email:


Whakawhanaungatanga – Communities 

Join us for Kai and Korero @ the Library

A postgraduate reception hosted by Te Tumu Herenga | Libraries and Learning Services

Date: Monday, September 25, 2023

Time: 12:30-1:30pm

Location: General Library, Building 109, Room G07, next to the Student Hubs help desk

RSVP: Register via Eventbrite here:

Dear postgraduate students,

At Te Tumu Herenga | Libraries and Learning Services, we believe in fostering a supportive and engaging community for our postgraduate students.
That’s why we’re excited to invite you to our special event, ‘Kai and Korero @ the Library’.

What to expect:

  • Great food: Enjoy a delightful spread of refreshments and light bites.
  • Unstructured conversation: Engage in relaxed, open dialogue with fellow postgraduates.
  • Share your experiences: Bring your thoughts about your student journey so far and share your valuable experiences.
  • Help us help you: Share your insights on how we can better support you in your academic career.
  • Connect and network: Build connections with peers who share your academic journey.

This is a wonderful opportunity to unwind, connect with your fellow students, and contribute to shaping the future of support and resources available to you.

To ensure that we have an accurate headcount for catering purposes, we request you to kindly register your attendance by using the Eventbrite registration link provided above.


   Please get in touch with Sonia for more information.


On behalf of the Rangahau/Research committee, you’re all invited to the next ENV Research Seminar. We will hear from Gretel, JC and Shane about their current research projects. A light lunch will be provided.


You are invited to an on-campus astronaut visit and documentary screening on Thursday 14 September, arrive 6pm for a 6:30 start.

NASA astronaut Heidemarie Stefanshyn-Piper will give a short talk, answer questions and then there will be a screening of the documentary film, “Woman in Motion” featuring Nichelle Nichols (1932-2022 – Lieutenant Uhura from the original Star Trek television series) and her quest to diversity NASA’s astronaut corps.

The event is free but you will need to be quick to sign up as seats will fill fast. Here is the link to sign up to attend:

(NB: the documentary is suitable for late teens and older.)

Any questions – contact Kathy Campbell




Wondering what happens once you’ve finished your doctorate? Join a tailored programme of six 50-minute workshops to support all doctoral candidates in career management, hosted by CDES. The focus of the series is understanding and developing your unique career identity, and then honing and practising employability skills so you can confidently articulate your value. Workshops 1-5 will be offered twice each week, over the lunch break (either 12.00-1.00pm or 1.00-2.00pm). Attend the whole series or ‘pick and mix’ depending on what you need. Please register using the links below.


School of Environment tour for Pukekohe Christian High School 

Thanks to the help of wonderful volunteering staff and students we provided a great tour for Y10 students from Pukekohe Christian School. After a brisk tour to our labs they learned about their place with a lego set, swam to safety from a rip (VR) and learned how to identify one. They created 3D digital models of their friends and took a VR tour over Mt Taranaki as well as learned where our geothermal energy comes from and how we monitor volcanoes. It is possible such tours will be a way to share current research and cool topics from our school with highschools, but for that we will need our whole school to engage in outreach. Thank you very much to Giovanni, Anthony, Laura, Jaxon, Maike, Sila, Annahlise and Alisha for ENV for your time to be part of this!

Mila Adam



CO2 in control? Freshwater ecosystem dynamics in the Anthropocene

Join Ngā Ara Whetū: Centre for Climate, Biodiversity and Society for a guest speaker seminar from Assoc Prof Adam Hartland on rethinking freshwater ecosystem dynamics in the Anthropocene. Leading on from his Rutherford Discovery Fellowship (2017 – 2022), his work addresses climate impacts in modern aquatic systems, drawing on first principles, and quantitative historical and palaeo evidence. RSVP required for catering purposes.

Chinese Scholarship Council opportunities booklet.

Would you like to recruit a funded PhD student from China? Please send the projects to by 15 September.

 Please include the following information:

  • Name (as they would like it to appear in the document)
  • Contact email or website, such as a link to their UoA profile
  • Blurb on projects or areas where they have capacity
  • Keywords/fields of research

If supervisors/groups have a project with capacity, please include the following information:

  • Name of project
  • Blurb 
  • Contact details/website
  • Keywords related to the project

Ngā mihi,



GSNZ: Auckland Hochstetter Lecture 6.30 pm Tuesday 26th September 2023 Auckland Museum Auditorium – Lorna Strachan

Kia ora koutou,

Auckland’s own Lorna Strachan is this years Hochstetter Lecturer giving a talk entitled “Kaikōura Earthquake – Tales from the seafloor”.

She will giving the talk at 6.30 pm on Tuesday 26th September 2023 at the Auckland Museum Auditorium (use the Newmarket/underground carpark side entrance).

Please register at but (anticipating the odd potential bit of IT grief) I’m told people without tickets won’t actually be turned away from this free event. Please circulate the attached flyer to anyone interested.

I look forward to seeing some of you there! Ngā mihi,



The following Australian Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE) may be of interest to some ENV staff and postgraduate students:

AINSE Specialist Committee members needed (expressions of interest close 15 October 2023).

AINSE is seeking expressions of interest from Ph.D. and Masters-qualified researchers with extensive experience in conducting research at ANSTO’s Australian Synchrotron, AND extensive experience in the fields of either:

  • Biomedical Science and Biotechnology, or
  • Archaeology, Geosciences and Environmental Sciences.

The AINSE Specialist Committees undertake scholarship application reviews approximately 4-5 times per year to provide expert advice and recommendations to the AINSE Board and Member Representatives. Members are committed to full meeting attendance. Membership is voluntary. Meetings are ordinarily held online.

To be considered for committee membership please send a short CV (no more than one page) outlining research expertise directly to the Managing Director of AINSE, Michelle Durant, by Sunday 15th October 2023.


7th AINSE Women in STEM and Entrepreneurship (WISE) School – Expressions of Interest now received
(applications close 30 September 2023).
(flyer available online)

AINSE is now accepting Expressions of Interest directly from students for the 7th AINSE Women in STEM and Entrepreneurship (WISE) School, to be held Monday 4th to Friday 8th December 2023.

Expressions of Interest close Saturday 30th September 2023.

This school is targeted at female-identifying students in STEM degrees who are about to complete their first year of full-time undergraduate study (or part-time equivalent).

A key component of the WISE School is an ongoing mentorship program in which students are allocated mentors from across site at ANSTO. AINSE will be coordinating mentor and student meetings throughout 2024 to provide additional networking and educational opportunities for the students.

The 2023 WISE School will run as a 5 day online event, with a select number of students being invited to ANSTO’s Lucas Heights campus for the final 2 days of the program (Thursday 3rd – Friday 4th December).

Interested students should submit a short Expression of Interest Form directly to, and a brief letter to their AINSE Member Representative per the details in the form.

For more information, please see our WISE website.


AINSE Postgraduate Orientation Week – Expressions of Interest now received from future scholarship applicants (applications close 30 September 2023)

Coinciding with the international celebrations of Nuclear Science Week in the third week of October, the annual AINSE Postgraduate Orientation Week welcomes new postgraduate scholars in the AINSE PGRA and RSS programs, and provides all postgraduate students with the opportunity to establish enduring networks with like-minded colleagues across Australia and New Zealand. This year’s O’Week event will run from 16th – 18th October 2023 as an online event via Zoom.

Alongside our new scholarship recipients, AINSE are now accepting Expressions of Interest directly from interested Honours and postgraduate students from AINSE-member institutions who are looking to apply for an AINSE postgraduate award in 2024.

These interested students can learn about the broad range of research supported by ANSTO’s landmark facilities, engage in a virtual tour of ANSTO, and participate in social activities as part of the worldwide Nuclear Science Week celebrations. On the morning of Wednesday 18th, the program will be differentiated and these interested students will attend a specialised workshop focused on the application process for 2024 AINSE scholarships.

Expressions of Interest close Saturday 30th September.

Interested students should submit a short Expression of Interest Form directly to, outlining their intent to apply for a 2024 AINSE scholarship.

For more information, please see our Postgraduate O’Week website.


ANSTO Australian Synchrotron Stephen Wilkins Thesis Medal (nominations received until 15 September 2023).

This medal is awarded annually to the PhD student at an Australian or New Zealand University who is judged to have completed the most outstanding thesis of the past two years whose work was undertaken at and acknowledges the  Australian Synchrotron, or the Australian National Beamline Facility (ANBF), or whose work acknowledges and was undertaken under the auspices of the International Synchrotron Access Program (ISAP) or the Australian Synchrotron Research Program (ASRP).

Nominations are invited for the 2023 ANSTO Australian Synchrotron Stephen Wilkins Medal, which will be awarded to the candidate producing the most outstanding thesis and whose degree was awarded, but not necessarily conferred, after the 30th June 2021. The awardee will receive a monetary prize of $3,000 funded by a bequest from the Wilkins family and by ANSTO to support career development.

For more information, including eligibility criteria and how to apply, please visit the ANSTO Australian Synchrotron Stephen Wilkins Thesis Medal website.


Applications open for the 2024 Doctoral Entrepreneurial Leadership Programme – Applications close 30th September

The Doctoral Entrepreneurial Leadership Programme is a free year-long programme for University of Auckland doctoral candidates from all disciplines. It is designed to develop your multidisciplinary thinking and skills and boost your professional network and future opportunities. 

Entrepreneurial careers occur within and beyond the world of start-ups and entrepreneurial skills are relevant in numerous contexts, including academia, social enterprises, community and government organisations, and corporate settings. This programme will equip you with the tools and frameworks to develop ideas, opportunities and solutions and realise impact and value from them in a myriad of contexts.   

The programme has relevance to doctoral candidates from all disciplines. Past participants have come from fields as diverse as Statistics, Dance and Opthalmology.

Applications are open to all current confirmed doctoral candidates at the University of Auckland.


·        Free programme (valued at $5k)

·        Create a network of peers from all faculties

·        Exposure to a network of innovative and entrepreneurial leaders

·        Knowledge of entrepreneurial ecosystems such as professional service firms, impact, social and commercial investors, incubators and accelerators, government organisations, social and commercial start-ups, community and social organisations and corporates

Participation in the Doctoral Entrepreneurial Leadership programme is designed to support students to freely share and explore ideas. To enable this, all participants will sign a non-disclosure agreement. 

Reviews from past participants

“With DELP’s guidance, I now better recognize the powerful potential that lies within the intersection of our research skills and entrepreneurial spirit inherent in PhD candidates.”

“This course is beautifully run and unlike any other I have participated in at the University.”

“It was something I greatly looked forward to each month.”

Timing and commitment
Participation in the Doctoral Entrepreneurial Leadership programme involves a year-long commitment with mandatory participation in monthly afternoon workshops, a residential overnight workshop at Waitakere Resort and additional work and reflection required in participants’ own time.

For more information and application details



Post Graduate Wellbeing ….. where to go

If you are currently coordinating a PG course, could you please post the inforgraphic slide to your Canvas course page so students will know the resources that are available throughout the University. 


3k writing grant available for students

Funds are available to support students writing up their thesis as publication(s). Each grant is worth $3000 (120 hours at 25$ all included). There is no deadline to apply. Applications are evaluated as they come by members of Rangahau (2 weeks turn over max.), until we use all the funds available.

Do you have a good candidate in mind? Please complete this form and submit to


Rangahau – Research

New Research Group

Kia ora e te whānau

Are you interested in research in the natural resources space with a big focus on helping transform society to a low pollution and sustainable future? I’d like to help build a proactive group of students and staff in this space who come together to discuss research and contribute as critic and conscience of society. I’m imagining a group in which we may differ in our approach to the problem but where we are committed to doing our bit as geoscientists and social scientists for a liveable future.

If you’d like to participate in this group and help make it meaningful, please get in touch with JR ( or Eduardo ( – all students and staff from any field in the geosciences and social sciences welcome.

If you’ve already got something happening in this space and we aren’t involved, let us know so we can be 😉

Thanks JR


Funding for Research Retreats

The Rangahau Committee has a small amount of funding set aside to sponsor Research retreats (e.g grant writing workshops, paper writing).  This can be up to 2k per team, with a minimum 2 SoE participants.

If you have an idea that you would like considered, please submit a short paragraph explaining the intention and benefits of the retreat to


Proposal development support

The Rangahau Committee has a small fund set aside to help with proposal development  (e.g. writing support, support to scope proposals etc).  If you have an idea that fits within this scope please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin to discuss further.




MBIE Endeavour Support Sessions 2024
Support for the 2024 MBIE Endeavour round is currently underway.  UniServices have organised a number of events to support your application, please refer to the Research Hub for further details and register at the links below:

·         Registration Webinar with Alison Slade, Former Principal Investment Manager at MBIE and former Endeavour Fund lead, scheduled on 11th September August at 10:00am to 12:00pm.

Please reach out if you have any questions:


Horizon Europe Bid Registration – University of Auckland as a Partner/Collaborator
New Zealand researchers can now apply to Pillar 2 of the Horizon Europe funding programme. Following an increased level of interest and bidding activity, and to ensure a smooth funding application process when the University of Auckland is invited to join a project as a collaborator.

Please refer to the below attachments for further details and register bid via registration link provided.

·        Horizon Europe Bid Registration Process

·        Horizon Europe – Cluster Information Days

*Please notify FIRST at the earliest possible opportunity if they intend to partner on a Horizon Europe bid (Pillar 2)


Building your Knowledge Capability in Responsiveness to Māori within your Research
The workshops will be primarily presentation based with Q&A. These sessions will provide a general overview of the Treaty of Waitangi as it relates to research. The content focuses on why it was written, what it says, what went wrong, where are we today, and how it applies to research.
Before the Workshops

Those without any experiences in the study of the Treaty of Waitangi should consult these resources before attending:

·         Workshop1: Making Sense of the Treaty in a Research Context (Part 1/2): 25th September 2023 at 1-4pm via zoom. This session will provide a brief overview of the Treaty of Waitangi as it relates to research. Please register bid via registration link provided.

·         Workshop2: Putting the Treaty into Practice in a Research Context (Part 2/2): 2nd October 2023 at 1-4pm via zoom. Christine explores application of the main Treaty concepts to the major stages of research. Please register bid via registration link provided.


Funding Calls

MBIE 2024 Endeavour Fund (Smart Ideas)
This fund aims to catalyse and rapidly tests promising, innovative research ideas with high potential for benefit to New Zealand, to refresh and enable diversity in the science portfolio.

For the 2024 investment round, the Science Board will aim to fund at least 49 Smart Ideas proposals.

Value/Duration: Internal Deadline:
·         Total funding pool: $18 million

·         Value: $0.4 – $1 million over the term of the contract

·         Duration: 2 or 3 years

·         Registration: 12noon, Tuesday, 24 October 2023

·         Concept Proposal: 12noon, Monday, 13 November 2023

·         Full Proposal: TBD (selected applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal)

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info, templates):

·         Funding Call

·         Guideline

·         Website

·         Registration Template

·         Concept Proposal Template

* The funder will be holding virtual endeavour fund roadshows on 2nd ,10th, and 11th of October. It is highly recommended to attend to at least one of the sessions and you can do it by following this link.

If you are interested, please notify your FIRST (research support) of your intent to apply for this scheme to receive important information and updates in relation to this fund


MBIE 2024 Endeavour Fund (Research Programmes)
This fund aims to support ambitious, excellent and well-defined research ideas which have credible and high potential to positively transform New Zealand’s future in areas of future value, growth, or critical need.

For the 2024 investment round, the Science Board will aim to fund at least 19 Research Programmes proposals.

Value/Duration: Internal Deadline
·         Total funding pool: $39 million

·         Value: $0.5 million or more per year

·         Duration: 3, 4 or 5 years

·         Registration: 12noon, Monday, 27 November 2023

·         Full Proposal: 12 noon, Monday, 26 February 2024

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info, templates):

·         Funding Call

·         Guideline

·         Website

·         Registration Template

·         Full Proposal Template

* The funder will be holding virtual endeavour fund roadshows on 2nd,10th, and 11th of October. It is highly recommended to attend to at least one of the sessions and you can do it by following this link.

If you are interested, please notify your FIRST (research support) of your intent to apply for this scheme to receive important information and updates in relation to this fund


Ngā Puanga Pūtaiao Fellowships for Māori and Pacific STEM researchers
The objective of the Fellowship (0.8 FTE) is to invest in Māori and Pacific Peoples to establish careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) research and to grow the network of Māori and Pacific Peoples in the research, science and innovation (RSI) system.  

Early-career Fellowship
Early-career Fellowship Mid-career Fellowship
Description 0-6 year post-PhD 7-15 years post-PhD
Contribution to researcher’s salary (per annum) $80,000 $110,000
Contribution to Host organisation overheads (per annum) $80,000 $110,000
Research related expenses (per annum) $40,000 $60,000
Total award $800,000 $1,120,000


Internal Deadline: 2:00pm, Thursday 19 October 2023
Further Information:

·         Guideline

·         Website

If you are interested, please notify your FIRST (research support) of your intent to apply for this scheme to receive important information and updates in relation to this fund


(MBIE) Te Pūnaha Hihiko: Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund 2024
This fund invests in activities that strengthen capability, capacity, skills and networks between Māori and the science and innovation system.

Funding is available through two schemes, each in support of the Fund’s aims:

·         Connect Scheme: Build new connections between Māori organisations and the science and innovation system.

·         Placement Scheme: Enhance the development of an individual(s) through placement in a Partner organisation.

Value/Duration: Internal Deadline
The work programme term for both Connect and Placement schemes is up to 2 years.

·         $150,000 (ex GST) – max funding per proposal for projects up to 1 year in length

·         $250,000 (ex GST) – max funding per proposal between 1-2 years in length

12 noon, Monday, 2 October 2023
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding Call

·         Guideline

·         Website

MBIE will also host a 1-hour webinar to talk through the application process and answer any questions at 10 am on 12 September 2023. If interested, please register for the webinar here

If you are interested, please also get in touch with FIRST team.


 Open Access Support Fund
This fund aims to support the payment of Open Access fees for researchers publishing high-impact research. This fund is intended to support the following priority cohorts to be published openly and immediately in high-impact journals:

·         Postgraduates

·         PhD candidates

·         Early career researchers (ECRs)

·         Indigenous researchers

·         Transdisciplinary researchers

Value/Duration: Deadlines:
The Faculty of Science Research Committee has $125K to distribute in 2023 as part of this fund This funding is available Q3-Q4 2023
·         Details on eligibility criteria can be found on the Research Hub and the Faculty of Science. Research intranet.

·         To apply please complete the following open access fund Application Form.

Please contact the FIRST team (Kelly or Alex or Sophie) for more information on how to apply for this funding.


Catalyst: Seeding (Round3)
Catalyst seeding facilitates new small and medium pre-research strategic partnerships that cannot be supported through other means, and with a view to developing full collaborations that could be supported through Catalyst: Strategic over time. Funding is for research exchanges, research activities, and expenses related to hosting workshops for new strategic research partnerships with international collaborators
Value/Duration: Internal Deadline
·         Seeding General: up to $80,000  (excl. GST) in total for up to two years

·         NZ – Japan Joint Research Projects: up to $30,000 (excl. GST) per annum for up to two years

5pm, Tuesday 10 October 2023
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding Call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

 To register to apply, please email the following information to the Funds Advisor Team via title (e.g. Dr, A/P, Professor), full name, email address, faculty and department.

If you are interested, please also get in touch with your research programme coordinator.


Catalyst: Leaders (Round3)
HOPE Meetings are held for excellent graduate students and young researchers selected from countries/areas around the Asia-Pacific and Africa region. These meetings give an opportunity for the participants to engage in interdisciplinary discussions with Nobel Laureates and other distinguished scientists pioneering the frontiers of knowledge.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadline
Supports excellent PhD students and/or young researchers to attend the HOPE meetings with Nobel Laureates for 5 days including flights, accommodation, and meeting registration. 5pm, Tuesday 10 October 2023
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding Call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

 To register to apply, please email the following information to the Funds Advisor Team via title (e.g. Dr, A/P, Professor), full name, email address, faculty and department.

If you are interested, please also get in touch with your research programme coordinator.


The Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund (TIF)
The Waipapa Taumata Rau (TIF) is a fund that encourages research staff from across the University to develop cross-faculty research partnerships, aspiring toward high-quality Transdisciplinary research outputs, research learning initiatives, and successful applications to external research funders.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadline
Grants up to $60,000

·         Small Grants ($10,000–$20,000)

·         Large Grants ($20,000–$60,000)

5pm, Monday 30 October 2023
To apply for this funding round, please:

·         Complete the revised application form found here (Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund) and email a copy to ORSI via  by the internal deadline.

·         For the purpose of creating a record in the Research Funding Module (RFM), please nominate one PI to arrange for the application to be uploaded and submitted for faculty/LSRI sign-off by by the internal deadline.

Application Form, Guidelines and FAQs can be accessed at the link below:

Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund

If you are interested, please also get in touch with your research programme coordinator.


Health, Safety and Wellbeing 

Field Activity Plans: From today, please submit your field activity plans to:

Use of Chemicals: There is a new Chemical Risk Management Protocol, that applies to all staff members and students who use chemicals, in labs or workshops. It contains standards, guidelines and Safe Methods of Use (SMOUs)

The Chemical Risk Management Protocol is available on the Health, Safety and Wellbeing website:

Mental Health 101 (MH101)

Duration:  7 hours, 30 minutes

Details: Giving people the confidence to recognise, relate and respond to people experiencing mental health challenges. Reducing stigma and discrimination toward people with mental health challenges.

Please contact session is Sep 28th



Al Staff members have access to EAP for:

  • Counselling
  • Career guidance
  • Financial guidance
  • Legal guidance


Publications | Articles

Chen, Z., Li, G., Bowen, M., & Coco, G. (2023). Retention of buoyant plastic in a well-mixed estuary due to tides, river discharge and winds. Marine Pollution Bulletin194, 115395.

Martin Brook. The Conversation 29 August

Martin Brook. TVNZ “Sunday” 27 August

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 108 – Monday 11 September 2023

Issue 107 – Monday 28 August 2023

August 28, 2023 • igom365


Going the ‘extra mile’

First-up, big thanks to those who go the ‘extra mile’ for our School. Recently I thanked those who joined me in interviewing lectureship candidates until 10 pm on three evenings in a week. This time its thanks to those who represented our School at Open Day last Saturday when, I just heard from the VC, over ten thousand visitors were welcomed onto campus. Particular thanks go to Nick Richards, Anthony Gampell, Mila Adam, and Emma Ryan – along with student helpers: Aimee Harsant, Martin Joe, Leanne Edwards-Maas, Talia Mather, Hannah Martin, Anataia van Leeuwen, Meegan Soulesby, and Nathan Collins. Thanks also to behind-the-scenes staff who helped organise some of the activities: Emma Sharp, Tom Dowling, and Sila. Thomas Mules and Brendan Hall helped organise technical stuff matters.

I have no idea how many visitors were particularly inspired by our School’s presence or how many conversations will be translated into future enrolments. But on Sunday I spoke to the daughter of a Waiheke friend who told me she was very inspired by the ENV presence and had no idea how many different environmental issues we address. She thought we offer exciting practical and applied courses.

One positive bit of feedback like this is indicative of how in-person exposure is both worth the effort and makes a difference. And more opportunities are on the way. There’s a new postgraduate student recruitment event, the Piki Mai Info Evening, on 3rd October in the early evening. Again, staff will be generously giving up on family and /or personal time for this event.

We simply wouldn’t move ahead in all we do as a School without a commitment by staff and postgrads to assist outside usual work hours, whether that be for outreach, interviewing or field trips. Perhaps that’s why, to many, the academic life is seen as much vocation as just employment. And certainly, while taking time off in lieu is great in principle, for many – if not most – of us, it‘s difficult to do this. Responsibilities roll on regardless, whether they be research, teaching or replying to email (or even reading p-cubed 😊).

Speaking of email…

Email overload is clearly a malaise. Important, informative messages can be lost within the flow of less significant ones.  So, if its just a quick text-sized message, how about we increasingly use Teams? The chat function in Teams allows quick-fire messages and I will increasingly assume you have Teams switched on during usual work hours  – as part of us being a switched-on School.

….and Outlook

The Outlook online calendar has a great function called ‘AutoPick’ that allows anyone to schedule a meeting taking account of people’s schedules without the delay of a Doodle Poll. Please investigate it and use it, and – more importantly – keep your Outlook calendar up to date so those scheduling a meeting can reliably assume your availability. Thanks  

Taking a breather

Do be easy on yourselves, especially if you’ve been working beyond the usual hours. Take the opportunity with the mid-semester break coming up. Take a day or two annual leave if possible and, if not possible during the teaching break, certainly book leave for the upcoming summer. And that needs to be more than a mere request from me. Some staff have very high levels of accumulated leave balance sand my knuckles will be rapped if these continue to run high. So, do the right thing: as the seasons change make leave plans now.


Another ‘first-up’ in Heads-up  needs to be very big congratulations to two recipients of the University’s Research Excellence Awards: Marie McEntee has received an Early Career Research Excellence medal; and Sonia Fonua as part of a team-based  Research Impact Award. Well done, Marie and Sonia!

Any accolades to members of the School shine a spotlight on the capabilities and commitments of our team, so both congratulations and thanks to you both.

Getting together

To close, let us keep in mind the strongest response to the earlier Employee survey among those in our school: a wish for a greater sense of community. To that end I look forward to seeing as many of you all as possible both sooner and later – tomorrow (Tuesday 29th) at the third all-staff meeting of the year; and on the afternoon of Thurs 23rdNovember we have our end of year/pre-Christmas party (details to follow). Both involve kai as well as conviviality!


Spring is almost here. Take the time to appreciate it…

Have a great two weeks till next time…


Robin Kearns, Head of School

General Announcements


Report Writing in English – upcoming workshops for students in Science 

Te Tumu Herenga | Libraries & Learning Services has upcoming sessions of the Report Writing in English workshop, designed with the needs of science students in mind. Sign up to learn how to structure and write a research report. They would be well suited for International students.

Tuesday 12 September, 2-3:30pm, Zoom

Learn more and register here.

Ngā mihi nui | Kind regards,

 Suzanne (she/her)

Suzanne Acharya | Academic Engagement Advisor, Science and Engineering
Te Tumu Herenga | Libraries and Learning Services |

Phone: +64 9 923 7537 | Ext: 88043 | Email:


Whakawhanaungatanga – Communities 


Mālō e lelei, Welcome! 

Please join us for a light morning tea to celebrate Tongan Language Week. This event will be held on Wednesday, September 6th at Level 6 (302) in the break-out space! Come grab some quick kai (food) and let us know what Tongan words you know. There will be a pop quiz with a prize to win! ha’u (come) and join in the fun! 

Fakaafe mai, Thank you! 






Geography Auckland September newsletter

Here is the Geography Auckland September newsletter.  Please note that the poster is on Page 2.


Introduction to R workshop September 2023

An introductory R Workshop is being run on Thursday 7th and Friday 8th of September 2023. The course will be run by the Statistical Consulting Centre (SCC) in the Department of Statistics.

What’s covered in the workshop?


Getting familiar with R

Using R Studio and loading projects/scripts

Basic functions using R

Reading in Data Files (.csv, .xls/.xlsx)

Introduction to R Objects. How R thinks (vectors, matrices, basic data formats)


Working with data(sets)

Cleaning and subsetting

Merging datasets and reformatting

Grouping variables and summarising


R graphics

Starting with plots in R (boxplots, histograms, bar graphs)

Graphics in R with ggplot2 (customising plots)


Data analysis

Introduction to performing t-tests, chi-square tests, ANOVA, and general linear models


As per our previous introductory R workshops, the cost is $300 for UoA students and staff.

You can pay using your PRESS account, research grant, or other UoA account.

You can also opt to use a debit/credit card (however we will have to also add GST for this type of payment – please contact Joei Mudaliar for further instructions).

Here is the payment authorisation form for UoA participants paying from a UoA account.

The cost for non-UoA attendees is $500 + GST. Please contact Joei Mudaliar ( for payment instructions.

We will be sending out a pre-workshop information email the week prior to the course, however here are some of the details:


We will be in room 302.190. Building 302 is on the corner of Symonds St and Wellesley St. The room we will be using is on level 1, room 190.

Time and schedule

The approximate schedule for both days is attached (since this is the schedule from our previous course, it may yet be altered very slightly).

We will start at 9am and finish at 5pm.

Morning and afternoon tea will be provided, and there are cafes nearby for lunch. 


We will be using a Faculty of Science computer lab.

You are also welcome to use your own laptop. However, please make sure that you have downloaded R and RStudio onto your machine before the workshop (they are free to download).

We will also include some instructions on how to do this in our pre-workshop information email.

Access to computers and the internet

We will arrange access to the lab computers for all non-UoA participants.

We will also have a guest wireless password for non-UoA participants who are bringing their own laptops.

UoA staff and students will be able to access the FoS computers using their normal UoA upi and password.


I hope you can make it on the 7th and 8th September 2023, and we look forward to seeing you there.

Ngā mihi (Kind regards),

Joei Mudaliar | Kairuruku Ratonga ā-Rōpū (Group Services Coordinator)

Department of Statistics | Faculty of Science


Chinese Scholarship Council opportunities booklet.

Would you like to recruit a funded PhD student from China? Please send the projects to by 15 September.

 Please include the following information:

  • Name (as they would like it to appear in the document)
  • Contact email or website, such as a link to their UoA profile
  • Blurb on projects or areas where they have capacity
  • Keywords/fields of research

If supervisors/groups have a project with capacity, please include the following information:

  • Name of project
  • Blurb 
  • Contact details/website
  • Keywords related to the project

Ngā mihi,



GSNZ: Auckland Hochstetter Lecture 6.30 pm Tuesday 26th September 2023 Auckland Museum Auditorium – Lorna Strachan

Kia ora koutou,

Auckland’s own Lorna Strachan is this years Hochstetter Lecturer giving a talk entitled “Kaikōura Earthquake – Tales from the seafloor”.

She will giving the talk at 6.30 pm on Tuesday 26th September 2023 at the Auckland Museum Auditorium (use the Newmarket/underground carpark side entrance).

Please register at but (anticipating the odd potential bit of IT grief) I’m told people without tickets won’t actually be turned away from this free event. Please circulate the attached flyer to anyone interested.

I look forward to seeing some of you there! Ngā mihi,



The following Australian Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE) may be of interest to some ENV staff and postgraduate students:

AINSE Specialist Committee members needed (expressions of interest close 15 October 2023).

AINSE is seeking expressions of interest from Ph.D. and Masters-qualified researchers with extensive experience in conducting research at ANSTO’s Australian Synchrotron, AND extensive experience in the fields of either:

  • Biomedical Science and Biotechnology, or
  • Archaeology, Geosciences and Environmental Sciences.

The AINSE Specialist Committees undertake scholarship application reviews approximately 4-5 times per year to provide expert advice and recommendations to the AINSE Board and Member Representatives. Members are committed to full meeting attendance. Membership is voluntary. Meetings are ordinarily held online.

To be considered for committee membership please send a short CV (no more than one page) outlining research expertise directly to the Managing Director of AINSE, Michelle Durant, by Sunday 15th October 2023.


7th AINSE Women in STEM and Entrepreneurship (WISE) School – Expressions of Interest now received
(applications close 30 September 2023).
(flyer available online)

AINSE is now accepting Expressions of Interest directly from students for the 7th AINSE Women in STEM and Entrepreneurship (WISE) School, to be held Monday 4th to Friday 8th December 2023.

Expressions of Interest close Saturday 30th September 2023.

This school is targeted at female-identifying students in STEM degrees who are about to complete their first year of full-time undergraduate study (or part-time equivalent).

A key component of the WISE School is an ongoing mentorship program in which students are allocated mentors from across site at ANSTO. AINSE will be coordinating mentor and student meetings throughout 2024 to provide additional networking and educational opportunities for the students.

The 2023 WISE School will run as a 5 day online event, with a select number of students being invited to ANSTO’s Lucas Heights campus for the final 2 days of the program (Thursday 3rd – Friday 4th December).

Interested students should submit a short Expression of Interest Form directly to, and a brief letter to their AINSE Member Representative per the details in the form.

For more information, please see our WISE website.


AINSE Postgraduate Orientation Week – Expressions of Interest now received from future scholarship applicants (applications close 30 September 2023)

Coinciding with the international celebrations of Nuclear Science Week in the third week of October, the annual AINSE Postgraduate Orientation Week welcomes new postgraduate scholars in the AINSE PGRA and RSS programs, and provides all postgraduate students with the opportunity to establish enduring networks with like-minded colleagues across Australia and New Zealand. This year’s O’Week event will run from 16th – 18th October 2023 as an online event via Zoom.

Alongside our new scholarship recipients, AINSE are now accepting Expressions of Interest directly from interested Honours and postgraduate students from AINSE-member institutions who are looking to apply for an AINSE postgraduate award in 2024.

These interested students can learn about the broad range of research supported by ANSTO’s landmark facilities, engage in a virtual tour of ANSTO, and participate in social activities as part of the worldwide Nuclear Science Week celebrations. On the morning of Wednesday 18th, the program will be differentiated and these interested students will attend a specialised workshop focused on the application process for 2024 AINSE scholarships.

Expressions of Interest close Saturday 30th September.

Interested students should submit a short Expression of Interest Form directly to, outlining their intent to apply for a 2024 AINSE scholarship.

For more information, please see our Postgraduate O’Week website.


ANSTO Australian Synchrotron Stephen Wilkins Thesis Medal (nominations received until 15 September 2023).

This medal is awarded annually to the PhD student at an Australian or New Zealand University who is judged to have completed the most outstanding thesis of the past two years whose work was undertaken at and acknowledges the  Australian Synchrotron, or the Australian National Beamline Facility (ANBF), or whose work acknowledges and was undertaken under the auspices of the International Synchrotron Access Program (ISAP) or the Australian Synchrotron Research Program (ASRP).

Nominations are invited for the 2023 ANSTO Australian Synchrotron Stephen Wilkins Medal, which will be awarded to the candidate producing the most outstanding thesis and whose degree was awarded, but not necessarily conferred, after the 30th June 2021. The awardee will receive a monetary prize of $3,000 funded by a bequest from the Wilkins family and by ANSTO to support career development.

For more information, including eligibility criteria and how to apply, please visit the ANSTO Australian Synchrotron Stephen Wilkins Thesis Medal website.


1st Erionite & Mineral Fibres Symposium, Auckland

Date & Location: 28-29 August 2023 | 303.G16

This free in-person symposium funded by Royal Society Te Apārangi and MBIE and will take place on August 28-29 2023, in 303-G16. Morning and afternoon tea and lunch will be provided. Please register via this Eventbrite link if you plan on attending:  Erionite and Mineral Fibers Symposium, 28-29 August | Eventbrite

Keynote speakers presenting in-person include Prof Alessandro Gualtieri (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia) and Dr Martin Harper (NIOSH, USA). At this symposium, you’ll have the opportunity to learn about the latest research and advancements related to erionite and other mineral fibers, and connect with renowned international experts in the field who will share their knowledge and insights through engaging presentations and discussions. Contact Martin Brook for further details.


Applications open for the 2024 Doctoral Entrepreneurial Leadership Programme – Applications close 30th September

The Doctoral Entrepreneurial Leadership Programme is a free year-long programme for University of Auckland doctoral candidates from all disciplines. It is designed to develop your multidisciplinary thinking and skills and boost your professional network and future opportunities. 

Entrepreneurial careers occur within and beyond the world of start-ups and entrepreneurial skills are relevant in numerous contexts, including academia, social enterprises, community and government organisations, and corporate settings. This programme will equip you with the tools and frameworks to develop ideas, opportunities and solutions and realise impact and value from them in a myriad of contexts.   

The programme has relevance to doctoral candidates from all disciplines. Past participants have come from fields as diverse as Statistics, Dance and Opthalmology.

Applications are open to all current confirmed doctoral candidates at the University of Auckland.


·        Free programme (valued at $5k)

·        Create a network of peers from all faculties

·        Exposure to a network of innovative and entrepreneurial leaders

·        Knowledge of entrepreneurial ecosystems such as professional service firms, impact, social and commercial investors, incubators and accelerators, government organisations, social and commercial start-ups, community and social organisations and corporates

Participation in the Doctoral Entrepreneurial Leadership programme is designed to support students to freely share and explore ideas. To enable this, all participants will sign a non-disclosure agreement. 

Reviews from past participants

“With DELP’s guidance, I now better recognize the powerful potential that lies within the intersection of our research skills and entrepreneurial spirit inherent in PhD candidates.”

“This course is beautifully run and unlike any other I have participated in at the University.”

“It was something I greatly looked forward to each month.”

Timing and commitment
Participation in the Doctoral Entrepreneurial Leadership programme involves a year-long commitment with mandatory participation in monthly afternoon workshops, a residential overnight workshop at Waitakere Resort and additional work and reflection required in participants’ own time.

For more information and application details



Sign up and join the student association RTEA and the Compass programme 

1/ Please do encourage your students to join our student association RTEA. Here are the RTEA Lecture Promotion Slides to show your students at your first few lecturers and encourage them to sign up. Students can sign up as a general member for free to participate in our events, or as a committee member to help out.

2/ The new roster of officers is planning exciting activities for this year and they welcome support and contribution from fellow students. To encourage students to join just use the QR codes for the Facebook page and a Google form to formally sign up:

3/ Do encourage your PG students to also join our Compass programme. Larissa and her team of captains have planned regular activities to foster students’ wellbeing throughout the year.

4/ The Student Experience Committee (SEC) offers a small budget to course coordinators who would like to order some kai to share with their class. Reach out to JC should you be interested.


Post Graduate Wellbeing ….. where to go

If you are currently coordinating a PG course, could you please post the inforgraphic slide to your Canvas course page so students will know the resources that are available throughout the University. 


3k writing grant available for students

Funds are available to support students writing up their thesis as publication(s). Each grant is worth $3000 (120 hours at 25$ all included). There is no deadline to apply. Applications are evaluated as they come by members of Rangahau (2 weeks turn over max.), until we use all the funds available.

Do you have a good candidate in mind? Please complete this form and submit to


Rangahau – Research

New Research Group

Kia ora e te whānau

Are you interested in research in the natural resources space with a big focus on helping transform society to a low pollution and sustainable future? I’d like to help build a proactive group of students and staff in this space who come together to discuss research and contribute as critic and conscience of society. I’m imagining a group in which we may differ in our approach to the problem but where we are committed to doing our bit as geoscientists and social scientists for a liveable future.

If you’d like to participate in this group and help make it meaningful, please get in touch with JR ( or Eduardo ( – all students and staff from any field in the geosciences and social sciences welcome.

If you’ve already got something happening in this space and we aren’t involved, let us know so we can be 😉

Thanks JR


Funding for Research Retreats

The Rangahau Committee has a small amount of funding set aside to sponsor Research retreats (e.g grant writing workshops, paper writing).  This can be up to 2k per team, with a minimum 2 SoE participants.

If you have an idea that you would like considered, please submit a short paragraph explaining the intention and benefits of the retreat to


Proposal development support

The Rangahau Committee has a small fund set aside to help with proposal development  (e.g. writing support, support to scope proposals etc).  If you have an idea that fits within this scope please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin to discuss further.




Horizon Europe Bid Registration – University of Auckland as a Partner/Collaborator
New Zealand researchers can now apply to Pillar 2 of the Horizon Europe funding programme. Following an increased level of interest and bidding activity, and to ensure a smooth funding application process when the University of Auckland is invited to join a project as a collaborator.

Please refer to the below attachments for further details and register bid via registration link provided.

·        Horizon Europe Bid Registration Process

·        Horizon Europe – Cluster Information Days

*Please notify FIRST at the earliest possible opportunity if they intend to partner on a Horizon Europe bid (Pillar 2)


MBIE Endeavour Support Sessions 2024
Support for the 2024 MBIE Endeavour round is currently underway.  UniServices have organised a number of events to support your application, please refer to the Research Hub for further details and register at the links below:

·         Expert Panel Sessions are an opportunity for applicants applying to MBIE Research Programmes to informally test their project ideas against the key requirements of the grant, with a panel of experts to guide their thinking (please see the details below).

Key Information Dates: Monday 21st August, 1pm – 4pm | Tuesday 22nd August, 9am – 12pm | Friday 25th August, 9am – 12pm.

Time: Each attendee will be given an hour time-slot during one of the above dates.

Location: Online via Zoom Link

Audience: Open to UoA research staff applying for the 2024 Endeavour Research Programme round.

Requirements: Attendees are required to provide their completed Slide Deck at least 1 week prior to their session.

Registration: To register for this event, please email

·         Registration Webinar with Alison Slade, Former Principal Investment Manager at MBIE and former Endeavour Fund lead, scheduled on 11th September August at 10:00am to 12:00pm.

We anticipate that the round will open in October, however if you do intend to apply this year for either a Smart Idea or Research Programme please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin asap so we can keep you up to date with support offerings and changes for the 2024 round.

Please reach out if you have any questions:


Building your Knowledge Capability in Responsiveness to Māori within your Research
The workshops will be primarily presentation based with Q&A. These sessions will provide a general overview of the Treaty of Waitangi as it relates to research. The content focuses on why it was written, what it says, what went wrong, where are we today, and how it applies to research.
Before the Workshops

Those without any experiences in the study of the Treaty of Waitangi should consult these resources before attending:

·         Workshop1: Making Sense of the Treaty in a Research Context (Part 1/2): 25th September 2023 at 1-4pm via zoom. This session will provide a brief overview of the Treaty of Waitangi as it relates to research. Please register bid via registration link provided.

·         Workshop2: Putting the Treaty into Practice in a Research Context (Part 2/2): 2nd October 2023 at 1-4pm via zoom. Christine explores application of the main Treaty concepts to the major stages of research. Please register bid via registration link provided.


Funding Call

(MBIE) Te Pūnaha Hihiko: Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund 2024
This fund invests in activities that strengthen capability, capacity, skills and networks between Māori and the science and innovation system.

Funding is available through two schemes, each in support of the Fund’s aims:

·         Connect Scheme: Build new connections between Māori organisations and the science and innovation system.

·         Placement Scheme: Enhance the development of an individual(s) through placement in a Partner organisation.

Value/Duration: Internal Deadline
The work programme term for both Connect and Placement schemes is up to 2 years.

·         $150,000 (ex GST) – max funding per proposal for projects up to 1 year in length

·         $250,000 (ex GST) – max funding per proposal between 1-2 years in length

12 noon, Monday, 2 October 2023
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding Call

·         Guideline

·         Website

MBIE will also host a 1-hour webinar to talk through the application process and answer any questions at 10 am on 12 September 2023. If interested, please register for the webinar here

If you are interested, please also get in touch with FIRST team.


2023 Research Development Fund (RDF)
The total amount to be allocated in the 2023 contestable round is approximately $1 million with spending split across 2024 and 2025. This will be distributed amongst the different award types listed below based on the excellence and justifications of submitted applications.

Award type Duration Minimum and maximum funding available per application ~ Number of Awards
Research Fellowship Award Up to 3 years $100,000 – $200,000 3
Staff Research Award Up to 2 years  $10,000 – $40,000 8
Aronui Pūtaiao Award Up to 2 years $10,000 – $40,000 2

Applications are due by 5.00pm, Tuesday 5 September 2023

·         Full details including guidelines and the application form are available on the research page of the staff intranet

·         For an overview of the Research Development Fund, visit the Research Hub RDF page

If you are interested, please also get in touch with your research programme coordinator.


Open Access Support Fund

This fund aims to support the payment of Open Access fees for researchers publishing high-impact research. This fund is intended to support the following priority cohorts to be published openly and immediately in high-impact journals:

·         Postgraduates

·         PhD candidates

·         Early career researchers (ECRs)

·         Indigenous researchers

·         Transdisciplinary researchers

Value/Duration: Deadlines:
The Faculty of Science Research Committee has $125K to distribute in 2023 as part of this fund This funding is available Q3-Q4 2023
·         Details on eligibility criteria can be found on the Research Hub and the Faculty of Science. Research intranet.

·         To apply please complete the following open access fund Application Form.

Please contact the FIRST team (Kelly or Alex or Sophie) for more information on how to apply for this funding.


The Prime Minister’s Science Prize
This Prize is for a transformative scientific advance, which has had a significant economic, health, social, political, cultural and/or environmental impact on New Zealand, or internationally. It will be awarded to a team or an individual instrumental in creating the impact. The transformative scientific advance may have occurred over any time-period and there must be a clear indication that the impact on New Zealand or internationally has taken place.
Value/Duration: Deadlines:
·         The total value of the Prize is $500,000.

·         $100,000 of this will go directly to the team or individual with no expectations.

·         $400,000 will be used to support ongoing research.

Internal Deadline: N/A

External Deadline for applications: 5th of September 2023 (by 1pm)

More details about this process can be found here: The Prime Minister’s Science Prizes (

If you are interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


The Prime Minister’s MacDiarmid Emerging Scientist Prize
The Prize is for an outstanding emerging scientist who has had their PhD conferred within the past eight (8) years.
Value/Duration: Deadlines:
·         The total value of the Prize is $200,000.

·         $50,000 is for the recipient and can be used with no conditions.

·         $150,000 must be used for the recipient’s ongoing research.

Internal Deadline: N/A

External Deadline for applications: 5th of September 2023 (by 1pm)

More details about this process can be found here: The Prime Minister’s Science Prizes (

If you are interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


The Prime Minister’s Science Communication Prize
This Prize is for either a practising scientist who can demonstrate an interest, passion and aptitude for science communication and public engagement, or to a person who has developed expertise in public engagement or communication of complex scientific or technological information to the public.
Value/Duration: Deadlines:
·         The total value of the Prize is worth $75,000.

·         $55,000 of the Prize money is to be used to support the recipient to carry out a programme of activities/professional development to further their understanding of science communication.

·         $20,000 of the Prize money is available to the recipient with no expectations on its use.

Internal Deadline: N/A

External Deadline for applications: 5th of September 2023 (by 1pm)

More details about this process can be found here: The Prime Minister’s Science Prizes (

If you are interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


Catalyst: Seeding (Round3)
Catalyst seeding facilitates new small and medium pre-research strategic partnerships that cannot be supported through other means, and with a view to developing full collaborations that could be supported through Catalyst: Strategic over time. Funding is for research exchanges, research activities, and expenses related to hosting workshops for new strategic research partnerships with international collaborators
Value/Duration: Internal Deadline
·         Seeding General: up to $80,000  (excl. GST) in total for up to two years

·         NZ – Japan Joint Research Projects: up to $30,000 (excl. GST) per annum for up to two years

5pm, Tuesday 10 October 2023
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding Call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

 To register to apply, please email the following information to the Funds Advisor Team via title (e.g. Dr, A/P, Professor), full name, email address, faculty and department.

If you are interested, please also get in touch with your research programme coordinator.


Catalyst: Leaders (Round3)
HOPE Meetings are held for excellent graduate students and young researchers selected from countries/areas around the Asia-Pacific and Africa region. These meetings give an opportunity for the participants to engage in interdisciplinary discussions with Nobel Laureates and other distinguished scientists pioneering the frontiers of knowledge.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadline
Supports excellent PhD students and/or young researchers to attend the HOPE meetings with Nobel Laureates for 5 days including flights, accommodation, and meeting registration. 5pm, Tuesday 10 October 2023
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding Call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

 To register to apply, please email the following information to the Funds Advisor Team via title (e.g. Dr, A/P, Professor), full name, email address, faculty and department.

If you are interested, please also get in touch with your research programme coordinator.

The Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund (TIF)
The Waipapa Taumata Rau (TIF) is a fund that encourages research staff from across the University to develop cross-faculty research partnerships, aspiring toward high-quality Transdisciplinary research outputs, research learning initiatives, and successful applications to external research funders.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadline
Grants up to $60,000

·         Small Grants ($10,000–$20,000)

·         Large Grants ($20,000–$60,000)

5pm, Monday 30 October 2023
To apply for this funding round, please:

·         Complete the revised application form found here (Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund) and email a copy to ORSI via  by the internal deadline.

·         For the purpose of creating a record in the Research Funding Module (RFM), please nominate one PI to arrange for the application to be uploaded and submitted for faculty/LSRI sign-off by by the internal deadline.

Application Form, Guidelines and FAQs can be accessed at the link below:

Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund

If you are interested, please also get in touch with your research programme coordinator.


Health, Safety and Wellbeing 

  • First aid kits audited and re-stocked, expiration dates are not enforced but the state of packaging.
  • Sanding for tree ring re-starting at the ESP Lab.
  • Driving assessments will be kept in place for people wanting to drive school’s vehicles
  • We hope most of you participated in the Safe+ survey, small survey coming up in October
  • After hours work, a reminder to thoroughly consider the activity i.e 3D printing uses dangerous substances
  • Reminder to use long trousers in Chemical Labs, they are required by SoE
  • Welcome back to Natalia Abrego



  • People in supervisory should consider training in risk assessment, available through OD.
  • Mental Health training (MH101) is available through OD to University employees.  


Publications | Articles

Brink G, Brook MS. (2023). Engineering properties of tropical transported soils: case study from the Republic of the Congo. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 56 (4):

HAYWARD, B. W., STOLBERGER, T. F., COLLINS, N., BEU, A. G. and BLOM, W. 2023. A diverse Late Pliocene fossil fauna and its paleoenvironment at Māngere, Auckland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics.

BROOK, F. J. and HAYWARD, B. W. 2022. Taxonomy and taphonomy of Pliocene bulimoid land snails from Māngere, New Zealand, with descriptions of a new genus and two new species (Gastropoda: Bothriembryontidae: Placostylinae. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 65:491-506.

Shane, P., Costa, F., Cronin, S., Stirling, C., Reid, M. (2023) Priming and eruption of andesite magmas at Taranaki volcano recorded in plagioclase phenocrysts. Bulletin of Volcanology 85, 47.

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 107 – Monday 28 August 2023

Issue 106 – Monday 14 August 2023

August 14, 2023 • asim086


A full-on time continues in the engine room of the School.  First, My thanks to Murray, Sila, and Tom who joined me and representatives of FSC to interview candidates form the GISci lectureship (and to those of you who generously joined the online seminars). Working three evenings in a week till 10pm was a big ask! Second, discussions continue apace both in-School and up to the VC Heads’ Forum level around curriculum change. This is a time of transformation and there is insufficient sand into which anyone can stick their heads and avoid it!  To see it all as an opportunity, we’ll be able to look back and reflect on having been part of an historic time of redirection at the University. Third, we have the specific task of the School’s annual planning process before us. My thanks to those who have responded with ideas and information as we work towards submission and discussion of it with FoS senior management later this month.   

A few other matters:

Sad farewells

It was good to see such a turnout of current and former members of the School (and the Geography Dept before it) at the funeral for cartographer Igor Drecki and his wife Iwona. The sadness of the tragedy and farewell was, in some very small way, countered by the pleasure of seeing old friends and associates who knew and respected Igor.

There was also a memorial last Sunday on Waiheke for Carola Cullum who some of you will have known. Carola was a former postgrad in the School who more recently worked with particularly Gary Brierley as a Research Associate. Her dedication to field work in China and South Africa was matched by local commitment to pest eradication and the integrity of the Hauraki Gulf.

Wise use of hard-won resources

I’d like to kindly remind everyone about our collective commitment to optimising the use of equipment purchased through our Capital Expenditure (CapEx) budget. As we continue to invest in enhancing the School’s capabilities, it’s important that staff contribute to realising the full potential of these resources, be they lab spaces or items of equipment.

If you’ve indicated your intention to use any of the large items procured through CapEx during the application or business case process, I would see it as a duty to follow through on this commitment. Without such participation, we as a School cannot achieve the goals outlined in the CapEx submissions and business cases. When your name is associated with a project in these submissions, there is a reasonable assumption that you are actively engaged in bringing the proposed work to fruition in a timely manner.

As part of our strategy to maximize the value of our investments, we encourage you to consider directing work through our School’s facilities rather than sending work to external facilities. We should be using the resources we already have, rather than outsourcing projects externally. This not only enhances our internal capabilities but also reinforces our commitment to efficiently utilising the resources at our disposal.

Health and Safety

The University’s central HSW team is undertaking a survey concerning staff members’ understanding of their role in providing a safe place for work and study and how well health, safety and wellbeing is embedded into the University of Auckland’s culture. Named SafePlus, it is a programme developed by WorkSafe New Zealand, a government agency responsible for promoting and regulating workplace health and safety. It’s designed to help businesses improve their health and safety performance and provides a framework and assessment process to evaluate a company’s health and safety practices, identify areas for improvement, and develop strategies to enhance workplace safety. You will receive an email inviting participation in a survey. Please respond; we are all implicated in this area of concern and good practice.


As the welcome break approaches, please become familiar with a new policy on assessment which applies to all staff members, and students in undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses.

RSL service cover

Meg has kindly agreed to fill in for Larry until the end of January for his Ethics Advisor and Academic Integrity roles.

And now for something completely different

Please support an evening of Whose Lecture is it Anyway? Wed 16tth, beginning with drinks in from of 303-G02. These are fun evenings of improv absurdity as lecturers ‘speak’ to others colleague’s slides. Do join the hilarity. You may witness untapped expertise in the school!

Upcoming staff meeting!

We have our third of four staff meetings for the year on Tuesday 29th August, 11am-12noon, 302-140, followed by lunch. Agenda details soon.  

Have a good week!

 Robin Kearns, Head of School

General Announcements

Notice for Masters administration:

All new masters students doing a 90 or 120 pt thesis (code 794, 796, 799) starting in semester 2 must visit the link below to registrar their interest in supervision and provide a support letter from the proposed supervisor. This is how Faculty collects information for examinations.

At the start of each semester, direct your NEW students to this site before they start work.

Masters Expression of interest form 2023

Phil Shane (DGA)


Student RA position for outreach activities at the School of Environment

The School of Environment (ENV) is looking for an energetic and creative student to work alongside ENV staff and postgraduate students to help organise outreach events on campus and school visits. The student should currently be at least in their 3rd year of an undergraduate degree or doing postgraduate studies, both at the School of Environment. 

We are looking for someone to work (flexibly) 80-100 hours at a rate of $26/hour from now to the end of November. 

If interested contact Mila Adam:

Applications close: 18th August, 2023


Report Writing in English – upcoming workshops for students in Science 

Te Tumu Herenga | Libraries & Learning Services has upcoming sessions of the Report Writing in English workshop, designed with the needs of science students in mind. Sign up to learn how to structure and write a research report. They would be well suited for International students.

Tuesday 15 August, 4-5:30pm, Zoom

Wednesday 23 August, 10-11:30am, on campus

Tuesday 12 September, 2-3:30pm, Zoom

Learn more and register here.

Ngā mihi nui | Kind regards,

 Suzanne (she/her)

Suzanne Acharya | Academic Engagement Advisor, Science and Engineering
Te Tumu Herenga | Libraries and Learning Services |

Phone: +64 9 923 7537 | Ext: 88043 | Email:


Hiring – Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Technologist
I am excited to announce that we have commenced recruitment for a Technologist position in preparation for the imminent installation of ENVs new Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) in around 17 weeks.
To apply, please visit our UoA External Job Page:

This role is responsible for providing operational and analytical expertise and support for Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) equipment and specialised laboratory facilities managed by the School of Environment in order to support teaching and research activities.

Job Description

Te Whiwhinga mahi | The opportunity
This role is responsible for providing operational and analytical expertise and support for Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) equipment and specialised laboratory facilities managed by the School of Environment in order to support teaching and research activities.

Skills and Knowledge

  • Able to operate specialised laboratory equipment, including the Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM), according to documented protocols
  • Demonstrated experience and fundamental knowledge of microscopy and microanalysis, including but not limited to secondary electron imaging (SE), backscattered electron imaging (BSE) and panchromatic cathodoluminescence (CL).
  • A strong background in polarised light microscopy
  • Demonstrated experience in technique development of microanalysis using SEM
  • Previous experience with variable-pressure electron microscopy
  • Hands-on experience with sample preparation techniques, including thin sections, epoxy grain mounts, loose particles, and large samples, and knowledge of various sample holders

#hiring #development #environment #uoa #universityofauckland


Blair Sowman
Technical Manager | School of Environment | The University of Auckland | DDI: (09) 373 7599 Ext. 84128        


Accommodation – Visiting Researcher:

 Dr Imogen Napper ( is visiting us at the School of Environment in November this year- unfortunately OGH is out of action for the summer and UoA does not have any other facilities for visiting researchers. Imogen is a keen surfer, marine-pollution (microplastics) and global ocean action person! Does anyone have a room or apartment that they are considering letting out over November that could possibly host her?


Whakawhanaungatanga – Communities 

ENV Coastal and Marine Geoscience Seminar

Date and time: Mon 14 August 2023, 12-1pm

Location: Ontology Lab (302.551) or Zoom (for zoom link or enquiries email:


CHANGE ONE THING CHALLENGE – AKO Innovation Committee Grant 2023

Kia ora koutou

A quick reminder it’s not too late to apply!

Changing your teaching can seem daunting. Where to start? What should be prioritised?

The change one thing challenge encourages us to shift our practice one step at a time. This challenge acknowledges the possibilities and momentum that changing one aspect of our teaching offers.

The Ako Innovation Committee are encouraging staff who have changed one aspect of their teaching within the last two years to apply for this grant if you think it has enhanced student learning and you think that others would benefit from hearing more about.

Please see the more detailed guidelines and the application form is due August 14, noon.

Please contact Mel Wall if you have any questions.



Whose lecture is it anyway?

The Student Experience Committee has decided to revive the widely-acclaimed Whose lecture is it anyway? event that Joe created back in 2014. The last time our Kura organised one of these events  was four years ago so time is due for a third iteration with a new exciting line-up of lecturers.

We look forward to seeing you all, academic and professional staff as well as students of all levels, on Wednesday 16 August at 6 pm in  room 303-G02 – PLT2.

The event will be preceded by drinks and nibbles at 5:30 near the entrance of the theatre.






Geography Auckland (NZGS Auckland Branch)

Here is the Geography Auckland (NZGS Auckland Branch) August newsletter 

Please note that the July cancelled Dialogues has been transferred to the August slot (with the hope that this time Mike’s flight to Auckland will not be cancelled):

What:    ‘Proxy Geographers’ at work and the origins of the NZ Geographic Board

Who:     Michael Roche

When:  Tuesday 22 August – 4.00pm to 5.30pm

Where: Building 302, Room 551 (Ontology Lab), 23 Symonds Street

We hope to see you there.

Nga mihi nui,

June Logie


2023 Science Research Showcase

We are thrilled to invite all postgraduate research students at the Faculty of Science to participate in the 2023 Science Research Showcase. Our annual event provides an incredible platform for you to present your research through an academic poster and engage with a diverse audience, including staff and students at the University of Auckland.

The Science Research Showcase aims to celebrate and highlight the exceptional work of our postgraduate students. Whether you are exploring the mysteries of biology, unravelling the secrets of physics, delving into the wonders of chemistry, or breaking new grounds in technology, we want to hear about your research!

To participate, simply submit a digital academic poster and abstract by Friday 25 August 4 pm. We will arrange for your poster to be printed and displayed in the Science Foyer (ground level, building 302) as an exhibition between Monday 11 September and Friday 15 September. You will also get some excellent opportunities to engage in discussions, receive feedback and expand your network during the poster exhibition week.

Please visit the 2023 Science Research Showcase webpage for more information, including the registration link and valuable resources to help you make an engaging academic poster. Should you have any questions or require further information, please don’t hesitate to contact the Science Research Showcase Organising Committee at We are here to support you through the entire process. We look forward to seeing your poster entry at the 2023 Science Research Showcase and celebrating your research!


1st Erionite & Mineral Fibres Symposium, Auckland

Date & Location: 28-29 August 2023 | 303.G16

This free in-person symposium funded by Royal Society Te Apārangi and MBIE and will take place on August 28-29 2023, in 303-G16. Morning and afternoon tea and lunch will be provided. Please register via this Eventbrite link if you plan on attending:  Erionite and Mineral Fibers Symposium, 28-29 August | Eventbrite

Keynote speakers presenting in-person include Prof Alessandro Gualtieri (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia) and Dr Martin Harper (NIOSH, USA). At this symposium, you’ll have the opportunity to learn about the latest research and advancements related to erionite and other mineral fibers, and connect with renowned international experts in the field who will share their knowledge and insights through engaging presentations and discussions. Contact Martin Brook for further details.


Sign up and join the student association RTEA and the Compass programme 

1/ Please do encourage your students to join our student association RTEA. Here are the RTEA Lecture Promotion Slides to show your students at your first few lecturers and encourage them to sign up. Students can sign up as a general member for free to participate in our events, or as a committee member to help out.

2/ The new roster of officers is planning exciting activities for this year and they welcome support and contribution from fellow students. To encourage students to join just use the QR codes for the Facebook page and a Google form to formally sign up:

3/ Do encourage your PG students to also join our Compass programme. Larissa and her team of captains have planned regular activities to foster students’ wellbeing throughout the year.

4/ The Student Experience Committee (SEC) offers a small budget to course coordinators who would like to order some kai to share with their class. Reach out to JC should you be interested.


Post Graduate Wellbeing ….. where to go

If you are currently coordinating a PG course, could you please post the inforgraphic slide to your Canvas course page so students will know the resources that are available throughout the University. 


3k writing grant available for students

Funds are available to support students writing up their thesis as publication(s). Each grant is worth $3000 (120 hours at 25$ all included). There is no deadline to apply. Applications are evaluated as they come by members of Rangahau (2 weeks turn over max.), until we use all the funds available.

Do you have a good candidate in mind? Please complete this form and submit to


Rangahau – Research

New Research Group

Kia ora e te whānau

Are you interested in research in the natural resources space with a big focus on helping transform society to a low pollution and sustainable future? I’d like to help build a proactive group of students and staff in this space who come together to discuss research and contribute as critic and conscience of society. I’m imagining a group in which we may differ in our approach to the problem but where we are committed to doing our bit as geoscientists and social scientists for a liveable future.

If you’d like to participate in this group and help make it meaningful, please get in touch with JR ( or Eduardo ( – all students and staff from any field in the geosciences and social sciences welcome.

If you’ve already got something happening in this space and we aren’t involved, let us know so we can be 😉

Thanks JR


Funding for Research Retreats

The Rangahau Committee has a small amount of funding set aside to sponsor Research retreats (e.g grant writing workshops, paper writing).  This can be up to 2k per team, with a minimum 2 SoE participants.

If you have an idea that you would like considered, please submit a short paragraph explaining the intention and benefits of the retreat to


Proposal development support

The Rangahau Committee has a small fund set aside to help with proposal development  (e.g. writing support, support to scope proposals etc).  If you have an idea that fits within this scope please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin to discuss further.




MBIE Endeavour Support Sessions 2024
Support for the 2024 MBIE Endeavour round is currently underway.  UniServices have organised a number of events to support your application, please refer to the Research Hub for further details and register at the links below:

·         Government Insights Workshop with Rebecca Adams, Director of Government Relations at UniServices, scheduled on 17th August at 9:30am to 12:00pm.

·         Expert Panel Sessions are an opportunity for applicants applying to MBIE Research Programmes to informally test their project ideas against the key requirements of the grant, with a panel of experts to guide their thinking (please see the details below).

Key Information Dates: Monday 21st August, 1pm – 4pm | Tuesday 22nd August, 9am – 12pm | Friday 25th August, 9am – 12pm.

Time: Each attendee will be given an hour time-slot during one of the above dates.

Location: Online via Zoom Link

Audience: Open to UoA research staff applying for the 2024 Endeavour Research Programme round.

Requirements: Attendees are required to provide their completed Slide Deck at least 1 week prior to their session.

Registration: To register for this event, please email

Registration Webinar with Alison Slade, Former Principal Investment Manager at MBIE and former Endeavour Fund lead, scheduled on 11th September August at 10:00am to 12:00pm.

We anticipate that the round will open in October, however if you do intend to apply this year for either a Smart Idea or Research Programme please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin asap so we can keep you up to date with support offerings and changes for the 2024 round.

Please reach out if you have any questions:


Funding Call

2023 Research Development Fund (RDF)
The total amount to be allocated in the 2023 contestable round is approximately $1 million with spending split across 2024 and 2025. This will be distributed amongst the different award types listed below based on the excellence and justifications of submitted applications.

Award type Duration Minimum and maximum funding available per application ~ Number of Awards
Research Fellowship Award Up to 3 years $100,000 – $200,000 3
Staff Research Award Up to 2 years  $10,000 – $40,000 8
Aronui Pūtaiao Award Up to 2 years $10,000 – $40,000 2

Applications are due by 5.00pm, Tuesday 5 September 2023

·         Full details including guidelines and the application form are available on the research page of the staff intranet

·         For an overview of the Research Development Fund, visit the Research Hub RDF page

If you are interested, please also get in touch with your research programme coordinator.


Open Access Support Fund

This fund aims to support the payment of Open Access fees for researchers publishing high-impact research. This fund is intended to support the following priority cohorts to be published openly and immediately in high-impact journals:

·         Postgraduates

·         PhD candidates

·         Early career researchers (ECRs)

·         Indigenous researchers

·         Transdisciplinary researchers

Value/Duration: Deadlines:
The Faculty of Science Research Committee has $125K to distribute in 2023 as part of this fund This funding is available Q3-Q4 2023
·         Details on eligibility criteria can be found on the Research Hub and the Faculty of Science. Research intranet.

·         To apply please complete the following open access fund Application Form.

Please contact the FIRST team (Kelly or Alex or Sophie) for more information on how to apply for this funding.


The Prime Minister’s Science Prize
This Prize is for a transformative scientific advance, which has had a significant economic, health, social, political, cultural and/or environmental impact on New Zealand, or internationally. It will be awarded to a team or an individual instrumental in creating the impact. The transformative scientific advance may have occurred over any time-period and there must be a clear indication that the impact on New Zealand or internationally has taken place.
Value/Duration: Deadlines:
·         The total value of the Prize is $500,000.

·         $100,000 of this will go directly to the team or individual with no expectations.

·         $400,000 will be used to support ongoing research.

Internal Deadline: N/A

External Deadline for applications: 5th of September 2023 (by 1pm)

More details about this process can be found here: The Prime Minister’s Science Prizes (

If you are interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


The Prime Minister’s MacDiarmid Emerging Scientist Prize
The Prize is for an outstanding emerging scientist who has had their PhD conferred within the past eight (8) years.
Value/Duration: Deadlines:
·         The total value of the Prize is $200,000.

·         $50,000 is for the recipient and can be used with no conditions.

·         $150,000 must be used for the recipient’s ongoing research.

Internal Deadline: N/A

External Deadline for applications: 5th of September 2023 (by 1pm)

More details about this process can be found here: The Prime Minister’s Science Prizes (

If you are interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


The Prime Minister’s Science Communication Prize
This Prize is for either a practising scientist who can demonstrate an interest, passion and aptitude for science communication and public engagement, or to a person who has developed expertise in public engagement or communication of complex scientific or technological information to the public.
Value/Duration: Deadlines:
·         The total value of the Prize is worth $75,000.

·         $55,000 of the Prize money is to be used to support the recipient to carry out a programme of activities/professional development to further their understanding of science communication.

·         $20,000 of the Prize money is available to the recipient with no expectations on its use.

Internal Deadline: N/A

External Deadline for applications: 5th of September 2023 (by 1pm)

More details about this process can be found here: The Prime Minister’s Science Prizes (

If you are interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


Catalyst: Seeding (Round3)
Catalyst seeding facilitates new small and medium pre-research strategic partnerships that cannot be supported through other means, and with a view to developing full collaborations that could be supported through Catalyst: Strategic over time. Funding is for research exchanges, research activities, and expenses related to hosting workshops for new strategic research partnerships with international collaborators
Value/Duration: Internal Deadline
·         Seeding General: up to $80,000  (excl. GST) in total for up to two years

·         NZ – Japan Joint Research Projects: up to $30,000 (excl. GST) per annum for up to two years

5pm, Tuesday 10 October 2023
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding Call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

 To register to apply, please email the following information to the Funds Advisor Team via title (e.g. Dr, A/P, Professor), full name, email address, faculty and department.

If you are interested, please also get in touch with your research programme coordinator.


Catalyst: Leaders (Round3)
HOPE Meetings are held for excellent graduate students and young researchers selected from countries/areas around the Asia-Pacific and Africa region. These meetings give an opportunity for the participants to engage in interdisciplinary discussions with Nobel Laureates and other distinguished scientists pioneering the frontiers of knowledge.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadline
Supports excellent PhD students and/or young researchers to attend the HOPE meetings with Nobel Laureates for 5 days including flights, accommodation, and meeting registration. 5pm, Tuesday 10 October 2023
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding Call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

 To register to apply, please email the following information to the Funds Advisor Team via title (e.g. Dr, A/P, Professor), full name, email address, faculty and department.

If you are interested, please also get in touch with your research programme coordinator.



The Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund (TIF)

The Waipapa Taumata Rau (TIF) is a fund that encourages research staff from across the University to develop cross-faculty research partnerships, aspiring toward high-quality Transdisciplinary research outputs, research learning initiatives, and successful applications to external research funders.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadline
Grants up to $60,000

·         Small Grants ($10,000–$20,000)

·         Large Grants ($20,000–$60,000)

5pm, Monday 30 October 2023
To apply for this funding round, please:

·         Complete the revised application form found here (Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund) and email a copy to ORSI via  by the internal deadline.

·         For the purpose of creating a record in the Research Funding Module (RFM), please nominate one PI to arrange for the application to be uploaded and submitted for faculty/LSRI sign-off by by the internal deadline.

Application Form, Guidelines and FAQs can be accessed at the link below:

Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund

If you are interested, please also get in touch with your research programme coordinator.



 Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund Workshop
This workshop will facilitate new cross-faculty research collaborations and is designed for academic staff who are intending to pursue transdisciplinary research.
Key Information:

·         Date: Monday, 4 September 2023

 ·         Time: 8:30am – 3:00pm (lunch provided)

 ·         Location: City Campus, Unleash Space, 20 Symonds Street

Registration is essential. It closes on 7 August 2023. Please register it via Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund Workshop Tickets, Mon 04/09/2023 at 8:30 am | Eventbrite

Health, Safety and Wellbeing 

School of Environment Laboratory User Survey

You are invited to complete a short survey on your experiences of gaining access and working within our laboratories. This annual survey aims to identify what’s good, what’s missing and what can be improved. The feedback you provide will help us shape the future direction of the lab facilities and assist with purchasing the right equipment for each space.

Check your email for the invite (these were sent on Monday 7 August) or use this link:


Publications | Articles

Allington, M.L., Nilsson, A., Hill, M.J., Suttie, N., Daniil, D., Hjorth, I., Aulin, L., Augustinus, P.C., Shane, P. (2023) Constraining the eruption history of Rangitoto volcano, New Zealand, using palaeomagnetic data. Quaternary Geochronology 78, 101459 .


“Incremental environmental change can be as hazardous as a sudden schock – managing these ‘slow-burning risks is vital” has been published on The Conversation

Here’s the link:

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 106 – Monday 14 August 2023

Issue 105 – Monday 31 July 2023

July 31, 2023 • asim086


As employees of the University, we’re used to reading between the lines, but rarely are we colouring between them. At a recent School morning tea celebrating Matariki, we were doing just that (see below for proof). Many thanks to Debbie Larkins and her mum(!!) for home-made treats, and to the Equity Committee for sponsoring.

And thanks go to teaching staff, administrative staff and our many teaching assistants within the School for getting the semester under way. Do I sense that our students are slowly getting into the swing of on-campus life? It seems to be moving, pleasingly, in that direction.

– Tom (filling in for Robin while he’s on a short stint of leave)

And a short PS from a just returned Head of School

I had a great 1.5 weeks in Fiordland looking at glaciated  landscapes from the sea and learning of pest control  and bird relocation efforts on various islands in the past and present. Big thanks to Tom for ‘holding the fort’ as Acting  HoS.

This week is a momentous one in the staffing of the School as we hold seminar and interviews for the GISci Lectureship we were granted upon Michael Martin’s departure.  

Time zones and a shortlist of entirely UK/Europe-base candidates mean we need to engage with potential colleagues at times outside our usual working hours. Attending a seminar by Teams is ‘work’ and I cannot expect you to work evenings. Nonetheless, if family and other commitments permit, it would be superb if as many of you as possible joined by Teams to hear our candidates talk tonight Monday 31st, Wed 2nd and Monday 7th at 8pm.  Patricia has sent out the links. I am open to hearing any feedback from staff  to feed into the selection deliberations. Thanks!


General Announcements

School of Environment – Internal Seminar Series

A New Explosive Eruption History for the Tongan Volcanic Arc by Annahlise Hall  (PhD Proposal)

Date and time: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 @ 1pm, 301-411


2023 Cumberland Lecture

Ownership in contemporary capitalism and why it matters – Professor Brett Christophers

Date and time: Tue, 1 Aug 2023; 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM; Building 303, SLT1/303-G01 

The 2023 Cumberland lecture is scheduled for Tuesday August 1. It will be delivered by Brett Christophers, who after completing his PhD at Auckland has gone on to become one of Economic Geography’s most well-known international voices and a celebrated public intellectual.  Brett is a professor in the Department of Human Geography and the Institute for Housing and Urban Research at Sweden’s Uppsala University. An alumnus of the University of Auckland, Brett is the author of a series of hard-hitting book and a periodic commentator in some of the world’s more high-brow media outlets such as The Guardian. Brett’s research explores the question of ownership in contemporary capitalism and focuses steadfastly on why ownership matters.

Brett will be around the School for the week and will be giving a range of talks to students, public groups and officials in Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch over the coming two weeks, as well as catching up with old friends. He is being hosted by the Policy, Economies, and Place research group (

Please register at ( (abstract embedded).


Hiring – Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Technologist
I am excited to announce that we have commenced recruitment for a Technologist position in preparation for the imminent installation of ENVs new Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) in around 17 weeks.
To apply, please visit our UoA External Job Page:

This role is responsible for providing operational and analytical expertise and support for Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) equipment and specialised laboratory facilities managed by the School of Environment in order to support teaching and research activities.

Job Description

Te Whiwhinga mahi | The opportunity
This role is responsible for providing operational and analytical expertise and support for Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) equipment and specialised laboratory facilities managed by the School of Environment in order to support teaching and research activities.

Skills and Knowledge

  • Able to operate specialised laboratory equipment, including the Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM), according to documented protocols
  • Demonstrated experience and fundamental knowledge of microscopy and microanalysis, including but not limited to secondary electron imaging (SE), backscattered electron imaging (BSE) and panchromatic cathodoluminescence (CL).
  • A strong background in polarised light microscopy
  • Demonstrated experience in technique development of microanalysis using SEM
  • Previous experience with variable-pressure electron microscopy
  • Hands-on experience with sample preparation techniques, including thin sections, epoxy grain mounts, loose particles, and large samples, and knowledge of various sample holders

#hiring #development #environment #uoa #universityofauckland


Blair Sowman
Technical Manager | School of Environment | The University of Auckland | DDI: (09) 373 7599 Ext. 84128        


Whakawhanaungatanga – Communities 

School of Environment – BBQ 

Date & time: Fri 4 August 2023 @ 12pm |  Location: Near the Volleyball Courts, behind OGH


Missing Maps University of Auckland event




“Come map for good (and free pizza) on Wednesday 9th August @ 17.30, Level 6 breakout space

You and your laptop are all that is required. 







Digital Teaching Skills Workshop – TAIAO Tutor Community of Practice

With the use of technology increasingly prevalent within the teaching and learning environment, becoming comfortable with how to utilise the various software and technology available is an important aspect of your teaching skillset.

The next tutor skills workshop will be focused around digital teaching skills, covering some of the software that you might use when teaching (e.g. Zoom, Mural, Mentimeter).

This is scheduled for Week 4: Friday August 11th from 10-11:30am. Morning tea will be provided.






ENV Coastal and Marine Geoscience Seminar

Date and time: Mon 14 August 2023, 12-1pm

Location: Ontology Lab (302.551) or Zoom (for zoom link or enquiries email:


Whose lecture is it anyway?

The Student Experience Committee has decided to revive the widely-acclaimed Whose lecture is it anyway? event that Joe created back in 2014. The last time our Kura organised one of these events  was four years ago so time is due for a third iteration with a new exciting line-up of lecturers.

We look forward to seeing you all, academic and professional staff as well as students of all levels, on Wednesday 16 August at 6 pm in  room 303-G02 – PLT2.

The event will be preceded by drinks and nibbles at 5:30 near the entrance of the theatre.







CHANGE ONE THING CHALLENGE – AKO Innovation Committee Grant 2023

Changing your teaching can seem daunting. Where to start? What should be prioritised?

The change one thing challenge encourages us to shift our practice one step at a time. This challenge acknowledges the possibilities and momentum that changing one aspect of our teaching offers.

The Ako Innovation Committee are encouraging staff who have changed one aspect of their teaching within the last two years to apply for this grant if you think it has enhanced student learning and you think that others would benefit from hearing more about.

Please see the more detailed guidelines and the application form is due August 14, noon.

Please contact Mel Wall if you have any questions.




2023 Science Research Showcase

We are thrilled to invite all postgraduate research students at the Faculty of Science to participate in the 2023 Science Research Showcase. Our annual event provides an incredible platform for you to present your research through an academic poster and engage with a diverse audience, including staff and students at the University of Auckland.

The Science Research Showcase aims to celebrate and highlight the exceptional work of our postgraduate students. Whether you are exploring the mysteries of biology, unravelling the secrets of physics, delving into the wonders of chemistry, or breaking new grounds in technology, we want to hear about your research!

To participate, simply submit a digital academic poster and abstract by Friday 25 August 4 pm. We will arrange for your poster to be printed and displayed in the Science Foyer (ground level, building 302) as an exhibition between Monday 11 September and Friday 15 September. You will also get some excellent opportunities to engage in discussions, receive feedback and expand your network during the poster exhibition week.

Please visit the 2023 Science Research Showcase webpage for more information, including the registration link and valuable resources to help you make an engaging academic poster. Should you have any questions or require further information, please don’t hesitate to contact the Science Research Showcase Organising Committee at We are here to support you through the entire process. We look forward to seeing your poster entry at the 2023 Science Research Showcase and celebrating your research!


Sign up and join the student association RTEA and the Compass programme 

1/ Please do encourage your students to join our student association RTEA. Here are the RTEA Lecture Promotion Slides to show your students at your first few lecturers and encourage them to sign up. Students can sign up as a general member for free to participate in our events, or as a committee member to help out.

2/ The new roster of officers is planning exciting activities for this year and they welcome support and contribution from fellow students. To encourage students to join just use the QR codes for the Facebook page and a Google form to formally sign up:

3/ Do encourage your PG students to also join our Compass programme. Larissa and her team of captains have planned regular activities to foster students’ wellbeing throughout the year.

4/ The Student Experience Committee (SEC) offers a small budget to course coordinators who would like to order some kai to share with their class. Reach out to JC should you be interested.


Post Graduate Wellbeing ….. where to go

If you are currently coordinating a PG course, could you please post the inforgraphic slide to your Canvas course page so students will know the resources that are available throughout the University. 


3k writing grant available for students

Funds are available to support students writing up their thesis as publication(s). Each grant is worth $3000 (120 hours at 25$ all included). There is no deadline to apply. Applications are evaluated as they come by members of Rangahau (2 weeks turn over max.), until we use all the funds available.

Do you have a good candidate in mind? Please complete this form and submit to


Rangahau – Research

New Research Group

Kia ora e te whānau

Are you interested in research in the natural resources space with a big focus on helping transform society to a low pollution and sustainable future? I’d like to help build a proactive group of students and staff in this space who come together to discuss research and contribute as critic and conscience of society. I’m imagining a group in which we may differ in our approach to the problem but where we are committed to doing our bit as geoscientists and social scientists for a liveable future.

If you’d like to participate in this group and help make it meaningful, please get in touch with JR ( or Eduardo ( – all students and staff from any field in the geosciences and social sciences welcome.

If you’ve already got something happening in this space and we aren’t involved, let us know so we can be 😉

Thanks JR


Funding for Research Retreats

The Rangahau Committee has a small amount of funding set aside to sponsor Research retreats (e.g grant writing workshops, paper writing).  This can be up to 2k per team, with a minimum 2 SoE participants.

If you have an idea that you would like considered, please submit a short paragraph explaining the intention and benefits of the retreat to


Proposal development support

The Rangahau Committee has a small fund set aside to help with proposal development  (e.g. writing support, support to scope proposals etc).  If you have an idea that fits within this scope please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin to discuss further.





MBIE Endeavour Support Sessions 2024
Support for the 2024 MBIE Endeavour round is currently underway.  UniServices have organised a number of events to support your application, please refer to the Research Hub for further details and register at the links below:

 ·         Vision Mātauranga Webinar scheduled on 9th August at 10:00am to 12:00pm

·         Government Insights Workshop with Rebecca Adams, Director of Government Relations at UniServices, scheduled on 17th August at 9:30am to 12:00pm.

·         Expert Panel Sessions are an opportunity for applicants applying to MBIE Research Programmes to informally test their project ideas against the key requirements of the grant, with a panel of experts to guide their thinking (please see the details below).

Key Information Dates: Monday 21st August, 1pm – 4pm | Tuesday 22nd August, 9am – 12pm | Friday 25th August, 9am – 12pm.

Time: Each attendee will be given an hour time-slot during one of the above dates.

Location: Online via Zoom Link

Audience: Open to UoA research staff applying for the 2024 Endeavour Research Programme round.

Requirements: Attendees are required to provide their completed Slide Deck at least 1 week prior to their session.

Registration: To register for this event, please email

We anticipate that the round will open in October, however if you do intend to apply this year for either a Smart Idea or Research Programme please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin asap so we can keep you up to date with support offerings and changes for the 2024 round.

Please reach out if you have any questions:


Funding Call

 The George Mason Centre for Natural Environment Call for July 2023
This fund aims to support a diverse range of research projects to address questions within and across different natural ecosystems that demonstrate a direct impact on issues of environmental restoration, conservation and/or sustainability.
Types of Grant  

Seed Projects Up to $10,000 to cover research expenses for one year (including travel, equipment etc. but not salary or buyout)
PhD Scholarship $33,000 per annum for 3 years plus fees  ($126,000.00 total)
MSc Fees $10,000
Post-Doctoral Fellowship $102,033 (1 year of L/RF1 including ACC and Superannuation) – up to 2 years available
Workshop $5,000 (Maximum)
Grant Value and Duration A total of $400,000 is available in this round, with that sum in total spread over up to 3 years.
Submission Deadline 9.00 am, Wednesday 9th August 2023
Submission Process The completed application form is submitted to Please put the PI name in the email subject. You will receive a confirmation email upon submission.
Funding Information ·         GMCNE CFP Guidelines 2023



 Open Access Support Fund
This fund aims to support the payment of Open Access fees for researchers publishing high-impact research. This fund is intended to support the following priority cohorts to be published openly and immediately in high-impact journals:

·         Postgraduates

·         PhD candidates

·         Early career researchers (ECRs)

·         Indigenous researchers

·         Transdisciplinary researchers

Value/Duration: Deadlines:
The Faculty of Science Research Committee has $125K to distribute in 2023 as part of this fund This funding is available Q3-Q4 2023
·         Details on eligibility criteria can be found on the Research Hub and the Faculty of Science. Research intranet.

·         To apply please complete the following open access fund Application Form.

Please contact the FIRST team (Kelly or Alex or Sophie) for more information on how to apply for this funding.


John Templeton Foundation – Core Funding Areas, Small and Large Grants
The Foundation invests in bold ideas that cross disciplinary boundaries and challenge conventional assumptions. The Small and Large Grants are addressed under the 8 focus areas including

Life Sciences, Mathematics and Physical Science, and Human Sciences.

Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
•Small grants can be up to US$234,800 (circa NZD373,000) and Large Grants are in excess of US$235,000 (circa NZD374,000).

•Project can be up to 36 months.

•No more than 15% can be claimed for overheads.  The overhead cost must be included in the total amount you requested

Internal Deadline for First Stage: 12pm noon, Friday 11 August 2023.
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

If interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


The Prime Minister’s Science Prize
This Prize is for a transformative scientific advance, which has had a significant economic, health, social, political, cultural and/or environmental impact on New Zealand, or internationally. It will be awarded to a team or an individual instrumental in creating the impact. The transformative scientific advance may have occurred over any time-period and there must be a clear indication that the impact on New Zealand or internationally has taken place.
Value/Duration: Deadlines:
·         The total value of the Prize is $500,000.

·         $100,000 of this will go directly to the team or individual with no expectations.

·         $400,000 will be used to support ongoing research.

Internal Deadline: N/A

External Deadline for applications: 5th of September 2023 (by 1pm)

More details about this process can be found here: The Prime Minister’s Science Prizes (

If you are interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


The Prime Minister’s MacDiarmid Emerging Scientist Prize
The Prize is for an outstanding emerging scientist who has had their PhD conferred within the past eight (8) years.
Value/Duration: Deadlines:
·         The total value of the Prize is $200,000.

·         $50,000 is for the recipient and can be used with no conditions.

·         $150,000 must be used for the recipient’s ongoing research.

Internal Deadline: N/A

External Deadline for applications: 5th of September 2023 (by 1pm)

More details about this process can be found here: The Prime Minister’s Science Prizes (

If you are interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


The Prime Minister’s Science Communication Prize
This Prize is for either a practising scientist who can demonstrate an interest, passion and aptitude for science communication and public engagement, or to a person who has developed expertise in public engagement or communication of complex scientific or technological information to the public.
Value/Duration: Deadlines:
·         The total value of the Prize is worth $75,000.

·         $55,000 of the Prize money is to be used to support the recipient to carry out a programme of activities/professional development to further their understanding of science communication.

·         $20,000 of the Prize money is available to the recipient with no expectations on its use.

Internal Deadline: N/A

External Deadline for applications: 5th of September 2023 (by 1pm)

More details about this process can be found here: The Prime Minister’s Science Prizes (

If you are interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


The Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund (TIF)
The Waipapa Taumata Rau (TIF) is a fund that encourages research staff from across the University to develop cross-faculty research partnerships, aspiring toward high-quality Transdisciplinary research outputs, research learning initiatives, and successful applications to external research funders.
Value/Duration: Deadline for proposals
Grants up to $60,000

·         Small Grants ($10,000–$20,000)

·         Large Grants ($20,000–$60,000)

30 October 2023
Further Information:

·         Website

 ·         Guidelines

 ·         Small Grants , Large Grants (Application Form)

Please also inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Alex or Sophie).




Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund Workshop


This workshop will facilitate new cross-faculty research collaborations and is designed for academic staff who are intending to pursue transdisciplinary research.
Key Information:

·         Date: Monday, 4 September 2023

 ·         Time: 8:30am – 3:00pm (lunch provided)

 ·         Location: City Campus, Unleash Space, 20 Symonds Street

Registration is essential. It closes on 7 August 2023. Please register it via Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund Workshop Tickets, Mon 04/09/2023 at 8:30 am | Eventbrite



Health, Safety and Wellbeing 

There will be two surveys running shortly.

  • Short survey from technical team about training and want/needs.
  • Safe + External survey by MBIE required to keep our status with ACC.  



Cook M, Brook M, Cave M. (2023). Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) and field-based observations of rainfall-triggered landslides from the November 2021 storm, Gisborne/Tairāwhiti, New Zealand. New Zealand Geographer

Benjamin D. Jones, Mark E. Dickson, Murray Ford, Daniel Hikuroa & Emma J. Ryan (2023) Aotearoa New Zealand’s coastal archaeological heritage: A geostatistical overview of threatened sites, The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, DOI: 10.1080/15564894.2023.2207493

NZ Herald piece: How rising seas are threatening a trove of Aotearoa’s culture heritage – Jamie Morton

Karen Fisher (et al.) in The Conversation: New Zealand’s maritime territory is 15 times its landmass – here’s why we need a ministry for the ocean

Nick Lewis and Richard Le Heron (et al.) in Regional Studies: ‘Rent as a regional asset: rent platforms and regional development in Kaikōura, Aotearoa New Zealand

Tom Baker (et al.) guest edited a special issue in Environment & Planning A: Economy & Space: ‘Bringing life’s work to market: Frontiers, framings, and frictions in marketised social reproduction

Nikolai Siimes (2023). Having a drink with awkward Brett: Brettanomyces, taste(s) and wine/markets. New Zealand Geographer 69(2).

Alice McSherry & Georgia McLellan (2023). Finding our place at the table: A more-than-human family reunion. New Zealand Geographer 69(2).

Kenzi Yee & Emma Sharp (2023). Complexities of care in insect-human relations. New Zealand Geographer 69(2).

Eleanor Buttle, Emma Sharp, & Karen Fisher (2023). Managing ubiquitous ‘forever chemicals’: More-than-human possibilities for the problem of PFAS. New Zealand Geographer 69(2).

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 105 – Monday 31 July 2023

Issue 104 – Monday 17 July 2023

July 18, 2023 • asim086


Two weeks rolls around quickly. Its suddenly the teaching semester again and we have had the second iteration of Matariki as a public holiday.

In my community we gathered at 6am to observe the constellation in uncharacteristically clear skies, be encouraged by a Ngati Paoa kaumatua to call out the names of those in our circles who had died in the preceding year and then move inside to hear a talk by the president of the NZ Astronomical Association. Its an observance that feels to deepen in significance each year with its connection to both our physical and cultural environments.


The inaugural Leadership & Engagement in Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity Awards were announced last week. These accolades highlight those who have shown leadership in promoting equity, justice, diversity, and inclusion within the Faculty of Science community. Two of the six recipients are Environment people. Big congrats to David Adams and Salene Schloffel-Armstrong!

Welcome back

Many of you will remember Alex(andra) Soudlenkova who was in our Group Services Team until a few years ago. It was an absolute pleasure to learn that Alex is joining us again in the Research Management team. And its mutual; Alex’s message to me was “I am coming home!”. Welcome back, Alex!


Last month I prepared a submission to Education Committee outlining all we had implemented one year on from our post-External review plan. I was delighted to recently receive the following in response:

7. Review Progress Report  Review of the School of Environment – Year-on Progress Report  RESOLVED to RECOMMEND through Senate to Council that the Year-on Progress Report be received, as a final response to the 2021 Review of the School of Environment

As I remarked to the Chair of Education committee, I feel the Review has been as much about process as outcome. By that I mean our School is better equipped to deliberate and act on other challenges and changes such as those facing us with the Curriculum Framework Transformation through our having worked through a sustained dialogue, supported by a distributive leadership model, in response to the Review.

Work began on the School’s submission under JR’s leadership and authorship in 2020 and responses to the action areas following the review report in 2021 were facilitated by a number of colleagues and numerous hui, many online over the covid lockdowns. The entire School participated in a fulsome manner and the thoughtfulness of the responses was noted. Thank you to all involved.   

The coming weeks

We are into the time of year that the Faculty’s senior management team asks all Heads to develop, and defend, an annual plan and budget for the following year. Some of you inevitably have more expert knowledge that me in particular areas of our operation so, as with previous years, I will be seeking guidance and input. We are also asked to identify 2-3 strategic initiatives that we would like our School to prioritise and that need to be aligned with the priorities in Taumata Teitei. In the spirit of inclusive discernment of strategic direction, if any of you have ideas, do please be in touch. However brief your idea is, it may be something we can work with and develop.

Also, more immediately

I will be on Annual Leave for 1.5 weeks with limited connectivity 20-30 July. Please direct HoS queries to Tom Baker who will be Acting Head.

All best and may Semester 2 unfold successfully (and uneventfully).

Robin Kearns, Head of School


Whakawhanaungatanga – Communities 

The University of Auckland Women in Science club hosts their eagerly anticipated Quiz Night! 

Get ready for a night of brain-teasing fun and friendly competition. It’s time to put your thinking caps on and test your knowledge across a wide range of intriguing topics. From sports and movies to history and pop culture, our questions will challenge your recall and spark exciting discussions among your team. Whether you’re a trivia aficionado or simply love a good challenge, this event is open to all who crave an entertaining evening filled with laughter and a bit of healthy rivalry.

So gather your friends, sharpen your pencils, and join us for a Quiz Night that promises to keep you entertained and engaged from start to finish! 🎉

Join the Quiz Night in groups of no more than 6 people, please include your team name in your ticket and please bring with you ID.

FOOD:  Pizza and chips will be provided for each quiz group for FREE. Additional food can be purchased from the Staff Common Room kitchen.

DRINKS: All attendees are welcome to discounted alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks from the Staff Common Room bar. Please bring suitable ID (NZ Drivers license, passport, 18+ card).

Sign up now!


Hiring – Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Technologist
I am excited to announce that we have commenced recruitment for a Technologist position in preparation for the imminent installation of ENVs new Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) in around 17 weeks.
To apply, please visit our UoA External Job Page:

This role is responsible for providing operational and analytical expertise and support for Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) equipment and specialised laboratory facilities managed by the School of Environment in order to support teaching and research activities.

Job Description

Te Whiwhinga mahi | The opportunity
This role is responsible for providing operational and analytical expertise and support for Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) equipment and specialised laboratory facilities managed by the School of Environment in order to support teaching and research activities.

Skills and Knowledge

  • Able to operate specialised laboratory equipment, including the Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM), according to documented protocols
  • Demonstrated experience and fundamental knowledge of microscopy and microanalysis, including but not limited to secondary electron imaging (SE), backscattered electron imaging (BSE) and panchromatic cathodoluminescence (CL).
  • A strong background in polarised light microscopy
  • Demonstrated experience in technique development of microanalysis using SEM
  • Previous experience with variable-pressure electron microscopy
  • Hands-on experience with sample preparation techniques, including thin sections, epoxy grain mounts, loose particles, and large samples, and knowledge of various sample holders

#hiring #development #environment #uoa #universityofauckland


Blair Sowman
Technical Manager | School of Environment | The University of Auckland | DDI: (09) 373 7599 Ext. 84128        


Join us for the 2023 Cumberland Annual Lecture to be delivered by Professor Brett Christophers

Ownership in contemporary capitalism and why it matters

Discussion of the post-1970s period of ‘neoliberal’ capitalism tends to focus on the ascendancy of markets. But at least as important has been the ascendancy of private ownership of key asset classes, from housing to energy and from natural resources to transportation. Neoliberalism, in short, has given sustenance to a new, powerful breed of capitalist rentiers. This talk — focusing on the UK but also venturing further afield — will examine this rentier revival, covering the policies that have animated it, the main sectors in which it has played out, the key actors that have benefited from it, and the ramifications for economy and society.

Date and time: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM NZST

Location: The University of Auckland, Faculty of Science, Building 303, SLT1/303-G01 38 Princes Street Auckland, 1010

The formal invitation is Please register early (the advertising is going out far and wide)

Brett is one of a small number of high-profile international public intellectuals in Geography and has in recent years published three books with Verso on asset management, rentier capitalism and the privatisation of British land. In short, his message is that ownership (who, what, how and where) matters.

He has also in recent months published commentaries in the Guardian, the New York Times, the New Statesman, and Time (all tied to his latest book). Most significantly, Brett completed his PhD with us. Capturing him for a lecture is a coup.


Whose lecture is it anyway?

The Student Experience Committee has decided to revive the widely-acclaimed Whose lecture is it anyway? event that Joe created back in 2014. The last time our Kura organised one of these events  was four years ago so time is due for a third iteration with a new exciting line-up of lecturers.

We look forward to seeing you all, academic and professional staff as well as students of all levels, on the 16th of August at 6 pm in  room 303-G02 – PLT2.

The event will be preceded by drinks and nibbles at 5:30 near the entrance of the theatre.






Sign up and join the student association RTEA and the Compass programme 

1/ Please do encourage your students to join our student association RTEA. Here are the RTEA Lecture Promotion Slides to show your students at your first few lecturers and encourage them to sign up. Students can sign up as a general member for free to participate in our events, or as a committee member to help out.

2/ The new roster of officers is planning exciting activities for this year and they welcome support and contribution from fellow students. To encourage students to join just use the QR codes for the Facebook page and a Google form to formally sign up:

3/ Do encourage your PG students to also join our Compass programme. Larissa and her team of captains have planned regular activities to foster students’ wellbeing throughout the year.

4/ The Student Experience Committee (SEC) offers a small budget to course coordinators who would like to order some kai to share with their class. Reach out to JC should you be interested.


Post Graduate Wellbeing ….. where to go

If you are currently coordinating a PG course, could you please post the inforgraphic slide to your Canvas course page so students will know the resources that are available throughout the University. 


School of Environment – Tree Planting Day

On 6th July a rōpū of 14 School of Environment students and staff were out in the sun, on a Tūpuna Maunga Authority planting day at Pukewīwī / Puketāpapa / Mt Roskill. With members of the community we put more than 1400 native trees into the ground, supporting local biodiversity, and soil stability, to help to protect and preserve this iconic taonga. Thanks to all those who participated, and to those we missed this time, we’ll catch you next time!



The British Academy – Global Professorships 2023

The British Academy in the UK are offering Global Professorships to humanities and social science scholars outside the UK to work in the UK. Information about the Professorships can be found here:

Earliest start date: 1 Mar 2024
Scheme opens date: 7 Jul 2023
Deadline date: 01 Nov 2023 – 17:00 GMT
Duration of award: Four years
Programme: Global Professorships


Te Korowai o Waiheke is looking for a Social Researcher!

Te Korowai o Waiheke is a charitable trust working towards a predator free Waiheke Island and we have an opportunity for a Social Researcher to join our small professional team to be a part of this unique and exciting project. You can find more information here:


3k writing grant available for students

Funds are available to support students writing up their thesis as publication(s). Each grant is worth $3000 (120 hours at 25$ all included). There is no deadline to apply. Applications are evaluated as they come by members of Rangahau (2 weeks turn over max.), until we use all the funds available.

Do you have a good candidate in mind? Please complete this form and submit to


Proposal development support

The Rangahau Committee has a small fund set aside to help with proposal development  (e.g. writing support, support to scope proposals etc).  If you have an idea that fits within this scope please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin to discuss further.



Update from Environment Research Support

We are pleased to announce that Alexandra Soudlenkova will be re-joining Environment to work as a Research Programme Coordinator (RPC) alongside Sophie.  This will be phased over the next few weeks to allow a smooth transition and we will be in contact with the PIs impacted.


The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) Unlocking Curious Minds Contestable Fund
This fund aims to encourage quality projects that reach and inspire a broader base of New Zealanders through initiatives that bring science and technology to audiences that have less opportunity to learn about and to engage with science and technology.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
•         The grant value ranges from $50,000 to $150,000

·         Project can be up to 11 months (from 1 February 2024 until 31 December 2024)

•         Registration: 12noon, Monday, 10 July 2023

•         Full Proposal: 12noon, Monday, 7 August 2023

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

•         Funding call

•         Guidelines

•         Website

Submission process:

•         Applications are submitted via the MBIE IMS Portal.

•         Returning applicants log in using your existing login details.

•         New applicants contact the Funds Advisor Team to create your User Profile.

If interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).



MBIE Endeavour Support Sessions 2024
Support for the 2024 MBIE Endeavour round is currently underway.  UniServices have organised a number of events to support your application, please refer to the Research Hub for further details and register at the links below:

  •  ·         Vision Mātauranga Webinar scheduled on 9th August at 10:00am to 12:00pm

  •  ·         Government Insights Workshop with Rebecca Adams, Director of Government Relations at UniServices, scheduled on 17th August at 9:30am to 12:00pm.

We anticipate that the round will open in October, however if you do intend to apply this year for either a Smart Idea or Research Programme please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin asap so we can keep you up to date with support offerings and changes for the 2024 round.

Please reach out if you have any questions:


Funding Call

2023 Research Development Fund (RDF)
The total amount to be allocated in the 2023 contestable round is approximately $1 million with spending split across 2024 and 2025. This will be distributed amongst the different award types listed below based on the excellence and justifications of submitted applications.

Award type Duration Minimum and maximum funding available per application ~ Number of Awards
Research Fellowship Award Up to 3 years $100,000 – $200,000 3
Staff Research Award Up to 2 years  $10,000 – $40,000 8
Aronui Pūtaiao Award Up to 2 years $10,000 – $40,000 2

Applications are due by 5.00pm on Tuesday 5th September 2023

·         Full details including guidelines and the application form are available on the research page of the staff intranet

·         For an overview of the Research Development Fund, visit the Research Hub RDF page

If interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


The Prime Minister’s Science Prize
This Prize is for a transformative scientific advance, which has had a significant economic, health, social, political, cultural and/or environmental impact on New Zealand, or internationally. It will be awarded to a team or an individual instrumental in creating the impact. The transformative scientific advance may have occurred over any time-period and there must be a clear indication that the impact on New Zealand or internationally has taken place.
Value/Duration: Deadlines:
·         The total value of the Prize is $500,000.

·         $100,000 of this will go directly to the team or individual with no expectations.

·         $400,000 will be used to support ongoing research.

Internal Deadline: N/A

External Deadline for applications: 5th of September 2023 (by 1pm)

More details about this process can be found here: The Prime Minister’s Science Prizes (

If you are interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


The Prime Minister’s MacDiarmid Emerging Scientist Prize
The Prize is for an outstanding emerging scientist who has had their PhD conferred within the past eight (8) years.
Value/Duration: Deadlines:
·         The total value of the Prize is $200,000.

·         $50,000 is for the recipient and can be used with no conditions.

·         $150,000 must be used for the recipient’s ongoing research.

Internal Deadline: N/A

External Deadline for applications: 5th of September 2023 (by 1pm)

More details about this process can be found here: The Prime Minister’s Science Prizes (

If you are interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


The Prime Minister’s Science Communication Prize
This Prize is for either a practising scientist who can demonstrate an interest, passion and aptitude for science communication and public engagement, or to a person who has developed expertise in public engagement or communication of complex scientific or technological information to the public.
Value/Duration: Deadlines:
·         The total value of the Prize is worth $75,000.

·         $55,000 of the Prize money is to be used to support the recipient to carry out a programme of activities/professional development to further their understanding of science communication.

·         $20,000 of the Prize money is available to the recipient with no expectations on its use.

Internal Deadline: N/A

External Deadline for applications: 5th of September 2023 (by 1pm)

More details about this process can be found here: The Prime Minister’s Science Prizes (

If you are interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


Rutherford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships
These fellowships aim to build human capability in research, science and technology, including social sciences and the humanities, by providing early career support for New Zealand’s brightest and most promising researchers.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
Per annum, the 2-year Fellowship will award $80,000 towards the researcher’s salary and $40,000 for research related expenses (GST exclusive). Internal Deadline: 5pm, Tuesday 25 July 2023
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

If you are interested, please communicate with Robin Kearns in the first place for a preliminary assessment.


Te Tahua Taiao Ngā Taonga – Lottery Environment and Heritage grants (Round One)
Lottery Environment and Heritage grants are available for projects that will help protect, conserve or care for our natural, cultural and physical heritage, or allow us to better understand and access these resources.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
• Small projects, where the grant requested is for less than $250,000.

• Large projects, where the grant requested is for $250,000 or more.

Internal Deadline:  5pm, Monday 24 July, 2023
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding call

·         Website

If you are interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


Funding for Research Retreats

The Rangahau Committee has a small amount of funding set aside to sponsor Research retreats (e.g grant writing workshops, paper writing).  This can be up to 2k per team, with a minimum 2 SoE participants.

If you have an idea that you would like considered, please submit a short paragraph explaining the intention and benefits of the retreat to


John Templeton Foundation – Core Funding Areas, Small and Large Grants
The Foundation invests in bold ideas that cross disciplinary boundaries and challenge conventional assumptions. The Small and Large Grants are addressed under the 8 focus areas including

Life Sciences, Mathematics and Physical Science, and Human Sciences.

Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
•Small grants can be up to US$234,800 (circa NZD373,000) and Large Grants are in excess of US$235,000 (circa NZD374,000).

•Project can be up to 36 months.

•No more than 15% can be claimed for overheads.  The overhead cost must be included in the total amount you requested

Internal Deadline for First Stage: 12pm noon, Friday 11 August 2023.
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

If interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).





Dalinghaus, C., Coco, G., and Higuera, P.: A predictive equation for wave setup using genetic programming, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 2157–2169,, 2023.

Luthfian, A., Eccles, J. D., & Miller, C. A. (2023). Gravity and magnetic models at Rangitoto Volcano, Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand: Implications for basement control on magma ascent. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 439, 107824. 

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 104 – Monday 17 July 2023

Issue 103 – Monday 3 July 2023

July 3, 2023 • igom365


I write as I dash out the door to Wellington. In my capacity as a Board member of Nga Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa (NZ Geographic Board) I’m going to a launch by the Minister of Land Information at Parliament of new tangata whenua place names maps of our two larger islands, Te Ika-a-Maui and Te Waipounamu. These have been updated and made more comprehensive from the earlier 1995 versions and will be sent to all schools and marae in the country, funded by the Ministry of Education.

What interesting public engagement activities are any of you getting up to? Please let me know – it would be good to include mention of them here in p-cubed in the way we do publications, grant acquisition etc.

Three quick points in haste.

First, thanks to all who have contributed to exam marking, results processing etc. There are few activities in the annual cycle of events as important to the careers of students and the integrity of our academic standards. It can be a grind, but its essential work ultimately rewarded when we see students cross the stage and graduate.  

Second, it’s a basic, but sometimes overlooked, tenet of social science that you don’t collect data from a population without offering some feedback on the results in return. Hence, with many from ENV having competed the Employee Experience survey earlier in the year, I am required to present some of the results with the goal of generating discussion on what we’re doing well and not so well in the School. This session will be on Monday 10th July 1pm in 302-104 (the room where we’ve had staff meetings this year) and will begin with a light lunch. Do come along!

Third, another forthcoming opportunity for generative conversations is an initiative of Equity Committee. In my view, the scope of health and safety concerns can be too easily limited to physical wellbeing. To redress this situation, and broaden awareness and response skills, a one-day course on Mental Health First Aid will be offered in-School by St Johns on 7th September, with registrations open now.    

Keep warm as this wild weather continues and, for those attending, enjoy the School tree-planting trip on Thursday.

Robin Kearns, Head of School


Whakawhanaungatanga – Communities 

Te Korowai o Waiheke is looking for a Social Researcher!

Te Korowai o Waiheke is a charitable trust working towards a predator free Waiheke Island and we have an opportunity for a Social Researcher to join our small professional team to be a part of this unique and exciting project. You can find more information here:


MBIE Endeavour Support Sessions 2024 – Smart Ideas and Research Programmes
Support for the 2024 MBIE Endeavour round is currently underway.  UniServices have organised a number of events to support your application, please refer to the Research Hub for further details and register at the links below:

·         Industry Engagement with Howard Zheng scheduled on July 6th at 10:00am to 11:30am

·         MBIE Real Stores with Johan Verbeek scheduled on 11th July at 10:00am

We anticipate that the round will open in October, however if you do intend to apply this year for either a Smart Idea or Research Programme please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin asap so we can keep you up to date with support offerings and changes for the 2024 round.

Please reach out if you have any questions:


Faculty of Science Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity Forum

This is an invitation to the 2023 Faculty of Science Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity Forum on Monday July 10th at 10am. The idea for this is to connect with others interested in this space, to share what we are doing, and to increase the profile and understanding of what Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity actually are. We would love for you to join us to meet, connect, share, and learn.

Workshops will be run by our different working groups who focus on targeted equity groups. This will be an opportunity to choose two sessions that interest you to learn more about engaging with people with disabilities, rainbow staff and students, people from refugee backgrounds, constrained economic backgrounds, and diverse genders. We are looking forward to seeing you there, feel free to share with your friends, colleagues or networks in the faculty

We will also be celebrating our inaugural Faculty of Science Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity awards which you are able to nominate your colleagues and postgraduate students for, more information on these will follow




School of Environment Tree Planting Day – 6th July 2023ent Tree Planting Day – 6th July 2023


The Faculty of Science will be holding their 3MT hear on Thursday, 6 July.

About 3MT

Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) is an exciting, fast-paced research communication competition. It was developed by the University of Queensland and is now held annually in over 900 universities across the globe. Participants take up the challenge to share the story of their research with a general audience in under three minutes, supported by nothing more than a single, static slide.

Entries are open to all currently enrolled research masters students and doctoral candidates.

Date: Thursday, 6 July

Time: 1pm

Registrations close: 10am, Thursday 1 June

Event registration:*mj8aiw*_ga*MTUxMzc1Njc0NC4xNjY1NjA4NzUw*_ga_SJ5FRP7YTL*MTY4MzA3MDQ3NC45NS4xLjE2ODMwNzE3MjQuMC4wLjA

Event webpage:


Webinar:  Writing Workshops with Write Ltd
We invite you to join us for a three-part online workshop series with Write Ltd, who will share tips and techniques to help you make your proposal and academic paper writing more effective and engaging for your readers. They’ll deliver three short, focused sessions to the group, mostly focussing on clarity of messaging and quality of writing.  Feel free to register for all 3 or just the 1 or 2 topics of your choice.
Key Information

Workshop #3: 10 July 2023, 12pm – 1pm:  8 tips on emphasising the impact of your research.

Location:  Online via Zoom link

Registration link:

Please reach out if you have any questions:


Sign up and join the student association RTEA and the Compass programme 

1/ Please do encourage your students to join our student association RTEA. The new roster of officers is planning exciting activities for this year and they welcome support and contribution from fellow students. To encourage students to join just use the QR codes for the Facebook page and a Google form to formally sign up:

2/ Do encourage your PG students to also join our Compass programme. Larissa and her team of captains have planned regular activities to foster students’ wellbeing throughout the year.

3/ The Student Experience Committee (SEC) offers a small budget to course coordinators who would like to order some kai to share with their class. Reach out to JC should you be interested.


3k writing grant available for students

Funds are available to support students writing up their thesis as publication(s). Each grant is worth $3000 (120 hours at 25$ all included). There is no deadline to apply. Applications are evaluated as they come by members of Rangahau (2 weeks turn over max.), until we use all the funds available.

Do you have a good candidate in mind? Please complete this form and submit to


Proposal development support

The Rangahau Committee has a small fund set aside to help with proposal development  (e.g. writing support, support to scope proposals etc).  If you have an idea that fits within this scope please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin to discuss further.



The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) Unlocking Curious Minds Contestable Fund
This fund aims to encourage quality projects that reach and inspire a broader base of New Zealanders through initiatives that bring science and technology to audiences that have less opportunity to learn about and to engage with science and technology.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
•         The grant value ranges from $50,000 to $150,000

·         Project can be up to 11 months (from 1 February 2024 until 31 December 2024)

•         Registration: 12noon, Monday, 10 July 2023

•         Full Proposal: 12noon, Monday, 7 August 2023

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

•         Funding call

•         Guidelines

•         Website

Submission process:

•         Applications are submitted via the MBIE IMS Portal.

•         Returning applicants log in using your existing login details.

•         New applicants contact the Funds Advisor Team to create your User Profile.

If interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


Toka Tū Ake EQC 2024 Biennial Research Funding Programme – Expressions of Interest
Toka Tū Ake EQC invites experienced and emerging researchers to submit research proposals for public good. The Biennial grants focus on individual projects that provide exceptional research quality, targeted to the areas of research interest explained in Toka Tū Ake EQC’s Research Investment Priorities Statement 2023
Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
•         The grant value ranges from $50,000 to $100,000

•         Project can be up to 24 months

•         EOI Deadline: 5pm, Wednesday, 5 July 2023
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

•         Funding call

•         Guidelines

•         Website

Submission process:

•         All applicants must be registered on SmartyGrants to access the Expression of Interest and Full Proposal forms. If you need help using SmartyGrants, please visit the “Help Guide for Applicants” page here.

If interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


The Prime Minister’s Science Prize
This Prize is for a transformative scientific advance, which has had a significant economic, health, social, political, cultural and/or environmental impact on New Zealand, or internationally. It will be awarded to a team or an individual instrumental in creating the impact. The transformative scientific advance may have occurred over any time-period and there must be a clear indication that the impact on New Zealand or internationally has taken place.
Value/Duration: Deadlines:
·         The total value of the Prize is $500,000.

·         $100,000 of this will go directly to the team or individual with no expectations.

·         $400,000 will be used to support ongoing research.

Internal Deadline: N/A

External Deadline for applications: 5th of September 2023 (by 1pm)

More details about this process can be found here: The Prime Minister’s Science Prizes (

If you are interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


The Prime Minister’s MacDiarmid Emerging Scientist Prize
The Prize is for an outstanding emerging scientist who has had their PhD conferred within the past eight (8) years.
Value/Duration: Deadlines:
·         The total value of the Prize is $200,000.

·         $50,000 is for the recipient and can be used with no conditions.

·         $150,000 must be used for the recipient’s ongoing research.

Internal Deadline: N/A

External Deadline for applications: 5th of September 2023 (by 1pm)

More details about this process can be found here: The Prime Minister’s Science Prizes (

If you are interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


The Prime Minister’s Science Communication Prize
This Prize is for either a practising scientist who can demonstrate an interest, passion and aptitude for science communication and public engagement, or to a person who has developed expertise in public engagement or communication of complex scientific or technological information to the public.
Value/Duration: Deadlines:
·         The total value of the Prize is worth $75,000.

·         $55,000 of the Prize money is to be used to support the recipient to carry out a programme of activities/professional development to further their understanding of science communication.

·         $20,000 of the Prize money is available to the recipient with no expectations on its use.

Internal Deadline: N/A

External Deadline for applications: 5th of September 2023 (by 1pm)

More details about this process can be found here: The Prime Minister’s Science Prizes (

If you are interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


Rutherford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships
These fellowships aim to build human capability in research, science and technology, including social sciences and the humanities, by providing early career support for New Zealand’s brightest and most promising researchers.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
Per annum, the 2-year Fellowship will award $80,000 towards the researcher’s salary and $40,000 for research related expenses (GST exclusive). Internal Deadline: 5pm, Tuesday 25 July 2023
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

If you are interested, please communicate with Robin Kearns in the first place for a preliminary assessment.


Te Tahua Taiao Ngā Taonga – Lottery Environment and Heritage grants (Round One)
Lottery Environment and Heritage grants are available for projects that will help protect, conserve or care for our natural, cultural and physical heritage, or allow us to better understand and access these resources.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
• Small projects, where the grant requested is for less than $250,000.

• Large projects, where the grant requested is for $250,000 or more.

Internal Deadline:  5pm, Monday 24 July, 2023
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding call

·         Website

If you are interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


Funding for Research Retreats

The Rangahau Committee has a small amount of funding set aside to sponsor Research retreats (e.g grant writing workshops, paper writing).  This can be up to 2k per team, with a minimum 2 SoE participants.

If you have an idea that you would like considered, please submit a short paragraph explaining the intention and benefits of the retreat to


John Templeton Foundation – Core Funding Areas, Small and Large Grants
The Foundation invests in bold ideas that cross disciplinary boundaries and challenge conventional assumptions. The Small and Large Grants are addressed under the 8 focus areas including

Life Sciences, Mathematics and Physical Science, and Human Sciences.

Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
•Small grants can be up to US$234,800 (circa NZD373,000) and Large Grants are in excess of US$235,000 (circa NZD374,000).

•Project can be up to 36 months.

•No more than 15% can be claimed for overheads.  The overhead cost must be included in the total amount you requested

Internal Deadline for First Stage: 12pm noon, Friday 11 August 2023.
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

If interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


 Catalyst: Leaders (Round 2)
Catalyst: Leaders supports incoming and outgoing targeted international fellowships for exceptional individuals that cannot be supported through other means. The following funding scheme is open in Round 2:

Julius von Haast Fellowship Award (1 award)

Supports an internationally recognised researcher from Germany to undertake research in New Zealand for a minimum of 4 weeks per year for up to 3 years.

Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
Duration: Up to  3 years


$20,000 stipend

$20,000 research and travel allowance

$10,000 host institution administration


10 July 2023, 5pm

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

Email your title, full name, email address, faculty/department and the funder/scheme to the Funds Advisor Team via to receive the instructions on how to initiate the letter of intent and the application template for the letter of intent.

Please also inform your FIRST team (Franca, Dianne or Kelly).


 Catalyst: Seeding (Round 2)
Catalyst: Seeding facilitates new small and medium pre-research strategic partnerships that cannot be supported through other means, and with a view to developing full collaborations that could be supported through Catalyst: Strategic over time. Funding is for research exchanges, research activities, and expenses related to hosting workshops for new strategic research partnerships with international collaborators.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
Duration: 24 Months

Value: $80,000

 5pm, Monday 10 July 2023
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding Call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

To register to apply, please email the following information to the Funds Advisor Team via title (e.g. Dr, A/P, Professor), full name, email address, faculty and department.

Please Also inform your FIRST team (Franca, Dianne or Kelly).


 2023 MBIE Catalyst: Strategic – New Zealand-China Strategic Research Alliance
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is calling for proposals for joint research collaborations between New Zealand and China.

MBIE will fund up to 4 joint New Zealand-China research projects to support the New Zealand-China Strategic Research Alliance, 2 each in the areas of food science and environmental science. Up to $300,000 over 3 years is available to each successful applicant, with successful projects expected to start in March 2024. New Zealand and China have agreed to support four projects through this funding round, two in each priority area of:

•             Food Science; and

•             Environmental Science

Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
Duration: 3 years

Value: $300,000

 5pm, Monday 10 July 2023
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding Call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

Submission process:

·         Applications are submitted via the MBIE IMS Portal.

·         Returning applicants log in using your existing login details.

·         New applicants contact the Funds Advisor Team to create your User Profile. 

Please Also inform your FIRST team (Franca, Dianne or Kelly).



Dalinghaus, C., Coco, G., and Higuera, P.: A predictive equation for wave setup using genetic programming, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 2157–2169,, 2023.

Luthfian, A., Eccles, J. D., & Miller, C. A. (2023). Gravity and magnetic models at Rangitoto Volcano, Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand: Implications for basement control on magma ascent. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 439, 107824. 

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 103 – Monday 3 July 2023

Issue 102 – Monday 19 June 2023

June 19, 2023 • igom365


This week sees the winter solstice roll around on the 21st June and Matariki to follow shortly after on 14th July.  Time flies as they say, but the darker shorter days of winter also bring delights….the crispness of the stars on clear nights, the fog that enveloped the harbour this morning, the clarity of the sea.

Being Environment people

After heavy rain it was great conditions for tree planting on Waiheke on Saturday. The commitment of some environment-focussed citizens inspires me. We were planting 4 year old saplings raised by a neighbour of mine from seed he’d collected on the island. And this was the 30th anniversary of the reserve near Matiatia (Atawhai Whenua) being established by Don Chapple, another visionary resident.

While a morning’s planting is not necessarily going to change the world, it can nonetheless change one’s own world. After the reclusiveness that winter can bring, the conviviality and cross-generational conversations were heartening. There is always a social dimension to environmental action. To that end, please consider taking time out of your usual Thursday routine and come along (registering first!) on the School of Environment tree planting trip (organised by Emma Sharp with the support of Outreach Committee). Details by earlier email and below.


I am delighted to announce that Dr Rachael Boswell has accepted a position of PTF in the School after an international search. Rachael will be known to some of you. She recently completed her award-winning PhD in Geography in our School (on DIY urbanism in post-quake Christchurch) and has had a distinguished career teaching high school Geography at Rangitoto and Taylors Colleges. Most recently, Rachael has been working with me on a postdoctoral fellowship. She will be involved in a range of undergraduate courses but particularly the TFC programme. We will especially value Rach’s enthusiasm, fresh ideas and knowledge of the secondary school system. Please join me in welcoming Rachael.

In other congratulations, Neil Lindsay, a recent MSc graduate of our School (supervised by Tara Coleman and myself) has been awarded the accolade of the best NZ Masters thesis in Geography by the  New Zealand Geographical Society for his exploration of “Music festivals: Geographies of place-creation and attendee experience”. 



I am happy to report than some of the most glowing SET results and comments I have seen recently have been in response to the work of two recent appointments. Big congratulations to Anthony Gampell and Salene Schloffel-Armstrong on your dedication, commitment and creativity.


Anyone interested in applying for MBIE funding this year please contact Kelly Kilpin.


As Head of School, I am always learning about policies and processes. It appears I have been rather too liberal in my signing off on leave of absence. This is a category of Leave that, if granted, allows academic staff to attend conferences; conduct research-related field work such as supervising graduate students; undertake other research activities; conduct approved professional activity; and be away on compassionate grounds.

The part I was unaware of and that I now need to maintain closer scrutiny over is

“For absences exceeding:

  • Two weeks, approval must be given by the dean on the recommendation of the academic head
  • Three weeks, it is unlikely to be approved unless an especially strong case is made
  • Four weeks, staff will be expected to utilise their research and study leave entitlement by taking condensed leave (for leave other than compassionate leave) or else to take leave without pay.”

Please take these guidelines into account in your future planning.


Till next time. Have a good wintery fortnight.

Robin Kearns, HoS


General Announcements

As you will have seen in the news in recent weeks, New Zealand’s University sector is facing a financial crisis. Plans to cut staff and teaching recently announced at Victoria University of Wellington and Otago University will have a significant negative impact on the country’s science teaching and research capability.

Statements have been released by the Geoscience Society of New Zealand, New Zealand Institute of Physics and New Zealand Institute of Chemistry (all constituent societies of the RSNZ). You can read these here.

Financial Crisis facing New Zealand Universities » Geoscience Society of New Zealand (

What can you do to help?

The Tertiary education Union have started a petition calling for action to staffing and teaching programme cuts. You can sign it here:

There is also an open letter to the TEC and the Minister of Education which you can sign as well. 

Whakawhanaungatanga – Communities 

MBIE Endeavour Support Sessions 2024 – Smart Ideas and Research Programmes
Support for the 2024 MBIE Endeavour round is currently underway.  UniServices have organised a number of events to support your application, please refer to the Research Hub for further details and register at the links below:

·         Research Impact with Dr Faith Welch scheduled on June 20th at 10:00am to 11:00am.

·         Industry Engagement with Howard Zheng scheduled on July 6th at 10:00am to 11:30am

·         MBIE Real Stores with Johan Verbeek scheduled on 11th July at 10:00am

We anticipate that the round will open in October, however if you do intend to apply this year for either a Smart Idea or Research Programme please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin asap so we can keep you up to date with support offerings and changes for the 2024 round.

Please reach out if you have any questions:


ResBaz Aotearoa 2023, 26-30th June – register for sessions
ResBaz Aotearoa is designed for postgraduate students, researchers and those that support them in any discipline (all of the Aotearoa NZ research community). This is a free, online, week-long series of 40+ digital research skills sessions. Topics will include designing posters, programming languages, LaTeX, impact of ChatGPT in research, and using NVIVO, Qualtics, Dropbox, and Google Colab.
Key Information

–          Date: Monday 26th of June – Friday 30th of June (5days)

–          Time: 10:00am – 4:00pm (please check the scheduled sessions via the registration link below)

–          Location: Online via Zoom  

Registration Link: Event schedule • Research Bazaar Aotearoa (


Faculty of Science Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity Forum

This is an invitation to the 2023 Faculty of Science Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity Forum on Monday July 10th at 10am. The idea for this is to connect with others interested in this space, to share what we are doing, and to increase the profile and understanding of what Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity actually are. We would love for you to join us to meet, connect, share, and learn.

Workshops will be run by our different working groups who focus on targeted equity groups. This will be an opportunity to choose two sessions that interest you to learn more about engaging with people with disabilities, rainbow staff and students, people from refugee backgrounds, constrained economic backgrounds, and diverse genders. We are looking forward to seeing you there, feel free to share with your friends, colleagues or networks in the faculty

We will also be celebrating our inaugural Faculty of Science Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity awards which you are able to nominate your colleagues and postgraduate students for, more information on these will follow



The School of Environment and Ngā Ara Whetū – Centre for Climate, Biodiversity & Society, are excited to invite you for not just one, but two extraordinary seminars.

Seminar 2:

Professor Rachael James, School of Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton, UK, will deliver a thought-provoking talk titled “Negative Emissions: Removing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide from the Atmosphere.”

Don’t miss this important discussion on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm, in the Federation Room, OGH. To ensure your participation, kindly reserve your spot by registering through Eventbrite using the following link: .

These seminars offer a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights and engage with leading experts in their respective fields. Save the dates and join us for these incredible talks.


Auckland Dialogues – Tuesday 20 June Building 302, Room 551 Ontology Lab – 4.00pm to 5.30pm

Gender and Disaster JC Gaillard with Aditi Sharan and Louise Baumann

Nowadays, disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) must be ‘inclusive’, ‘accessible’ and ‘non-discriminatory’. This is, for example, an expectation of the 2019 NZ National Disaster Resilience Strategy that encourages disaster practitioners to pay special attention to ‘people disproportionately affected by disasters.’ This injunction reflects the broader institutional discourse embedded in international disaster legal frameworks such as the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) that calls for a “whole-of-society” approach to Disaster Risk Reduction. Gender and ‘gender-mainstreaming’ are often associated with this idea of building ‘inclusive’ DRRM practices. In practice,  the approach to questions of gender and inclusion in DRRM policies and practices is often characterized by binary and narrow understanding of factors influencing disaster experience, including gender, and by largely arbitrary lists of supposedly homogeneous ‘vulnerable groups’. During this presentation, we will discuss the inbuilt incoherence of this mainstream approach, looking at its disconnection with people’s understanding and experience of emergency situations and at how its underpinning narrative, by reproducing Eurocentric/Western normative practices of othering, tends to reinforce hegemonic modes of power identified as conditions of violence, risk and vulnerability by queer, feminist and radical disaster scholars worldwide.


School of Environment Tree Planting Day – 6th July 2023ent Tree Planting Day – 6th July 2023


The Faculty of Science will be holding their 3MT hear on Thursday, 6 July.

About 3MT

Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) is an exciting, fast-paced research communication competition. It was developed by the University of Queensland and is now held annually in over 900 universities across the globe. Participants take up the challenge to share the story of their research with a general audience in under three minutes, supported by nothing more than a single, static slide.

Entries are open to all currently enrolled research masters students and doctoral candidates.

Date: Thursday, 6 July

Time: 1pm

Registrations close: 10am, Thursday 1 June

Event registration:*mj8aiw*_ga*MTUxMzc1Njc0NC4xNjY1NjA4NzUw*_ga_SJ5FRP7YTL*MTY4MzA3MDQ3NC45NS4xLjE2ODMwNzE3MjQuMC4wLjA

Event webpage:


Webinar:  Writing Workshops with Write Ltd
We invite you to join us for a three-part online workshop series with Write Ltd, who will share tips and techniques to help you make your proposal and academic paper writing more effective and engaging for your readers. They’ll deliver three short, focused sessions to the group, mostly focussing on clarity of messaging and quality of writing.  Feel free to register for all 3 or just the 1 or 2 topics of your choice.
Key Information

Workshop #1: 26 June 2023, 12pm – 1pm:  Top five things you can do to improve your writing.

Workshop #2: 3 July 2023, 12pm – 1pm:  Engaging your readers, explaining the science.

Workshop #3: 10 July 2023, 12pm – 1pm:  8 tips on emphasising the impact of your research.

Location:  Online via Zoom link

Registration link:

Please reach out if you have any questions:


An introductory R Workshop is being run on Thursday 29th and Friday 30 th of June 2023. The course will be run by the Statistical Consulting Centre (SCC) in the Department of Statistics.

What’s covered in the workshop?


Getting familiar with R

  • Using R Studio and loading projects/scripts
  • Basic functions using R
  • Reading in Data Files (.csv, .xls/.xlsx)
  • Introduction to R Objects. How R thinks (vectors, matrices, basic data formats)

Working with data(sets)

  • Cleaning and subsetting
  • Merging datasets and reformatting
  • Grouping variables and summarising

R graphics

  • Starting with plots in R (boxplots, histograms, bar graphs)
  • Graphics in R with ggplot2 (customising plots)

Data analysis

  • Introduction to performing t-tests, chi-square tests, ANOVA, and general linear models


As per our previous introductory R workshops, the cost is $300 for UoA students and staff.

You can pay using your PRESS account, research grant, or other UoA account.

You can also opt to use a debit/credit card (however we will have to also add GST for this type of payment and payment can only be made at the Student Resource Centre on main campus).

The payment authorisation form for UoA participants paying from a UoA account is attached.

The cost for non-UoA attendees is $500 + GST. Please contact Joei Mudaliar ( for payment instructions.

We will be sending out a pre-workshop information email the week prior to the course, however here are some of the details:


We will be in room 302.190. Building 302 is on the corner of Symonds St and Wellesley St. The room we will be using is on level 1, room 190.

Time and schedule

The approximate schedule for both days is attached (since this is the schedule from our previous course, it may yet be altered very slightly).

We will start at 9am and finish at 5pm.

Morning and afternoon tea will be provided, and there are cafes nearby for lunch. 


We will be using a Faculty of Science computer lab.

You are also welcome to use your own laptop. However, please make sure that you have downloaded R and RStudio onto your machine before the workshop (they are free to download).

We will also include some instructions on how to do this in our pre-workshop information email.

Access to computers and the internet

We will arrange access to the lab computers for all non-UoA participants. 

We will also have a guest wireless password for non-UoA participants who are bringing their own laptops. 

UoA staff and students will be able to access the FoS computers using their normal UoA upi and password.


I hope you can make it on the 29th and 30th June 2023, and we look forward to seeing you there.

Ngā mihi (Kind regards),

Joei Mudaliar | Group Services Coordinator

Department of Statistics | Faculty of Science

The University of Auckland | Te Whare Wānanga o Tāmaki Makaurau


Sign up and join the student association RTEA and the Compass programme 

1/ Please do encourage your students to join our student association RTEA. The new roster of officers is planning exciting activities for this year and they welcome support and contribution from fellow students. To encourage students to join just use the QR codes for the Facebook page and a Google form to formally sign up:

2/ Do encourage your PG students to also join our Compass programme. Larissa and her team of captains have planned regular activities to foster students’ wellbeing throughout the year.

3/ The Student Experience Committee (SEC) offers a small budget to course coordinators who would like to order some kai to share with their class. Reach out to JC should you be interested.


3k writing grant available for students

Funds are available to support students writing up their thesis as publication(s). Each grant is worth $3000 (120 hours at 25$ all included). There is no deadline to apply. Applications are evaluated as they come by members of Rangahau (2 weeks turn over max.), until we use all the funds available.

Do you have a good candidate in mind? Please complete this form and submit to


Proposal development support

The Rangahau Committee has a small fund set aside to help with proposal development  (e.g. writing support, support to scope proposals etc).  If you have an idea that fits within this scope please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin to discuss further.



The Prime Minister’s Science Prize
This Prize is for a transformative scientific advance, which has had a significant economic, health, social, political, cultural and/or environmental impact on New Zealand, or internationally. It will be awarded to a team or an individual instrumental in creating the impact. The transformative scientific advance may have occurred over any time-period and there must be a clear indication that the impact on New Zealand or internationally has taken place.
Value/Duration: Deadlines:
·         The total value of the Prize is $500,000.

·         $100,000 of this will go directly to the team or individual with no expectations.

·         $400,000 will be used to support ongoing research.

Internal Deadline: N/A

External Deadline for applications: 5th of September 2023 (by 1pm)

More details about this process can be found here: The Prime Minister’s Science Prizes (


If you are interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


The Prime Minister’s MacDiarmid Emerging Scientist Prize
The Prize is for an outstanding emerging scientist who has had their PhD conferred within the past eight (8) years.
Value/Duration: Deadlines:
·         The total value of the Prize is $200,000.

·         $50,000 is for the recipient and can be used with no conditions.

·         $150,000 must be used for the recipient’s ongoing research.

Internal Deadline: N/A

External Deadline for applications: 5th of September 2023 (by 1pm)

More details about this process can be found here: The Prime Minister’s Science Prizes (

If you are interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


The Prime Minister’s Science Communication Prize
This Prize is for either a practising scientist who can demonstrate an interest, passion and aptitude for science communication and public engagement, or to a person who has developed expertise in public engagement or communication of complex scientific or technological information to the public.
Value/Duration: Deadlines:
·         The total value of the Prize is worth $75,000.

·         $55,000 of the Prize money is to be used to support the recipient to carry out a programme of activities/professional development to further their understanding of science communication.

·         $20,000 of the Prize money is available to the recipient with no expectations on its use.

Internal Deadline: N/A

External Deadline for applications: 5th of September 2023 (by 1pm)

More details about this process can be found here: The Prime Minister’s Science Prizes (

If you are interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


Rutherford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships
These fellowships aim to build human capability in research, science and technology, including social sciences and the humanities, by providing early career support for New Zealand’s brightest and most promising researchers.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
Per annum, the 2-year Fellowship will award $80,000 towards the researcher’s salary and $40,000 for research related expenses (GST exclusive). Internal Deadline: 5pm, Tuesday 25 July 2023
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

If you are interested, please communicate with Robin Kearns in the first place for a preliminary assessment.


Te Tahua Taiao Ngā Taonga – Lottery Environment and Heritage grants (Round One)
Lottery Environment and Heritage grants are available for projects that will help protect, conserve or care for our natural, cultural and physical heritage, or allow us to better understand and access these resources.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
• Small projects, where the grant requested is for less than $250,000.

• Large projects, where the grant requested is for $250,000 or more.

Internal Deadline:  5pm, Monday 24 July, 2023
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding call

·         Website

If you are interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


Funding for Research Retreats

The Rangahau Committee has a small amount of funding set aside to sponsor Research retreats (e.g grant writing workshops, paper writing).  This can be up to 2k per team, with a minimum 2 SoE participants.

If you have an idea that you would like considered, please submit a short paragraph explaining the intention and benefits of the retreat to


John Templeton Foundation – Core Funding Areas, Small and Large Grants
The Foundation invests in bold ideas that cross disciplinary boundaries and challenge conventional assumptions. The Small and Large Grants are addressed under the 8 focus areas including

Life Sciences, Mathematics and Physical Science, and Human Sciences.

Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
•Small grants can be up to US$234,800 (circa NZD373,000) and Large Grants are in excess of US$235,000 (circa NZD374,000).

•Project can be up to 36 months.

•No more than 15% can be claimed for overheads.  The overhead cost must be included in the total amount you requested

Internal Deadline for First Stage: 12pm noon, Friday 11 August 2023.
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

If interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


 Catalyst: Leaders (Round 2)
Catalyst: Leaders supports incoming and outgoing targeted international fellowships for exceptional individuals that cannot be supported through other means. The following funding scheme is open in Round 2:

Julius von Haast Fellowship Award (1 award)

Supports an internationally recognised researcher from Germany to undertake research in New Zealand for a minimum of 4 weeks per year for up to 3 years.

Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
Duration: Up to  3 years


$20,000 stipend

$20,000 research and travel allowance

$10,000 host institution administration


10 July 2023, 5pm

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

Email your title, full name, email address, faculty/department and the funder/scheme to the Funds Advisor Team via to receive the instructions on how to initiate the letter of intent and the application template for the letter of intent.

Please also inform your FIRST team (Franca, Dianne or Kelly).


 Catalyst: Seeding (Round 2)
Catalyst: Seeding facilitates new small and medium pre-research strategic partnerships that cannot be supported through other means, and with a view to developing full collaborations that could be supported through Catalyst: Strategic over time. Funding is for research exchanges, research activities, and expenses related to hosting workshops for new strategic research partnerships with international collaborators.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
Duration: 24 Months

Value: $80,000

 5pm, Monday 10 July 2023
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding Call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

To register to apply, please email the following information to the Funds Advisor Team via title (e.g. Dr, A/P, Professor), full name, email address, faculty and department.

Please Also inform your FIRST team (Franca, Dianne or Kelly).


 2023 MBIE Catalyst: Strategic – New Zealand-China Strategic Research Alliance
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is calling for proposals for joint research collaborations between New Zealand and China.

MBIE will fund up to 4 joint New Zealand-China research projects to support the New Zealand-China Strategic Research Alliance, 2 each in the areas of food science and environmental science. Up to $300,000 over 3 years is available to each successful applicant, with successful projects expected to start in March 2024. New Zealand and China have agreed to support four projects through this funding round, two in each priority area of:

•             Food Science; and

•             Environmental Science

Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
Duration: 3 years

Value: $300,000

 5pm, Monday 10 July 2023
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding Call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

Submission process:

·         Applications are submitted via the MBIE IMS Portal.

·         Returning applicants log in using your existing login details.

·         New applicants contact the Funds Advisor Team to create your User Profile. 

Please Also inform your FIRST team (Franca, Dianne or Kelly).


Ministry for the Environment – Plastics Innovation Fund Round 2 – Te Tahua Pūtea mō te Kirihou Auaha
The Plastics Innovation Fund supports projects that will minimise plastic waste and its harm on the environment. They are seeking to fund projects that find ways to use less plastic and make what we do use reusable or recyclable. It should be noted that applicants are required  to secure at least 50% co-funding.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
  • The minimum grant available for feasibility or scoping studies will be $20,000.
  • The minimum grant for other project types will be $50,000
  • Duration: Up to 4 years
·         EOI deadline from 1 November 2022 to 30 June 2023

·         The Funds Advisor team will accept EOIs at any time during this period for a QA check provided that you allow at least 7 working days before final submission to the funder.

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

Please register or make contact with FIRST (Kelly, Dianne, Franca) if you wish to make a submission.


Health, Safety and Wellbeing 

  • The test and tag audit almost completed, thanks for your assistance.   Please get items that have failed testing fixed or discard.  Please remove all fan heaters from our facilities. 


  • If you are cold please put a request with Property Services.

They will try to solve it.  If you are still feeling uncomfortably cold after the request has been action, you may be allowed a personal heater.  Remember they will need to be electrically tested.


  • First Aid Kits are being restocked this week.  Please return any you have on loan so they can be restocked! 


  • Happy to announce there were no significant incidents in the last quarter.


  • Remember to report all incidents and near misses in Damstra.


  • There was an incident at the Erionite Lab which resulted in an investigation from Worksafe. It was discovered the lab occupants were using bags labelled asbestos to store samples which did not contain asbestos.  It was identified as a minor incident but highlights the need to use correctly labelled bags.  Worksafe reviewed the Erionite procedure and were happy with them, only making a couple of minor suggestions.  A big thank you to the tech team and lab users who produced such a robust set of procedures.


  • Health and Safety Committee joining with the Equity committee in their Mental First Aid training initiative.  We will organise as many training sessions as possible.  Alternatively, you can attend Mental Health 101 (OD) coming dates June 28th, July 28, Sept 28, Nov 24.


  • MIBE require all large organisations to participate in safe+.  Please take part in this exercise to help the University improve its HSW practices. Not sufficient staff participating on this will impact our ACC accreditation.


Health, Safety and Wellbeing newsletter

Please find here the newly revamped newsletter from the Central HSW team.


PhD candidate, Angus Dowell, recently went on RNZ as part of radio series designed by the New Zealand Geographical Society  The series aims to bring a geographical lens to important issues and last week Angus talked about the geographies of artificial intelligence. You can catch the interview here. here:

Categories: Uncategorised

Issue 101 – Tuesday 6 June 2023

June 6, 2023 • igom365



I am grateful to George Perry for ‘holding the fort’ as Acting Head while I was away in North America for 2.5 weeks. And to Michael Groom for assistance in diverting various delegations so that I didn’t need to be typing that ‘approve’ word quite so much while being away.  Further thanks to George for steering the appointment process for our PTF vacancy, for which there will be an announcement very soon. As Head it is reassuring that one can step away and the ship sails on.


I have returned to some extraordinarily excellent news.  Paul Williams, an Emeritus Professor of our School, has been awarded the honour of Officer of New Zealand Order of Merit. This is a rare accolade in the history of our School and warrants hearty congratulation.  Paul studied at Bristol and Cambridge and worked in Dublin and Australia before moving to New Zealand in 1972 to join the Department of Geography here at Auckland University. 

His international reputation on karst processes, terrain and related hydrology is towering.  The combined editions of his text (with Derek Ford, McMaster) Karst and Geomorphology have almost eight thousand citations. In addition to his plethora of journal articles, his 2017 book New Zealand Landscape: Behind the Scene (published by Elsevier) is a beautifully illustrated account of our land through the lens geomorphology. As contributing to fundamental science well, Paul’s work has been local and applied. I had the privilege of encountering him in Geography 101 in 1978 and his lectures on the Upper Waitemata Harbour catchment and the culverting of the Wairau Creek were a key contribution to convincing me of geography’s relevance.  We will find an opportunity soon to congratulate Paul in person.


As I met with colleagues from University of Toronto, McMaster and UBC while in Canada, one common observation that arose was the challenge of staying connected as an academic unit. To that end I want to thank Sonia and team for the informative and enjoyable Pacific language-themed morning teas (see pics of the recent Solomon Islands event).    

Further, I look forward to seeing everyone at this Wednesday’s staff meeting which, by popular request, will include a simple lunch to follow. I emphasise the ‘seeing’ because in these times of varied work schedules, no dedicated School-specific meeting place and the usual diaspora for field work, RSL etc, these meetings offer an important opportunity to simply be in each other’s company for a short time to exchange news, discuss issues and be reminded that we are a School not a collection of individuals.

Have a good fortnight. Till next time.

Robin Kearns


General Announcements

Update from Research Support

Dianne Sennoga has resigned from her position as an RPC supporting the school of Environment.  We thank Dianne for all her hard work supporting researchers within the School and wish her well in her new position at UniServices.  Dianne’s last day with the Faculty will be 6 June.  Please continue to contact either Kelly Kilpin or Sophie Yu for any research queries you may have.


Importance of keeping up to date with Doctoral continuation reviews for scholarships or change of enrolment requests

Every year on the anniversary of a PhD candidates start there is some reporting to do. Everyone remembers Year 1 (confirmation) but after that there should be a “continuation” review in Wahapu which is the equivalent of the old annual reports. These are flagged as milestones in Wahapu but reminders aren’t actively pushed out.

This paperwork is important to facilitate an annual “state of the PhD” allowing problems to be flagged but are also operationally important because continuing scholarship payments and the ability to apply for extensions etc may depend upon it! SGS have started getting more stringent and not being up to date is already actively catching people out for University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship Extensions. Doing one report is not be enough to catch up and all the missing ones would need to be done in quick succession which is soul destroying to several people in the signoff chain so it is definitely easiest and more effective on many fronts just to keep ~up to date.


Some more information re the University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship Extension for 3-3.5 years

  • This is for students on a UoADS or those externally funded for three years only at a level >80% of the current UoADS level. Please note with the 2023 large increase in the UoADS if candidates are currently on a full scholarship <$26.4k/pa please have a discussion about financial plans as that 80% clause we have just lost the battle appealing may have changed expectations of eligibility for this extra 6 months support cf when the project started. With the UoADS now inflation adjusted each year this threshold will also continue to move.
  • There is a narrow window to apply for this so please keep track of dates
  • The student’s GPE on entry had to be > 7. Jennifer Eccles can check the number if you aren’t sure what you were. If admissions got it wrong we can get it reassessed but if you are actually <7 I’m afraid there is no point even applying. Please note for new students entering since the new scheme there is not GPE criteria but this continues to be applied for our more senior students.
  • Continuation Report 2 needs to be completed (please check milestones to check the report is the number you think it is and 2 can’t be done without previously having done 1)
  • Please put Jennifer Eccles as the reference in the HoD (nominee) box rather than Robin.


PhD candidate Alec Wild successfully defended his PhD thesis on 29th May. Alec’s thesis was entitled: Exploring the use of quantitative modelling approaches to support volcanic crisis management in the Auckland Volcanic Field. He was supervised by Jan Lindsay and Mary Anne Thompson Clive.

Whakawhanaungatanga – Communities 



Welkam! Halo! Gud moning! Welcome! 

Please join us for a light morning tea to celebrate Vanuatu Language Week. This event will be held on Wednesday, June 7th at Level 6 (302) in the breakout space! come and grab a quick bite to eat and let us know what Vanuatu words you know. There will be a pop quiz and a prize to win! Welkam and join in on the fun!





A couple of weeks ago we celebrated the Solomon Language Week with a morning tea and a quiz.


The School of Environment and Ngā Ara Whetū – Centre for Climate, Biodiversity & Society, are excited to invite you for not just one, but two extraordinary seminars.

Seminar 1:

Professor Damon Teagle, School of Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton, UK, will present a talk on “Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute – Opportunities for Collaboration.”

This insightful session will take place on Thursday, June 15, 2023, from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm in the Federation Room, OGH. To secure your spot, please register via Eventbrite using the following link: .

Seminar 2:

Professor Rachael James, School of Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton, UK, will deliver a thought-provoking talk titled “Negative Emissions: Removing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide from the Atmosphere.”

Don’t miss this important discussion on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm, in the Federation Room, OGH. To ensure your participation, kindly reserve your spot by registering through Eventbrite using the following link: .

These seminars offer a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights and engage with leading experts in their respective fields. Save the dates and join us for these incredible talks.


NZGS Auckland Branch June Newsletter

You can read the Newsletter here


Auckland Dialogues – Tuesday 20 June Building 302, Room 551 Ontology Lab – 4.00pm to 5.30pm

Gender and Disaster JC Gaillard with Aditi Sharan and Louise Baumann

Nowadays, disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) must be ‘inclusive’, ‘accessible’ and ‘non-discriminatory’. This is, for example, an expectation of the 2019 NZ National Disaster Resilience Strategy that encourages disaster practitioners to pay special attention to ‘people disproportionately affected by disasters.’ This injunction reflects the broader institutional discourse embedded in international disaster legal frameworks such as the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) that calls for a “whole-of-society” approach to Disaster Risk Reduction. Gender and ‘gender-mainstreaming’ are often associated with this idea of building ‘inclusive’ DRRM practices. In practice,  the approach to questions of gender and inclusion in DRRM policies and practices is often characterized by binary and narrow understanding of factors influencing disaster experience, including gender, and by largely arbitrary lists of supposedly homogeneous ‘vulnerable groups’. During this presentation, we will discuss the inbuilt incoherence of this mainstream approach, looking at its disconnection with people’s understanding and experience of emergency situations and at how its underpinning narrative, by reproducing Eurocentric/Western normative practices of othering, tends to reinforce hegemonic modes of power identified as conditions of violence, risk and vulnerability by queer, feminist and radical disaster scholars worldwide.


School of Environment Tree Planting Day – 6th July 2023ent Tree Planting Day – 6th July 2023


Honours and Taught Masters Presentations 

Wednesday 7 June, 9  – 11 am, Room 302-G20

The Semester 1 cohort of Honours and Taught Masters students will be presenting their research on Wednesday 7 June, 9-11 am, in Room 302-G20. 

  • 9.00 am BSCHons Earth Science (2 students).
  • 9.20 am Master of Environmental Science (5 students)
  • 10.15 am Geography and Environmental Management (4 students)

I encourage staff and PG students to come support those presenting their work. The presentation schedule will appear soon on a notice board near you.




2024 MBIE Endeavour Real Stories Session
Join us for a real story session with special guest speaker Johan Verbeek. Johan is trained as a chemical engineer and has done his PhD in polymer composites. He is a professor in mechanical engineering and a co-director of the Centre of Advanced Materials Manufacturing and Design with several years of experience developing bio-based polymers and polymer processing methods. He is actively working on the circularity of plastics in New Zealand and was recently awarded an MBIE Endeavour grant to further work in this field in collaboration with the Business School, RMIT’s design school and several other partners around NZ.

This Real Story Panel Session provides an interview-style discussion with Johan, a successful MBIE Endeavour applicant. Participants will experience “live exemplars” as he shares his journey from research idea to application process for Endeavour, describing obstacles, successes, support, and key takeaways throughout the process.

Key Information:

–          Date: Tuesday the 11th of July 2023

–          Time: 10:00am – 11:00am.

–          Location: UoA City Campus, Faculty of Engineering Building, 3 Grafton Road, Room 405-430

–          Audience: Open to UoA researchers and research support staff (FIRST)

Registration Link:  We ask that researchers and staff complete the registration to guarantee their spot on the day. 

Please reach out to if you have any questions and/or concerns.


The Faculty of Science will be holding their 3MT hear on Thursday, 6 July.

About 3MT

Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) is an exciting, fast-paced research communication competition. It was developed by the University of Queensland and is now held annually in over 900 universities across the globe. Participants take up the challenge to share the story of their research with a general audience in under three minutes, supported by nothing more than a single, static slide.

Entries are open to all currently enrolled research masters students and doctoral candidates.

Date: Thursday, 6 July

Time: 1pm

Registrations close: 10am, Thursday 1 June

Event registration:*mj8aiw*_ga*MTUxMzc1Njc0NC4xNjY1NjA4NzUw*_ga_SJ5FRP7YTL*MTY4MzA3MDQ3NC45NS4xLjE2ODMwNzE3MjQuMC4wLjA

Event webpage:


Webinar:  Writing Workshops with Write Ltd
We invite you to join us for a three-part online workshop series with Write Ltd, who will share tips and techniques to help you make your proposal and academic paper writing more effective and engaging for your readers. They’ll deliver three short, focused sessions to the group, mostly focussing on clarity of messaging and quality of writing.  Feel free to register for all 3 or just the 1 or 2 topics of your choice.
Key Information

Workshop #1: 26 June 2023, 12pm – 1pm:  Top five things you can do to improve your writing.

Workshop #2: 3 July 2023, 12pm – 1pm:  Engaging your readers, explaining the science.

Workshop #3: 10 July 2023, 12pm – 1pm:  8 tips on emphasising the impact of your research.

Location:  Online via Zoom link

Registration link:

Please reach out if you have any questions:


[INVITATION] MBIE Endeavour Kick-Off Session with Max Kennedy and Rebecca Adams – 7th June 9:30 – 12:00pm
We invite you to join us for the 2024 MBIE Endeavour Kick-off Session on the 7th of June 2023, from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm, with special guest speakers Max Kennedy (former director of MBIE contestable funding) and Rebecca Adams (Director of Government Relations, Auckland UniServices).

Following his five and a half years as the Manager for Contestable Investments at MBIE, Max is now available to help researchers build on their awareness about MBIE Endeavour and use that knowledge to take their proposals to the next level. Teaming up with Max this year, Rebecca Adams will focus on giving an overview and practical advice around areas of research that align with the current Government priorities for the MBIE Endeavour Fund.

This session is a strategic value-add for those already familiar with the contestable funding world in Aotearoa. The information provided in this session aims to help researchers gain a better understanding of how the Endeavour fund can be used to meet the grand challenges researchers face to make life better for New Zealanders, how research can be better positioned to issues at the centre of government policy and strategy, and will provide additional insight from Max’s vast experiences at the heart of NZ’s science investment strategy.

The session will be primarily presentation based and followed by a Q&A interview, guided by questions received from registrants in advance email

Key Information

–          Date: Wednesday the 7th of June 2023

–          Time: 9:30am – 12:00pm.

–          Location: Unleash Space – City Campus, Engineering Building (402) – 20 Symonds Street.

–          Audience: Targeted to participants who already have a general understanding of the MBIE Endeavour and contestable funding environment in Aotearoa. Open to UoA researchers and research support staff (FIRST).

Registration Link:


[INVITATION] MBIE MBIE Endeavour 2024 – Research Impact Webinar & Workshop with Dr Faith Welch
Research Impact Manager, Dr Faith Welch, will be hosting a webinar to give you practical advice on how to plan your MBIE Endeavour funding application to achieve maximum impact. She will cover how to articulate the benefits of your research, and how to develop an implementation plan to ensure those benefits can occur. The session will be an hour, questions are encouraged and there will be at least 15 minutes of Q&A at the end. Following the webinar, if you would like to have a discussion about the impact of your research, please contact Faith at
Key Information: 

Date:          Tuesday the 20th of June 2023 

Time:         10:00 am – 11:00 am. 

Location:   Online via zoom link. 

Audience: Targeted to UoA researchers and research support staff (FIRST)

Registration Link:


An introductory R Workshop is being run on Thursday 29th and Friday 30 th of June 2023. The course will be run by the Statistical Consulting Centre (SCC) in the Department of Statistics.

What’s covered in the workshop?


Getting familiar with R

  • Using R Studio and loading projects/scripts
  • Basic functions using R
  • Reading in Data Files (.csv, .xls/.xlsx)
  • Introduction to R Objects. How R thinks (vectors, matrices, basic data formats)

Working with data(sets)

  • Cleaning and subsetting
  • Merging datasets and reformatting
  • Grouping variables and summarising

R graphics

  • Starting with plots in R (boxplots, histograms, bar graphs)
  • Graphics in R with ggplot2 (customising plots)

Data analysis

  • Introduction to performing t-tests, chi-square tests, ANOVA, and general linear models


As per our previous introductory R workshops, the cost is $300 for UoA students and staff.

You can pay using your PRESS account, research grant, or other UoA account.

You can also opt to use a debit/credit card (however we will have to also add GST for this type of payment and payment can only be made at the Student Resource Centre on main campus).

The payment authorisation form for UoA participants paying from a UoA account is attached.

The cost for non-UoA attendees is $500 + GST. Please contact Joei Mudaliar ( for payment instructions.

We will be sending out a pre-workshop information email the week prior to the course, however here are some of the details:


We will be in room 302.190. Building 302 is on the corner of Symonds St and Wellesley St. The room we will be using is on level 1, room 190.

Time and schedule

The approximate schedule for both days is attached (since this is the schedule from our previous course, it may yet be altered very slightly).

We will start at 9am and finish at 5pm.

Morning and afternoon tea will be provided, and there are cafes nearby for lunch. 


We will be using a Faculty of Science computer lab.

You are also welcome to use your own laptop. However, please make sure that you have downloaded R and RStudio onto your machine before the workshop (they are free to download).

We will also include some instructions on how to do this in our pre-workshop information email.

Access to computers and the internet

We will arrange access to the lab computers for all non-UoA participants. 

We will also have a guest wireless password for non-UoA participants who are bringing their own laptops. 

UoA staff and students will be able to access the FoS computers using their normal UoA upi and password.


I hope you can make it on the 29th and 30th June 2023, and we look forward to seeing you there.

Ngā mihi (Kind regards),

Joei Mudaliar | Group Services Coordinator

Department of Statistics | Faculty of Science

The University of Auckland | Te Whare Wānanga o Tāmaki Makaurau


Sign up and join the student association RTEA and the Compass programme 

1/ Please do encourage your students to join our student association RTEA. The new roster of officers is planning exciting activities for this year and they welcome support and contribution from fellow students. To encourage students to join just use the QR codes for the Facebook page and a Google form to formally sign up:

2/ Do encourage your PG students to also join our Compass programme. Larissa and her team of captains have planned regular activities to foster students’ wellbeing throughout the year.

3/ The Student Experience Committee (SEC) offers a small budget to course coordinators who would like to order some kai to share with their class. Reach out to JC should you be interested.


3k writing grant available for students

Funds are available to support students writing up their thesis as publication(s). Each grant is worth $3000 (120 hours at 25$ all included). There is no deadline to apply. Applications are evaluated as they come by members of Rangahau (2 weeks turn over max.), until we use all the funds available.

Do you have a good candidate in mind? Please complete this form and submit to


Proposal development support

The Rangahau Committee has a small fund set aside to help with proposal development  (e.g. writing support, support to scope proposals etc).  If you have an idea that fits within this scope please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin to discuss further.



Funding for Research Retreats

The Rangahau Committee has a small amount of funding set aside to sponsor Research retreats (e.g grant writing workshops, paper writing).  This can be up to 2k per team, with a minimum 2 SoE participants.

If you have an idea that you would like considered, please submit a short paragraph explaining the intention and benefits of the retreat to


John Templeton Foundation – Core Funding Areas, Small and Large Grants
The Foundation invests in bold ideas that cross disciplinary boundaries and challenge conventional assumptions. The Small and Large Grants are addressed under the 8 focus areas including

Life Sciences, Mathematics and Physical Science, and Human Sciences.

Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
•Small grants can be up to US$234,800 (circa NZD373,000) and Large Grants are in excess of US$235,000 (circa NZD374,000).

•Project can be up to 36 months.

•No more than 15% can be claimed for overheads.  The overhead cost must be included in the total amount you requested

Internal Deadline for First Stage: 12pm noon, Friday 11 August 2023.
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

If interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


 Catalyst: Leaders (Round 2)
Catalyst: Leaders supports incoming and outgoing targeted international fellowships for exceptional individuals that cannot be supported through other means. The following funding scheme is open in Round 2:

Julius von Haast Fellowship Award (1 award)

Supports an internationally recognised researcher from Germany to undertake research in New Zealand for a minimum of 4 weeks per year for up to 3 years.

Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
Duration: Up to  3 years


$20,000 stipend

$20,000 research and travel allowance

$10,000 host institution administration


10 July 2023, 5pm

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

Email your title, full name, email address, faculty/department and the funder/scheme to the Funds Advisor Team via to receive the instructions on how to initiate the letter of intent and the application template for the letter of intent.

Please also inform your FIRST team (Franca, Dianne or Kelly).


 Catalyst: Seeding (Round 2)
Catalyst: Seeding facilitates new small and medium pre-research strategic partnerships that cannot be supported through other means, and with a view to developing full collaborations that could be supported through Catalyst: Strategic over time. Funding is for research exchanges, research activities, and expenses related to hosting workshops for new strategic research partnerships with international collaborators.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
Duration: 24 Months

Value: $80,000

 5pm, Monday 10 July 2023
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding Call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

To register to apply, please email the following information to the Funds Advisor Team via title (e.g. Dr, A/P, Professor), full name, email address, faculty and department.

Please Also inform your FIRST team (Franca, Dianne or Kelly).


 2023 MBIE Catalyst: Strategic – New Zealand-China Strategic Research Alliance
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is calling for proposals for joint research collaborations between New Zealand and China.

MBIE will fund up to 4 joint New Zealand-China research projects to support the New Zealand-China Strategic Research Alliance, 2 each in the areas of food science and environmental science. Up to $300,000 over 3 years is available to each successful applicant, with successful projects expected to start in March 2024. New Zealand and China have agreed to support four projects through this funding round, two in each priority area of:

•             Food Science; and

•             Environmental Science

Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
Duration: 3 years

Value: $300,000

 5pm, Monday 10 July 2023
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding Call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

Submission process:

·         Applications are submitted via the MBIE IMS Portal.

·         Returning applicants log in using your existing login details.

·         New applicants contact the Funds Advisor Team to create your User Profile. 

Please Also inform your FIRST team (Franca, Dianne or Kelly).


Ministry for the Environment – Plastics Innovation Fund Round 2 – Te Tahua Pūtea mō te Kirihou Auaha
The Plastics Innovation Fund supports projects that will minimise plastic waste and its harm on the environment. They are seeking to fund projects that find ways to use less plastic and make what we do use reusable or recyclable. It should be noted that applicants are required  to secure at least 50% co-funding.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
  • The minimum grant available for feasibility or scoping studies will be $20,000.
  • The minimum grant for other project types will be $50,000
  • Duration: Up to 4 years
·         EOI deadline from 1 November 2022 to 30 June 2023

·         The Funds Advisor team will accept EOIs at any time during this period for a QA check provided that you allow at least 7 working days before final submission to the funder.

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

Please register or make contact with FIRST (Kelly, Dianne, Franca) if you wish to make a submission.


Health, Safety and Wellbeing 

A reminder that field activity plans need to be comprehensive and the contingency plans should be followed, unless there are risks not taken into account before the trip.


TestnTel will be doing the test and tag from June 6th, please provide them any assistance when required.


The first aid kit audit is being done on June 23rd. If you have any first aid kits that need to be re-stocked please return them ASAP. Holding first aid kits only increases our compliance costs, since we need to buy new ones to keep the required number of kits.


Gunn, K.L., Rintoul, S.R., England, M.H., Bowen, M.M., Recent reduced abyssal overturning and ventilation in the Australian Antarctic Basin. Nat. Clim. Chang. (2023).

Some news items on it:

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 101 – Tuesday 6 June 2023

Issue 100 – Tuesday 23 May 2023

May 23, 2023 • igom365


Robin is away (last I heard, sampling the delights of north-eastern Mississippi), so he has asked me to write a piece for P3. It’s the pointy end of the semester when marking ramps up, as do requests for extensions, so I will keep this short. First, I hope that everyone came through the recent deluges unscathed. If you haven’t noticed, it has been wet! Tāmaki Makaurau has experienced nearly the entire average annual rainfall in the first five months of the year, as this remarkable graph from the Metservice shows. Unfortunately, however, the challenges of a changing climate aren’t limited to Auckland, as this sobering study demonstrates. Anyway, on a more positive note, congratulations to the three colleagues who progressed to the second round of the Marsden fund (Mila Adams, James Muirhead, and Leane Makay) – all the best for writing your full proposals. Commiserations to those who were unsuccessful; I know all too well the hard work involved. So, I will sign off there – noho ora mai, and I hope the inevitable end-of-semester flurry is not too burdensome.



General Announcements

Master and Honours Short Extensions

Grace periods are no longer considered for postgraduate degrees, but supervisors can approve 1 month extensions (students are required to pay fees) for Hons and MSc. projects.


Student support for exams S1 2023 – Information for academics

Revising course content and practicing exam questions

  1. Exam prep workshops from 16th May – 1 June. Held at Epsom and City campuses plus online.

Covers preparing for your exam (organising, clarifying and revising), surviving the exam (before the exam, how to find your exam on Canvas, direction to Inspera support), during the exam (reading time, time management, understanding instructions, types of exam questions).

  1. Self-paced learning via Learning essentials: Preparing for exams, on exam day, types of exam questions.
  2. Workshop recording: Exam success: preparing for and surviving your exams.

Study events and support

  1. AUSA are running a Study Wananga open to all students.
  2. Study fono are run for Pacific first year students staying in accommodation – eligible students will be contacted directly. This group meets every Monday evening from 7 – 9pm at O’Rourke Hall.
  3. UniBound are running pastoral sessions for UniBound students from this year – this includes catch ups and some other initiatives where lecturers come to these sessions to support students learning.

Information about exam modes and technical support for exams

  1. Students will need to check their Exam modes for semester 1 2023.
  2. Preparation will be different for each mode – suggest students visit on exam day for more information.
  3. Encourage students to check the FAQs including technical support for during an exam.
  4. Specifically for online assessments students can find information here: Computer based exams, getting started with Inspera, and preparing for an online exam.



Open Access Agreements – staff email address needed!

Authors must use their staff email address ( when using the agreements. The staff email address is needed for affiliation verification purposes. Student email addresses ( and other non-university email addresses will not work. Students who are not employed as RA/TA/GTA will need to apply for this ‘staff’ email address from IT – the group services co-ordination or supervisor should do this on their behalf for sub-doctoral students. Alternatively the supervisor or other member of the research team can submit the paper as corresponding author – but they must also use the correct form of their staff email address. Corrections cannot be made retrospectively.


University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship Programme 2023

A reminder the University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship is now competitive in four rounds a year. Less scholarships have been awarded by the faculty to date than expected so give it a go in the remaining two rounds of the year!

Application Closes Scholarship Offer Enrolment Date: Domestic Candidate/ Domestic Qualifying Programme Enrolment Date: International Candidate with International Qualifying Programme
1 November 2022 1 February 2023 1 March or 1 June 2023 1 March, 1 June or 1 September 2023
1 March 2023 1 May 2023 1 June or 1 September 2023 1 June, 1 September or 1 December 2023
1 June 2023   1 August 2023 1 September or 1 December 2023 1 September or 1 December 2023 or 1 March 2024
1 September 2023 1 November 2023 1 December 2023 or 1 March 2024 1 December 2023, or 1 March or 1 June 2024

Once awarded the turn around time for students to accept PhD places and scholarships is really tight – 2 weeks. Please ensure that students are checking their nominated email account and student email account near the time of the results announcement. Also please remind them it is necessary to accept both their place in the programme and the scholarship separately. It is a two-step process.


Te Akoranga Kairangi programme for staff – starting 15 June

There is a new cohort starting in June on Thursdays 8.30-10.30 (see these dates below), and we would like to offer the places in this cohort to members of your department.

Cohort 11-23 Thursday, June 15, 2023
Thursday, June 22, 2023
Thursday, June 29, 2023
Thursday, July 6, 2023
Thursday, July 13 18, 2023
Thursday, July 20, 2023
Thursday, July 27, 2023
Thursday, August 3, 2023

We can take up to 20 people. These classes are in person, in the Fisher Building on Waterloo Quadrant.

We ideally want participants to commit to attending all sessions, but we know this is not always possible due to other commitments, so we have some wriggle room there.

Find here the general information about Te Akoranga Kairangi. 

Kind regards, ngā mihi nui,

Alison Jones

Whakawhanaungatanga – Communities 

From the Disaster Prevention and Management Seminar team

We would like to kindly extend out an invitation to attend our next in-person major DPM Seminar event. Special guest speaker Iresh Jayawardena, who specialises in ecological-based planning, climate change adaptation, and environmental ethics in urban planning, from Architecture and Planning at the University of Auckland will be joining us. He will join us in the Ontology Lab (302-551), in level 5 of the Science Building at the University of Auckland City Campus, to share his insights on mitigating risk through land use.

We hope you can make it! If not, we hope you continue having a wonderful rest of your week.

Ngā mihi,






Mālō, Talofa lava, Afio mai, Welcome!

Please join us for a light morning tea to celebrate Samoan Language Week. This event will be held on Wednesday, May 24th at Level 6 (303) in the break-out space! Afio mai! come and grab a quick meaai (food) and let us know what Samoan words you know. There will be a pop quiz and a prize to win! Sau (come) and join on the fun!

Fa’afetai lava. 




The Equity Commitee is planning to organise for St John New Zealand to come to the School of Environment to run its Mental Health First Aid training course that any staff member or tutor can sign up to participate in. 

The Mental Health First Aid is a full-day long course that teaches you skills and knowledge to recognise and respond to someone experiencing mental health concerns and gives you the confidence to provide initial help and guide a person towards professional help. 

As I said previously, any staff member (both permanent and causal) who is involved with students can sign up to do the course as it is designed to help you feel better equipped to recognise the signs of mental distress amongst students (and colleagues) and also help you know what you should do to assist them. 

But we only have a limited number of spots available (for twenty people) this time around and we also need to make sure that we get enough people able to attend the course. 

Therefore, if you are interested in attending the course, please complete the following doodle poll to register your interest and your availability.

Not everyone will be able to do the course this time around, but hopefully we can run the course (if it is popular) later in the year as well. 

Ngā mihi, 



Honours and Taught Masters Presentations 

Wednesday 7 June, 9  – 11 am, Room 302-G20

The Semester 1 cohort of Honours and Taught Masters students will be presenting their research on Wednesday 7 June, 9-11 am, in Room 302-G20. 

  • 9.00 am BSCHons Earth Science (2 students).
  • 9.20 am Master of Environmental Science (5 students)
  • 10.15 am Geography and Environmental Management (4 students)

I encourage staff and PG students to come support those presenting their work. The presentation schedule will appear soon on a notice board near you.




Talofa lava, Mālō e lelei, Kia orana, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Talofa ni, Ni sa bula, Fakafeiloaki, Fakatalofa atu, Halo, Gude, Greetings, Tēnā koutou katoa

Abi, ‘Ema and I wanted to invite you to our next He Vaka Moana Talatalanoa.

If you haven’t already been, you are very welcome to come – it’s focused on Māori student and Moana Pacific student success and is offered in the form of a talatalanoa – a continued open discussion – about this topic.

This session we have a guest speaker, Tim Baice, who has been working on the CFT with respect to Pacific.

We were so thrilled to be holding this HVMT, and hope you are able to join us.

Please RSVP if you are wanting to enjoy the light lunch we are catering (there will be vegan and gluten free food but if you have other dietary requirements please email to let her know).

Mālō ‘aupito,



The Faculty of Science will be holding their 3MT hear on Thursday, 6 July.

About 3MT

Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) is an exciting, fast-paced research communication competition. It was developed by the University of Queensland and is now held annually in over 900 universities across the globe. Participants take up the challenge to share the story of their research with a general audience in under three minutes, supported by nothing more than a single, static slide.

Entries are open to all currently enrolled research masters students and doctoral candidates.

Date: Thursday, 6 July

Time: 1pm

Registrations close: 10am, Thursday 1 June

Event registration:*mj8aiw*_ga*MTUxMzc1Njc0NC4xNjY1NjA4NzUw*_ga_SJ5FRP7YTL*MTY4MzA3MDQ3NC45NS4xLjE2ODMwNzE3MjQuMC4wLjA

Event webpage:


Webinar:  Writing Workshops with Write Ltd
We invite you to join us for a three-part online workshop series with Write Ltd, who will share tips and techniques to help you make your proposal and academic paper writing more effective and engaging for your readers. They’ll deliver three short, focused sessions to the group, mostly focussing on clarity of messaging and quality of writing.  Feel free to register for all 3 or just the 1 or 2 topics of your choice.
Key Information

Workshop #1: 26 June 2023, 12pm – 1pm:  Top five things you can do to improve your writing.

Workshop #2: 3 July 2023, 12pm – 1pm:  Engaging your readers, explaining the science.

Workshop #3: 10 July 2023, 12pm – 1pm:  8 tips on emphasising the impact of your research.

Location:  Online via Zoom link

Registration link:

Please reach out if you have any questions:


[INVITATION] MBIE Endeavour Kick-Off Session with Max Kennedy and Rebecca Adams – 7th June 9:30 – 12:00pm
We invite you to join us for the 2024 MBIE Endeavour Kick-off Session on the 7th of June 2023, from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm, with special guest speakers Max Kennedy (former director of MBIE contestable funding) and Rebecca Adams (Director of Government Relations, Auckland UniServices).

Following his five and a half years as the Manager for Contestable Investments at MBIE, Max is now available to help researchers build on their awareness about MBIE Endeavour and use that knowledge to take their proposals to the next level. Teaming up with Max this year, Rebecca Adams will focus on giving an overview and practical advice around areas of research that align with the current Government priorities for the MBIE Endeavour Fund.

This session is a strategic value-add for those already familiar with the contestable funding world in Aotearoa. The information provided in this session aims to help researchers gain a better understanding of how the Endeavour fund can be used to meet the grand challenges researchers face to make life better for New Zealanders, how research can be better positioned to issues at the centre of government policy and strategy, and will provide additional insight from Max’s vast experiences at the heart of NZ’s science investment strategy.

The session will be primarily presentation based and followed by a Q&A interview, guided by questions received from registrants in advance email

Key Information

–          Date: Wednesday the 7th of June 2023

–          Time: 9:30am – 12:00pm.

–          Location: Unleash Space – City Campus, Engineering Building (402) – 20 Symonds Street.

–          Audience: Targeted to participants who already have a general understanding of the MBIE Endeavour and contestable funding environment in Aotearoa. Open to UoA researchers and research support staff (FIRST).

Registration Link:


[INVITATION] MBIE MBIE Endeavour 2024 – Research Impact Webinar & Workshop with Dr Faith Welch
Research Impact Manager, Dr Faith Welch, will be hosting a webinar to give you practical advice on how to plan your MBIE Endeavour funding application to achieve maximum impact. She will cover how to articulate the benefits of your research, and how to develop an implementation plan to ensure those benefits can occur. The session will be an hour, questions are encouraged and there will be at least 15 minutes of Q&A at the end. Following the webinar, if you would like to have a discussion about the impact of your research, please contact Faith at
Key Information: 

Date:          Tuesday the 20th of June 2023 

Time:         10:00 am – 11:00 am. 

Location:   Online via zoom link. 

Audience: Targeted to UoA researchers and research support staff (FIRST)

Registration Link:


An introductory R Workshop is being run on Thursday 29th and Friday 30 th of June 2023. The course will be run by the Statistical Consulting Centre (SCC) in the Department of Statistics.

What’s covered in the workshop?


Getting familiar with R

  • Using R Studio and loading projects/scripts
  • Basic functions using R
  • Reading in Data Files (.csv, .xls/.xlsx)
  • Introduction to R Objects. How R thinks (vectors, matrices, basic data formats)

Working with data(sets)

  • Cleaning and subsetting
  • Merging datasets and reformatting
  • Grouping variables and summarising

R graphics

  • Starting with plots in R (boxplots, histograms, bar graphs)
  • Graphics in R with ggplot2 (customising plots)

Data analysis

  • Introduction to performing t-tests, chi-square tests, ANOVA, and general linear models


As per our previous introductory R workshops, the cost is $300 for UoA students and staff.

You can pay using your PRESS account, research grant, or other UoA account.

You can also opt to use a debit/credit card (however we will have to also add GST for this type of payment and payment can only be made at the Student Resource Centre on main campus).

The payment authorisation form for UoA participants paying from a UoA account is attached.

The cost for non-UoA attendees is $500 + GST. Please contact Joei Mudaliar ( for payment instructions.

We will be sending out a pre-workshop information email the week prior to the course, however here are some of the details:


We will be in room 302.190. Building 302 is on the corner of Symonds St and Wellesley St. The room we will be using is on level 1, room 190.

Time and schedule

The approximate schedule for both days is attached (since this is the schedule from our previous course, it may yet be altered very slightly).

We will start at 9am and finish at 5pm.

Morning and afternoon tea will be provided, and there are cafes nearby for lunch. 


We will be using a Faculty of Science computer lab.

You are also welcome to use your own laptop. However, please make sure that you have downloaded R and RStudio onto your machine before the workshop (they are free to download).

We will also include some instructions on how to do this in our pre-workshop information email.

Access to computers and the internet

We will arrange access to the lab computers for all non-UoA participants. 

We will also have a guest wireless password for non-UoA participants who are bringing their own laptops. 

UoA staff and students will be able to access the FoS computers using their normal UoA upi and password.


I hope you can make it on the 29th and 30th June 2023, and we look forward to seeing you there.

Ngā mihi (Kind regards),

Joei Mudaliar | Group Services Coordinator

Department of Statistics | Faculty of Science

The University of Auckland | Te Whare Wānanga o Tāmaki Makaurau


Sign up and join the student association RTEA and the Compass programme 

1/ Please do encourage your students to join our student association RTEA. The new roster of officers is planning exciting activities for this year and they welcome support and contribution from fellow students. To encourage students to join just use the QR codes for the Facebook page and a Google form to formally sign up:

2/ Do encourage your PG students to also join our Compass programme. Larissa and her team of captains have planned regular activities to foster students’ wellbeing throughout the year.

3/ The Student Experience Committee (SEC) offers a small budget to course coordinators who would like to order some kai to share with their class. Reach out to JC should you be interested.


3k writing grant available for students

Funds are available to support students writing up their thesis as publication(s). Each grant is worth $3000 (120 hours at 25$ all included). There is no deadline to apply. Applications are evaluated as they come by members of Rangahau (2 weeks turn over max.), until we use all the funds available.

Do you have a good candidate in mind? Please complete this form and submit to


Proposal development support

The Rangahau Committee has a small fund set aside to help with proposal development  (e.g. writing support, support to scope proposals etc).  If you have an idea that fits within this scope please get in touch with Kelly Kilpin to discuss further.


Undergrad research experience

We are now recruiting undergrads who would like to gain a research experience with a post-grad student in our School (30-40 hours, they get paid $800). The aim is to promote research and increase enrolment in our research programmes. Feel free to make an announcement in your courses and collect nominations. We have 10 places. We are hoping to match students by the end of the month.

If you would like to nominate an undergrad student who could be part of this programme, please email their name and research interest to


ENV Masters research seminars 6 June 2023 (rm 302-140)

The seminars are an opportunity for students to present their research and for members of our school to give feedback. To help develop a school culture, staff and students are encouraged to attend. The sessions are grouped loosely by topic.

Phil Shane (DGA)

(6 June) Chair Nick Richards
9.00 Ema Nersezova
9.15 Kerensa Jennings
9.30 Amy Barclay
9.45 Shreya Gounder
10.00 Fei Guo
10.15 Niamh Galligan
10.30 Kaiqi Li
10.45 Sophie Mansell
11.00 Saima Sakik
11.15 Laurence Lorenza Suarez
11.30 Georgia Woodside
11.45 Samuel Scott
Chair: George Perry
1.00 Olivia Avery
1.15 Hannah Sussex
1.30 Charlotte Ko
1.45 Grace May



John Templeton Foundation – Core Funding Areas, Small and Large Grants
The Foundation invests in bold ideas that cross disciplinary boundaries and challenge conventional assumptions. The Small and Large Grants are addressed under the 8 focus areas including

Life Sciences, Mathematics and Physical Science, and Human Sciences.

Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
•Small grants can be up to US$234,800 (circa NZD373,000) and Large Grants are in excess of US$235,000 (circa NZD374,000).

•Project can be up to 36 months.

•No more than 15% can be claimed for overheads.  The overhead cost must be included in the total amount you requested

Internal Deadline for First Stage: 12pm noon, Friday 11 August 2023.
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

If interested, please inform your FIRST team (Kelly or Sophie).


 Catalyst: Leaders (Round 2)
Catalyst: Leaders supports incoming and outgoing targeted international fellowships for exceptional individuals that cannot be supported through other means. The following funding scheme is open in Round 2:

Julius von Haast Fellowship Award (1 award)

Supports an internationally recognised researcher from Germany to undertake research in New Zealand for a minimum of 4 weeks per year for up to 3 years.

Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
Duration: Up to  3 years


$20,000 stipend

$20,000 research and travel allowance

$10,000 host institution administration


10 July 2023, 5pm

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

Email your title, full name, email address, faculty/department and the funder/scheme to the Funds Advisor Team via to receive the instructions on how to initiate the letter of intent and the application template for the letter of intent.

Please also inform your FIRST team (Franca, Dianne or Kelly).


 Catalyst: Seeding (Round 2)
Catalyst: Seeding facilitates new small and medium pre-research strategic partnerships that cannot be supported through other means, and with a view to developing full collaborations that could be supported through Catalyst: Strategic over time. Funding is for research exchanges, research activities, and expenses related to hosting workshops for new strategic research partnerships with international collaborators.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
Duration: 24 Months

Value: $80,000

 5pm, Monday 10 July 2023
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding Call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

To register to apply, please email the following information to the Funds Advisor Team via title (e.g. Dr, A/P, Professor), full name, email address, faculty and department.

Please Also inform your FIRST team (Franca, Dianne or Kelly).


 2023 MBIE Catalyst: Strategic – New Zealand-China Strategic Research Alliance
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is calling for proposals for joint research collaborations between New Zealand and China.

MBIE will fund up to 4 joint New Zealand-China research projects to support the New Zealand-China Strategic Research Alliance, 2 each in the areas of food science and environmental science. Up to $300,000 over 3 years is available to each successful applicant, with successful projects expected to start in March 2024. New Zealand and China have agreed to support four projects through this funding round, two in each priority area of:

•             Food Science; and

•             Environmental Science

Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
Duration: 3 years

Value: $300,000

 5pm, Monday 10 July 2023
Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

·         Funding Call

·         Guidelines

·         Website

Submission process:

·         Applications are submitted via the MBIE IMS Portal.

·         Returning applicants log in using your existing login details.

·         New applicants contact the Funds Advisor Team to create your User Profile. 

Please Also inform your FIRST team (Franca, Dianne or Kelly).


Ministry for the Environment – Plastics Innovation Fund Round 2 – Te Tahua Pūtea mō te Kirihou Auaha
The Plastics Innovation Fund supports projects that will minimise plastic waste and its harm on the environment. They are seeking to fund projects that find ways to use less plastic and make what we do use reusable or recyclable. It should be noted that applicants are required  to secure at least 50% co-funding.
Value/Duration: Internal Deadlines:
  • The minimum grant available for feasibility or scoping studies will be $20,000.
  • The minimum grant for other project types will be $50,000
  • Duration: Up to 4 years
·         EOI deadline from 1 November 2022 to 30 June 2023

·         The Funds Advisor team will accept EOIs at any time during this period for a QA check provided that you allow at least 7 working days before final submission to the funder.

Further Information (funding call, guidelines, registration info):

Please register or make contact with FIRST (Kelly, Dianne, Franca) if you wish to make a submission.


Health, Safety and Wellbeing 

E Update April 2023

Find below the E Update from the HSW team for April 2023 

e-update-april-2023.pdf (

Categories: Uncategorised
Comments Off on Issue 100 – Tuesday 23 May 2023